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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1881)
HE ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 10 , 1881 , NO. 146 T\ THE LIVELIEST DAY YET. Testimony That Kopfc Duitoau on . tlio Continual Howl , What the Vulgar Brute Throw Up to a Man Who Had Be friended Him. Sensa'ional Testimony of a Partner Law Aeeociato of thoPiisouer. Ho Declared to Him Hie Jnten- tioa of Imitutiiig Wilkea Booth , if Necessary. Whloh Drnwn Out Gult inu' Vllo GUITEATJ. An > ocintia TJICY NKVEU SAW ANY INSANITY. W.viiiiNOTo.v , December 8. There was the buzz of incitement when Quitoiut was luhered in court this morning , ilu had a alight altercation \rith Scovillo as to wliicli way the case should progress , but calmed down when liU counsel said "keep quiet" or hu would retire from thu case. Dr. MuArthnr ag.iiu on the stand. Scovillu said much testimony of thin witness was irrelevant and not in resptmtu to questions. Thu primmer interrupted and snid bis convolution with the witness uas in thy nature of a confession and it was vrrong to diyulgo them publicly. The court said it was evidently the intention of the prosecution to provo the prisoner was not actuated by moral insanity but by depravity. In view of such fact , the testimony ap peared competent. Witness stated ho never saw any in dication of insanity about the pii-i- omr llliil | to put himself out of thu way to loa Guiteau the money. Pritii.iier I know you did and I appreciate your kindness. You are a good ftlljw. A fiioud told me the doctor's wife was getting babiea as fast us slio couldaud he needed money for expanse * . Corkhill moved that the interrup tions of the prisoner tdiould bu stop ped , , Prisoner If your record was looked into , Corkhill. it would show worse than mine You are going to bu re lieved as soon aa President Arthur gets time to attend to your case. Corkhill Some restriction should bu put on the piisoner. Prisoner I want the absolute trutli In this ease , whether it hurtH mo or not. not.The The Court The prisoner must ba kept quiet. Scovillo asked thu witness how many private interviews ho had with the prison or. Witness I met him a number of times on the atroet , and he asked uie for money. Prisoner That's falao. Sctiville objected to this kind o ! testimony. Common laborer ) appear ed to understand questions and yet hero was a doctor of divinity who ap peared not to understand them. St.itemnirs were made by thu prose cution which were calculated to preju dice the jiny i-.iul had nothing to dci with the case Couuael witmcd tint class of frideiice excluded ; for in- ttance , the ch'iigo pasaed upon by the church committee waa surely not ad- miss.iblo. Stephen English of The Insurance Times , said ( Suite. ui attempted to Bwindlo him nut ot $300. Prisoner You were in Ludlow street j til at that timu and you pain mo § 3UO to gut you out and thuu KUCCJ to recover it. Witness said Guiteaii' " actions WOK thoBe of iv depiaved , unprincipled man. man.Guitcui became unuamilly excitet at tlm point and called English a lim and swindler wh < > in ho could havt nont to .Sing Sing for several year * . Eug'i'h said ho receivpd about ICC letti-irt front the prlaunor. "That'H ft Jir , you old scoundrel , ' ' broke in Guito.iu. "I would not pil on you in thu streut. " Iveadiiig < if the luttoM which pwsrt between them excited the priauuci again , who interrujitcd loveral times. \Vituu R never had any doubt of hit sanity. Hu was n nhrowd , active am inteltig'jnt lawyer. In the cross-examination witnosi admitted ho got out of jail on a bui bond pecured by Guiteau. Warren G. Brown , of Now York waa ihu next witness. Thu prisoner shouted : "Browi got mo divorced from my wife. " g.wo him the facts and ho could not huvrt got it but for my assiBtarico. " WnneBs raw lioihing in the pris onor'B conduct at the timu which ug. gvBted ins.iiiity. Tlios. D-ulingron , of New "iork ttBtit'ud lie entered suit agaiiut tin priiniior with loferunco to thu traus action with English. Hu appeared u his own defense and acted perfectl ; rational , Witnosi ntated the prisoner di.i cussed hia projjiccta with him fre quently. Dr. C.ildwell , of Frcojjort , toatifici the prisoner's father died of live csrnplainr. . bur before his death h only uitiiifoitol thu ii'inl i-ymptom of duliriun * conneuted with the case Geo. M. Pluinmer tcstifnd Guiteai had desk. room in the ollico of th witness' firm , Ho believed nothin in the prisuner's conduct indicated in Banity. Judge Hones , of Now York , dc prmjd the prisoner desk-room i Ilia ofibo years ago and alway acted liku a sanu mm. Pris'iuer ' I ewe the witnea floviuiiy-livi3 