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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1882)
1'fUS OMAHA DA1LX BEE : WEDNESDAY JANUAEY 25Is82. The Omaha Bee I'ubliohed every morning , cicoptSundny , The only Monday morning lUlly , TKUM3 HV MAIL- : Ono You . 510.00 I Three Months. ? 3.00 Six Months. r..OaOno | . . 1.00 TUB WEEKLY KEE , pubH.licd ov- TORMS : TOST rAi : - One $2.00 I ThrcoMonths. . 60 Six Months. . . 1.00 | One . . 20 COUUKSPONDKNOE All CommnnU intion * relating to > cw nnd KdlUrinl mnt- lars should bo rutdrewcd to the Kunon w THK Hr.F * BUSINESS IiEtTEnS All 15ttaliic < Letters and llcinltt.viM riionld bo wl- dro sod to THE OMAHA I'OTLISHINO COM- PANT , OMAHA. Draftn , Checkn niid Tost- otTico Ordeifl to 1 * iniulo ( layablo to the order of the Company. OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'rs ' Et ROSEWATER , Editor. OMAHA wants no lulf wny in ensures. Tuts is the ice man's holiday and the coal dcnlorn' frolic. TUB country IB nt peace , but since the small pox scaru all the doctors are in nnns. SEVKN applicants nro wrestling for thu Cincinnati postoflico. Six aru certain to bo left. AH A leader of the republican ma jority Mr. Jlobeaon c.innot be consid ered "n howling success. " MK. KAK.SON ia naid to lose no opportunity - portunity in knifing Speaker Keifer on the llnor of thu houso. THK winter season is the fanners' thought harvest , and Nebraska farm- on , who arc a reading and thinking clans , take advantage of the fact. I'OSTMAHTBK .TAJIKSsays ho was glad to got out of the administration. There is a prevailing belief that the happiness wasn't altogether nn one side. EX-SKNATOII SAIUJK.VT'H - appoint ment as secretary of thu interior ntill hangs fire. The country is beginning to hope that the charge hus boon with drawn. THK lilair Republican compliments THK "Hun upon its daily "Tale of Two Cities. " The Republican evidently gives Tin : BKI : credit for raising thu Dickons. 0 > "K thousand men are reported at work on the 1'amuna canal. When the next iissRsament on atockholdora is called the number will probably bo materially reduced. GUITIIAU talks n great deal about the inspiration of providence. It is to bo hoped that providence has in- upirod the jury to bring in a prompt verdict of conviction. THK public school * of Kan Diego county , California , liavo boon closed for live months. The school authori ties are Mid to be compelled to this course because the Southern Pacific railroad persistently refuses to pay iln taxes. EVKIIV foot of the ground in Oma- lia needed for railroad facilities should bo as free to one company to another. This city cannot afford to give n mon opoly of her gateways to commerce to any single corporation at the expense oi others. Ouu bogus aoldiorH nro the most ex pensive kind. From $7,000 to $10- 000 a day is paid out by the govern ment to men who received severe wounds on railroads or who wore dan gerously shot while being Huppurtud by aped parents. THK Chicago Times says ; "Mr. Speaker Keifer is daily acting us if he found that the mischievous boys ol the houHo were putting bent pins in the chuir to which Don Cameron invi ted him. It is nn unhappy situation for the man with the gavel. " THE war on the "bobtail" car is xprcadlng. A Iloboken jury has de clared them dangerous to life and limb and recommended their aboli tion. It also censured the company for not providing all its cars with con ductors. And now if thd agttatioi ' would only strike Omaha. I NKAIILY $7,000 wore fonvmlet from tbo United States to Paris las I week to support the Irish agitation Hi As Air. Eayan remarks America in i gold mine worth tapping , A gre.i many Irishmen and friends of Irelaiu would like to know whether there i Any chocic on the melt who hand ! iho funds , and what they do with it I'm ; pioHpccta ut DCS Moiiies for jiliort session of the lawn legialatiir are said to be favorable , unless th temperance loadnra protract it b forciutfun immediate vote on the cot ititutionul amendment , securing special election in February for a vet of the people and holding the legiila turo to pas * strict lawn for its enforce ment. It is believed that the inaur anco laws of the state will bo mutori Ally emended ttt the pro-sent uctjsion THE FARMERS' MEETING. The Nebraska Farmers Alliance meets to-day at Hastings in special session for the purpose of discussing the interests of the producers of this ntato and the dangers which threaten their property and development. Chief among the topics which will bo considered is the transportation qtics tion. Our farmers will endeavor to discover why Nebraska monopolies are enabled to ohargo from twenty-five to fifty per cent , more for the trans portation of freight and paisongors than the railroads of Iowa , who are responsible for the plain evasions of the railroad law of the state , why the railroads nro practically exempt from taxation and on what grounds the monopoly nmnngors refuse