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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1882)
G THE OMAHA DAiLi BEE : WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY I , 1882. P. T. MAYNE , SUBSCRIPTION RATES , Mfinngor CouncU Bluflfc Circulation , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. By Carrier , - - 20 Cents per Week. . . By Mall , - - - - - $10.00 ix r Year. V \ 1t > 1)e 1)p HIat si. en 4Ki or per Mi Bli aid ; luo low mat attl mai nny , the I verj IK roooi thol Ut < triut letdl thoj the ! "B eolf I to-da Thet madi up | thori the i thof no vi drcai rovh thoc cause nay t > have orty With boa o tatot perlia doubt ftoutb. know poroii larer moot , IT * comini kulfn iderat liavoB appoio Sarg n been i to the i u wiU headed. UooUii igent , b , man a * | Mr. Bo , nent of acdaai of Califi and BCD' onate ii landed i indiffere Pacific , ' ; tion of Booth j liorts in constitut Booth , into obli Le could for re-el did not y a man of nonU of [ i him bop nothing. * eminently interior , weak. ' COUNCIL BLUFFS.i ; Office : Room Five , Evorott'a Block , Urondwrxy. , ' II. W. TILTON , City Editor. r i -J. MINOR MENTIONS. i Shingling commenced on the new engine lioime. | The two-wheeled Heidlc/i still sUy ndtr cover. When nro they to he called cut ? Tliorolvnl mcetlni , * nt the Broadway Wcthoilliit church mm to be incrroslng in interest mi they nro In attendance. Atkinson' * "Jollities" ftro to return 3icrc nc t Friday o\cnlng , nil give their ( rent tntuicnl nbtunllly , "Tho A lady while hhopplnp nt Pctcrnoii IJroH. yesterday afternoon dropped in n deadly Inlnt , nd hal to bo taken to her Jiorrc In n cnniago. It cost * a half day' * work on the ntono pile now to cer.urc a night's lodging at the jiil , and two meals ; yet there are three or four every night ivlio are willing to pay the price. The elegant fireman's trnmpet , to be Riven to the one rcctit ing the most votes ' 'Ftmon the Bristol " from those attending , ii on cxhibltliii in the HIOW window of Obcrf elder < t Newman. John Stultcr , over whom for nome lime lia hung the charge of stealing a calf from Goodwin Uroi. , hai been dlHchargcd , owing to a flaw being discovered in the in formation filed againtt him. Those who delight to laugh are prom. i cd the funniest play on record , at Doha- uy'n opern hounc , next Thursday evening , when "Fun en the Bristol" Is to bo given Tjy .Tarrctt & Rico's company. The pupils of St. Francis Female academy have been undergoing examina tions on their otudies ycitcrday and the lay previous , it being the clcno of the firiit wcjwlon of the rcholaitia year , Tlio largo plates of glais shattered by tlioilynamitc explosion arc gradually be ing replaced. Yesterday a largo plato -wan put into Kicht'n hotel ; also one In Hmlth k CrittnUn'H ntoro on 1'cnrl trc t. t.Tho The circuit court opened yesterday morning , with Judge Looflxiurow prcsld ing. The morning was taken up with calling the calendar , and in the afternoon Homo luminous ol minor public intercut wan taken up. Kxcavation han commence , ! for the erection of n now tenement houno on Sixth rtrcct north of the creek. Brown k Hose are the contractors to whom Dr. Lawrence the owner , has given the job , The buildIng - -Ing is to 1)0,24x39. It ( cciiiH ai if the city council had cliOMn rather an inopportune time In which to order the it imps plucked out of "Vnughan avenue. A little later , when the warmth molts up things a little , per- .bnpn they can bo floated out , but sure It Menu that they have hit upon n time -when they got the least done for the most money. money.Tho The pertinent query la made why the city council in changing the name of Fifth ulrcot back to Main make it apply to the whole itrett , instead of christening that p&rt of It south of Broadway ta Alain trect , and that part north of .Broadway M North Main ? GIv it up. The council .dow so many etrnngt things that it Is u-e lew to try and explain all of them. Yciterday afternoon Hagam n , the young man captured at lied Oak , and no- ctued of having belonged to the gang who went