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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1881)
ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING- , NOVEMBER 1-2. 1881 , NO. For Sale By FIFTEENTH AND LOUQUS STS , , No. 1 , Vow house , 7 rooms , on Cumin ? Btrcet near Haunders , 81200. No. 2. 2 at iry house , n room' , well , cistern and barn , Webster , tu-ar 15th struct , 32BOO. No. 3 , House of 10 rooms , on Harnuy , near h street , utonn faiimhtlon , $1000. No. 4 , Ijir.t'O liouso of 11 rooms , on Webster street , near Urelihton College , * 35l > 0. Ho. 0 , II usu ot 7 rooms , on Can * , near 17th street , ? 3iOO. ( No. 7 , House of S roome , 3 lots , on Kth hired , nivir Irani , S3 03. No S , Housu of B rooms ou CaM , near 14th , 22x132 feel lot , $1300. NOi 0 , Iloiiio of S looms , kitchen , etc. , or COSH , iinar 13th ft eet , ? 00. No. 10 , UOIIMof 3 room * with lot 22U32 feet , on C'asH , near 14th street , J900. No. 11 , Home of (1 rooms on 10th btrcet , near Douglas , 4 IxOli fett lot , 84000. No. 12 , HoDHCiif ti room * , brick foundation , on Harney , nenr 270' htrcct , $1000 No lit , 1 tory new house of 0 rooms , brick foundation , off St. Mary'a n\enuo , near coin cut , 51f > 0. No. 14 , Itousoof 5 rooms ntuisummer Klti'Iien on 20th itruct , near dark , $2 > 00. No. 13 , Homo of 8 rooms , on Shcnnan avenue ( Ibth btrcet ) . near NIchoKs , 2250. No. HI , 1 } - tory IIOUMI ol 4 rooms , cellar , ittable , ttc , , 0:1 IMxcniiort , near 22d street , f 1ROO. No. 17 , 2-Htory brick homo of 0 rooms , near enJ of rud street car turn table , S2250. No. 18. lloubc and 2 lots , 1 blocks went of High School , S2W ) . No. 19 , ilniiHp and Slot * on reid to park , near ho.-id St. ilary'H avenue , 83100. No. IK ) , Houaind IU loU near Hawaii's , South Omaha , : ? 2MW. No. 21 , IIOUMJ and lot on Datronp > rt titreot , ne-ar Itith Mtreet , S.O.SOO. No. 22 , 2-story house and 1 t 22xCO feet , on Davenport , near 12th streetJ300. No. 23 , Hourc of 4 rooms and 2 lot ? on 17Ui treet , near IzarJ , 1200. No. 25 , jloute aud j lot on 10th etrcct , i ear DodgeJ850. . .j. , . i , . , , , i , jiV A No. 28. ( louro ani' ' ' 4 lottontlptMrtrpet/itnefcr No. 27 , 2 houses and lot oa JacksonVnoarlSth etreet , JI300. No. 20 , 6 houses and 1 lot on California , near Sth Btrect , CiOOO. No. 30 , Ij-story brick hou o of 4. rooms with lot 63x21X1 fe < t , oil dii.rmun ir > . > ulo ( ICcli ttrvet ) , near Iznrd , 5"JXO. No. 31 , Ij-storj-hoHso and 3360 feet , on 13th tri'cct , near Howard street , . ' 000. No. 32 , L-story house of ( i1001119 and twr lots en Mason , near ICth ctrdot , J3COD. Npf ) & , I.'irKu house ami full lot on Capita avenue , nenr lath ttruct , F-JHO No. SO , 'J three atory bricL houfo ) wi lot 44x 13 fcot , on near Ibth street , f 0 eftch. : \o. 37 , Houbu of 7 room * Ith 1 j lot Paul rtrttt , new Ibth btreut , ? 27M. No. 3S , llouve and lot on ISth direct , near Sherman , 81850. No. 3) , HotiHcof 6 rooms with 4txt0 ! fcot lot , ou ISth strict , ruar ( 'alifornlit , 52KX ) No. 42 , Houbcot 8 roomn with > Ofci.t , on Coburn , near Colfuv r.treet , j3MO. No. 43. uud 2 loUi on Chicago , near COt ! Btreet , S7BJJ. No. 4B , I irfc'ilio'iyj of 7 rooms , clo.s .t pantry ell nnd'n ctroet , S3600 No. 40 , L&rif bou xith full block , niuir au\ ahott ewer , eAWO. No. 47 lloiim. of D roinu vlth J lotonl'aclflc near llth strict 3rt > )0. ) No. 4U , 11 rick liouioof 11 roomn , will , c'ttcrn pan throu'l.out the houne , oed barn , etc. , 01 jfarnham , near 17th street , SOOOO. No , to , HOUSL o | o room * , cellar , well , etc , , on IDtli , neur Paul r-trrtt , ? : : OJO. No. L3 , lloiiHO of t > roomi and collar , lot33x132 off St. Mnr.r'niuc'niH' , near com cut , tlOM , No , OS , four IIOIHM and 88x120 tint , oil ta\en ) port , nuir H'.Lli utri'ut , 000. No , M , llou-uof Dor 10 rooms , on California No. n , Iloueuoftl room , numinor kitchen cellar , cintirn , well , p'od barn , etc. , near St , Mar > 's a > tnuo and 21st htrcut , $3000 No. IS , New house of 7 rooms , good barn , on "Webster , near 22tt btrect. J2JOO. No. i'J , Knur house * witli j lot , on 12th Btreet , near Cass friwo. No. tlO , Hoitsu of U roo-rs on Darcnport , near 23rd etruet , SOOO. No. HI , House of 0 or 10 roomi , on Hurt street , near 22nd Htrrtt , ; 'W > > . No , 02 , Housu of 4 ronnii * . 1 story , porch , eel tar , cittern and \vull , on U nicy , near " 1st strcot , 1760. No , 63 , HOUSP of 4 ronns , clinct" , basement nud cellar , near White Load WorkH , 81000. No. 64 , IluiMin onli-a-o.1 lot , on OoJiroHtrect , near post ollice , bloru bi-low anJ r. cms abovu , 8bOONo. . 