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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , EKTDAY MOENLNG , DECEMBER 0 , 1881 , NO. 145 \ THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , .Yesterday's Proceedings iu the Senate , First Bill Passed dives the Franking Privilege to Mrs. Garfleld. ' VPro'posed Changes in the Oabi- not the Prevailing Sub ject of Rumor. Senate Coma : it too Chairman- ( .ship Still in Unsettled Condition. i IMlsoelliuieoni Note * from the Na tional Capital. \ CONGRESS. National Associated I'llOCKEDISOS IN THK SBVATH. ' WASIIINOTON , December 8. On motion of Mr. Cameron , the senate voted to adjourn to next Monday nt the close ot to-day's session. Ptiiidleton introduced a bill to pro vide seats on tiio floor of the senate for the executive ollicors of the senate - ate and house , and moved its reference - once to a select committee of ton. Carried. " , , Vest's bill to.-mako wives witnesses in' cases ot bigamy in the territories was referred. 1 Mixey's b'ill tfo regulate th'o salaries of 'parsons iu tho" railway miiil service wus referred. Davis' ( of W Va. ) bill to relieve the treasurer from certain amounts now charged to him as loaned' ' to the atutos'is intended to make formal the donations to states made in IS.'lti. At 12:50 : o'clock Mr. Merrill called up his bill for a tariff commission and proceeded to address thereon. Ho said that yesterday ho was so dis couraged by the avaluhcho of bills in tended to draw money from the treas ury that ho began to think that in stead of rbduciug the duties they should devote their attention to the modes of raising more rovnucs , but on reflecting that out of over 10- 000 .bills introduced at the last session only from , (100 to 700 became a law , ho felt encouraged to go on. At the conclu sion of Merrill's speech , which occu pied two hours and a half and waa devoted to the advocacy of a protec tive tariff , Mr. Garland obtained the floor to speak upon his tariff commis sion bill. Ho , however , yielded to a motion to adjourn , pending which ho introduced a bill which provided for filling the office of president in thu event , of death or disability of the president nud rice-president on which iho will speak hereafter. * ' ' "VorrIie"eT"lnlroau'ce'd a re&olutidn referring s6 much of the president's ' message as related to the silver ques tion to the finance committee , as a text for a speech on that subject. Ferry , from the committee on post- offices and post roods , submitted a unanimous report. The Ingalls' bill extending the frank- iug privilege to Lucrotia II. Garfield , was unanimously passed , the first bill to pass the senate in this congress. The president pro torn. , in a brief speech , complimented Assistant S er go it-nt- Arms Isaac Baasott , oa the completion of his fiftieth year of ser vice in the senate , wishing him health and happiness , and at 3:120 : p. in. the aanato adjourned to Monday. CAPITAL NOTES- BKPPHLICAN HKXATOU FKOM VIIKIIXIA. WASHINGTON } December 8. A committee of eight , including the New England senators and Congress- Paul and Fulkorson ( of Virginia ) have called on the president in rela tion to the election of a senator in Virginia on the twentieth , and asked if the present use of his name in Richmond in favor of the readjust- -era" candidate instead of a re publican is by authority , and old that Malionu was helping the movement. Arthur showed perfect familiarity with Virginia politics , said ho thought the republicans were entitled to a senator und thought 'Mahone would support a republican candidate. Thu committee sent a special messenger to Richmond to con voy the words of the president to Ma- hone. Paul and Fulkorson insist that the logic of the recent campaign in Vir ginia is tha * Lieutenant Governor- Elect John F. Lewis , republican , is entitled to ba elected senator and that -the consideration promised the repub licans for joining the roadjiutors was ihoy should have the senator. , HUNT , It is now said : that a change will eon bo inudo in the head of the navy department. Rumor gives the place to Boutwcll , and in the light of this report the fact that Hunt and Bout wcll were closeted yesterday for two hours at the deportment is looked upon as significant , ADDITIONAL I'OSTAL FACILITIM. The president has signed a postal convention for the exchange of money orders botweou the United States and the colony of Now Zealand ; also one between the United States and the colony of Now South Wales. Both conventions