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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1882)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 1 1382. THE DAILY BEE , Wednesday Morning. Fob 1. Weather Report- ( The followlnR observation * RIO Ufccn nl the same moment ot time nt all Ihc l.v lllvcr trozon. LOOAL BBBVITIE8. -3t tlinwal rtKiiln ye tenlay niul tlic mi ; ( ,7 nmcl its Hwny. The burtted water innln on Cuinii treot I now In ( jond order BKftin , The contract for flntin ? the new Trii ity Cathedral will be let In a dny or tw A. jxxikelbook contalnlnff a wnn mmnunt of money wai found recently 1 the U. 1' . depot express ugcnt. The work of changing the interior < the IT. S. Court room WUH beuun Mo day. It will occupy nlout two \vpckd. A tcrvm run away ycntcrday fro th8 vicinity of Mayor Boyil'a oflicp , < llarnoy ntrcot and d ! npppared up Ifith. On Sunday cvuninn 212 nacki ( if Ail Italian mail were brought in over the U too Pacific and Bent nut over the Nort wen torn. A "German" will be given at Mtxon Hall this evening by Mr. W. J jVnnln. Iho invitations , alreatly out , a very handsome. The old frame building lined for Trii ity Cathcdial 1ms been given to the cnlort mimion and will shortly bo rcniuvcd t < t tl lower part of the city. Mr. P. L. Pcrrine , of the U. 1' . lau office , checked nn incipient tunaway 1 front of ] Joyd'n opera IIOUHO Mouda and prevented a revere catastrophe. Contractor Cootii , who is to build U new court hoanc , li in the city with h working plans and will secure nn cilice i unco and bc in work an early as piiHxibl A partner in ] wanted in a well cxta liihod daily newspaj cr , in n growing wes era city. For particular apply at tl office of C. 0. IIouscl , 317 South Tin teentb street. -t Olaf KilHon died January L'Tth , nt t : Kt. JoHcph Himpital. Kilncial will till ] > Uxco from Charles lliewe'n undcrtiikii rooniH , 1012 Faniam Htrect , February 1 , U o'clock p. HI. The Hkating rink at the comer of Fn iiam and Ninth streets , the old Tivi ( iinicn , is now ojicn. It bait been bri iantly lighted for the past few nightH , < u the Hkating in firnt-cloHs. Mrs. Mftttlo Donohoe , wife of ( * Douohoe , died Monday , Jan. ilOth , IRS t 4 p. . , aged 3Ti yearn. The tuner will take place t 10 a. m. , on Wcdm day , from the Ute resilience , Caldwellat Jamea ttreetn. The Council Eluffa Nonparcl say : couple- Pullman conductors , while wal Sogdown Tenth street In Omaha Mo day , counted seventy-five dogs 'betwei J onrteenth street and the depot , and t't a very good day for dogs , either , Henry A. Klllott , of San Francisc and Mlsn Helen D. Adams , of Troy , 1 "Y. , were married in this city , Monda t the rcsldonco of the bride's brother , \ I . Adams , Ksq. , on Chicago and 20 streotn. Dean Millspaugh performed tl icrtuiony. The next clnmic concert of the Phil mathean Club will take place on Fehrua 7th at Max Meyer's Music Hall. T uubBcription list it now open at M Meyer's otnre. This ii the first conceit the second uerlca ami judKiiiK' Iroin t KUCCOSH < ; f the firet uerius It will lew il. The programme will be pi in a few dnyB. Frederick Krug , of Krng & Son , Oinahi , to-day coruiunnitted the purchi of the brewery belonging to Itlpplo JleUcl , paying therefor 93,000 Abu the first of March Mctum. Knig &S will otal.lith a dUtrlbuting depot lu for Iowa and AVeitorn Mcbiunkn , us w aj > n largo bottling ebtablislimcnt , Jl'lattHiiioutli Journal. An nnfortunatu moiiHtriwlty WUM be seen at the U. 1 * . Transfer depot Mt day , in the person of a man with n Ini tumor on hii forehead , The tumor h Krown so largo thut it coinpKU'ly pijver the luaii's eyes rind nose , , nnd moil barely uncupcd being covered ] ' by downwaul growth. The nnf > itunat head in twlco its natural the , and thu M feitr is object i < f pity. ] came fr m Itoaton and U Bupposed to Koing to Strouisburg , Neb. JOon't Uko any of the quack roslruin M they arc rogimontul to thu huini cistern : but nut your trust in Hi Dittcrc , whioli will euro general diloi dation , coativo habits and all cow duoasca. They Bavod Isaac from aovoro extract of typhoid favor. Tin aura the no plus ununi of ruodicines.