to take out patents for their unsold lands , Those subjects afford ample field for discussion. They are the most mporfnnt nllecting the producers of ho state. Kvory farmer who sells or iuys , who ships a load of corn or inrchascs a pound of proviftions is itally interested in their debate , Vlien half the earnings of our pro- lucent is extorted for making those 'arningi available , it becomes sheer onfiscation. Cheap transportation at iresent I'D the most vital necessity to ) ur producers. How to obtain it s the great ipiOHtion. Our legislature las nfllrmcd its right to regulate the ailroads of this state by passing the ) < iano law. That law properly in- erproted and appl icd is n long step in 10 right direction and in its osson- lal features embodies tha resu'ta ' of ' 10 best and most effective lawn on the abject in other states. The attempts f the monopolies to mnko its opera- ion obnoxious to our people will cor- , ainly not result in its repeal or pro- out the producers of this state from urthcr legislation which will secure o them nmplo protection from corpo- ate greed. What Nebraska needs a thorough awakening throughout or farmer clement to the necessity taking nn active interest in politics , 'his the Alliance is rapidly bringing ut. And just as soon ns every pro- iicer in this state refuses to cast his ote for any man who is not known > bo in sympathy with hia views , the attlo will bo quickly decided. It is largely with the object of per- ocitim ; their organization that thn roHont Hcsmon of the Farmers' Alii- nco has convened. The movement ogun ncarcoly a year go 1ms spread itli n rapidity which shows how fully , in in accord with the sentiments of ur ngricultutnl clasi. Tt will also bo trongly supported by thousands of oters who do not pursue farming for livelihood , but who Buffer from lie same class of abuses which our iirmors have decided to endtiro no ongor. EORETARY KIRKWOOD'S IN DIAN BILL- Secretary Kirkwood has drawn up bill having for its object the im- rovomont of the Indiana , and the resident has submitted the mea < iuro o congress. The bill provides for the [ ipointment of three commissioners , /ho are to bo employed in visiting itch tribes as the president may dos- , 'iiiito , to ascertain the si/.o of their esorvations , and to outer into ngroe- lents with thu Indians for a rednc- ion of reservations in all cases where t may bo to their interest. Wherever null agreements are made the ceded ands are to bo surveyed , and , when old , the money , after deducting the xpcnsos of survey , is to bo placed to ho credit of the Indians. Under the ill the diminished reserves are to bo ecurud to the Indians by patents , luia giving them pormunent owner- hip , except in cases of allotment in ovoralty in their tribal capacity , 'rovisiou \ made for the alblment if land in severally , and if it in proved hat the Indian has cultivated the so- octod ton acres provided by the bill , t will bo patented to him , and the cost of improvements to the extent of $100 in each case will bo defrayed by ho government from the price of thu Hiirrendorod Innds. The proceeds of the nales of surrendered lands are to be ox- > ended under the direction of the lecrotary of the interior in the orec ion of houses , purchase of hones , mrnoss , cattle , farming imrlomonts , and in the building of school houses ind the Hupi/ort of teachers. The /ill directs the commission , in CASOS where it is not deemed advisable to reduce reservations , to enter into an igroemont for the survey of bounda ries and of all lands embraced therein , and to convoy allottmonts in severally , The commisHion is also autliori/ed t < negotiate for the cession of entire reservations and the removal of the Indians to others , and the money for which such coded reservations nml ! be sold is to bo expanded for the In dians on their now reserves , Anothe feature of the bill is to provide bj treaty for paying Iho Indians within i limited period after the passage of th act the principal of all trust fund now hold by the government on the ! account. Still another feature is th gradual reduction of annual appn priatinn for Indians , until in th neur future , when the tribes shal become nolf-nupporting , tlu > y wi wholly cease , The bill appealB to have been care fully drawn , but will doubtless oxcit considerable diicussion. The powers with which the conimis ionors ar lothcd .ire very extensive , and such ) ewers in the hands ol a class of men ho have heretofore made a hand- omo livelihood out of the nations wards could bo turned to even greater isadvantago so far ns the tribes are oncerned than under the ( .resent ystem. Other portions of the bill ccm to have been prepared RO as to guard well the rights and interests portainifig to the Indians. WHAT could government do for the mblic advantage , ns to the cost of transportation , more than has boon [ one by the railroad managers thorn * elvprf' Mr. Reagan and other mom * H.