05 , Slots viih bun nnd other Imple ments , near ftrti t inr turn t'iblu , i-COO. No , 67 , New hou u of U rooms on 17th , near Cumin ; ; btrect , SIOO. No. 0' ' ) , Largo Uric- benne of 12 rooms , mery- thlnK complete , 01 ISth , near Chicago , WOO1) . Ko , 70 , HouiiC on 18th ntrett , near i-avenimrt , itoru below an. ) roams about , barn , i tc , } IM > 0. No 71 , House of H room * , line rcllur , a 1 complete plote , on California , near 2Ist , 47000. No. 72 , llrlck house , 10 or 11 r oim , on JUen jrart , mar 1Mb * > 0. No. 73 , IJ-htorv IIOIIKS , 0 rooms , mlUr , vr I anil cittern , on Jacknon , niur 12th , $ UOO. No , 74 , llrlck liou-e with 2 lots fruit tnw , etc. , on ICth , utar liipltol a.cnue , $ U000. No. 7f' , Hoii-uu ! 1 riioms , htsemont , lot 17)k ) 132ictt , on Maicy , mnr 7th , 6H75. No. 7 , 1 j-Ktnrv hoiu-u , Broom' . , ou Cuwigtri.ct , n < nr ICthotrutt , No. 77 , 2-ntory hou e , H room" , rJo-eU , fur nco , fruit trim , burn , tt > . . , on Kuinrum , rnur th strict , -000. No. hi , 2 hotnisi vth | 0 rooms , nnd other with room * , on CnioajfO , no r 12th Htruf t f JOOO. No. b2 , 1 j dory honnc , U rooms , 1 ildxcts , el and loo-barrel istcrn K-ood burn , on 1 iunu Ml. , near 20th ( near new pmrnim'ut corrull ) , * lfaOO No 83 , 2 story home , U rooms , roalihed , KIH > ( well , cittern , on j lot , on Cupitoi a euue , ni 12th , 2W. ( No , B4 , 2-etory house , 8 roomx , 4 below Hml I bove U closets , ce lur , well anl * cistern , with 5 cr s ground , on SaunJcrsbluet , near liarnuks , 2WX ) No. ' 65 , 2 stor < , houBO on leased i lot , liuno rnns 2 years from April l t , IMI , on lUd ic M. , near U. 1' . depot , SiOO. No. SB , House , 15 rooms , well , cistern , etc. , near Ifith and llarncy ttrrttn , i 000 hounc 3 roonn , ull with 40 No. 87 , 2 utory , - ' id onr-auii < l M feet of water , with B acrr lk'rou < ( treej , near U B , liairacks , 2000. No.'w , lj rKohour > oof 10 ronim , ' ! , ' "turn , barn etc. on < A , -'ri t , in r Slut , fTf. ) , , ' 12 o ° " ji. > V i ) l No S' > , l.i- . I. io , u. t ' ' elii iiitti , i - P. Real Estate Mange | 16th end Dongrl RH ft real 11 MAHONE'S VICTORY. Bourbons Surprised and Alarmed at tlio Outlook , Fonr That Other Soutliorn Statea May Become In- And a Qonornl Po'itical Disin tegration Follow. Considerable Speculation ns to the Organisation of the Next House. The House to bo Organized bj' the 1'arty With Whom the Greeiibaoltors Voto. Ex-Union Soldiers and Sailors Asserting Their Rights lor Federal Patronage. Runior That Judge Folgor is to bo Appointed to First Supreme premo Court Vacancy. How the News of Col. Smith's Murder was Received at the Capttrtl. Social. Mntrlmonlrel nnd Other Matters at thoNntlounl Cnpital. CorresponJcnui ! of 'JilK linn. WASIHNOTOX , November 9. It is generally conceded by democrats in Washington this evening that the anti-Bourbons in Virginia have elected their stuto ticket by a decisive majoi- ily , nnd that thoto will bo an anti- Bourbon majority in the legislature. Impresbcd with this belief , the demo crats are engaged in active speculations as to what will bo the political conso- quuuceu of what they atyle "Mahono victory. " Of eonruo , their first sensa tion waa ono of incredulity , nnd that waa followed by emotions of despair. "Virginia hin ; (40110 ( to , and North Carolina , TenncsEco and Arkansas will follow if we are not c.iruful , " exclaimed a 1'ourbnn politician in ono of the hotels this afternoon. The opinion that the result in Virginia portends a general political disinte gration of the solid south , ) hold and trocly expressed by nearly every south ern politician one mcetK bore , and oc casionally one of them is heard to whisper that this is the very thing for "One of thu moit curious speculations in which some of the democrats indulge - dulgo may bo outlined as follows : Mahono is now the central figure in ht.utbfrn ! politics , the recognized lead er in the revolt against democracy. Ho is in high favor with the adminis tration nnd the republican party of the north. If tlio nnti-bourbons havi a majority in the legislature just elected od , why may not J'residen Arthur offer n seat in the cabine to Mahono iw a representativ southeiii supporter of the ndmmistra tion , and what is to hinder Million from being the republican caudidut for vice president in 1884. Thutr.uis for of Mahono from the senate to tb ( cabinet would not change the politica complexion of the former body , be' cause ho would bo succeeded by a mm : who would loyally support the admin filtration. As a member of the ad ministration Mahono would bu able t exert in n number of the other south ern states the sarnu influences whic ! ho has used to demoralise and defea the democratic party in Virginia I'lio gentlemen who indulge in these ind similar speculations , frankly ad nit that there are , in several tsouthcri : itates , thousands of men nominal ] , lumocratB who are only kept in tlio : > arty traces because they lack foarlcsi iggressivo leadership. THK 110UHK OUOA IZATION. Speculation on the house organiza ; ion is again uppermost to-night. The lefeat of Astor leaves the republicans vithout a majority in the house of eprcBtjiitntiTca. In fact , it is a curi- IUM coincidence that thu condition of ho house , from a political tpoint of riew , IH almost exactly that of the eiiritc. With the votes of Judge Kol- ey and Mr. Smith , of IJrooklyn , nnd if the two j reoiiback readjubters from r'lryini'i ' , Paul and Faulkorson , the t-prbiiu.tim will just lie ante to tiu the luiiiocr.ita und the greenbackers , 'hit Jatter hold the b.ilauco of niHcr , and if properly managud it iu iclioved th'iy can cummand the cit ation. Tliii they uro amiably dis- nsud to do. There are waid to be ino preenbackers , who cun bo relied pen to Jiauii together four from iiMnUii , tuo from IVuumylvania , two nun Maine iind nun from Texas. In wo there is n good prospect of 'loaves ' tnd fislus" in thu house iitionigo , it is possible thoHo nine lay it'ceivo acceasions from the roonback-ropublicans. It is very koly that an attempt combina- - nii will bu made , Should Judge 'elley accept the greenback iiomi- ation ho may bo elected y both democratic and ronubli- in vottifl. Kolluy now stands , as L'anh the organi ttion of thu house , B D.tvid Daw's stood toward the or- mizatiou of the senate. Ho wants , 10 Hpuakorahip , and , like most poli- uiitiis who want anj thing , he wants b idly. Should the republicans ominati * Judge KulK < y they can elect im ithi'iit ' troublu , and HO uru ut ID Hume time a good winking mujor- v in tin Imuho. Judpo Koliuy's can- i > lay m.uih a front teat for the roenUi'l.i r * and a good thing on md'foi i'oiiiiHylvnma On the other : u.l , ti. lefi.sal of the rupublicam i nuniiiat. ' JinlgK Knlb > y inivht take im i < ut "f the tepubliotti ranks and ittko' him the jaint cai.ditl.ite of iho demoRrats nnd grepnlmckers , whicl would give the combination a workim majority of ono or two iu the hoiiii and probably preserve the liouso or ion to the democrats. Aa ti Judge Kulluy'a merits , it is considers that there is no better parliamotitaiini on the tloor of the house. It is wol known hero that the greenbncker hnvo bound thuiuaolvcfl together ti make the moot of this opportunity They sire a unit , nnd a * such they com mnifd ihu situation. Divided tlioynn nothing. There is nuollior clement to tlio nit nation. An Indiana member is lyitij nt 1m homo bedridden nnd not likely to bo ublo to bo brought here oven ii December. His nbsiMico counts out less for the republicans. Altogothei the Bituition hni become ono of dee ] interest lu-ro. The defeat of Astoi ha1 * clianged the wpeakerehip tight ma terially , and Jud\'o , IColloy niay bo ro < U'ai-ded nu the David D.ivis of tlu hoiuo. It is rumored that Judge Folgei the now secretary of thu trb.isury ac cepted the position with the under' H'iiiidimrthat ' his nnino should bo pre < sented to fill the lirst-vacancy thai occurred ninon : ; the chief justices ol the supreme court. A vacancy in nol improbable at an early day as Chief Justice Hunt is over ttovouty years ol age , anil in very feblo heal'li. The miitid aes of the eight justices of the supreme court is 49t ! ye.ira , avcrauiiijj over sivty-ono years , each , Justice Harlan who is forty-eight being the youngest. There is n growing public sentiment in favor of inl'imngyoungct blood into that august body. Appiopos of Judge Folger it will be ofimerestto the worn m HulFr.igo ad vocates to know tint in 180 ? ho was ono of nine men who espoused their cause iu the stale of Now York. KICKING VKTKKANH. The ex-union aoldiew and Bailers have at hut organized themselves into n national leiiguu , with a determina tion of having their claims to federal patronage recognized. They assert that the heads of departments have never justly considered their lights aa laid down in the revised statutes in their buhnlf. The following adver tisement appears daily in the Wash ington papers , showing that the league meunsbtisinoda : "Ilipmmciof two nr moro rt'U- WANTKD of one family in ( Ii'imiim'nt1 * , \vlicre 1 c.ittil , anil tL'l.iiioiihhlp ; tlio liilliH'iu'o of i-ai'h , th t ft .to crciliUil to , ami wlicn ap- pointiil ; aid" immos of iicrrunx liirlon liul o\cr one nu ) ' th and the unmet otMilntltut N and ulin far ; tha nainos of un iauralizf.1 tor. l ncn .mil ux con ulcrntt'n ; nlsotlie ninitHOf ex union eol- icrh nml > ailoi8di-ou.i jful ; thu politics < f < rich nuy b.1 given ; nil r.