take effect January 1 , 1882. TUB ODJKCTIONTO MILLKU AND J-Al'ICAM. The committee on privileges and elections this morning considered the objecting memorials in regard to the election of the Now York senators , but arrived at no conclusion , WHITE HOCBK GMLLKIW. There were two hundred callers at the White House to-day , none of whom were denied admittance. Among the number were Senator * Cameron , Platt , Logan , Windom , Garland , Miller , Harriiou , Walker , Aldrich and Beck , and a number of members of the house. KIKKWOOII. The impression prevails hero that Secretary' ' "of tho. Interior Kirk- wood will ix tain his position in the cabinet , received now force by the die- covory to-day , when it waa announced that Kirkwood had ronowcd the lease upon hin house for n year , thai fact having been accepted in conclusive pvidcnco that ho wilt remain where ha is. The fight for the position of govern ment printer continuesrwith unabated vigor on the parl of Do Frees , pres ent incumbent , and Col. E. W. Oys ter , latu of the Record department in the government oflicu. Friends of Colonel Oyster Kay that the Pennsyl vania delegation called , on the prcii- dent i n his interest. TIIR INABILITY , KTC. , HILL. Senator Garland's bill relative to filling the oflico of president inthu event of the death , resignation , re moval or inability of the prcstdimt and vice president , provide * thnt the duties shall bo 'for the time being , as provided for by the constitution , hu discharged by the secretary of state , and in 'case of his , etc. , by r.ho secretary of the treasury , and in the event of hia death , etc. , by the sec retary ot war. The of the New York senators was not disposed ol by the committee on privileges and elections this morn ing and an ordurwas made in the son- ut'o during the session to refer the 'ad ditional papers > n file to the commit- PKTITIOKH. Petitions for legislation n ninst dis criminations by railroads , were presented in the senate to-day by the chair and by Senivtprs Ingalls , Harri son" , Vest arid.'Cote. . SENATKOOMMITTKES. Messrs. Hour. Allison , Edmunds , Plumb , Hill , Uoko and , Windom , of the sub-committee of , the republican caucus committee held a mooting of over three hours' duration after- ad journment to-day to consider the re organization of the republican element of the standing and select committee ? . There nro , including Mahone , 39 senators and. but IK ! committee chairmanships t6 bodistributcd among them. Changes wliich have occurred since last organized , Edmunds has two important committees -judiciary and foreign rolatidnsj McMillan Com merce and revision of la.WB . , and Rol lins public buildings and grounds and enrolled bills. White , McDill , Miller , ( of California , ) Van Wyck , Sowcll , Miller , ' ( of 'Now York , ) Lap- ham , Aldrich and Windom have noup. The last four are juniors coming in since the beginning of the session and under the practice of the senate the committees go to the older sena tors. It is understood to assist in harmonizing matters , Allison , who is chairman of the appropriation committee - mittoo , volunteered to * surrender hie place on the iinanco to Windom , The democrats may wish to make some changes on theit'ttldo of the house. " TUB HOD.HB will adjourn to Tuesday soon after coming together to-morrow. COUNTHIlFKir BILLS. The treasury department has re ceived notice that a ? 5 counterfeit note on the Boylston National bank o ! Boston is in circulation. Tim face of the note IB good , and the pink seal aud figures excellent , but the green border and the ends on the back arc badly engraved. The state arms and eaalo in the right oval are badly en graved. A pen made counterfeit of a $1 sil ver certificate is also afloat. The secretary , ! of 'tho ' trcasnry has already authorized assistant treasurer at Now York to redeem five million of bonds of the 100'tli call in each week until further orders beginning with Wednesday next , and to pay in terest on bonds to maturity January 29 , 1882. THE COIXAOK. The director of the mint has caused examination to bo nmdo ot accounts of the United States coinage at the mints from July 1st , 1878 , to Juno aOth , 1881 , to ascertain * the exact amount and cost of silver purchased by the government and the profits on coinage of silver. During the three fiscal years named the profits have been 89,752,210. 