-IS of congress who are anxious to nako the control of railways by the ovcrnmcnt the vital and controlling BBIIO in polities may well consider his question in the light of reo-nt vonts. For seven months tbo trunk inc malingers have been voluntarily jiving to the public the cheapest rail- vay transportation ever known. Then vnr ngaiml each other , which began line 15 , has involved in greater r less degree nearly all ho important connecting lines mtwecn the North Atlantic and the 'a Hie coasts , and has caused a'urcat eduction of rnUs on all lines. It is irobably within bounds to say ( hat lie charges for transportation , within .ho past seven months , have bc n nt cast 8100,000,000 less than tlmy vould have been at the ates prevail * ng prior to this eonllict. This is j. mndsonie present to the producers nd consumers of the country. Can t bo supposed that the government , ind it the exclusive control of rnil- ends , would be equally anxious to nrich the public at its own expense ? [ Now York Tribune , And what guarantee have the patens - ons of the trunk line roads that the ow rates caused by the cut-throat war f the managers will be maintained ? t is a notorious fact that every war n rates is followed by n corresponding ncreaso in the tariff just an soon as 10 managers have patched up a truce , 'ho argument that railroads unregu- atod by law fight at intervals and re- uco their extortionate demands to omething like reason , and that on lis account the } ' should not bo ro- Lricted is the sheerest bosh , Rcgu- ation of railroads by the gov- rnment will secure nn equality i rates on through freiuhts and upplomented by local regulation in lie various states will force a uniform nd low tariff for nil patrons. All the orces of a legitimate competition on nterstato commerce will still continue i operation with the only difference ml the country at largo will not b'e eft at the mercy of the whims and ; reed of thu stock gamblers and mo- opoly kings , TUB appearance of small pox in our ity has been followed by a very gon- ral vaccination of our citizens. Still , ccording to the reports of the vari- us physicians there are n largo num- > or who have not taken this very nee- asary precaution against the spread f a loathsome and dangerous disease. Upon such THK BKI : urges immediate accinntion. No person in Omaha ho has not been vaccinated within liroo years should delay for a moment i submitting to the operation. Med- cal authorities differ as to the length f time for which vaccina- ion is operative , but no medical uthority denies that vaccination s a certain remedy against the spread f the small-pox. There are now live veil defined cases of the disease in Dinalm. Ono death has already taken > laco. It is impossible to say how nnny others will happen within the loxt few weeks. The National Heart f Health has declared small-pox epi- oniic throughout the country , am eport the disease as especially viru * out. While our eily authorities an aking every precaution to isolate the nfectod localities , every citizen hould nuke himself a lurrior against hesproidof the disease , to protect nol nly his own life but the lives of his loighbors. This can only be done bj poedy vaccination. ( iKx. CiitA.NT may have retired from lolitics but there are some very sug- ; ostivo indications to the contrary. In a speech which ho delivered before .ho California pioneers' banquet at tfow Yotk last Saturday occurred the following : " 1 am sorry thaton former occasions when 1 was invited to meet this society I was unable to bo pres ent. Even on this occasion 1 expect ed to have boon in Washington , to issist the president in tilling some : ) ostofHccs , and so on. " The Goner * il's long political lifo at Washington seems to have loft some longings for : hn flesh pots of Egypt. A IIII.L has been before the census committee which provides for the choice at largo in the states of sue ) additional congressmen ns shall bo ns signed by the now apportionment urn the choice of all the monibtirs at largi in those states \vh . , r > prf shall bo diminibhcd oj .u tioiiment. The scheme is precise ! ) the Bcrutin do listo of Gambotta while the district method is tli ( Bcrutin do unomlissemeiil. It is saft to say that thu proposition will not secure cure a passage when brought from tin committee room before the house. THK Iowa papers declare Governo : fitnir was the most efficient chief executive ocutivo ( hat the state over had. I was his custom to poisonally invest ! gate thd booki and liimnceg of tin thirty public institutions of the com moinvealth , . mid satisfy himself o ; heir condition. When ho retired rom oflice two weeks ago , he told n liond that ho was going homo § 5,000 poorer than when ho came lethe , apital. Governor ( iear is still likely o bo heard from in Iowa politics. DEAI ox RtoiiAiiL ) HKXUV SMITH , of fho Cincinnati Gazette , pronounces n orgory the published letter claiming o have been written by