- 3iaton Globo. f-1-15 Army Orders. The leave of absence for seven daj granted Second Lieutenant George I JCoigan , Third cavalry , by the cot anding oflioor Fort Waahakio , . \ T. . u extended five duys. Recruit Frank Davidi. onliited Banders , W. T. . is auigncd j Iroop D , Third cavalry , stationed thatpoat. Forty yt-arb' trim ui provt-u "BLAG DRAUGHT" tlie beat Jlvcr wediciuo th world. Jaa. Falconer haa' removed to basement of the "Jioyd. " where he prepared to see all hia old friendH ai patron * and "more too. " Ho cc tainly keeps a first class nlaco and doing tinely. Between the actswin you have to go out "to BOO a man drop down. jaiil2ooo > l LONG WINDED. i Protracted and Hard Worked Sossio'n of the Oouacil. The Public Market Matter Comes Up With Two Proposition * . IB Cnpitol Avenue Against Jot- fonson Squnro. Tlio regular meeting of tlio counci ! was hold lost evening , nnd wan fullj attended. A largo number of resi dunts from North Omaha wore in nt tendance , nnd manifested grcnt in toroat in tlio proceedings. Councilman McNamnrn wnnoxcuBcc during the early part of the ovoniiif on account of illness. The genera featured of the session worn , the settlement tlomont of the North Omaha nowei question ; the presentation of prnposi tiona for a public market place , nn < the introduction * ) of nn ordinance ti give the Burlington it Missouri righ of way on nnd across curtain atrocta .IOMMUNICUTIONH AND PimTIONH. Mayor Hoyd submitted a communi cation statin ; ; that the project of mov ing a houao upon the old pcnt-housi ground had been abandoned and tha n pcst-houno had boon orcctod vpon the county farm , Ho added : "Ii this connection I dcsiro to thank th Sinters of St. Joseph's hospital to their kindness in sending two of thoi number to act as nurses at thu post houso. In olloring Uioir services am the services of others if required , a such a time an this , without roniunor ation , thfy have certainly sustninoi their reputation ns 'Sisters of Charity and acted the part of the Good Samar itan. " City Engineer Ilosowntor transmit ted nn acceptance of thu sewer con tract work of Hugh Murphy fc Co. ii aowor district No. 2. Referred. Anothurcommunication was rcccivoi from the mayor that ho had np proved the ordinance providing foi vaccination of the school children for the granting of permits to dr\ii layers , and for the laying of sidewalks Filed A remonstrance was submitted _ . : { iiod by the owners of n majority o the property in the cily , ngmimt con trading for any system of scworin in North Omahn that docs not prii vide for beginning ut the Miaaom river , but praying for early sewerage Mr. Herman said that the potitioi bore many prominent names nnd li hoped it would rccoivo serious utton tion. The spot to bo soworcd hn bo en brooding much dihoaao , nnd i should bo Hewercd BOOH. It was re forrod. A petition from property owner on Jackson street , onatof Ninth street to grant the U. P. 11. U. Co. the righ of way through Jackson street , ens of Ninth street , was referred. A remonstrance from property ow ncrs against the passage of an ordin nnco to grant the right of way inquw tion , declaring that in the opinion c the subscribera the U. P. Ily. Co. di not need it waa referred. A remonstrance from General 81 1 perintondent Holdrego in behalf c the B. Af. , and O. & S. W. railway against granting the U. P. railwa company any right of way privilege on Jackson street between Sixth an Ninth was referred. A petition from ever ono hundro property owners to grant th right of way naked by tlio St. Pal & Omaha railway was referred. The proposition by lion. Wobstu build a city hall and mm kot place on Jefferson square , as dei cribud in yesterday's BKK , waa prc sontod and referred to a special com mittoo. Tlio application of Uugh Murphj with bond , waa approved. From Wm. A. Gwyor , agent for syndicate , proposing to erect n mai kot building on Capitol avenue be Fourteenth and Fifteenth street * The schema is to build ft structure t cost ? 50,000. Referred to the mini special committee to which the pre vious matter of a market house 01 Jefferson aiuniro wiw referred. This proposition is that thu counci designate the center of Capital avenue nuo from the east side of Fiftoontl street to the west side of Kloventl street us u maikot place ; cause al market wagons and wagons with fntu produce to concentrate nt this pliicu the fee for market privilege to bo toi cents per wuison ; n public scales to b erected , tlio fee of weighing to not ox ceeil ton cents ; u loiuo of ground ii the center of Capitol avenue III foe wide for n period of fifty years nm the buildings constructed thereon t bo free from taxation ; building t ba constructed , aixlMO foot , tw atones high of the value of § r > 0.00 { with a clock tower and a boll ; th property at the end of fifty yearn t revert to the city. The bill of Will H. Uiloy , for ail ting no registrar of , the Third wart and the bill of Droxu 11 & Mack fci sewer covers , were referred' to th committee on claims. A number of other bills were sul nutted nnd referred to the committee on claims , fire , water workanndpolic < HKKOLUTIONH. MoGavock That the Slsvin houa bo investigated. McGavock That the R. A M. L authorized to grade Eighth atrool Referred. McGavook That Uiu amount u icenio paid by Shivin for selling liquo bo refunded , becauto the ainallpo has apoilod his business. Referred t thu judio ary , Baker-Thai the question of th right to grant a loaio of Jofforso iquaro as a market