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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1882)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEK- WEDNESDAY JANUARY 25. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , YonK , ilanvary 24. MONET. Money closed at li per cent. Exchange closed stroller and higher at 65JS,4 ( SX ) . COVEIlNJIENrH. Government bonds closed firm , Currency G's . .1 2ti 4's coupi'ti" 1 18i | 41's coupons. ; | t. , , . . . 1 114 up Continued 1 02ji 6's Continued 1 01 KAIUlOAll liO.VttS. Pacific bonds closed as follows ! Union lits 1 lfi@l ln ITniim L'uul Grants 1 Ktfjtl l. > Union Sinking 1'uiiil . . . .1 22 ( ,1 21 Ceutrals llXiilllJ STOCKS The ' took market w.n active and irregu lar throughout , and the dealing ! ! were very large. The tot d sales were over 530,000 shares. The market underwent frequent changes , nnd nt 'he close v\a < decidedly weak , prices being at or near the Iwest ol the day , The prinuipd dealing * were in D. & R. G , Reading , L. S , W. U. , X. Y. C1. , Erie , N. P. , D. , L. A W. mitt 1T. 1 NKW YOIIK , y 21. The Lehlgh nnd Wilkesbarre Coil companies' mines passed into the control of the corporations yesterday frmu the hailds of the iccelvers. The stock and bnndho'ders will hencefoi- ward mmage the affairs. S Seligman & O ) , siy thsy anticipate a great improvement in Paris to-day , us a syndicate of banker ! has been formed to protect the market and buy nil shares of Union ( icner.tle. The pries j es'.erdny was l.OOOf. , and it is prelicted will be l,300f. to-day. It is deemed probable the trunk lines may postpone the deposit of the forfeits ujied for to-day , becansi1 of the action of the Huston & Albany road in refusing to jnake the advance agreed upon. Private cable advices from Paris say a panic U undoubtedly averted , but the feel dng List night was very much miied , anil while the bears predominated , the con * ervatives were strong , and argued that the market was too lo\v tj drop. In short , inter st in the market was admitted to be very larg , and among thu bears are reck on d Gould , Sage , Kcene , Smith , .Mills an i Park. The stock market had n t > h.irp rally af t r the first call this morning , some stock rallying as much as 2 per cent , thu hitter iu U'abash preferred , which sold up to GSJ. f There was a little reaction at noon , but feeling continued strong. The following are the closing bids : A.V T II MJ Met. Elov'd. . . . Mi AD an M&O. . 33 I ? A Lpreferred I'.O M & St L . 20 15 & Q 131 N.TC. . . 114 ! C C&I C 181 NY C 1311- C. S 12 N Y Elevated. 105 Canada S. . " > ' ( { Nrtsb. & i hat 82 CI 32J Nor.V. . pfd. 50' ' C P 87 ! ? Nor. Pacific. . .31' ' CCC&I 7H ! Preferred1 . 71J C fc A .131 ? Northwest in 12li C. fi O. . . . . ' 23 Preferred . . . . 137\ i-a ptd 31 O& M 31" 2.1 prefen ed. 21 Ouialu 3'i C St L & N O. bO Preferred. . . . 100 D. L. & W. . . . 123 OreNav ex-div 1311 Cameion Coal. 13 OTC 07 1) ) & H P D & E 33 D. itR. G. . . . 08 Panama 195 ie 3'JJ PM 203 i. W 33J Pull. Pal. Car..l3G is' Teim UJ O K Silver . . . . 12 Pieferred. . . 23 Preferred . . . GO V Adams Reading 62 ? Fargo 12S U& WPc 175 American 1)3 ) R.&D 201 * U. S. ' . . . 78 R& A 28" 78y H & St J. . y > R I 13. : Preferred 107 \ R& P 25 1C 132 StPM& M..109 IB&W. . . 13J St Paul 100 K&T 352 San Francisco. . Jl LS . . 111 ? Preferred. . . . 47 ; SU' ' 1st pfd 101 * ' ' ' ' LLS. LNi' . . . 74 TP 1GV .Jil L S & W , . 40 T D it I ! 13 ' " 85f Union Pacihc. .llGjj \ > i'T"lBII..e.t ! 12"i Western Union. 7 ! ) ilsm & Ch ir. 78J 34- ? i.i i ! ) ! ) ] Do pfd G8g Man. Elev'd . 52 CHICACO SIOKEV MAUKKT. CHICAGO. January 24. The demand for money was ou a fairly active NC ile , and all classes of borrowers were in attendance. The Mipply of loan able fuuls wan good at b'7 ] > T cent per annum. The prerent state of the weak market keeps upn active biiHiness in the way of mirgin checks. The ttock of guinin the Chicago ele- tcjtors is 10,82f,2l ( bushel" , against 10- , 52"/OUO a week ago , and 11,503,010 at this juried lant year. 4 The clearings of the associated banus were SG.lOO.OOi ) , limtern exchivnge between city banks fas quoted at 50c discount per 1,000. iiLoM oN , .Tanuary 21--The politi xl nnd foancii.l hitiution on tin continent it de- all the maikets. COMMERCIAL. t Otuchn Wholosulo Marliot OvncK ov THE OMAHA I5KK , ) TuedJay Evening , January 21. ) ' : I Wheat ad * meed 2c for No. 2 and Ic for \No.3. \ Rejected advanced'3J . IJarley , iNo. 2 , dfeliuoJ fio. No. 3 d.-clined Ic. VaU ) advanced Jo. No other ( i loited , * i m i - Local Grain Uealmci. iT. ( Janii No. 2 , 1 irJ ; > 'o. J , 1 014 : rejected , 80Jc. bA.PvLEY.-C'a li No. 2 , 93c ; No. * KVB.-Ca h , SOju. , CORN. Cash N < > . 2 , 47c. OATS. Cash. 3-th. STRB : T PJtlCKS-Corn , 45@50 ; oatu , HAY &i 00@G 50 per inn. Pi'ovlilani. J'LOUR Spring wheat , straight giade , 50 ; "Pioneer" California , 8400 ; fttent , S(3 75@4 50 ; vdnter wheat straight N nde S3 85@4 25 ; natent.tfl 50@fi 00-gr.i- BT.J rye , § 2 50 ; Wheat , < 3 00 ; Queen O ee. ? ! 