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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1882)
THE OMA L-1A LAJLi ) 'SEJii : SAFU.RDAV JAJNiJARI 28 , lcoV. _ P. T. MAYNE , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. By Cnn-lor SUBSCRIPTION , - - 20 Cents RATES. per Woofc. , Manngor Council DlulTa Circulation By Mall , $10.00 per Yonr. COUNCIL BL.UKFS , IOWA COUNCILJLUFFS. oraco : Uoom Flvo , Evorott'a Block Broadway. H.V. . TILTON. City Editor. MIMOrt MENTIONS Yesterday wft nnt much of an Ice tiny I'nllcp circle * ate quiet , frco lodger being tlio chief rntitTO of annoyance. The new ctulnolmii'e 1 liclns sheath rl ml roofed , and the work h pi The outKoInK train cnxtwnrd this af lernoon start * out over the Chicago I Northwestern The Ciutlnn I Murray comptny fU { a matinee this afternoon nnd dining cti tcrtaimncnl thli evening. UN-limn & Co. nro refittlnjj thel tore , imttltiK In a new * kyliflit ; an making other Improvements. Thine Intercnled in the npi-cial inccl Jogs hciiifho d nt iho Hrnndwny Mctlioci itt church report n lnrio ; nttcnilancfl nn deep Interest , with sqvcral &cokern nnd -o > i proHpect for a rovlvnl. At the 15ioaclw v Methoillut clmrc to-morrow there will be preachlnK by th Cantor , llev. 1' . T Urcsco. MnininK Hid kct "Joilcho Captured. " Kvenliift ul jtct "The Condition of the IVrnmncntl Sinfd. " The laWorH on the Jlilwaukeo k HI Vaul railway were paid oil Thursday , nn ait mum ! , the n iniuy flow eiisior than I cnnw. of those who had worked liar ( nr hli money fniiiul himself ycstcrdn morning ndnii hit n t ? 20. Heconlilnc tell how i > wei t , l > nl It had ( { 'inc. ' An nrndcKii otfjnn Hrindor , n wul renf > cd , in tell i i-'iitly looking limn of nii ( A\v ajo , discounted HIIIHQ on the Htrcct je teiday hy proxy , a miudl hey turnlii the crank. Many like Keconlor Hnrlt willingly cunt Hinted on condition that tli ' front of tlici OTX-.H Nhouliln't play in Major Vnuxhan docs not poem t think the people of thin city nro very prof IpemuH financlidly. He nayn that If nl were coinpelleil to ho vncduatod thcr wiAitil he 10,000 of them unahlo to pay fifty ctnt fee , nnd thu city would have t I y f r them , making S.riX)0. It seem that the mayor nnmt look through n la * darkened to MUI HUCJI a gloomy soclnl cm diticD an this. Thu city d us not certain ! xecm to ho in Mich ; i Htalti of p.inpeilHin r Unnmyor repi rtpits. | There nre many conjcattiie * nn to tli ml uiotivcn IjitiK hack of the propose cren ion of i new wunl to 1 u known IIH tli Kifth. Whether the tiiovo Is n politici cne or in the inturi'sU of private pnrtit ii of lens importance thnn thu qu- vrliether the city donircH or needri hiicli ftunjtn , Mllcll Opposition llH" Illi lid been uxprcxxrd on the utiei'tH hy 1 adln atlzonx , who do notcnro to ) IU\L- the mm ftxrnf city Ir IxlatorH IncreaHed , espcciall when the piopiiaen incrennu doet ! ( imxnleo itny K' " " ' to the Intercuts of tl : people. people.Thu Thu pr per y nwner alont ; Mill atreet expruss tmrprUo at thu willlnyii with which thu city council ut its recei meeting grouted their dislrc to have tl ; miinu i > f the Ht cet ch.uivd | fr < in Kifl ntreethack to iU old untiiu , Main strec The ] > ri > i > crty owtiorx have petltlnu stro.'gly on nt leant tvu oeco iinn for th cLant-e , hut cnuld neb nn favorable hea ing. Hence they nro . - . little sun rl od i the sodden stmvity which charucteilzi the aldermen , and nro looking idiout fi n explanation. Let's nee ; iin't theru t tloction drawing nuar ? William I'uokot , Homttl es Contell WJLH Iwforo Juutlca Abbott yest dr charged with maiming Kd I'ace , hy tnkii a hungry bite of the lattu'x chin In a m * St the corner of lirondway and Mi street in Hohoh , " .m one witucm de > crlln Die spot. Attoiney Llndt apiieaiud f the prosecution nnd Col.V. . K.Sippf lie deft use. Demurrer wan made to tl oimplaint on the ground that the chin w not a member of the hody , nnd thin < : mirror WOH miulii'iied ' nnd the uomplnl AiuiLsscd. A new complaint wim drav adiuiotlior warrant nerved , HO that t cua weitt on taking nil tlu day. ' 1 he i xdcnie showed that I'uu'u et talked I'IH ail 1'uoe stnick nt him firi > t , mid th they clinched. 