place bo roferrc to the city attorney. Mr. Kaufman said th t the cit attorney was uway.out of the countrj tnd hn did not know what arrang' ineiita had been made by him to lee after the city's aflairs. Mayor Boyd stated that ho kno of General Manderso 'B leaving th citys bueinesa in the hands of hi partner Mr. Congdon and , if necoi sary , had authorized the omploym i of other Jugal advice. Mr. Baker's resolution was udoplei Hornborger That the suritici o Iho bond Of Messrs. . McCnulcy , O'llrieti giva written content to tlio ex'eiiMon nf time crantod by this council within five days , or that the outract with Messrs. McUauley & ) 'l > rion bo rocined. Adopted. Kaufmann Tliat the citv engineer nako Riirveys on Thirteenth street to ho city limits for the establishment f the grade , Adopted. Ijkcr--Thnl $ thu cny pneinocr bo DRiructcd to report regarding aide- walks not constructed. Adopted , Uakcr- That the approach to the nilit ary hridstu on Corning street bo illod. Adopted. Mr. Stull , that cstimalps of the cily uigineur relating to work done by L. 1 1. Stanley it Co. , contractors of the sewer main on Jones ntreut , from Ninth to Thir ociith stccet , for the ninnthn of October and November , 1880 , amounting to 82,800.05 , bo ap proved. Adopted. Mr. Ilnrman .submitted n commu nication from tln > residents of North Omaha , containing the resolutions adopted atn recent nuwor meeting. It was referred to the committee nn wa ter works nnd sow urn. KKI'OUTS. From the judiciary committee , recommending < commending that thu judgment in the county court obtained by L. A. Bar inon against tlio city bo paid from tin sewer fund , the plaintiff paying tin costs. Placed on tile. From the judiciary ISccommend ing that thu judgment in favor ol Win. M. Foster ut al. ngaitmt the citj for $181 50 bo paid from the judgment mont fund. Recommitted From canuniltou on claimsHccoin mending that the communication oi John A. Horbach relating to bad taxes on certain property , fornnrlj owned by the ci'y , bo referred to tin committee on public property and im provomonts. From a special connnittuo on North Omaha noworagc Rcconunvndinf that the plans submitted by the citj engineer bo adopted ; that the worf be commenced at Fifteenth street am continued westward ; that work b < completed by November , 1882 , ant that a Kpocial committee bo appointee to confer with the railroad companioi for right of way from Fifteenth street to the liver. Referred to tlio committee mittoo on water works and sowers. That no person holding n liquor li cense shall bo obliged to obtain a li' ' ccnsu to keep billiard ; md pool tables bagatelle boards , and other mothodi of games. Read u second time ane referred to the judiciary. Granting to thu Omaha & South western railroad company and B. & M , railroad company in Nubrimka , tin right of way along certain streets ant alleys. It is also provided that till companies tdiall provide over crosa inis nt Farnam and other streets Read a Hocond time by its title ant referred to the committee on utreeli and grades. Special ordinance for levying i special tax Iwr consti notion of side walks. The rules wuro suspended , tin ordinance road a scccnd and thin time and passed. Appropriating money out of tin special fund tor thu construction o sidewalks. Road u third time am passed. Levying a special tax for construe tion of sidewalks. Passed. The president appointed Messrs McQavockBak r and Hornbcrgor th special committee to investigate th Slavin House. The special committee to confe with the property owners ropardin the right of way for Nortli Omali sewer to the rivr , were Messrs Corby , Baker andO'Kcofe. Adjourned for ono week. Aoiirer Thli. Did you ever know any person t bo ill without inaction of thostomacli liver or kidneys , or did you over knoi ono was well when either was obstruct cd or inactive ; and did you over kiur or hoar of any cano of the kind thu Hop Bitturs would not cure ? As your neighbor this same question. - Times jlll-fl PERSONAL O. 11. I hew , . uhancungi'iituf theOati Opera company , is in the city , ] fu ca bo found at tinWitluiHl. . Mr. L. M. Jumiey , loadmoitltr of tli Union r.icilio Ily. , went t-ai > t uith h family yesterday on a nionthV U-a\o. Win. A. AUtadt , "Littlu llitmarck , thu anti-Klocumb juticc of the ponce i North I'l.itte , wcntwe.4 at noon yestcrdaj Mr. JIM. ti. Hoyd , chiuf train disputelu of the r , P. ly. ! , hat H'turiniliti ! hi family from iv visit to ruliUive'd in the Kn . 