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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1881)
r FHE EE. ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , NOVEMBERH , 1881 , NO. 123 1\ For Sale By HHSBHTHAHD DOUGLASSTS , , No. 1 , Vewliomc , 7 rooms , on Cumins ttrcct Ko. 2. 2-Btorjr houio , 0 room * , well , cistern and ? rn , Wetutcr , nc r Uth ftreut , S2SOO. Ko. 3 , House of 10 rooinn , on Httrncy , near h street , atone foundation , $4000. Ko. 4 , iMge liouso of 11 rooms , on Webster Street , near Urclghtan Cotlesc , J3500. Ko. 0 , llousu ot 7 roonid. on Cam ) , near 17th otrect , 83UOO. Ko. 7 , House ot S rooms , S lota , on l"th street acnr Iznrd , 33.00. Ko 8 , Iloiife of fi rooms , on Cam , near 14th , 22x132 feet lot , $1300. No. 0 , House ol 3 rooms , kitchen , etc. , or CMS , near 13th st eet , SaOO. Ko. 10 , Homo of 3 rooms with lot 22x132 foot , on Cats , near 14th i.treet , 3500. Ko. 11 , llou a ot 0 rooms , un ICth street , near Dotlglax , 44x60 feet lot , $4000. Ko. 1'J , llo.murjf 0 rouum. br'ck ' foundation , on Harney , near 27th struct , J1000. Ko 13. 1 btory new house of 0 rooms , brick foundation , oH at. Mnry'a o\cnue , near con\ent , t15UO. | Ko. 14 , House ol G roonn nnd summer kit" hen on 20th street , near clark , S'J.WO. Ko. 15 , House ; of S rooms , on Sherman avenue (10th Btrt t ) , near $2250. Ko. 10 , 1 J- tory liouf.0 of 4 rooms , cellar , otalilo , etc , , on D.tvcnnort , near 22il street , $1COO. Ko. 17 , 2-ntory brick houxo of 6 room * , near end of red street car turn table , $2360 , Ko. IS , House anil 'J lota , 1 blocks vmt of High School , ? 2fiOO. Ko. 10 , House nnd 3 loU on road to park , near head St. Mary's a cnueI $3500. Ko.20 , Houeeand llllotsnoarHaacall's , South Omiha , $ > 500. Ko. 21 , HOUHO anil lot on Davonj rt street , near lOtirttrcet , $ .r > 500. Ko. 22 , 2-story house anil M 32xC5 feet , on Duvcnnort , near 12th street , ; 1300. Ko. 23 , House of 4 rooma and 2 lots on 17th troct , near Izard , $1200 , Ko. 25 , Hoiuoandi lot on 10th etrcct , tear Dodje , 6030. Ko. 20 , House and } lot on 10th utreot , near 'Oap.tol avenue , $1450. Hu. 27 , 2 houses and lot on Jackson , near 13th eUoct.$4SOO. Ko. 0 , houses and 1 lot on California , near Sthetrcet , MKX ) . Mo. 80 , : J. tory brick housa ot 4 rooms with /tot 60x200 feet , on Sherman aionue.UOtbtitreet ) , "QSAr Jiard ; ISOOO. - ! Ho. 31 , l-itory house nd 83iC8 feet , on 13th reoct , near Howard street , $2000. Ko. B2 , l.-8torj house of 0 rooms and tire lota -on Uo n , near 16th street , $3000. NPiG , Large house and full lot on Caplto Tcnuo , near 13th ttreet , tUOO , Ko. 3J , 2 threo-itorjr brick liouioi wl lot 44x 13 foot , on Chicago , near 18th struct , 85 0 each. Ko. 37 , House of 7 roomi with 1J lot 1'aul etrcct , near 18th street , $27(0. Ko. 38 , llouso and lot on ISth etrecl , near Sherman , $1850. Ko. 39 , House of 6 rooms with 44x08 feet lot , on 16th street , near California , $2JOO Ko. 42 , Houieot 8 rooms with 1otl50xl50feet , on Coburn , near Coital street , $3600. Ko. 43 , IIouno and 2 lotd on Chicago , near 20th otrcet , 87IJJ. Ko. 45 , Larffo houno of 7 rooms , closets pantry , well and cittern , on 18th , near Clark struct , $3500 , Ko. 411 , I.arn liouao with full block , near now ohott "wer , $2000. Ko. 47 Houio of 9 robins vrith i lot , on Paclflc , near llth street , $3000. Ko. 40 , Krick liouso of 11 rooms , well , cistern , i ( Jos throughout the house , irood barn , etc. , on Jt'arnhaii ncar 17th street , 6000. Ko. to , Homo ol 0 rooms , cellar , well , etc. , on 10th , near Paul street , $ . ' 1000. Ko. 53 , Homo of 0 rooms and cellar , Iot33il32 , ' off St. Muff's avenuu , near concent , $1509. Ko. 5 , Four hnuics aml8Sxl20 ftiot , on Davenport - , port , noir 10th street , J5000. Ko. SO , HOUMJ of 0 or 10 rooms , on California , ne r21st etrect , $5600. Ko. 57 , House of 0 rooms , summer kitchen , cellar , cittern , well , good barn , etc. , near St. Uary's avenue and 21st ittrcot , $3000 Ko , 5S , New house of 7 rooms , good barn , on Vr'cbsUr , near 22d street , 92..00. Ko. W , Four houses with i lot , on 12th street , near Cons $2500. Ko. Oil , House of S rooms 01 Davenport , near 23rd street , $000. Ko. 01 , House of 9 or 10 rooms , on Hurt street , near 22nd street , $6000. Ko. C2 , Houao of i roonu , 1 etorj , porch , col lar , clntern and well , on Harnoy , near 21st street , 1750. Ko. 63 , Houia of 4 rmm , closota , basement nd cellar , nonr White Lewi Works , $1000. No. 01 , Huildlnjf onloa odlot , on Iodie street , near post olHce , etore below and ruouu aboro , - - < JSOO JSOOKo , 06 , 3 lota with barn and other Improve ments , near street car turn Ublo , $2000. Ko. 0 ? , Kevf hou o ol C rooma on 17tn , near Cumins street , $1000. Ko. fil ) , iJirifo Uno house of 12 rooms , nrery thing complete , 0:1 : 18th , near Chicago , fcUOOO. Mo. 70 , House on 18th street , nuir Uavonport , atoro below