1'ui.kut WHH d ! > > clmiK < ) d. The sultd of rooms occupied hy W. ttiynxler and 0 , 1' ' , Adams HH Uw ollii h e hocn completely iditted nnd reft ni hed , making them very nttiuudvu : i l > leaxant. With the wulU tastily tiaptTi floina cnrpelcil , woodwork neatly patnti mud other appointment * nnd kt , ing , those law improvement , The olll on nre located the uu the corner of liioudway u Iain slieet' , n vary ccntial Inc.xli > n n cany of iinding and nccu < to to thonu i iring to consult thU uoll Known Lw fit Mynatur fi Adanu , who will attend win soil promptly to id I dcinnndx for their p fetaiond Hoivlcon. Mr. Mynster , who I been dividing lib limn hetwt > cn law u kit fulieriiin , has droppeil thu Utter n will give his cntlie attention to Ida piol ion , M will also Mr. AdutiiR , who han , i til of late , been devoting si mo of hU ti to the intercuts of TilK lHi : : . The ction of the council in clcnt Meun. Chapman and 1'ercival an di fiUi to Wafldngton t < ) kecure for Com Bluffs n governmriit building , itiikes TtrtRe clti'tn with oine surprise , A ytcrlon * meeting there appeared lo l.o Hunimous Hentiment in favor o ! ueud Col. W. F. Bappaiul J. T. Ualdwin , i ft w i well known that the hoard of tra wbotook the initial move in the mat and backed up the council in appropr lag money for the expense ? , auppooil t tbe latter gentlemen would bo M > 1ec The mayor nt thin meeting btated that former occarion of thin nature two d gate * drew money ( orexponnvH hut did go. Ouop.iidl ) ck the money , thu o dkl not. Ax Col , Happ in known to h been one of the gentlemen loferrod t ! no muru than justice to him to Htatu baUtkeone who promptly returned wanned money , and hence thU could be the reason for the couurll changil ndndaud appointing another grntlei Probably t'ol. Sapp fteln lellevud at belu tailed on to | * rfonn thU tnsk , ttefucU onvht to have been stute * j > tn council that no Heeudng lujustli imputation phall be tliruit upijn him. CITY CONCERNS. The Aldermen Quio'ly Tucl the Oakland Avonun Matter - tor in n Picoo Holy A -Howl Raiat-d by an Ordinance dinanco Provider ] for Vac cinating F.very * ody. An Execution AKftlnst the Mnyo nnd Altlonnon Oixlls for Tholr Pockotbooks. An adjourned intuiting of tlio ci' ; council WHS hold Thursilny tmnim n wliicli thu mayor proaidid , nnd nil th muinbura wuro pruiunt uxcopt Aldur innn Kullor. Ainiii thu matters t bu L'Biiocinllj considured wan thu gnu ! of Oakland avenue , which 1ms Homu ill-feuliiif , ' nnd n widu def of opinion. Thu mattur wivs vor , ( juiutlj dispoRod of , there luiii ( { littl talk nnd no discussion. A putitio favoring aomo chun o in the grnd WUH presuntud from projiurty ownur thuro. ItM rucnived .ind placed o : file , and a committee1 , commtiiiK c Aldunnun Kondn , Haiti nnd Sputnmn nppointod to ruporthuruuf'ur upon it Alderman Phillip * reported tliut tin council ns a coininittou of tliu who ! had vinited tins avenuu and hat tenuhed a uniuiiiiioiiicoiicliiNiiiwliicl ! ( was embodied in an ordinance ulnc ! hu presented , nnid ordiniincu loponlinj the one recently pae.sed , and vittualh leaving the ( 'rade IIB of old. Thii ordiiiaiicu WIH referred to the H.IIIH cominittee. From private ruinarki made by the aldermen it in understooi that the inteiitiiiii in lo'leave the matter tor resting quietly an poHHibh ; unti after