25 ; Juspe , 53 * > : ; Ui , ; Si mx , r.o , R YK FLOUR-63 'A rtoii. JO 00tjj)17.00 ) ; unvniiiKii , pi-i uwi. : ; nIibi'tH , per cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , 8c rcwt. I'0 ' ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 40 ; Wile. ? 1 ( ! 0. 'OTATOKIi Nebtaskas , 1 10&l ) 20. i\\'iiT : : POTATOUS-Oeimhiti Mu-.cs- "e,4 @ -T Q per Ib , Wlljl ) OKKSK Out of market , ' .KOUS-lfic. llU'JTJil : Choice , 2i ( ( < ,23o ; poor , d .arkiit . : fair , 18g.2lj ( creamery , StO@3'c. ' [ APPLIES ( Joml. sound , \vry octree tni . , SJ 75@.r 00 per Lbl. ; W LKMOXS-Steaily ; per box , e.160 ® 00 , . MALLAOA OllAPJJS-l'er hbl$8 SO ; P rlnlf bbl.SJf-0. * 20@22c. | ] IONIONS-1 101 40 per bushel. lORANI3KRRIES-Per bbl. , 10 00 ® ; jjc jJELERY-Per doz. , G'@C5c. ) 3lKSSUFnKKSK-I'ep ! Ib , , Ogllc. OYSTKHS Select * . 45c ; tUndanls , Ale nilKSSKD CHICKl.XS-Stoftdy 10@llc. UKKSSni ) TUHKKYS IL' OHKESr.-10@14c. Qrocer * Lltt. COKKKK.-Ulo , tdlr. l ict I o , good , tclUn ; , prime to choice , lljc ; Old ROV' lava ; .Vii@Wic , Mocha , 28Jcj Arbuckle's I7c. I7c.TPA3. TPA3. P.unpowder , good , 45@flSc Choice , l'iO@7r c ! Imi rlal , good , 40@4r > c Choice , CiO@7r > c ; Young Hyson , coixl , Stiff 50c ; choice , CTic@Sl 00 ; | Xat Leaf 35c ; .Tnpin , choice , C0@7" > c ; Oolonc , 35 ® 10 ; OoloiiK , cho ce , to)1) ) ; Sou < oed , ; CiffilOc ( ; choice. 3"ffiir ( o. loaf. lOjc ; Orunhed OJGranulated. ; . lOJlc ; Powder" I. 10 < Fine powdered , lljc ; ttnnd ? ni OotToo A ! c ; New York L'onfi-clioiuT's Standixn Good A , ' .i e ; Prairie Kxtrn O aYEt'PS. Sugar house , bbls , 45c | hn' bis , I7c : ki'u . 14 gallons , 32 10 ; choict 'able syrup , I2c ; hnlfbbls , 41c ; kegs.8210 SODA. Dwight's Ib papers , ! M 00 ; Do mud do , S3 00 ; Church's , W 01 ; Keg odfv STARCH. Pearl , 4fcc : Silver Gloss , 8 V- * < lc' Corn Statch , 8i@'Jc ; Exeelsio tl > s , 7c ; Corn. 7Jc. SALT. Drny louls per bbl , 2 OH ; Ash ton , In sacks , 3 50 ; bids dairy tiO , 5s , 3 45 Shis dairy. 100. 3s. 3 ( Hi. PRIED I-'RUITS Choice new crop , 8Jc ; Evaporated Aptilcn Ib boxes , 13c ; Michigan , Sic ; Ne'.v Vork apples , 8\c \ : Prunes , old , ( lie ; now 7c : Currants , ( " ( ESi- ; Blackberries , new I5cCHEESB CHEESB Full Cream , tic ; Par Skim U Jc. WOODENWARE Two hoop . 11)5 ; three hoop pails , 2 20 ! No. 1 tub 9 50 ; No. 2 tubs , 8 50 ; No. 3 tubs. 7 50 pioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown ? 90 ; Well bucket * , 325. LEAD Ear , 51 G5. SPICES. Pepper , 10 ; AlNpii'o , 10 : Cloves , IOc ; Nutmegs , SI 00 : 2.ricCas ; < ia Mnco 81 00. MATCHES Per caddie. 'Ms ; rouni cases , S7.G" > ; sipiaro ca > es , 35.10. PROVISIONS P.reakfiwt bacon , 12\c jhoice lard , M c ; dried beef , 13Ju ; i-li ers , Do : hams. 14Ac ; bacon , side" , lie. NEW PICKLES-Medinm , in barrels $10 00 : do in half bbls , 5 75 ; Kinalls , in hbl- 12 00 do , in half bbla. 7 CO ; gherkins , ii bbls. 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 50. VINEGAR Puret apple extra , 1G : pure npple , 13c ; Prussinir nuro aniile , IGc HOMINY New , ? 5 50 per bbl. BEANS-Medium , hand picked 83 " per bushel ; navy , $3 75 ; calef navy , S3 75 ROPE Sisal , J inch nnd larger , ( ij@ 9ciinch ; , IOc. SOAPS-KirkV Savon Imperial , 330 Kirk's satinet. 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 G5 Khk's white Russian , 500 : Kirk' . Euloca , 2 05 : Kiik's Prairie Queen (100 ( rakes ) , 3 10 ; Kirk's magnolia , 1 85 ® 4 40. 40.CANDLES CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Hi oz , 10cboxes401bs. ; , IGoz. , ( is , IGc. LYE American ; , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 310 Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis lye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 75. POTASH Pennsylvania cann , 4 doz. in case , 3 3"i ; Babbitt's Hall , 2 doz. in case 1 ! )0 ) ; Anchor Bidl 2 do7. in case , 1 50. FIELD SEED Red clover , choici new , 3000 per bushel ; mammoth clovei new , $700 ; white clover , new , $14 00 11 alls , clover , new , § 12 50 ; alsike , new 81300. Timothy , good , new , S3 00 blue grass , extra cloau , 81 50 ; blue gr.xss clean , SI 25 ; orchard grass , 82 50 ; red to ] ) choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri SOc ; millet , Gt in on , SI 00 to $125 llnngariin. hOo. HEDGESEER Osage orange , 1 to . bu hels , S5 00 ; usage orange , 10 bushels o over , 8-1 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 3)c ; pe 100 Ibs. . 