Murnt Hal- load and which referred to Garfield is having been "up to his neck in cor * uption. " The Omaha Herald will mve to look up some now material or slandering the dead. - i STAIIIIINO General darliold's mem * ry over the back of his old-time ricnds will never receive the support f the people of the United States. LITERARY NOTES. After the now co vor , the first "mid winter issue" of The Century is chiefly listinguished by its unusual range of ) opular contributors , whose names of hemsulvea awaken in the reader a lesiro to see their contributions. Of heso arc Ralph Waldo Emerson , lonry W. Longfellow , the late Dean Stanley , Mrs. JJnrnett , Mr. Howells , Frank R. Stockton , "H. H. , " K. C. itedman , H. C. IJui.ner , each of vhom has his special audience. Add o these attractive names the other 'eatures : a fine frontispiece portrait if Goo. AV. Cable , author of "Old Creole Days" and "Tho Grandissi- nea , " engraved by Cole , with a iketcli by Col. Waring ; another of the inique and amusing "Tilo Club" lapersj illustrated by ten of the mem- > ors of the club ; the text ( somewhat abridged ) of Airs. Burnett's play of 'Emeralds , " now running successfully at a New York theatre ; an illustrated account of the growing sport of Lawn Tennis , with fnll direetit-ns ; a review of "Significant Features of the Atlan- .a Exposition , " by Edward Atkinson , Esq. , who , wo believe , was the prime never in that enterprise ; and a boau- .ifully illustrated paper on "Tho Phi- Ago of Sculpture" and it will bo teen that the number contains rare elements of popularity The departments contain a number live and artic'es ' ' of suggestive 'Top is of the Timo" includes "Public Service and 1'rivatu Husints * , " ' 'Tlio Disappearance of the School-mas'er , " 'Tho Situation in Ireland , " and 'George Eliot and Euiurson. " In a communication the l ) < i. tuu Exhibition of Wood-Engraving is roumionted on by "A.V. . D. ' . ' "The World's Work" jives descriptions of now processes and inventions , undrr the following lieads : "Protection for Workmen. " "Now Material for Wall Decoration , " "Mechanical Refrigerator , " "NowG'iR " "Tho " "Novel Motor , Hydrometer. Air and Water Pump , " "Ecjiiomy ol Heat , " etc. "Bric-a-Ur.ic" gives ac count of "Maskwell's Compendium' and its wonderful" results in impro\- ing the handwriting of the "famous and infirm ; " and in "A Liter.iry Success" reveals thi > secret o : advancement in the profcminn n literature. THI : International lit vie for February - ruary will contain a remarkably cleat and Inwyer-liko presentation of Dr. Thomas' side of the recent heresy trial , by Prof. Austin Bierbower who shows the \veakncss and dangers of the Methodist Church , as well ns its possibilities and opportunities. The case of Dr Thomau has forot itself upon public attention as a ques tion touching the rights of private in dividuals and the tendencies of ju dical invoatiuations. Prof. Biorbower openly and freely makes the charge that all the rights secured oven by the common law and the ordinary right of any person upon trial were disregarded garded in the conduct of this case , the arrangement nf the jury , and the re lations of the presiding officers who have deemed some elements in the Methodist Church as tuinlhi ; , toward despotism , but who had believed liovod that this tendency would bi dormant under our republican insti tutions , begin to feel a HOUSO of danger gor lost this grand working ehurcl shall be cramped and rendered inef fcctivo by this tendency to exercise al the despotic powers which its organ ! /.ation renders possible , OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. CALirORNIA. Three millluiiM , Ihu bundled thomnni ixrnu n of | * raiu wenxhii 1HM' ' fr)1" HmU KIHU last your. TlioKliipmenti of iiu > rulmndi'O fron Him lY.uicUco to Hit ) Sandwich Inlaudn for thee > o r 1881 were valuolat S2 , WtlUS)3. ) About 18,000,000 fett of lmn > er was cu in 1881 liv the milU Iwtwut'ii Secrumunt mid the Summit tin the Central I'uoifit ntilrnnd , PuUlmiui Im a new At ; ( cultural Park Mid huvaral Uioiunml ilollura aru to ho t > \ luMid tl vury HOOD In iinniovhiK and honu tifyhii ; it. l > c ( ilntin f , l.oiii'n , hn : MIIWII I0or ( aci 4 nt ; , " in , iiiulvili nut in IM.OO ) iviu > more , beniiloa which lie hah vineyiml o I.OOJ acreii , Dim mllu below Downlevlllo , on th Yuba Ulver , it nnappirciitlv thiifty pin trt'o about throe fctt la liuiglit , urou'ln out of u milid rock. U'liat itbou It U tliH fiuitof iti nuking ni > percuptllili change in hi/e oinvo it w.n lirst luitlco. twenty yuAUUKo. lej < tructlvo hot wiiuU contltmo In th Southern | > ait of tha .Stit * , tlryliio up th p.utuio luiuU mill ( urdnt ; stock men t drlvu to otlier Htutes or lu o overytliiiig Sheep are dyhi ) * , uml AJ thu lambing fcea HUM ha just comment c > I nrJiiy thniib.ind ( if the little ( iiiex will liav to I' " killed i hope * of navIng tie ! Ihej of the motliem feed ( HO scarce