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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1882)
THhi OlHAiiAlXAHA" JtUiii : WliDNBSDAV FUBLlliAKY ) , 1882 f eere & Comp'y MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , MOLING , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Council Bluffs , Iowa. t \i \ xo&c I'llfloline Wagon Oo , Farm and Spring Wagons , Deere &Mansur Oo , Oorn Planters , Stalk Gutters , &o , , MolinePump CoWood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Oo , Fountain Oity Drills and Seeders , Meohaniosonrg Maoh , Oo , Baker Brain Drills , Shawnee Agricultural Oo- Advance Hay Rakes , Joliet Manufacturing Oo , Eureka Power and Hand Snellors , Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shellers , Road Scrapers , &c Moline Scale OoVictor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , * ' AND DEALERS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stocl Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. dec3me2u -DEALERS IN- HALLS SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and- Burglar Proof O C 1020 Farnham Street , WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATION EF AND DEALER K Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. [ net.m , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NfcR Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nobraaki SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. THE JELM MOTJNTAI1S , / G-OLX ) AND I V V / J ± i I Jz\ I Mining and Milling Company. _ . . . . . Wcrlilnff - - - 30COC Capital _ _ _ . _ . . . Capital 8 rock. . _ _ W.OOO.W PM Value ot Shares , - - - - - STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABL ! Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DR. J. L TIKUtAS , Pretldent , Cummins , Wyoming. WM. E. TILTON , vice-president , Ctimmine , Wyomlngl K. N. UAHWOOD , Secretory , Cnnunlrw , Wyoming ; . A. Q. LUNN , Treuurcr , Ciimmlna , Womlngr. . Dr. J. L TbomM. Louis MUler W. S. Brunei. A. O. Dunn. K.S. Honrood. Fnuicla Leavena. Oeo. 11. Kaloa. Le ti Zolman. Dr. J. C , Watklni. oo22meCm OEO. W. KENDALL. Authorized Aifent for Sale of Block' IV" " " v h Neb. . O. WHOLESALE GROCER 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS . AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , banned Goods , an x' * All Grocer ' Supplies , A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS 1BD IAMACTURED TOBAOOl v.Agents . for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIH & RAND POWDER C FARMING NOTES. Preparations for the Oponiai ot Spring Campaign , Stock lYnril , Gnrdoii and Flolt PLANT TUBES , franklin ( Scb ) Otiiuil. The plcns.tnt winter is very fnvon bio to orchards and small fruits. 1 is in this respect much like that t 77-8 , tollowing which wiwi the n mnrknblo fruit crop of 1878 , who thousands of buaholfl of fruit wci raised in Nebraska , and nucli n fin poach crop in the middle countries r IB usual after mild winters. Tli spring was very favorable to plant ing. Orchards and vineyards startc that year did remarkably well. Th leisure days of winter should Ivo in proved by planning for the busy day of spring and summer. The hii ; price of corn emphasizes the imporl anco of hnvint ; Lir o pastures forliogi These who planted hodijoa years ag find at the ago of iivo'to six yean osagc hedge can readily bo inado b plashing , to turn pigs as well n cattle , and that by non-ing rye an clover , and planting artichokes i suitable lots , one-half the corn ustinll fed can bo saved. The oxponno an difficulty of growing oaago ludgo hf boon greatly over-estimated. Acre of forest trees should bo planted cue year by every farmer for pratectin and fuel. Five acres judicious ! planted and eared for will , in to years , supply all the fuel needei Unless plans are laid and these in provemonts determined upon , fartnoi nro apt , in the hurry of spring , t overlook such work until too Into f < ; the bust results. Early planting i always moro successful than lato. The Cure of Horses. Uunlap ( Ift ) t ci'Otter. Horses should bo provided wit warm stainbliiiR. No other farm ar imal is so sens.ttvo to cold. The con of the hog is no warmer than th horse's , but it has a greater comparn tivo amount of fat and iti organ nro moro closely aggregated ; whil the kino are provided with a muc thicker hide and heavier coat Urn the horacs. Much of the blindness c horses is duo to exposure to exccpsiv cold. In the eastern states much be tcr stabling is provided than in tli west , and in this connection it is a si : nilicant fact that the proportion < blind horses is considerably less in tli east than in the west. Blooded Stock In Nanco County. Cenoa Lender. J. N. Reynolds , who has been ea : in the states of Illinois and Indian ; returned last Saturday availing. Whil east , Mr. Itoynolds purchased a c.i load of Pine brood marcs , and ono fu blood stallion , of Normnn stock. Th brood mares , Mr. K. informs us , or all line grade. Ho proposes to ae them to Nanco county , and desires t get some good , careful horseman t take a half interest with him in th stallion , with a view to improvin Nanco county horses. This is indooi enterprise in the right direction , an Mr. Reynolds should bo justly com mended for the active interest h takes in this direction. On last Tuei day , Mr. Reynolds purchased 1,50 acres of Nance county land , south the Loup ; will fence the whole wit barb wire this spring , and stock t with five nr six hundred head < young cattle Experlenco in Foedlng Hog's. l > unhp ( lena ) Reporter. An Iowa' farmer put up thirty , oni year-old hogs for fattening , and fc the first twenty days fed them o shelled corn , of which they at eighty-three bushels. During th ; period < hey gained 82" pounds , < ; upwards of ten pounds to the buslu of corn. Ho then fed the same hog for fourteen daj's on dry corn mea during which time they consume forty-seven buaholw and gained < i3 pounds , or 11 pounds to the bushe ! The same hogs next fed 14 days o corn meal and water mixed , consume 00 ? , bushels of corn , and gained 7- ! pounds , or 131 pounds of pork to th bushel. Ifo then fed them M da ; on corn meal cooked , and after coi ; suming 45 bushels of the cooked mei the heirs gained 709 pounds , or vor nearly 15 pounds of pork to a buslu of meal. Patronize Homo Nursorlos. A rorrcspomlmt of the Johnson county ( N'eb Journal wr.tei. "This is no fruit country. I'v tried it , and can't got trees and vine to live , HO I have just quit , disgusted. No doubt wo have , as farmers , hoar the above words quoted frequently , c something -similar. I believe tw words will bo a sutliciont text to u ) plain why wo have such failures. Th words are "trco peddlers. " 1 has been a custom among farn ors in this county to give the orders to these peddlers , and in du time receive1 their trees with very fo1 roots , and these few badly dried ou Consequently their trees and vine would not grow , and the fault was in mediately charged to tlio country Now wo have plenty of mon in ou own county that are known to I honorable and honest , who will fui mah us with anything in the nursor stock line that wo may want , true t name und with good roots , that wi grow and do well with reasonable can Why not order through thoint Exporlmonta with OH Cako. 1'anncu City Kritcrpi | * v , In conversation with County Con missioner Scott , a few days ago , w gathered some very interesting facl as to stock fpcding and particularly rte to feeding oil cako. Mr. S. is prob ; bly the heaviest feeder of stock of a kinds , in the county. He in no feeding for the market 400 sheep- wethors - a carload of cattle and aboi SJiO head of hogs. In addition t these , which are being fattened , li has a number of other sheen and ca tlo and 55 head of horses , Mr. Scol was the first feeder of oil cake , to an extent , in the county. Ho bought car load early in the winter and has about all used. Ho is pleased with ! and is of the opinion thut his stoc never did hotter , or wore fattonu moro cheaply than this winter II method of feeding