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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 9 , 1881 , MEETING OF THE WATERS , A Protporous and Contontoc Community at tlio Conflu- onoa ofThreo Slrsiitn3. nnil Improvements o Afthliiud A Pnriiliiia for Sport- Corrcpondenoo of tli He * . Ashlnnd , November-I. This opo h where three valleys meet and in the natural tendency of tr.xdo and traflio is to follow the course of s're.ims , the leading wagon and railroads of this section , do now and for nil time , wil. center at Ashland , Silt and Wuhoo creeks and the 1'latto river mingle their waters here. 'J'ho first is 11 ailvcry Blrcani wcl ; stocked with fish and . ( bounding in mill privileges , one of which is util ized by the Ashland ( louring mills. The Wuhoo HOW.I through n lonclj valley whore agriculture finds her monl successful followers and where the soil is full of untold wealth the TAW ma terial for thocropsof a thousandyeaJs. A HU.VTKU's t'AllAHIHH. The Platte , with its teeming wealth of ducks , gceso and nandhill cranes , is near by , and an immense pond or shUlow lake only n inilo from town , furnishes iho finest spot for profitable aho'iting that Nebraska can furnish. The regiiter of the Exchange hotel given information on this score. Sam Chapman and .a I'hittsmotith Riiiid { a few dajs ago getaway away with n hundred or two of ducks. Then a Lincoln line of skirm ishers opened fire and bent the 1'lntts- mouthors ; ami while I was in town a ilotnil from VHlis&'i , Iowa , numbering half a score , fired by file until they had all the g.une they wanted. Each parly records against their names tlio amount of game captured , and it is now time for the valiant niin- rods of Omaha to prove their tikill. I led off to-day by using F. A. Dimies' breech-loader on n fifteen minute raid along Salt Crook within the city limits , and.dur ing that fifteen minutes , while 1 was waiting for a delayed train , I took two Ixi.nitiful tonl , and could have had inoro of the same kind if the locomo tive had not whistled. In five min ute * morel westward bound , but some day buforo long L will accept a cordial invitation tendered me by the who sells the B. it M. pasteboards , and try a day of foraging around Ashland. 1M1T.OVKMKXTH. ? .Tr , S , D. Nichols , the furniture tlcnlur ia cructing 11 fine block of two story liriek stores and the best nn l most extensive- residence that I have seen in course of construction in any oi the towns that I have visited , A rotinod taste and the most elaborate details are making this a model homo. Mr. J. II. Snoll is constructing an cngino house to accommodate a now sixteen horse power engine which will furnish his elevator with the best facilities for handling grain of any place in Ashland. Mr. Snoll sells merchandise exten sively , and reports a fine trade at his p store adjoining the < Snoll house. I * . Mr W. O. Service , with E. 0. \ Beekford ( OheaplTohri ) is now starting another store. Oho in John in a rust- /Cr , a genuine live Yankee. Jealous rivals tried to fix him by refusing to patronize the jobbers who sold to Cheap John , and yet , judging by the stock in his two stores and his great good humor , there is plenty of work to bo done yet before John will have a sheriffs tale , . Ashland has long needed a good hotel , and now the Exchange fills the bill. It is a now structure , with olo- gnnt exterior and interior. C. B. Hacktuy , the landlord , is > a voteraiun the business. F. Q. Usher staten that his lumber saloa prove that this part of the world is progressing. There tire no great public improve ments going on , for long yoara ago Ashland built ono of thouost schoolhouses - houses in this state , and her churches , bridges , sidewalks , elevators , etc. , are ample for all present needs. From near and far the farmer comes to Ashland for goods , and to find a mar ket. There competition insures fair prices , mid largo stocks give ample opportunity for judicious selections. Situated midway between Omolia and Lincoln , Aahland has no cause to fear serious injury from either of those cities , ana the future will no doubt find Ashland what she is to day and has been for many yours , namely , one of the best towns in Ne braska. There are no efforts made hero to induce immicration. Tins town is growing healthfully , but gradually , and it him no stupendous prospects to elate the struiu'or. The surrounding lands uro all cultivated , and every one Bcoms contented and prosperous. It is a quiet , respectable , substantial town , with a supcrioi class of citizens and no saloons. Speaking of saloons reminds mo of the fact that a lout who was formerly an Omaha bar fix ture