through the Caughey house lately , was given an airing. Ho was taken from the jail to Itecorder Burke'a , and tbo ttate siot being ready for a hearing , he was re turned ugaln. Ilagaman IH very rcii > ccta > lly conntcU d , and his friends in York , .Nebraska , atUnt their willingness to Loll him clear himself from the serious charge laid upon him. There promiHCs to bo considerably figuri i g between now and the city clec tlon. The politicians will do their figtir ing with button hole * , l.ut the i > eople , I tliey are wise , will do theirs with pencl and paper , mim up the financial oxpcn < ltures ! of the present administration , and answer for then selves the question "Whither are wo drifting ! " It depends Kreat deal on how the figures are looked - t , anil those who are wise will look for thtmaelvef , and not through the eyes o iioine one who is looking at the same tlm at oino office. The desire expitti'cd by member * o ' the board 'of education and other * for an ordinance providing 'for vaccinating th achool children , has touted the city attor sey to draw up one , which if parsed would ' cau8oinbit' { the citizens and those visit * ing this city to'put In most of their tlm jgct ting vaccinated , or olio paying Ones. There is riup'-ospect'of'the ordinance be comlmf a law , as it la altogether too tit terly utteimeat. The probable reiult wll IM > that In , refus'n'g too' much protectlo : there ulll le too little glvrn , and the cit will be 1H without any 'sort ' of n ordin" DOT to fly to a COBO of an emergency. The coming teauon promiioi to be th liveliest , BO far M building Interest * are concerned , ever known In the history f thbcity. M ny who planned to bull \ lant year but were delayed by floods am j ' deterred by the rise In material , have re 'newed their vows , and are making ready Many others Inspired by the confideno everywhere manifest , have also determlnei to eipreta their faith In this clty'u futun fcy putting up buildings. There Is an ei peclal demand for residence property , and Ijotues for rent are ipetdily taken at fig- urea profitable to owner * . and many are unable to nccure housea. The season IwwnUM to be lively , Indeed. The wife and friends of Matt Ryan , who died lit tills city ibout three weeks ago , are mysteriously ulleut. ] { yan , it will be remembered , died from the effects of A Mow on the head in a saloon row at Audubon , and Coroner Faul notified the man' * wife and frithd * at Wlnona , Minn. ' i * a well M the authorities of Audubon > county , No wonl ha * been received from any of them except the attempt to secure a mortgage uiul note which wrre aunng the ; doid man' * offccti The man's nd ptnonnl effect * nro still hcr , Ing " orer . If poor Hynn had been n mnn of wealth , hilluenco nnd prominence , would hisfflul doith have been p.vsedo\er go ' lightly , or would the nuihorlt'es ! m\o hunted down the mnn who killed him , In the case of Louli Hnrrl v * . II. J. Reynolds I nnd wife , before Justice Abbott , It WAR decided tlint the plaintiff wnn entitled - titled to $ , " > ! .57 , nnd ( Inninges were allowed Itcynotdn to the exto. t of SIT. . The property in question wan ft i < ntln dre flpnl tern purthated liv Mm. Itcyi.olds , nnd an it was purchased without her hus band' * knowledge , damages w ro allowed him for the attachment of bin properly. -Kd. Ilardin , who gi.t clear of thu chnrgoof attempting to crnck the fnfa In Hrown'fi coal ollice , hai just bcon iclwcd from n term ho lias been nerving on ac count of vngrnncy. I Jo was nrrentod f > r having burglars' toola in litii powemion , nnd given ono hour in which to find § 500 bill , Of course ho t"ok advantage of thU hour to Bklp the toun n it wm appar ently the purpoHC of the authorities tn have him do. Ho hns gone to Omnlin , nnd shall be carefully watched by the police there. While hero ho wan recog nized im Mhonoy , the sntno man who wan arrcUed for highway robbery nevernl yearn ago. ThU city in well rid of him , hut other cltlen should look out. - Tno fr.ct that Wllllo Lewis , the baby tramp , linn nt