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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1882)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEESATU.RD \ Y JA.ffUAUY 28 , 1882. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Xv.w YOIIK , Janrnry ' . ' 7. M. . < MK > . \ Money closed at 3 . Kxchanm cltned trm > tI S"ji ! I 5V ) Government bonds cl'i-u.l fmii. Currency ( V * 1 2f bid I'd rnupt'tl" I 18J bid 4J seoni v bid fix Coiitin bid G'R Continued 101 bid lt.MI.UOAI ) 110X1)9. Pnctfio bun Is closed .1 * fol'owa : Union lets 1 if.jjrtn 1V Union Iniid Grant * 1 l.'ljW't ' 111 Uniun Sinking r'uii't 1'J-JtCt'll 23 / Centrals 1 M .l 1 IJ STOCKl The , H.-ck mirke till- luoni'iif , ' was fttioiV d under 1 r e bnylt.K there \ \ is a non-nil , and in mime cases a nlmrp ndvpnce ; in tin1 li t the improve ment r.in0'ed from J to 8j | per cent. , and was lead by the Nortiiweitera , kee it St. Paul , St. P.iul & Omaha , Wiwt- ern Union and Southwest nhares. . . After 1 o'clock there wan Kama reaction , but In late ilrii'n4 ' { tin ) mark.'t beeamo etrong miin ; und . losed at nil idvnn o of J to 2 per cent. , in xcnaral Hit , and 1 to 8 per cent , for Hpeci iltics ill ; , ' Kichimmd it We t Point , ami Uichuio id & Allegheny. The folltmiiiK are tlie closing bids : JCoithwcst rn.805i Krie . .141 KriePreferred. . . . . SO K ir. Piicilic. , . 3.1 K & W 31 : Preferred . . . . 73 Adams llJ ( X , .h. , t hat Karjjo 12" Out & \V U2 ' ( ) C , f U.S 7 * Oiimli i G U 13 Pieferred ! ! ioi H&T S3 Pnnim.i. . . . ' " I'M Pieferred"lbil ! O K Silver 1 C 135 Prefurivd K&T 31 K 1 133" 1S 112S lltiiulini ; tili liitN M\ \ Sun Vraiifi'co.IH Little Pitts. . . . 17J St Paul UHIJ It X C. . . . 73 Preferred . . . . 122M \K& \ W.18 St. PTJt P. . . . Ill" M P 101 Union Pacific. MM X J C ml Wabi h MS NY'C 1311 Uo.fd fiSV Can-id : ! S Hlj Western Union. 82 C. A 133' 1) . .t It. G . . . . 721 O St It & X O. . 80" 1) & If 107 C P Wl 1) I , . K W. . . .I-JOA STATK IIONDS Sta e bonds dull , Trim -Ktee ( IV old , de clined t. 7lu. iMU'AnO MONLT 5IAHKBT. ( /IIIU.MJO. Januiry 27. The tlum nd for tnnnoy was only mod- t"-.xte and all the A 1 pa er pre-enteil \v jn shuuldiTed piomptly at l'7 pt'i c-nt. per nniiin. ' l'i t' ru eehaniiictwien ! fity bankrt f w e.ik with Miles at . " 0,80c ( di-cnunt p ! si,000 , and currency win nuleredfiom r : . Yor- . ' 1 ho clv'arinirM < if the at-xoeiateJ The 11 > v of c invni'y to wi.-tfin noints w only in xler te Opvici : or Tn : : OMAHA Bur , ) AVotli e < iliy Kveninu , January 27. } The only cli.uij'e ri-pontcd in niurkatit ti.-day w.-us in ) ; rain. Wheat declined Uc fur Xo. 2 . .ml 2j for Xo. 3. Rejected de clined IJo. C-irn declined ic. Oat * was ubuut th1 mine as yesteiday Urn in Dealings. \VUHAT. Cash Vo. 'I , 1 Piirh i ! . ! l9\c \ : rHJectod , 7 ' , c. ' " HAJiL'KY. Cash X. . 2 , illc ; No. 8 K YYCtoh , SOJc. , ' 'u.-'li Xo. - ' , I7c. - ' K > .li. J4'p. ! STlil'.i'.T PlUCKS-Corn , 0 ; uaiu , HAV < 00iriO ( per Ion. fiMnsIon" . . u : , Ol'K Sirnu ; wheat , straight Kindc , . . ' , . ! . "iO ; ' 'I'loiiLer" Calirornia , § 1 1(0 ( ; r > 67.1 no ; winter vnent ,'nt - , , , I , . . { --y , . t 2" > ; pntcnt , jl fiOfc.ri O'l ; i--i- < .r K1' , ! " " 0Yheat. ; . > : , ' ( Kt ; ( Jut-eu > , "I 2' . ; , \ . \ \ > " , 53 87 ; Hi , ; Si-ux , t " . ( ! PYI : Kijoyn 50 25. l ll.lii i l/i'l'"S ' , par BIVI. 1 00 n'- ) liT OJt7.0 ) , , -i-eonintjs , per cwt. i' ii'iorts. - * 1.00 feed j [ > ' ; cboipod | , | u i ov , 1 jt' : m-a' ' m'-'id. ' yelloiv , 1 10 ; white.SI 00. POT.M'oK's Neb nskiH , 1 101 20. . Ai.K I' POTA'PiKti-CtfiniiiifMiiMsi- 4in. ,1 , < i V ; . , . - . Ib. \V1LI ) < , ' KH.SK Out uf niirlcut. HGiS ( .L'TTICU Cii.iit-f , 2(5@2Sc ( ; P..OI . , . . . - > ti .1 t : fair , l.J ( ) ! M ; CiVrtmury , 3ifS,3 ( c. * Pl'LT'15 Hood , soiin.l . , vt-ry sc-icu it tt"i'2"i ? 00 per bbl. IilJMOXS Steady ; per bo\ , : .ri utifat 0 till. till.MALLAGA MALLAGA G UAPUS Per bbl.,88 r.O ; p < > . lialfbU.S50. BKKSWAX-Ykllow , 20@22o. : \IOXS-1 lOSil ! > per Inibhel. ( UANHKHK1KS bhl. , 510 11 0 < "KLIRV - iv. d/ , u c i5..c. J IJI SKIGI-i.SK-IVr : : Ib. , U@ OYSTKItS H.'leets. jr , ; BtandartU , 8 , ; . ! lKSSii : > ClIlCKUXS-Steady at 10' il , . MtKSSJII ) TITKKIJYS12J@18i - . Orocui's List. ( OI'TKK. Itiu , t.iir , 18 c ; 15io , gnod , H ' > ' prune to choiiv , f-l c ; Old p.v't ' A.- . iriinp'wdinV.UM. . WttJKiv. | .i "PJfir ; Jiitrial. _ , K"ixl , -Cm linf. lO'c ; 10 ; ' , : tinilat.-'l , lOJu ; J'owderoil , l)3n ( ) ' p.iwU-1-d . llic Standard , ; Coffee \ ; \c.v Voil. C'.infi-titioiier's Stamlan ) J , Gtuxl A , ! lfo ; Prairie Kxtra C , 84 1 , , HCl'h. Siift.if house , hhla15c ; lia'f bl , I7c ; Ugisli walloiH. S2 1U ; choice tn3 ( > nii ) , 12c ; half . Ilo , ke .s.W 10. iVl > A. wMit'b In | | ieih , S3 00 ; Do- ( nil do , ? 3 00 ; Chnrcb's ? . ' , t < 0 ; Knwl , . 'iARUn. ' 1'caillie ; Klhcr GOH ] , fij < fit l Corn iStaicli , Fj&'Jc ; Kxwlninr Gf . 7c ; Corn , 7tc. ilLT. Dray loads , per bhl , 2 1)5 ) ; AHI- ! radcc , 3 50 ; bbln dairy M. fa. 8 Ifi ; lldalry. 103.3 8 o : , JUKI ) l-'UUiT.S-Cliolw hul\o > , poliea , new crop , fijc ; K\.iiorated | Apple- , 6 box-s , 13c ; Miclii in , 8 > c ; New Yic appleSJc ; I'mnea , old , ( ! jc ; nuw , 7' ' Curra&U , 0 8e ; lllacUhflrrie" , new , jirnrSE Full , He ; Tort , i.l'KKWAKK-Two . hm > p lull' , A ) | ' , 2 20 ! Ko. 1 turn i' - < " . ' ! tubj , , 8 ud .Vn. : i lubrf. 7 VI ; jWr't-r wrJiboanl . If , . ' . ; Di.i.hln Ciuvii. , . ' t WcUI.ncl.ctw , iO , , . VI.Bur , WC3. .i T- : . _ Pej.jmr . , 10 ; AIMce , I'.la ; ( In , K' ' j jSutmoifrf , 31 09 ; 2f cCu : 9iii , AVCIH-P : : uvldlc , UOoj round . luare cse , ' L ) holce lard , I4jc : dried beef , ISJc ; nhould r * . IV- : hams , IsHc ; bacon , idden , lie. XK\V I'lOKLKH Medium , in barrel * , 310 00 : do In half WiK f > 7.f > : Mnallii , in Mils 12 00 an , iu half Mils , 7 CO ; K'ifrkliii ' , in bblis 1 1 00 ; do , ia half bbl * . 