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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1882)
fhb OMAHA DAILY BBK : SATURpAY JANUARY 28 , The Omaha Bee Publiohcd every morning , except Sunday. ffho only Monday morning dully , TERMS BY MAIL- Ono Year..810.00 I Three Month$3.00 81s Month * , 6.001 One . . 1.00 IHK WKKICLY HKK , published ev HBUMS POST PAID. Ono Year $2.00 I ThreoMoriths. . BO Blx Months. . . 1.00 | One . . 20 COnnKSruNDKN'OB All Coramwnl. atloru relating to News And Editorial mat- iors fthould bo addressed to the KniTon or THE lr.r BUSINESS LKTTKIIS-AH nnMncw Itotter * nml Hcinittanrrs should lie ad dressed to THIS OMAHA PnnuHiiiKO COM- fANV , OMAHA. Draft * , Check * and 1'twt- offlce Ordei * to Ixi muds imjrablo to the order of the Company , OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'rs TEiROSEWATEB , Editor. Tun free trade cry is very weak in the present congress. THE regents of the university Imvo put an oiul to the factionalism in thu faculty by requesting the resigna tions of three of the professors op posed to Chancellor Fairfiold's policy. This is n stnlwnrb way of dealing with the difficulty. "STOP this everlasting talk nnd go lo work" was the excited remark of Mr. Urigga to tlio New Hampshire legislature a few days n o. Mr. Brigga ought to be sent to congress. There would be plenty of room for bin gospel on the floor of the house of representatives. Scovn.u : presents to-day n bill of exceptions , asking for anew trial for Guitcau , on the grounds of lack of jurisdiction in the District of Colum bia to try the murderer of President Gnrfiold. It is safe to say that if pro ceedings had been begun in New Jersey the gallows scone would have been concluded some weeks ago. Nr.w developments of Jay Gould's judicial purchase on the New York bench continue to be made by the Now York Times. The disclosures nro said to bo startling the entire atato. If they startle the state legis lature into enacting suitable IHWH for the protection of the people against unscrupulous stock gamblers , they will not bo thrown away. "I JUKI : a special appeal to the ladies of America to como to my reflcue. Some of them have written mo delightful letlera , and I aak each and every one to respond to the ex tent of their means nnd see me in per son , if possible. ( iitiicnu' * tul < lr < i to the American people. The ladies' that have written those delightful letters ought to respond in person , by all moans. Guitcau is jimt too lovely for anything. v , The February number of The North , American Review , Professor ( Joorgo P. Fisher , of the Yale Divinity school , whoso writings on the supernatural origin of Christianity and on occleal- , astical history are well known , comes to the defense of the Christian relig ion against the attacks of modern doubt and infidelity. Other articles in The Review nro : "Do the Spoils Belong to the Victor , " by President Andrew D. White ; "A llemody for Railway Abuses , " by Isaac L. Kico ; "Repudiation in "Virginia , " by Senator John W. .Johnston ; and "Tho Lancet and the Ijnw , " by Henry Horgh. THE now Brooklyn charter in re ceiving its first test under the mayor alty of Mr. Sotli Lowo. 15y it's pro visions all rosponsibilty and power is concentrated in the hands of the mayor , and he is the real executive head of the city government. Within a few days Mr. Lowe , who is n young man of excellent commercial educa tion , elected outside of the party lines , will bo called upon to select his UouteimntB. lie will appoint commis tuonore of police , fire , city worka , health , buildings and excise , as well tut fill other olticca. His HUCCOBS will go far towards provhi ? the merit of A system which certainly requires at its head a man of unusual honesty and executive ability to administer it. THE howl which a number of our exchanges throughout tho'country'aro ' making over the probable udmiBsion of Mr. Cannon as delegate from Utah aeoms to bo founded on little more than prejudice. Ho far us the facts in the .case are concerned Mr. Can- lion appears to have every legal ad vantage over his opponent , and it i not surprising that the committee on elections nan decided to give him thu oat in the house fur which ho is the cpntestant. The contest doua not -necessarily include thu of polygamy. The claim nuulo -against Cannon was that ho is ineligible by reason of mm citizenship. If investigation of "this charge proves it groundless ho ougl to bo admitted. Polygamy can bo dealt with from another , stand ] > oin "entirely. If it is decided that Mr Cannon in n nulf- confessed otlundi against a national iriadito congr&ii hnr the power to debar him from ti sea on this ground. Jlut unlem * ( ho tout ) of AVoflhington society has greatly im proved within the past sJiuiiionlhs ucl a proceeding implied to thu IIIUHH o ; confcr'uBsnieii Mvvuld * loiyiril ' lions villi a rather scanty quorum , WAGON BRIDGE. Omaha and Council Hlulfs want , and ought to have , a ungon bridge to con- icct the two towns , but how can they invo n wagon bride , unless it bo a n'gli bridge , or suspension bridge , across a navigable river like the Mis- flouti unions it can bo built in coiinco lection with a railroad bridge ? A "draw" wngon bridge over such a perilous stream with n shifting bed as s the Missouri 11 one the things which our iunor.inco of engineering ( Iocs not rnablcs us to imagine. The first thing is to got another railroad bridge and built a wagon bridge on it , if xissiblo. ECOII in this case the rail < md hridqc would have to bo a high Bridge BO as not to hinder the pauage of boats , and so far as our > osfc ellbrt to ( jot knowledge upon the subject liavd Rene , wo know of no railway company which would , liink of building another high briduo with the necessary approaches at this 'loint. Toktiowlnw a low railroad > ridge and a wagoti bridge could bo nado to operate together wo should jo compelled to consult the engin eers. eers.But the trouble 'in to got the other railroad bridge. This is the lirBt step. It is not our belief that either .ho municipal atitlioritiiM , or the citi- r.ein of Omaha , or both togo thor , will tjuild either a high or low railroad bridge ur.tU they can find an Iowa railroad company to ruti its trains oyor it after it is built , and even were the fact otherwise it is not likely that tur good Twin brethren and ( listers over the river would join us very luartily in that kind of an undertak ing. Omaha Herald. ' Nobody hereabouts will bo stir- iriHod at the attempt of The Ilorald , o throw cold water on any nchomo to Miild a wagon bridge across the Mis souri , Well informed people have known 'or Bomo time pant that Dr. Millorhaa i direct income from the U P. bridge nonopoly as a silent partner , with Mr. Wells , contractor of the bridge ransfor , with a third silent partner n The Omaha Republican con- corn. Hut why should Thu Turald make the abntird assertion hat a wagon bridge between Omaha mil Council Binds must be n high tiridgu and a railroad bridge. More ban a dozen draw-bridges i span the ho Mississippi at points whore more Ueamboatu pist in a single wuok luring the seanon of navigation than MISS up and down the Missouri at this ) oint in a whole your. There nro low > ridgcs at Atchimm and Leavenworth used both for railway trains and cams. What obstacle will a low jriilge encounter at Omaha ? During ully nine mouths of the yeer the Iraw need not bo opened a Mingle imu , and during May , June and July .here . will hardly bo an average of more .ban three bouts up or down in any week. AH a matterof fact the bridge charter ) f the Union Pacific requires the con struction of u wagon bridge in cornice- ion with thu railroad bridge , but ) ninha and Council llfufla Imvo been , latiently waiting fcr tun years for that jridgc to be built. ' After BtibmiUing 6 the moat outrageous imposition that lias ever been practiced on any coin- mini ty in this or any other country , ; he business men of the two citiea have como to the conclusion that the Lord 9 U lolps those who help themselves. Wo iroHiimu they are sorry their project will interfere with Dr. Miller's income , ) iit they would rather pay coiifioqiioii- hl damages than give up the scheme ) f a wagon biidgo. , TiiK attacks on thd free pass system on railroads continue frnu varioun luartoru throughout the country. In Iowa thu lower house of the U'giula- turo by u vote of tKJ to 40 has passed a resolution , introduced by Mr. Aid- rich , requiring the railway comiuiiwion of the state to re-port to thu house by February 15th- whether free passim over railroads should bo given to any elans except paupers , iiiundicautH or other objects of charity ; whether pur- .sons elected to ollice , members of thu preen nnd of political conventions should be allowed to accept thcso favors und whether thu railroads should bu piohibitud from grunting them. In our own statu the Furmurii' Alliance lmn raised itn voice against this evil in ono of their strongest roHolutious. Ohio i moving in thu matter through her legislature and the anti monopoly league is bringing strong influence to bear upon its mumburH in Albany , looking to a prohibition of the prac tice in Now .York . , state. The fruo pass system ii used by ( ho railroads iw cheap form of hriluiry. Whether given | o a member of thu legialaturu , n senator or under thu veil of courtesy ciiiil ( | valno in in cvory case oxpcctud in return. The mere HOIISO of por.somil obligation incurred is no small Height on the balance when u niuglo votu may du cidu n matter involving thousands of dollars for the corporation who has extended thu favor. Tlioro are no good reasons why slate loyittlatora and federal officials should hot p.iy their faro'on the railroads. Mih > a o is nl lowed tlium for ( lip private I'UKrtlllKNT A Will' ' H IS fllfttflU&U 110 hope for thoflouni * from tin- republican * and OH uvoiy iiition