that tlio Inmbu cannot b NEVADA. Tliu cold Im * U > * n ko intvnoi ) in City that it .UK bteii iu > cvii .uy to built t around tlic hydrant * to thaw tbcm ut. ut.A A Rolil nKKcti | worth SOfO , wa * recently Icked up at Osceola by some Chinamen , ) nc found in tbe same district in 18" " clifhcil 81,000 , Wcll-lnfonned cattle dealers inform Tlic Icno Gazette tbat tbc fat bucf cattle now n Nc\ad and California , i-mt of tbe maintains , will fall abort of 15,000 bead Kuieka , l-'Hineralda , Storey and Lander , the order named , nre now tbe Urgent ell- pr producing countries in Nevada. This i flliown by tbe forth-coming report of the state Comptroller. Tin- state of NWda contains 110,700 ipmtc miles. Of thisnrea .15 Hipiare miles re rivers and smaller streams , and ll.'iO quart- miles lakes and pond * , making n teal - al water surface of ! ) ( XHiimro | iniloR and a otul land mil-face of 1 Oil , " 10 wjuare miles. The Oar-ion Index , whose editor ift a law- fraud uK-jud e , my * ; "Tliere arc now cry few attorneys in OatNini who are not vruiittcil to practice by tbc Virgin ! * and 'nickte railroad comdnny. The ( irofession s looking up considerably. The only point ii which the local road cllnga with mucli pnacity is upon tbo contiol of the courts , "his , hoivi-MT , Isuf trivial Importance. " UTAH. The Oa cl > n itou work-H will sonn be a act. Klpctrlc light will mperccdn ( , MS in Salt ik CI y itlti-i the firntnf March. The mines of 11IK Oottonwood a e look- ng more prom sing than they lm\e ia the u > t eight jearf. The bullion lilpments from Silver Cliff inro the new year commenced have been nnsiiaUy heavy. Mnrdem nre { totting to be altogether too utneroiisin P.irkUilv , and thbre Is peri- u talk of organizing n Vigilance Com littee. The recent discovery of an extcnsivo i idy of iMod CIM ! tome fourteen miles oith of Hihcr Cli'lf would seem to settle IIM question of cheap fuel for the mining ompanicH nnd the citi/ens of thin city and nrnmndings. COLORADO. Trinidad'.1) Ktrcct railway will soiu be in > perntion. Ounnison City's telephone apparatus is > eing placet ! A number of milieu nt Cumins are being actively worked , nntl the camp ia prosper- 1UH. Tlie IMU ity as well as the quantity of un ore in the Breeco Iron mine Is deteri- A movement is now on foot to build at Denver a home tor the newsboys and boot- ll.lckrt. Colorado has 120 mail routes , the total eiiRth of which is 3,780 mll-H. Tlie nnual travel on these routes ia 1,200,840 nilcti , Colorado's cattle an * in good condi- .ioDj as fat as they weru in the fall. There s more mortality among liortcs tlian tattle. " ( Jold' " iMK e'"i miule of brass or cop ier , ni' HIINV auttfactuud in Denyt-r in xniil n ; n ' ' e' ilii-e" to conri'liir t'ti- U-ifn- . .1. I ) , aciti/.en of St. T.m , died uilduiily , it Denver lu-t ee , wh ! t al- iiwina fockt.iil. That. Koiter uis a li Ii kickei , The ort > . - < tro n thi ! Uaitle m lint i'i iiiiioat lie ( Jiiir piomiho to play n mpor ant patt in tlie economic smeltim ; if lira in IM ( ! ' illf. A r ck d'slodg ' , d frnn th nioiiirnin , a liouiand feet auvii the lv--lly lion e , ut nk * tJity , Utiiie era hiiiK tliron.h tlie roof canyiug e.-tiuoion with it , The Ijittlii Pittu u mil e ut Lo.idvillo s ( toln ; ; vtr mely well at tli Il e ent , inie. I be output of the mine ! > about ISO tons per v.'eek. aveiMmiig ! ? 0 ner ton. Tlie i i''e of llo'iiiinon stock is ndvanc .in . ' aluwlv hut. htuidily , fuiii. Tun weeks ago i : wi-nt bu ( .ins "t o..o dollar ami nMity ! tuts a slu e. It is now worth 8'Jfi' ) . IJnc. Uag.'s , the mon * f mons croo' , connd-nco man , nnd cu-rul thief in tliu Went II.IH liofn up n lii < ol < l tiious vain , utid succeeded ia drog"in < ; u until ani-il s tit Doiivvr and rte.iliiiti fr m li'ii ' ; SIOCO in drain , liu u'm u.q > t\irod anj K-fl Tlie cii'illti' n of uattl ii the Xmt | nrk in Hiii-h : is to e iHf tln > bclitf niniiii cattieicen ihat thu I 'n- will Ii vny ! i tl if. my. Tlim -w in bo v.ihijv riiii u i > no p ae < < t ' . - < if . , pr , nt tw--lvi- n fn itten ineli- . -in ! i- q- ( "Ii , i tli ' tin1 < til.u n o.-'i . , : i i > i ii * f. u. i ci uca ii. Tliu Denver & Orleans construction company II.IH concluded to have a receiver appointed. Tliis is .nude necex-ury bj tlie failuie of Governor Kvatii to _ ne > j - tiate tlio bomls of the ( imipary in thu e.istcin market. D. H. Molfnt , Jr. . Ins returned to Denver to accept tlie receiv- r.-hip. A strike i report d to have been made a couple of days ago in the Brnclnlia > v tun- nt-1 , on C'alifo' ni.i gulch. There ia sail to ho three feet of ore in the face of the drift known as tlie Lincoln workings , the whole 8 feet iihows nn average of ounces in gold and 7 ounces in .lilver ti the ton. Tliere is on exhibition ut a Denv hotel bevernl pounds of native wire goli taken from tlie Ontario mine. It wa jtiht as It wits gathered from between the rocks , With the exception of u littio runil which c nng to it , the nold was pure and wan e < tmated ! to lie worth bctweei 5700 and $80 . 