is to mukoono-thii the feed oil cako. To hm fattonin cattle ho feeds two quarts to a food ( about five or six pounds a day , an they fatten with remarkable rupidit ; His horses got six oars of corn at feed and about a pound of oil caki and are in line condition. Ho finds i a splendid nppoti/.er , and it alto otlie neil pleased with it. Ho feeds -tV ( pounds a day to his largo lot of stock Prolltablo Stock Omt onX bllft.oUr. That shoqt-nxising in Nebraska i highly profitable 1ms been proven often that a repetition of the state ment soenn nlmcst ridiculous. Nov ortholos * it in n thought that shonli bo impressed moro forcibly upon th minds of the farmora in this state and anything that will turn the ! thoughts to an investigation of th subject is a blesiing to them. Ever ; producer should have a few bond t > sheep on his farm , for they : vro o invaluable assislnnco in dostroyiiij obnoxious weeds , and turning yoo land into good tillable soil , bcsidci the yearly revenue to ho doiivod fron them , whioh in proportion to othc investments , is very large. Tin ready demand for wool keeps tin price at such a figure as to mulio tin clippings alone pay a handsome return turn upon the money invested , am when wo add to this the incroaio ii the flock and the increasing vnluo o the sheep each year , the figures presented sonted show so largo a profit that it i : a matter of surprino that the farmer do not invest a spare dollar in theii purchase. It is true , sheep-raisin ) M sometimes unprofitable. They bo c'imo discnod and die at a rapid rate Hut in nearly every instance sucl losses are traceable to the grosses carelessness , and shameful ignoranci of the wants of thu Hock , NVi I proper attention given them , there i : little danger of the sheep becominj diseased , and in such cases they return turn to the owner a big per cent. 01 the investment. The Profits of Onions. Aln ( Neb.lUr M. * John Everson , of Alma precinct last spring purchased ono pound o onion seed , paying $4.50 for the same Ho sowed the seed , gave the cro ] careful cultivation , and gatheret forty-live bushels of onions , which hi sold at $2 00 pur bushel , amountiiij to $00. Bi-aiiU'3 this ho has threi pecks of sots which ho proposes ti plant early the coinintr season fo early onions , which at live cents po bunch , will jield him § 20.00 more Ho will uleo sow three pounds o onion seed the coming spring. Cultivating Tobncco. I'lcmont lluruhl. The amount of tobacco used in thi county every-year for sheep dip make it advisable for some one acquitinte < with tobacco culture to undertake to lucco raising to supply this demand Tobacco has been successfully raiscc hern almost every year since 1873 and wo are convinced that iu , wouli pay to raise it in larger quantities. Nebraska Fruit. The Alma Herald has been showi samples of gr.ipes , cherries , raspber ries , gooseberries and other frui grown during the past season by Hat Ian county farmuis , which demon stratcs that the climate and soil of th section is admirably adapted to frui growing. The first shown wore oxcollcn ppecimons of gooseberries , chorrie and raspberries grown by P. W. Fun nessey , of Alb'any precinct. Mr. Fen nesscy had nn abundance of smal fruit grown on trees and buthe plnntcd in the spring of 1880 , no quite two years ago. Louis Cramer , near Orleans , had : fine largo orchard of growing trees and 1,600 grape vines some of tin latter bearing a few bunches of full flavored fruit , although it was then first season. Mr. C. has 200 more trees 'heeled in" to plant in tin spring. Mr. J. W. Carrothers , also near Or leans , has a finu orchard growing nice ly and surrounded by 'a fine osagi hedge fence. B. F. Thrasher , of Spring Creel precinct , planted a largo number o. . apple trees last season , and all bul two are growing line ; alsoCapt. Baker of the same precinct , has a line lot o fruit trees growing. Theodore Schrack , of Lowisbur ; precinct , is growing u iico lot of frui1 trees and shrubs. Many other farmers nre successfully growing