5-t , which with profits on hand at the mints July 1st , 1878 , ( $424,720.47) ) and $4,500 W ) profits on trade dollars and surplus bullion credited to the same ac count made a total of § 10,182,400.30 ; of this amount 8774,374.81 have boon deposited in the treasury , 8221,124.78 paid for expenses of distribution , and 884,351.29 paid for mortgage and losses by the sale of swoops ; leaving in the mints July , 1 , 1881 , $1,101- 645 43 , which was verified by actual count on the 30th of Juno lost by rep resentatives from the treasury depart ment. National B MO Ball Leagn * . Nrtooki AwodUod Vnm. CHICAGO , December 8. At the meeting of the base ball league , the following amendments and rules were adopted : That only one league alliance club shall bo allowed in ono city , and league clubs are prohibited from playing any other than league clubs in cities whore one is located. A now rule was adopted requiring that a playeis' bench with hat racks at each end bo furnished. New rule 40 was amended so that in case of accident to a player time shall not bo called until the ball beheld held by the pitcher. Now rule 50 woe amended BO that in case of col lision between a base runner and a fielder the umpire shall decide which fielder was entitled to the ball. Now rule G9 wasadoptod giving jurisdiction to umpires , not subject to appeal , to impose penalties for auch offences as loafing , not taking their places in the field and pushing or interfering with fielders. A resolution passed authorizing the president to reconvene the meeting April 1st , 1882. The following umpires were oloctcd for the season of 1882 : Charles Mad- dock , Cleveland ; John Kelly , New York ; James Quian , Cambridgeport , Mass. ; Uiohnrd IVarco , Brooklyn ; Donovan , Boston ; Richard lliulmin , Troy : Joseph UimnigAii , Now York ; Charles Briard , Lawroiiaobunf , New York ; William McLean , Philadelphia ; William Bernie , Brooklyn ; William ITamcs , Lowell , Mass. ; John Dailey , Brooklyn , and Nickornon and Cross , Providence , R. I. Completion of the staff umpires waa deferred until the next meeting. Ilotchkiifl , Ilulburt and Winship were appointed a committee to adopt uniforms for clubs. A committee cpnsifttiiig of Hurlbnl nnd Sedan wan directed to prepare n schedule for 1882 , It was decided to hold the next an nual mooting at the Dorranco House , Providence , IU I. The meeting will reconvene tomorrow row at 10 o'clock. Bonril of Trade Bauqnot- SHvi ] 1 IH.'iwU-h to Tim Una PLATTSMOUTH , Neb , , December 8. The grand banquet given by tin board of trade , of this city , to-night is just over , and was a brilliant ani successful affair , which would have done , credit to a city ton times the sizi of Plattsmoutb. About three hundred drod guests sat down to n regal sup per at the Perkins house , the gucsti including Governor Nanco , SocroUrj Alexander , Judge Dundy and fedora officers , members of the bar of Oinalu and Lincoln and representatives of tin press , includipi ; the editors of ever } paper in Omaha. Numerous ( toasts were happily responded to. The board organized two years ago with D. H. Wheeler president ant J. B. Stode secretary. It was at event in the history of th'o town which is now assuming metropolitai airs and nppoaraucc.1. What Friction National AssoclaUxl 1'rcs.v BOSTON , M.ISS. , December 8. J curious and unexpected result of tin now system of gold transaction be tween Boston banks has just come tc light. Until within three weeks thi Merchants' bank acted as repository for all others and transactions were carried on by means of certificates , but at that time the Merchants' bank decided to refuse to longer assume tin risk of storing $7,000,000 of gold ii its vaults , and as no other bank wai willing to undertake the task the sys torn was given up and all transaction ! since hvo been effected by carryinj coin from bank to bank. It has beet found that this transportation of coil is gradually reducing its weight ant that if the practice is continued the gold will within less than a monll cease to bo legal tender. It is fount that the average weekly dopreciatioi of the 87,000,000 is 830 , or at tin rate of $15,000 per year. John W. Forney Dying. National A socUtcd I'rcjs. PHILADELPHIA , DocemberS. lion John W. Forney , who has for the past four days been confined to hi : mansion in Washington squnro witl B right's disease of the kidneys , wui pronounced by his physician at 1 ( o'clock to-day to be at the point o death. WAHHINOTON , December 8. Ex Speaker Randall has been sumiuonci to his death bed to receive some per sonal communications which the jour naliat has expressed a wish to make t < him. Mr. Randall has gone on : special train. Mnrlno Intelligence. National A--WOI iatod Press. Nr.w YOKK , December 8. Sailed The Doviana for Glasgow , the Celtii for Liverpool. Arrived The Doruytor from Ant werp. LONIION , December 8. Arrived The Victoria from Now York. Sailed The Denmark for Now York. LivisurooL , December 8. Arrived The Pennsylvania from Philadel phia.QuKKN.STOWTf QuKKN.STOWTf , December 8. Sailed -Tho Adriatic fiom Now York. Mode nu Assignment- National Associated i'rtss. CINCINNATI , December 8. Jmiiot S. Burdsall , proprietor of ono of thu largest wholesale drug houses in tin city , has made an assignment for the benefit of creditors. Liabilities and assets are unknown , but it is believed that the failure , however , is an exceptionably - tionably honorable ono. National Bate Ball Natlonil AJiuoclated Press. CHICAGO , Decembers. The morn ing's session of the national base ball league waa occupied by a discussion ol the amendments to rules of the game. It is probable the meeting will continuo - tinuo over until Saturday. Obituary- National Associated Frew. NKW YOKK , December 8. Ex- Chief Justice Barbour , of the su < conrt , state of Now York , ied suddenly to-day of heart disease , Undoubtedly the best shirt in the United States is manufactured at the Omaha Shirt Factory. The superior ity of material and workmanship , com bined with their great improvements that is , reinforced fronts , reinforced backs and reinforced sleeves make their skirts the most durable and best fitting garment of thu kind over man ufactured at the moderate price of $1.50. Every shirt not our make is guaranteed first clnss , and wo will re fund the money if found necessary. Wo make a specialty of all wool Shaker and Canton flannel , also cho- mois underwear , made up with u view to comfort , warmth and durability. To invalids and weak-lunged persona wo offer special inducements in thu manner those goods are mudo for their protection. PH. GorruHiHKK , I i 1207 F mh Ti THE ASSASSIN'S ' TRIAL. Ooiitinuation of the Testimony in Belmttal , Much of Which la Objeotod to by the Prisoner nnd His Oouuaoil. Guitenu Takes OflbnBo at Hie Brother and Goes for Him. Donioustrationo oJ1 Applause iu in the Court > No\v Bohi Stopped. | An a Yonnn Bfnn Jfcunil Out You- tovdny When I'lrnd- _ _ n fr , aTJITEATJ. X llonal Amocmted Prow. * TESTIMONY IS KKlll'TTAI. . WAHIUNOTON , D. 0. ' , DecuiuburS. < Thrro was an unusual crowd attend ing court this morning. As thu prisoner - onor cumo in and thttf hnndciitN won taken oil' , hu * aid : MA crank in Chicago cage says I tnku wilhThim in regard tc tins caso. I don't know the man and the statement is fatso. ! ' Mrs. Julia M. NVilson , nicco ol Abraham Guitoau , "jirho resides nt Lcadvillo , was the Brat witness for the prosecution , She staled her niothoi nuvor showed nny signs of insanity. One of her sisters was operated on by a mesmerist in Ann Arbor , Michigan , and was BO much und r the iutluenct that-any ono could operate upon her. The witness could snip her on tin street by simply hold ng up her fin gers. . i One of the jurors ( tiio colored man ] complained of indisposition at thu point and retired to consult a physi cian. | i Witness continuing , said : Possi bly some unmannered boy called hei sister. "Foolish Abboy. She nevei saw any irrational conduct on thti part of her mother up to the time ol the death. Ono of her swim's was in an insane asylum in Michigan. Hei father was afilictod with softening of the brain bcforo ho diod. The pritonor was unusually quiet during this\tfcstiinony \ , only interrupt ing Judge Porter once when ho was referred to as a criminal "that word does not apply to mo ; I am no crim inal. I was inspired by God to re move President Garfiold. " During the cross"- examination by Scovillo , the witness said she did not remember that her mother had any objection to going i\p"stairs \ during thi latter part of her lifoj- ' John W. Guitoau ih'fected to "lug- ing in parsons" who had no blood re lation to the prisoner > * Scovillesaid'hoob ' strenuously - ly to John W. Guitoau interrupting the proceedings with a view to show there was no insanity. The prisoner got excited , and jnmp ing up and pounding the table , exclaimed claimed : " 1 take thu same view. ] wish John W. Guiteau would go bacl to Boston. Ho has entered into thii case to gain a little notoriety. Hi has been n nuiimnco during the wholi trial , lie in not of the counsel anc has no business to open his head here , He prcanuu'B on the fact