823 00. FISH Family white fish , 00 Ib hf bbl S3 75 ; No , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , G hO No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; faniilj lOlb kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , pe keg , 1 3j ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colup bia river salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; George' Bank codfish , Gc ; Gen. boneless codfish 9Jc ; boneless fish , 5Jc. MACKEREL Half bbls mess mackerel 100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do 100 Ibs , G 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 10 Ibs , 3 So ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 No. 1 ex shoie , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shine 12 Ih do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do. 75c. CANNED GOODS-Oysters , 2 11 ( Field's ) , per case , 84 00 ; do I Ib ( Field's ) per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case 3 70 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per cate , 2 30 ; di 2 It ) ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Hi ( slack ) pe ! cose , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , ih , per do/en , 1 GOfel 70 ; do21b , per do/en 2 55. Sardines , small fall , imported , om quarter boxes per box , 14Jo ; American quarter boxes i er box , lie ; do half boxes per box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen 180. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 Ib per case , 3 30 ; Corn 2 Ib ( Mountain per case , 3 GO ; soaked corn , 210 ; do 2 _ lb ( Yarmouth ) , per cane , 30' ) string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beam per case , 2 20. Succotash per case , 2 25 Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case 280 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 75 : raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 75@3 00 Damsons , 2 lt > , per case , 2 15. Bartletl pears per case , 3 Oo@ J ( X ) . Whortleber ries per case , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 Ib per ciJ > e , 3 .10 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , jwr case. 4 50 Given gages,2 , Ib per cafce , 3 50 : do choice , " Ibr | case , 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case , Ofl@5 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per cas : , 3 10 do 3 Ib , au-e , G OOrtrTi 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Iti , poi oase.385 ; do pie , G Ib , per down , 3 50. RICE Carolina , 8@8ic ; Louisiana , 7J @ 8r \ fair , GA@7. PE AN UTS-Roasted , choice , red Ten- nesnee , ! tc per Ib ; fancy white , IOc per Ib ; r.w white Virginia raw , IOc ; roasted , 114c. Dry Qoodi. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A. SJc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A 8c ; Boott FK , ! ? ic ; Buckeye LL , I-1 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7ic ; Cliitteii.ingo A , GJc ; threat FallH E , 8Jc ; 1 loonier , Gtc " ; Honest Width , 7Jc ; In- ilian IIi'.nl A , "Kc ; Indian Standani A , Me ; Indian Orchard d. w , , 8.c } ; Lawrence LL , "c ; Mystic Ilivi-r , 7ic ; Pequot A , 8/c / ; Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , Tijc ; Wachus- ett JJ , 7jc : do A , 8Jc ; do E 18 , 12jc ; Wai- vt < tC I * ] * ) HfjtJt KIWIBUOWN : COTTONS Allendale 4-4 ; 7Vj ; Alligator 3-1 , 3c ; j\rgyle 4-4 , 7Jc ; 2 Atlantic LL. fije ; Badger StatiX 1-4 , 7o ; lieniiington C f-4 , GVc ; IliickejeS. 4-4 , GJco Indian Orchard AA9-8 , SJc ; Laconia O 3l > , 8c ; Lthitrh E 4-1 , UAc ; l/onsdale 4-4 , IOc ; Pqmejell N 30 , 7c ; do ( J 32 , 7ic ; do R 3G. T-ic ; ilo Bflli. 8Jc ; Pocawtt C 4-4 , 7Jc ; Wamsutta l-l , 13o. BljEAOIIEL ) COTTONSAndroscog f.lji L4-1.10clJlackst ; ineA A in fie ; dnddhalf bloich * > il * , ! ) ; Culwit 4-1.8J ; " kilty M , OiesFriiitof tlnljonin. ! ! ; do 1 , i bnc4-i,13udo ; WaterTttibt,10ic ; < Jieat FalUQ.lOlc ; Indian Headshnink 4-,12'c-j ( Lcnwlttlc , lOJc ; do camhrio 37 , 13c ; Xevv York Mills , 13c ; Pcquot A , Wo ; " O Twills , lliio : Pocahontos 4-1 , ! ) lc ; PocasH t 4-1 , 8Jc ; Utica , lie ; WamxutU X X , 13e. DUCKS r/nbleachwl Atlantic , 10 o'l 17c ; lialtimnri ! do , ] ( ic ; J/onu .Star , K 112 , 12c : , nso , litj itlsCKrt ( Colnied ) Albiiiy K biown , ; do 0 , ilrab il do XX , htiipen and plaids , t2Jc ; do XXX hrown and drab. stripeH and pl.iidn , ISJc ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; L'rninwick brown , 8Jo ; Chaiiut fancy , ho 12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; J'all Uiv ' blown , extra heavy , JHcj Jndlana A biown , 13c ; Nciioribut A lunmi , Kx- . ? TICKJNGS-AinoBkcaL' A C A 31 ! , 17'jCj ' do XX blue32 , 184c ; Arrnwanna , Ijcj Clarcmont JJ 15 , 15tc ; C'one togn ex- , 17ic : Ifjinilton l > . fljo ; Lawiaton A , 13c ; jMlnnelinlia I-1. 20c ; Omega nuper eitra4-l. 28o ! Pearl Klvcr 32 , Ififc : J'nt- nam XX blue atrijn12c ; Shttuckut S ( , - lOJc ; do S3 12o ; Ycomau'n bluu 29 , 8Jc , 1JUN1MS. Amoskeak , Uuuand brown , HHc ; Andover ] ) ] ) blue , IBJo ; Arlington jii Scotch , ISJo ; Concord OOO , blue and - ' brown , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 13Jj doXXX , lode 14Jc ; Haymaker'H blue nnd brown , ; My tlo JCiver JMJ etrli * . HUc ; Pearl iflver , blue and brown , ISJcj IJticMvllle , bhiv mid brown , 13jc , CAMUKICS lUrnnrd , file ; Kddyntone lining , 21 inch double tnco , S c ; Garner A glazed , 5c , Manhattan glee finish , f > Jo ; Newport do tic ; do Klaiecl , 5Jc ; Pcquot do ! " : : Ijoikuoixl klii tmlsh , Cc. CORSET JKANS Ainory , 8cAndro - coggin Mttoen , SJe ; Clarendon , ( iJcCoiw ; toga sattecns , 74o ; Halhivvoll , be ; Indian Orchard Improved , 7Jc ; Nnrragftiisptt , 7Jc ; Pepperill Mttccn V\e \ ; Ruckptirt , "Jo. PUt NTSAliens. . 