the ooinini' election , when tin respoiiflibility of settling it will bi upon thu new council. The ( jueHtioii of Bonding two dele g.ituH to Wnabiiigton to look after tin interest ) ) of Council Blull's in aecnriiu nil iipprojiriation for a govorntiien hiiildiug , waa disposed of Ijy aeluctiii ) tin those dok'Hatcs J. W. Chapman am Itobort IVrcival , and § 200 was appro printed toward defraying their ux potmen. The ninyor cnllt-d attention lo thi fact that once before two delegate were deputi/.ed lo go from here am money appropriated. The delegate did not yo , and one of them reiurnei the money and thu oilier amount hut failed to get back into the treasury The mayor wanted the matter IIIVKH tieated , anil a committee consisting o Aldermen Fonda , Phillips and Spot man were appointed to look into thi tifl'iiir. Although nt ) names were nitntionei it is untlt'iatoutl that H. F. Montgom ery WAS the person referred to , as Col Sapp. thu other delegate , put back hi part of thu money at once. It is nt : derfltood that Mr. Montgomery oll'si his amount by n bill for counsel fee in cases in which ho served the city. It was decided to have thu stuiiij removed on Vnughan avenue ; also 1 continue work on Union avenuo. On motion of Alderman Phillips was decided to taku the fceaim froi Union avenue nnd list ; them in lillin up Main street , after which the shall go back to work on Union nvt lino. Thu price per load for dirt o Main street was fixed at 22 cents , cunts less thai ) on Union avenue. Thu plan of the new engine horn was so changed as to have the stui way on the outaidu at an extra u : pensu of ? 1 12. % James Mathostm wits allowed ? 1 pur month extm pay for lighting tl giiHolino lamps until thu old count shall dim its own light , and thu nr council could then make n now co tract. Alderman Churchill stated that inn of tiie business men on Fifth stre wein desirous of having thu naino that htrt'et changed back to its o name of Main street. An ordinan to that t'H'ect was therefore passed , that now it is legally christened Ma ' street. A committeu consistnm of lawso Aldeimun Unthnnk and Fen was appointed to take char of Indian creek and < such work thuro as from timu to tit shall seem necessary to prevent tic bin from overflows. Fluming was ordered put on WilU avenue , between BlutV and Four Btivet * , to keep thi ) water from wat in' : out thu roadway. Alderman Churchill introduced ordinance providing for thu croati of a new ward , to bu known as t Fifth waul , and to embrace that pt tion of the Second anil Fourth wn lying west of Eleventh street Tty given a first reading , and a nuspunsi of the lilies being refused by Aldi mon Dawson , Fonda nnd Ruin voti auainst it , the ordinance stood o\ under the rules. Thu mayor stated that hu had be informed that the old fence aron thu park had been wrongfully app : printed for private purposes by so : of thu citizens and wanted the mat hunted up. Mayor Vnughau also called the p onul attention of the aldermen to I fact that an elocution Lad boon iost agaiiut them for costs in the roct election contest about counting I voto. It would take about $5 each settle the matter. Alderman Churchill moved tl each alderman pull his weaalo-ekiu a pay up. No second. Aldoriimn Uuthunk suggested rul ring it to some committee. Thu mayor suggested that it waa really city business , but u private n tor , which ho had spoken of been thu aldermen chanced to bo all gothur. He thought it well for tli to cull ut his olHco and sottlu thu n tor quietly. Ho boliuvud thu uli iiiun would not huvo it all to ( my , Homo of thu oitiztiiiB would chip 1 cunts or it dollar upiocuund i thorn out. Thu city attorney jireguiitud ordinances. Ono wua for thu ruint of dulnpidated buildingi ) und ol nuiauncus. Adontud