7 W ) . VIXKCtAU Pure M'l l extra , If.- : | iiitcat > | tlr , 13c : 1'ni-wlntr imro atitilp , IGc. HOMIN Y New , 5 50 jwr bbl. lUUNS-Medinni. hnml ricked' S3 75 PIT bushel ; n.ivy , S3 7f > { caM navy , $3 75. KOPK Si < al , i inch ami larger , 8J@ He si inch , 10t. SOAl'rt Kirk's Savon Imperial , 830 ; KhltV fiitlnct , 3 30 ; Kirk's * tand.iM. 3 BS ; Kirk's white Knsslan , 500 : KirkV Kul.uTt , 205 ! Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 tO : Kirk's magnolia , > 55@ 1 (0. ( (0.CAXUl.KR Hoxcs , 40 lb , 111 oz , S , ' llJojboxcs 10 Ibs. , 10 oz. , I'M , IGc. liYK American , 3 40 : Greenwich. 340 : Western , 2 " 5 : North Star , 2 50 ; Lewi * ' lye. ICO ; Jewell lye , 275. I'OTASH Pennsylvania cam , 4 doz. , hi ca-c , 3 35 ; Nabbiti's Bull , 2 do ? , in , 1 HOi Anchor Hall 2 dm In ease. I 50. KIPJ.ll SKMl ) - lied clover , choice nuw , $ (500 ( per Imohul ; mammoth oliiver new. $700 ; white clover , now , $1400 il alfa clover , new , J > t'J W ) ; .tUike , new , $1300. Timothy , p1" * ' . ne\\ \ , ? 3 00 ; blue * , extra clean , 31 W ) ; lilnc srapa , clean , $1 2t ! orchard KTIIS.S , $ 2 50 : ml top , choice , 1 03 : millet , common or Missouri , 80c ; millet , ( imi'iiii , $100 to SI 25 ; Hungarian , SOo. - HKnnKSHKP Onaso oratlfie , 1 to 5 Ini'licK 00 ; IH. KP cMli e , 10 mishelH or o\er , § 4 50 ; honey locust , l > or Hi. , 3.V ; t > or lQUj2r ( ) ! > 00. PISFnmilv hito tinh , ! K > 11) lif bbis , W 75 ; 60 , 1 white lich , ! > 0 Hi hf bbl , SO ; No. 1 white llsh , in 10 Hi kits , 1 00 ; f.imlly 10 Hi kit" , 75c ; New Holland herring , per kejf , 1 35 ; lltiiwliui sardines. " 5c : Colin11- bia river Minion , per lOOlbs 8 00 ; tlemveV Hunk codtinh , lie ; den. b.weless etxitish ; 'Jic ; boneless tifh , 5Ji ; . MAOKKIIK1 * lliilfbblmnessiu.icljerol , 100 Ibs , Sll ! 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ox xliorc ilo , 100 HIH. 0 00 ; hf bbis , fnt family do , 100 Ibs , 8Si ! ; mesfuuackoicl , 12 Ib kits , 'J 25 ; No. 1 ex Bbore , 12 Ib do , I 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 Ib do , 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do. 75o. CANNKD GOODS Oynti'w , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per cone , SI 00 ; do 1 Hi ( Field's ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 tt > ( Standard ) , ] > er case , 3 70 ; do 1 Iti ( Ktandard ) , per ciw , 2 80 ; do 2 Ib ( Klack ) , PIT cao , 2 75 ; do I Ib ( nlack ) , per case , 200 Onions 380. Salmon , 1 Ib , iwr dozen , 1 00Bl ( ) 70 ; do 2 Hi , per doyen ' ' 5" ) . Sardine * . unuill rVh , imported , ono qunrtvr boxes per box , Hit1 : Aniciicaii. cuart [ r bovcn jer box , lie ; do half boxes , per IKIX , 2ljc. "Lobsters , 1 Ib pur do/en , 1 80. Tomatoes. 2 80 ; do 3 II ) l > er ewe , 3 30 ; Corn 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per COM ; , . ' 1 ( ! 0 ; soaked corn. 2 10 ; do ' . ! 11 > ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , : ! C ) ; string beans , per can2 25 ; Lima brans IILT cune , 2 20. Succotash per case , 2 25. reiii , common , per c.ise , 2 00 ; pea * , choice , per case , 4 50. Ijlackberiic.s , 2 Mi , per case , 280 ; Atrnwhcriies , 2 Hi , per c.i-e , 275 ; rasjiberrie- U , per case , " 75o ( > 3 00. Damionu , 2 I1' , per ca-e , 2 l.'i. liartlett. pears [ > er c.i'-e , .HOofr//tK / ( ) . Whortlober- rirs ] > er case , 2 Stl. KjfK pbim" , 2 Ib per c. < e , 3 50 : do. cliciice , 2 Hi , pel c. . < e. 4 50. Rri'on j-a es'2 " ' l'el' c " * ! ' " ' : l' ' " choice , ' 7 Hi i > er ciw-e , I HO. Tine Apple" , 2 Ib , per c.isc , t 00fii)5 75. I'eache- Ib per cas ; 3 10 : do ! ib , c.v > .ii. 0 OOfn'l ! 50 ; do , ( ] > : o ) , . ' ! Ib , pel ease , 3 S5 ; do pit1 , li Ib , per do/uii , i > 50. HJC'H Cfiiiilina , K(5 ( } ? ; [ nnixiana , 7J ( ffsc ; ; fair , ( ! . \ ( .7. I'rAMT.S loa ! tul , choice , fed Ten- nesvfe , ! ) cp < > rlb ; fancy uliitu , 10t- per Ib ; ra'vvliite Virsinia raw , 10. , ; n\i-ted , 11 ic. Dry Goods. 1JUOWN COT I'ONS Atlantic A , SJc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A. 8j ; lloott FF , | c ; l-.ttclvoje I.L , 1-1 , 7c ; Cabot \V , 7io ; C'hittiiiiaiii'o A , ( i c ; Ori-at Fall K , ti c ; IIiMn'ur , OJc : Honest Widlb , 7'fc ; In- rtian Head A , "H'Jc ' : Indian FiUnd.ird A , 8 : ; Indinn Orchard d. w. , SJe ; Lawiency LL , 7c ; Myctic lliv r , 7Jc ; 1'eiiuot A , 8jc ; Khiiwinut lAj , 7c ; Utica C , fijc ; Wnchiw- ett 1 . 7io : do A , SJc ; do E 48 , 121o ; Wal- c.itt UH , Sic. FINK nilOWN COTi'ONS Ailendale t J ; 7J.c ; Alligator : i-4 , 80 ; Ar yle 4 4 , 7c ; Atluntic LIj. Cu ; li.idtrcr Statf X'4-4 , 7c Hennington C 4-1 , ( > Jc ; liuckoyuS. l-l , tj'icc Vndiun Orchint AA U-8 , bjc ; Lnuonia C 89 , Me ; LeliUjh K 1-1 , ! Hc ; l < on dnlo 4-1 , lOc : I'opm-rcll N 30 , 7c : do O 32 , 74Jc ; do U 80 , 7fc ; do K 80. SJc ; J'ocasa.-t C J-4 , 7V < : ; WaiiiHitta4.1. 13c. ] 5LKAH f 7U ) COTTONS Androscog- pin It 1-1 , lOcilil.ickstonoA A in perial'.lc ; dodoh.vlf bleached 4 ' . Cabot ; 1-1,8 ; Fidi'litv4-l , ! HrFruit ; of thiiljoom.ll ; ilo can brie l-4,13udii ; WaturTuint,10\cJreat \ ; FulUQ , lOJc ; ludi-in HeadHhnink5-J,12 c ; Ijnviale , lOJu ; do canibiio 87 , Uic ; New York Milln , 18c ; Vciplot A , lOc ; 1'epperell X G Twills , 12Jc ; I'ocahonlius I-J , UJc ; i'ocass't 4-1 , Sic ; Utica , lie ; WauibUtta O X X , 13c. DUCKS 17nbleached Atlantic , 10 o 17c ; Ualtinioro do , Kic ; J one ' 5ta' , 8 u/ , Uc ! : Sav.Re , 18c. ( Colored ) Albany E brown , 8c ; do C , ilra'iIf In \ 'v , Htiipew and plaidn , I2jc ; do XXX brown and drab , Htrlpi'H and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlinifton fancy , 1'Jc ; I'runswick brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fancy , 12Jo ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Kivei broxvn , extra hea\y , ll o ; Indiana A blown , 18c : Xoponsut A bromi , lric. TICKINGS Amo keHft A C A 32 , 17-io ; do XX blue 82 , IHJc ; Arrnwanun , lljc ; C'lamimnt 15 15 , IfHc ; ( 'one ( toga e.x- tr.i , 17Jc ; Hamilton P , fljc ; Lewihton A 80 , 15c ; Minnelialm 4-4 , 2ie ) ; Ome-'a nupcr 1-xtl.i l2Kc ; 1'earl lUver 32 , 10c ; I'nt- nam XX blue Ktritie , 12c ; Shetncket S lOlo ; do SS 12c ; Ywiiuau'i * bluu 2'J , 8ic , DKNLMS.Anioikcak , blue and liriiwn , Itiic ; Andover 1)1) ) bine , 15 > c ; Ailington bine Scotch , 18 0 ; Concord OOO , blue iincl biuwii , 12Jcdo ; AAA , do do 18i ; do XXX do do 14c ; ilaymiikcr'H blue and blown , ! Hc ; Mviftic lli\cr DD wtripe , UUc ; J'enrl Ifivei , blue and brown , 15Jc ; Uiicatiille , blue and brown , 18Jc. CAMlllUCS ISainard , . "ite ; Kddystone 21 inch double face , 8Jc : CJanier A , 5cp Manhattan f-Iovo ( inlnli , Nuwporl do Oc ; do plaxed , 5/e | / ; I'etjnot do 5 ? : Io k oed kid Hnihh , ( ic. COKSKT .IHANH Amorr , Sc ; Audron- in hattocn , 8 nlnraudoii ; ! , ( i cjConon- ( i.tttcein , 7jc ; Hnllowell , He ; Indian Orchard iiajirovud , 7Jc ; Narrai aiiHutt , "ic ; I'epperill tatteen 04r ; llockport , 7'u , VIMNTS- Aliens 6Jc : American , OJc ; Arivild , 7c ; I5 rnicV , l'c ) ; Cochec < i , 7"c ; ConeHtoya. fijr ; Dunkirlc , 4jc : Dnnnoll , tJ@7c ! ; Kddyutone. 7c ; ( Jlouceftor , ( > c ; llannoriv. 5lc " ; KnickertMicker , OJo ; .Mer- rimac 1) ) , 7c ; Myhtlc , 5Jc ; Sprai'ws , Go ; Koutlibriiign , lie ; do , Giii li.'iniH , 'c ; Mail- hi in i. 5c : Oiiuntal Ok. (1INKH AmoKke : * , lOJe ; Amos. dreiH 12 - Arvyle , lOJc ; Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; ] { i hlanH , 8ic ; Kftillwu/th , 8Jc ; I'lnn kctt , lOJc ; Sus- MOX. 8c. COTTONADKSAhbcrville 13Hc ; Agate , 20c ; American , lie ; ArtUian , : ifio ; 12c ; Tioja , inv ibecltH , 12JC ; < li. , Nankin , IL'ic ; York , pbdn Xankin , t2Jc ; do , checks , BtripeH and fancy , luic ; do , 8 oz , iiOe. ' 1 * do ' .I.I , 2lc ; do 8-1. 22ci Continental O 42 , lie ; Krnit of the Loom 10-1 , l7if ! New \ uik mills 93 , 8.'c ; ilo 73 , 30c ; do IK , : i : > \ < ; Kmibi-oke 10-1 , 2.rm ; Peiinot 10-1 , 2s4c ; do 7-1 , 1 : doIt ) , Kic ; Poppi'i-cll ftli , Uituj do fl7 , 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; Utica W ' : i > ; do BS , 22ic ; do 43 , 17c i and Toliarco < ns- SeedH , 815.00 ; , , P25.OT ; MixDjl , $3.5.00 ; Seed ] UiMl. & . - . .00ClearHjvaua. . 37.1.00. , ; i ; > 'IA ' 'f0 ! - 1'LUO. _ Gold. ! . Ilue | , 2) ) Ib , Wu ; hpottwi Fawn , Blc ; On , I ! . . | , . I quBllty , 6'Jc ; Btar , pouwln , IU Ib , butt 60c ; Ifon.e .Shoe , puundn , 24 Ib , butt * , OOcj J'urlty , i Ib. bull * , 52c ; Queen 15cc , 21II , , butts , fn , . ; C > ! lt LAtre , iKnimtrf , 21 Ib , lmtl . 00 ; Aiuy and J < avy , ixmwli , 65c ; Unll/wi , p COc ; iMiukid'a Climax , poundu , Olo. FfNK CUT-Iii p ilu-IJar.l to "to ; Golden Thread , 70o : Fountain , 80c ; Favorite , ti.1c ; Kocky Mimntaiu , OOo ; Fancy , Me : Unlay , hlto. In tin foil Catllnn O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , JKT Ib 05cj 1 < orl- lllard'n Tiger. IVV ; DUn.on.l . Crown , ( Ms. 8MOKIXG All trades Common , 25 to Me. Granulated Hlftck\u > ll Durham , 1(1 otMct Duke * Durham , 10 or , fXK : ; Seal of Xorth Carolina , 1C (17 , 40 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 10 or. 3Sct 1/olip Jack , 4 of , linen hngx , IHT 11) . § 1.35 ; Mnrburg * ' Puck , 2 o , tin oil , 55c ; tloitTnil , fi. ' > c. Paint * Olltftnrt VarnlihM PAINTS IN Olli White lend , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. it C. Co.tmiv , li" ; Marseilles gteen , I to f > Ib cans , SO.- : Kreneli 7.lno , M""U "eat. 12e : Froneh.Inc , red seal , lie ; French rlnc. In varnish usst , JOe : French zince , In oil asst , l.V : Haw and burnt timber , 1 Ib 12c : raw and burnl Sienna , 13c : vnndyke brown , 13v ivfmed lampblack , 12c : eo.ieh black. 1' c ; lory l blnck , Uio ; drop blnck , I tic ; Piiwslnn blue , SOo ; nltramaiine lilnn , lc : fhroine Krecn , L. M , * D. , He ; blind and fbutter tfrren , L. M. t D. , lie ; Palis Kreen. 18c ; Indian red , Iftc : Venetian ml , l"c " : ruscan till , 22o : American Vermlliod , I. & P. , ISc : chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. * 1 > . O. , I8o ; yellow ochre , IKKtrtden ; oelu e , U ) ; imtent Urrer , Oc ; graining colors : llybt oak. darken and HS'J ' 12c on c , walnut , chestnut Dry ° nlnt Wdte lesd , die ; French > iiif. lOc ; Paris wldteing 2Jc : whitinj ; Kilder. % IJc ; whiting coni'l , lie ; lampblaek Germantown - town , lie ; lampblack , ordinary , So ; Prits- wi.iii blue , ir > e ; rdttamarino , 18o : Vandyke , brown , 8c ; timber , burnt , Ic ; umber , raw , Icjsienntt , burn t , le ; nlenna , inw , It Paris green genuine , 3."ic ; Paris given t-om'l ' . ' . " ( . ; i-hromo green , X . Y. ' 'JOo ; chrotn- green K. , 12e ; vcnnilllun , Ttig70t - : \er- million , Ameriejt , 18c ; Indian red , 10o , rose pink , 1 Ic ; Venetian read , CookKimV " . $ c : Venetian red Am. , lc ! ( ; red loud , 7ie ; clirnine yellow , genuine , 20e ; vlnomu vel- low , K. , 12o ; oehve , rochelle , 3e ; in-hii1 , l-'ienuh , 2 e ; oehre , Anieiioan , lie ; WinterV mineral.jf ) tehigh brown , 2Jo : panish brciuii. 2 c ; Princc'x miiierid 3e ; VAll > lSHKS Uaruls per R.-illon. l.'urniture , extra , ? 1 10 ; furniture , Xo. 1 , Sljfnrniturt1 , U , 8'ic ; coich , extra , SI 10 ; Coach , No. 1 , 31 20 ; Daniar , i'l ' 50 ; Japan , 70u : asplmltiini , 70c ; shellac , $8 50 ; bard oil linish. St SO OILS 110'cartxn , per gallon , llje ; l..O' headliyht , per gallon , I'c ; 17o" headlight , per gallon , lOc : eryotoliiie , ner gallon , JOc ; linseed , riw , per gallon , ( ' (5 ( ; lin > > tied , boiltd , per gallon. liSo ; lurdlnterst 'd , pernal- Ion. 1 O.'i ; Xo. 1 , 80c ; Xo. 2 , ( Vic ; castor , XXX. p r gallon , 1 30 ; Xo. 8 , 115 ; tweet , PIT gallon. We ; sperm , W. IJ. , per gallon , 1 8.1 : ti-li , W. 15. per gallon , fiOc ; neatsfoot , exit a , [ > er gallon , 7"ic ; Xo. 1 , ( Me ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; summer , Ific ; o den machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 3.1c ; No. 2 , .SO ; cporm , vignal , per gallon , SOc ; tei- pentine , per gallon , ( lie ; n.iplha , 71 % | > er Kiillon , 80c ; HI" . 