1'ijc ; American , OJc ; Arnold , 7c ; IK-rwlck. 4jo ; Cochoco , 7 > ! Conestoga. ( ijc ; Dunkirk , Ijc ; Dunnoll , ' " " " " ' " " " Gj@7c ; I' Harmony rimno " South ! . . . , , . . bom , 5c ; Oriental CJc. ( UNGHAMS Amoskcag , lOju ; Amos kcxi ; ifress 12 } Anjyle , lOJc : AtlnntU- , lie ; 'jinnbeilfuid , 7jc ; Highland , 8c ; , 8Jc ; Plun kctt , lOJc ; Sus- sex. Sc. COTTON ADKS Abborvlllo ISJc ; Agate , 20c : Ainerifin , ; . 20o ; Calm D nnd T , lUlc ; Clarion 1) and T , 17c ; Drcctn Co. stripes DandT , IGc ; Kt > v stone , 13jc ; Ncntuckct , Ilic : Nonpareil , IGc- Ocean 1 > nndT , 13jc : lloynl , Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , 12UW.icbu ; elt Milit- Int ilieckn , 12Jcj do , Nankin , 12K" York , plain Nankin , 12Jc ; do , checks , tripo.- and fancy , PJJc ? do , 8 oz , 20c. SHEETINGS -Audro-cognin I0-l,27jc ; do 0-1 , 2lo ; do S i-l , 22e ; Continental C 12 , lie ; Fruit of the 1/oom 10-J. 27j ! New Yoik mills ' .18. 35c ; do 78 , 30o ; do 5S , 22Jc ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Peipiot 10-1 , 28c : do 7-1 , I'.lc : do 19 , IGc ; Pepperell .10 , 21) ) , ; ; do (17 ( , 21el tlo 57 , 18c ; Utica 96 .Vic ; d < - 58 , 22Jc ; do 18 , 17o Olgnri and Toh.tccos CIGARS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut , S25.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Havann , 850.00ClearlIiivniin , § 75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 21 Ib. tiOc ; Spotted Fawn , tile ; Our Hope , I quality , G2c ; Star , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , title ; Horse Shoo , pound * , 21 Ib , butts , GOc ; Purity , 24 Ib. butts , B2c : Queen Bee , 24 Ib , butts , 53c ; Edge , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GO ) Army and Navy , pounds , 53c ; Bullion , pounds , GOc ; I/orillard's Climax , pounds , Glc. FINE CUT In pails. Hani to Beat , 75a ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain. 80c ; Favorite , G5c ; Rocky Mountain , ( iOc ; Fancy , 55c ; Daisy. ! i < c. In tin foil - Callins O. S. , R Ib boxes , i > or Ib OBc ; Lori- illnnl's Tiger. G. > c ; Diur.nnd Crown , Mo. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 33c. Ginmilated Blackwclls Durham , 1G o51c ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , SOc ; Seal of North Carolina. 1G oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 1G or , 3 c ; Lone Jack , 4 HT , linen bags , per Ib , S1.35 ; Marlmrgs' Prek. 2 or , tin oil , 55c ; Uoj Tail. G5c. Paints Oils and Varnlthei PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.purc , , ( Marseilles ; green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc , gin Heal. 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French /.me , in varnish asst , 20c ; French zince , in oil ivsht , 15c ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw nnd burnt Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown , 13. ; lefincd lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lpc ; i"ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome gri'cn , L. M. < fc D. , 14c ; blind and shutter green , L. M. it 1) . , 14cj Paris green. ISc ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan nit , 22c ; jVmerican Vennili.xl , I. &P. , ' 8c ; ( hrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; vellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 1C ; patent Ilrver , Gc ; graining colors : light oak. dark na'c , wilnut. chestnut and nib 12c Dry Daltts : White lead , OJc ; French rlne. IOc ; Palis whiteing 2Uwhiting ; gilderx , IJc ; Minting cnml , Ijc ; lampblack Germantown - town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinaiy , So ; Prus sian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , ISc ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , Ic ; umber , raw , lcsienna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c Pans green genuine , S'ic ; Pni is green coin'l 2r > u ; chromo green , N. Y. ' .JCc ; chroin- gieen K. , 12cennillion ; , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion - million , America , 18c ; Indian red , IOc , rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson's ' jc : Venetian red Am. , I'Jc ' ; red lead , 7Jc ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rouhello , 3c ; ochre , Ficneh , 2jc ; ochre , American , lie ; Winter's mineral , 2 c ; lehigh brown , 2Jc : Spanish brown. 2 c ; Prince's mineral 3c ; VARNISHES Barrels _ i > er callon. Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81fnrnitiue ; , U , 85c ; coacli , extia , 3140 ; Coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Dainur , SI ) ; Japan. 70c ; asnhaltuin , 70c ; shellac , S3 50 ; hard oil finish. 