4fc * * pire state , w Mr. .la1 * . MoKwim , finim > rly of Delioi and n < \ \ of the linn of llamiltVn , MuKwn S On. , ITiOIt Kninnm htroot 'rocrutly ii fiom the wwt nnd will now u-fiil hero. , v hero.Mr. Mr. Itiloy , of thi-'i'ity ) , funnoil traveling in the Inti'iest of'Mvtcalf llro. < bun accepted a Himilnr poiiitiou with tli old ivllalilii lirm of , f. W. < lhnnjltt iV Co St , .loioph , Mo. , ImjuirU-M Jiii'd jobbers i teas and eij-rtr * . Kimik h4'iiil old-cale and will prove a - iluiiblo ticquWtin to the lirm hunow ivprcNcnt > . Mr. .1. M. ( iooduin , it-pit'i-cntiii ; ; tl ; Dally mid U'wkly O U-n Pilot , ix in tli city for a fuwdnyn. Mr. ( < oti < h\n ! was iciildcnt of thin city forabout ten yonn , In removiHi to Utah about lic yearn ago , him which ho Iwt not ruii-ttnt hit ) former honi until the pie-i'iit timo. While in O do he was enKUKnl at firat iw n nownpapi c rro | > omlria and Hiibi < e < iiioiitl > nx cit * HtorW Thw 1'ilot , the only wideawaVi cntfrprltins jiajK-r of iuctn > | Kiltau ] clia acter In the territory. Mr. Uoodwin i hocfulif | thofutuioof Utah , mid lelatt many intcu-itliii ; facts concerning th state of Hociety and morals in that fal country Mtlimg cursed by the presence mi iiirlucnco of Monuonliui. DO NOT UK DECEIVKD. In these times of cjuack medicin Bdvertisoments everywhere , it is trul gratifying to find ono remedy that i worthy or praise , and which rtmll does as recommended. Electric Bit , ters , wo can vouch for as being u tru and 'reliable remedy , and ono tha will do as recommended. Thoyinvari bly cures stomach and liver complaint diseases of the Kidneys and Urinar dillicultioa. Wo know whereof w speak , and can ivadily eny , give ther a trial. Sold at lifty cents u bottle b Ish tt McNfahnii ( ; jj "WINE DF OARDUI " fur LadTea enl ; FATAL STV1ASH , The Union PooiOo Pay Car Runs Into an East Bound Train , Two of the Freight Crow Will Proba bly Dlo. An nccidant occurred yesterday oh the Larnmio division of the Union Pacific railway , which will probably result fatally to at least two men. The news was received in this city just before noon , nnd ns General Superintendent Clark left for the west on the noon train , taking th ? dis patches with him , but mcagro particu lars can bo learned nt present , It appears that Paymaster Jossclyn , having completed his trip over the main line and branches , was on his way east , his train , consisting of an engine and ono car , running as thu second section of No. 8 , un oai t bound freight train. When n short dint inco east of Fort Frnd Steele , 121 miles west of Laramie , the pay train ran into No. 8 , the caboose and sovnral cars were badly demol ished , as was also thu unginu drawing the pny train , but the pay car was but little injured and its occupants escaped unhuit Three men belonging to the crow of No. 8 , who worn in the caboom. ' , were badly injured and it is supposed that two of them will die. The cause of the accident is not explained. JUST SO- If Kot , Why Not ? Omuhu's ColloBSftl Market Aeauretl Fact. THE UKE'S petition for a market house and city hall ft place whore the producer and consumer may come together , and where Uio city maj transact its business , has been re sponded to by one of Omaha's most public spirited nnd honored citizens. The following proposition was Mou day sent to the city clerk's ollicc by Mr. Webster Snyder : To the llonarut lo City Council ot tlio O.ty ol Omaha : In reference to the subject of a market house and city hull , which ia nt present before your honorable body for consideration , I niako the follow ing proposition : 1. If you will yivo me u fifty years' lease of the block of ground known ns "Jellerson Square" at a nominal rental , say of $1 per annum , 1 agree to burnt thereon a brick , iron and atone structure , cruciform in shape , runninc from street to struct , two or moro stories in height and to cost not less than § 150,000. 2. I agree to furnish to thu city , rent free , dining said term , suitable room for police court , council cham ber , city library , city lock-up , board of trade , mayor's office , marshal'e oiKcOjCity attorney's olh'ce , city clork'e office , city troiiBiirer's oltice , and foi all city oiticiali. 3. I agree to Loop said building in sured for full value aud nt the expinv tion of said term to transfer it in fe < aimplo to the city , frou of charge. 4. The conduct of the market , ex cept the rentals for stalls , may be under dor the surveillance of nn inrpoctoi appointed for the purpose' . 