20c. Lumber. FKNC1NO No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , f'20 00 ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. . Ill 00 ; sheeting dic-m-d , No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , Hi 00 ; common boanlr. dreswd. 20 00. FU AM INC. If. ft. Mid under , per M , 20 00 ; 10 ft. htuddinij , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ; 2-1 ft. 2500. FINISIIINU No. 1. fmUh IJ , 1J and 2 inch , S50 00 No. 1 iinish I incli S-l.'i 00 ; No. 2 , linifli IJ , Ij and 2 inch , § 1500 : No. 2 liuisli , 1 inch , S10 00 ; No , 3 linish , 1 inoli , ? ; ( . " 00 : O. ( " ! . battens pei iOO feet lin. , SI 00 ; well cnibing , $2200 ; rough J and 2 Inch b.ittoiiH per 100 ftet lin. . f.Ou. STOCK \KDS-A stock , ? -10 00 ; 15 585 00 : C , ? ; > 0 00 : common stock , 822 50. Fl.OOlilXr No. 1 , SIO 00 ; No. 2 , 3CC 00 ; No , 3 , o22 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , SIO 00. SIDING No. 1 , $21 00 ; No. 2 , $2200 ; No. 3. SIS 00. Still' LAV 1'lnin , 22 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , 3t200 : ; No. 2.82200. CKrMNO $21 00(5i37 ( 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A starbest ( ) bliingles. S3 85. No. 2 , § 2 50 ; No. 3 , S2 00. Lath , § 3 50. Heavy Hardwara List. Iron , n.tijB , ! J3 50 ; plow steel , cast , 74 cast tool do , 15ai20 ( wagon spokes , sbt , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per bet , 1 25 ; felloes , niwei. drj' , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70S)85c ( ) ; r-xles caeh , 76o ; square iiuUf , per Ib , 7@llc washers , Jor Ib , 8@18c ; nvetH , nor Hi , lie coil chain , per Ib , 0@12c ; malleable , Sc ron wedges. Go ; crowbaix , fie ; harrow teeth , -Ic ; horsesln.e'i , jier keg , B 00 ; spriiij , steel. 7@Sc. NAILS 10 to 20d. 8 GO ; 8 to 10 , 375 ( VI , I 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; 3d , comninn , 5 00 : 3d , fine , 0 50 ; clinch , all hi/es , 5 25 ; lid , casing , 4 75 ; 8d casing , 4 50 ; lOd casing 23 ; 10(1 finish , -I 75 ; Sd finish , 5 00 ; ( VI finish , 5 25 half k Ks , lOc extra. SHOT. Shot , 31.85 ; I5nck shot , $2.10 ; Oiieutid 1'ciwder , kegs , 8 ( . 10 ; do. , hall kegs , § 3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; lilast- iiiK , ke H. § 3.35 : Fuse , ner 100 feet 50c. Horiea and Mules. The market is brisk and all grades arc felling well at i' Alight advance in piirun. The demand for good hnrnca cxoeeds ths supply coiiHiderably. Vrices range a fol io wb : Fine single drivers , S150. to 300 , ; ] ' 'xtra dr.ift horses , ? 175. to 225. ; Common draft , horseH , SI 00. to 150. : Kxtra farm Iiorscn , S110. to 125. ; Common to good farm hornet SOO. to 8100. ; Extra plngo , ? liO. to 75. ; Common plugs , $20 , to § 40. MULF.S. 15 to IfiJ hands ( oxtr.i ) , ? 125. tolHO. ; 1IJ to 15 bunds , 5100. to 110. ; 14 to MJ hands , § 75. to 100. ; 13J to 14 hands. $ GO. to 75 Liquors. ALCOHOL 187 proof , 225 per wine gallon ; extra California- spirits 187 proof , 1 81) ) per proof gallon ; triple rutinod spirit * , 1P7 proof , 121 per proof gallon ; re-distilled vbivkies , 1 00ft ( tut ; line blended , 1 2 TO ; Kuntucky liourbons , 200 ( .700 ; Iv-n tncky and l'emisylv.inii ryes , 2 00@7 00 BHANDIIvS-Imported , ( 00@ir.Xj domestic 1 10@4 00. CINSi. . : .juried. 4 fiOffiG 00 ; domestic , 1 40(213 ( 00. HUMS Imported , 4 Mf < > 00 ; New Knclnnd. 2 00a4 00 ; domeitit1 , 1 53 50 VKACII AND AJ'PLK BUANDY 175 ® I 00. CIIAMI'AGNKS Iini-irtcrt per case , 2GOOCc O'Awjr'MJ case. 1200 ® .H 00 CLAHKTS Per cane , 4 50@lfi 00. WINKS HMnevine , per case , I ! 00 ® 20 00 ; Oatawbd , per case , ! 00@7 00 , Oulldlrc Material. LIMK Per barrel , § 1 35 ; bulk perbii , , 35c. Cement , bbl , 82 50. Iowa planter , bbl , $2 50. Hair per bii. 3.'ic. Tarred felt 100 Ibd , $3 50. .Straw board , fi CO PAl'KIt Stiaw paper , 8fc ; ra ; ' paper , Ic ; dry goods paper , 7u ; mamla pupur , lOu ; new pnpor. 80 , COAL Ciimberland hlackumlth , ? 12 ; Morris Kim Hlowdjnrg , § 12 ; Whitelircast lump , § ( i 50 ; WhitebrejiHt nut. Sd f ( ) ; lotva lump , § 1 ! 50 ; Iowa nut § 050 ; Itock Spring * , § 8 ; Anthracite , all sizes. § 12 00&12 ,10. Wool. Alerino unwashed , light , 14@irc ; heavy , 13@lRc : medium unwashed , light , 18&i20c ( ; tnb-wohlutl , choice , 82c : fair , 'Me ; dingy and w. , 28c ; hurry , black and cottcd wood HldM hurl , Etc. IIIDKS Green bntcher'n hide , 7c ; green cured hidea , 80 ; green nail , part cureil hides , TCi77c ; dry Ilint.Hiimd , 13(5)1 ( ) lc ; dry calf and kip , 12 18c ; dry n lt hideHound , 1K&U2C ; green culfvt. . 8 to 15 Iba , . lOfesl lc ; gicen calf , wt. mi.ler . H | | , H , per iMit , ( fx- gietiiijioltH , 81 00S1 ( lSgrorn ; InmliHkliH , 1 10@12-ri ; damaged bidua , twn-thlul ra.u , cut Hcored und one grub. ( .IHHHIM ! two1 DUUGS AND C. CarlKiiic , 50c ; Acid , Taitario , 5fic ; liitlxuin 45c : Ix'.td , Acetate , J > or Ib , 2lc ; Oil , ( Vitor , No. 1 , per gal , * 1 35 ; Wtl , OasUr , No. 3 , tH > r gal , § 125 ; Oil , Oll > e , porgal , SI 50 ; Oil , OngMiuni.Wc Opium , $4 M ; Oulnino V. * W. * H. * S. , per M , § 2 75 ; rota. lum , lixlide , per lb ; J2 40 ; Salacin , per oz , 40c : Sulplinte of Morphine , per o * . § 3 iMj Sulphur Hour , t > cr Hi , 4ic : Strvchnino. tier of. fcl 45. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Council Bluff * Mnrkot. ( YiUNi'll. ItU'KKf , January 2" . Flour Manufactured by Crystal and City Mill . 3 75(0 I f.O : Kan as and M ! . souri Hour , 350(2)1 ( ) 25 ; gritham , 3 75 ; rye Hour , 3 10. Bran nud Short * 15 00 per ton. Chop Com 22 50 per ton. WheatNo. . 2 , § 1 20 ; No. 3 , 90e : re jected , 70c. tornNo. . 2 , 50. , rejectee ! 48c. Oils -No. 2. UV ; reject i , a' c. Harlcv N. > . 2. ! HV : Xo. 3 , "Bo. Hny-li..o o. fi 00j ( ( ! 