dollars for oflico rout This { 4 all ho knows about mo. Tiii cue isgoinijto cost four million dollars lars the way in which Corkhill u con duct'ug ' it. I coiuidor it nil outrage on the tax-payers of thu country. After recess Guiteau a ked Cork- hill how many moro witnesses ho mcAiit to cill. Corkhill replied that hu couldn't toll and roiumod Ins ro.idint ; ol the papcn in the cape of Ihiulish vs. Guiteau. The prisoner * aid these papers were a aquaro tfaiivnclion on his part and knocked on the head thu theory uf hin dopmvlly , Clurli'a Wehlc , a Nuw York lawyer , was them called and enid ho met Gui- te.iu in 1870 and conversed with him regrding the collection of monov dim n client of thu witness. Guiteau collected the money and used it. Mr. Scovillo objected again to tcsti tunny being taken which had no spe cial bearing on this c.iso , The proau- cutiou waa evidently trytiitt to provo criminal conduct on Gnitouu'a part , which the defonmj would have no chance to contradict. The court said thu answer of thu witnrss appeared a liltlo more than reflponsivo of the questions of counsel , but its object was to test thu mental coudi i ion of the prisoner at that timo. Col. Coiklnll chimed that the evi dence wits perfectly competent and the witness WHS allowed to proceed. The prisoner declared that thu claims given him to collect by thu client of the witness were worthless Ho would not give live cents a bushel for them. This happened eight ycura ngo , ho said , and if thu witness was not careful ho would bu denounced us a lawyer in public. Guiteau then had an altercation with the witness trying to miiko nomu kind of a settlement. He called the witness a liar several times and was with difficulty pacified by the joint efforts of Scoyillo and the officers. Scovilfo entered au exception to the effect that thu evidence ot the witness was irrelevant. The witness , in aiiHwor to other questions , oaid hu regarded the pris oner a a keen , rational and sound man. man.Tho The prisoner broke in again , gestic ulating fiercely , and unheeding the protests of Mrs. Sooville and her hus band , declared thu witness should introduce the nott'S given him to col lect or bo forever declared a. liar. Hia sister tried ugaiu to quiet him but he turned around.toward her and told her to mind her own business , "You are too oflicious. Keep still. This thing makes me mad. Tliii whole proceeding is an outrage. I was always straiglit in my profession al career and I want the American people to understand that. The only thing's agiinst mo nre that 1 owed sundry board' bills and commit ted adultery in order to got a divorce from my wife. " The Court You have said all this before. "Yes , " answered Guiteau , "but I am making this u final statement on this case. " Scoville asked the witness if ho had over conversed with the prisoner in re- the matter of religion. ' "No sir,1'nhoutod Guiteau , ' 'Mho witness i-j a Jew and u dirty onu at that. " The witness said ho never noticed any irrational movements of Guite.ui. "Havo you over expressed thu opin ion that thu prisoner ought to be hung ? " asked Seovillo. "Not yet , " replied the witness. "I came here to testify in behalf of jus tice. It la my belief that any one who kuo ys anything about the pris oner ahuuld have no hesitation in di vulging it for the public good. " This remark was reco ved with ap plause , and tlio officcM of the couit Imd fiumu difliculty in restoring order. "Did hero " Sco you coma , proaaud villu , "for tliu expruss purpose of hav ing the urisonur convicted / " 'No , " answered the witness , "I came liure for the purpose of s > jein < j justicu done. I , however , volunteered as a witness , and came in response tea a dispatch from the prosecution. " Senator liun Harrison , of Indiana , was the next witness. Hu stated that hu knew the prisoner sliglitly , having met him several ttuii's in Now York and Washington last Kpring , and had several conversations with him in re gard to thu political situation. The prisoner uluo wanted tliu witness to uaist him in procuring u itppointineut and ho declined on the ground that ho had enough applica tion ! ) from his own nt.ito tu attend to. The prisoner also talked about the deadlock in thu sun.itu and said that it ought to bu broken. Hu B.UV noth ing in the condition of Guilt-ail tu in dicate or suggest insanity. Prisoner "Allow mo to ask you , senator for you aru a good fellow when that conversation occurred. Waa it in March or April ? " Senator ' 'It was. " Prisoner "Yen , of course , long be fore I had uny conception of shooting President G.itiield. " J. F. Lloyd , of the lifo insurance company , produced the application ol