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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1882)
" " / THE OMAHA BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA THURSDAY MORNING , FEBRUATvY 2 1882. 191 , THE CRIMINAL'S ' CADAVER "Which is Betting to bo a Snbjoot of Dispute , A Now York Mau Claims to Have Secured it For Exhibition. Proposing to Whaok Up on the Proceeds With Gui- teau's Rolativoa. This is Indignantly Denied by the Sister of the Con demned Man. But Scovillo Evidently lm Willing to Tnko Hli Share. ] JiitUonal AfxxxiaUsl NKW YORK , February 1. A Phila delphia special says the announce ment was recently made that J. II. Ridgeway , the patentee und builder of refrigerators cars , had made over tures to George Ecovillo for the purchase - chase of the assassin Guitoau's ' body after death. Rid eway recently re ceived u letter from Scovillo saying that the relatives regarded the propo sition favorably. It now appears that llidgeway's project is to build ono of his cars especially for the pur- .pose , fit it up elaborately , and trans port Guiteau s body from ono end of the country to the other , oxhibiti'n'g it wherever n stop is made. The body will bo perfectly preserved iii a frozen condition. Ridgeway estinntes there U a million dollars in the enterprise. J. II. Ilidgoway says ho has received the following letter with regard to his proposition lo exhibit the acmains of Guiteau : " \VAHIUNOTON , D. C. , January 150 , 1882. Your's of the 28th inst. re- coived. The iclativc-a sire inclined to regard your piopuuiiion favorably in case of death. The brain wi'l ' have to be removed and post mortem ex amination made. ( Signed ) "GEOKOK SCOVII.LK. " It is understood that Mr. Ridgfc- wao gives the relatives 85,000 with a percentage. He calculates this will make the total price for the corpse S-10,000 at least. If the offer is accepted the body would be preserved by a patent re frigerating process , ice and salt being the materials used. The exhibition oar and rotrigorator will cost 830,000. Mr. Ridgeway says that it will bo elegantly carpeted and upholstered , and the metalic cooling apparatuswill be concealed by rich hangings. It has not yet been decided how the body will be disposed of , but it will } > e arranged so'as-to 'look as natural as possible. The'fu'nrfwill be drassed as in life , and the features it is expected will retain the expression as they were immediately after they became fixed in death. Mr. Ridgeway says this will result from the state of perfect preservation in which the corpse will bo retained by the refrigerating appa ratus. He says : "We will visit all of thp chief cities of this country , after which we will go to Europe and probably exhibit the body in all of the principal cities of the continent. I think we will do oven bettor finan cially there than in this country. In London especially I expect to get largo returns. I wrote to Guiteau soon after his trial began , making a similar proposition to him. Ho re plied , saying that lie was disposed to regard my proposals with favor but that he would have to refer me to his counsel. I think there is no doubt but that I shall set the body and I am now making arrangements to se cure the largest halls in the country. " WASHINGTON. February L Dis trict Attorney Corkhill says that Sco villo is a worse crank than Guiteau if thinks that the American pcoplo will answer his address and contribute money. Mr. Reed holds a very dit- forent opinion as to Scovillo's ad dress and says "I have done about all I can do. Mr. Scovillo's appeal states the thing very well this morning. I have done all I could for Guiteau in an * V honorable and gentlemanly way. I think that appeal of Mr. Scovillo's is u good manly utterance. It may not amount to anything. There are people who 1 believe would like to help him , but are afraid the public clamor demand this man's execution. " Both oilicers and privates at the Washington barracks complain of the service required of them In doing ' guard duty at the jail over Guiteau , 'which U'oy consider unnecessary. Said one of the officers to a local re porter : "I wish that you would put in a paragraph to the efiV.ct that the small pox hospital is only 150 yards from the jail. Our men have to march back and forth by it everyday. There are 500 people in thw garrison and suppose they should bring the small pox hero. If you print something about it the secretary of war and other people up town