an.1 rooma above , burn , etc. , f 1MX ) . No. 71 , Houst of 8 rooma , fine collar , all com : nlete , on California , near 21nt , 17000. No. 72 , Brick home , 10 or 11 rooms , on Daren .port . , ouar 16th fiOOO. No. 73 , IJ-ntory house , fl rooms , cellar , wcl and cl.torn , on Jackson , near nth , tlbOO. No. 74 , Urick homo with 2 lota , fruit tree * , etc. , on 10th , uear Capitol avenue , | 16,000. No. 76. HOUM of 4 roomn , iNutomenl , lot 17Jx 133 feel , on Matey , near 7th , 1076. No. 7 , li-story hoUM , tl r ouu , * n Oau street , r o < ar 16th street , H500. No , 77 , 8torj house , 11 roonu , closet * , fur- ao , fruit treat , barn , etc. , on rarahau , new th Btrcot , * JOO. No. 81 , 2 houwa with 9 room * , anil other with roomi , on Chicago , nor 13th tUMt , fSOOt. No. 62 , li-itorj houM , t roomi , i clo k , well 'and lOO-tiarrel ditirn good turn , on fierce St. , , -oear SOth ( nr oevr government corrall ) , $1800. No. BS , S itorjr bouu , B roonu , coalihea , good -well , cittern , on \ lot , oa Capitol avenue , oea ) 'I2th , t 00. ' No , 64 , 3-itorj hoax , 8 rooms , I below and 4 bove , 3 cloaeta , ce'lar ' , Hell and clitorn , with 6 r K'round , on Sauudori atreet , near wrmki , 3400. No. 85 , t etorM , house on loa e < i ) lot , lea runs t year fr m April Ut , 1B81 , on raclH St. , t near U. I' , dopol , 00. it No. SC , House , 15 rooms , well , ditoru , l . , near IBtU and Ilarney tre ts , 00. No , B7 , S utory houno , 3 rooms , well with 40 'feet of water , with C acre'ofKround , onSaundcn Itrect , near U. B. Uairackn , 12000. No. 88 , Large IIOUHO of 10 rooms , well , cistern , barn , etc. , on COM utroet , neor 2Ut , 87000. No. , L r o housa , 10 or 12 room * , on Web. , * ct tUeet , near l th , jTtOO. GEO. P. BEMIS' Seal Estate Exchange : 16th and DouglaaPtrcet WASHINGTON NEWS , A Short Interview Mi With Buiteau in His Cell Saturday , His Apponranco Somowhnt Im proved Since Hia lu- dictraoot. Ho Announces Hirasolf Rondy Per the Trial , Which Com- inoncoa To-day. The Solo Ground of Defense to Bo itude on the Plea of Insanity. No Difficulty Expected to Bo Encountered in Obtaining [ § a Jury. No Changes iu the Cabinet at eut Except tbo Attorney neyGeneralship. . Mihu B. Root , of Chicago , Men tioned oa Corkhill'a Successor. Southern Rflpubhcans Urging1 a Southern Man Per a Cabi net Position , Secretary Iilnooln Submits Hta An imal Report Other Report * . GUITEATT. National Associated 1'rutw , AN INTKUVIKW WITH HIM HOW HK LOOKH. WASHINGTON , November 12.The following special dispatch was sent to the Now York Evening Post this after noon : "I was allowed a short talk with Guiteau in his cell. Ho was lying on the cot , and cam a to the door with his hands under his head in a reflective mood. When ho saw the visitors he arose from the cot and pushed his feet into the slippers which were by the bedside. In answer as to how ho felt this gloomy weather , ho said ho was enjoying good health. "Do you feel prepared for the trial ? " "Yes , I am ready tohavo | it coiuo oiF on Monday. " Ho then asked if I was a member of the newspaper fraternity. On learn ing that I was he handed mo a note which he had written for the public which the warden subsequently took , as is done with all his correspondence and.manifestos. Its purport was that with the permission of the court ho intended to deliver "a graphic speech , setting forth his defense. " Ho made the announcement thus in order that the prominent gentlemen interested in the caap might hoar it. Owing to the prevailing wet weather his cell was damp. Iu appearance ho has improved somewhat since the indictment , but is a repulsive looking object and his manner very disagreeable. After I loft the jail a carriage containing Messrs. Scovillo and Robin son , his counsels drove up. No spe * cial precautions have been adopted up to this time by Marshal Henry with a view to the safety of the prisoner in transit to and from the jail. Thu au thorities say they have no apprehen sions of violence. For the lirst few days ho may bo moro closely guarded than subsequently. In case all goes well , ho will probably bo brought to the court-room in a carriage as was the case when ho answered the indict ment. He fools less fear now than heretofore , although ho has still some doubts and yesterday sent a note to a detective to have him see that proper arrangements were niado to secure safe conduct between the jail and court-room. PIIHI'AKATIONS FOR THIS TKIAL. The platform which has been erected in the criminal court for the accom modation of the spectators of the Guitoau trial will furnish seats for about 500 , who must have tickets from proper ofticers. The trial begins ut 10 a. in. Monday. Judge Cox presides. . Judge Porter , Col. Corkhill and Mr. Davidgo , who are counsel for the gov ernment , express themselves thorough ly prepared. They have boon in close onsultation most of the day and ivoning , but decline to say anything