under the i puiiBion of the ruloa. Tlio other ordinance was for prevention of the spread of thermal ! pox. It provided that nil should bo vaccinated nnd uvc'-y mil coming to this city to stay more thai tivo dny * nhoultl bo vaccinated ; aim providing for a pent house nnd tine ; also providing for thu vnccinn tion of all children and proventini their attendance upon school or churci privileges unless no vaccinated ; nisi providing for the vaccination of nl indigent pcoplo nt thu city's expense The punnlty for violating the ordi nance vsas a fine not exceeding $10. Such nn ordinance naturally c.illei fora nrotcnt. Alderman Fonda gave duo tiolic that ho would never allow a menibc of his family to bu taken to n pen honso under any circumstances. [ Ap plausu from thu lobby. ] Alderman Phillips to th provision for vaccinating stranger visiting thu city. As for himself , h would rnthor pay § 10 than to bo vacei natod. The mayor thought the ordiiianc Tory ably drawn , but thought thor wuro 10,000 people hur-i who"could nn afford to bo vaccinated. To ptirctur their arms would cost iho city 8",00 ( ] Alderman Fonda noticed no provi BIOII for exempting those who hai been vuccinntod. He was a little in torcsted in this himself. Ho h.'u been vneciimtud three times this year The Union Pacific ordered all its met vaccinated. Then all were rovacci natod on whom it did not work. Hi scorned to think this was overdoing i good thing. As n result of this and like talk thi ordinance wan referred to thu com mitlee on health. Thu mayor called attention to tin proclamation hu hud issued culling foi nn election. Hu called particular attention tontion to the fact of its being ciillci ns a special election and thu polls clos ing at'i o'clock. Hu desired the ul dermon and city attorney to Milisfj themselves that tins was correct , in notify him to thu contrary , as hi wanted thuin to hoar thu responaibilitj ot any illegality that might have crop in , though hu thought none ux stetl A TENDER TRAMP. A Six Year Old Wundoror Who Ough to bo Cured for. A little youngster giving bin mini as Willie Lewis , has attracted BOIII attention in this city , and evident ! ; needa still further attention. U claims that ho is six years old , and hi mzu seems to corroborate this state mcnt , but his head is much older , al most ono and twenty. Hu is a mer mite of u follow but is astonishing ! ; well posted as to the ways of th world. Ho appeared here nbou three weeks ago , and attracted tli attention of the police , ho Having ap parcntly no friends or means of sup port. He said hu was hunting for family hero the childiun of which hi dutirud to visit. Chief Fields kep him at his own hougu ovur night , an in thu morning guided him to th family which hu was seeking. H remained hero about a weuk and thei disappeared. About that time inqui ries concerning him came fie n Omn ha whore it seems ho has a father c mother , or both. Since then a tele iir.iin was sent hero from Schuylui Nebraska , stating that a boy of thn name and description waa in th hands of the ollicora there as a home less wandorur , who claimed this ci > ; as the homo of his parents. Wor W B sent to Omaha for his friem there to look after him , but nothii : uiru was hoard of the matter Thursday night the little folio irned up hero again and was 1101 lialontly smoking n ciuar , which i omparison with his diminutive si : > okud liku a policeman's billy in h uiuth. Ho had much to say of h ournuyinga to and fro. Hu lie raveled over a largo part of Nohrnsk ml was Boeing all of the world tin 10 could. His tender ago and sm.i izo wuru sullicient passports to tl tearts of the housewives , landlon ml railway men , and hu had n uUerod for food or means of trivt lu claimed to be an orphan and spt % great many yarns in which lictit was evidently thu biggest part. Hu spent thu niuht at thu pnli tutitm and word was again sent ) inahiv for his friends , if hu had an o take him in churge , but no rep eing received the little fellow atalki rth again yesterday morning , gottii ip ut poop of day to continue 1 ournoyings. Thu little fellow is e\ lently ripening too fust , and ought > u placed under thu control of son UO before hu becomes continued he habits which are fast fusteii'u upon him. PERSONAL. Lou Mahim , ono of the merchants Wellington , KM. , wan in the cltyeat day. AtUirney John P. Organ , of Keola , I > cen in the city for a day or two on lei ) U inc8H , and the nucat of Attoiney ,1. Uowurt. He left for hid homo latt uvi ng. ng.lUv. lUv. Jilr. Harnha , of Omaha , ha he iTordlnK excellent help in the union me URB held at the llaptlut church here t week. He lion Iven nevoral able sermi and cameat ozhortatlong. Courting Under Difficulties , Keck uk date Cttr. "Tho of true course love never ru Binooth , " n id this was oxompUf ] lately by the experience of an ng swain who resides at Vincomies , n "sparks" a buxom lossio in Missou Last Saturday the aged lover crosn the Des Moines river in a skill' , "i up" with his inamorata ns usual , I when ho returned to the river to cri over into his native state , hu found covered with ice that was too thick permit ot the passugo of u boat , a too thin to walk on. Theru was I ono oourso to pursue , and the vict pursued it. Ho walked to Wuyhn Mo. , took the train there to Keoki and from Keokuk returned to V comies last night , a madder if nol wiser mail. FOOTL1OHT PLASHES. The Cnrtlnnd-Murrny Comblnntioi Hnvo n Succoasfiil Woolc. This ovcniiig the Cnrtlnml-Murrni company cloaes its week's ungagumen hero. During this week the compatii has added to the poptilaiity g.iinci during ts first visit to HUB city , am 1ms so gained upon public favor tlmti welcome will be gladly given to an ; future return. Miss Grace Cartlant 1ms shown herself to bo an artistu o vurnatilu ability , and in some lines o work remarkably strong. She givei promises of still greater conquests ii this art , and if she contimu'H to devel op her powers , will command a vorj high rnnk. Air. John Murray , hoi leading s'upport , is tin artist of m menu ability , and he is of grea strength to the company. In llij Van Winkle ho showed especia talent and won much praise. Mr 11 W. Mitchell is also n strong mem bur of thu company , and thu others nru so well choaon that they bain ci well nnd alfbrd a good support. The compmy opened hero Monday ovt'iiing last with "Poor Nance.1 Tuesday evening they gave "The Avalanche ; " \VetliiPsdnyovuiiing "Itif Van Winkle ; " Thursday livening , "Camillo ; " and Ustoveniiig , ' Rninc and Juliet" was uivun , which will bu also given at this afturnooii's mati nee. To-night "Pnmolcon and Gain- ten" is to bo given. Thu St Joseph Herald says that ' 'Miss Cartlatid BI Gahiton , an animated statue in the 'Worthy World , " ii thu fqual of Mary Anderson in her iuppiest times. " Thii praise may be overdrawn , but there is little doubt that aho is cer tainly fine in this. A Terrific Villain. The Walnut News rises to a dizzy attitude of dignity nnd moral disgust , and uncoiks its vials of wrath in tin. following Htylo : "Huv. U. C. Worts , n lecherous old leper who used to desecrate thu house of God in Walnut , has lately como tc grief by thu uxposuru of his naked vil > lainy. He wasuntil lately , the moral shepherd of a little Hook in Union township , Lucas county , and once c week he raised his impious voice tc heaven in prayer , but it is probable that there was no one in or else the devil answered him. For a long time this moral shepherd has been accused of being partial to the