Infit reached bin home in Omaha , Is a relief to the office here , who have bcon so bothered an to what It wni best to do witb him , but they take little faith in the claim that ho ha will re main nt home. While bore ho showed nil tin ) pointi of an old trnmp. He could m.iko himnclf n bed on the floor with bin jacket for n pillow , like n veteran , nnd nlecp as Houmlly an though ho had not a worry or ctre in the world. Ho grabbed bin tlnplate of ration * like an old one , and In fnct in all the detail * of jidl life reamed perfectly familiar. Hence no faith IH felt in any sudden reformation on hi * part , TUB MILWAUKEE & 8T. PAUL. Proffroaa of Another Grout Trunk Railroad Through Iowa. The Mnploton Press hat * aocurod dotiiiito infonnntu n from tlio locating engineers of thu Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad concerning the extension to Council Bluffr nnd the proposed branch to Sioux City. Tlio main line runs from Marion , five miles northeast of Cedar Rapids , nearly west through Linn and Benton counties to Tatuu City , where it crosses the Chicago & Northwestern , and then through the south edge of Marshall nnd Story oountieoand across ono township in Boone , touching Stvcdo Point on the DCS Monies , and down that valley three miles ; thence westerly , in north edge of Dalian and Guthrie counties , to Coon river , and up that valley to Coon Rapids in the southeast corner of Carroll , running westerly through Carroll and corner of Crawford to the Nishnabotany in section 2(1 ( , township 82 , range 38 ( when the Sioux City branch diverges ) , down the Valley to Defiance , on the divide to Mosquito , and following that crook to Council Bluffs. The line crosses the Chicago & Northwestern junction of Audubon and Harlan branches on the southwest corner of section 17 , township 82 , range 30 , at Manning , seventeen miles southwest of Carroll. The stations are all estab llshed on the main line , except ono in Carroll and ono in Crawford , either aide of Manning , it being understood that there will bo none at Manning. " The Sioux city branch will cross the fiioux on the county line over a inilo south of Smithland , about half a inilo north of the county line , en tering the Bluffs east of Smithlnnd , and via ( Jamb's crook , striking tlio Maple valley at the old town of Ma- plotown , crossing the Maple near the center of west line of section 24 , township 85 , range 43 No line has been surveyed south of Maploton at any time. The connection with the main line by the last survey was at the crossing of the Nishnabotany , about seven miles northeast of D - ilanco , 00 miles from Sioux City , til miles from Council Bluffs , and 429 miles from Chicago , making the line from Sioux City to Chicago 019 miles. Attempted Lynching- National AtaocUtvil 1'roM. CHICAGO , January 31. The village of Rock Falls , this state , is in an up- rrar over the attempted lynching , growing out of the case of inhuman cruelty to a child. Mrs. Botton , a poor woman , whoso husband is in an numio asylum , placed ono of her chil dren 'with a family namt'd Seymour. Learning that the child was being un kindly treated , she visited Seymour and found the child in a horriMo con ditiou from boating nnd starvation. The villager ! * were so incensed that a largo number visited Seymour's house for the purpose of lynching , but ho managed to escape , taking his wife with him. Every house in the village was searched iu an attempt to fine him. Attempted At Nitlontl AmocUUxI I'rou. QUINOY , January 31. An attump to assassinate Dr. T. Q. Black , ono o the 300 in the Chicago convention was made on Monday night ut hi residence in Clayton. Ho was at worl in his ollico when two men entered saying , "Doctor , wo hayo comotokil you. " Ono of the men thonossaultei him with a knife , cutting him severe ly. Ho was found early Tuesday morning insensible and blooding pro fusely. Ho .will probably recover. There is no clue to the perpetrators. Black is a prominent local politician and popular physician. Arapahoci En Route to ton- H tlon l AwocUUd l' e . 