81 30 OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 11 Jc ; 150' headlight , per gallon , 12 0 ; 175" headlight , per gallon , IGc ; crystoline , per gallon , 20c ; linseed , nw , per gallon , ( iG ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , OSc ; lard , winter Ht M , per gal lon. 1 05 ; No. 1 , SOc ; No. 2 , ( We ; castor , XXX , PIT gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3. 115 ; h\vect , pel gallon , 85e ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon , 1 3" > ; fish , W. B. per gallon , ( iOc ; neaUfont , evtr.v , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lului- eating , yero , per gallon , SOc ; Mimmer , l.'u ; i.u cleii machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 , SO ; sperm , signal , per gallon , SOc ; ter- pentine , per gallon , file ; naptha , 71' , per gallon , SOc ; 01. 20c. Lumber. WHOLKSAI.C. FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , 820 00 ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 1'J 00 ; sheeting dressed , No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 16 00 ; common boards , dressed. 20 00. FRAMING IG ft. and under , per M , 20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ; 24 ft. 25 OU. FINISHING No. 1. finish H , 1J and 2 inch , 850 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch 815 00 ; No. 2. finish ! } , 1J and 2 inch. 84500 : No. 2 finish , 1 inch , 340 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 inch , 83500 ; O. G. buttons pei j.00 feet lin. , $1 00 ; well curbing , 5-2200 ; iough 4 mid 2 inch battoim per 100 feet lin. . 50c. STOCK BOARDS A stock , § 10 00 ; U $35 00 ; C , 830 00 ; common stock , 822 50. FLOORING No. 1 , 8-10 00 ; No. 2 , Wi 00 ; No , 3 , 22 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1. ' 81000. SIDIN.G No. 1 , $21 00 ; No. 2 , 322 00 ; Nn. 3. S18 00. SHIP LAP-sPlftln , 822 00 ; O. G. No , 1 , 83200 ; No. 2,82200. CEILING 821 00@37 00. LATH ANDSHINGLES A starbest ( ) . ' ' , S3 85 , No. 2 , 82 50 ; No. 3 , 82 00. Lath , $3 50. Heavy Hardware Llit. Iron , rates , 83 50 ; plow steel , cast , 7&c & ; jast tool do , ITjte'JO wiigon spokox , sit. 25@3 00 ; hubn , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed 8 9 dry , 1 40 ; tongue * , each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 75o ; sfiuarn nuts , pnr Ib , 7@llc ; washers , per II ) . 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , 8c ; ron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow [ l , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring to . 7@8c. to NA fLS-10 to 20d. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 3 75 ; id , 1 00 ; 4d , t 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d , in' , G 50 ; , all sizes , 5 25 ; ( id , casing , K' 75 ; Kd casing , 4 5' ' ) ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOd ml-di , I 75 ; d finish , 5 00 ; M finish , 5 25 mlf kecx , 10c extra , SHOT. Shot , $1.85 ; lluck shot , 82.10 ; 3iiental Pnwdur , kegs , 80,10 ; do. , half I kegs , 83. 18 ; do. , ijuartcrkegH , 81.88 ; lUast- K , ke H , 83.35 : Fuse , per 100 feet 50c. f Hones nnd Mules. The market is brisk and all grades are wiling well nt i > alight advance in piices , ' f r iimd ; h'irses nvooivlH the iijH'O coa " ' "lably , Priif tuiiati , M foi. OHH : J'inr single drivers , 8150. to 300 , ; Extm Iraft Jwu-scs , $17fi.tci22Ti. _ ; Common draft - rsc.i , yiOO. to 150. : Extra farm homes , 10 , t < il2) . ; Ciinimoii to good farm horscn . t SlOO.j Extra pliii.'K , tyiO. t < i 7f > . } ( ommoit pliv , 5-0. toSIO. I ! M ITLKfJ. 10 to IfiJ hand , ! ( extra ) , $125. 1 olPO.j 114 to 15 hands , 5100. to 140 , ; un t to II i handrf , ? 7fl. to 100.J 13J to H nindd , SOf ) . t < 75 CD Liquors , In ALCOHOL -187 pioof. 22r , per wlno -allonj extia California dpirlti. . 187 proof , 3) per pioof gallon ; triple refined feplriU. 87 proof , 1 2 1 per proof gallon ; re-distilled rhliklei , 100@16U ; finu blended , 1500 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200 < Sj7 00 ; Kt n- ucky and Pcmiflylvanla ryes , 2 00@7 00 BRANDIBS-Iniported , 80 ( XXglflOO ; { omesv.'tf ' 1 40@4 00. GINS- Imported , 4 50@6 OOj domeitlc , 40@3 00 , C I RUMS ImtKirtcd , 4 60@i 00 ; New Eiittlond. 