that ho is ol the same name to make himself coiv spicuous here. " The prisoner's brother paid no at tention to his harangue. Geo. 0. May nurd testified ho hat known tiio family of the tiruviout witness for years and hud nevei heard of any member being iimnu Recess. After recess , Frank B.irtlutl testi fied ho know A ! r. a"d Mrs. Scovilk and the prisoner. Prisoner The only thing aboul this is the witness met ma in thu sum mer of 187(5 ( at .Scovillo'fl place. It cost the government two hundred dollars to bring thin witness here and it is an outr.igo for the public funds Iu be expanded in thin manner. The witness said there was nothing in the prisoner s manner to attract special attention. The prisoner toflk part in a tub race and conducted himself - self as sanely as the other partiis engaged - gaged in this recreation. Florence R. Bartlett , wife of tin Lint witness , said there was nothing in Gnitcau's action or demeanor to indi cate ho waa insane. Howard 0. Dunham , of Boston , was called. "This man doesn't know mucli about me , " interrupted the primmer. "Ho thought I was badly cranked about my book. He looked upon il as a literary curiosity " Witness told about the prisonei ongagini ; an oflico in Boflton , stating ho would abandon theology Ho goi out cards announcing himself at "Coutmellor and attorney at law. ' Theology , the prisoner said to him , didn't pay. Scovillo objected to evidence beitii ( introduced at this Htugo tut to thi sanity or insanity of the prisoner , and claimed such testimony should have introduced in the chief exami nation. The court overruled the objection , saying it is not worth while to go intc particulars. Scovillo Then 1would , like an excep tion entered to any testimony offered on the part of the prosecution tending to show the inranity of the prisoner. The witness did not regard the prisoner insane. Prisoner The witness was a Meth odist minister and he did netlike my- theology , Besides I had no money and hu didn't like iny stylo. [ Laugh ter. ] Witness , continningjiaid ho had a conversation with John W. Guiteau , who remarked there was no well au thenticated cose of insanity in thu Guiteau family. Prisoner , excitedly My brother has the miserable opinion that it would bo a disgrace to the Guiteau ti ( , . , i . - . . . . . . u ni n. f. , ) ( , insane. Two of my cousins nro in a' lunatic asylum and probably 1 will ho in ono teen , [ laughter. ] Corklnll presented a communication from President Arther in answer to interrogations of the defence. The document was not read hut submitted to Scovillo for examination. John Farmer , of Saratoga Springs , was the nrxt witness. Bi-foro ho wan questinni'd the prisoner said , "I owe this nun ten dollars for board. It coat the government one hundred dol. lars to bring him hero. I might have admitted this fact and spared this ov punno to the nation. " Witness related the dilRcully ho had in collecting a board bill trom the prisoner. Meantime Guiteau had read Presi dent Arthur's amwors to Scovillo'R HUeatitms and declared in an emphatic manner they should bo published at once. The document wa-j then read by Scoville. The first question was : "Do you know the prisoner in the case J" President Arthur answered in the aflit mative. He had seen him tun or probably twenty times around the ro- i > uhlic.m headquarter * at the Fifth Avenuu hotel in New York , but had no conversation with him except in ordinary salutation * of the day. "What political service did the prisoner render the republican party duriiii ; the last campaign ? " Vroa the next intarrog.ition , "Nono that 1 know of , " the presi dent wrote in response , "and I do not know- that there wo * anything in his relations to myself , General Grant or Senator Conkling that would entitle him to beliuvu wo would assist him in his political prelerompnt. " PrisonerThat is a matter of opinion. The president added by way of postscript that ho had received a let ter from the pi isoner , asking for a postponement of the trial , in order to allow him to prepare his defense. Uov. R. S. McArlhur , pastor of the Baptist church of New York , waa then called. Ho testified that the prisoner brought a huter of admission to him from thu Chicago church. Guiteau complained of poverty , re sulting from the Chicago tire , and witness' heart went out towards him and ho loaned him ninety-live dollars. There was nothing in the prisoner's manner to indicate insanity. Ho ex plained the prisoner's wife represent ed to him that herself nnd husband