00. \VoiHl 5 Wfri' 7 W. I. it olloi-s 52 , 1575 Cattle-Shipping , 4 50 ( Vi 00 ; mileh cows 80 OO'ifiUi ( X JUT head ; mitchm Ktock , 3 OOCn'3 ' 50. Sheep-375GSI2V G Hldvs-5cUShlde , 7c. Wool-15gi.5. ( Imtter Creamciy , 80i-ln ; lollc , wrap ped , 2.V : i-"lls nowrapi cd , 20c ; mi\ed eo'on15fif20e. . llggit Pnt-kod. Kit1 ; fresh , SOi' . Potatoes lOfit 1 : W ; S. U L.ike , 1 5 > . Onions - 1 2. ' . ( 1 10 Dn-ssed I'.mUryCliii ken * . 10j ; duel < i > , UK1 ; gei' e , 12Je ! ; tur I-J-H , 12jc Live Chickens- 25 per dozen. frodaoo. ( 'iiirvtiu. ilnnuaiy 27. On 'ch uge the nurkets were fe > er ! < h. TinteceipUof grain \\o e 4liO i' r loads , embracing OS of wln-nt , 28 t c.iro , SS of o-1 ! ' . ( i of r > e and 3 of bailey. Flour Ste.uly and firm , but no special diMiinnd ; roininon to rhotrnHprltiK western , 4 5' ' ( 7K ) ; Miune.M tn , 500 725 ; nalecits , 7 fiOGi. " 75 ; winter brands , 0 ! iO@7 2'i ; iwektthea' Hour , 5 50Ti ( 0 50. Whe tIn No. 2 iiringiggregal bust ni'si trausaoted in this market was very fair , anil ptiees ruled higher uitb feeling . " < mii'\vlmt iiiK-ottlin ) , and a uood demnnd d'lilng most of the s si n Oper'tir were uudueidi'd as to . Inch coitiso to iiursue , and watched the nuirkit closely for any n w itpvelopnicnts which miiiht appear , The market opened about " higher , re eeded "e , rallied V , and afitir some lluctu- ations declined lie , ngaui ndlled , tluct\i t e.1 somewhat , ami fimillv c'o ed IJitjlj higher bo ird , and on c.tll at 1 3I { foi oi'li nnd Juimart ; 1 8ljJ for l''ebuary : I 851 for March ; 1 3C.3 for A id ; 1 3Si for M'iv ; 1 H1/ / for year ; No.18 spriiKipnot at 1 17.J ; i ejected s ecdy at S7stl7e ( , ac- coidin t > loc.iMon. Corn - Kvldbl'ed a llttli1 more stiemth at opening for moro deferred dellterios. Tim olTerings , hottcxur , weie quite I ret1 , and feeling became wo.iUer accompanied with a re. iictii'ii of } fii o in piice.s. Ship- iiing dnmand tuodciate : No. 2 a > , d hi li mi\ed closed .it lilli' for cash ; 01 Jo for .lanuaiy : 01 } c for Februsiy ; iil'iefoi Mainh"tiJc ; ! ! for May and .luno ; ( i7c | fur .Inly ; injected in $ < od leipmit at 57'iC" 57 lu. lu.Uds Steady and a moderate busim1 was done ; N-i. 2 elo-id at 48 0 for cash. ilamia y , and Felnuary : 48c for Maicli ; ' I55c fi.r'Mny ; lojc for Amit. lltu-StoadvNo. ; 2 , .liio for c.inh ; llliic foi .lamia1 v : Ulij for Martli. liirlny--Vfry ipiiel , nnd no p.iiticulai att ' 'inn I'iven to the market ; No. 2 eh < eil at 1 03 $ for .lanuaiy : 1 01 .fanuarj at d 1'V.biUJry. i'oikModerate y active and steady ; mess closed at 1H nnlS ( 2 > for cash ; IK 0) ) for Jauntily ; 18 15 for Febuwrv lS87i for Maieh ; 18 CO f-r April ; l t2J for Miy. I/ird Vuirlv ac' ivo and steady , clo-ing lit 11 25 ( < i ll 27\ for fasti ; 11 22x for F-b- niary ; 11tOfoiMarch " ; 11 52J for Aptil ; II ( "i for May. Hulk Meats Quiet ; short ribs , 0 10 for i-atb ; ' . ! 12J ( or Fi-biii'iry : ' .I27J for March ; 0 12" " , for Apri1 ; ! l 50 for May Whisky Steady at 1 18. I'ulter Tn good demand and light sup ply ; cieamerv , choice to fanny , 88(5) ) lOc ; fair to good , 80@3ic ; dairy , 3ii.8.riu ( ) ( ; do f.iir to peed , 1SS22 ; frenli mtidu puck- irg stock , 10ii)12c ( ) ; ladle pack-d , common to KO'd. ' 18 )18c ; r.ill. i21c. : ! Kggs Olferings ample for the present reiuiictncntH | of ilie local tr.ide at ITWl o per do/en ( r strietly fre < > h , and 13jnllc ( ! for ica houo. " Iteo'tH. Khipm'ts Flour . ! l,57i ( 15,851 Wheat . 2lfii ( ; ! ( ls,4d7 Corn . UI2.-I08 | iil,2 ! 1. ' . Oatu . 8i.85i ( ( ! r.IS8 Rye . 8 , < il' ' 181 Biuley . . . -I'l/.HiS 10,187 Chicago Uvn Stciolc. CIIIUAOO , iTaniiiirr 27 Hogs JtcceiutK , 25,000 he-d. Con-id- fi o.l 'n n whole , tlie market was Heady. Common to o d mixed ruled a little slow. Coarce , roujjli hogn were incry libeial supply and they weiu bald to i-ell atiallter [ irices ; the riniKu was 5 yofeli 50 ; ] io.vy _ packing and diipiiing activn and whippcrs bought piftty freely , though our borne buyers were a lit'le ' indiflemit. They were not disposed to pay tlio stronger rates asked , ilntvv packiiu and shipping hogx sold ut ( i Kiu.I.I ( \ , and few fancy Mibcti-iiHrnld highrr"Plladi'lpliiiis ; | anil 1-ird hog , li 'Mii7 25 ; light IKI H , moil- orate'y actl\o at 0 00(7/i ( ( [ iO ; skips and en is , 8 OOta 8 70. Cattle Receipts , 4,000 he id. ShippiiiK grade < steady. Very few choice on s le. Common to fnir , 4 25@l 'JO ; medium , 5 00ft n 20 ; ( { mid , 5 2 ( ) ( < i5 40 ; choice , fliri ( &i5 80 ; mixed hntcheni' htock , feeling bet- tnr ; COVVH , 225(7' ( 3 85 ; bull" , 2 75fe I 70 ; steers , 1 Ollfel 40 : Htocktr.s und fiudcrs , not wnnlud ; piirticuLkr stockoin , 8 Wa 8 75 ; fe.-dur. * , 8 85ifi4 ( 00. Sheep Iteceiptc , i ,800 huud. Maikct is still H wain pt-d with common sheep a < > d very few good an imal are coming. Tlie innrket to-day wan w ak and K'OW. ' Cum num. 3 00 ; good , 4 50@4 75 ; choice , 5 ( III fyji 25. Kanaon City Produoo Murliot. KANHAS CITV , .Iantrir.v27 Wheat Keceipts , 7M8 bu ; withdi.i n , 9,014 bu ; in > lutv , 228,518 bu. The market W H weak und slow ; No. I iii : > li , 1 01 bid ; .ranu.ry. 1 01 bHj Martli. 1 ( ) . ' ; No. 3 i ash , 1 03J bid ; .lamiarv , 101 ; Ffb- ruary , 1 Olg bMj March , 1 Oli ) , 1 1 1 ; April , 1 " 8 ; No. 2. 1-anli , 1 2' i bid ; .Janti.iry , 1 20 bidjFtibniaiy I 2li bid. Corn UuofiptH , 5,11(5 ( bu ; withdiawn , 1,001 bu ; in store , M2.17' ' bu. The market wan actlvo i.nd a sbad higher ; N'n , 2 mixed iash , ( JOc ; Jniiuury , ( iOc ; l''ebni- ry , 5,000 bu. . ! M [ < i , 10.000 lin. , Wljo ; March. ( iOjo bid ; Aiiril , liljjo bid ; May. liUJc liid ; N . 2 wliltii mixed ca-h , (15c ( | ; .ianuai-y , ( i5Jc ; M iy. ( ! Sc OatsKcctijilH , ' .111 bu. : wilhdiawn , bu. , inttore , : W,820bu. ; No , 2 cuuh , l ' /c / bid. bid.Itye No. 2 o. b , < Ki hid ; .Innu.irv , , 'OJi1 ' , City X.l o Stooli KANSAH Onv , .January 2'i. ' Ciittlu . Ilcccljits , 211 head ; the mar ket wan rjuiut to-day at yesterday's pr't- ; HldppjrH uf 100 llw. , 0 30 ; food'iH .if I. ! 