the prUontr for insurance , which was admitted as evidence uhowmgthu con dition of the priHoner's mind at tin timu it was made , Dr. Gillutt , medical director , and Charles Pollard , agent of the com pany , gave testimony regarding tlu btigiucRS tnmaction with the prinouei indicating Ida sanity. M'-'Luan Shaw , a lawyer of Now York , stated Guiteau rented an ollicc from him in 1871. Considered hiu : perfectly Mane. In answer to ques timia , witnoiti said ho alwajn it'gardeiJ the prihomr us a vain , etrotisticul mm with a craving for notoriety. "That IK falsu , " exclaimed Guiteau "I never craved notoriety. This wit nt-BS loves money so well that his judg ment in warped iigainst mo. " The witness next stated that 01 one ozcasion Guitpiu said to him thai the world ovred him a living and hi intended to have it. "I am bound,1 w.iid thu prisoner at this conversation "to bu notorious before I diu and if cannot got notoriety in any other way I will bhoot ono of our promineu men. " Thin statement caused a sonsatioi in the court. Quituou got up wildl ; and pounding on the deck , declare' that ho never said Anything of thu sort , Scovjllo entered an exception tn thin description of evidence. " " Corkhill "did "What else , naked , the prisoner say in this connection ? " "Well , " answered the nitncai , "ho aid : ' ' 1 will imitate Wilkes Uooth if necessary. ' I suggested ho might get liting , mid ho remarked : 'Wi-ll , that ia an alter consideration , I will got notoriety , ' " The prisoner again became fun- oii'ly excited , and pounding the table willi his clinched list , btwlud to the witness : "You are a low a dirty , a'iuking ' liar. Your stati-mont is [ also from beginning to end.You profess to bo a church man , hut 1 will publish you to the world an a liar. When you go back to Now York , you will bu thu laughing Block of your ft lends , if you have any. " "When did this conversation oc cur ! " asked Scovillo in the cross- examination. "I c n't fix thu date , " answered tlm witness , "but it wan in my ollice somu timu in J871 ? . " "No , ot cuurso you can't fix the date , you miser.ililo liar , " broku out the prisoner. " Other questions were propounded to thu witness , who , however , per sisted in the statement that thu pris oner told him iilmut this de- > ire for notoriety and hia determination , if ncct c nry , to secure it tin above stated. The prisoner could not contain him self during thm ovideiieo. Ho PRIV iho impression il made on the audi ence and tried to counteract its fll'cct by denouncing the witnecs. Tlio court , counsel and Mivi. Scovillo tried to appease hia furious rage , but ho kept on at every break in the witness' statement. Tlm witness , when at last ho got a chuiico to reply to Scoville , said the conversation was probably ono cause why ho roquuited the irinouer to look for another ollicc. The other reasons were that ho did not pay his runt and clients came around charging that hu defrauded thorn out of money * Scoville Did this conversation ever recur to your mind until after Presi dent Gartield w.ii . - < hot ( "I do not know , " replied thu wit ness. "I'erhapsI would never hnvo recalled it if thu prisoner had not shot President Garlield. " This evidence was attentively lis tened to , and the prisoner's squitmiiig antics during ita delivery were ono of the curiosities of the caae. Adjourned till Monday at 11 a. m. HANGED FOR MURDER. National .UxiUi'd 1' rs * UOL'.VIt VOU 11KAVKX. LtTTLi ; UOCK , Ark , December ' . ' . - Frank Hall , ( colored ) wan hanged hero this atteriioon for the murder of Paul Saunders. Tlio execution was pri vate in thu jail yard. Hall said he was foigiven and would go to heaven. IIKST1XAV10N NOT MKNTIONI'II. WAKIIKN , Ark. . DocemborO. How ard G. Ed wards was hanged to-diiy for the murder of hU mster-in-law , Miaa Watson , last June. GENERAL CRIME HIIOP HIS sox. WAIIHE.V , O. , Docombur 1) ) . A difli culty occurred at Bristolvillu between M. D. Phelps and IUH BDU William , a' od twenty-six. The father nhot the son through the heart. WHOI.KRAI.K KKAUI ) . TOI-KKA , December 5) ) - General Manager Wheeler , of the Atuhiaon , Topeka it Santa Fe railway , has suc ceeded in unearthing the most fji- gantic frauds in the construction de partment of that road , whereby it is estimated the company have boon de frauded out of about $ ( ) UOOOU. Not over twenty-live man are implicated , but thm number includes some of the wealthiest and moat influential citi zens of thi.s place. Operationa were carried on by a system of bogus time- checks , property certified to by sec tion bosses , and ondotaod over to a third party , who drew the money. The fraud has been going on for aix yearn at the rate of § 100,000 per year. 11LOOII-I.KTTI.VU HHNATOKH. 