will see it. If they want us to guard Guifeau why not bring him down here ? Mr. Scoville's attention being called to the dispatches about the sale of Guiteau's body to J. H. Ridgoway , of Philadelphia , he took a pencil and wrote as follows : " 1 said the proposition would bo entertained , if the time over arrived. First , there mint be a post mortem examination of the brain ; second , such disposition of the body as will bo without objection to the relatives. No indignities. I said no money derived therefrom would over be used by his relatives ; it would bo applied to pay. ing his debts , and then to promote thu care of insane people , " Charles H. Reed , one of Guitoau's counsel , to-night characterizes the proposition concerning the oxhib tion of Guiteau's body after execution , to be shocking , monstrous and damnable , Ho thinks Scovillo haa shown bad taste in over considering the disposi tion of the body of a client. Scovillo is evidently serious about the proposed exhibition of Guitoau's body , which is an indication Ihat there is little hopes on his part of a non trial. II is not likely the government will permit such a course. The authorities will probably hold the body , as they did Booth's. Cnie\oo , February 1. The atten tion of Mrs. Scovillo was directed to the dispatch from Philadelphia do' tailing the arrangements of J , H. Ridgoway to preserve and exhibit the body throughout the country. The dispatch scorned to indicate that thu relatives of Iho assassin wore willing such disposition should bo made of his remains. After reading the dispatch , Mrs. Scovillo said : "I don't believe anything of this kind has been done. Wo have not got to the point of con sidering what shall bo done with the remains of my brother , whenever and kowover ho may die. I shall take the body and have a post mortem made by exports of my own selection , I alone shall decide as to the disposi tion to be made of his remains , The idea of exhibiting his body around the country is horrible , and 1 wouldn't have it done if wo were starving , and wo have not reached that desperate state of poverty yet. An ofl'or of ? 5- , 000 cnsh was made to me for the body of Charles , but I refused it. There isn't enough money in the country to buy it for the purpose of exhibition. So far us ho is able to miiko legal dis position of his body and of his eUbcts , ho has given them to mo. I wanted him to make a will , but Mr. Scovillo said ho could not do that as ho was insane , and it would have no legal force if ho should now bo induced to make a will disposing of his body so that it might bo put on exhibition. I would contest its validity in court just us I would contest the act of any other insane man ( that affected mo. But then people niud not put themselves solves to too much trouble about this matter. Charles Guiteau is not going to bo hung. " "Do you want me tp understand that this dispatch with your husband's name attached is bogus T' "I don't know anything about thai. 1 am satisfied my husband would not send such a dispatch without consult ing me , and ho knows that such an arrangement could not bo made with out my consent. " Bad Work of a Ball Whnokor. Special li < ) wt'h toTiih UKK. SIDNEY , Neb. , February 1. A murderous , cowardly shooting affair occurred at Running Water ranche , ono hundred miles north of here , late last night.y A bull whacker named John Lewis wanted to run the rancho , and Mrs. Hughes , the proprietress , in endeavoring lo eject him , was shot by Lewis in the posterior , the ball of15 calibre , Colt's , lodging near the rec tum. He fled in the darkness. No truce could bo found of him. The cow-boys seem hostile over the event , and a large posse of them started out this morning after him , and his car cass will probably dandle from a tree if captured. This same Lewis killed a cow-boy at Fort Robinson two months ago , and by some means was acquitted , and all supposed ho left the country. His record throughout has been villainous and tough. Murder in Lincoln Special to the Doc LINCOLN , Neb , February 1. - Much excitement was created here to-day by the announcement that a young girl had been cooly murdered. The little girl's name was Gurtie Burg- man. She died not long since , and her remains were hastily buried. Last night they were exhumed and examined by Dr. Shaw , who reported evidence of the most cruel and in human treatment. To-day the coroner s jury found the deceased came to her death because of