'Hie Ontario is probnblj the richest fine gold yielding mine on the globe. The town of Itcd ClitTU greatly cxcitet over a ligh ! between rnilroad men for pos NeKSiHii of I'.ittlo Mountain canon. ] < as \veekonnoftboforemen workinj ; for tin c > ntractorn , in making n deep cut tlirout ; ] lii.e t.ine , htruek n largu body of carbon ntes whirh pnanito to .yield largely ii silver Tlio foremn > i immediately tool no.-i > esMnn t ked out claims for him elf and men. Corrigan , o' the contrait ing linn , heard of thin , and , with armei force , drove ( be foreman and bis men ou of the canon nn camped I. on the ground Both parti * ) have intrenched fornnelge NdW MEXICO. llrick hell at Kocorro for 820 per thoiis uml. uml.The The Nuw .Mexican railway chenin in n big tiling. 337,000,000. ' Liu Vegas iiKH arraigned a non-necturUn libtary and leadiiig loom , A lilack H.tngu mine returned an uisay of 8,000 ouncw to the ton. The Altec mine , 1'inos Altai district , ha a tunnel HOC feet deep on a vein of fre old. old.Thu Thu Chinese of Socorro havn hid nnhoot IIIK racket , t'nfortunatcly then' were m killing ! , A lofty miss of rock , which threw it idmdnw over Las Vcgax , halt u mile away Umibli'd into the vwlley la-st week Fivft to fifteen thousand tons of rock wer liH > em < d from its foundation by intciu floM. fnll < v > d bv I'li'isual liont Tin liiointtulii tovffied 'i 0 ( cot , ibuv tb' i.iiilllinm river , Tlio earth HUtiiitil to trt-mble a the mass deiieendetl fteadilv down thu wide of tbo cl ill , and vvben it reached tbo bottom nf the canou tlm etlnct \\ni nmulliug , The moBt rumarkablo ri > Mtlt of thin tiiitlden nnd v iolent ch.ingo nmlir nnturo'a direction in found to I e tlio disclosing at tlio point < > f rupture , high on the mountain side , of nn eight foot v iln of copper cirboimttH und Bulpliidnx vvhlcb WIM promptly located by J'H. . tnrtlu * dale , who cluluia 1 1 have been the bet > llinlier and firdt on the vnot , and held now holding | iU claim wltli n brace f furty-foutii. Iffilf-way down tbo elite of the mountain iu the cradle of the aw.ith , a coal led wan laid bare , which was ulen pif-empted a n on as dUcovetfil. MONTANA. It U estimated that COOmllenpf railroad will bu built Iu Montana thin year. The total Helena frelb'btn teceived tin iat ycftr by rail and river atiproximntc to 8,000 , The Helena rmstoflica hnndlcd 2(5,770 ( ileces of ninll last yeitr , and tianractcd n msincM of over $300,00 i. The totnl sbliiments of bullion from lelptin ilurinR thi post year has been ! ? old , JftlO.n.'Wj silver , $ fll,7IK ) . The new wnt r company at lluttc h irucs the city $3.000 per year for water ii put out fires antl pprinklo ntreets. The ity c nncll and clllrcns "buck. " The rattle cm the ranges near licnton am sutfeiing to i-ome extent fur water , iMid a good fall of unow would now be mlled with delight by stockmen. WYOMINO. Tbo Chcjenne city council Is republi can by n vote of o-cn to two. Denver Cohilni'ts arc negotiating to cs- , ablih gas works In Cheyenne , Tracklaylng continues on thu t'nlon 'nciflc branch from l.iuimle 11 the Xort nrk. ulr. .1. T. Kn p , carpenter in tlie employ of tlie Union Pacific at Kvans- on , while working on the. roof of a slie.l at Altny , near Kvunst' n , fell and frnc- lured his leg badly near thu Juice. DAKOTA. Ib'stnarck's banking lui'i'iess la t year amounted to $ 'Jt'J,07.0 ! ) ; comine eial sincBB. $ ,500,000. The lllack HlilH Times aimnunces the HCnvery of n fine quality of coal on LJl.xck cr.'ek near the stage r _ ad. Tim Yanklon college groumlH uiu now .be hcei o of iv i u y begiMiing for the com- iig edifice. Already a huntlre.l wagon loadx of fttono fr tiie foundation of the collegihavu been delivered. The c.xll for n special elec ion has been nado by the countv c m > mi finncrs for the inrpoie of voting $10,000 in bond * , duo in ten year * , to be used in pcniiatiently locating tbo state univei-hity at Vermil ion. ion.W. W. li. Tlioman wants $ "i,000 out nf Yankton on the score of allowed injinies suHtaiued by hlniH'lf and wife In consequence quence nf u defective bridge approach , by reason of which , antl the jolt , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas both fell out backwards 'rom their wagon. OREGON. Tlie outward and inward tonnage of I'uget Sound for the year 1881 aggregated about 1,000,000 tons. Small p x has entirely disappeared from Dayton , on the upper Columbia river , and he schools are once more open. A catarrhal fever livt broken out among the horpen in Portland. Or. , fables , and ; wo cases have proved fatal. It takes the 'orm ot influenza , which attac s the nine- OUH membrane of tbo whole system ami runs into conge.stion of the lungs. Tlie following are the statist ! , : of Indus ; ry among tlie Nez Perces Indians at La wi reservation , Idaho : The popula- ; ion of the tribe ia 12.10 , comprising 257 