1'oiiT SMHII , Wyo. , January 31.- . Ai'ont Charles Hatton , with a part of five Arapahoe Indians , hns loft fo the east. They will visit Carlisle Pa. , wlicro thhtoon Arapahoe youth are attending school and thence t Washington for a talk with the prcs dent. A SAD CASK. The Blind WiincIoriuffH oF n. Nobniska Man In Search of ttollarfYom n Living Dentil. A iiiini nninod .loRoph Kingsbury waa yesterday cniud for at thu jail hero. He presented a pitiable Right , , . ' , indeed , nnd fully merited all the kind 1 attentions ho received. For five yearn ! pail ho Imi been troubled with n uiiior , which , beginning in ono eye , grown gradually until it now overs his forehead nnd face , except is mouth , making the mnn appear ko a monstrosity. He is totally lind , and suitors so much pain that t times his a.ind wanders somewhat , Us homo ia near Slromsbuig , in 'ork county , Nebraska. , wliuro ho 1ms sister living , but no family of his wn. It appears last December o started for Chicago , nnd from liore went to Boston , in search of urgical help to relieve him from this "ving death. Three yearn ngo head ad n surgical operation performed vhich roliovcd him temporarily , but Inco then the tumor ha ; grown nrgor than over , and this trip proved tmiccossfnl , them being no relief to o obtained , ns death would follow ny use of the knife. A few days ago the mnn started > ack , nnd though nlonu , blind and in win , made the trip successfully until 10 reached the transfer depot hero day mforo yesterday. Ho wanted to pinh n to his old homo in Nebraska , nnd lad his ticket through from Boston , nit his appearance , manners and con- nitinn led to his neglect , nnd nf or waiting about the depot all day , his aso was reported to the authorities B that of a pauper , and ho was taken o the jail. Hero ho was provided yith a room , food and mi attendant , t was nls'o fmmd that bosidcnhis rail way ticket ho had about > 0 in clisli , ind documents from Mamma in Bos on , recommending him to the earn of -ho - fraternity. Members of this irdor wore notified nnd steps wore ukcu to takn him to his homo as soon is possible. It appoint also that ho ) WiiB n farm in York county , No- > rnskn , and has meaim to cure for liniaolf as far as money in concerned. Yesterday , while at the jail awaiting .he resumption of his dip , the tumor jccan blooding profusely , and consid erable alarm was felt for him. Phy sicians wore called in , who cared for lim , but it was with the greatest difli- siilty that ho could be kept from ilooding to death. The physicians who examined him pronounce the tu- norous growth the largest over soon ty them. The man's condition ex ited the sympathy of all who saw lim , and nothing will bo loft undone o see that ho gets safely back to Ida riunds , who can care for him as no thers can until death brings to him hnt relief which it appears can coma a him in no other way , nnd which remises to como ere long. Bllnaod bySplto. An aggressive style of journalism s the readable , popular style , and or- liclos of that tinge are more taking , is the public enjoys outspoken , cour ageous utterances against anything and everything that needs donounc- ng ; but the public in equally quick to letectand disapprove cheap imitations of justifiable agressivonesa. Of late .hero have boon several such cheap nutations in the morning paper "by .ho wayside , " nnd the personal nni- itus has boon so evident that , like a ticking gun , it knocks the shooter over without dropping any game. Yesterday morning appeared an arti cle against the street railway of the city , in which it appears that its writer was called upon .o pay his fare in cash , instead of Doinjj allowed the courtesy of dead- reading as an nttauhe of n newspaper , [ f the Btrcet railway is a grinding monopoly , and its manager a "tyrant , " the attack should come 'roni some other motive than that of ! iaying to pay cash for \n\no \ received. [ t is n poor style of journalism thai irat supports nnd then attacks an on- .erpriao according to whether there are free pauses or not. There