fruit trc < > s in the county which will como into bearing nex season. Oonoral Notes. Some of the Kaunas fanners raisi sunflowers for fuel. When ripe am thoroughly dry these woods make ex collpnt fuel , and in localities whuri prairie land is plentiful and limbo : scarce it pays to raise sunflowers. Bare pastures and poor cattle are i euro consequence of overstocking land The grass should gain on the animal during the growing Reason. Cattle that are obliged to eat night and du ; to Hatisfy their appetites cannot ma tnro properly. Give both the gras and the cows n chances and do no crowd your pastures.Dunlap ( la. Reporter. The United States court for th western district of Michigan have decided cidod that the patent on drive well is a fraud and no moro royalty can bi xtortcd. There is no reason why a Hullo county fai mor , or a Nebraska farmer for that matter , should pay froigh and profit percentage on beans tha are shipped hero trom Vermont , Jtu many of our people do , Moro potatoes tees and less ll.ix would have boot thousands of dollars in our pocket this year , had wo only raised thorn. David City Republican , A reader of The Indiana Farmer speaking of the vitality of blue gras seed , i > aid that ho know of an instanc in which this seed , after being burioi under the ombanknumt of a mill ruc > for sixtccnycars , started to grow wlioi : v flood washed the dyku away. The money received by the dairymen mon of thu Elk'in ( III. ) district fo butter , cheese and milk during th past year is estimated at a total o 81,000,000. In some parts of the country shoe ; raiacritare putting goats with thei sheep to protect them from do , I is said thut an old billy goat is ufraii of no dog , and will butt the sheep worrying propensities out of a cariin lit his first effort. Two or three goat to n flock of it hundred or two hun dred aheup , it is sail , insures protoc tion. It is also suggested thut th sumo moaim of defense might bo uaci against wolves. It is worth trying , No Changing Cars Ktnrm OMAHA & CHICAGO Whore illrt ct ronncvlloii an m il with Tb-niu HI.KKI'INO CAR LINKSfoi NKW VOHK , noSTON , PIIILADKLFtnA. DAI.TIUOI'.K , WASItlNQTOl AM ) AM , KASTKON IT1KS. The Short Line via. Peori Koi INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOW VIU.K , mil til volnta In the Tim MBIT UNI For ST. LOUIS When dlrpct mnnrotiotit ru nuidn in the Unl < lf ) tut with the Throiivh Hlmilng C r Llnw lot ALL t-OINTS OOTTTC3BC. NEW LINE-DES MOINE THK KAVOHITK IIOUTR FOH Rock Island. The utKvjvulod Inducement * oflorod by thli 111 to treliro Mid tourlctn rc M follows : The cfllchmtoc ! PULLMAN (10-whccl ( ) PA LAC SLKKl'INO CAUS run only on thin line 0. . 1 * Q. PALACK HAWING HOOM CA118 , wll llorton't KocllnlnK Choirs. No outre charge ti cjiU In Itpcltnlng Chain. The fimoiu U. , II. Q. 1'alaco Dlnliitf Cr * . Oorgooiu Smoking Ca ( fttod with cloRant high-tacked rottnti roxolvlt clialra , lor the ciclunlvo uno at Unit-clan jiasso ROM. ROM.Steol TracX acil luparlor equipment combln Ith tliolr ( { Jcat through car amusement , tutk thin , above nil others , the ta > orlto route to ti Kast , South and Southiuuit. Try It , ami you will find traveling luxury I irteail ol a illftcotiifort. ThroUKh ticket * vlo this cvlobrntwl line lor u at all otlicco In the United State * and Canada. All nlonuntlon BLjut rati-8 o ( tnro , Blcopli Car au-ommoiUtlon * , Time TahlM , etc. , will 1 cheerfully given by tpplylnit to r-KHUEVAI , I.OWKLL , General oncer Aent , Chicago , J. POTTER , CJ * , Manager Chicago. JMISmm.n , JKIIOMK PCIIUMP , 1' cslili-nt \'lro I'res't. W. S. Iw.isiiMt , Sec. anil Treas. THE NEBRASKA IAMACTURIE 01 Lincoln , Neb , MANUl'ACTUKKKS OF Corn Planter ! , Harrows , Farm Roller Sulky Hay Rakes , Ducket Unvoting Win mills , &c. Wo .iru iirerarod to ilo job work and tnanuli turtnj ; lor other vmticu. AJdrcH all onlcr ! XEIIHASKA MANUfACTL'lUNO CO. LINCOLN , Nru. | nnlO-Biii NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Cnra Guaranteed. Dr. E. C. Wont's Ncr\o anil Hindi