-porH trl tly AdUren oil Oil IIS A.N I ) SA1LOKS NATIONA I.hAOlK , lkiulillCAU ] otlicc. UOKKIIILL'S Charles lloed , of Chicago , will be appointed attorney for the District of Columbia by the president , as successor ser to Col. Corkhill , the present in cumbent , who is not looked upon by the district bar 03 n man of preeminent ent ability. The president is desirous bu able , speedy , effective and credita ble to the government. TJ1K MVSTKR1ODS MCUUJtK. The announcement of the assassina tion of our estimable follow citi/.en , Watson JJ. Smith , shocks the No- braakann at the national capital beyond - yond mcayuro. It is to bo hoped the murderer will bo tracked , captured and hung. TKMPKIIAKCK IIKFOU.M. Within the last week the Woman's Temporenco Association held a moat interestint : congress in this city , Uopreflcntatives from thirty states were present. Public interest was unprecedented ; the addresses by the lady delegates were eloquent , earnest ard logical. Among the shining lights were Mrs. Foster , Iowa's teuSilo lawyer , and MM. Henry , of Illinois , the latter being a sister of Col. ( ) . Jl. Irish , chief of the bureau of engrav ing. HOPIAI. AM ) MATKIMfl.MAl. . The present indications are that the coming winter will witness a ueanon of gayety nnd extravagance unequaled linco the Grant administration. Arthur is the first president credited to the state of New Yoik since Millard - lard Filmoro in 1850. lie has s largo : irclo of social and political friends , men of influence and lavish means whoso presence nt the capital will add much to thooclatof his administration Matrimonial matters aru ill way i lupposed to bo of intercut to the adioa , therefore we copy from n loca liipor the following advertisement for ho delectation of our own Nebraska naidcns. It is to bo hoped they wil > rove a contradiction to the aphorism if liyron , thai , "Maidonu like moths ire over caught by glare. " 11TASTKD To . > rrc4K | > nd with a lady nl wit , YY ntulth.ind r.'lliienijMt liynKcntifinanwItl wo ( llplonioi , flvu omiinilmioiiH , Uyer'H cortlll Jtt1 , It-ttcfH , etc Maryland , tills olike. Now that Hoyd'fl opera house ia omplctcd would it not bo well to naku an early engagement with our ueen of song , Clara Louise Kellogg ? 'ho announcement of her botnvthnl to Ir. \ \ Intney , a wealthy gentleman of few ork , may soon result in her re- iremt-nt from the ntago. "Dix. " TICS NATIONAL CAPITAL. ational AivtodaUd l're : > THU CABINKT. WASHINOTOK , November 10. Sec [ ilary lilaino is expected to arrive oin New York nn the afternoon ain to-morrow. Secretary Hunt will robably not be hero until Monday , Ithough ho may be heio to-morrow , udgo Folger will probably reach i'mwirigtoii to-morrow. Kx-yocrotary indom will remain hero some time , i give Judge Folgor any nnsiHtaneoho my need in his now office , and may u kept thus employed until the rogn- , r Bocsion of congress begins , when u will take his Boat in the fiunato. gUAUANTIXH UAIHI'.I ) , The quarantine at Punsacol.i hai con rained , and the naval guard ithdruwn , Or MIUKKM TO UK UE8UMKJ ) , Thuro is Bomo talk in Iho treasury apartment of the propriety of ru nning the coinage of livocont nickloo , 'hen ' the coinage wiw utoppod some ; ara ago aome 15,500,000 in thii coiu had boon issued and was found entirely tiroly sutliciont. Under the Into in crease of business , however , the de maml has been on the increase foi toino ( into nnd there now remains bu nbout STo.OOO of this coin in the sul troasur)1. TO 11 K nKTIUKII. Hear Admiral Hedgers was to-d.v notilied that ho will , on the 14th inst. ' bo clotnclied from luty aa supcrin tondout of the nnvnl academy , ant placed on the retired list Cnptaii Francis M. Knnsoy will succeed him uivrt'KN or WALKr.u IILAINK. Mr. Walker Itlninc , nnstslnnt seoro' tnry of the state , returned this morn ing from Now York , having lakoi leave of Iho Oermnn guests on tin steamer yusterday. H o has been con. ntnutly with thorn since ho left hen latu in October. (1U1TKAU. Distrct Attoruoy Hollins , of N0\\ Yoik , having declined to act in tlu prosecution of ( lUtteau , it will be con ducted by Judge Porter , of Nu\\ York , Mr. D.vvidgo , of the dishicl bar , ntid District Attorney Coikhill , Thu latter K.I > B the trial will curelj begin Monday , lledoea notanticp.Ui much trouble in getting a jury. Hi stated to-day that the government w.v lendy and the witnesses had boon or were being fliiiiunonoc Dr. Gray , who came froh the Now York atato insane asylum at Utica to study the case of O'uileau , left this morning for homo , but will return. Judge Porter will ariivo in the morning. It is thought that the trial will last about three weeks. There ia no conversation permitted with Guiteau in reference to Ihocuse. lie understands il aa well ns otliera , and often speaks of it to outsiders. llo appeared in good spirits tu-dny , nud remarked Unit ho wr.ntpd the ease disposed of us soon ns posaiblo , as hu getting tired of the auspanso. HUltaiOK-OKNKUAI.'s : UKI'OHT The surgeon-genernrs