kbout the line of prosecution further ihun that they will first legal ly establish tlio death , cauao ; md general roaponaibility of the if igout , leaving the details of insanity a juoationfor robuttal. Mosira. Scovillo md Robinson find It of no uio to con- mlt with their client at present. Clioy will make insanity the solo rround of defense , all the witnosios m lubpmneaod being for the support of G1 : hat theory. On the question of the ury Scovillo saya : "Wo cannot ox- tu oct to find jurors who have not 'ormod or expressed an opinion on the 01 wiu , and aa far aa I am concerned will to lot try to get such jurors. It ought ta lot to take moro than two dara to got tii jury. " Ho thinka the trial will last fu least a month and probably nearer BU hreo .months. One hundred wit- III leases are on the list made out by the Oil liitrict attorney. The defense have aa iUminonod about seventy-five. Quos- th ions of law will arise which will be mvo ( o bo argued and will th irolong the trial , llo has not given of ip all hope of asainUnco from other au awyors. Triulo , of Chicago , may yet isflint. The trial cannot get far ad- i" rancod in a week or oo and by that hi imo Trudo's business maj permit hi.i th loming , Scovil'o ia in conatant ro- dc eipt of letters from different parts of tu be country from persons offering to an urro on the jury. The writers think th that became it is A United Statoa couil they can aorvo. llo received two let ters to-day from people in this city saying that they will servo impartially and they will give reference . Ajso a postal card from n friend in Chicago fmying that ho has boon around to jjet some men to "chip in" to help the do- fensa and closing by nayiiiR that while ho was willing o help the defense ho hoped Guiloau would bo hung. That is vho kind of men Scovillo says ho would not have on the [ jury Robin son declines to talk to the press on the mtbjuct of the trial but it is understood that while ho expects to put the most work on the insanity plea , ho waives no log , l point or right that may be < o the advantage of his client , and is prepared , if necessary , to go into the question of jurisdiction , ni well as malpractice. Among other things , it ia known that the defense intend to place on record the direct responses of experts on insanity to the allegation that Gnitean is of unsound mind. They propose to show that hia father was not a person of well bal anced intellect ; that he had two un cles , his father's brothers , who died insane , and two aunts , his father's sisters , who also died insane , lioth of these aunts had insane children. The assassin's brother and sister will both bo examined on this point. OUITKAU atinwjNn ANXIOUS. Warden Crocker reports Gnilean nn apparently growing anxioiu for the day of trial. To-day he repeatedly requested to know whether hia sister had arrived. Mrs. Scovillo lias boon ill since her arrival , but expects to visit tbo prisoner to-morrow , in com pany with her husband and her brother , who arrived to-day. WASHINGTON , Novembei lit. All the arrangements for tbo trial of Ginteau which begins to-morrow have been completed and counsel on both sides profess to bo ready to proceed without Any delay. The court officials have made adequate accommodations for the press. No person will bo allowed in the court who can't be seated and an oxtr.i number of chairs upon n raised platform have been placed in position. McDonald , superintcndontof Ward's Islam ! , New York Insane asylum who was summoned by the govern ment as an expert on insanity , Mas closeted to-day for several hours with Guiteau at the jail. Ho talked with him on all subjects with n view of finding out the bent of bis mind Guiteau talked freely on all subjects broached and showed no disposition to refuse answering any question. Ho did not in thu least appear excited. Mr. McDonald refused to yiyo any opinion as to his mental condition at this time , but from what is gathered ho will bo the most important witness for the government on the point when the trial comes up. QUITKAU'S KHLATIVES CALL ON HIM. At 10 o'clock Scovillo and his wife and sister and brother to the prisoner and the niece of Guitoau , about eight years of ago , the daughter of Scoville , called at the jail. Guiteau was brought from the cell into the warden's oflico and there for throe hours remained alone with hia family. The interview is represented by Scovillo aa most af fecting. Mr. John W. Guiteau had not seen his brother for two years and Mra. Scovillo for throe yonra. Gui teau talked about the crime for which ho was under arrest quite freely. Ho said ho would to-morrow , in the open ing of the court , niako what ho termed a ' 'racy and essential speech , " aolting forth thu motive that prompted the deed. Ho upbraided the name ot l President Arthur , ox > Senator Conk- ling and Gen. Grant who ho said 11J I41l V U4I ValaU , TV UV/i 4AU t3 ( IUa had neglected him in