of thu independent ' ' Ilu is croilited with thu htnluurt remark mark that "a pl-rnmimitly ilnfAitot rupublioaii'y IH of Imlu va'tio ' in . added that id clnol value seeing to bt > Wlti vfprSuSl iaiT jvl'V'1 ' ie BCU S in i'tuli\'un ] ) ] coiivejitionu hur tile vote of a democratic stnto counts often for moro than states that go otrongly republican. Take the Chicago convention - tion for example , where the delega tions from the south who were ut terly unable to furnish a sintjlo elec toral vote to the candidate of the re publican party and yet were accorded a prominent voice in the choice of a tnndard bearer for the national cam paign. TUB creation and growth of great monopolies is one of the most alarm ing fcatutod of the present ago. The spirit of monopoly docs not eccni to confine itself to any 0110 line. It has pervaded our inilroad and telegraph system , laid it * hand nn the public prom , tightened its coils around our financial iiinlitutiotiH , and is now ex tending itself to the control of largo real oat at o properties. Among soinu recent purchases recorded are the fol- owing , thu figures meaning acres : IrCrorgo Heid ( In Tloridn ) . . .2,000,000 I. DlHtnndti Kloiida ) U.OOO.OOO tori of Dunraveii ( In Colorado ) . C 1,0,0 Ix-Senator Dorcey ( in 'uvv Mux ice ) fiOO/OO ) nko of .Sutherland 110,000 lolonell ) . C. Muriih/.l ; . I.OOM.OOO 'hiMH ! | , Marshall > v G'i ( . Lomlnn llnyland , ( in MiHul inpl ) 1..TOO 000 Itir ! of Diimmirc . tt " . . . . . 100,000 Jolonel Church , of Xcw York , 180 farina , ( from < /EJKT / to fiOO ' ' ' ncrrs each ) . i ) ' Mr. Clark , of Nnw Y8rW. . . . M,000 ) S'nndard ' Oil Com | > 'y ( ln states . . i.oco.nnn Mr. Scully ( In Illliloll ) about. . . 1 , < K ) ' > Dr. Cleim ( in C dlfiini ( J 01,000 It will bo noticl'd"'Uiftt the nbovo tale - > lo makes no montjpfiof the oiiormous wheat farms of Dakota , amounting to .liousandH of ncr8s ' Without thcso , wo find that llf > : ? 2 , ( $ ) acres nf land are controlled Kj * f/irtoen { / men and corporations exclUi ) ti ( if 153,000,000 acres denoted to railroads. It , 1 M . -nrsT IK Homo of tliu" "oppressed females who ure clamoring for political equality vitli men had been drawn on the luiteau jury , we should have had n air test of their fitness for thu duties ind rcsponlibilitios which they are so inxious to nnstimu. LIow would tuo rlhreu of these Htroni ; minded femiilos ik < ) thu privilege of Hitting thrco uoiitlm on a jury jwith nine or ton nun , and how of tun would an iidjoiin < - neut have been asked for ? OTHER LANDS THAN OURS. The revolt in the southern Slavoni- in provinces is cxiiiing considerable ilarni in Huropo. The European cquilihiitim in balanced - < n nucli a lender point that the slightest dis- .urb.mco may precipitate a general Hilitical commotion. The Austrian oinpiro contains far moro Slave ti ! in jiermans and Magyars. The proper- ions are lifty-hine to forty-one Tbo rccont iiccesMona of territory incruaeo .huir number. Nothing could add to , heir disgust and iiidigiiatiou at their Lreatmctit. From liohuniiu down to the MontotK'grin frontier , thu whole of thcsa millions nro agitated by op pression and insolence , thu Magyars being far worse to them than the Germans. During { lie rccor.t Htrug gle for theX'immcipiition of oppressed icoplos of their own nice , they paw Vienna and I'osth heartily united in ; ho Biipjidrt of the TuiltUh bond- manter. TJioy ara m.ido to feel utovcry turn that they are nothing at d count for nothing in the councils of tbu Empire. Tlio paper viinviicy no longer bear.i its denomination in Slavonic * well an Oermnn and Magyar WJicto tboy belong to the Greek church , a'i ovorbwiring pro' is carried on for their con version to Catholicism , and the goy .irmiicnt giv n it eve y support. At last , the Slavs of Bosnia have broken nut in revolt , , and no ono can tell lieu Tar the conflagration may spread. Tin Yionna papers Hpeak of it , m a thing ) f no importanru ; but they cannot conceal their an\iety. It may amount to nothing this year , or next ; but , sooner or later , Austria-Hungary will lose their Slavonic provinces , and the Balkan I'l'iiinsula will be in the hand if a Slavonic confederation. That i Russia's piogrammu. The I'Yoneh ' panic has proved a matter. It began in nuol stocks as that of the Union Gonorale , a no\v \ speculative bank , the shares ol which have boon nm up im high as il.UOO. H extended lo till stocks 01 the , whii'li Imvo been bitlilj ; inllatud by a Hporulativu inovomrnl which Im-i buon in progroHs for ovri two ynats , and in which till ebihm s ol poojilo Imvo engaged. L'lii on nut Now Voik ha. < \ their bull jhiriuilaftei the good t lines rame , but ' ot over months ago. The eruo lasted longer in Pariu , and tlio ro.iotion is corios pondingly violent , & > wluablo a stoc ! us Sue/ falling ! t40 francs in t.wo days The otfcitomont nt 1'arin is no ijnuli hastened by tlio o.xtsting jioliti- cal norvoiisncM. 