5. I do not ask the exclusive privilege logo , but leave the city free to built as many other market houses as it ma ; doom proper. G. I agree to commence work withii six months after the acceptance hereof and to prosecute such work with al practical expedition.WBHSTKR WBHSTKR SNYDKH. OMAHA , Nob. , January 150th , 1882 That Omaha greatly needs a uiarke house of aonio kind , Tin : BUK ha strenuously urged. That a buildiiij devoted to this purpose would bo ai ornament and feature of our city i eoually certain ; but t'jnt the poopli could afford to devote so much mono : to this object , just nt a time whui Bowers , drainage , pavements , gradin ; and other necessary expenses mu. t bi incurred , is by no means BO curtain. Mr. Snyder'a proposition comes u a time when public spirit and individ nal patriotism nro mont needed am appreciated. If "JeHbreon Square" was not UHOC' for market purposes it would doubt less remain a park. Now , in a citj liko'St. Louis ( which ' , by the way , n a trillo old fogiod'where ) a vast level tract ia unrelieved by ; i single uminmic ? , these breathing places u the heart of ft great town may bo ver > useful ; but in a city situated like Omaha , whuro a few minute : . ' wall will txko : ti pewon nbova all tlio heal and dust of tratlio up into n pure , coo utmojpliere , their practical vuluu iniij well be questioned. An lo thu in quiry as to whether the counci has thu right to elovolo "Jollbrsoi I'.iik" to commercial purposes , tin ordinances under which it was appro piiatud dispose of thie falnuy , and iti said the city attorney has already do ciiled that the city council has such i right. As to Mr. Snyder having too goo < n thing of it , ft cnruful estimate' show that ho must make in th neighborhood of 920,000 jur aiinun to pay running oxponaot , insurance repaiw , gut buck his principal , am receive a fair interest on his investment mont , If ho nittkea moro than this , wh ; ho deserves to ; 'he's an Omaha man and his money will bu spent ii Omaha , giving employment to lam dreds of laborers. The people ara ou nothing , and if the city cannot orcc such a building shu ought not to nc like a dog in the manger , and proven some one ulio from benefiting her , Woman Suffrage Association. The annual meeting of the Nebras ka Woman Suffrage association take place at Lincoln Wednesday oni Thursday , February 8th and Oth. Th afternoon of the 8th and morning o the Oth will bo devoted to business Afternoon of the Oth nnd evening , ad drntsos and dieousaions. Ituilroada will return members am visitors nt one-fourth fare , on the cer tificate of the secretary. Headquarters , at the Conuncrcia hotel. Jlatos , ? 1.60 per day. It i hoped that every inombsr will b > present , as concerted work for the next nine months is of vital import ance ; nnd the counsel of every true woman sulTragist is needed , HARIUKT S. BIIOOKH , President. ABA M. BiTTKNnr.Nnr.u , Secretary DON'T WANT IT. Mr , Dunham Resigns the Clmlrman < ship of the Board of Agriculture Managers. Martin Dunham has resigned the chairmanship of tlio board of mana gers of the State Board of Agriculture. Mr. Dunham resigns for two reasons : Duo because the position was un < sought , and involves moro labor than 10 feels ablu to gio it ; and the othoi iccausti ho considers the past man < ngemunt of the boarel to have placed ,00 great a load upon the olliccra ol ho recently elected board. In con To.-sntion Monday Mr. Dunhnrr said : "I was an active member of thi jourd of managers for ten years nnd for a part of tin imo I was president. J gave my best endeavors to furthei ihe interest of the Board of Agricul , ure and devoted a largo part of inj .imo for three months in each year t < .lie illilies of my position. I alst spent iioout 8 ,500 in that time fron my own pockot. After the very sue ccsaful fair of 1880 , n number o r > romino > t citi/.uiia g.vliured in Tin Uer.xld oflice and procceilud to discus ; the fair , and o.i-uuinlly [ referred to tin managers. Upon that occasion tin remark was dropped that "Mart1 Dunham niado u "nice thing" out o it % The report got to iny ear thn next day and I resolved t < have as littlu to do with tin future management as possible. " At the election of aboard of matin gers tor 1881 , Mr Dunham was lef out. The board elected had about si : thousand dollars to commence on , am they spent this and ran the board ii debt from two to three thousand del lars. He expressed himself ns unwill ing t j nccupt the chairmanship undoi these circumstances. "JtOUGH OX HATS. " The thing dtsiied found at last. AH ! druggibt for "Rough on Hats. " It clear out rat * , mice , roaches , flics , bed luigs ; Id boxes (1) ( ) MICHAEL STROQOFF. Havorly'8 Magnificent Company Bo turning from the Coast. A few weeks ago the departure o Elaverloy'a Michael StrogofT company ; or the Pacific Coast , to open his nov California Theatre , was noted. At that time their manager steppe < off in Omaha and took thu measure ments of the stage of Boyd's nov Opera House , with the view of stop ping elF on tleir return trip i the same woa largo enough t accommodate this great spectacula drama. It was then stated that th' ' atnge would probably answer all re quirements and the hope was held ou that the citizens of Omaha would b treated to the rare spectacle. Monday a special dicpatch to TH BEE announced the fact thnt the com pany hod loft San Francisco , in charg of W. H. Strickland , business maim ger , for Chicago , after ono of the moa successful engagements