his confinement. Ho discussed at length the line of de fense , and said he was not insane , but had been comnitsaionod by God to do what ho had done. "Tho tinio will como , " remarked tbo prisoner , with a deal of emphasis , accompanied by gestures , "whon the name of Gui toau will bo sounded with praise in stead of being denounced. " The . prisoner then donned a now suit of block clothes bought by his brother , and strutted around before them with ns much pride as a boy who has just taken off his swadling clothes and ai donned his first pair of pants , Ho si then piloted the party around HI the jail , showing them the culls in a which ho had boon confined. Ho conversed - n versed all the time and Haid ho had H been allowed free access to the corrin lors. Ho took pleasure in showing n the cell he occupied when Sergeant it Mason fired tbo shot at him , pointing II [ nit the spot where the ball struck and issumcd the position he was in at the .irno , The party , after remaining lomu three hours , left , the prisoner ' iccompanying it an far as tbo inner . loor. To-night Judge Porter , of Now hi fork , W. A. Davidge , of Washington , stHi md Attorney Corkhill hold it confer- Hi inco of several hours at the parlor or sthi Fudge Per or In Willard's hotel. All hi ho points in the case were carefully til i one over and much sworn testimony 1" witnesses for the government who VIW rill testify at the trial and which has W leen taken from tinio to time , was ute oad. Counsel refuse to tmy what to ourso will bo pursued by the prosoou- lx > ion , but it ia known that thu govern he ; ment will boat the plea of Insanity aet IK p by tfio defense and cliarga that on iiiiteau wo * of Bound mind and ac- th untod by a desire for revenge. la The report that Elihn Hoot , of Ihicai < o , would succeed Dlstrict-At- ut uniey Corkhill and proceed at once to nn rvko charge of Guitoau's trial , is nar- in i ially confirmed. Ho is here , but re * th uaoa to talk to the press upon the to ubect. Ho will probably qualify to ve Kt morrow. Corkhill , who bus had hargo of the case so far , will , it is th M bo retained no as special counsel , lius giving the government the COmi enefit of his mi knowledge , HO lint being out < > { the c.iso flicially ho will not interfere with its ucccssful pronccution , It ban honn th pen the question of whether or noLu thC < ury would bo had to try Gnitean , Wf ut court ofllcmln are of the opinion tal hat ono can bo inipaunolled .without cy olay , and to that end a panel of cywl wenty-four men ban boon Bummoned wlM nd will be on hand at the opening of to ho court. Under the local ui ; law the fact of man hav ing o\proNied an opinion docs not disqualify him as v juror if ho enn wo r that ho will render a just ver dict on the evidence adduced. From this leniency of tlio law it h brlicved that a jury can bo had in a day or two. To prevent any possible delay in this direction a deputy innrshal will bo stationed at several police stations R ( tnoy can , when the panel is oxhaimtei' ' , go upon the street and summon nn > citizen wanted and lake hinuo court. It is thqught thnt this will accomplish the desired result. Guito.ui will bo in convoyed from the jtiil in a police van , a largo commodious vehicle of iron. It is drawo by two homes and can bo readily handled in case of nny attnck upon it. The prisoner , in such an event , could conceal himself in the bottom and would bo perfectly secure from small lire arms. No such assault , however , is anticipated , but every precaution ha * been taken. A pqmul of policemen will the van to court and return by forinini * a hol low sqnato and then pr.uitioilly cover ing the van from view. At court the prisoner will occupy a box in charge of Marah.d Henry or Deputy Marshal \Villimun. No ono bo allowed ID approach thu box during llio The utmost undo.ivor.s of tlio olllcers will bo culled into requisi tion to preserve/ order , and anyone act ing in a boisterous manner will be ojt'Oted. Orders to this ull'oct have been issued and will be impartially obeyed. The trial will bo befoio .ludj.'o Cox who is one of learned judges on thu local bench , llo in of old family and born here. His attainments in l.iw pointed him out to the picsidont , who , upon ( ho recommendation of the district bir ; , appointed him. "In knowledge of local laws he i ? , perhaps , tbo first judvo on the bench , and the trial will certainly be fair to both'side * . Jiulue Cox lo-iiiL'lit designated Jlou , S , S. llinuklo , of linn city , ono of theabh'st and oldest attorneys at the bar , to as- snt Sc > ville and Robinson in their defense of Guitoiin. Mr. Jlinclo is u brother of ox-Congressman llinckle , of AliuylunJ. THE 7fATIONAXi CAPITA ! . . MAUVKA01I HACK. OK , November IS. line- Veayh ciniu un from Now York to day to paiticipate in the star route conference to be hcld probably to morrow , uixl ho will no doubt bring themaleriil lo thu at Cunt ion of the