report showH that during thu year there was 'furn ished to the pensioners of the govern ment 574 trusses , 050 artiliciariogs , 14 artilicial arms , 1 artificial fop't , 1 apparatus for arms by commutation , L',5I(5 ( legs , 1,754 arms , 65 feet , 3-Ui apparatus for legs , G08 apparatus fur arms. The number of persons furn ished commutation or Imllowod limbs up to Juno tfOth , 1881 , is 1,450. The dates of the in juiiun of the helped are : Prom ISia to 18CO inclusive , 1S2 ; from 1801 to 1805 inclusive , 14,091 ; from 1800 to 1880 inclusive , 275. An increased appropriation is asked for medical nnd hospital supplies. The average num ber of win to soldiers constantly on the sick report during the year wns ! )32 ) , or 44 per thousand of mean strength. Of these , 73'J , or 35 per thoiuund , were constantly under treatmonj ; for diseases , and 193 , or 9 per thousand , for wounds or accidental iujurio * . Of the colored Boldiera jtho'avivf * c6nstantly'on-'th6sickr6p6rt was 100 or 45 per thousand were undoi treatment for disease and 25 or 11 per thousand for wounds or injuries by accident. Death from all causes among white Boldiera averaged 9 per thousand and among the colored 20 per thousand. The losses in Indian warofaru was 12 killed and 13 wound ed. * Four hundred and seventy-nine people registered aa visitors nt the army medical museum during the year. AU.MY KKQI7I.ATIOMH. The distribution of the new army regulations were begun to-day by Adjutant General Drum. The regu lations differ n little in the broad principle : ! from those which before uxidted , but are put into form that they will ho reliable and of great value to ollicera. UKI-OUT OV IJfHl'KCTOU OF hTIUM Vli.S- KKLS. The supervising inbpector-gonoral ol steam vcssuH ) has submitted bianmiual report to the secretary of the treasury. In addition to thu recommendations of the report regarding the taxation of engineers , etc. , the inspector suggests that the term "inspectors" bo dis pensed with , and that the secretary of the treasury be empowered to convene u mixed commission , composed of su pervising , local and assistant inspec tors , to examine and ropoit to him upon the ellicionry of any device to bo used upon vessels { which requires his approval. In the matter of appointments ho recommends the advisibilUy of appoint ing supervising local and usesistnnt inspectors by the fiecretrry of the troarnry upon nom ination in each case of the immediate superior of each grade , thereby prop- i-rly holding each superior oflicer re sponsible for thn uflicicncy of his im mediate subordinates. Nov7 From Mexico- CITY or Mnxjco , November II. I'ho state of affairs between thogovern- iient of Mexico and Guatemala is { rowing moro critical daily. The ilibustoM recently arrested by the Mexican government troops on thu Jordornronow all alleged to have boon ncited in their depi odutionn b ) the inthorities of Guatemala. Thu prusi- lent of Mexico has instituted an in- 'ostigntion into the truth of the iitato- iient nnd moans to net with decision f it is found to bo true , To bu pru- ) , itud for an umeigoncy the govern- iiont is now inovinii ojio of the army liviaiona into Ons.ic j , Count SAN FJUNCISW , Cal , November 1 1 -A largo part of the town of M dcs- o , California , burned < lov/u to day. I'ho estimated loss is $100,000 , with ft ight insurance , The first case under Iho Suud\y Uw run tried at Greenville , California , to- ay. The jury , after having ut-t two ours , were unable to ngrco uud ' .roiu isclmrged. Many CIBCB are p-jiu ug. lollliii Unable to Defend Unitcan- int.ocmi A uclatt < j i'n'M. NKW YOHK , Novcmbir 1 1 Din- riot Attorney Rollins this nrtrruoun unl to lion , L. F. J'hillis | , oi'oiti.i- oiioral , a lultor elating that it w < nld o inipoiiiblo for him to net ht ' ' < of ho counsel in the trial of Gui'.4 GENERAL NEWS , Hanging of Foil * Munsliouor a Frederick , Mil , , Yoatorflay , .Too Harris Figures Pr omfuoutlj i = n Nock tie Soeinblo nt Greensboro , Vn. tlonry Jonkiua Alao Fkpori oncos Choking Sensation atPftyottovillo.W. Vn. Burglars Enter n Chicago Roai donco nnd Chloroform the Dog and Family. Th&y Thou Ransack the Fouso und Carry Ofl ? nil the Valuables , Burning of the Bethany Orphan Asylum at Womolsdorf , Pn. , YoHtorday. Alfairtj Bebwoon Mexico and Guatemala Growing Moro Critical. Other lutoroitini ; Tclccrnjihlo In- tolligonao. NOOSE NEWS. H&tlonM Associated 1'rcio 1U KHIS UUX1. GiiKENSiiouo , Vn. , November 11. JooHiirriii , n nc'jjro wiiu bunded hero to day. lie wns nerving it term in the penitentiary when , \\itli two othcra lie killud n guard nnd ( ltd. Jlu wn : convicted on hia own confession am attending cimiiiiRtnnco.i , but u coin [ Minion tried with him was iic < | iiiUod The third otio win never captured The town was full of