ewe mem bers of his Hock , and finally someone ono pruferied chhargos against him and he tried , convicted , and turned out of thu church , Ilo showed others the rough and thorny road to heaven , whilst like * a pulled and bloated libertine , himself the prim rose path of dalliance trend , ant recked nit his own road. It is ntatei that ho has left the country , but the curly-headed old villain will turn ur inside of a j our. The old man wai 'bad medicine1. ' Beware of anyotn who is 'bad medicine. ' " IOWA ITEMS. Crouton is promised marble worhe Docorah has a Norwegian newspn per with a circulation of G.OOO. Benton county is to have a now jai to bo located at Vmton , at a cost o 810,000. Voono is rejoicing over the roper that the Northwestern will onlargi its shops at that point. Rod Oak boasts of i-a ability Ii , upply several frontier towns with ai .ssortod stock of wickedness and stil ave enough loft for homo consump " ; on. The Iowa State Poultry show whb as hold sit Ottumwa last week wn ronouncoiUo bo the most satisfactor xhibitiou of the kind over held woe f the Mississippi. The Marion county agricultural si iety at n recent mooting appropriate § 100 to bo given as premiums nt th ext fair to scholars in the publi ichools for work done during thuyeai A thirsty and sleepy Algona ma ; ot out of bed ono night recently an oing to the cupboard stilFened up o , cupful of starch and water which h irifo had prepared for a Jitferont usi The citizens of Boone are inakin .rratiguments to give the poultry tai iurs u bum [ not and ball during th air ui that city , ami Thursday. Foi nary Hi , has been fixud upon for th ) vunt. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIA NOTICES. NOTICK. Special advertisement * , mich , cwt , Found , To Loan , For Situ , To llei nt , Hoarding , cto. , will ho Insurtwl In tl column at the low rate ol TRN CBNT.1 I11 jINK ( or the llrnt limortlon and FIVE CKX i'KH LINK ( or each aulmoquunt Inrcrtli jeavu uilvertleeincnt § at our otlico , Itooiu Ktcrctt'H llloek , IlroaiUij ; , K > orybody In Council lluff ! WANTKD Tns linn , 20 cenU { xir uoek.i IU creel by carriers. Oltlco , Uoom 6 , K\crcl llloCK. Ilroadnay. To buy 100 tons broom co WANTED * addrcw Council HU Ilroom Factory , Council IlluOt , Iowa. 668-2Qt A nret-clana broom tier. M i W & Co. , Council DIuOt , low * . 600 SO BALK Old papora < 0o per hundred , FOR Doe olHce. Council Illurl * . tofl-it ' TICKBT OKFICK War In ralln POTTKH'fl eontliuieH to boom. Unprocodei ) low rules to all eastern | wintH. K\aiy tie iiumiitowl , Order * tlllutl l > y telephone. Fi onuto ton dollar ! KUe.l hy piircliulliK ticket ot U , A. I'otter , bticci < ser to 1'otter It I'alincr , : 40 South FKth Direct , ( our deere below thu pi olllco , Council lllunX low a. oetlS-l \\rANTEl > lloy , wlthixMi ) , to carr W Imiulro at Dux ollke , Council lll Notice. rt to the Imimmno micceu ol the i Gelatine Dronildn Instantancouk Proc Filth xtnet , Co at tlu > Excelsior Qallerv , ell Uluir , tlio proprietor dealrui tiioto ul l CliHJren' * I'lcturM to rail bcUvcu Iho hour 10 and 12 o'clock a. in. , u owing to thu Pr of Builnett auUftruuitcuicmt U noccasar oldd la ) . JiO-lm J. BARKE , Proprleto FACTSJYORTH KNOWING "Good morning , Mr Jones , You seem ir good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have been tc the BOSTON TEA STORE , and find anything and tvery thing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AM AT VERY LOW PRICES. I tell you , I CHU Save Monej now out 01' mv salary , and Liv < First-Glass too. It paywtogc there. " "Whore did you eay it wa > ? BOSTON TEA 00MP1 FINE GROCERS. IB Main St. ami 15 Pearl St COUNCIL BLUFF , 1A. ( Gaiolliie Stme. ) Jfc * . -wy . * J C9 * JHT UKALKR IV STOVES , TIN WARE SHEET IRON WARE , 331 