'I'hero ' Inul been HOIIIU decline in state fjccinitnu bofoiu the npouulatlvu eollapuo on account of tlio Tunis nil air and the uncertain ty of Uambftta's policy. Tioro | Ii..a buon for some nuintUs u plowing dialnut in Ktiropoof thogtiMt tectai LIU b ink , the Union ( jt'iiuralo , ataitod by tlio Cntliolicn UD a rival to the Ilimiiniiil inili.eiuo of thu Uotbf- ehildi , but it was hardly anticipat d licit Its ii'illap't ) would bo folio wed by iiuuh u cvmiiU' c"U\'iibviiiH' us h.ta 'P * uvur the Catholic c < } uutm a Thin bank'wiS7rirjli886l pot of A us- ioal opitlt3t Jn Frwc . countty , whcro everybody speculates , a Midden drop in itn stock from 2-tOO , to 1,1105 franc ? per share must wipe out the savings of many thrifty bour geois and laborers. At Homo tinny moat loyal HUMS of the church among the noblemen have bsen bitten , and it is naid that Peter's pence will suffer BOIIIO reduction from being invested in the shares of the threatened bank. The panic was only tayed , Saturday , tipou axsurancea rom the hated Rothschilds that the lews would com > ! to the lelief of the n.irknt and offer an extension upon he Viennese liabilities of the Union .Joticrale. Land rent reduction goes forward ; o much and so noiselessly in Scotland ha' , it would almost appear as it the airds hoped thus lo avert the threat- ined legislation at the corning session > f parliament In K.ast Lothiun , whioh is described as the homo of 'h ' fanning , ninu farmi recently were re-let at a reduction in total rom JUlO.nnr. to 7,03 J. The rent of one fell from 1JOO ( to 1,000 ; for another from 5 ° ,0 to 'JOO , and that if a third from lfiOO , to 1)50. ) The Gambotta plan for the revision if the senate , which has been under consideration by tbu committee of thirty-thrco of the chamber of dcp- ilies , and has been repotted unfa vorably lo that body , will bo the irincipal topic of discussion in French political circles for some weeks lo come , The plan includes the aboli- .ir.n . of life sonatorships , leaving the exiatintr hnldoru of them untouched , nd the substilution of a letm of nine years. The life senators are now elected by the senate alone ; those low ones are lo bu elected by the two muses in joint convention on the Vmcricati plan. Ho proposes also to , ako away from the senate the power if passing on money bills. The ob- ccl of all this reform is to bring the lenato inlo accord with the asaombly , or in other words to prevent its opposing the aisumbly. This can Inirdly fail before long to raise the | Uention. What is the use of the Senate ? The object of a cucond chamber b on the extreme conserva tive view , to give either propoily and tge or some corporate orginization teprenPiitition in the legislature in the belief thut it will sometimes takn i dill'oront view of the public ( pica- ion from the lower , ami thus tt least so tire delay and deliberation. But a Sonatii which was org mixed to irovont its over having a different view would , on any theory , bo a fifth wheel in the coach. The greatest de tect of the now French constitution soeniH to bo the caio with which it can bo amended , for there in nothing in politics the French need so much to learn as the art of dtscnising things a long while before changing them. Germ in ollieial fltatisties of emigration tion duiin.j the piwt ton years show that the bulk of emigrants ciimu to the United States , and tbu next huger number wnttn liruxil For 187- , the total for all countries was lOo.tifiO ; for 18 3 , itV.IH 10H , : J8 ; for 1877 , it had fallen to 2I'JH , ( ; but by J880 , it hud riaon ' to 20j ( , 11)0 ) , while for 1881 tltoro was a further om > nn > ms incrcaio. Out of 105(5t , ; ! ) emigrants -15,177 wore un der twnnty years of ngo , and C0-171 wore over. The most of thoto omigr.xntB have saved money , and were from the agricultural dis tricts , or belonged to the artisan clas oH. llmmnrck nscribos this move men ! to the strong "wandering im pulse" of the German people. The Into solution is not hard to find. Hermans know that the conditions ol life are butter in Amoiiea than in Germany , where the kins ; claims t ( rtilo by inherited rights. That is the reason they come , and wo hope they will continue. I'arliamont meets this week and the liberal government must face it with thieo mumbeis of thu house under lock and key , charged with no ciimo for which they will ever be tried am' imprisoned , mid under a law whicl could no' , have touched Ilium had they atnyod in England. Mr. liUdstono , after ton months of power , Ins neithoi killed nor oyn-d in Ireland , Ho lian mot onfriigeu an they used to bo mo at the south with ' 'moro troops , " unt the only losult in muro outragi'Bj and in the face of thin /ndition of all'urit , the liberal giivci'iiment h's lad out n piogrammo begins with 10 modeling thu bimiui.wi of parlitimoii1 by introducing the provioim question and propose * to mid. by remodeling Knglish voting by \shnlosnlooroatioi of