ever played 01 the coast. This wauld bring th party.through Omaha on Friday aftei noon , and as the opera house is engage by the "Fun on the Bristol" party fo Friday and Saturday , it ia of cours evident that Michael Stropoff will nebo bo put on the boards to an Oman audience , 'they go through withou nny stop whatever. An interview with Manager Mars yustenhiy developed the fact that h had heard nothing whatever from th company. It was possible , ho said that they would stop off throe night each in Denver and Salt Lake Oitj in which case it would b nearly two weeks before the reached Omalm. As it is , howovci his dates are pretty well filled , as wi be seen further on It scums froi this that there is no prospect of Heein thiB company at present , thoug Manager Marsh thinks it possibl that .thoy will make a tour of tli nortliwcstuin circuit , starting froi Chicago and including the Missoui river circuit. VUN ON TIIK imiSTOL. This famous play comes next o tlio books at the opera house , appeal hig Friday , and Saturday uveningi a'ml S.iturday in matinee , Fubruar ! Jd ndIth. . The Wheeling Intoll { . .oncer sajs : "Tho opera house wj lillud last night with a line nudionci anxious to sou the first poiformanc of "Fun on the Bristol.1 ' AVe wi not attempt : i description of this con edyoddiiy , and will only say tlm it was thu very bust ono wu have ovt seen in thu opera house. Thu sin > ing wus excellent , thu stogo sottin immense , the dressing fine , and tli actiii" unexceptionable. Tlio singiii of Miss AunpjIIallock , with the "Fu on the BiUtul" Coinpiiny , last even ing , wa must excellent. " OTllKll K.SOAOEMENTH. On February Oth , 10th an llth , Mann's opera conipan appears nt Boyd's , followed on tl : 13th and 14th by 0. H. Smith's Dot bio Uncle Tom's Cabin , in whic there are two Undo Toms , two Evai two Topsoys , two Lawyer Marks , eti This will bo a rattling good ahow. On thu 17th and 18th Annie Dicl inson appears. She opened hof ei gagcment at MoVicker's theater i Chicago Monday with Hamlet mo successfully. On the 20th , the Omaha Glee Clti will appear in a grand concert , a slated by Miss Fannie Kolloge. On the 24th and 25th , Gulick "Furnished llooms. " On the 27th Haverly's Strategist ! This makes seventeen nights bookc for Uoyd's for February. "Pi. " Jo h Ullllugs Bays : "Thare aint no ] It ; natral hl try that haz been et mor and th-t more oft than apple pi , nd n medicin kaiuure iudlgi ) tun and I moum wel SI-KINO ] Jtobnoji nvt hnf o o ( 1'rlcc f > 0 cviit * , trial bottles lOcents. 3H THE CITY COURT. A. Batch of Important Cases Disposed of bv Juelgo Bonoke. The "Keno" case , ill which Adam 'orts was charged with assaulting the nvorito dog of Kngino Co. No. 15 , vith a butchei'a cleaver was continued ever from Monday until yesterday t was settled , the complaint with drawn and the costs paid by the do- "cndont. A complaint was sworn out against 3eorge Green and Mrs. Weathers ord , living in North Omaha , for dis- urbnnco of the peace Thu whole icighborhood is subpcunmd as wit leases. A complaint was also filed ngainsi ( uliu3 Uoss for committing n nuis inco. THU limn CAUGHT. Sonic time since THE BEE gnvo m account of a man named Conncll , win obtained a suit of clothing from uSix eolith street tailor , on n forged ordui on thu Union Pacific company. At the , ime Connell skipped and was nol 'ound until Monday. Ho was ar rested on the charge of Win. Mel drum. Yesterday a compromise was effected between the parties , Mr. Meldium not wishing to push tin prosecution. The penalty for obtain- ng goods under false pretenses ii $100 line and restitution in double the amount. ANOTHUR UIIOOK IN THE TOILS. Another crook is under arrest ii Council Bluffs on the charge of boinf implicated with Stanley and the gang iotnu of whom are already in tin law's ' clutches. The specific charqi against thu present man under arresl whose name is suppressed by tin officers for the present-is that o : stealing a watch in Council Bluffs which was recovered recently fron the possession of a woman in this city The fellow was arroated over the river or by McCluru , several days ago as i suspicious character , and allowed t ( o upon thu promise that ho wouh furnish certain information regard inj some burglaries. But ho failed t < furnish the clues , and so he wa , 'atherod in for his own depredations ei De Meyers CATARRH CURE. Tlio Only Known Real Cure. SPECIAL NOTICES. i U uUAn ONEY TO LOAN Call it LAWOtncuo M L. Thomu Hoom 8 Cretehton Block. To loanatfromSto lOpercenl on eood real estatesocurlty , b IH. ISAAC EltWAKDR HOD Fnrahaln St. fiftrAAA110 LOAA At 8 per centlt 3p/iOU.UUU torcat In sums of 2,600 an upwards , lor 3 to 6 years , on Ont-clua city an ( arm property. Dims REAL ESIITI anil LOAJ AOHNCT. 16th and Douglas 8U. HELP WANTED. WANTfcU Situation to do ( tcneral houst work. Apply at the Scandinavian hotel llth Et. , bet. IS and 1 o'clock. 