'NAHIIVII.LK , Dosembur 9. Bun Smith , of Fi-ntrisa county , , in a npeech n thu fluniito to-day , denounced John f. Yorlroes , calling him a liar and alur.duror , bticnimo Vertroen had ac- nuaed and'charged Smith with bribery in voting for the utato debt eettlu- niont during the ni'Hnion of thu lugin- l.-iture hist f priii ! . ' . Vortices walked into thu Maxwell IIOIIHC about 12:30 : o'clock to-day , and Hcuing Smith druw pistol and tired three times , onu nhot taking effect in the left shoulder. Smith ran as Verlreen lired. Ono ro- f > ort ia that Vertreea spit in Smith's "ace and Smith drew a pinti ) , but. did not use it in timn. Smitb'n wound in not dangerous. Vcrtws was arrested and gave bail in the ftiim of 810,000. , LOTTUIIY MKX AKUKHTKI" . New YIIIIK , D.-combdr I ) . The lioadquarterA of thu LmimLuu lottery compaiiy hero were raided by the police - lice this afternoon on complaint of Anthony ConiHtock. HUpeiiiitHtidunt , ol thu society for thosuppru < aioii of vice , IS. Frank Moore , genural ) ig > nt. CluiH. Moore , his HOD , and Harry H , Halnuy , his secretary , wuro ; irrcf.tcd. On ur- raigmiK'nt B Frank Moore WIH ; hu'.d ' for trial in $ t,000 bail on fourchaigi-n of Helling lottery t'ckotn ' , and Clurlus Moore and Ha'suy ' in 1,000 each They furninhrid bail and were roleasec ; from custody. Piin-Ai > tu'JiiA : , Docornbor 9. Bernard - nard McMahon , 00 vi'ar of a o , kepi u grocery atom at Eighth and Wliar ton htroots. Ho was fond of boustini , of the wealth ho possessed On twi occditioiis within a year hiu placu bun been entered by burglars. To-mulr at ( I o'clock a sinter of McMnlioii'ii heard voicts at thu bauk entrance uiid loiikiii' ' from n window , naw foil men entering the hou e. Shu g.ivi the alarm , and ai Mc.Muhoii riishui down stairn the burglars took to thei heels. Hu uavu clmso , when ono o the gang turned and fired , causinc iiintaiit death. Late to-night thi polica arrested Hubert Baerr , a whoso saloon the burglary win ( ildiuied , and also his wife , who wa found under bed in an adjoinuu house. All four rnnn ojudad THE CARNIVAL OF DEATH. The Awful Oatastropho That Overtook 'the Vienna Thoatrfl , Stnrtiutr on the Stng , th Flnmoa Muko n , Tomb For Several Actore. Ami Thou With a Ftash A pponr to the Gnzso of the Pmio- Striokeu Audionco. * _ Who , to the Nutnbor of Sovou Hundred , Moot Their Death in the Seething1 Pit. CnntmUloD Generally in the Old null Now THE VIENNA HOttROR. N'jtlnn.O AtK-omted l'rcn , Vu'.NNA , December' ) , In. ni. ( onlay was a fete cluy in Vioinin , in culohiu ion of the fi-Ht of tlu limiucn- Jnlo Conception , but it ended with si public cat unity unparalleled in thu history ot Vienna. A few minute * X'furo 7 and before the commencement > f thorociiml poiforiuanooin Vii'iiiiaol .IHeubacli's latest work , "Lea Conies .0 Hoffmann , " the Unit , ' theatre , ormorlv knoivn as tlioOper.v Comiquo ni thuSchottonriug , thu RVCO d Hut-it heatro in the city , opeuml in I87.'l , vaa discovered to ba in llames. The ire quickly spread , and in ton min- itua all the city for mileu mound thu heatru was stctipod in ttiu ivid glow of thu burmng ) ilo. Fortunately the c.ttaetrojihu lapponed uoniu minutes before 7. Thu jailor ios wore already crowded , while > ut few people had appeared in thu loxes , and only about a acoro of peo- lie were in thu paiquottu jittlo can yet bo gathered as 0 iho origin ot thu ci'mtroplie. ' L'he people who escaped h ivu > tit n dim idea of whnt rually Imp- iciied and the wildcat ruinom pro- ailed. Those who were among thu uidieneo said that 'suddenly the eur- aiu rained and the fire win discovered racing ou thu stage and the luual slrito for life by tlitmu in the ippor galleries commenced. Jinny sprang from the Uppermost gulh'ry and weio killed , wlidls of tluiae who re- nainud it is impnastbln to say how iiuuiy lost their HvtH. Death appears to have been duo to Biifl'm.iti n. At 11 o'clock the interior of thu : li outre waa quite putted , only thu lieautifnl front of thu theatre being left standing. By U o'clock 1240 bodies had boon taken out. It ia thought that a liun- drtd moro are ulill among the ruitm lleports uu to o'clock were that of thu dead frgm t-c ) i third gallery alone ninety - corpsea vo-rc- > found , in one mam ; the fourtli gallery had not yet been oearehcd. It appears that thu men who had arge uf the iron fturocii which nopa- ruled the stage from the auditorium , and which , when down , completely severed the Hinge from the nudienco , 1 iad left it up , and in thu panic on the Htago it was forgotten or cut oil from approach by the 11 unuH. When the lire behind thu drop became enough to bo oeoii through the [ i.iinted fubrio by the _ audience , they iiatmally supptviod it the result of iho ntugo e.tperimcnta with the calcium light , to he mod during the lialletand paid no further attention to it. The II linen attacked thu drop curtain from all points simultaneously , iind it fieemod to iimhxntly disappear mid the whole auditorium was in a short time iii the complute granp of the lire , which upiyad hko one va t Bheet of lightning. What fol lowed in indtNesrib.iblc. Tin- people became demented and It'll upon one another like wild bimstn. Some fuw got into thu pa.iHiige.fl , hut the hall w.