inhuman treatment administered at the Jiands of her adopted parents , Frederick and Maggie Clawson Tlio accused are now in custody awaiting a hearing. Fatal Rnilwny ColliKiou National A no < latod Press. IUONTON , Ohio , February 1. Yes- torduj' sv collision occurred on the Scioto Valley railroad at the town of Hanging Rock , three miles below this city. Two men were killed outright and five seriously and probably fatally wounded. Two freight trains running at a good speed came in collision just outside the town. Edward Lackott and Thomas Kennedy , both of Chilli- cotho , were killed instantly , the head of ono being mashed to pieces and one hund.ontiroly cul off. Murderer Oonfemei National Associated I'reea NEW YOHK , February 1. Michael A. McGlorin , 10 years , u thief , nnd throe companions , Thomas Moran , Robert Morrisoy and Thomas Ban- field , wore arrested to day on suspicion of havi g murdered Louis Hanicr , u French wino merchant , on December 1)0,1881. ) After being locked up for several hours , McGlorin made a full confession of being the murderer , implicating his three companions. Doomed Man's Life Prolonged. National Aeaoclatixl I'ress. . NEW YOKK , February L Judgt Davis to-day granted a writ of error in the case of the condsmnedmurdercr Sindrum , in order that it may bo reviewed - viewed by the court of appeals. The governpr is asked to grant a respite pending the final decision. Tbo Athland Harder Trial. National AwodateJ J'reud. OATLKTTHUUIWI , Ky. , February 1. - Testimony for the defense of Crofta in .the Ashland murder trial is now closed and rebuttal evidence ia being heard , Argumonta begin to-morrow. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Yostorday's Procepdiugs in the Senate and House , The Funding Bill Still in the Agony of Birth in the Senate. Ben. Butler Appears in Wash ington and Has a Confer ence With Mahono. Miioellnnooni N w * From th a Na tional Capital' CONGRESS. National Afwodatcxl 1'rcM. IMlOUKKKINdS IN TllE SKNATK. WAHIUNUTON , Fobrunry 1. Mr. Window's resolution culling nnon the president for copies of the diplomatic correspondence , relative to the con gress of American nations , was iidoptocl. The funding bill came up at 2 p. in. , the pending question being on Mr. Morgan's ' substitute for the whole bill , which simply legalizes and confirms the action of Secretary Windom iu rofunoiiigixt Ji ! per cent. Mr. Morgan's nmeudmimt led to a spirited debate on the legality of ; U [ > or conts. Mr. Windom warmly defended the constitutionality , legality and wmdom of his course. The substitute was finally with drawn and a clause inserted in the. bill ratifying and confirming Ilia acts. The bill was then reported from the committee of the whole to the senate , when further debate sprung up on Mr. Plumb's amendment limit ing redemption to § 100,000,000 , when the senate wont into executive session and continued the nomination of 8. B. Burpee , postmaster at Marshall , Mich. , and at 4:10 : p. in. adjourned. rKOCKKDINOS IN THK HOUSK. The house fixed February 27th .is the date of memorial services of Garlield. Mr. Hill presented a ( bill reducing letter postage to two cunts for a half ounce and for packages from ono and one-half to two ounces four cents and for each additional two ounces , two cents. At 1 o'clock the house wont into committee of the whole to consider the fiostollico appronr ations. Mr. Morrison , in explaining pro visions of the bill said the amount ap propriated for letters carriers would permit the postmaster general to in crease the pay of auailaay letter carriers , now numbering about 400 and getting but 8400 per year. Mr. Hooker presented an amend ment prohibiting the postmaster general discontinuing mail routes on rivers. Mr. Uingham gave notice ho would , when the bill was read in section , move to increase the sum of $2,950- 000 appropriated by free delivery sys tem , § 300,000. The bill was then referred to the house for general debate to-morrow. A communication was received from the secretary of the interior in answer to an inquiry from the house. The inquiry was : "If all claims for pen sions for the war of the rebellion should bo adjudicated within the soyon years period terminating Juno 30th , 1888 , and at the end of that period survivors of the Moxicin war and widows shall bo pensioned , what will bo the sum required to pay pensions during the next twenty-five years ? " The reply puts the entire sum at § 0,347,051 , n03of , which $51,921,010 is alloted to Mexican war claimants. The annual requirements begin with 302,000,000 for 1881 , and row grad ually less until in 1000 , the last year , when the stimatcd sum required is $ L',000,000. : ! CAPITAL NOTES. National As-wcUtinl I'ross. THK hTAH HOCTIi ( 'AHIfc. WASHINGTON , February 1.In the star route cases Col. Bliss called the attention of the court to the fact that Bacond Assistant Postmaster General Elmer had been served with a sub- piuna by the defense to produce in court all the papers The court al lowed the papers asked for by the de fense , and at 1:15 : p. in. adjourned un til to-morrow. MISCKM.ANKUUS. The Hub-commitlou on ways and means has reported favorably to the full committee on the bill to abolish the export tax on tobacco , and the same bill allowing brewers to stamp their packages instead ot bottles. The report that the National Re publican has been purchased by Col. ( jeo. Bliss , of Now York , is confirm ed by the general report in this city to-day. No change in the manage ment of the paper is imminent. Hon. B. F. Marsh (111. ( ) has been appointed chairman of the sub-coin- mitteoon expenditures in the war de partment to investigate certain matters - tors in thojfaurgoon general's oflico. It seems that the long delay in ob taining from that oflico the records of the would-be pensioners has resulted in the discovery that the hospital rec ords are not oven indexed and that other records arc in a like demoralized condition. A mouse is smelt and im portant developments are expectod. The president nominated Harsdon C. Burch , United States attorney for the district of Michigan ; Hugh J. Campbell for the 'district ' of Dakota * , W. 11. Armstrong , of Pennsylvania , comniiHsionur of railroads. The impression prevails in army cir cles that the present paymaster , quartormattor and surgeon gononils will be retired in a low days. Bonj. F. Butler "was on the floor o { the senate to-day and had a long con ference with Mahono , The latter was asked this evening concerning the subject of the conference , and replied : "Affinity , my deaf > bby , that's all- Democratic senators hold a caucus immediately afterjjdjournrnont of Iho senate and agreed to support Neil Brown , late rending clerk of the house , for n like position in the sen ate , if the assurances of enough re publican votes by uanntors who would ipprocinto his elocution above his pol itics could bo obtained , The Jonnnotto. National Ansoclattd l're > NEW YORK , February 1.Tho bl owing has been received from Paris : "Lieut. Do Long's party has boon : raced to a definite locality on the west bank of the Lena. Engineer Melville ) and the Russians are search ing diligently. I nm noting under positive orders and will boar investi * Cation. Lieut. Chiph's little boat has not been seen since September. The ale doubtless swamped her. If she is not found before the spritfg I will charter the steamer Lena and search the coast between the rivers Alonok and Koliniiw. .luck Coles has been an invalid since October. The Jeannette - notte entered the ice iu > ar Herald Island , September Oth , 187' ' * . Her forefoot was twisted from the first of January Wo pumpdd tor eighteen months. The vessel drifted to the northwest during twenty-one months. 31 HI ] was crushed mid tmnk on Juno 112 in the longitude 70 degrees 15 min utes east. She disooered Juannotto , Henrietto and Bonrtctt Islands. Wo made the retreat over the ice to the Now Siberia Island , thouco in boats to the Lena delta. Engineer Melville - villo was given charge of my boat by DoLong , 1 was blind. Hearty , iml intelligent help was rendered by thu Itusaians. Everything possible is bo- inirdone. ( Signed ) "JolIN W. InUKNMIOWKU. " WASHIN TON , February 1. - Secretary tary Hunt Bout the following tele- jraln this afternoon tl' rough Minister H ITiimn at Petersburg to Dauon- liowor : "Two ofllcufa will be sent. If your health permits , remain and continue the search for the missing parties. " Will of Clnrktoji N. Potter. Nations Associated 1'rcss , Nuw YORK , Fobruaty 1 The will of the late Clarkson N. Potter , tiled for probate , at White 'Plains to-day , makes his brothers , 'Howard Potter and Gen. Potter , executors. Ho bo- q calhes to his wife the city house andlot , 1 5 Gramorcy place and his stable on Twentieth Htreot , Now York ; also all his furniture , books , ( except his law libraiv ) , horses and carriages , absolutely as her own prop erty , with a bequest of $15,000 to bo in lieu of all dower and conjugal rights. Ho gives to his' sons , Howard N. and Clarkson A. potter , his resi dence and grounds a I , New Rochelle and 8100,000 oa&i ; tit his daughters , Maria Louisa , , * ? 