farmer' . The dwelling place on the re- 'crve co-.njiriuHH 48 frame building , 128 b'g ion PH and 72 loth , 18kin and 1 m > o iga.i , Tlieie are 1713 iirrcs in cnlM'ti- tion. Of domestic aninnils the l > , < i -t M 10 eis 12i'.lfl ( borsi'a , 8 0 CHUM , 1 o\i n , 100 otber cattle , t7."i ! twine nnd 1,200 d , m'xtic fouls 'Ihe Hiliturvi em imdt-i i't < ieud of nianuf.i turudpr. liuctH MiOO y.mtd if el h or in itting. PLEASANT HOURS. A Grand. Hop nt Tektimtili. rrraiotiilKiica | of Tins HRR TUKAMAH , Nob. , January 21 ! . The most onjtvyable party was given last Fiid.iy evening by tbo members of the Pleasant Hours Association of this placp , Jlr. George James president , and it was positively the beat wo have had for a long timo. At 8:30 : p. M. tlio programmes was opened by thu be witching strains from tbo orchestra , nlnoh waR under tbo leadership of l-Vif. E P. Mefisir. of Fort Omaha , tuiS'sicd by Mr. Harry Underwood , c riii't player , principal musician , J. Sands , Im * , and Mr. Anderson , sec- mid violin. The prompting done by Mr J SanJs was in the highestSPH t > r the u.rd ii perfect ciijojnient , and vo i'1 , iudi-brcd 'n the yt-li'loin n nf . ' in- t ) i > 'iliiv fur tbe exci'llont iru-io I ' llmv 1 avi ft rni" ! cd for llui c- caaion. i'rof. Mesair's orchestra is oiiua ud for the 17th of February for a grand maequrado ball at this place. Pretty Good Jno. Bacon , Lapirte , Ind. , writes "Your 'SrniN ( ! PI.HSSOM' is all you crack ed it up to be Mydybpepsm lias al van ished ; why don't yu adveitine it ? Wha allowance will you make if I take a , dozei bottles , Mijtb't ' I could oblige my friends iiccasiounlly ? " Price 50 cents , trial bet ties 10 cents. W-lv i Grea1 English Remedy Nc\or falls to elite iN'mom Uubllltj. VI til i\lauitlon : , KmtH- I.Ions , Srini"al Weak- HOOD , and all th Ul ulTuctH of youth ( ul follits anil cxcfK ei < . It stops rerun ilcntly nil winkcnin ; involuntary IOSH BIX-I Iralnn upon the ) em , thrlnevitali'e re . . . . iltof thcfcouMliirao tkcx , wliK'li Kre nn iltetrnetlvo to mind nnd liodj anil iunko 1 fu inlforibU' , oiten luadlnj ; to Incanl- lyanilileitb It u'rciijthciiH tliu Nvrvev , Druln ( invmnr } ( Illooil , .Mii'lo , Pl o'tlvc anil Hcpro iluctlvu Ori n , ItrcstoreH to ull the organic fimctl'-iu their former U 'or anil vlUtlrty , nia Ing llfu ebevrful anil I'l'jojalile. 1'rleo , $ .1 a bottle , or four tiinoa ttic iiian | Itj J10. Sent by f x.ucs. ] secure from ovx rvution , to any ulilri'xs on receipt ot | > rlcu. No , 0. O , 1) . bent , c\tcp on receipt of $1 OH a ciurantoc. Loiters ru quebtlntr answers limit Incloao Etamp , ADr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills arc thu best ami ilicapot ibnp < | nla anil lillllou cu u In tin' murk t , aulil b } ull dnii' ists. 1'rlt 60 ctinla. Dn. Jlisnr.'rt KIDXKV HrMKuv , GKI-II/TICI 11 , Cures all UtiJof Ktilnn.v anil bladder cooiplalnto gonorrhea , tlout ; nrd Ivucorreca. For fulc j al UauL-jr aU : $1 a bottle. KNQM81I JIKDIOAI. INSTITUTE. 71BUllvuBt , St. LoulD , Mo. _ Jm25-tv _ _ _ NEBRASKA State Gazetteer and Busi ness Directoy , Containing n desciiption and a Hut of al business men In the state , vill bo issuei early In 18 2. Price $4.00. J. M. WOLFF ' , , , . , , , . South Fourteenth Neb XOTIOK II' } II. Ni. . M.I v.lltol.f UOtl t I , irUOM 11,1 lj ) of JiLMinlitT , ibsl , tliu C'ountk Jmtk'OOl Klua Count } , tlrl l > a > IMIUI ! an order ol attiulimtnt for I ho Bum of < 1UUU In an action t < cndliir | bffcra lilm "I'eieln 1'arkcr 1' . Clark , Urortiu II. Cliik mid I'.liJr.Ii F. Clark , ] rtnur a * Llark hrns are pIMnt fl , and llci ry II. \Voolfilffciiilun' . that piopettv bdoi InK Inwbeunutlacindiinitcr-aid order ; that tai moiitlnuol to the Hi'tmry. l l , U'rm ol mUl foiitt , and I hit you arc riij ilred to appear aiiilainutr b > ttiuOthday if r'ebruaij , lay. . , Ja > uaiy 14 , 18 JLVAlUi LVAlUi IlltOS. ! ) > CmiKsriNi HIM. Janlleitati Mri > . BYRON REED & . CO. OLUUT UTAKUIIIID Real Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA I Kc | i * oonpItU tUfrtct of title to Rcu Sittte la Om b n Uoui-laj coaatr , nuytf HOUSES Lots , For Sale By FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STS , , No. 63 , Full lot fenced and w itli small build ng on Capitol Au'iiue near 25th htrcet , $700. No. 257 , I nrgc lot or block 205 by 270 feet on Hamilton , ncnr Irene street , $2SOO. No. 2M1 , Full lorncr lot on Jones , near 16th street , SJ.POO. No. 203 , Two lots on Center street , near Cum * UK street , S9CO. No. 252 , Lot on Spruce street , ncnr 8th street , No. 261 , Two lots on Senard , near King street , No. 251J , Lot on Seward , near King street , 350. 