2 0Vihl 00 ; domestic , I 50@3 50 PEACH AND APPLK 1UIANDY- 1 T'V&HXI. CflAMPAONKS Iirjortotl | > cr cnse , o ca e , . CLAP UTS Per case , \ .10 ® IB 00. WlNr.S-Rhlno whip , per cn e , ( t OOff 20 ( Ui Ciitawbx per raw , 4 00@7 00. Uullillri ; MntorlAl , LIME P.T linrit-i , SI Xi\ \ bulk porbii. , 3.V. Conu-nt , bbl , 92 : > 0. Town pln ter , bbl , 82 'lO. Hair pvr bu , 3.VTaiml foil IW Ib$3 -.0. traw liiwrd. ? J f " PAPKISt ! nw jiin-r | , Sjfcj riu , ' papci , 4c ; diy goi'ils iiapcr , 7onmudiv ; | | , 10i-i news papei , 8c COAL Cmnht-iKud W-ick-ndth , # 1- ' ; Morris Run liliN 1mn ? , 812 ; Whllebroait lump.5700J WhitolnvaKt mil , * 7 00 : town lump , ! "ifiO Inuunnt Jli " > 0ltook : Sniiu * . ? > ! Anthrrtcitf. idl . in-s. Sll ! i ( tl2 oil. Wool , MtTiiiti unwashid , light , IK lUw hrnvy , lIY-flV - ; imdlmn unwished , light , lF20os ( tub-vvasboil , cholre il'.V ; fnir , 30i" ! dinjjy nnd \ \ . VIniirv. : . lilni-lc ind i-iitted wools Jr ; itc UIH Hldtt I uti , Clt. Itll'l.S --liu-iii hiiU'bor's litd < , "i i IH : cun-il MI'.IH , i ; morn , p * ' tun ! ' hidi-s. : r 7\V ; dry tllut , M. Hid , 13 ( < M Ic : dn odf nnd kip , 12 < lti : < c : dry salt bldi > s. ouud , lU < t 1'A-i moon call , vvt , h to 15 ! ! . , IWSll Ic : ! KH on e.Uf , t , uudt i S llih , pot skin , ( ! > 1 gifou p. It51 00al ( 1. ; giwn lainlmkins < ! I0c 1 ' . ' . " : damaged hldos , two-thinl ra.r. out M'oud and ono grub , clas < d two- tl nils'O lirnndod hhlos 10 i < r cent , oir , Cii.uikin - . .NO. I.4r > o : No. 2 , 0c : No. : i 20 ; No. | , Itv. Mink , No. 1. f.0c ; No. 2 , ' :0i : ; X.i. . ! , \re \ ; No. t , . 'c. Foxo. . I , ! fOc ; N'o. 2 , 2'ic. Skunk , No. 1 , bluuK , tl'i" si- - , it < ttipe , I0omurow strip ? We : lr , td . .I.IIMlOo. . I'allow , 5Jc. \ND ( "uKMlOAljS. AcM CHI I tillu , oOo ; Aciil , Tiutaric , 5lc ! ; Bal ' Cop.dua , per Ib , 75e : Bark. Sasrfafius , per Ib , I''o ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Cinchonldln , pel o8'0) ; Chloiofiinn , per Ib. 100 : DOVOI'H ' powilers. ) ) er Ib , 81 10 ; EpniM- - . ills , per Ib , 3ic ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib , Ific : Load , Acetate , per Ib , 22t- : Oil , Castor , No. 1 , pur .nil , * 1 35 ; Oil , Castor , Nn. 3 , per gnl , SI 25 ; Oil , Olive , per gal , 81 40 ; Oil , Oiignnum. 50c Opium , SI 50 ; Quinine P. .t W. ft R. & S. , pei 07 , 82 75 ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ib ; 82 40 ; Sidacin , per 07.40c ; Sulphate o Motidiino , ijt'i oz , 83 ! ) ; Sulpnur Hour peril ) , I Jit : Rtrvclit.Ino. oer or. SI 45 , MARKETS BT"TELEGRA.PH Cotiuoil Bluifs Mnrliot. COUNCIL BLUWH , .Tanuaiv 23 Flom Manufactured by Ciystal nm City Mills. 3 75rt'4 50 : Kansas nnd Mix nonri tlom. 3 < )0gl ) ! ) 25 ; graham , 3 75 ; rv , limn , 3 40. Bran an I .Slntrts 17 00 pel ton , Chop Coin-2' ! 50 pti ton. Wheat--N . 2 , SI 17 ; No. 3 , 9lc ) ; it jccted , 70c. Corn N'o. 2 , f.O1 . , rejectcn 48f. Oats Ko. 2 , IOc ; leiocted , 35c. Barley No. 2. ildc ; No. 3 , 75c Hay L e , G 00nl7 ( 00. Wood -5 50S ( ) 7 00. LivoHo'jN 525@575 Cattle Shiip'ng | , 4 50fa)5 ) 00 ; mild cov\s 30 00@l ) , ' ) OU prr head : butcher stock , 3 00@3 Mt. Sheeii 3 75@4 25. G llides-5oG S bides , "c. Won ! -15 ® 5. Butter In inlN , wrnpped and cream cry , 25c : I 'Us ' no wrapped , 20 ; nn\t eo nis , lii'20c. ( ligg Packed , 15c ; , 20c- , Potatoes 1 lOffll 30 ; Salt Like , 1 5 ) . Onions 1 25f H 10 Dressed Poultry Chicken' , lOo ; thick Luu Chickens 2 25 per dozen. CHICAUU. 2J. On 'chiiiye wheat wiw active but ill ce tain. Ot ereeieals wcie ipi et. Tli receipts of grain uere 7)8 ! ) car load" embracing r3 of \ \ heat , 5'J1 of corn. Id of o.ilj * . 12 of rve. Mill -ID of Imrl v- Flour Firm but not much doing ; < | m tali im unc uiKed Wheat No. 2 i-piing was ngain con H dri.tlilyiinsuttlo ( und Jiriccw ( IncMutei frequently. Thr ughont the Hei-Hion trud inh' win uitninnn an ext3ui\e ualo ni'ist vntirelv for futu e deliveiy , will i-ellur foi Miircu nltiuoung attention 11111 other futme.s lluctuating \aiiuus encis Th maiket DI entd about lower , inled we.ik , declined n ndditi 111 icnn.j tu.iched a point 2u below tlni liifrh est point lenchud .veiter lay. At thih ( le cline the di'inunil 'improvtd nd uudti in aotiyu Hpeuilativi ! iniuirv | prices ralliet 2u with iiiiineruuH tluctuntioiih and rrtedu l p , tlucluated and finally clos-id ahnii 3c } lowvr on r gul r bnrd. Mid on ul at 1 31 ] cimli : 1 : nil ( 3iJ@l ; Mh March 137 April ; 1 38 ] | < ) l 38JJ May ; 1 l 2t ycni Mnr.h was the favorite option , o em ig ut 1 3l and running up pn < tty Htcadily to 1 Illirf. No. 3 bpiing ipiiet at 1 l ! ) ! ! l 111" " ; reJHited , 8S@)8f ! ) , iicc.iiding . to location Coin The demand was fniily iiclivq Ijiit.hemiirKct wiiiHonietthatiisetHid IK' prii-esirregular but wiihinaniodcratu range , Spi'cul.iturH were in > lined t u fai I nui IIO H in the tnoio ilofcriui ! delivcriennd purchaheK wer modoiMlely of ( ho lnutr grades The olFcringH w ic rather fie- - early in the day and ] ) riccH receded % ( u Ji- but tliu demand was mor-t nigtnt 'ale ' nd H'niiu of the diclinu WA.H recr i'i-i' ' No. 2 high mix-il cl Hed ( i'JJ'.Oi \ ( Im ui < nnd J'ninry ; ( ! 0'n for F I ruary ; 01'r f i Ma ch ; ( iljc for May ; ( ilfofo | < .Innu ; li'c for .Inly. O.UHIn f lie di'innnd , Ni > . 2 ( ; l Hlnn' at lHif < "l3c-c.ish ; l.Tjc . .IiimmrvMA' ; " l.f l''fhinriI3c ; March ; l.r lc Al.iy. lje ! .Steady und about unclianwd ; Xn , 2 , SHJo for ia h ; ! ) "JS.c ( ! ) ( ; for February 'JOifBWu fo Mnnh. J5ai lay-- Very dull ; no ih > mnnd ; No. 2 , ( Knil OH for cash ; 1 01 fur Febniaiy nnil March ; No. 3 , Kc. ! Pork Active but \orv irujgnlir m d hi her ; MPBH clo d 17 Jl if/il8 00 for cish ; 171174 for January ; 7I5 ! for Fuluiruv ; lH20forMiircIi ; IS 7JI8fiJ f.