voters. Thu Btoimy SUMon ! ofi ycur n'fo ' in likely to look n&lo by com I . , n u with the pniliamontary tern .it n The depth of feeling against th continued oiitraufA which the Jews ii Russia are BuH'oring at the hands o their oppressoiB hhowod itselt in mammoth petition presented to th > hud mayor of Luiulon , asking him. Among the namcx aru these of the archbihhoi [ of Canterbury , the bishops " of London , Gloucester , Manchester and Oxford , Cardinal Manning , and ii'sn ' 1'rofosHor Darwin , 1'rofonsor . .loctt , Snmuel filorley , Matthew Arnold , and finally Lord Klcho and tl o Kuc ] t f islmf tonbury. D vA v M ok a o it was ycportod by .that uiu C'liviatmafi Jewish pickpockets" had created a lanicin the Church of the Holy Cro s it Warsaw , in Poland , whereupon riotu iroko out , during which the houses of lows were s.icked and many persons tilled and injured , while the troops ml police stood quietly under arms vithout interfering. Advices by mail eave scarcely any doubt that , ns lanics broke out in several churches at the same time , and were everywhere cha ged to Jewish pickpockolH , there wai a conspiracy against the .Town at ho bottom of it. The cry wont forth it once that the Jews , having cause 1 ho panic , must ' 'suffer for their crime. " Thu tints then bcgnn and continod from Sund.iy until Wotlnes- hy. The military did nol interfere U all , and the police but little Many liriHtians of standing in the cnmmimi- iityespecially C.iMmlic pi M stturtle on- rgetic elforts to protect the Jews from violence. On Tuesday , the third day of the riots , the JOWB formed thom- elves into defense associations , and , irmed with iron staves , in many it.- tanccs beat back tbo ass iilant from ho districts principally inhabited by ( own. The disturbance * censed on iVodnesday. Hut during those four days entire rows of bouses had boon robbed and demolished , whole streets lovaataled , and six Ihousand Jewish amities reduced lo beggary , their ossos amounting to over Iwo million rubles. It is said that several of the nstigatora and leaders of the fit/tors voro not Poles but Huasians , scarcely , blo to epeak tlio Polish language. Co-operation seems to thrive in lormany. The annual report of Herr Jchulv.o-Delitzach the well-known - , - po- itical economist , nhows that at the end of last year there existed . ' 5'J50 associations , of which 1,805 were lian or credit societies , pcoule'B banks , etc. , 074 industrial .societies , Glfi stores for .ho . sale ol goods and 'M building so- ciolico. Then there are several agri cultural associations for making ad vances to small farmers , and about a itindred "stoies , " which IlerrSchulxe- D tlitzseh eonaidois to bo outside the limit of "co-operative. " 1 > is o.iti- .intud tlmt these number 1.100,000 nombeis , or iicuily n thousand iiit'in- icra caoh , and tlioy have a shaio o.ipitaliiiisMy doiived fiom the sav- nits of their member.of moro than U,000,000 ! ) , the deposits reaJungS-'O- )00,000 ) , the amount of busiiicns trans act od by thi'tii during thu joir being estimated at $100,000,000. EDUCATIONAL NOTES. IVimiilfnt oiti/ens of 1'hiladflpbia have [ initialled the hcln'ol b ' .ml lo iiHuiit in thn nvariiziUiori of a technologic .1 scho'il. The actioji of the I'ltUhurg Itoaid of Kducatiiin increas'ii ' r the teudiorala ! - rits h.vs been recnn-ideied u.ul the pro-cut hiilariei h ivu been udhurcd to , \ iiiecbnnienl deiartincnt | i lo be r.dded in ftirnnl Cn'Icge , 1'hila'eihia ! [ , in which Hludentrt tniy become adcpU in carjientry , machinery , nnd oilier ln'iinicra'ti The ] > jltnnoru teachers arc required to rcpoit twioi a wci-lc the tmtnes and iiutiv bor of | ) itiil | | nnNliPil. Tito toncht'i > that n -ver whipiots into tlio fewe-t bciapi'M. Tuo ficc Kin lortfirti'ii Iniiniiiu i-cln-o1- ! ivc just b.'ii oitalili'lied in f'hicit'o , , . . , , , , I.I . , .uin ; i pfavanf. j > ifi p ct f ill- .struct on for the neglected little one * in thai city. The Hmnboldt Konnos hays that the teicbi'fn of the public school * nf Unit toirn nnido a idd i u the boys' pocketa recently and found four well-l ado.I . revolveis on boyn imilor Ifi yc.irs of n'i. Of the Hovptit'M'n schnols in the ITrtlver- sjlv of Viruiula onp in fully and tlin-e ] > : ir- tiallv n lowed. The yearly cxpeaseu of u stnclt'iit fur the BOhiiim of nine monthn ara . ? 17.riO. ; ! This includort board. The i > ly of tlio < i hth made niiile teacher or * \Viisliinf ; on ha been increased to ? 1ODO for tliu lir-t year with an anniul rit-e to ! ? 1-00. A proposition to inTfapo the pay nf f"nm'o ' trncheri was lost in the School lionril. The nnixer i'v of I'ennsylran a ptoin'- ' aea to cnt.ibllnli fifty fi.M ) Hcliol.iuliins for pupils of thu I'liiladiil-'hiu pnbliifchno h , at an iininril value f , if Icait S7fiX ( ) , in con sideration of the city's Polling to th m a Ktnill p'ot of xi'oniul a Ijninin ; , ' thcii' in- ktitntion. Souia people in Ijiiutsyillrf , Ivv. . an > try ! K to Htart a now incdicat coliool , but the Coiiriet-Jomna ! uvclaimi av.'niii'.t it. Tbero are al'oadv * > vo ' institutions of thu kind in Hi" city , it Hay * , and tlie tendency of mich multiplication is to Inm tlicni nil into in io iitack | fnctoriex. It lmn be n p opo.