nro other personal grievances jack of the "free pass" trouble , but ; hey conporn the public but little , 3iily as they maka the motive of ac tons so palpable ns to cast a cloud over the honesty of the attack upon various other enterprises. These per sonal differences account for the tact that frequently there appears n lur or fling about tins city npodinir , a first-class hotel when jt is evident that it has the best between Chicago and Denver. This personal spite against the owner of the hotel in order to sntify itself IB willing to advertise this city as being without u first-class accommo dation for the traveling public , and urges thorn to go elsewhere. So blind is spite in journalism as to bo willing to drag a city down in order to nettle onn man. The same spite advertises the street railway as oxhorbitant in its prices , not because of an honest belief that such is the case , but because < f an itching to annoy nnd injure one man who is at its head. The citi/ena Bee- ing the movement are not influenced in the least , but those at a distance and not conversant with these per sonal grievances might bo mmlod , provided the paper publishing such attacks had the circula tion necessary to carry out the intent , which fortunately it has not. TIIK BKK has no desire to follow this line of alleged journalism , It has no friends to screen , no foes to fear , no spites to vent , and in its treatment o ! matters concerning this city and the intcrestd of the people of Uounci Bluffs , it does not propose to have its voice hushed by favors extended , or its ire kindled by favors refused. Whatever may bo the opinions as to the profits of the present line of sticoi railway , or however strong may bo the desire felt by some for n competing line , there is no baais for such a string of fallacies and accusations as npi i paarod in yesterday morning's Nonpar- ! ' uil.Thumain travel on the street cars is I i to nnd from the depots , nnd the dis tances in tlieao cases are long , and there nro few except throuuh paason * gerx. For n traveler to go two miles for fifteen cents in certainly cheaper than the bus accommodations fur nished in moit cities , and without n line of this kind this city would cer tainly be in a deplorable condition for facilities to reach the depots. The cars do not run continuously , as in most cities , mid in fad it is not to bo compared with the lines of other cities. WJinthcr it would pay to chnngo the management by running cars continuously , nnd reducing the faro to encourage short trip passen gers , is n ( luoatiou on which there might bo an honest difference of judg ment ' , but an opinion even on this point would bo worth moio coming from j a practical business timn than from f one whoso judgment is so weak ns to cause it to bo swerved by the giving or withholding of a bit of paste board. PERSONAL. .Minx Klytcr has rca'ynnl her position aa teacher in the public tchools here. Huiator llothctt , of L e county , an' ' ' Iteprcf-entativeH McCully , of Marlon , and HeynoMn , of Appano co , yesterday \inited the ( leaf and dumb institute , being ap pointed for that purports by th'o legislature. Among the attorneys attending the court hero are Mr. Gray , of Oakland ; K. A. llabcock , H , J. Chambers , J. C5. Tip- ton and John 1-icdwlch , of Avocaj II. 15. Williams and T. P. Kclley , of Glcnwood. i . Small Pox at Clarlntla. CoirenxjiicUnco o [ Tlm Ilcu : The small pox scnru continues in our city , although its actual presence is confined to the laborers' camps on ho railroads a mile or two from town , except two other eases in the suburbs which came from exposure in these camps. Everybody has been vacci- lated except R few who believe ono ; oed vnccino scar is enough , on the loctrinethnt "oncu in gracu always in urnco. " The locnl board of health is iloing much to secure us against dan- ; or from this drend disease. They built a pest house , although they hud o c.itcli n fellow from the coun try and keep him in the tor lovornl days in order to have a patient when the p. h. was ready for ocou- jancy. They