-r Apiil ; .775 for May , l.ird In brii-k d-Mimnd and firuii'r , ci"Hing 11 20 for cnsli ; 11 22A&H1 2"i Im F-liniaiyj 11 12 11JH "for M-iith ; 11 f > "h for April : 11 " 0 ( < ijll 7 4 for May. Nullc AlcatHIi'lnn and higher ! chortrn H 00fi ( ! I5 for cnsh ; H 1)5 ) ( 8 ! )7i ) Jfol.nury ; ItiCaj'J 174 f'- March j" 9 JUjCis'J M foi Ap'il. Wh ! ky Quiet at 1 18. JJntter ( iiiod locd demand und full irlces aske I by holdeiHj C'tenmcr.v , chi ice fancy , 38c ; fair to good , 30feH"iu ; dairy , choli e to fancy , . iO@3rKj do. f.dr good , 18(5j25c ( ; Irish made. patUig Htuck , 1012c ; hwl c pacltul , cnmnion to good. ' 1318croll ; , 13@20c. KKK Olferingc of lea house large ; demand Hinall ; strictly frecli in modeiiite pujiiily nuil fair demaud nt 17 ,16c pel lo/.tn ; ice Itoiur , 13 17i ; . Koc'tu. .Shlpm'tH ' lour . 21,1178 ] ! l.ll7 Wheat ' . 3C5-I | 3tl'i2 : ( n . 2U2V , ( ) , 190,217 117,522 13 jo . 9,001 Hiiley . . . . . . _ . . 2l,0 ! li CIIICAOO , Jaiinary 21. KcceiDtH , 3 ,000 ho id. Market i-tuady ; thoipiallt ) of olfdrings wtu mily fair ; pr me hogweio wantudj common to good mixed , ( 10Si ( ( 50 ; heavy packing nd shilling Hcarco mid higher at I ! r.'ira K' ; Pliilu ( elphla and lard hogn , lii" \ ( < t Id ; lliiht how , ( i 01 ( .0 fiflj hklin and In , 1 75(5,5 ( fcO , Catlu lUcciptB , C.UUO head. Hhlppli.g cattle weak , cliMing with a good many mi ttilil ; fair , I Br @ 5 15j jjood , 5 3 ( aji W ; m'xud ImtchcrH1 stock there wan only a fait Inquiry lor common to fair , and uncti sold only at about btcady rates , I lit the G fat cowii and uholto mlxtd lotu were > ! nhlu nt fully forrntr ratc < ; there was im BtjMjcially nctlve demund for choice fat liullnj COUM , 2 0'&j370 ' ' ; hulls. 32.'j(5l ( 70 ; itee , -1 10@5 CO ; BtuekeM1 nnd fecilers in on I ilumnd at 2 eO@3 75. flhcu Jteceipip , l..OO liead. Marlct lull commf.ii . , 3 aOGH OOj medliiin.1 1 2oj food , c oO@5 73 , City Prodnoo Mnrhnt. KANSAS CITY , Jaiunrv 21 Wheat HeceipU , K.MVJ bu : withdrawn , l''llMm ' ! ! In -tore , 12.3.VJ 1m. Tin- nm krt WIN tlrm nnd nctlvu to-dav , wi'h > lnn liljshiT and n von I di1 an I lot both ' > h and future * of No t nd No. 3. X > < I . mli opened nt 1 02 nnd hi I up 1 i ruts ; N II l\nioid j i-ent < intr M ndav's i < iirsinil Nn. 2 sold J ct'iit liltfhoi ; Xo. I m ! i. 1 OlOfl O.IJ : .Innu rv 1 OJ | ; Kt-b- ' MM , lOlJIild ; .Mnrcli. 1 M Iddi No. 3 -I' ' . 1 O'Js .l.immrv ' , 107 ; Mnifh. 1 07 ; N" 2 fa-h. 1 271. t'mn liir iplH , 12,271 \\lthilin\vn ; , ll.'i-'O l > n ; inslonl.M.Tin bu. Market uily but trading limited the only M .leu ' mg in No. 2 mixed t'.sh nnd .liuiunrv I | ' Hi I i p r ; imrv No 2 : white mixed i \ 2 nsli , IllV ; .Iniunrv , < ! ( V ; I'ebru rv , ' 'I-H ' : Mnich tini- ) bid ; Apt II , UIS - I ' 'id. ' M \ ( ill-Jo bid ; N' 2 unite inixed I ' h. li'ia bill : iliinuaiv , ( i"ic IViiinrj , tilji' I 'i -Ko"clpt , ' " .IS ' ; \\ithdruvii . ' l u : in toii' , 3S" > 0 ; No. 2 on.'i Hi. I ' 1 1 1 ; .linn T.V 111- idlVbnni\ ; ' .id . j I ! . ill . i GKy I > tv Stoi-U i IvANSAM ClTV , , l.\ll'i ' i\ M ' ' tie lwipt ! , ! ' "il head ; li. in t- -Msliw : : r Mon * uv' > t pilues ; > iii < e hit | I pi i , | ' .ifl 'i f.O : n the Ht cK.r n i r , . 1 I us. ,1 2 * > a I * > 0 ; imti\ co.vs , 2 S I x I 1 | j | . UiOl'IptH , 5 111 llO.ld * ' . I li' ' . ' s ,10111 ; 'iiid ni'tiMi nt Moii'hn i u , j i . . < t in choice ( i I0 i7 01 ; n l\ i i i 1 > \ ' > > \ " n 20 ; li > , lr. s'rppiiv ' , ' . t-'i i. 0 | I I St Louis ! i M. l llilM. lull" IV 'I 'I I I'l > nr-I'lrm und Iii hoi ; \ \ \ mUtn | i -MI [ iy , il 1 drii JJii. ch n. - f in i ! | \Vln-a-O i md h glu'i nnd l i' 11 1 > ' i- > - ! butn * - " ! \u-nk mid n rim o i lf N- 2 ivl , I UjO'l I l--r t I , 1 l'i I'n | 1 Hi f r 1-Vbinin : I 15V i r Ma. h. , 1 11 i 1 I j1 I -r.Vpill ; 1 I5tor uu\ , 1 in ' r fit- ( . 'otn Lower and idou ; li\f | < illli- | for r sb ami .Inmiin ; lilJOiGllii torbm - nv : ll'ijio for Maich ; ( > G | fi-r Apii ; t78 ! ( < ! > 117(0 ( f r May ; rujoctt-d , ( ioyy.VH Oats Bitter ; llfi ) ( > ltJu ! tot ti.iidi : no up. lye ! Finn and clew at'JSe ley Sli'iidy tit Social 10. Lt'iid Ijuiet at 4 S7J. Butter Heady and unohiiiigt-d , l UsEasy at Hlu. i hiskv SttiJtl ) at 1 17. : 'Firm at 18 00 foi cash ; 17 ! > 5 for I'oliiu ry. LuilNom'n ' illy highoi nt 11 20. liec'ts. Sliipmt" . Klotir : lHM ( I.IHNI Wheat 111,000 11000 Corn 11.1,00 87,000 Oils 30,000 17,00 , ) live Pooriiv Proilaoo. PKOIIIA , .luim.ii ) 21. Corn Mnr'et active and steady , high mixed Sl ftit ) ; mixed 5lliMl ! ( , ' OntH-E.iny , Nn. 2 white , llfdIV. . Itvf Stoiuly.No. 2 , 58c. llin'hu inert 1'irm tin i stead , at 1 Hi. ReeU Slip'tn. Wheat 1,825 no e. Corn 12,000 105.500 32,70i > 2S..S25 Uy. . 