-ieil by the Albany boniil of pul'l o inotntctioiiH to iimkc n rule Unit no pupil nhoulil bu ibtuineil aftur school lnmrfl. Tliu principnln of thu var- iniw ( 'iMimn ir chooln h.-xvo hold a meeting at which th"V declnred Kit.-h nn action un- wipe. They npri-ed th it detention wan iiKcfiil ptinlKhinc'tit. The complaint The I'itUbun ; Gazette in regard to Muliool directore mixht with ju tico be echoed in ninny oilier regiono. "School dlrjctorv , " it "n i'rt , "are notori- oii ljr uegligunt and incflicient and do not make the bent itue of the powers with which they lire clothed. If HOIIIU lawconld bu enncttHJ rnljiiug thu cUnilnnl 01 nirnli- lii-.iti'iiH for ( lircctoi-o , the effect ii [ > n the hdiools ct-u'il not. fail to be hei'cfichil. Ainon ; ; tlie creat rtviln are want of fidelity in thx dUchir'ti : { of the ilnliei < of the oltloe of director. .Moro aUuution IK paid to the liDtullui' ' of til" tiiuney , tint letting of con- tricn for bulldlnia and mippliex. uud the finding of plau'i ! f r friendh or fnvorltis , than to tlio < n < nlificutoii ( of teachtrn , the hi'itlth nnd comfort of tb' ' | > upilH , and their fulvunceiiipnt in their t-tU'iieH , " Alnmt J ? 10,000 a year ure now paid out in hcholirhhiM | loans nnd other puciinlary nidi to poor students ut llnnard. About iiiH'.flj'hth U paid to btudentH of theolo y. It isiid to bo lU'i-hablr that tlio ninnbfi of" oix'ns to bailit'Ioiri of itrlH or M-icncc uhouUI bo douhlud or tiebled , ml that tiftft'iior twenty endowed scholar- MliiihNliould bu founded in the Uw vchooi and tuico that nuinber in the medical hcl iol. The need of these KIO\M < out of the uidlcnl cluin t'd uhlch h.i\i'tiiki'ii place in the university within ten voniii , Tlie r.iMnu of the ttuudurd for jrrulu.itioii luih doubU'd the time ro iiuiied for tituily , and , ircAonted the enjoy nirutof the piulli'n'es of the uillvurntty by kttulcnto ao luuii to itiipport them- scl\oH by to.ichliiK r other product i\f labor tiutnidv of the college. CONNUBIALITIES. .M. O. MI'I ' * . Jr. N eiiKiiK-cd to Mi 1 Until Livingston , and New York oxpeotii a brlllisot wtdditi ) ; , A peed many yonnj , ' lueu d > m t know Hint a woman uaU four nii'iiU a day when tile has fully cnteiedujon ma-trliuouy. A territJa Kuw York vuuuuii ul.o .hfr hivilitud , law bcsa fjivo l > end to kwp the p co for B\ ! niontht , YotinR Mayor , of Hrooklyn , nmr- rlrd hid first cnnpln on Wocbieciliy hix thlrty-dccond blrtlnliy , by the vr v " > rnna'c ' t-rn-her of the city and n llhodo ( jirl nnd did not forK t to ulnim hl site nf Id-Ring the bri Ic. A Xortli Carolina jim'lco of the peao1 reo ntly innrried n couple ns ho Mil rn- thronpil In Hatoon iho back of n mule , nnd the animal for once re Hacd that there n" ( blgrtcr trouble tr ilnjf on han lie could roduct- and cpt hh lice's Hlill.-Xew [ H f.vcn ltf'l ( , ter. The e'litorinl rooim o' ' Tha Cincintiftli ( Ja/'ttc were the wne of a wc'ld IIK the other day. The clcr yinan for \vliotn two lovers were H elt IIR wfi < n sixtiii ( , ' The On. 7i''tnin ' r poitini ; the Mnrriron rcvitnl inee In an i tln-v accordingly went to t'le ' now iMjicr otllro nd woio inntried in the jircj'nce of the reportni. ' 'There fo tnv three other duufjliteiv ; you c n tnlie ymir > ur pick : tii ! < ii tlio lu'st I can d" , ' H-ul nn lionet < ! VPII of Bsranton , Venn. , the olhrr d iv , to n > ' " " ' " * ii an uhn ai > | iear d nt wlut lie supposed wiui to be bin < i\vn we Idi'i ? jtHl In tinu1 to KI c his I cLivtd tnarrie'l to aiinthor num. The i't"ioro is < ( for wi < aeceptwi in thi > spirit in which it win mtile nn I tin1 of tlie thru i < 'iimininr"i ( fiirf < > protnj llv clid'-en and mariiid nn tlio spot , A jiptition ni tipd bv Ma iafhu etts i1urK\iii"H Dren'iitt'd In the M-wa- clui'elts liouie , aihl-i ) ; for Mich a tlianjjP in the mm tinge law n will iiorinlt clergy men to Ho'etnni/e marrlnfiiM in m y town in the Ht.itt > , without tcuard to the d"rn ! > eile of the pirtie < to be jnirricd. Tlio prc'ent Inw providis that Ml niarrinf'p shall be Kolfinnirutl in tlie city or town in which tin- person folemnmiiK them re-ide1 , IT in whicli one or bolli of the persniis In b ) inarrifl roHidp. CV' liupids liepnblicnn , 1" : "licit nun had n yi'iH.itiiin 1 i t vcuk in the elopement f ISenjoiiiin Anciitt and Miss Smith. The yotinj ; lady liM-d uilli her biollur , Chiules Smith , uho bad sluing objections KO Anentt for a brotliei-ni'liiw. Tbc ardent joiuij ; lo\er , aimed with n liceti'-e , put In an appearance at the homo of bit , Hwcctheart to be married , but her biotlier drove him off at the eclf-e of an ax. Tlio brother's victory did not con- tiiiue IOIIK , for a day or two later tlio