cabinet at Tui'Kil.w'H nieeting. Thn foun of the iiiii'ctiucnt ij expected to bo agreed on soon. Thoj nutter will probably re < t till the Guucau caao is well under way. 3 MOlir CMIIKKT RUMORS. One ofjtho president's most intimate friends stated to-day thai ; there would be no change ? in the cabinet before December unless , indeed , in the case of tbo attorney-generalship. Mr. MacVengh , it id understood , thinks ho can as well bo eparod Uow as nt any time. Ex-Soimior Horn' } is not EO strongly talked < > f for mo place now as formerly , Jiut lion. noryStorrs \ , of Chicago , it ia 'Aiidj willVoon appour where McVuajjh'ii name now standa. Secretary JMainu will stay nn long as wanted and sonio of bis friends say that Proliiighnysen asks to bo excused and that cort.iin influences may yet induce the president to keep lUaiuo at least n little longer than bo first intended. COKKHIJ. ! , ' SUCC'KSSOll. In tbo line of appointments the ro > ort circulated ye.-iturdny that J'Jliln JJoot , of Chicago , was to anperced Corkbill ns United States attorney ( o the District of Columbia , in to-da' given aa a fact and no ono can hi found who is willing to contradict it Col. Corkhill tuyd that if it is BO ho does not know it. The fact that , lloo was in consultation with-Fudgo Portoi to-day adds weight to the announce ment , as the president J'H known t < have said that he doiired Judge Per lor to have nioro capable assistance ii the Guiteau trial. A POUTIIKIIH UAN I'OU Till CAHINkT. The republicans of the south are itill urging the president to appoint i louthcrn man in thu cabinet. The louthurn republican club here have irraigned : to present to the prcsidon ! text week a petition numerously ligned ! asking him to ] > lace a southeri nan in the cibinct. Thu petition it lot at all an aggressive one , but puts ts facts in a very respectful manner. t will bo presented by a delegation. HTAIII.KK. The Gazette of this city , which last junday published the affidavit of W. 'aul lirown of the amount of work ho md done on Secretary Sherman's tables , will to-morrow murnfng pub- iuh a curd from lirown in which he tutes that said affidavit wmi n part of IIH testimony before the Molinu inves- ating committee in the treasury do- lartnicnt ; and also that while the in- osliijiition of the ciistodiaii'H oflico fas ; in progrofw ho was approached by treasury employe , who endeavored ogot him to Hurroiiclor memorandum ookH containing a record of the work e did on ox-Secrotury Sherman's ) ouso and stable by promising him mployment in the cabinet ehop of lie dopartinont. During Tuesday of ut week , ho says , ho was again ap- . ronchod by a treasury employe and rged to nurrendor the book for the nine consideration. The book in still JirownVpoflseasion and will remain lioro until required when lirown jstifics before any committee of In- estigation. Tlio Gazetlo also cites ecrotary Wiitdom as aulhoiity that lie matter of Brown's affidavit was over brought to his atluiition by the ' jiniiiiHHion or any one in the depnrt- lOIlt. Vlltt I'HlllhTIANry ( 'AHH. WAKIIIMITO.N , November 12 , In 10 Ohriritiuiicy di rorco case to-day ol , Iliirulio 0. KiiiK , of Now York , ai culled in regard to the deposition ikon by him of Giro , Mrs. Clirlr.tian- f'n alleged pai amour , Ho ntuted that 'bile the deposition was beini ; taken Irs. Christiancy entered nnd asked too certain letters of his which she ndcrstood were boiiig offered in ovi- [ / * deuce. After noino hesitation ho allowed her to have them. Shu tore thorn , ono at a timoand at the conclu sion she Mid ; " 1 did not know 1 could l > o no M'titiniontal. " A little later aim said : " 1 had an object in view ; 1 meant to entrap the scoundrel. " REPORTS. t'OMMIsmnNKH-UKNKlUl/M KKI'OHT. WASHINGTON , November Ii ! . The report of thu commiaiiom-r- general , submitted to-day , recom mends that the law ordering that nn oxcoan of per cent , above cost shall bo churned onlintud mrn and officers for all stores and sulmintonco furnished them , bo repealed ; that the subsistence bureau bo relieved from liability to contribute to the niahilun- mice of Indians when their supplies run out and thu employment of en listed men OH serviuiti lo ollicers dis continued and civilians employed in stead. INSl'lHTOU-OKSr.ltAI/S UUl'OUT , The inapeclor-goiu'i-iil's report slates that the discipline of thu troops is constantly improving , and thuj are well fed and clothed. The report recommends that the practice of liuv- inir unlisted men do work bo discontinued , andheroafter bo done by civilians , as it causes hardships imong the soldiers , and desertion. The following rccommondatioiii are ilso made : That thu sum commuted for rations when the soldiers travel in lotacliod service be increased from 75 : onls per day to $1.50 ; that oHicera in [ ho west , when tr.ivuling , be allowed ? ! 