40 31" \T7"ANTED eilrl lor central housework ; Ocr YY man preferred. Enquire at WS S. 17th ht ' ED A few rnoru day boarders can b WAN' with flrut-ihsi tibleboar at $4.00 per week , 1408 Capitol \er.ue , bet. litl and 16th. 41-0 MRS. HOS3. 'ANTED Acirrlage painter ut Simpson' W carriage factory , 1410 and lill Dodge 81 House-keeper , Enquire at WANTED St. , up sUurs. 45-1 * I. Olllnsky * Co. have purchase WANTED business of H. Ilerthofd , at 102 Poujrlas street , where they will continue th business , and by fair dealing and paj ing too prices they propose to Increase the trade. The aiillclt parties ho hive old iron , rags , junk 111 to cive thcni % call. 7PSlmo To inform Ihc public ilmt I hav WAFTEH to J. Galinsly & Co. my n > K aft uicti.1 butlnciis , but on y rented Ihe HUIDC lor hhort perltd. All Hii'ia < f gocJi In the jun ! lii.o will he lianilledby mn at my new p'aiec Di einces , eonitr lOIIi and Harnuv M . Ii. Hurt l.old.propnLtor Omaha Ir n and Metal V nl. 7-1 - to dopneral ( nnusc WANTED-Sltintlon ) . Inqulro at 1) . M < Ouokln , lOtli and Karnbain St. ! ! 5-'U \Ar-ANTKD-lirl Iran cdattly. at 1708 Califoi 1 > nia > t. ; mual'lie good cook , wabher AIU Ironcr None ether need apply. 34-tf Kinplojincut lij uoniau cool WANTED II. M.iiitteilcr , Kiuployino 't Agl llth St , ninr Farnliam. 'M-l' Kinplojinent by ajo inc man I WANTED H nro. Apply M.MniiiiHO Uir , Eniplo ] incut/KU < I'I 1'tli ' ftl.'nc rfarnliani. 81 1 * To o\cnaro tcr city propiTt ; WAVT1JD 1(1 airis of inod Unn luntf lmpro > rd , with t inber iiml lunnliii ; w.tur Sltuitatl ii ork countv , 4 nulls irrin tmlrnnd town , Ail drcsi , J. Bluett. 1716 Jzaril t > t. . Omaha Jl-S'fDll. ' \A/-AXTEI > -r < oiirslrU1 from 12 to l..jcano V\ figu tovorK in a knitting fnctory , Ap ply at 1CH K. llth ttrcut. : H' ' Ilvasober , tteailp mnn , a p r WAN'TKD ' si tintionillliiK' ; to Uko hold c anything , Ilntot rcfiicncc. Adilrois h. , Hi : ollfce. 24 ! . " ' oiok , Inqulro a \\'ASTKH-A uood oman YV Mia. SIcO , y , on I'opileton atinu > , bel 2(1lh ( ana 'J2nd ttrcet. 16-2' WANrKD-rirst-clasiTooK , OIIQ.WI o ufulti Btaniliiiu-at cooklmraswcllaspas'ry ; non but flr t cla a ntfd apply. Also a gcod i > cy t waiter."Apply it lloiVarnham , ANTKU To buy a huuw and lot or tw W hou cs on one lot nomtu here between III and 22d streets , bcf re March Ut. I.tuio woi at the M. K. cor , ol HouarU nnd Hth. 9-1 * A good flrl for B < m ral houn WANTKU l oammil Blrl t > take circ of baby. Inquire notthwot corner id and Ilui trvct. trvct.w PANTED A woman cook at the Bmm < w llomu 087 30 * - ' , agirl to da Kenei WANVKU-luimeiJIaU'ly at northwest coi tier of Ilami ton and Pier tits. , Bhlnu'snldltioi 900-tf FuodUitr bridge and tobool bond WANTKU Clirk. I1 U YU . S8-U ANTKI-To rent a desirable dwellin W houco. Address Itox 46 , City. 071 tf A few day boarnenian be ai WANTED flrtw-iUs * Uble board I > cry reatonablo rate. Ii.quire at 135 llovtri betn ee n Oth and lOih els. B86U \TTANTKD-4 children as l > nartler In aielet W school , at lOtb and California Ut. L. D LOOMIS 76T.ll FOR RENT HOUBEB AND LAND. I Oit RENT UonOMn place , south eid of 13tl J } ktrcut , uuuhi , kulUblo lor vegetable jn den ; a gond houto with cittern , filter , dc. , goo v i > ll aud dam , a bearing orchard about 600 beat Ing grjpotlnu , a largo amount f goosebery am currant tiuitie' , ic. , e. For terms and condl lloni pply at Crelghton Haute , 42-tt 0l { KW T FurnUbcil onu. Jnqu re 162 ; ' J on8t tB-tl SPEOIAL NOTlOES-ContiDUfd HKNT New house , 7 rcomf , 26lh atd ! ? f 1 Chicago St. S3 4' * ( TOH HUNT Ion sorts land lth I ou-c , three / K inilen fiom city on JlllltU ) road S/tf'1/ , to J. 11. Shuly , _ T OR RENT Uoomi In Jacob , ' Mc k 7(011 ( llh.NT Hoom partially furtH hnl Caplto axcnue , bet. 17th an Ibth , MJU li s ( le O-t ltlNT- rd cottiigc , COS N. Uth i 1 M. Call nftct fo- r 13-31' 1710U IlKNT House of 'Iglit looms. Enquire J < J. I'Jili'M Ho ? , 1512 S. Filth St. 1177-tf ( 71015 RKNl'-Fcli. Irt comtrodlctM hrltk tcsl j ilcncc , corner Ifllli anil Farnliam S's. ' Ap- l > l > toMrs K , A. Itlncr , Tabor , Frcuont Co , Iowa. * ll Jir necsde lri ! < 1. OJ1 II 1710H HKNT One rf the U > st stircs on umln | { L1 h ( . ' 20x21. In January I. ! St > 2. 820 tf I.UJU KtUi'l J luruutietl ( Utjoif uvui Jt ? chanU' Kxchanze.N. K. car. 10th and streets. < > * _ _ _ OK WEST Nlctly furnished rooms with or F ! ' bout board. Reasonable prices 201 IT Caw St. ' 7-M 171011 REKT Furnhheil rooms , nortU ld ol JL1 California St. , 2d iloor w ctt of 21st. Inquire after 1 p. in. t34-tl SALE TOOR SALE Car loa lot horson and mule , at Jl 01 Ironce's salu stables , 210 b. 10th St. 432" PORSALBOKRUNT A | > o < hl paying bu l- neif , suitable for ny one hunt 85 per month. Clood. loiiticn. Trrnu modtr-Uo. Ad * diem "Ilu nckj , " Uce offlco. SO-tf Fll HALE HOIIPC , 7 rooms , closet , cistern , well and lot ; 1)08 ) N. lath St. 321' TOOK SALE Goodwill and fixtures eta first- J ; elui.BRiooiinnd milliard hall , eltuaud In I lie town of Do1tt , Clinton Co. , la. Will lease Lho hulldlngfor a term of fl\e year. Connltt * Ing of i lane bar-room ar.d dwelling rooms , The best location In the city. 