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , la DON'T I'A'L TO SKK Till1. STOCK OP W. W. BU Oil ANAS DIAMONDS , WATCHES , JEWELfiY , CLOCKS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 202 Broaaway , COUHCIL BLUFFS H. H.JUDSON , DRY GOODS 405 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MININ AND aENERAL MACHINERY Oillco nnU Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW Wo give special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnace ROISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINES HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REP.UK WOR will le.oHo prompt a'tentlon A Konernl n rtinunt o ( Brass Gojds , Bating , Pipin AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , On ; OHAS. HiJNDAl , Presidout & ORAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTEFT Rich Cut Glass , Pine French Ohlni Silver Wure &c. , 310 IIKOAUUAT , COUNCIL 1II.UFFS , IOV Drs. Woodbury & . Son , Cor. IVnrl Jfc Ut A\e. , COUNCIL W.UFFH W. B. AMENT. JACOll SI AMENT & . SIMS , Attorneys & Oouusellors-at-La COUNCIL , BLUFFS , luWA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEfc ' Marble and Granit North Fifth St. , Council Blurt * W. W. SHERMAN , , .MANfFACTl'linil OF ' ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY S S Fine Work a Specialty. WM. CHIllhTOPHKR , 124 South Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. MUELLER'S bickering , Weber. Lmdenian , J. Mueller IP and other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burdett , Western Cottage , Tabor ; ami Paloubet organs , $50andupward Muai- DVC cal Merchanajse of every dtscription Italian Strings a specialU ; imported direct. Music Books , She t-Music , 1'oyy , Gamee , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re TT tail. Pianos nna Organs sold Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and com. p'ete. ' Mudical Journal ireo on applica S tion. Correspondence Solicited. -A. - . Address : A.O J. MUELLER , I 103 South 5th Street. O IB COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCPASINQ AGENTS And Dealers In all kimls 01 I'roiltico. l'roniit | .ittcntlon irlien to all consignments. NOS. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. "W _ IBI. ZFOSTIEIB , \V1U , SriVLY OS StIOUT NOTICE Out Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders prompt' } filled iniil ilu'.ixcrul to K\prv s otlico free of charitc. Send for . IE. DEALER IN PAPEMOOKS : STATIONERY , COUNCI , BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer and Shipper of Brain and Provisions , Orders solicited in Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES. First National Bank , Stewart Bros. , Council Bluffe ; William P. Hnrvoy & Co. , Culver & Co. , Chicago ; E. A. Kent & Co. , St. Louis. METCALF BROS. , WIlOLtSALK DKAuKRS I\ Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck CHICAGO PR-CES DUPLICATED. REAL ESTATE AGENT , . Has For Sale , Town Loth , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Ollice with \V. S. MA Y.VK , over Savings Bank , - COU VOIL BLUFFS BIXBY & WOOD , V PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass Goods , Iron and Lead Pipe , Fittings and Pumps , Kept in Stock. x No. 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. 9 We Carry the Largest Stock of FINE BOOTS & SHOES SLIPPERS , ETC. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Blufs * All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To aid j Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ABE VERY LOW.1 * Cal ) and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , t has Begun to Arrive. v Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 BROADWAYrCOUNCIL , BLUFFS. IWA > Ana WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARiNDA , IOWA ,