would bo placed cm the sidewalk if they could not raise a little money. The priHonor wan expecting to get a ministry nt that time. It was the Swiss mission. It was expected that , however , it did .not amount to much , it was only So , 000 a year. Witness then statcdthatthopriRonor was brought up bcforo the committee ef the church in regard to certain immoral conduct. His wife claimed she supplied him with money which he spent witn other women. The prisoner again became excited , stating that bin conduct in this regard wa3 prompted by his doairo to procure Butliciont grounds for a divorce front 'theAvomiiii'whow homarricd on 'ton ' hours' notice. Corkhill said the government in tended to show that what was claimed to bo insanity on the part of the pris oner was nothing hut outrageous de pravity. Thin remark was loudly applauded by the aiidicnue and a young man who ntartcd the demonstration wits put out by an officer. Witnew , in answer to other ( jut's- tioiiM , said ho never regarded Guitcau an insane. Prisoner I have been strictly vir tuous for six years. Court adjourned at 3 o'clock to to morrow morning when examination of Mr. McArthur will bo resumed. The HorticulturnlUtH CIIICACO , December 8. At the third day'ii meeting of the State and Northern Illinois horticultural societies , the election of officers rp- suited UN follows ; President , Captain Ed ward Hollinter , of Alton ; vice- president , Dr. A. G , Humphrey , of Ga'cfiburg ' ; secretary , 0. B. Galasin , of Moms ; treasurer , T. G. Minklur. Tiio next annual meeting will begin on the the second Tuesday in Decem ber , 1882. Thi ) Northern Illinois society elect ed ollicors for t hu ennuintj year with the following renult : President , Arthur Bryant , Jr. . of Princeton ; vice presidents , .lames Crow , of Crys tal hakit , S. Kdwards , of Mcndota , and Arthur Bryant , Sr. , of Princeton ; recording secretary , G. B. Golusha , of Moiris ; corresponding secretary , D. W. Scott , of Galena ; treasurer , Ij. W. Wooduiird , ofMarengo. Adjourned. An Importnut Suit. National Associated I'run. NKW YOHK , December 8. The trial of the suit of Mr * . Julia Arm strong vs. the Montreal Life insur ance company , to recover 810,000 , the amount of a policy isiued upon the lifo of her husband , who was mur dered by Benj. Hu.iter , at Camden , N. J. , wan concluded in the Brooklyn Unitfid States court to-day. The jury gave a verdict for the plaintiff if or 810,571.30 , the full amount of the policy with interest. A Canadian Epidemic- National Aftnoclattd l'mn. Mo.vTKHAL , December 8. Residents - dents of the townships of Garthby and Snutham , have been thrown into tcriihlo excitement over the outbreak of an epidemic. The patient is at tacked HO suddenly as to fall from a chair and lose consciousness. The sympcoms bear curtain resemblance to of diphtheria. The Cotton PJantora. National Axfeovlatul 1'rixut. ATLANTA , Ga. , December 8.Tho National Cotton Planters' JiB.weiution adjourned to-night. Tiio next meet ing will bo held at Liltlo Rock , Ark. , commencing October 17 , 1882 , National Awiociatcd 1'ri-H * . CINCINSATJ , December 8. Joseph Nicholas Clark , aged 18 , committed suicide in Ivden Park by shooting him- "I. , ' v GRIME AND CASUALTY. A Oolil-Bloodofl Kansas Oity Mur- ilerer Sontoiicod , Prijht\ ( Calamity oa the St. Oharlos Bridge Over th Missouri , A Freight Train Qooa Through a Span and is Complete ly Wrecked. BIlMiolInuonn * Criminal nnd Coi- imUj-NotoN of the Dny. ' CRIME llOSlt TI1IKK AKUKHTIin. CLUVKM.MI. ( > . , December 8.--Thu nan who adroitly nibbed President Kllis , of the Commercial bank , of bonds to the valtio of ? 10.000 has been iii-restod at Bullalo. Nit bonds were recovered , but it is supposed they tro ctill in the posrti'siioii of his con federates , wlio are not yet nppreluind- ed. The men are professional bank thieves. INDllTKIt nm MUIIDKU. KAVHAK CITY , December 8. The coroner's jury to-day returned a ver dict indicting A. J. Wagoner for mur der in the first degree of Norman Baudcr. The latter had $4,000 , and to obtain Una for this six months on different occasions Wagoner has boon uiving Bander jdrugeed whisky , and forcing him to sign checks and drafts while under thu influence of the poison. Biiiidor died Thanksgiving. CUIMINAL XOTHti. BIIFHAI.O , December 8. Burke , the Cleveland bond robber , was taken lienco to Cleveland to-day. Ho is wanted nt Albany and Cohoes for forgeries , also. PIO.UA , Ohio , December 7. All the prisoners in the county jail , twolyo