125,000 ; Virginia , § 125,000 ; Eleanor , . < J12C,000. The balance is distributed among brothers and sisters and Bervdnls.The estate is valued at a million . - y Marine Intelligence. National Associated I'resa. SAN FiiANCiseo , February 1. Ar rived The British steamship Both- well Castle arrived to-day from Hong Hong with 1,029 Chinese passengers. NEW YOKK , February 1. Sailed The Amsterdam for Rotterdam , the Bothnia for Liverpool , the Amiosquu for Havre , the Eden for Aspinwall. Arrived The Furnessia from Glasgow , the Italy from Liverpool , the Sarvents from Hull. BALTIMOIIK , February 1 Sailed The Nodorland for Rotterdam. iA , February 1. Sailed The Indiana for Liverpool. GLASGOW , February --Arrived The State of Indiana from Now York. LONIHXV , February -Arr. . - ' - The Victoria from Now York. \ ' IlAMitunn , February 1. Arrivod- The Silesia from Now York. Tbo Pnllman National Associated 1'ri'ts MO.STHKAI , 1. , February - Investigation tion of alleged oviisionsof the Canadian customs law by the Pullman Car com pany was opened this morning before Commissioner Johnson. The company was represented by George F. Brown , general superintendent , and Judge Lochrano and L. N. Benjamin , of this oity , as counacl. Charles Robin son , late assistant Hiiperintondont of this division , and Richard Cook , for merly Pullman conductor , wore ex amined. Moth gave evidence HUH- taining the alleg.itions. of Sorrow. National Aftxoclatcd 1'rcnx. I'liiiAiinu'iiiA , February 1. The name of James Abraham Gurliuld heads the list of illustrious dead , in commemoration of which a lodge of sorrow was hold in Gothic hall of Ma sonic hull to-niiflit , by Philadelphia consistory , S. P. It. S. , third degree. The hall was appropriately draped , and the impressive ceremonies wore participated in by a largo gathering of the craft , Jim. 0. H. Tillany , I ) . D. , pronounced the eulogy. Fatal Family Row. NatlcmalAHUOclatud I'rciw. DANVIU.K , Vu , , February 1. There was a desperate fight y OB tor day on the Lanier plantation between the Jvinj ! and Slate familivn. Shot guns and pistols were used , Gco. Slate was shot and terribly mangled , Tom King was stubbed eight times , old Mrs. King was mortally stabbed , and Mrs. Slate badly wounded. The three former will die , Murdproro Soiitenoed to Hang ; . National Antedated I'rcm. AIIKUDKKN , ' Miss. , February 1. Jones pleaded guilty and Miller not guilty to the charge of murder. Tin jury after thirty minutes' absence brought in a verdict of guilty. Judgi Greene sentenced thmn to bo hangec March 3d. _ _ _ Indication * . National AMOclatvd t'lew. \VAHIIINOTON , February 2 , For th lower Missouri valley : Fair weather winds mostly westerly , stationary o higher temperature and pressure , A RAILWAY RUCTION , * iu American vs. Canadian Fight at Winnipeg , The Southwestern Railway El ection n Great Bonn of Contention. loaultiug iu a Double-Bonder and a Possible Triumph for the Auioricaus , Rnilwny Now * tunV Note * . ' ' . Natlonal'A-woi-latoil l'ro WiNNii'Ko , February 1. The nniiu- xl meeting of the Southwestern rail way held to-day was , as predicted , a tormy ono. There was a largo at- endanoo of stockholders. Ono olo- nont , under direction of flon. Hum * nond , got possession of the premises nt first , niul with a view to keeping nil control enlisted the services of n ) osso of police.Vhen the director * lot in accord with the Amercmi ilement arrived shortly aftoi 10 ) 'olock ' they found entrance o the room barricaded by two police - uen and Solicitor Higgs , who was an- minted to scrutinize the credentials > f those aeckimj entrance. A fracas iparly occurrcil through the refusal if ono policeman to permit Mr. Cart- wright , a shareholder , to outer. The alter resented the insult , and throw .ho oflicor from the door The second ) llcor ! came to the rescue , and cover- ng William Murdock , and another hnroholdcr and ox-chinf ongi- leer , throatonetl if he crossed the hroshold of thu door ho would hoot him. Inlciue excitement fol- owud this incident , but coolness on ho part of those outside prevented vhat would have boon a riot , and per- laps bloodshed. The hour of 11 hav- ng arrived , Dr. Sennit/ proceeded to all the mooting to order , but was at once interrupted by a motion from lonenil Hammond to appoint Hugh Sutherland chairman. The ro- ult was a babel of con- usion. Two meetings wore going on at one time. 0. M. Cum- uings , ' of Now York , was appointed ocrotary of the American element mil R. L. McGregor of the Canadian Pho scrutini/.ors for the Schultv. soc- , ion and the other pnrty each reported heir ticket elected. 