5 per d.iy ; that strong garrisuna be Maintained at or near Fort Hill , In- liiin territory , to prevent outbreaks , ind at other points where such trou bles are likely lo occur , aa the wild iiuliiin has grout ronpect for force ; .hat the army vhould bo furnished with competent tcaclior.s ; that the gov ernment bo given the rilloand carbine iractico in vo uo which , it in reported , a improving tbo soldiers wonderfully n imirkmunahip ; that the troops in ; ho Indian country bo collected into "nrger bodies , making garrisons fewer , n number , that congress make some irraiitjements whereby raw recruits nuy be mustered and drilled before .icing assigned to regiments. lUrOUTO ] ' COMMISSIONI'.K OK CUSTOMS. The annual report of the commis- lioncr of customs has been given to he public. It shows the custom re ceipts for the year lo have been § 108- jr > ! ) , ( i7 ( > .02 ! ; tlio cost of collecting which was § 0,38:5,288.10. : sKC'itKTAiiv LINCOLN'S nitronr. Secretary Lincoln in hia annual re- ) ort furnished to-day culls attention .o the urgent necessity for the com pletion of the now war department milding and strongly urges favorable : onsideration by congress of the (100,000 ( asked to commence work on ho west wing. He also calls utton- ion to the necessity of further logis- ion to make available appropriations or the erection of a building for the tension oflico. The money was placed n charge of Quartermaster General tfoiga , but was rendered unavailable > y the omission of a word in the act making the appropriation , Secretary Lincoln refers with commendation to ho renewed recommendation of the [ iiartorniaator-gonoral that a fire proof 'milding bo erected in this city for the ircaorvation of public records. Ho , lso commends to congress the rocom- iicndation of Surgeon-General Barnes hat an appropriation bo made for the ruction of a now army medical nusuum in which to preserve intact the records accumulated in the old building. NEBRASKA ELECTION. Olflolal Fignren- UUMINU. Special Dlwatch to Tux HUB. WH.ST POINT , Nob. , November 11. Maxwell's vote in Cuming county is as follows : Maxwell ( JUG , Mungor 001 ; Munger's majority 25 ; Powers ( Ml , Fifiold 012 , JJear 50 , liraas 055. Clancoy , democrat , for tronsuror , 212 majority. These figures are official. NUOKOLLS. HAHDV , Ncvomber 11. Nuckolls county elects the entire republican ticket over the peoples' ticket by about 250 majority. KNOX. NIOIIHARA , Noyombor 11. The Hruco-Frey ticket is elected over the Santoo-Oliambors ticket by u hand some majority in this county. KHAKNKV , November 11 , The fol lowing is the olllcial vote of liuilhlo county on state ollicers : Maxwell , 1.11M ; Mungor , LM4 ; Fificld , 1,28(5 ( ; Powers , 1,282 ; Jr.iss | , 1711 ; Unrr , 1TJ. Bicrbowor , district attorney Fifth ju dicial district , 1,201. The alliance ticket elected sheriff , county commissioner - sionor nnd county judge. A light vote wa.1 cast. HALHM. ' \ViLiiun , November 11. Tlioro is nothing of importance to note from Ibis place. The election went oil" rjuiotly nnd resulted iu electing u iluinocrntio county clerk and sheriff E. W. Dix , n contractor and builder rf this place , died yesterday of typhoid . ' Fever. Ic Ii THATBU. HBBROV , November 11. The oloc- .ion returns disclono the fact that jvory candidate on the alliance anti- nonopoly Thaycr county ticket were jloctod : H. 0. JJigelow , treasurer ; A. jf r. demons , clerk ; M. S. Ferguson , sheriff ; George Lobingior , judge ; TosioN , Koithsuperintendent ; Frank Jeckor , cominiasionor ; 0. Y. Allen ; mrveyor ; C. M. Sutherland , coroner. I'ho ' spoechSSof Mr. llosowater at 'iobrori contributed largely to the kliovo roHiilt. An adverse majority of ibout 400 had to bo overcome , and a borough canvass Was made. Bnlino County'n Official Vote. eltl Il | atcli tu 'I liu Unmla lleo. WIMIKB , Neb , November 12. The ifliciul canvass of Saline county given ho republican stale ticket 1,000 ma- orlty. The democrats elect the clerk , ; ) horiff and county cominiaalouor which ut irci thorn control of the board , ' TRANS-ATLANTIC. The Diflloulty of Forming A Now French Cabinet at Last Overcome , Gambotta to Bo President of the Council Without a Portfolio. M..Jnlo3 Porryto boMolliflodby Being Mooted' Senator For Life. Some Comparatively Obscure Men Nominated For Cubi- uot Positioua. More Progressists Elected to Seats in the German Koichstng. G-ladstouo Douioa That Ho la to Accept a Place iu the Poorftgo. The Annexation of Canada to the United States Exciting Interest in London. Application * to the Lnuil Court Dnlly Total Numbo" , 45,000- FOREIGN AFFAIRS. National An oiMi > ti'il 1'ri'B * . T1IK FllHNOH 1I1N1ST11V. PAUIH , November 12. The cabinet dillieulty here bus at last buon over come , but in a very curious manner. Thu nrrnnijemeiit an at present under stood is thus outlined : M. Gambulla is to bo premier and president of the council , without a portfolio , The claims of M. Jules Kerry are to bo satisfied by electing bin ; a senator for life ; M. Spuller , a