girl eluded hn ! vigilance , and the Uo lo\ei-s ran elF to a minister and uere tied in the noose matrimonial. The brother is naid to lia\c objecled lo the wooei on account of his habits. " PEPPERMINT DROPS. Large , f.nt women often y. t about with Mii'leaxt bn.stlc. Too ninny "ponies'1 biandyill | no. duce niglit-inaie' . In union there i.s stren-'tli. ' nor TOIII'H it cold , " but Tom and .IcrryV hot. There ironupuuipi where the cucoaimt growti , which , peihapn , accounts for the milk in it. A Ver i out farmer bet S" > 0 tlmt the dis. t.'iti p to thu ni" n wasn'to\er cM'ii inilfi , nnd when sued f r theinonev tlio juiy sm- taiii''d hiui. Tex.ii' n" cipitolis t. liM.'Mi ftet hijjh , .IIH ! loinr nn 1 L'S.'i Ye nnd won't iliuro ba. . nitv lot of liilU to act lo lift" ire it is ei.inpl te t ! Itnmilu oui roloreil ccnllemiii smi'e when tin1 doctor told him thut getting vac- cin itcd wuMinplv tnkiu iniUer from one r.ilf lo ( HI' , int > Knottier. A buitl.ii'got } into the liiiuso of a couti- trv editor the otheruiu'ht. After a tetii- blu strnnKlu the editorhiitccedcd in lobbing him. [ I'hil.ulelplliarus. ' . Iti-ifjetti g no that a newspaper man ran't i iue f rom hero to .St. I'.iul on his ulieeiiviUion' ' . having it punobed hy the c' [ Stillwitor Liiinbeiuia . A corporal in the regular .uniy at Wa"h- iujton is lobe court.niafti.iled for not see ing bis captain tbrou h n buck wull and hdutm-him : : , accoiding to ix-gnlatioiH. le is uiihrulthy f-r two peonli > to HO p Un > eher. mi'l The J'hila L'iuhia Ktwx urn- rttnlfH thut tbiis tliu le.von whv tlio Xcu York drpiirtnieiil never jait- ' two oflice on th" hiiioo beat 'Ike h.n : ui irriuatiti ) ; bkin diTeis * ; Chirlotft * ru-se bioko out nil o\or him , nnd if he h.uln'o rn tlio Injun beadx as MII omulef. if. u'liiiM dunSitle s have ciiluui- ni'tcrf f tally [ M.-n. I'.irtiiigt'.ti. A medical tvitifie.ifu ismuoiifj the treas- UH" . of the Li'iulnn general po tollice , w tided ii follow"This i to i-eitifv that 1 attended Mix. in her lust illne x , and that nhedio 1 in coi eipionce thereof. " At Ifejenu o1Tcim , two fifteen-cent > H ( 'otinto a figbfc. A twenty-cent mnn tried to pait them , wlivn a fivi'-ci > nt loafer come alonj ; nnd "hot him Thi * ! H the l.ito t commeicial tranxiction in that st tc. Tin. pe' is k'r dually Kettini ; nway with the ul ter. Them nre r > pvni Hcho nu ; rinteudenc , twenty niiniotcri twenty-nix phj > ioatH ! , font lawyers and three editors of the feminine t-ex in K.111SHS lie rilipiied quietlj in at the door , but , catching igbt of an iiiiiiiing ( | face OM1) ) tbu htnir mil , waid : "Sorr > no late , my dear ; couldn't get a car before. " "So the ous woie full , too , ' " haid the Indv ! and further remarks wete uiiueccssaiy , [ ISos. ton Couiiueruial liulk'tin. An exchange h IK nn : nlicit- bended , "fiet Hold of tlm J5oy' llcnrt. " Tlmt wil do\vulienou hif it is a girl yon uic iiitviHiiu < , lint w rather get hold of a b > y K eollar , with one band and biw pintol jiookct with tlm other. Yon can re'as-on uith a boy mote th it way. There in nhvays hoinetbing happening tt the true Ohio man John Ljxle , of Belle Centre * , iii that co > iimoimoath , has been total y blind for eight ye r , but the other day hn felt n queer HenMttion in hiieycn , and the next thing h > new ho could pee an well H ho ever did in IUH lite , Mr. Ragbag wan only -3 when bin eldest Kin was born. We remember the day well. We uongratulnted him. Unt he didn't seem > ery jollv. Not but what it WIM a fine boy , and Itagbag wax wealthy , HO a family wan no bunion to him. Hut ho H.tid : " ( loud Lord , old friend , jimt think of it ? Hero : it the ago of 23 I've got to begin netting a good example ! " [ Boston Pout. A oian with a mho -plated double back action coin holder came Into the rtauctmu ( he other day , and commence 1 e.xplitinjng the beauticM of the article for holding silver hahu4 , etc. , an ! be had got en ball thronvh before he found ho was in a print ing ofti e. AVhon ho saw bis iniotiike , be wiiitt ihe door , cadly lopcned it , end kicked himself cleirdovvn stulrs [ Hvnua vllluThe The v Icissitude of country journuHiiiii are many and vexutioim , nnd n unetiineH .he heait of the rouutr- editor cannot I ) blamed for nlnkln ( { under Ibo i nvqna fight it inobllj'i'l ( to maintain. Wo were f rcibly r'inlned of thin fact by the anival of un exchange thin week from tlui n ith cm part of the state , with Ana of tbent n-o ti'ii.M of u i. o-v | i r'1 ' ' -d b. ifoin ! ' up People do Urn . , i ttiu c n < eli' s there Is on an cdltorM brain. [ Peck's Sun. "Do you believe In Droiuoii Alcott't. theory of aethetiu cnting1 asked a Il.mton Indy of lu-r Cbieafc'o admirer. "I don'l kn.iw whit Ilronodii Al-otfn theory o lutlietic eating I" , " but when I'm hnnnry , a brace of mutton cliop ? , Home p rt-ilmui-u i j Htrak , dozen or tuci buckwheat uukun , four boft-boilcd e.K" ' > n < l " pbtti ofmt \ \ \ make a ine.d that l-i icthi't'c enoii'b ; for me. " "Vi' " , ye- " , but you don't im ter- Ktaud me " impatiently nildxi his f > ir in terrogator , "Mr AloottV theory ban refer- eiK'M to pTboiiK , nut j > U- . " [ Urooixlyn Pretty Good .Ino. lUcon , l.u ] rte , Ind. , vvriten ; , , Your ' .SrKi > o Hi.n.