100 IU , 150c-oco ; | Htoei of frmn li(0 , ( to l.'OO llj-i. , 4 Ma I 05 ; ht .iloi- , 1 00. ' II g Hico'iitH , 5 4IU ! lii'iidtimniailxl ' to-day wan artfvu lid MHIIH liiKhui th.ui yurttt-rday , ruiu-e , 54"f/li ii7j bulk , (11 ( > v \ I ! 10. | Tol.Klm , .h.iiuiirj 27. \N hwilKaslti j No. s it-1 1Ujf for u ch .ind Fo ! ruary ; 1 13' for M rch ; 1 113 for. Ajril and .ilnv ; 1 42j/m Juno Com Qnli'i ; X . . ' , caju for ci h , , Januuiy und I'ubruui ) j ( iljo fur .Murcli ) i ( iSi ) ; 'or ' May. Oat , . X'jtl.ln . , doiiiB' . | Clnvolikuil Ci.uvKi..4.ii , .Miiuary 2 ? . atrolwiuri-l'iriinrj ta.idur < l white , i'O ' T , 7o , St. Lout * Prodnnn- ST. lXl'H. itftNiinry 27. Flour-Unchanged ; XXX. 51XK < 580 ; 'amily , 0 l"i ( < iO 3D ; cholco to f.uicy , ft CiOnl ( 7 15. 15.Whent WhentOi enod higher and declined , closed Mightly belter : No 2 roil , 1 41 $ 'or cii h : 1 I.Vf f r February ; I IIJ fur March ; 1 1'iJf'TAp Hand May ; No. 8 Id 1 3iS ( : No 4 do. 1 18. Com Dull ; (11 ( Jo for c.isli : CUc for I'rbruary ; ( V.'e for March ; tWJi6tVJc f r Miiy ; lejecte , ! , l > 0iilc. | ( ( Dull ; Itijc for cash : -ICic for May. If ye Dull atlV'iJobld. lUrley--l'iiehnnged at S-'ic ® ! 10. HuttiT rnclmiigcd. Hirgs Unelmnged l-ead-JuiHnl 185. hiiky-Ste-dyat 1 17. Pork Dull at 18 VO fur job lots ; 18 10 'or ' Mutch , LttrdNnininilly 11 20. Itec'ts. Shtpmta. Flour . 42KX1 8,000 Wheat . MI.OOO 00 000 Corn . 58,000 78,000 Oats . U.OOO 10,000 live . - - llarlcy . 2 , ' ( ) i 2,000 St. Louis Live Stnoli- ST. Low * , January 27. HOKS Aclho nnd titin ; \ery lljbt nldp. piiu' , 0 0 ( rfll 10 ; Yorkeis , (1 ( 1 A ( < i 11 :15 : | | iacklmr. 020atISO : bu e'.ers to fanny , fi S5d ( 7 30 ; p K , o 75 ( < i 5 ! K1 ; skip- and eulfs , 42. ' 6 ) fi25 ; nveiptx , 3,700 ; chlpmt-uts , S- Liverpool Prtiiliton. l.lVKlirouu Janviary 27. FlourAniorleuii , 10My ( 18j. Wheat -Winter , l"s 81ltOI"Mlldthiie ; , 10s 4liillOs , ( 7d : spiinx- , ! l. Md lO.s < d ; club , 10s' ' In. Corn-5sUld. Per < 77s. Lard fi7s , liei-eipts of whrat for three days , 210- WO centals 73,000 being Amuric u. NowXnrk froitnoc NKW YiiiK.lanui > rv 27. Flour CJnlet but s'eiidy. Soul iern Hour itendy ; common to choice extra , 5 Ml © SO i. WheatFeviulsh and nun-tiled and lower : No. 2 ird , 1 \ \ ( SISJ \ \ : No. 1 white , 1 18 ; No. 2 red , February I 47 ! 0.1 4S1. Coin -llea y , lower ami unsettled ; un graded mixed , Ii7iii72j ( ; No. 2 , 70 * ' ( .7.c ! ; do. February , 70Jji)7U' ( ) . Itye- Firmer at ! > ! Ky.OSc. Dai ley Otdet O.its Dul ; No. 2 mixed , January , I7jc bd : d.i. February , 48i" . Pork Dull and weak ; new spot mesi- , is 25. Lard We.tkand dull at tl (0@ll ( 15 ; I'ebnury , 11 57iC lll 02 $ . WhM < yNominal. . lytroliMimMarl.ut linnml iiiiet | ; I'nilcd , 8 e ; enule iu biriels , ( ! | n)7ijo ; ie- lined in liarrel" , 7jc , Clnoiiiuntl Prnduco. ClNt'iNNATl. .lanuary 27. Mess PorkFirm ; IS 40@ > lSfiO. Lard Dull ; piiino sti-am , II 20. imlk MeaU Qui-t ; clear Bides , II liJjfr ! ' 75. Hacou-Clearside- 510 874. Flour- Dull ; family , ( i 3' . ( < fi7 75. WheatKasy ; No. 2 led up t , on tiack , oin Firmer ; No. 2 niivoil , spot , f > " { e O.itsd. . -I mixed , 48c. - ) ; 2 , 1 Odd/ 1 07. Hurley Dull at .sric.i 1 ( : . Whisky Firm t 1 10. Piwriix Prniliioo. PICOHIA. Jnmiary 27. Corn Firm ; new bi b mixed 00 ' { fu Olr ; miM'il , ( iUOniOj-- . O.iU Firm ; No. 2 white , 45 < Wlric. ) Kyo Firm ; tl'.l ( " ' -Hlic. Higliwines Uunclmnge I at 1 ll > . Jlec'ts. Sliip'ts Wheat . . 4,1)00 , ) noin Corn . 4,5.l ! ) 31,0l' ( Oats . 8 ' ,550 1,12 : Kyc . -I.1MI 2,5 f Barley . 1,050 ( WC Baltiinuro Proilnuo , H.M.TIMOIIK , Januaiy 27. Flour Steady. Wheat-White southern ( itiiet ; Fult/ 143@l-ir , ; Luigbetry , 1 47 : No. 2 ie < winter easy and quint at 1I'JJ for cash am lamiary , Corn -Whilo soiithein dull , SO&Klc j'i'llow stead } , V'lc. E'-istliiborty HVD Sluolt. KAHT LlliKinv , Pa. , January 27. Cattle Noihiug doing ; mcniplH 1 0.17- Hliinments 1,530. Hogs Fait ; iciit iptri 27li ; Mhipmuiilu 200 , Philadi-lih | ii , § 7 25 < Vn7 40 ; Yoik- irs. S7 ( i5. Sheep Nothing doing ; rrcniptH 200 ; bhipmcnts tWO. Turjioiitliio Wnrliot WII.MINHION , N. ( J. , .l.inmiy 2.1. Uo"in Dull ; htii.ln.-d. . 1 ! I5 ; ' . ; end , 2 00 Spirit - Hull at .W/ifiOic. Tai Stoadyat 2 (10. ( TurpcntimIni'giilar ; liauli \ W ; mifl , 85U ; Virgin , 300i/850. ( oiluu < i , I'llll.Ainti.l-uiA , Jauntily 27. Wheat Hauler ; 1 424Cil H for IMC ) nnd Janunri ; 1 I8irr < l It for IMnu.iry. Corn M.imtr ; lilf ! | , ( ilju ! foi uukh' and January. OaU KIISKI ; IHi'fi(50iu f r cash and January. KyoQuiet. . _ Bnlfiiln Ijtvi > titoolc. UAHT iiiiKCAi.o , J.muaiy 27. Jlogn Iticci tsriljhliipiii''iitH.'t2j Y.irlf- ers ? li 'OGi'i ' 80 ; medinni und huniy , % > W ( at' 00. NOTICU. OSIAIIA , Neb , , .lanuary 27 , 1WW. TlioV. . ( J T U. Imvo routed u room in Jacobs' block for the MHO of thu Hnviuly und a public reading rouin. Tliu following coiiiiuiltro Win ; uji- jiointcj to Holiuil iML'HHMHH to fiii-nihh it. ; Mni. ItuirniiirliH , Mrn Itull , Aim. Hunivor , Mm. Wiilkur , iMra. ( Jlwrituii. ( inl Vaccine I'uints in ' illO ! oily " l "AU.UV KM' , " , t nnd Just ivcuivc-d l . .lohnV. . Holl's , SL'OTonUi Sh-oot. ji.7-lt liluuk Silk HuilH from $17.f > 0 up , at Hponhl Cloning out Kilcut A ald'ti Kiiipuriiini of luuiluoii , MdB I'-ii' , tippohilii ( jniiiJ puiti" ! liotol. KuitH .mil Oloi1 H jiodii iveloy H'.kl for Jinn tliiit. wliut Diuy cult , to in iktt room for Hpi inu ( i.iilii. li'uluBl Hi ! , son'.i hiyli"i oairmd o\vj' , couim- iilulitjy | pU'Hrnt ntool : nilint 1)0 liulJ ji .in'IfhH ' ol in nl. A lot of j0y ( ] , IIBilflll HIM1 Btyllull Httlir HIJJlH Vtillblt h < ild fur $5.00 , blnob nilk nuils from 818.00 up , wi-itppuiii and jnckgU ; iC ( lucidijfl lutr fiins , u few tilucl ; WitlkiiiK