-n dark ; both thu gaH and I ho electric lights were uut off. In the , of all this terror thu noisu of a tumble oxpioHion Hhowcd thegaH tank had burHted , and this time thu tlamoH bunted through thu roof mid through moat of the window * , and the entire apace between the wall * of the largo building was like n vast furnace in u while heat with living human bodiea for coals. The i reuictu manner in whieh it Hlarted ia not known. Some of those who weru on the ntaguut tlm time and escaped , cay that the lire wan caused by tlm dropping of an oil l.unp among the ceonory. Olliots nsuuil that the Tire came up from the engine room and was generated by the engine below the Hinge which was aupil | > ii/ ) ; llio thcatte with oh c tiie lights. However it was , when the ilamt'H made their appearance they did so so suddenly and were in eucli al.ii'ming propoitions tin to throw the hlago people into a iiibtantitiieoun panic. Thu ritu u hud but oiio exit to the Btrcet , and for thin narrow place thu entire 200 riiHhed Tiie ( limed were between tin ; curtain and thii door , mid thm fact was tin caiisu which prevented any one trying to I'Hcapu to thu body of tin1 hoiiHe. No onu on the slave wait bold enough to face thu llameH in that diieotion , and HO the great iiudi' uncu hud no onu to duly notify them of the terrible d.iii''er from whiul ; most of them might huvi i-BC.ijied , had they been warnei ; in time. At the utiwo exit lla actors gob jimmied and the doin wan liternlly phi"ged up with humni bodiea and it i b'jliaved mont of llu nijr/ibor / > ye u burned to death. Jnr ing all thi tithe thu llameH were hav ing it all their own way among tin tinder on thu atagu. VIKXXA , Dt'cumbcr ! ) , Theru ii Mill great coiuteriiaticn in thu cih over thu terriblu fire at tiie King thea ter last night. The IH.-H of lift in btill unknown , but it ii fearo ( will rt-aeh the former figuivs. Om Htat.H that it will b 1,000 , and fho n pn-at confiuion. Mentof tho\ictin wore residents of thi.s eity. The HOUMO isclosi-djn coiiKtviuence ' of the calamity of la t'ni ht. T'IO ' work of moving hodica from ho ruinii continues. The city i * ilunged into thu deopenltif gloom. At c.ithednil and nil uhurclicn to-morrow IIIIMOA for Iho souls of the victims vill bo said. SCOIII-H attending the ro- ueval of the charred and nmugled Hidiea tire Uorublo and painful in the extreme. The Hiuht attracted the whole town 0 thu Hcriio and Ihouulitlul people ook thitherclolhca , ropeo , laddewand xi i. The great Turners' tire brigade vi-ru soon at thu thuttro mid auumied linrgo of ilm life Raving opmatioiif. \y \ au acttial count it wan ti-n miniite * rom the tune thu lire had posnt'twiou if the audiloriuin boforu n ninglu life vna saved by oiitnidu ansintaiicu and luring this timu the people within wore fiilu-r burning up or trampini ; me another to dentil. Men and wo- nen , ctnztiduththu prospect before hum , destroyed thomsulvi'fi by leap- ng from the front eata of thu m l- cries into the .seething abyss below. Tp to this timonono had i' e.ipt'd ex- opt the few ho got from tlui i > tui'o ud thu fewer who managed to tumble out through thu durkunud iiaiiuio way from the pir to thoatreut , ml ihu tow who dropped from ho windows of thu tirat tluor liovu the pit into the street. The Tiirueis b" at unco knock- tig in the walls around thu exit and irag' itig out the hodiu.s piled thuro. n tliis w.iy they saved auvorul lives , nit the tliiiu'B BOOH drove them away. Thu sturdy fellows then organised a ilanket service and invited those lit ho windows ou the hiyh first tloor to limp. Fifty por.ions nnswend thu all and the Tunu-m caught every one if thu entire fifty in outatrotohed ilankoU and saved them without in- ury. There weru no windows in the \Mn higher ttiau the fitHt tloor , and t ia hardly matter of doubt that > very ocuup.xnt of thu galleries inrned to ileivth. When the titty luraons had been rescued by the blan- ; et aur icu the building was a mats if tlameii , while thu the W\B \ no hot hat no nearer