Treatment A specific tor Ilyntcrln , liizilncsn , Convutaloi Nervous Headache , Mental Dvpromilon , Lena MemorySpernmtorrhcra , lujpoti-iiiy , In\oluutn Km sslona , Prcmaturu Old Ai'O , CIUBOI ! by mi exertion , lolf nbuso , or ovir-lmUileiico. ; | wh'i loads to mlnery , decay and iltath. Onaboxu euro recent casoB. Kn h Inx contains ono montt treatment. One dollar a box , or MX boxes I ( Ivo dollars ; Bent by miill pri-pald on rwx'lpt price. Wo gum-anted nix boxes 11 i.ure any cia With each onlcr rccultid by UK lor fix boxen , n companlcd with lire ilollarx , will ecrul thu ) > n chaser our written KUnranti'o to return tl money It the treatment dooa not iR ct a cure. C. r. Gooilrnnii , Driict'lH , Hole , Wholt'Balo ai detail Aent , Onmlm , Neb , Orders by mall regular price. il&uly W. S. GIBBS PHYSICM AND Room No. 4 , Crelghton Block , 151 Street. OMAHA , NEBRASKA. OKFICK HOUIIH : 10 to 12 A. M. , 11 to f r. Telephone connected with Central Ollic I r If you aretman F of Gui lM'it , wt-aL r ninn uf Irv tnnby the > tr ln of "r'ft Tour iluttt-i avolil nlitlil work , to tUnutantnnnd u toralinUiiiimTouid Hop Bitters. vbtUi , tuo Hop If you ar * jroium and I niReiinK fron , any U. dh lp I Hull I If you rn marI d < * -tlon ur . rind or ftlntclfl. old or I lowig , iulf rln fnit.i iworhrallh or laiiL'ulnh | ln on a b i o < lck " BCM."rir" on Hop ! I Bitter * . . ihouundial * n fci'l I mulljr from < om , htii T r jou I of form Kldne * jHoiii tUat rw J your cl'n luK , ton' > dlwx that mliflf rtlniululmu , I hare l fn preTCDwn Inir or ILr * tlmelj UMOI t Uo Hop 1 Hcp&tt n lt ' . primal , kidntvA 0.1. O cru < ; wjryroM- | [ III o alaoluti of lli < i' ( umnr/l / , HOP jllilo Und core Irrenliu ( u tinifrli , blood. I drunkennou llttr errant * I lui | of opluoi You "III b tCbBROO , O' Hnarcotlc * . Hop Barter * IfTOiiareirtm- UrtiU Kuuatu ply w n k ami NEVER Hcirculur tow.tilrlu-il.trr It i It may HOIRrmii avyour IFAILI T4i CO. , life. It hu uvod hun | RM e./.r / , .l oreUe. 1 A Toronto. Out M To Nervous Sutteren THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. SimptJon'H Specit II l > positive euro lor H [ > ennMoirli < , Bemli rYooknew ) . ImpoUricy , and all dUc § < - reaultl lioin BoU-Abure , i Mi.nlal Anxiety , LOMI Memory , I'alrn In the Hack or , arul ill ciu TzzrUUM IDBanlty a carlyicra The Sped Modlvlna bclut ; Hi with woutl lul miccixw , I'ainphl wet frc to all. Write lor them and K t full f tlculari. Price , Bpecinc , 11,00 p r pockaict. or > lx | * ( tge lor 16.00. AddroM all onlen to U. BIMHON MKIMUINK CO. Not. 104 auj 100 Main Ut. Buffalo , N. Y old In Omaha b0. . V. Ooo.liiun . , J. W. ll < K lib , and all uniKKlitacverywIiere. * LBV Clarkson & Hunt , HuctetW" to Ulditrdi A Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LA" ? S UtbStMot Oin h Nub , SPECIAL NOTICE CLOTHIER ! Corner 12tli and Farnkm Streets , WILL REMOVE About March 1 ! To the Large and Spacious Store lately Occupied by TOOTLE , MAUL & CO. , 1308 Farnliam Street , betw , 13th and 14th , I Have on Hand a Large and Well Selected Stock of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING , Hats and Caps and FURNISHING GOODS , Which will be Sold at Sweeping Reductions Before Removing. . . -V.Bi OX" Single Coats Men's and Boys' , Which Will Be Sold at Half Their Value. YOU WILL DO WELL TO CALL ! i o i , < , , ' \ t ! & 'J , , ' ! ,4 * * . , ' , .H' L. BRASH , 1 Corner 13th and Farnham Streets. . J.UlNXltf BASWITZ & WELLS , OPERA HOUSE SHOE STORE , Under Boyd's Opera House. The Season is advanced and in order to make room for an Im mense NEW SPRING STOCK , We will , for the next 30 dajs ( offer onr entire stock You will do Well to call at ; BASWITZ & WELLS' "Palace Shoe Store of the West. " . J.i 11 ll-illui : SAUSAGES ! Practical Sausage Manufacturer , ORDERS OF ALL KINDS FILLED PROMPTLY FOR ALL VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES , Family orders attended to with despatch , and every thing promised satisfactory. I invite a call at No. 210 South Tenth Street. v.