350.No. No. 249 , Halt lot on Dodge , near llth street 82,100. No. 247 , Fenr beautiful resldcnco lots , near Crelgbtoii College ( or will sell 8 pnrntc,88,000. ) No. 240 , Two lota on Chnrloi , near Cmnlng street , $400 each. No. 240J , Lot on Idaho , near Cuinlng street , $100.No. No. 240 , Ono acre lot on Ciiming , near Dutton street , $760 No. ' 244 , Lot on Farnlmn < , near 18th street , 34,000. No. 213 , I ot GO by 133 feet on College street , near St. Mark's Avtnuc , $530. No. 242 , Lot on DougliK , near CGth street , $376. $376.No No 241 , Lot on Farnham , near 20th sirect , $760.No. No. 240 , Lot CO by 99 feet on South A > cnue , neir Jlnfcon strict , 8560. No. 23D , Corner Irt on Hurt , near 2M street , 32,500. No. 233 , 120x132 feet on Harncy , near 24th tree ( w ill cut It up ) , 82,400. No. 235 , 71x310 feet on Sherman Avenue (10th ( street ) , near Grace , 81,000. No.04 , Lot on Douglas street , ncar2Jd 8750. No. 232 , Lot on 1'lcr sltvct , near Seward , $500. No. 231 , Lot40zGO feet , near C pltol Avenue and22ilbtrectSl00. No. 227 , Two lots on Dccatur , near Irene btrcct 200 nnd $175 each. No. 223 , I ot 143 30-110 by 441 feet on Sncrraan A\enuolUthstr ct ) , near ( .race , * 2,400. No. 220 , Lot 23xiti ( feet on Dodge , near 13th street , make nn offer. No. 217 , Lot on 23d street , near Clark , S500. No 210 , Lot on llamlltor , near King , $800. No. 2uO , Lot on 18th , near Nicholas bticct , No. 2j7 , Two lots on 10 h , near 1'aclfle street , Jl.'OO No. 205Two lots on Castcllar , ncarlOth trcet , $160.No. No. 204 , beautiful residence lot on DIv Islon street , near Cuiuing , 8850. No. 203 , Lot on Saundcrs , near Hamilton struct , $850. No.lOOS , Lot 15th street , ncnr Paclfl" , S500. No. 19SJ. Three lots on Siuiudera street , near Seward , ? 1,300. No. 193J , Lot on 20th street , nwxr Sherman 15' . No. 194J , THO lots on 22d , near Grace street $000 e ch. No. 101 } , two lots on King , near II ami It strict , 1,200. No. 102 } , two lots on 17th street , near White Lead \VVrks , S1.H60. No. 1SSJ , one full black , ten lots , near the bar rack B , $400. No. 191 , lot on Parker , near Irene street , S300. No. 1S3 , two lots on Cass , near 21tit btreet , ( gilt edge , ) $0W > 0. No. 181 , lot on Center , near Cuinlng street , 8300. 8300.No. No. ISO , lot on 1'icr , neir Senard street , $650. No. 175 , lot on Sherman avenue , near Izard- street , Sl,4ro. No. 174) ) , lot on Cass , near 14th , 1,100. No. 170 , lot on Pacific , near 14th street ; make offers. No. ICO , six Iota on Far-him , near 24th street SI 451 to $2OCO each. No. 1U3 , full block on 20th street , nca race course , and three lota in Glso's addition near baum en nnd Caesius ttrects , g',000. No. 129 , lot on California street , ncnr Crclgh oncolUgf,8426. o. 127 , ncro lot , near the hend of St. Mary'a nvtinie , $ J,000. No. 123bout two acres , ncnr the head of St. Mnrj'sammc , 81.0J" . No. 120 , lot on 16th street , near White Lead Works , $526. No. 124 , sixteen lots , near shot tower on the Ilellctnv road , $75 per ot. No. 122 , 132xl3i feet (2 ( lots ) on 18th street , car 1'oppleton'H , 81tOu. .No. 110 , thirty tulf-airc lots in Mlllard nud Caldw til's additions on Sherman au'ime , Spring .ind Saratoga streets , near the end of green otri'ct car track , $801 to $1,200 each. No. 8 ! ) , lot on Chicago , near 22d ttrcrt , $1,500 Nn. bb , lot on Caldwcll , near Sauudcru btrcct SSOO. SSOO.No. . Sfl , uorncr lot on Charles , near Saundcro BtreU , S700. No. S , lot on Izard , near 21 t , with two fin IioriHus , J2.-IOO. No. b3 , two lots on 10th , near 1'iiTiu btree $1,600. No. 78 , three lots on Hnrncj , near l ti ! street , $2,0i O. No. 70,90x132 feet on 3th street.near Lenten- wortu Htreit , * 3WX , ) . No. 7J , Ii0x82 feet , on Pacific , ncarSth Btreet , $3fCO. , No. 1)9 ) , C xl32 feet , on Douglas street , near 10th , $2.600. No. CO , eighteen lots on 21st , 22d , 23d nnd Saumlcrs strictx , near o race and Saunders streo br dge , $400 each. bill No. 0 , one-fourth block (180x135 ( feet ) , neanilae Convent of roor Claire on Hamilton turn , nro thu cud of red stri e car track , $360. No. ti , lol on JIarcy , near Oth street , 81,200. No 3 , lot on Califcrnia , near 21st , $1,100. No. 2 , let on Cas , near 22d street , $2,500 No , 1. lot < n Harncy , near ISth , $2,000. Lots In Harbach'a first and Bocond additions also In Parker's , Shlnn'a , Nelson'n , Terrace , E. V. Smith's , Ileill.k's , Oiso's. Lake's , and all other additions , in u \ jiriccs ana terms. SU2 1- < f i it , i com I'lacc , near Haiiscom Park ; piii in r > n , .M1 to 8SOO each. One liuiidrcil r , , , , ! tlfty.nuio tnautlful reel , dtnrolot * , loi- > Hamilton Hreit. half way bctwcun the t in tu nf thu red strict car line and the wutoiwor . , or and addition , and ust west of ill t of , ( le bi.Urs Veer fitoilOO < uili i. . . i. l.o .old on easy terms. Tracts of 6. ll 15. 2J , to or N > , cres , with l south or wet. ami at lnkl rock prues 220 chm , e , , , , , , CHH loU In 'all the principal ffoni I Wto . Two hundred hnuwn and oto ranelnir ' from 5500 to tlB.OC > 0. and located In every "la' of The Urge number of exullent farms in Douglas s"l' ) . Bunder. , I > odre , WMhinston , Hurt ill j REAL ESTATE AGENCY 16th and DC agla Street