approach was possible. Vfter that no human buiug got out- ido thu walU and thu iiH-iomblcd crowd , vast in numbers , were coin- lelled to stand auinnd and witnoin he numt apijalling and heartrending ceiui of modern timoa. Dodiea ottld be hi'un fallim. from the upper leers into the white tiro. ViKSSA , Docomhur ! ( noon. The iru in thu King theatre in mill burn ng. There tire now 150 wounded ii-raous l > ing in thu hospitr.lii. All of licio were rescued from the burning building limt niuht and many are fatally injured , and thu greater lunu- ier wouudi-d are dintiuurud ; for life The binning ruins alill contain a great lumber of bodies. Thu theattuat. the .imu thu lire broke out wan crowded , with the exception of the boxen and a part of thu pit , thu vacant cea'a ' be- ringing to faahionivblu people , who alway.s come late in order t > attract attention. On the stage and in the dro"BHln { 'TOOhTBthferewiro > SpO people ] mcmi of thodo were balletgirla , ull o ! whom weru attired in costumcH. At noon 400 bodies had been ggi'd from the ruins. A great number of charred corpses can Btill be neon lying among the yet ( .till burning debrS ? . A subscription for thu bu"efit of the inilieH of the dead and injured han Liuen aturted. VIBINA , December 0.fniNioiiT. ! \ . The latest e.siimatu of tliu lom ol life by the dejtriictiou of the King theatre is 720. Many of the hodin * ire no horribly burned as to bn beyond identi eation and they will bo buried en masse on Suud.iy The attitude ol the dead H of the tUraugeat character. Some men were found grasping each other by their throats , thu imiU ot 1 heir tingiiM being imbedded in tin ' ( cull ; fomo show Ht'lf-inlliuted morti wound * , while children wuro found ii the pit that had been Uirown from tin. illeriea by their frantic mothers. Tei ; aii hmda of corpaes have beet taken to thu hospitals , whose Hardens aie filled with wouping rula IIVTH , acekiug for their missing frioiida. Up to midnight ' 180 bodies IKIVU been gotten out and many art yet HCCII in thu burning Interior. Among the iiiitii-iiig are three profea KorHiind a number of students , Conn ! Sicgmund Kfali ies and Jlrrr J'en- U'ofriky , a mcmbur of Ueichsratli , am Lin wife. It ia now ascertained thnt the tire was eaiihud by woikmon net ting lire to a wing with a npirit lump. All of the p iformers were Hitvod ex cept three girln who bulouged to the chorus. The emperor and emprrsB havi nubhcribed 10,000 , tloriim for the relief oi thu distressed. Tiie lower hoiisu of roichsruth d- journed to-day immediately after an expretsion oi Hymjathy for the dis tricted families. There have been a number of mii cides canned by grief at thu low o fu'enda and relatives in the the. Tin number reported by the police Ha mms ing IB li0 : ! , Thu fourth gallery hat not yet liven explored , as it has buei found impossible , owing to thu tin which Htdl ruguH , but it m seen to In urotuled with bodies. Nntlounl B i o B.ill Katloiial AntKidatuI I'IHHH. CilK.'AOO , Dc-cembiT 9. The nu tioniilbu'u ball league , at it * film mmioii to-day , adojitod a uniform foi all ihu club * in the k-tiguu , varying only in cnlor , to bu worn i'l ' all tlu-ii eliampioi.aliip panics of 1882. Thu publication of the lo.iyuohool wan awaidcd to A , G. Spalding. Thu aolion of the league meetiii' ' nl Saratoga in the nntttr of the bl.u-1 lint wai rt'uflirmud. The following nro thu odiceri elected : PriKident , W. H. Hinlbut Chicago ; direutorn , .loiiah Jewell , o Hull'alo ; W , ( } . Tlioiiip-s-jii , ol Detroit A , L. Hitchcock , of Troy , and Free man Drown , of Worcester. Prebidont Hurlbut waa prc entc' ( with a gold-headed canu , Duiing the year 1832 they wil present the nincn of their respuctiv - - - in imifnnir' > * * ( ' of th ollowiug npccilied colors : Catcher , carlut aliirt and belt : pitcher , light ) lno ; 1st base , ncarlot and white ; 2nd tasu , orange and black ; ' ! rd base , blue ml white ; short ntop , mnroon ; rit'lit iold , ftraj' ! cuiitro field , red and black ; eft tiuld , white ; MI Intitule , green ; ubstitule , brown , All troupers to ho vhito ; all caps to bo mitmro top , ino color nu nhirts. Tin- color of he ntockitg ) to bn as follow * ; Boston , ed ; Chicago , whltu ; Detroit , old told ; Troy , preen ; DulFnln , gray ; Cleveland , navy hhiL ; Providence , blue ) Worcester , brown. CASUALTIES. k'.lnnnl A iH'littixl I'rrm. 101.1.1 Kit V KXH.OSIOX. HUUS.SKLH , Hol ium , Decciuhcr It. , terrible i xplosien took placu in thu Jodkorill e illiery to-day , causing the oath of lit ! miners. PiTTsnumi , December U. About C > 'clock this livening a turrilio boilur xplosion took place at the Kcyilono oiling mills in this city. The boiler oem was totally dumolinliud and inich d.imagu donu to thu main build- nu. l < nnn , $ ! ' _ ' , ( 00 ; insured. Cor- lolius Dunn , atlreinau , \ > as instantly ollt'd , being terribly mutilated . Vvelvo or thirteen of the emploven ere injured , some ofhom \ wilt Aie. 