juclatMnun $ .00 npWiinls , midor- .vd.if , jiugmry mill ulwi-.ti will bu ted | lit : rtlilCOll ! ) tKirJy nnd tiecitro 111BTURNEU8. The Ntiitli AnulvoiTiiry ofu Most Use ful Socloty. Thursday nun of the p ingR of tut' eaM < n \ \ as hold ut ruriiur liall , wliuro about sovoiity-livt' ccuiplos nA cinbU < ( l to dti honor to tlio iinth uumvermuy of tlio Tumor nocioty. ProcotUiij * the uninil ball VMIR an i-v collt'iit concert by llu > Musical Union orchestra nnd the Tumor quaitotto , n the courao uf which an o\hil > iii < ui if turning by the two f'usr.fu ' nnd u very apiuopfialo addrtn.s by the proii- lout , Mr. II. F. WillnidtMIH ploia ml fiMturoR , The nroyr .nniio opimod with the 'TunioM1 AnnivurHAry Miuch. " a tii'co of uiuaio coinjuiaiHl for his t'f-pi'ciitl ooc.isi.iu . by Prof. Stoiu- liausiT. It was \ory line , and uoL oooivud by the audionco. The I'xlubitioii liyt'io ' juvonilt1 class , , hu o'tU'-st of whicli ' 'IIH not ovur : wolvu ) OIM : of nun , was very line , iu- it'inailxtlilc , and was giv.Uly on- and appri'oiittoil by Uio audi- I'ollowiiu ; thm oxliibitinu , the over- tutu to "I'out and Peasant , " by tlio I'lntin orclut.str.i , wan ( ' .oliylit- fully U'lideruii. Mr. H. K. Willjodt , tlu > president of the 'I'urnor Rocioty , t en made IUH aunutil iulihv8H , which , bruitly CMII- meii , wait as follcwH : ' 'Wo Cflobrato to day the Imtliday of our society ; it in a reunion that 'ingH forth our boat wiahon and eiij theua ouraclvuH in the purpose to WHi-k for the good of our society. Such eeliibr.itions wo lintl in all plncos , in the family circle as well aa aiui > tii > M nutioiiH , and there as well an herothey VO tlio BUIUOUUIIHWU to slren tlirn union and yoml felhntnhip among moil , break up egotism , und Itriuj ; forth the very hest that is in human nature. Wlu-u the 'I'tiinura cclehrate their anuiverH.iry , they do nol claim that thin in att Imppy an event an a birthday celebration in the fam ily ; neither dare they to com pare this to the grand xtiou that our whole people t ken part in on the Koiutli of July , hut Htill wo claim UBofultieHH and good purpose and ask the public to t.iko an iutoiotU in our work , xvhich is beni- and has no meicellary inotiveH. Ttirniii ) ; is not ill. only nor even the most important object of our work , hul fiuiii thin an a IMHW wo work for htitMigtli , a llit- , health anil beauty , for nrdor , I'Mictnt'.sH , perBeveronco , e .uiiu-e. . mor.ilily anil good oitin - uliip. Thiin f.ue . wo uololii'.ito ami , isk tin1 | > ulli.- to take p.tit iu out celi'liinti.iii niid in our o nwo'l \ : foi the linuelit of tln > whole. lOiyltt JIIUIH Im.s our society worked in your nnilM , Inu grow n in iiuiiilnu'.s and in the f.i- inruf our li'llnw-t.iliy.i'iiH , andweliopu am ! fei I c > > ; > li'lriii ' , that HUM will eon- " tinni ) Tlie rem.iiiiiny poitiou of the IIHI- gr.inuiij was a Helcdion ironi tin "Mi o tiu" by HID Atu'tienl ' LTiiiun. ai oxliibiiion by the neninr clami of ( In Turuoi-d wliiuh iclh-clod great cioili on their trainer , Mr I'.iul WiHe ; i Hong , "iMy lleailin iu thellishl.imlH , ' by the Tin iier Qiiiutctli1 , aiu I ho ovi-itmii to "Ij.j . Chevji'ie ' Uroton , " by Ilin orchuali.i , Iht whole clo.sin with it grand lalileiiu , ii which nil tlu > nitunhijiii ol lit. ) Kiiciul ; appoarod. Tin ; duiu'u pni i.imnio , including I'iqhti en piico- < , w n then b. . iin am tindiHuipleii of Ti rpiichoio ilicmseh'es to a very iaily hour tin's morning. To tlioOiualMlitdi.'H'houiely and tin COUIIIIItttM of lllTllli MIIOlllK , COIIHitllill of II. F. Wilh-o.ll. C. C. Hohmtller , II Kttj.di'i , I'M. ' C.isporm.l . P. Wi-in IriL'iiu , I'l-iat cit ) Iu is duo for milking tliu ouoauC'ii imo ol tlin iiii.Hi . iinj'.yablt "voi o.xpniii-iic..l . at Tunii'iH1 hall on : linjirov 'iu < > ji t- .Mr. ISi.c-i . , Mliiiiia , N. Y.wiilos "Aliuiil four , i'ur ai' I hud n cl : o liilioiH fi'viu , and iioti'i' fully uwovertrd M v dlnftive..i . . ( . ' ins UL-III WHakrnod , am I would ! 1'iiiiipl. tclj pioNtiat dlorilayi' Afrer iiiin Uv l.nttleh ul your MLKHO'CI ! . ) | liiin.lis tb" iinpr.iuniu'iit W.IH n \Uibio tl , i > , I M.II a tmii'lied. I can n w ' I'l veurH of ii.1 , , do a fair > nil leas onah d.iy'x uil ; . ' 1'iicn ! Sl (10 ( , triu hi/e 10tiitH. . P.l-lw FUN ON Till ! ) HUIBTOh. Tliu M | . ; nillciiit Eiiturtnlninont at DoyU'HKoxtWuuk. ( J j l.'iiilay . ami .Sulurday , Feb. 'Iu mui 'Iti ! , with a ; ; rind f.umly inttinei , mi Kitiinhiy aftenioou , tin ; f..tnuiii on , Uu ; Ijiinlol' | nty ; , Jiin-ott mid ovni , will iipju-.u ni Uoyd'o Opera iimmi ) . Till ! ) wull kiin.vii comp-uiy lias h.-i ; outlier ul fur nuvornl dcauuia , am oiu'i ' ycni ii > gnjuteil with lnr.ei ; mil auitionut" ! . Tint onturluiu- m tit . cliuiHoli'i' nio.'il \vilh tlm | iitbli ( ti ) < m" who once alloml are ( nun li ui : ; , t i II" KI i" nothing lil.o il. Chut"i ! * Loiil ii now in Uio cily jior- i'tciiiy ; iu , iig.ii'cntH fur the advent f his ci.iiijj.iny hero , ami from him w > li'arn not only are all ! hi ) uriyinnl fiM'urcs < if tlm play pre. HIIIveil hill tliiit. il in rnmlerpil ill hntter B'ylo ' thiin i-vur befoiu , ami tlio oompjny is ruinjioiii'il throughout of fli il-pVi r. anjidn The N'atioiml Hupublicun , of Wanh- in.'l n , U i1 , Kjiyn : ' Fun mhit \ ( Urintol" in well nainoil , f. < r tlio purfo' in brimful of fun neil muirii I'-nt TJio atory in that of UKol pomont of llui duut.'litii ) ol AlrH. ( ) Itrit-n , a widow huly , W'KI linn hi'iiu iiiirriei ] tivie" ami it anxiotiii for a third term , The I'looiii , . ; , .irly and tin ir jiiiijuuis moot mi huaid the lral ) Hiver line Jiristol. Tlio "oloptrn , " in to uvoj.l duluctioi ) , iiHfliimo die- . \ liuiidri-d amu'iinjinciilriit- : ' occur , < \ > pi ( -i.i'ly in uoiuiootioii with the Hid'itv'H iimtrimoiiial amliitiuii , nn.l nt hit tin pu'ti.ii ; uv.j diecovoroJ , aii'l Mi'ti. O'lintui ' iKui.r ; hy vaficua ( upediuitU liocn hrouyht U a fc > rtovin