in number , iniulu a dash for liberty last night , and succeeded in making their esc ipo. FALI < HIVKII , Mais. , December 8. At midnight last night Raymond P. Dennis , an old man , was shot and in stantly killed by a party of young men who woio tormenting Dennis by rapping on the windows of his resi dence. Ho went outside armed with a shot gun and drove them away. One young man took thu gun from him and blow his head off. COUJMMUH , Ga. , December 8. Jno. Moore , of Thomativillo , G . , was enticed into a thicket near Troy , Florida , by Jark Bass and ono Boyait. Bass held him while Boyan shot him three times , killing him. Thuvilliane then robbed Moore. They have been arrested. There are throats of lynch ing.AUOUBTA AUOUBTA , Ga. , December 8 , There has.boou aJjomblolmurdor > .ntsfjlMoj ; cow , Lamar county. ' "A crazy liog'ro seized a child of Mrs ; Winchcstet Armstrong , who attempted to rescue it. She was dealt n blow on the head with an axe and killed. The mother of Mrs. Armstrong was also killed. Mr. Armstrong came up and shot thu negro dead. WAMHI.NOTO.V , December 8. Thu case of Cupt. Howgato will be called up on Saturday in thu circuit court for argument on the ( juostioi : of suf ficiency of bail. CantHowgato is still confined in the District jail. The cases of Brady , French and others , alleged to be implicated in the star route frauds will probably not be called until the Guiteau cue in dis posed. UAUHIKIIUIIO , Pa , , December 8. Deputy Attorney-General Gilbert , representing the utatu insurance com- iniHsioner , to-day made application in court for warrants for thu arrests of the officers of the State Capital Mu tual Aid Association of prominent death-bed companies , on the charge of conspiracy. Thu niquust was made for thu double purpose of prosecuting the officers criminally and to secure possusaion of the books of the com pany. _ CASUALTIES. Xitloiml Atuociauxl CriMi. HtJUllTFUI. AC'CIIJKNT. KAXHAH CITY , December 8. Freight train No. 0 , east bounu , in charge of Conductor Durlield , Engi neer Kirksby , broke through an iron span of the St. Charles , Mo. , bridge over the Missouri river. ntr > :2r : > this evening , The engine and thirteen cars full with the span about eighty feet. Engineer Kirksby , Fireman Chamberlain , and a brakuman wont down with the engine ; ICirksby waa killed by the fall , but Chamberlain and the brakeman escaped. The train consisted of thirteen can of stock and eighteen of freight ; only the stock ours went down. The cause of the accident is not re ported. Arrangements are being made for the transfer of passengers by boats. All Iclegruph communica tion cast is cut oil'on account of the wires going down with the bridge. It it two years and one mouth since the lame bridge full. IJAu.ANTA , Ga. , December 8. Ad ditional particulars of the accident of the Air Line railroad at Suwanuu haa boon received. Thu men were not run over. A passenger train ran into a caboose of u freight. Conductor John P. Dean was discovered under the mail car dead , und Chuilen Hursli was burned to death in thu caboose. At thu boiler explosion of the gin IIOUHO of W , B. JOIICB , near Ellerton to-iliiy the head ot Clifford Jones , ycais old , was blown oil' und picked up forty yards away. Both nous ol \V. B. .Join's wuo killed , Harvoj Morrison ( colored ) had both legs aiu : arms broken and will diu. JI1NOK CAHUALTIKS. KANHAH CITY , Dt-combor 8 , Fret' Kernlmw , u carpenter , was found dead in this city this morning , having fallen , while intoxicated , from t bridge , Chicago & Alton railroad this morn ing six miles from this city. Engines and ears were completely wrecked. Six men wore injured , two of whom will probably diq. SHKIIOYOAN , Mich. , December 8. The tug , 0. E. Pendnll , towing the schooner Hnrt , was wrecked yester day eight miles below this port. She bei-omo disabled through the breaking of her stern pipojand abandoning her tow made for the shore , but grounded Iwforo reaching it. The crow jumped overboard , and swam in with great difficulty , there being a heavy sea at the timo. When last scon the schooner Hart was laboring heavily in the trough of the sea. She has neb since been heard from. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. National AmcUtnl 1'ti'M. Ul'ltM.NO 01 % ,1 T'IKATllK. VIENNA , December 8. Fire broke out in the Ring theatre this evening just as the curtain ascended on an opora. There were upwards of U,000 persons in the audience , nnd whentho- ilames burst out around the ntago on which there were 1100 performers , n tro- mcndous rush was made for all parts of tl.o lumso in order to escape. Many of the panic strickun people loaned from windows , while the shouts and shrieks of those who were utiablo to make their oscnpo was heart rending. During the great est excitement the gas metro con- IKcted with thu theatre exploded , thereby causing total darkness. At midnight three hundred dead bodica liad been recovered and several hun dred moro were yet left in the build- imr , which was yet wraut in tlamos. It in now estimated that the loss of lifo is upwards of oOO. LONDON , December 8. Some of ficial information from St. Petersburg states Uussia is preparing to largely increase her fleet in the Black sea. Doctor Lamson , son of an American clergyman , was to-day arrested on the charge of having poisoned his brother luring a visit to him utschool at Wim- jledon , Six men on Calf Rock , who had oc cupied u light house which wns re cently washed away have been res cued. In consequence of Bourk , the Eug- ish bondholders' agent , declaring < x > .ho Turkish financial commission that 10 could accept a settlement only un der the approral of thu bondholders , negotiations for a settlement , which liavo been going on for some time , are likely to bo broken oil' without any terms for the liquidation of the debt being arrived at. EDINIIUIKI , December 8. Search for the mon who stole the body of the earl ol Crawford is being actively prosecuted. It was suggested that the trail of the mon might bo dis covered and followed by hounds , and n leash of bloodhounds are now being employed for that purpose , but there is great dqubt da to the success of thia exploit , and the case is now rendered still moro mysterious by the report that the motive of the robbery of the Rttyewas neb * aHBordid- , - and behind facts BO ' far "as "discovered , " there remains a very strange romance. ROME , December 8. To-day , in the presence of ! I50 ecclesiastics assem bled in St. Peter's , Pope Leo XIII. canonized the monk Laurent , the pilgrim Sabre , Canon Rossi , and Sister Clara. The ceremony was conducted with great pomp. BKUUN , Decembers. Count Kal- anky , Austrian foreign minister , in conference with Prince Bismarck' ' in this city to-day , announced it was the intention of the policy of Count And- rassy and Baron il ay merle , his prede cessor , and wished co-operation and friendship of Germany. DUIII.IN , December 8. A circuhr has been issued by the government to the Irish constabulary , instructing them to every effort to induce people to give iirivato information concerning intended outrages , in re turn for such information rewards of from i'20 to 100 are promised , and the incognito of the informant guar anteed. Indications- National < d Prciw. WASHINGTON , December 9. For the upper Mississippi and lower Mis souri valleys ; North winds , generally higher Vnicineter. THOROUGHBREDS. Wo are much pleased to hear that the demand for thoroughbred Jersey stock iu increasing amongst our citizen neighbors , and gratified as well that our young friend , Graham P. Browne , is reaping solid reward for his active exertions in bringing many valuable specimens to Nebraska. In his lost herd , which arrived a few days ago from the east , the fol lowing have already been sold : "Bluebell , " solid dark fawn , 2 years old past , and a perfect beauty , to Dick Withnell , Ecq , ' 'Silver Leaf , " orantro fawn , little white , daughter of "Reception , " sold hero about one month ago to Milton Rogers , Esq. " /oio , " orange fawn , little while , coming two years old , a perfect gem from the hnest butter family in America , to John McCormick-Esq. "Isabella , " a very handsome silver gray , 4 years old , with fine pedigree and looks like a deer , is held by Mr. Browne to fill an order in this city , BII also has in his yurds several line Jerseys , all thoroughbred , and will receive in January u car load to which attention will bo called by a future advertisement in this paper. SILVERWARE ! SILVERWARE ! ! CHOICEST AND BEST. Our otouk in this line is very com plete indeed , und embraces a number of thu very latest and moat elegant designs ever made. Wo are particu larly careful in our selections and buy only from the standard manufacturer * whoso trade marks are guarantees and- a warrant for durability and genuine ness. Before buying bo suru and sea this stock , which for novelty in design and sterling worth cannot bo surpassed. Respectively yours , EDHOLM & EIUCKBON.