'lie ' man waa blown torty feet by Iho xplosion. lutolliuonoo. l Aiv.Mttluil I'ri'm. DtniUN , December n The totm'itn n thu estates of ( huMiriui | < of Down- lure , thu Martinis of Droghuda , and lurds Mivflsdreuuu and Cl < ncurry , in 10 counties of Kildare and NVickiow , lavu roaolved to p.vy no rent until thu uspocta are ruleaied from jail. C IHK , D.'combur ! ) . The corpora- nil ol thin city liavuauutn petition o the government asking for the re- eaau of the suspccta. LONDON , Diicombor ! ) The lord rvyor II.IH consented to head the Kng- -h movement to assist thu Irish pro- iory ) defense loaunu. OUR STATE FAIR RACES. ) ocliiou in nu Apponl T.ikou on Ouo or Coutn U at the .fair- Iktlonal AmvirUtitil l'r m < . NK\V Yoiiu , December S ) The ward of review of the National Trot- lint ! aMociitiou , held ita ltt > t meeting if thu Bi-ii'um this afternoon , at thu ' "itth Avenue hotel. Decision in .wonty casua wore rendered. The nest important are thu following : 1o. 1,0011 , Edward Tyh' , of Hum- loldt , Nub. , vs. the Nebrasku state ) o. rd of agriculture , Omahti , Nib. , > t al. In this nice Pylu'n ' .M , xio Cobb , ' J. W. J.icobi' lC.ilor.vdo" and .7. F Kin- ney's "Alarm" were the only entries. 1'jlu know Kinnsy owned 'Colorado" but atill computed with out protest. "Muxio Cobb" won the irat ai.d BLCOIH ! hint ) ami "Colorado" won thu third and fouith , in thu utter of which "Maxio Cobb" was distanced. 1'yle then protested ngniuat ; ho right of ' ColoradoV u d.f JAIumi' ing as authority' ulp'U'W'bf ' ; ho association. " The jtfdgCB illnwod thu horses to continue under , excluding ' 'Cobb , ' ' and "Colo- ado" won the final heat. Thu board told that rule must apply to the case , but as "Cubb" WHS dialanced bu- 'oru the protest ho could nut go on ind further that Jacobs bo suspended , , hut premiuma won by him be ro- 'undid and that "Alarm" bu disiiuuli- liud. liud.In veyard to about thirty cases of lUiltmlilication for nuppreasionor fals- ilication of time in public racun whieh iiad been left over at thu previous meeting for further conoid jr.itiou , the > i > ard ordered that thenu eases ahall be continued at tint next iiiuutim/ the board to bu held in Chicago on the 'Jd of May , 1882 , in order that the buartl at that meeting may have the benefit of such advice , inatructioiie and opinionu na Hhall result from the ; proceedings of thu congress ol inomburH of thu association to bu held in this city on the accond Wednesday in February. It is alao the HOIIHU of this board , accord to ' .ho legal interpretation of the rules of the usgoci'ttion ' , that portions or horsuH who have been disipualilied , For mipprcasioii or falsitluaiion of time in public raceii , are entitled to no lioiieney whatever. KniiihtiufPythioi. y nlKht , Noceinlicr i-'Htli , I'lauet > > HIO ? ; , No 4 , tonk itctlou on cau npillca- [ tinu fur rnvmlierrhlp , pmvo I an Iv-ipilif , and cloHed to nttvnd to the wurk uf htctlon J5 , uf the Kridowimnt rank , At tin [ nilc | ; K > Minn there were nineteen inuinbcn , end a nphlti'danil Icitfrentlti con ventiou wa < held. 'J'Mirnd iy nUiit , DecKin' er 1st , Omnhn U. 1) wim nu y o cuple J with ilio gvnvml bimiti BX of thu loJuu. t Momliiy iiiuht 1'larict No.I liail oiio niiillcittloii | 1 1 roiiHldor ; on fxpilri ! \vns i riivcd , and n knlKht I'hnr cd , Wudnt-s luy nlkiht , Nthratka .N'i > . 1 hud un Intcri'Htiiu ineutillKj itiid wrro visiteil bj Hrothir Walker , of Ilia I'ythlim Jniirna1 , wlio ii'pnrU the crdt-r in Jniliana ml tin viixtcrn utittew fciiuinlly ; ID n nii > * t Hour ediulltiiin , miikinir minifriiii' ntid o I'C'iuUithiiH tu UK nicmlirri-hip , Tiu loijc ( { hud under ooiislder- ntliula. ulitutinii of n now Aim-riu n In l f hi thli city , whi'li ill" inuinbc'S gt'ner.dlj' ai. | prove vnd wlihh It U uirJernlooil U to lit iiji'idlly elfrcted. 1/n.t TliiirHilav n'ght Omaha W.l > . wen out In fen v. Tlieio wi < re ilve canilldatci for iho il ( rof-H , tl.reu jn fH wiru . nnd onu ifipdro was thnn cd rv Two vl-ltiiiH weru piwnr , nrid thu imiirchIuly cotif until , Thu binthtr K uf Jt. & * . of thU I'Klh-d H.I > H that n 11' tl pi.go urrivi-d at bh lioniu a h'\i ilayn hliui th .t hu hoiiOH to Btu lu'uniiiii a lnltlil ; , ( n diAuil with all thoiualltlus | of K I' , k 1) ) lu ( iboiit 'l years. Suioide- Amoul.'itul I 'rum. NNA'II , Duci'aibur J ) . Mrs Dora li.iyl'iud , thu iiiHunu uoimui v\hi cut her grnndaim'fl throat in NowYorl a fuw wecko ngu , committed uuicid to day. _ ATnken Restitutloit. National /itnoclatod i'rtui. UOHTON , December 9. Wonka , th stock broker , to. day paid ? 