2 , < 0 .i.lKH ) I'.irley n.ine 1 200 NowXorJi ± * roituoo NKW YOIIKlinu in 21. Floni I-'irm and Ici-s . .ctivi.Soiit t-in Iliinr stotdy. Wheat- Unsettled , he.iv \ an I 1-wti ; No 2ndl I7' , ' ( < il)8j ) ; unM'i.nli.l . vUiit 1 111 : v\hitc , 1 13 } ; No 2 ml , I ISn ( I IN. Corn S'roiigund I igboi foi o MI ! ois .lull-tea y tor opt'ims ; iinnuliil ; mixid , ii74Ci'7.'c ; No. 3 G'Ji ( < i ( i I , 'c ' ; No. 'J Fei ' ' ' o. rvvhite.nic ; No. 2 d , I'.lJOi .Mlc ; Nii.l mixed , llc ! ; No. 2.In , lU5Ulc ! No. 2 mi.xed , . .Innuuryll ! ( ( . ' I'.ljlo lye ! DOC'lllGc , ISailey Nominal. Pork Finn und fainaitivu ; n. u spot , 17 75. Lard W.nk and oas- , ; ' 1 "i5W 11 37j for cash ; 11 37J for Fobrnaiy. Whisky-Dull. PetmleiiuiDull. . Cliicliiuuti Pi'oil.iu-i' . CINCINNATI , .l.muary 21 Mrh1'oik Finn at 18 tO Lard Finn ; pi him Hti-nni , II 1 f 1120. Bulk Meats Finn ; clear mdoi)25 ! ) @ ' . 37i. Bacon Firm ; clear Rides , 10 37i Flour Stea y ; family , li 3"iCu)7 ) 5' ' ) . Wheats-Firm ; No. 2n-d , 1 15. i inn Steady ; Nu. 2 inixc-.l , hpot , on track ( ilic. Oats Dull ; No. . ' . mixed , I'ic. ICye-Uiilet ; No. 2 , sno1 07 JJailey Easj ; N . 2 fall , 1 ( I'l Whisky Finn at 11 (5. ( Llvoi-iiool Prutlnuo. IjIVKUI'OOl , , FlourAu.ericaii , 10s ( it : _ Wheat Wintfi , I"H 2dd.l'slid ) ; white , Ks3d@10-iilHpiiiig ) ( { ; ! ) \ 10 < lidc-liib ; , 10s Matlid ( Corn ( Jis. Porn 75s. Lard 5li < . ] t iuiith | of wheat fi > r thu p.iit thiet ys , 12l',00irc-ntals ) lri,5i ( ) 1-tlni'Ameri - can. Pittsburn Oil Markol. I'lrjsiiiiii ; ( , 21. The oilinaiki'top nul , ith3Ji , and tlo til nominally ; foi I'ljliiiiaiy diliv-iy Rlc , fm Mureli delivery 8"i , lor Apiil ilcliu-iy 8)4c ! ) ; Now Yoilt.liAc ; Antweip , l if. T. . - shijimtnts win : unite' ' ! , ! 8hS , | ! MJ.H slii mcnts , tiduwiter , li , i III iiblx ; ihait IH. 27.U30 ; Pitt-ibiir. ' sale. , 3SG.OU ) Lihls ; Pittsburg excli.mgitirck , lin. Philiilolikia Pi-oiluoK. Pilii.ADKi.l'lMA , .lamiaiy 24. Wheat -tt.idy ; 1 174 foi wish and Jan- uv ; 1 lri { 'en l-t'b miry. Corn Steady ; Gj7 ! / < le for rash .ml January. ( UU Finn ; 50jr < " 5lc fur cinh ; JDfe. rld for .1 < nnnry Ityo ! )2(3.Mu ) ( ! for cash. E"stLiborty Iiivo Stooli. I'JAHT 1.1111:111 : v , Pa. , Jiiminry 21 , Ca'-lle Unchanged ; lecctptu , I/flG ; HogH Active ; iuei-tH. l/iOO ; idilp. iieiitn , O.fiOO : Philndelphias , 7 00&7 : < n ; YorkeiH , ( i .Wfeli 70. Sheep- Dull , ltecdptnl-100j , KhlpmcntB , -ViOO , Toledo Proauoo. TOI.II > II , .Innnnry 21. \\licnt t'lihcttled ; No , 2 red , 1 12J or .lununry and I'Vlirnury ; 1 124 tor M.rch ; 1 ll/for / Apiil ; 1 154 fr .May. Corn Not'diu1 ' doing Dull ; No 2 , Ifiu Turpontliio Marliot. WILMINGTON , N. C. , .I.imiary 21. Riwill Onift ; utiaiiied , 1 ! I5 ; /ood , 2 ( JO. SpiiiU-nic. Tin - -adyut2 10. TnrpenUii"lircgiinlai : b.ud , 2v.OBiift ; , Bnltimoi-o JProitucn. BALTIMOIIK , Junuuiy l. Flout Stuiidy. Wheat -.Southern Full1 1 10i"l ( _ 45 ; Longbeiry , 1 15/j ( | Hi ; No , 2 ml wintiir firm , 1131 mil I Hi lei and January. Coin white koiitiiein firm Kt 7l'fe ' 80o ; yellow linn at 7J < ' . StJLouln Live Stooli. Hr. LOUIH , .Innuury 21. HogK Aclivu and higher ; supply siimll ; vury light nhipping , II 0 < fell l i Yorkem , G2'i3" ' ) ( ( ; pauidiiK , G 25(4i ( ( 80 ; bulchuiH to fancy , li K5 ( 7 Klj'plgT75f / fi 'JO ; nkl | > u and culls 1 25@0 W ) : lecelpts , 2iOO : ; hlilii- ' iiienU , 1,100. Buil'ulu Live Stoolc. EAST UUJVALO , January 21. Hogs Strung. Receipts , 30 ; BhlpmentH , ; Yorkers , fi 75j medium 720. DBWEY & STONE , URNITURE ! ' , I I i ORCHARD & BEAN , | J. B. FRENCH & CO. , GARRETS ! | G ROGER SI Manufacturing Company , -MAKKl'SOFTHJ Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks , / ffififa * Tin. only ' " " 'I ' W'0"1' ' ' llllt" ) that $ * § § Inu : "f'lS ' v'Jw- < \ywl&xir \ | T ' L' ' Y/ / ls I11'UJ ? | for lu' LiHBffi S ii. Ho Cor a Hi OB \ 'W .7 \ J Va . / KtllllCU A single ItJ 11 ilnti'd SpLion a l > 'j riplutlitckiu-HB fy-,1 p ! tv only on Vw.'f/ . W J tlio R i. c t i ii a " ! i t Li > . ( > A-IllTf 0O ll 13 t-.i wear , thundi ) making a Bin Iii plated S pti o n -A-iiiir AS Iniu > . IIB triple plati-n Rlvul Orient 1'inuad , \ \ \ Otiirrr In Uit Wt t uliouldliu . . B. HUBEE.MANN , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , . . . . CT. BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURE ; ! , 309 South Tenth Street QUALITY AND FIT GUARANTEED. French Calf- Tongue Boots , Sewed , - $9.00 French Calf Boots , Pegged , (5.00 ( American Calf Boots , . . . 5.00 Peg ed Alexis or Buckle Shoes , - 3.50 MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BOOTS ANIJ SHOES PliH FEET OUT 0 ? SHAPE , A 11 Orderu Promptly Attended lonnd tilled Witla Dispatch SAUSAGEST Practical Sausage lanufactorer , ORDERS OF ALL KINDS FILLED PROMPTLY FOR ALL VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES , Family orders -ttendedto with despatch , and every thing promised atisfactory , I invite a call at . 210 South Tenth Street. BOGOS & HILL ? EAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 1 fiOHFurij 1mm St root , OTMT.3BC k.t - - T * > " * 1H. rno Nor.t ilJf OPI t * >