comparatively un known man , takes the depart ment of the interior ; M. Cabot is to bo minister of justice ; M. Bouviea ia to bo minister of commerce and M. Naynal will be minister ot public works ; M. Cookery ii to bo postmaster-general and Paul Jiort is to be minister of instruction ; Admiral Peyron is to bo minister of marines. As the mere mention of these names may not indicate thu po litical significance attached to their selection at the movement the romnrk is not made that the cabinet thus formed is a cabinet ot conciliation rather than of aggression , and it is hold that M. Gambetta can scarcely hold his own save iu un assailant , His abilities on a ruler have yet to bo proved. . . _ . A rjlOTBHT. ' 4 EDINDURO , Noyombor 12. After a very animated contest in which much feeling was displayed Professor liain waa elected to-day lord roetor of the university of Aberdeen , The unsuc cessful candidate , Sir James Hand , has lodged a against the elec tion. The present lord rector is earl of Iloaoberry. The oilico is purely honorary , UKATH OP JOUKUY MAC'DONALI ) . T * LONDON , November 12. Jockey MucDoiiald died at 5:30 : this morning from injuries received by being thrown from liuclianati in thu race for thu . Liverpool autumn cup on the 10th [ iimtant. Ho was twenty-five years j old. He did not rank as a first-class jockey until the Czarowitch race at Newmarket this year when he rode Keen's Foxhull to victory. w HUMILIATING TO IIMiUIlUK. liKHLiN , November 12. In the second ballot for members of the reichstag in this city both progress ists have been elected. In Loodun a coiiHorvativo was elected and inlirom- ] berg , AHona , Erfut , Raatonburg and llof , progressists have been elected. In IJraiinohwolg socialists wore elected , nnd in Arnborg an nltrainon- . tnno , while in Miinnuhuini , Warsburg and Nurembdlg socialists have boon chosen to represent the pooplo. Ilorr : Stoeckor him been elected nt Minden , . Itl'.llAKKAIII.i : OVVRK , > if LIMICHIOK , Novoinbur IS. Thoonrl ' of Jovon has made n romarknblo offer to his Limerick tenants , yi . : To ullow them to Hiirronder their leases , which precludoH them from the bone- lita of tha land net , in order that they may apply to the court. It iu stated that Lord Cork intends making the iaino olftir. DUIILIN , November 13. The pro- joodings in the land court yesterday mowed that land la a drug in the mar- cot , no bidder * coming forward for if lota put up. It ii an ominous fact .hat no ono will oren oflbr a price for and , and i ; shows how deep the be. iuf U iu the thoroughness of thu great , orolution now proceeding. Ijl . OL4IWTOMK D1IMIUH. la LONDOK , November 13. It having won reported tbatit was the intention y Gladstone to accept a place In the xiorago , ho has iauuod a denial of the report. A1TLICATJOHK TO TUJJ LAND COI7KT. DUIIUN , November 12. Ono thoun- mil applicants to fix a judicial rout l roro lodged with the land coiiiniision rostorday. The total applications are ivor 45,000. The commissionem ur- to hold nigh t tittingH of the and.i n IA11QUIH OV HAHMIIUKV ABHAII.4 BTOJ1M. LOMDON , November IS. The Mar. , jinn of Saliubury in sponkin ut ] iriH- ol yodtordny denied that the people f Ireland wuroyul prepared for eolf- overnmont. llo asaailed Gladstone making a liberal party nil engine 01 nttacting private property. Ho u said that the true remedy for the Irish difficulty s to make the tenant tbo owner of the land by honest purchaao. TUB gUllTIOK OP ASHKXI > T ( CANADA The iuc | 'i "of thv nnexftlion ( of Canada to ke D t 'cd ' States ia beinn- ning to excitu inturoBt horo. A obn- troveray IK goliiff on botvreen Profon- mir.Goldwm Smith and SI ? Francit Hinds. Mr. Smith denounces tle : policy of Ent-lftiid retaining Canada a * ! 'jingoism" ' and point * out with roat aorco that Canada cannot bo di vorced from her national association and her natural marks and hitched onto Kng'aml aa a aott of dunkcy en gine Sir Francis , loyal TiritUh pen sioner that ho ia , declares that in no wish for innovation in Canada. IIISMAUOK INTKUVIIJWKIION 11ESIONINO. LONDON , November 15J. The beat German authorities represent Pretnior Uisnnrck M sincerely resolved on res ignation. The emperor resists , hop ing for an artangoinent with Homo under wh job the ultramontaiicn may support liismarck in the German par liament without asking for the repeal of thu anti-Catholic laws , which ] iis- murk steadily refines to propose. The capitalists nay that no inovmunt could he ao favor.iblo for a negotia tion with tbo pope , considering that ho can no longer depend upon Aus tria. The same reason is urged for oolicititing a renewal of the diplo matic relations between England and , the Vatican. STATE JOTTINGS. Ailitm * county tntcn kimlljr to Crotr. The jail proimaltiou wan dofcAtad hi Surpy. SI any nra uoiulnatod , but few wsra iboncu. Lancaster unnty clainiu tbu rcpublicaa banner. The jnil propo > iton ! ivaa Jofoatcd la Th.ijcr county , I'.twnto City In unittnl lif railroul witU the ouUide worlil , Itmnvnac qimntitici of Imy Imro already been destroyed by iirnirio lircs. Thu 11. < t M. uolil 8.1,005 worth of land nt CiilhtirUoii ono day Uil week. Work co 11 iuncol on the Cougro K.itioual church nt Harvanl , Neiiiiilmcounty farmers will turn most o ! tlivir corn into beef till ! ) winter. Nicholas Hnnoy , tbo pioneer of Web- Htvr county , has joined the majority. ' I'liu NobrnsknVesleynu university , at l''iillertiii ) , was dedicated lust Sunday. K. 1C. ConrmlwnH f tnlly BUlibed in a frco light t Him CrcoU , Webster county. Iron for tbo now liriilgo over Salt creek at AHhlnud has arrived and work com- Cole , the Alcxnndria wifo-beatcr , wo adjudged n lit tmbjcct for the vtnto InsanQ aejluui. A iirntrio fire called on Schuyler last wiiok , but was driven elf by the lira brigade. William VanhooBcu , of Purnaa county , glided headforcinoat from a ihed and crocked hin nkiill. Thu Union Pacific and Sioux City nnd Pacific companies contemplate- erecting * union depot nt Norfolk. Sir hundred dollar * worth of lilatortca ! and iimtheiimtioal works IIIXTO been added to thu library of the utato uniyorulty. Two women , farmers' wlren , living cm the Loup. bottom , opiioalto St. rani , Dooce cnuntrw burna ' , , re pralriaire. . " / The editor * of Tha Blair Pilot and ! Tt Onkdalu Pen and Plow odor their younir lady render n free IOUHOHII in "iparklng , Jlrnii Kuii > K to walnt , eh ? Cohimbui him added a creamery to her indiibtrim , ArtioIeH of incorporation have beou kilned and filed with the oiuitr clerk. Capital Block , 112,000. The Fhuritl of I ) w on county Is lying In wnitfor the minchlovoui boys of Plum Creuk , who nmunu thonualvca umaHhing In win. town with 'VI I UK botn. " Tlieodoro Miller , of Lincoln , received the Hint intf lliKencu last wuck that hlx un- clu left him SIC. ' 00. Team would not revive - vivo him , utiil Tlieodoro wept ! The iicoplo of Oak'mid ' are considerably Inllatcil ' nincu the visit of the man KorH of thu St. Paul it Omnlm road , whoao protn- lueu , wuru nuiiirrouH nnd tickling. A ferocious ongle pounced upon a flock nf turkeyn near tiio xtato penitentiary re cently , and W H In the act of ttmnksgivitiK when n man with a club appeared. The JirniflcrH on the M. P. dump , near Cnlvert. unmercifully beat nn old man and II'H ' HOM living clone by. Two men were ureHtcd , fined $73 , anil gent up for five Uyn. The ihcrifT of Ca o county ban fitrucktha I'nrni trail of a homo thief named Milton llrown ( , who vl'ile a teitm , haracua ami irogon from Thonifu ililea , of Platta- 11011 th. Mrn , Ada N. Scrley wan elected ichool .nperintendent of ] ' ! ercoc > unty , dcfeatinir : bn regular noininea. Slid Rtood at the iolU oil day and button-holed like an old nmpngner. ! Wynmre IH deternilned to kicp up with .ho rt-Ht < if tha Dtatu in the shot gun line. no of her "Hinall boys" buried n ehargo buckuhot in the vhouldorH of his sister. I'hu boy wan at thu wrong ond. In the cnxeof the Utato of Noliraakn. igaiimt Cieorge Jones for the killing u lohn Tauer , of Alexandria , laut 'uly , IOIICH wnn found guilty of roaiiHlatighter mil Kcriti'iicud to uix years in the petilten- iary mill to pay c < uts of prosecution. The Vlalr Pilot li recently made ling * trides to pur foe t inn an a weekly nowepa- icr. Printed entirely at homo , ediUxl vlth uniiHUil cacr , and printed on now and inproved roachlimry , It only lackaallttl * nore prlutem' ink to uiokoa goudand laet- ng imprtauiou. A twelve year-old con of J. W. ITosen. Pawnee county , "thought it wnn'k iiaacd. " The ball ( itnotrated bil che lc oward tbt corner of the vyo and entered me of the cavillri of tlio ume. Tli * milot finally droixxi | into hla mouth ani a ( pit it out. The wound U not fatal. The engineer employed by the city of jincoln to examine the practicability ol urge wells to supply the city with water , cportn that n well fifty feet In diameter clityln depth , to cost between 15,000 nd 810,000 , would afford ample supply ur all purKHerf. | The engineer estimates lie entire coxt of water worku , Including : welvo miles of umluu , at from CUI,000 to 100,000. Deacon lleynoldi , of the Northwestern Vesloyan Uni ernity at Kullcrton , pulled Kunim tbo editor of Thu Journal , of liat place , hint before election , and lireattmed to blow hU g. d. head off If ha mblished a certain document relating to > in cnrcor in Iowa. The editor published abstract of the document and acted aa lilef muunier at the deacon's political uneral. Three very email boya of Norfolk silently mcked up tnuir powoHslons , conBl ting of plbtol aiul ocveral cartrldge , twenty-fivo cntti Iu cosh nnd a quart nt peanuts , and tarleil on foot for Oinaha. They were in- urcepted r.t Stnnton by the sheriff , who vau compelled to handcuff them Into sub- cctlon. On reaching homo their outer iivttlfinento weie n object of tender lolIcK jo on tLe part of the "old uiau , "