'Iho otlicea are still guarded by police. Fours are icing entertained that the Schnltx mrty will make an effort to recover ho books , but this is not intended , is the aggrieved party will seek redress tTirough the courts to re- : ever the property through the shor- ( T. General Hammond was elected at a subsequent mooting of the diroc- tors-of ono pnrty , proaldont-and-Dr. schultz was elected to the same oflicc by the other party. Considerable ex citement prevails throughout the city and further action is awaited with anx iety. CiucAdo , February I C. H. Pock , general manager of the Chicago , Purtage & SiiDurior railroad , has had a conference with R. R. Cable , of Hit Rock Island , , tlio alleged purchaser ol the Jackson stock of the Partagi road , regarding the complications thai liavo grown out of the sale of the slock , and with a view to arrive a ! some amicable arrangement in ordei that the work already commenced on the Air Line may bo continued , There is little hope that such an ur ranuoinent can bo made. Itismori likely that the Portage Air Line com' paiiy will bo resurncttd by Vandcr bill and Gould , thu former of when is known to have largo holdings on the Northwestern and St. Paul . Omaha roads , and the latter in boll the Rock Island and Northweston and the sixty-night miles of rout south from Superior , thus com pleted in time to souiiru the lain grant. CITY OF Mi'AK'o , February l. Tlu four commiRHions appointed to maki survoyH for the Mexican Southern railroad , ot which General Grant ii president , huvo completed thuir work ind made the following report Fiom the city of Putiblo thoj rcL-ommoml the adoption of the line by way of Tepoyhan and Terola , and to the city of Oaxueu by way of Tohn acan. From O.ixaca to the Pacific they recommend the line by wuy ol Maihuatlan to Port Ouatucco , am From Vera Cruto Pueblo via Antoi Lc/.ardo. Plans are to be sent on t < New York immediately. ( 'iiicAiio , February 1. Ala iiieotin ; of the directors of thu Chicago Alton railroad comnany , hold to-day , a fli'ini-annual dividend of 4 per cent was declared , payable March 1 Morris K. Jessun , of Jcsnup , Pattoi ifc Co. , Now York , was elected direc tor to fill the vacancy caused by tin retirement of Wijson G. Hunt , o New York , who resigned some nionthi ago. ago.CiiHiAUO , February 1.A specia moetiiiL' of stockholder of thu Pull man Palace car company was hold to day , for thu purpose of taking uctioi on the question of increasing tin capital stock. Now stock to the extent tent of 82,5211,000 , , being 25 per cent of the entire capital slock of the com puny , wun ordered isHiied. All stock holderii have thu option to subscribe for now stock at par to the oxtonl o one-fourth of their holdings , Al shares not subscribed for by stock holders by March 1st , 1882 , will b forfeited by the company , to bo noli or disposed of at the discretion of th directors. Nuw YOHK , February 1 At meeting of the Trunk Lines'oxeci : tivo comntitteo acting us n standin oommittooj of the joint executive con mittoe held at Commissioner Fink1 this afternoon , the following reuoli tion was passed That first and soi ond-cluss passenger rates both oai and west bound ( moll be reduced f the following base on February IK 1882s Chicago and Now York , $21 unlimited , $23,25 , except by tt Pennsylvania and Baltimore and Ohio , which shall bo 821 ! fiO. Socond-claM by all lines , § 17. New Kuglnnd rates to bo made on the basis of 822 limit ed from Chic.igo to Boston via all routes crossing the Hudson river north of Now Yory City : Now Kng- lanil rates through Now 'York shall bo made by adding to Now York rates as above local rates east of Now York by route of ticket , together with 75 cents transfer in all cases. Towluli Pnmnoution in Rn * ln , Katloiml Aiwoclatotl I'rrwi. LONDON. February 1. A meeting of sympathizers with the oppressed Jowj called by thu lord mayor nt the instance of a requisition signed by the archbishop of Canterbury , the bishops of London , Manchester and Oxford , Cardinal Manning , Prof. Darwin , Prof. Jowott , Mult how Arnold , the wxrl of