iimod , conmiiitH to UK iii | [ > liula , mifl liotli Ian1 iluii0'iU.'is ' uuitofl wit'i iljo rnoi tljoy love . It if in tii'piklntiiiIcUnil ! "f tll < 'JJrlntol tliat all tliu fun tnK'UH plncu , Upon the thread of Urn atory just told are strung rare niu ical ami dramatic giMiiK , cpueimoim of eccentric nctitiR , aolrctionn from the opurnn , parodied , nnd character sketches and aongn. I'ho fun of a hundred pcrfdrtiiitnrcs ins been skimmed ami in preflonl'.ul in hret acts. The iitnuo netting is BU- > orl . Tlio company is composed of iomoihaiis and splendid vocalists. All > f the members of the eompatiy are artists. ALMOST CllAXY. I IIMV olteu do wo ace the hard-work- ni ( father straining every norvv ami mtsele , and tloinn his utmost t UH tort his family. luiaiuuhiB feelings sheu roturuiiij , ' homo fiom a hard da ) ' labor , to tiuil hi" family proa- irate with ilisoa-iK , conscious tif unpaid .loctors bills and debt * on every hand. It must bo onouuh to drive ono ahmutt eni/y. All this unhappiness could Ixs tvoideil by using tt'ootrio Hittom , whicli o\pel every diHcitso from tlio system , brinying joy ami huppiiuvsn to tholisniiiK tSoln at lifty cente a Uit tie. Ish , v McMuhoii. (8) ( ) l"ortvearn trial ms proved "BLACK * 1 AUGHT" the host liver medienic in ' > e world. Int 'K-IIIJ. ' th > i.iirt Siri I iul .i > i > J tlm iTiimvi'o. , MIO , not \I- < r."ulii : ! III ( 'AK ) , Mill OK ] P.AMIIKN , Nonrii h.Aiinus t otm i. i'l 01 ti.-P.mrrR . > I " .m , ii\tri ! term niv'.uro , ltli K sh / Cm , ri > i\i-i' mmii.imin , 'OUNC-ll , Ul.VrlK Mid O.IAIU ! hr i t.lli ) 'K m " tnnii 'tlilch ri.llitU EVERV UNt Or ROM' : l > it pi'iu'tniti' " tlii't'oulli .1 IMHH fu v.m l IllViT to ( ! lii I'llllr Mn ! , , f li , O UOCK ISLAND A TA- CliTC UAJ1.NVAV 1. tliuonl ) tliii. from < 'li ! "V o "viilii - ti i titto K , or nliloli , hy It" mn rnii'l , itwv tuc I'Olntit i\bi > UMiAntttt , Nit rt .srxus ir. IAI No Mifnl'.o enM.KCTtnti Nr l < i il "Mi- In III- unclfkii Kir , > ' UMUVvin U nnlisl In rtviiiij , rltnn .MI t nui'luiti : - xtitt ' -on Fn f KxprfT * Trvlns . . . , I'lHtit Bl.yniMi OAR-I. uml oiirm.n w vi DIM.MI t ? iu , iii > iiiitlileh nirxlt Mim"l > l m > - W | i"uxl cxccllt'iitii , .it Hit ) lomli nt Hit-KMn > r.Nf C'Mi ni-ii. tinp'- ' . ' 'mi Ini , n i > Jc ) niiloyii.'Mit. ' llauiiuh Uw iH't'i-i'cli ( 'Mu > miVurik. . Ml ) v uikoiiuinl Mlwm.vil UHt-r ll < iiil ! ! ; nn.l ) nt rmt iiiriioni * At nil | < olnO < ( ) ' I'ltw'o.'dnn ltli ntlirr I. IHltll. tt'i ' rlcii't ( ilo nn fnrn'i OiiiiiilUtdj.i. i. , ur ill l , n f t Iniport-irn-fi In K\iiK.a * . Nolim liL , UlMt Mills , Wja'iiliV , UUli. libho , .Vn\a < l > i , u.lloiTiU ! , 'Jri'son , Wuililiiirton T < - int..rOnlnrvl'i . Arti im mui Sew ' AH ' licril u K.I , > vith r Inr , . v r. tiitit lltorf t \i irrM , hul a ttfhn n Int t < m- fult. llOUH M * 1 la of HM.IU i.U'h . trou 'I'lt kc ( < i , niuj i .1,1 . ili M At nil pr.iul | 4 u Iki'i , in thu I iilunl i'i" . > .i'l . 'LiniiU. K. ii CAIIM : . K. HTIMIK , Vim I'rp 'tA ( In ! . . n < . Vkl And ! ' , . * < > Ag WntcVL-M I'hAVI f'till , [ 880. SHORT LIKE. KANSAS CCT % JBB&CmuualBlnffe IH run iisi.r ir ct Line to ST. LOUIS ANUTIIH KAsr H'n.tji Onuiluiuud the i Mill -i , , I.rl WDM. OM A II i1 .U , SH\V VO11K , Wi v ; r-x Daily Passenger Trains < * * . - | | ! UL M TJ'.I.N AVii W'IMTBH.N I'llK'- tiMB .s.imt \DVAint "f A ; . : , I'tii.s iiillr. ! Ir > c It oqv.lmitu vitii I' . . .n.r'i lunia ! sli 1,1,111 , ; ULIK , I'alvu Pity Cduclnv , MlUtir * iifi ( y riatfoiMi atifl ( Vuy1/1 ! , Mui tlm t , t t rut l / riloo that yoiu tlu' it MHW VIA rwA.V ( JITV , HT. JdKKI'ir ft ' ; ( ! NCIL IlLITCKaB ti nil , Ui > M. > ( V > t' ) > li nml .s ( 'y.nll i. 'llrkit foi M nt all 'UiiiiO'i . 'IT' .c W..I J K IJAUJMIU. AM ; IIAWU , Drii. t'i ) t. , H' .Inn-iiii Mn } .4.11 I'd-u. km ) Tkl t Ait , M loii'pl , Vc. W | V D Ml , uVU PnrnliuiiKfr I , 1 I/MIL ml Ant. . ' 'OMAHA 't W. K > 101'S ' M. MI-i.CI. ) i , E , VMS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS 125 LasalJo Street , CHICAGO , Grain and ProvibionH Bonybt nnd Sold on Marj'inn ilnc7iit f i' ' in 80GC8 & HILL Il-Al ESTATE BROKERS i V-.T , ffc. . I , 4 lip lip , Myler nl Apullciitioa ol C. U. 'k for Liiiuor Ijlinn ' , XUTICI- ; . Nctcr m lionliy gly n c. II , Koott ill'l 111.011 tlie 1'Jlli diiol Jaiiiiur.v A D IHtl' , Mlu IIIH H'n li atlnu to llui .Miyui : uin ! , itj I'.mil II of OnuJi.i. lor lli'iMiBi' to'ell ' Mult , Bpir- lluu'iii unit VIIIOUH j.iiioiu | | , ut No. Ill noiitk Toiitl1 ilfiilti , TnlrJ u'unl , Oiiiili.x , \.l froip thii7lh iluj ol J.unuiy , iKh'J , in tin Hull cl ; ol A ill , Invj IMIitrr hu no olijcctlu , nniormtr nit p > | .io- . tf t lllt'l within two wtu' < s from lath ol Juiu- iir , , A. 1) ) . : tt' ' , the 'ul'l llrt'inr Kill Ir k-r&nU * ! . t' . II. Mm Am > ii-but. Tn * HAIL ) I'.Kr ncw.uii | [ ui | | pui > li ti tl , . . .KIM'notiot oiiit11 itch \\ixk f < i l < vo wttkn at I liu i X'HMI | cl tliu uppll oiu. 'Hie t'ild liujil Ix net Ii l.t 'linr/iil 'Ititultl' ' . j j. I , , o. .icwf.rr , CllJ Cr.t M.iHer ol Application ol i'ntnk Pivtmkn Jti , Litjnor LicutiHr. NOT1CIJ. Nni f It htichy giviin lint I'.unk Pivmik ill. . ) noon tins loth tiny ol .liuinur ) , A. H , It * ! , Mlu hi ni.llcatlon | | . tu thu M jur mui fitj Ckmu- i II ol Oinihi , for llenuf to * 'll Milt , Hpitilaoun .ml MIIOIII l.liiiorM. | at torntr 7th imcl Hurry of .1 . ' > , IBti , i , thu 10th tliy of .Ajiril , IBM ? . If Hi. iu bu no objiictlo" , rtmuiiitrunii nr | > io- tiUt UK.1 nlthlii two wvi'ki Ir.nn . Januat. . Itltfc , A II. .W ? , tin will llctnic ' * ill I'u ' trauUt. KIIAKH I' IIIK HAIU BKI : iicivpnpvr will | iiiU > i the itliuvt nutitr oiitt' tacli unli for tuo A-wknut tlif fxix-iise of tin. ni'iilldiit. The t'ily ol Om.iha U wet to he < ha-fKl Him with. J.J. UC J i\VLTT : , .1 fit ) tlflk Glarkson & Hunt , HI 'toiil * A Hunt , ATTOKKfEYB - AT- LAW , ti ] KthUtrtol ODI h * Nob. t '