100,00 into the Pacific bank , THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Appointment of a Barfloli Memorial - morial Committee in the Horn Well Authenticated Ramor of the Appointment of Blaino's Succosaor. Nothinc New Yet OoncerninK1 the Seiinte and House Committee - mittoo Chairmanuhips , Mlnoollancou No ton from the Na tional Capital. CONGRESS. S'lXtlonM Aiwoolatoil I'rixn IN T11K IIOUSK. WAHHINOTO.V , December 0. The only husiueds transacted was the an nouncement of a committee on milu- agu with Smith chairman , aid also a committee of one from each ntato to take Htiilabln action on the death of Oarlield , ThU committeu ia undo U | > as fidlmva : JIe 8rn. MuKinluy , Pach- eco , Delford , Wait , Forney , Dunn , Martin , Davidson , Stephens ( Uii.t ) Cuinoii ( I.iU. ) , Urth , ICaaaon , Andur- HOU , Carlisle , Gibson , Dingley , Mo- 1.11110 , Harris , llorr , Dininell , i 'ord , Honker , C.nsidy , Hal ) , Hill , Cox ( N. Y } , Vance , ( leorge , O Neil , Chime , Aikun , Tucker , TyleV , Wilson , Milla , Williamp , I'uttibonu and Valentino. At 12'JO : p. m. tht ; house adjourned till Tuesday next. THE COM M1TTEES. KKXATI ! CAUCUU IIKI'OUT. WAHHINOTOK , DeccmlxT 9. The republican senate caucus committee met again at 12 o'clock , and remained iu Hcmion until nearly 4 o'clock. It completed tlm outline of thu report to bu mibmitted to the caucus ou Mou- duy. IIOUSK UOMMITTKKS. Speaker Keifer has made no an nouncement of thu regular commit tees. _ ELAINE'S SUCCESSOR. KKCIIKTAKV rill.INOUUV.MEN. WAHIIINOTON , December 0. It iav reported on the authority of Secretary lilaino'a atr.temunt to n personal friend that thu appointment of Secre tary Frelinghiiycen aa secretary of ntntu \ > na made out and Bent to the neiiato yesterday. It did not reach thuro , however , in time to bo opened and acted upon. CAPITAL NOTES. JlOtJHK AITOINTMKNTH. \VAhitiNtiTOK , December 9. Thu ilcrk uf the houno has apiKiiuted Win. 1. Smith , libiarian of thu houao and Lewis Ileinberg stationery clerk. _ oruvian troubles were 'discuBBcicT at,1 , jonaiderablu length' , and Solicitor General Phillips represented the state department. Secretary Kiikwood waa liBi'iit. It ia probably that Secretary Maine will only attend ono moro cub- nut meeting , ua it in fully curtain that hu will retiiu next week. Thonamu of Judge. Tuft-of Ohio , s mentioned for attorney general , the loaition hu held under Grant. Marino Intolliouco- | \'attanat AHsoclatcil I'riks. KuW Yor.K , December 'J. Sailed The Celtic for Liverpool. ArrivedThu Anchoria from Glaa- ; ow. ow.LONDON LONDON , December 9. , Arrived The Greece from New York. AMSTEUOAM , December 9 Sailed The Stella for New York. LiVKiiroon , Docembi'r 9. Arrived The Gallia and the Wyoming from Now Yoik. Railed The Lord Cough for Phila- ik-lphia. _ Nntlonnl Ananclnteil I'riM. CINOINNATI , 0. , Dccembur 0. Ea- olborn it Co. , impurturs and jobbers if millinery and fancy goods , of his city , have failed. ST PAUL , Minn. , December 9. A. II. Niniugor & Co. , general mor- iliants and bankers , Miles City , Mon- failed. Li'ibilitien I'U.OOO aria , , . ; asHL-ts , $100,000. Thu linn made au uBsigninent to Alex , Harding. The ( inn has largo dopoaita in tlio St. Paul bunk and attachments have been fuued by creditors. Certain Cliarei Rufunded. National AiaocUUxl 1'ruu J'nii.AiiKLi-niA , Di-ceiiibor -Somo iiontha ago , when Ihu grain blockade existed at this port , thu Pennsylvania road imposed dumuirayo clmrgo of one dollar pur day on nil earn not unload ed within a certain time after their irrivul , which after noino froleatation was paid by ohippera. To-d y the raihoad authorities without uolicita- tion uuiiounced their intention to re fund thu money thus collected , which amounts to over $1,000 , Pedoatrlau Couteit. National AaiocUtiil l'rui < i. MuJii'JHH , TCIUI , , Dicembor9. ! At 9 p. tu. all the pedeatriuna were on the track ami thu excitement wus in- teiibe. All were in bplcndid trim ex cept lliurimanylio nppraia to begetting getting at ill' . Tliiuia the forly-nintlt iiour and iho ecoru is as follows : O'Leary , 19 ! ) mill's18 hours , 43 rnin- iiteH ; Halt , 209 mih'BIB hours , ! )7 ) minutes ; Hchlct , JOG inileH , 48 lioura , 49 minutes ; Huninun , 191 miles , 48 houia , H8A minutes. * IiuUcntiotui- Kat'.ortl Afrioclat d i'lvtu. WAHHINOTOK , 'Docomber 10 , For the upper Mississippi and lower Mis souri valleys ; Warmer , fairer weather , variable winds , shifting to the south , ud lower pressure.