Slmftshury and Lord Klcho , was hold to-day at thoMansion Mouse under the presidency of the lord mayor. It was a largo and influential gathering , nearly every nationality ooing represented. Several addresses were mndu by prominent gentlemen denouncing tlio Russian miliUry and police authorities for their inaction and apparent antipathy in the recent anti-Semitic ngilution , closing with a strong appeal to persons of alt nations to unite in a petition to thu czar to grant protection and the rights of cit izenship to his Jewish subjects. Res olutions wore then fussed protesting against the persecution of Jews which has for some time been going on throughout Russia , proposing to raise funds for the relief of thu persecuted and distressed victims of the late anti- Semitic agitalion , mid request ing that the lord mayor ap point a committee to furnish A copy of the resolutions to Mr. Olud- slouo and Karl Grauvillu. It in hoped that the government may be able op portunely to inllueiieo the Russian government to act in accordance with the expressed wish of the mooting. Nnw YORK , February 1. Chicker- ing hall was crowded to-night by people ple desiring to express sympathy with the Jews iu Russia. Mayor ( Inico presided. Kx-Secrotary liviirls said that Russia respected \\liut thin nation had to say. Judge Noah Davis and others spoke. A resolution of sym pathy was adopted- " ST I'r.TiUSiiUHi"Fobruary ( 1. The cxar has directed that Jews bo repro- spilled in the future in the delibera tions of thi' Anti-Semitic inquiry. Fire * . Nation tl Aanociutuil 1'rcnn. Louimmr , N. \.t February 1. disastrous tire broke out this morn- ig in the Binul room of Arnold & little's Hour mill , which , with other iiills destroyed , was running ni lit nil day. Thu lire spread to the mills if Thornton it Chester and thouco to : ho Becker mill. Loss , $200,000 ; in- uranco , $75,000. Second Aidstant Cnginoor George Woods , who waa'out IT from escape in the four h'ntory of tlio Tuorntoni& ! Chasteriinill. jumped rom a window , breaking his neck" . W. I ) . Stabler , builder , also broke hit irm. Thirty men are thrown out ol iinployniont. LKAVIINWOHTII , Kan.February 1. A five broke out in the south building ) f the Fort Loayonworth barracks ut ! ( o'clock this evening. The building was on the west side of the ; ) la t , and was occupied by company jl of the Seventh cavalry , and com pany M of the Eighteenth cavalry. The band headquarters building on ho south was torn down to stop the pread of the flames. All the arms und equipments were saved , but thu "mildim ; was entirely destroyed. LOBH About $11,000 Many of the soldiorn lost all their private property. The ljuilding wan old and dry , and it WILE with difficulty that the fire was kept rom spreading to neighboring build- Jolm Kelly Triumph * . S'atlonal Annoclatml I'rotft. AI.IIANV , February 1. The liar mmi/ing committee of the ussoniblj UIICUH mot thu Tammany assembly nun to-night , and after a long discus- ion thu conniiitteu announced ilH willingness to guarantee to Tiimnmin ho chairmanship mid Iho conliollin nlluonuo in thu coininiltouH on rail oadH and on cities if they would imp iurt I'altorHon for speaker. Thu pro xm'itinn W.IH agreed to. Vailed. National Ai-odaUd I'ruti. Cifii'Aiio , February 1. Alford < S Ijowin , cigut dealers , whom ) store win cloHud by the uliuriH' yesterday , madi in assignment thin morning to ( lee J. Tutu. Tlioir assets comuatof atocl Hiibjuct to oxocittion. lioim in favor ol the Luke City bank , Warsaw , Ind. ind .lami.'H AloNiirnuy , agurcgatim ? 10,000 and olhor property oHtiinatot at $20,000. A Choioo Montel. National Aneoclatcil I'roai , DBS MOINKK , February 1. 'Mm Afaria Yet/.or IKIH filed a bill fo livorco and $100,000 alimony ugains lor liuuband , Joneph C. Yct/.ur , i iroiniiiunt banker , worth a quarter o i million , alleging adultery with i woman in Chicago and St. Louis The trill will bo soimliniml , GETTING I'OI'ULAH. Although opened only two month igo , the Opurii llonao Clothing stoi in rapidly gaining popularity by loj pricuB and good goods , i'hu stock i entirely now , and sold for cash n strictly one price. "Marked in plaii figmW on every article , Call an examine before going elsewhere. .1. I * . LUND , 217 H. loth street , Omaha. .JiuitlFoM : , , ' ,8U. THE NEW "LILY KANGE. " John H. Erck , the popular lov dealer at Nos. ( U5 and ( J17 Nort Sixteenth street , has a carload i Hplondid cook stoves and ranges u the road , He will