'Ihe jila-'o has li > . n doing a line business for ten \ i ars. A BO a largo Ice nouRo filled with ice. Addrcsx Mrs. W. Kadoch , Do Witt , Clinton Co. , la. .22J > twlt ITIOH HALE House nnd full lot In good loca- J ; tlnn. , ctunp. I rice , 81250. Easy terms. \l-nAIIH , Off. post t IIlcc. 1611 OR SALE Bent building lot in Ehlnn's ad- J ditlon , 142 feet cast front by 120 fcot depth. McCAUUK , Opp. post oltlcc. 14 tf rreit SALE , CHUAP Engineer's tools , com- Jj prising of a thiodollto and appnratux. In- qulru of C. 1) ) . , 207 d. 13th St. 16-tf FOR SALK A good buggy hone , suitable for n lady to trhe. Inquire No. 1100 Howard B'rcct. D78-4 OIl SALE-My place , the French Coffee House and ifntauraiit ( , No. 620 South 10th tr < tt , will bcforeii.t In the early part of the summer , reasons for odcring the t mo at thu tlm ? Is to tnablo buyer to arrange bis business In time for bujlng. p. WHO. ' 042-tf SALK- ; ! Barrel gtalllon , Clvdcsdalo , 8 FOR years old , wcMiIng 1060 poui.d < . 1 Ma"k stallion , i Norman < .Morgan , 5 years old , ciub- Ing ISM pounds , look fin preuiuiu at Nebiaska fctatti Fair , 1881. 1 Kentucky Jack , blook. Heigh ! ) ! ) ; about 900 pounds , 4 ycttin oil , took first premium at Kebra ka State Fair , ISbO and 1BS1. Inquire of Chas. Neber , Fanmts nouw. Cily. 9i8-tf "TTIOH SALE Four eectlnns of hchiny and 8 JP good counter" . Inquire at D W. Saxe. Opera House pharmacy. 027-tl "T710I ! SALE OK KENT A proccry store nn-i F butcher shop , doing a good business. In- qulrj at this office. 012-tf "TJ1OU SALK 2 nice counters and 2Hil > or piatod J } show cases , at Gco. U. Pctoison's , 801 South 10th St. 74Mf SALE Or wilt uxcha go for Omaha pro FOR . an Improved sec on of land adjoin ing a station on U. P. It. H. .M. DUNHAM , 1412 Famham St. , Omaha. 72U3int "ITIOR SALE Or trade for city property , on JD 'pan of horses , harness and wagon. Addres S , Y. . this office ' 722 M SALE A good sevencarold borne Warranted to drive single or double. Ku qulro of George Cantteld , ConQold houso.novlStf novlS-tf RICK B 203-tf KflTABHOOK MISOELLANEOUb. New pocket-book betwtcn post office LOST Lant'e grocery store , coDtalnlni ; about $ 0. 1 ho finder please leave at Bee office , u here the owner will pay reward of $10. 37-2 T OST A bundle of i per , lost between ' Lj U. P dep t Midlfth and'Di > onixrt&t. Finder ill rleaje return to The lUpubliuxn of- Hco'ona be lowardcd. 30-30" nUKNISHED ROOMS KOIl KENT S. W. Cor. III I Jj 10th and Davenport 11. mWO FURNISHED KOOJI8 KOIl RBNT In- JL quire at llespe's Art Emporium , 1619 Dodge Direct. OOS-tf MENT OP SMALL M18INES8 MANAO by experienced man. Bmall Balary. f. U. Uox 602 City. 983.U For the next 30 da ) a , we will , on thu SHIRTS of sixty cents , Ecnd to any addn * f poetpiicl , one of our unlaundred drrea Shirts , roaithely only one Shirt sent to one address. EUREKA BIH-TCO. . 910-lin Marscillvs , III. niUKNISHED ROOMS Within Ihrto lilotki ot JC pOHtotHco. Inquire at 1610 Dod e. 9.-f ! "VTO'nUETO ION1HACT IIS Scale. ! propo- J M sals will Lo tecoltui until 12 o'lock noon , January 31 , 18S2 , lor the tricllon and i-om ) > lotion - tion of buiMIng for the Academy of the Sacic * ! Heart. I'l&na and > p ( clncations on > low at ollicc of Dufreno & McndclKWhn , Artlihcct' , Omaha , Neb , , uheru bids Will lie rccdu-d. Iho right 1 rencrvcd to reject any or alliblda. tKifv-31 : UOOMS KorKiiiKlo gcntluiuin ; also ono ( rout room with piano , nouthwctii corner l th and Capital a > ciiuc. fcoil-tf NKW oFrY MAI'S. 10c. Mounte B ilaiu , ft.f.O. . HhO. I' . UK.MIS , lt < CUA1UN and OU , POKTRAm painting. 'JUS. I ) . It. WAHDNEU. ronm 1 , JaiohV Illoilr. 6IV-tf Kills' llhALjv > l/tlt. t i IO.KII. > / * . : ) HAY At A. 11. i'i.c < l Htuicl BALii llarnoy.Ht. sltl-tf ItEAh US1ATK EXUUA.NUK. a ,1s : page. EDWARD KUEHL MAOISTEU OK PALMYSTKItY AND CONDI TlONALIhT , 49 ! > Tenth Striul , u-twte andllaiieVV11I , with lli.i aid nf jra.irJii..i spirits , obtain for any our a > flani o At Iho pr l and prcnent , ami ou certain cond'l.onj | u iho to tu re. liooU and Blujoa mtda to irdfr. 1'crltnl ' " 'ictlrn ruiriuteod inlf.i ! " \ POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never \artci. A mine ! of purltj. < truithand wholcaomenets. Moro economical than tha ordinary klndr , aid cannot bo told In uxrpetition with the multitude of low titrt , bert nclglit , alum or photphite powder * liolj ouly In cans. ItOVAIt BAKINO POWDER CO , Nf Vert.