-HOMMs all you crack- eil Jt up to be My dyiipepaiu lias aluii - ifhed ; why don't yii adwtlca it ? What Hllowance will you iuxk if 1 take a down ' - " ' ? - , wiUli , t 1 could t'bllse uiy ft lento loiiallj't" Piit-o W cent" , tri-I Iwt. 2JilHi ! . M LMI ' ' " " ' MUSIOAL AND DRAMATIC , Sftlsbnry'it "Troubadours" arc to play In Uooth'n Theatre in March. The Greek Play willbo offered at IJooth's. Theatre , on Hie the.TJth Intt. John McCii'lniuh has been brilliantly iticcespful in I'lilliidelpldn nnd Itastim , "Mof'tr-in-Law" hai bo n sticoci'sfully produced in the Opera Cotniriue , London. At Memphis thn advance sale for hMwinl ) 'oltiVcngisettient exceeded Hern- iBidt'abySSOO , It Is reported tint Miss Minnie Hauk .nay herd an KnRliiui opera comi ) ny in , his country nett winter. Mian Marv Anderson's engagement nt Month's concludes to-day. Hlns been * , icm.trknblo successful one. Schott & Co. , of Malm , are rcimr ol to : iavo bought the piano xcoro of Wanner s "ParslfnV for " . * > 000 mark" . Mr. Kdwiu Uooth sent n linndsome check to the mother o th hit * Samuel I'k-rcy , who died recently o' ' xinallpox. Ma io Mitchell peems to have gained a lew IOIIKO of popularity this doacoti. She ( hawing crowdtd houses at the Park ,1 ea're , liixton. It is said tlmt Mr. John A. Stephens will nfRiinic the management of the Acad emy of Mimic , J\'evv York , next eiason , when MnplcKon m not givitif ; opera there , Tlio chief "nensntlon" incident in I'eU ; it' new inelodram i , "Tnkpn frnin Life. " "s a reproduction of the explosion in 3let ken well prison. The htro IB played jy UbarlcH Warner. Arrang incuts have been pcrrected for a teas n of Italian opera in Xi-w York city , with Mnditiiio Patti n.s the jirima donna of the coinpttiiy. It will tefjin vry soiin alter the Opera Festival in Cin cinnati. "Jerome Hopkins , " Music snys , "tlireatoun Ghicai'i with a piano tourna ment , in which Henrietta Mnrkntcin , Ulind Tom , 0-uiir M Xewell and J. N. * * - ? > Patterson ure to be the principal per- fornierc. " The r.itiM cha.-Red by thoc'aquo ' In Paris are a * follows : Ordinary applause 5 francp. warm applause Ifi , ono recall'Jo , unlimited recalls 50 , triaati ; ! { ; 5 , laughinR 5 , Involun tary Isughtcr I" " ' , expressions of , How funny - ny ! How interesting ! 15. etc. The New York Chorus society will give iti ) iirat public rehears * ! and concert on Priday afternoon , January 27 , nnd Satur day eyenlnu , January 28. The coloiat will be the Mi es Schdl , Wtirmb , Win- ant , and the Messrs. Toedt , rreumann nnd Rciniu rt/ . ftJo Of .anting Oars Widre diicct tonriectiun fctn uuou with SLEKFiNi ! OAK UNHf tot NBW YORK. I10VTOM , &NH ALL mnu The Short Line via. Peoria rat INDIANAPOLIS , CINOIKifATt , LOtUS- VII , 1K. bti' ! M pointn In ttic For ST. LOUIS , Where liltn" lonruxtiou ! fis amdom Itjn Uuloc T > frnt 1th the Thrtiuuli S ! ? pln ; Cir l.i n oa for ALT. POIKTS LWJE'HBiES MQSBES ThK PAVOUITK UOUTK 7OU Rock island. I'tii untyj.aiuJ ) ; ivluci > njiMits o3ercHl b.i tl > ! a Hue Vi tm > clt > ra and tourUtx : > rc lolloun : The cdcbmtotl PUI.LII/A (18-whpol ( ) PALACE tiFIKl'INil i 'A ' US run onlv on this lluo C. , B. * y. pAuAci : MiAwrvo noon CAIW , with llorto'i's Kcrlliiing Chntr No cxtni chur e for HCivta In Rcdlnlni ; Ofm-ra. The faiuoua C. , E. ts Q. t'alaw Dir.ini ; Cam. OuiifejUH PmoUlnij Cnrj [ Ittoil with olcii.uil MbTU-luiked rutLin r > ol > tn ? rfwlm , lor th. OHIU ! ' .VH n i ol finH-clftfn jiasscn' * lthiholr jfitnt through cnr irronKeninnt , mtk 8 tblu , alioM ) nil ntln-rs , tlii , ' tovorlto loi.te to tcu Ka..t , ( Jo'ith an'l SoutSuMH * Vrv It , n < ! > nu .rill Hud iravellni : it luxury In- < t."i I nt n il'.inHntort Thrnuh'li rlrli'it % lo thl ct-lebrMui Hnu icr snlo at all O'lui ' > ' in tl'u L'nitoJ Hta os und CAII.VA. All nluriijftilon aij t ratt * of larn , S'wplm ; Oar AivuiiU'od : tloiiJ , Ttinu Title * ) , rtcrill bo . ' en by i > } < lvltu to ? KUCKVAI , LUWKLt , t'licret utiiiei Avciit , Chl yti. J. rOTTKH , lu'irosiu or TH Ilo tttrr'n HloniBch Ult'ir > U as much , . . , , , . , M A lioiiHlicld ncc'HHltv un nir r or o Itoa The reason ol thu Ii tlmt > cir o ( x ] > riu i < - l-vo ) provr < l it to ho ] i rleit y u'llahlj Inluoji liistsol enu'r. u , > iM > a ( iromiit an I r no'\ \ lit rc'in- tul ) iniKiuurJii ] i ulna , M < n , luir on plaint , 'Ij'i ' | * , li'li i ti'n ' ami elli r tron'ilo' ar over oinc t > s t K'irailu jul'Wi'11 lii-alirN , touhom appti tor I'o.ti'tur'n Atiiunn lor ) ( vi- . NEBRASKA State Gazetteer and Busi ness Directoy , Containing u description und u lUt oi all bust c s en In the 'trVP , HI curly in 1S'J ) TrlreSloO Jt M. 'iVOLF 3auth PourtJjnlli