people , inoatlj uegrooa to witness tliu execution. JJINKINS JIUKII : : ) . CHAUIXSION , W. Va. , November 11 Tlio governor rofuoud to ititorforo tnd llunry .Ionian : ! uia ; htinginl to lay in ftiyettotillc. Muy Kith , Wil limn J-jnnders druw § f > 0. llo and Jon ; ina were ininera in the wilds of Now Ittver. They wont oil' for a spree when Jenkins killed him , and roturn- .ng . , pillaged liia shanty. The evidence - denco WIH entirely circuniHtatitinl , bu strong. A MARYLAND 1IANCI1NO. FUKDBUIOK , Md.t November II. Ifalix : Muimhouor wan hanged at 11 to day for the murder of J. IX.Motzolljhi cousin. ' 'Ho"proteste4 Ugainst'tKo ox ! ocution and with his last words nai ( 10 wns innocent. JJis nock was Broken and ho died without a struggle. before going to the ttcallbld the con- deiuned man uaid that John Knodel , Motzel'a brolhcr-in-lnw , had commit ted the murder. A strong appeal was yesterday made to Gov. Hamilton lor i reprieve in order to ascertain il Munshouer's allocations wore truobul without avail. Thin morning anotlier ittompt to secure a reprieve was made uul the uliorilT delayed the hanging wo hours but the governor would not yield. - - < * - - Orphan Asylum. Burnoil. National Asiocltlcd l'iNovember \ 11 , Shortly nftcr midnight a fire wan dis- uoveriid in tin * Hetlmny Orphan Any- lum , lit Woiuclsdorf , andu wid [ ncono of confuBion followed. Sixty-live children occupied the donatories. Uno uf the little orphiini milTcring with malarial fever was awake at the above hour and first gave thu alarm. The .superintendent and bin UHuintmits wore n roused , and seeing the flames issuing from mi apartment in the lower auc tion of the building which wai not in use1 , they at once concluded that the place had been Fired by an incendiary. The children wcro hastily arouncd and Hafoly led into the open air. Blany of thmn were Hcantily drowsed , and they Buffered considera bly in the cold night air. The homo- wtead in entirely by itself , and ijuiton dmtance from the villagus on the edge if the dense wood. ) . It waa impossi ble to extinguish the llamen , no much headway had they obtained , and the shivcrintr orphans in learn witnessed the speedy destruction of their homo. All thu furniture wis burned , The loss is estimated at 820,000 ; inaurniico about § 11,000. The villagers aroused promptly , and , wrapping the children in tthuwle and overcoats , c.inicd thorn to their various homes , An examina tion of the promises showed ( hat thu varioun outhoiiHeu had boon broken open by thieves during the night , which still further cmphuuizcn the im pression of incendiarism. The homo WIM under the control of the Reformed church. _ _ Chloroformed Doc ntid All Kutloiul Aihoclnliij J'lfM. OiUCACio , November 11. A sun- nciiHational uatio came to Hunt to-day Monday morning burghns jntured the rcsidonco of Uriah liurke , : hloroformod the dog and locked it in the pantry , chloroformed Mr. and Itarkoaudlwo Bonamid plunders- ! the preiiUHCfl of valuables , Bilverwnru , | o welryetc. The thieves , upon leaving , lashed n lighted koroHunu lamp on the leer setting fire to thu wotdwork Mr. Hurlco recovered coiiHcioiinnesi in inio to extinguish the ( iru , altUouu'h t was n narrow escape. The dog did lot recover until next day whun ho : > .irkod and wan unlocked. No cluu to the thieves. IncondlurloN ut Worlo National AwocIateJ 1'nwd. ST. JOHN , N. I ) . , November 11. I'ho town of Woodstock , in Gtrll < ' ' > Bounty , was firoJ in Huvurul placus ut the same tiino ut 1:110 : a. in. by iiicoii- iiarius , and is titill burning , The tire tt oncu swept in everydirection. Thu upper pait of thu town In already completely dcfttroyed and the lower pftit is bfinv'biirnednow. Thcdopotn of the UruiiHwick railway and of the Now Brunswick it Outuda nil way hnvo been burned. The fire waa not only started in diwTent parts of the town at the same timn but on both sides of the Muliouxnakeat ; river , wliicli runs throuch. All telegraph lines being down it ii impomibld to gut further particulars. B LEOTIoVNEWS. l IIUvxtch | to Till llti , November 11.Seven of the niuo roiniblieiiin on the eotmty ticket 1110 elected. Thu democrats elect sheriff and g.un county clerk by parly majority on the ntn > ugth of op posing the Slocumh law. Theropub * itro feeling jubilant , Dl-iuitcli to Tlio Hoc. OUMMI.M ) OOU > TY. WKST POINT , Novemboi1 11.Tho rupiiblicnn ticket is benten in tliin omiuty , with the exception of A. U. liuomur , wlio \ Valentino's . candi date for hheriir , and ho traded oil' uvory other man on the ticket for him. Tlio Bkandinaviaus in the coun ty , who tire all ropuhhcuna , voted for him with the expectation that Valentino tine and bin fiii mil would vote for their candidate for treasurer , n Skan- dinavian , but they got aold. Look out in the future in Cummiug county. Si'ociul Dmpntcli tuTllu llc ( . WASII1.NHTON COUNTY. HI.AUI , November 11. The repub lican ticket is elected by majorities ranging from 100 to100 with excep tion of tro.itmrer F. llowmau demo- eralie eaudidato who is elected by about ! ! 