have in a day t two u number of the celebrated Lil French wrought iron rangpa , a no thing in Omaha , and which in destine to bo f/i range of the future. t THE DEAD AND MISSING. List of the New York Fire Vic tims , Aa Ffir as it Hoa Been Possible to Ascertain the Names , The Belief General Now That Over Ono Hundred People Have Perished. Bnt Firn in tlio Hutu * Malca * In- voitiRntlon National AwoclaUd Pirwi. Nnw YOUK , February 1. Five en * ginos are still pouring water upon the ruins of the burned World building. It will bo Rovoral days before the tire in the debris will have boon quench ed. It in still a matter of conjecture as to how many persons perished. It in reported that fifteen persons are missing. Two are known to bo killed and eight injured. The following is the list an made up by thn police nt , noon to-day. Klloii Hull , ( colored ) , janitresa. Richard Daviea , compositor , wounded - od severely. Harry Joint , Iwdly burned. Robert Jlowiu , compositor , Iwdly burned. Col. L. 1) . llrueo , burned slightly. Leslie S. Bruce , burned aliphtly. Clms. F. Harris , burned severely. Kd ward Moore burned badly. Geo. M. Klnp , burned slightly. Walter Norris , scorched slightly. Chas. White , burned slightly. Two. employes of The Observer slightly burned. The following people ire missing : Mary Blair , compositor , Rahway , Now Jersey. Joseph Cunningham , compositor , Now York. John Uempsoy , engineer , New York. Alfred W. Hsrrm , foreman , New Jerhoy. ( layman , agent , Now York. Mr. Gunthor , editor Scottish Amer ican. Harry P. Johnson , compositor , Now York. E. S. Mailler , lawyer , Brooklyn. 1) . A. McCormick , painter , Now York. Mary O'Connor , third floor , Now York. York.Mary Smith , third floor , Now York. Win. llubbs , photographer , Brook- lyn.Robert Robert Troadway , compositor , Brooklyn. D. W. Denison , compositor , Brook lyn. lyn.Miss Ityorson , compositor , Now York. lief that to the lat | - o lhe ueaafniusfc1 bo added Frank Cunningham , Alfred Harris and Robert Troadwoll , whoso bodies are supposed to bo in the ruins. The ruins of the old World build ing are still guarded by a force of nolice and a number of engines are stilt playing streams of water on thu yet burning muss It will not bo pos sible to dig the remains for a day or two and it is very doubtful if any bodies will bo rocogni/.ablo. It is im- ossiblaoMt to more than conjecture ho nufflMr of lives lout. Ono him- irod krfown to have been in thebuild- , ng are reported missing and it seems ortain seven others perished. Five girls employed in the oflico of ho Bank Note Reporter are supposed .o bo lost. It is also rumored Ross and lteiitonof the Scottish-American , lave not been found. It is believed the woman who fell back in the flames vas book-keeper for Todd , lawyer. Coroner Herrmun will summon a , ury to-morrow. The fire marshal has ulreadybogun investigation. Dumpsoy , the engineer , at first ro- orted missing , testified that a dofcc- , ivo line caused a small lire Mnndtiy. llotlioii stopped using that flue , and isod one already abandoned. It in certain the lire was caused by a Hue At 1 p. m. the remaining wall was pulled down , though the partition wall remains high up. In this an iron tmfo is Htnek. The IColloy building is only slight ly injured. The Morao buildini ; is seriously injuiod , chiefly by the fall ing of a wall against it. The American humane society has. ivrimlod a medal to a Colored boot black who climbcda telegraph polo and navod several lives. The Turf , Field and Farm has. opened now ofliues and will issue as. isual. WILLIAM GENTLEMAN 16th Street Grocer , JS HKADQUAHTKKS KOH STAPLE ft FANCY QROOEEIES , Lemons and Oranges , Choice Butter and A Sl'IXJIAWY. GIVE HIM A CALL. iaultkllm " NOTICE. Tlut upon IKth ila > of Jauua ) . 18 0 , Ihu mi Uorbl nt ! < l liouiflitat jirivatu sale In ll > fount > treasurer's oflke , foruvmot mS.touuty anil city , lot 8 111 li'ock 151. Oniahft Ity. DouKlaa County , Nenrasku That iul'1 property ut late ol Bald ualu was uifHwd on truosuroTB book to O. 0. Iliirnlumi. That tlio uudcrsiiriiea will an- ply for , and MUSH to ho bsuid to him a ttcasur- er's ileui ! for said trait DM or alter the uxplratlMv ol tlueo months frm.i Uatu hereof , iinK-an re- ili'iuntlon IMJ mailo ofiaM loUn the mcNitns * . r C r WTSEH , Omaha , Nuh.U . -'S. I88i Ubl.U COUNSELOR AT - LAW J. H. McODLLOOH , Itotm 4 , Cn'M'ton ' lllock , Fifteenth 'Street. janlO-3n > _ _ _ C , F. Manderson , ATTORNEY-