have employed ono of their own number aa physician nt the Drilling fee of $50 per day ( always .ookout for No. 1) ) . The public Hchoola mvo been temporarily closed nnd tlio best troupe on the road coiiCdn't getn paying audience in town. Tlio boaid very wisely closed the schools , but with equal wiidom they did not close the beer saloons ; they nro running much the name aa ever , without even a protest from the city council. The snloona pay a big license and the schools pny none , and the money from licenses will help to pay the physiciuu'ri salary and the doctor who earns the small pox salary of $5,000 per day has n vtoo on the license question ; but in reality the health of our people is excellent. Many improvements are going on ; business is thriving , and soon wo win put on city airs , as the last census show * us to bo n city of the second- class. So wo will lay off our village dross soon and assume city manners. Til'JJSK. Bold Abduction of n Girl National Associated I'reas. PiTTHiiuno , January 31. A young girl , fonrteen years of age , named Eniaha Tiissig , retuding with her pa rents near this city , was nbducted last night , it is supposed by a man and woman named Martin , who passed for husband and wife. It is thought the girl lias been taken to Alliance , Ohio , where it in ropoitod the woman Martin conducts n place of ill-repute. Miss Tusaig's friends are in pursuit nnd will bring her back ut nil hu/jirds. The allair has caused considerable excitement in the TuEflig neighborhood. Death of a Valuable Dog. Nation * ! Associated lrcM . NKW ALDA.VV , Ind. , Jnmrtry 31. Thocolobratcdhuntingdoi ; "Lincoln , " owned by Harry Bishop , of Tennessee , hero for treatini nt on account of rail road accident , died hist night. The dog cost $11,000 in Englond. COUNCIL .BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. Ji'OTlCK. Special aibertlHcmcnts , such Mt , Pound , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , antti , Iki.irJInd.cV. , i\ | ! | bo lnncrU-J In thli column at ( he low rate ol TEN CK.VT8.rEH LINK for the first liisirlloii and K1VK CKNTS i'EK LINK lot each ubc < | uoiit Imcrtlnn U'a\oo h ortlicuients at our otllcr , Iloom C , ) : orutt' < Uloch , Ilroadwny. * \/ANTK' / ' To rent A ten room liotino Ii ? \ some (40ocl ( ni l lib rioo < i or two 8m lltr liousos side iiuhlft , Aailrcta I' . O. llox 797. . Council Illntf , , or U | > iili t HiKolllcc , ( . 'ouiicl Illutld. 4U-il Everybody in Council llluffi K WANTED lira. 20 cents per ueek , tie lUcrtxl by carriers. Ottlco , Itooni d , Kttictt'i ) To buy 100 tout broom corn WANTKI irtleuUn lulilrctw Uoiincll llluffi Droom PtcUjrj'i CounUl Ulufl , loux W.8 evtf \X rANTED-A nut-claw hrooro Her. M ym VV & Co. , Council IlluITi , Io a. 6UO-SO * . 8ALK-OIJ iu | > ora40c IMF hundred , at For. lloo oltlc . Council lllufts. c27-U niO I1KICK-XAKEKH. KOU AALO-5 acm or -1 morn ol UnJ adjo'nlni ; tlio brick-yard ol llanuur ti Hal ' on K | > ptr llroiviw-jy , For | M'tUuUr apply to Da\l.l ilalnrj orti lltnncr'i oitlcoat tlic IwJrd ol Trulo rorum. Council UlufT * . 22 Sin ' TICKCT OKPICB-War In railroad POTTKll'8 continued to boom. Unprecedented low ratta to all uuUm i lnt . i\cry : ticket k'uarantitxl. Onlcru Illknl iiy telephone , Froui one to ( en dollari BIUH ! by purinanlnff ticketl ol ( ! A. I'ottcr , lucctiisor to PotUr i I'ulmer , No. 40 tkjuth Filth utrwt , ( our doors Ulow tlio iKwt- olticti , Council IlluCTii , Iowa. octl3-tl WANTED Uoy , with | x > ny , to carry paper * Iniiulre t Um oltlcc , Council IlIuDt. octi3tr Notice. O ini ; to the inimonsc HUCI-CM c ( the new Golatlna Dromldn lnstanta * < vous Proceii at the Exci-lilor Gallery , Kllth tnt ( , Coun cil Dlufft , llio propriitor ilrnlro the o | ihliiir Clilldrcn'i I'lcturc * toiull bctuien ttiu hourxol in ami if o'clock a. in , , at a * ing to the Pro * ot Dutlneis nuili arrangement In ncicasary to avoU delay , JJO-lm d. DARKE , Proprietor FACTS WORTH KNOWING. "Good morning , MP. Jones. You seem in good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have been to the BOSTON TEA STORE , and find anything and every thing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I toll you , I can Save Money now out of my salary , and Live First-Class , too. It pays to go there. " "Whore did you say it wet ? " mm TEA OOHFY FINE GROCERS , IB Main St. ana 15 Pearl Sb , COUNCIL BLUPPd , IA. ( Onaollna Stave. ) EC. Xfc. OTOOVDEII3 , DIULXR IS' STOVES , TIN WARE , SHEET IRON WARE , 331 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , In. DO.VT I'A'L TO SHE TIIK STCCK OF W. W. BUCHANAN DIAMONDS , WATCHES , JEWELRY , CLOCKS. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 202 Broadway , GOUNGIL BLUFFS , H. H.JUDSON , DRY GOODS 405 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Offlco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. We give bpauUl attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will icvcho prompt attention. A general as bortmcut of Brass Goods , Baiting , Piping , AND SUPPLIES FOR Fotmdry , Pig Iron , Ooke , Ooal , CHAS , HENDRIF , President MaURER & CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Cut Gloss. Fine French China , SUvor Wort ) &c. , SIO IliiiHDWAV , COUNCII , tlLUFt'S , 10A'A Drs. Woodbury & Son , Cor. I'carl & lit A e , , COUNCIL 1ILUKKS. W. S. AS1KNT. JACOB SIMS AMENT & . SIMS , Attornays & Oounsollors-at-Law COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN , Marble and Granite North Fifth St. , Council OluITt W. W. SHERMAN , MANUi'ACTCnCR OK f\ ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY Fine Work a Specialty. I : II. SIII'.UMAN , Business WM. ClIIUSTOrilKn , Muhanlcal lUn ier. tf . 124 South Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , My Harness are Manufactured from A No. niL Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Orders - ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. MUELLER'S Dickering , Webor. Lindemaa , J. Mueller and other Pianos , $20O and upward. Burdett , Western Cottage , Tabor ] ! and Paloubot Organs , $50 and upward Musi IM cal Merchandise of every dtBcription. : g Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , Toye , Games , Fancy Geode , "Wholesale and Re L tail. Pianos 'and Organs sold for Cash and on Time. Stock' is large , full and com plete. Musical Journal tree on applica s tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : O J. MUELLER , i 103 South 5th Street. o IB COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCHASING- AGENTS And Dealers In all klnda ol 1'roduco. Prompt attintioti srhcn to all cons'gnmtnta. NOS. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. . -WILL SUPPLY ON SIIOKT NOTICE- Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders promptly filled and dclhcrcil to Kxjircss oftlce free ol charge. Send ( or Cutiloguo , -DEALER IN- PAPER.BOOKS . : STATIONERY , COUNCId BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer and Shipper of Brain and Provisions Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES. First National Bank , Stewart Bros. , Council Bltills ; 'William P. Harvey & Co. , Culver & Co. , Chicago ; E. A. Kent & Co. , Bt. Louis. METCALF BROS. , WHOLESALE IKALKK8 _ IS Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves./- CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. / \ \ ace REAL ESTATE AGENT , lias For Sale , Town Lots , Improved nnd Unimproved , also , Railroad Lauda , and a number or Well Improved Farma , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Oftioo with W. S. MIYXE , over Savings Bank , OOTJVOIIj BLUFFS BIXBY & WOOD , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass Goods , Iron and Lead Pipe , Fittings and ' Pumps , Kept in Stock. i No , 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. We Carry the Largest Stock of FINE BOOTS Si SHOES SLIPPERS ETC. , . , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs , All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW.1 Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which\ j has Begun to Arrive. > _ | Z. T. LINDSEY & C . , 412 BROADWA7.EGOUNCIL . BLUFFS. IOWA , And WEST SIDE SQUARE , GLARINDA , IOWA ,