00 majority. Maxwoll'rt , Tow er's and Filield'H majorities ro about GOO. . _ _ VIRGINIA. N'Atlonal A ochtid l'ie . Itu'iiMOND , Va. , November 11. Election returns from remote coun ties como in slowly. As far as heard from Canii'ron's majority iil.lfiQ , unit as many of the remaining couutius ate readjustee ntr.ingholds it M probiblu that Cameron'M majoiity will reach 8,000. The State this afternoon con cedes the readjustee a , majoiity of at lonut twenty in the legislutmoon joint ballot. The Whijj eliiims twentj'-lour. 'I'lui political situ.ilion ii still the chief topic hero on thu .streets. A ropie- sentativo Virginian of tl.o old cchool expressed the sentiments of many when ho remarked to-nay : "You yo\mg men do not feel the defeat BO much as those of no who passed through the war. K mentis , that wo see the last flicker of confederate spirit. It . .moans ay conic Aur fttojLdo.a MISSISSIPPI Vii'KHiit'iui ' , Ii u. , Novembur 11. The commis.iionerH of election will not ropoit the official result before evening ing , but Huflicient gouural informntion has been iccoivod to guuranteu the election of the democratic ticket in the state by at least 110,000 majority. Beck , republican , had a majority in the county , according to the actual count , of Jl [ Kilt votes over his oppo nent for tihi'iilF , and so also the entire republican ticket , but there is no tell ing what will bo the result after the j.illots have been canvassed by the couiini.s.iionurj : md the illegal b.illutn tin own out. FOREIGN JIT \ AIRS National Atsocmttil I'ICIM. A KKII10CH OI ! ! < l'A'fH. ( PAIUS , November 11. Jl. Ci'ambet- ta has eneounlerod a very serious ob stacle in the very beginning of his at- . .emplIn take ehargo of J < Vance. 7t jecamo known this morning that n majority of the senate would oppose the cabinet , which M.Gambotta proposes to lorrn and that it will refuse to wane- ion tlin appiopriation of inoney voted > y the chamber of deputies lor thu campaign in Tunis. This meaiiH niticlnof. It portends a dead-lock in ho working of the government. M. iambetta's partisans eay that ho will 40 on and confront the mmato with ho threat of an appeal to the people , nit it in felt Unit Fr.tnco nt this time .oi.'u not deniiethu coimnoti > n atteml- ii | ; a great jiolitieal ntrn < ; glo , and it is aid in navy quartern that M. Gamhet- a may probably chootto to withdraw roia the task of forming n govern- tent rather than run the riakii which vill attend him if he insists on going orward. UIII'I'MW TO ItUMOVi : DUTIKS. LONDON , November 11Lord lartington replying to an inquiry iruHontod to him by a deputation of Jancheiter merchants said hu must efiiHo to ph'dgo the govoinment to emovo thu Indian import cotton du- [ U.I. ( linOfAN KI.KOTIONH. ItiiUMN , November 11.Hoturnn i oiu supplementary clcctiouu continue o bu inoru and moro uniileahniit for hu government. At Gruiit , u town of bout lr , > 00 inhabitanlH , ut Olfoiibaoh , n Heimo DarniHtndt , * ith a popula- ion of about 18,000 , at Frioburg and tultgarl , the Hocialiatn have ru'turuod lieir candidates , At Miidgobir.t ichwerino nnd Kinntmch the progres- lonints have been auccessful. At ) t > litUHcli a HociwoioniHt hiri bton lected. At Leipaicu national liberal as been rutruned. The meeting of liu new reichstug is looked forward to vith much apprehenaion. A neriuim liango of jiolicy on thu part of the overniriuiit iu thoiiglit to bo almo- itely necessary to proyont Romoilung ko n revolution , f'AUVKH WIHB. I/MIOW. Novembci 11. In tlu < iicnn ; in-ilcli to-day Ur. Cnrwr won IK , wii'i'r that ho would kilt thirty- , 'v tuidh out of tifty. llo liilh'd 1)1(1 ) } Hit. sriUMMiir cAi'TAi.s rixr.n. Liviiiruoi : < , Kovcmber II. Capt. i\onni0j , of tl.ti dtoaninhip ( iermaiia ) , VIIH to-ii.y lined 10 , f < r ullo'viiif hrco caut-B conttinin 0,000 1 n > dr > ' ! cartridgrn to bo tixkon into the Liver pool dock. When nhipp d from Now Vork tlu > bill of hiding did not indicate their c ntenln , RAILROAD RACKET. Till' K1IIST HTB1' . N llon t AMoclttwl I'rcF * . Giur.Mio , November 11 , The pur- clinHO of the Fornyth tract of l.uid con taining eight thousand acres just ncnIBB the State line in Indiana , which plnce in to bo the starting point , of the new Belt line railroad , ban been completed and ft certified chrok m'voii to Mr. For- Bylli by Mr. Ottlliver , of the firm of Alexander it Oreeii , of Now York , lor $ : ! ! itUIU.H : ; ! , benn ; one-third the pur- cliiiso money. Tliis is the first puio-li- oil ntop in the Kait Chicago rcliomo of whioh HO much has been said NKW 'OMl'ANV OtIOAMitCn. Tovr.KA , November 11. The Knn- H.-VS railv\ay e'linp.uiy Ins boon organized - ized to construct a road from ford comity uo t to a point on the Indian territory line in Ciuilv county. The ro.ulill bo fiOO miles loinj. The directors for the first your i\ro A. G. Clink mid A. ! . Haiding , of Chicago ; \Villiam Cl.irko , of ( ttiaid , Knupiw. I. O. 0. Uedd , of Altona , ICansns , und II. 13. llnrking , of Kro.lonia , IUUIBUH. CONDENSED LIGHTNING. Kiktlotml Avocliitol l'n t. LANHIMI , Mich. , November 11 , The tobolliuii at the Ayiicultural eol- leno farm bus been ended by the faculty yielding and restoring the sus pended students. CHICAGO , November 11.- Snow is reported falling Ibis morning nt Oma ha. Davenport and DubiKpie. Cold rain net in bore early and still con tinues. UtciiMOM ) , November 11. Win. E. Tanner it CO.'B. Metropolitan iron works were destroyed by fire this morning. Loss , $100,000 ; insurance , if 1)0,000. ) CoimtKAXA , Texas , November 11.- Ih M reported thin morning that n freight train on the 1 uteri , ational & Great fuii'them railroad wns thrown from the tiuck hist 'light by a miH- ninced swilh nt ItiveiMdo and ran into a convict , gang , killing twouty- three and wounding u li\r.o \ ; number. OOMIMIIUH , Mo. , November 11. The ninht piitisougor train coining into thin place wns derailed by tanking n cow. Kiigineur Dayton ami Fireman Puidy weio ftttally injured. . Lontuo Call- National A'IKOI ifttiil l'rci . Niw : YOKK , November Hi The following call has been issued and will explain ilnclf : UoiiTON ASH Nr.w YOUK , November 11. To the Buvoraf branches of the Irish National Land Lungno and to nil orgniiizntiouH in Aincrion friendly to thu Irish camu ; Iu view of tlwijircBent j fivland Aiiud L'Uio 'conscq to junkeal'full ? deinonstrlU6iii of nil the forces favorable to the Irish cause , the uiider- I'igncd hereby unite in an invitation ( > > all brunches of the land league , and all Bociutioti favorable to the land league policy , to mind delegates to an Iiith national contention , to be held in the city of C'hieauo , in MeCormick hall , on the 2tOth of Novombur and 1st and 2d of December , 1881. Organi sations sending delounlfn willfurnihh ropiesontativcii with certificates duly iiignedby proper ofliccrrf , and the cre dentials will bo subptiiuently pnssed uon ) ) by n committco on credentials , appointed by the convention. The basis of representation is one deh-gato for each branch f the society having fifty or moris members and ono additional delegate for each branch or society having two hundred or mwro members. For ser vices n.s delegates you aru urged to eelecttho wisest and ablest in your re spective eoimminilies eo that the con vention may bo Ihoioughly represen tative. ( Signed ) I'atiitl : Ford , I * . A. Collins , John Boyle O'lteilly , on behalf of the American Iriiih. T. 1 * . O'Connor. T. M. Jlenly , llev. Eugene , reproBuulatives from Itckiml. Bradstroet's. National Afaoclatccl I'reu. NKW YORK , November 11. The L'lectiona which look place in a do/en itntes thin week , together with the bad weather and other causes , huroto- Foio recited , have conspired to restrict trudo at a number of cities. Special lolegranm to IJradstreet'a from Iliirty- Lwo distributing points indicate , how- Liver , that the volume of transactions throughout thu country have not fallen tiff to any extent. Millers at liyaim- villo , Ind. , Milwaukee nnd Minno- upolis shut doun , owing to thu high i-.ingo in piicei of wheat. Morn milla Motuto cliHO at the la-it uiiiicd city to-day. Tluite were 158 failuren in the United Stateii and Canada dining the past week , the 1'irgcHt number for any ono week thin year , nnd an inctcasu of eighteen oor last week. Dlnttllory Explosion. National A H > cUit ( t I'rnw ) . ADKOKA , Ind. , November 11. A terrifiu explusion , which Hhook the Foundation of lovui , occurred little before - fore inidniglit. It wiw caused by iteam in Guir'H distillery exploding. The buildi'g then took fire , and ubout mo hundred fett of the tast end of ho building was destroyed. Ono man , Hilly Fowler , of Noyay , Ind. , who rtus Hleuping in the buildiiiL' , is known Lo linvo been killed. Loss about 840- [ )00 ) ; fully iiiHuied. Iiuliiuitlaui. iltonal At'MM-Iatuil I'UBI. V.'AhiiiNcnoN , Novrmbor 11. For thu lakn region : llain und fiiow , jliitiy ; ! wnrnuir , to south winda , jdhug Ijariiiiiutitr followed in the up- [ > nr laktu by vnndb ehiftinj ; to wesi md risin ; ; baromutor. For thu upper Mui > ik-iippi and lever Missouri vul- cys. AJOUB of ruin nnd snow , followed > y eluuruiK Mid enldur wi'uther , muth- , 'DFt to uortliwvKt winds ami lisiug : emp ( niluro. The lower M is ouri and jppt-r .MiHKiti ippi rivtrti wil ! me