has been through here lying for the Telegram. Finding TUB BEE firmly anchored and highly honored ho generally represent the Tolegran to bo the evening edition of TUB 11 BE. When he moots witlian enemy of TIIK BEK then ho tolls him that the Telegram gram is the very thing that is swoop ing THIS BEK out of existence. Ouorgo Woodford , a somowha noted temperance lecturer from III ! nois , has boon holding forth in the Baptist church for n few nighU past Ho is AH eloquent advocate of the cause. ODIW AM > E.NIW. I am under obligations to H , C Brown , attorney , real uotuto and pen elon agent , for valuable assistance rendered. Ono of the boat filled stores ii Ashland is the extensive furnitur and undertaking house of Jloylin & Gould. In the t'enerul merchandise line th old reliable house of S. S , Kale etunds like a Gibraltar and no doub in the next world the angels will go their robes from Fales oven us ou eaithly angels do now. Ashland has Nebraska's banner pos of the G. A. It. Well I had better stop or I wil have ROino ono advertised and tlmt it not the thing to do in the reading columns of n Metropolitan dnily ( _ < For 1 usincss review see udvortisinf columns. KANHKII. Tlio ' 'Now The "Now Mastodon Minstrels , " Havcrly'fl , appear at the opera house on Thursday evening next , olio ntyht only. This is the company which played the base bill game in Oniahn on the List of May last. They are in better sh.ipo than over , and will give a line entertainment hero. The Chi- c.igo Times says : "Tho 'Now JInv- cily Mastodon Minstrels' commenced their engagement on last evening un der the most Ihltering auspices , as the house could not have afforded room for another listener. Huvorly must have Biniled when ho read the tele- Ljrain giving the receipts of the house , For they Were so large as to represent in dollar. ! noaily every Heat in it. The original plan of the nirwlodon min strels has been well carried out in the Formation of the present troupe , which , to judge from the strength and general ability of the company , is far uipcrior to the old mastodons. The theatre was crammed full of people , who seemed thoroughly to enjoy the show , at the applause was almost con tinuous. " IMOGENE ITEMS. A Lively Little Town aud Its Advantages. ; < jrrc > | end < jnt ot TIIK UPK. IMOIIHNB , Iowa , November Oth , ' 81. About two years ago Mr John Rich- olson brought on a wagon , the first building that was in this tonn. It consisted of a small , grain dealers of fice. Soon the people began to as semble and inoro buildings were built. Chore arc about as many ( 'Oll.V CJUIIS n the vacinity of the depot , as there are houses in the whole place. The arming hinds ull through the valleys of the Nishnabotna and Nndawuy riv ers in southern Iowa are the best to ) o found anywhere in the country liin is talking pretty loud but it is a act sure. The corn crop is much Hire extensive than ono usually ox- iccts to find and to see the grain omo into a small place hko Imogono von , would naturally preduco n BOII- ation of admiration and amazement. Messrs. Smith , llicholson & Co. have largo steam elevator hero and an ther at Solomon , a few mi leu' north f this place. IMI'IIOVKMBNTH. Messrs. Ilico & Hayes have built a mndsomn two-story place for busi ness , and filled it full of groceries , 'ho second iloor is nicely fitted up or a , public hall , and the outfit illu- linatcs the city. There are two or hroo other large stocks in town , and a new grocery store and a now stock of .ruga are soon to bo oponod. Two hurchcs have been built this niim- nor n Motliqdiflt and a Catholic. Messrs. A. fBuh & Co. have a branch ; rain office hero , and I am informed hat there lias been shipped from Im- gene over OUll 1IUNDKEI ) THOUSAND. UU.SIIKLS Of OOUN n the past year. ' My time was limited to ono hour in liis place , owing to a delay of the rain , and I did not have a chance to nko many notes. I called upon each msincss man just long enough to pay 'how" and , " " and "byo-by , everyone f them was ready to glvo mo their mme for TUB BEE without any argu- nont on my part. This simply shows hat the people here are intelligent , ride-awake and up to the times , and find it profitable to take a good daily paper. There has been come complaint about my writing the ISll'OUTANT EVBNTH of the countiybut I trust the readers of THE BEE will bo lenient with mo when they know that the best proof reader wo can afford is , should judge , ibout four years old , nnd if the com- msitor leaves out a line or two and polls the sen so of the article , it goes n just the sumo and is not the fault if i he writer The reader will make luo allowances for mistakes , and save 'oursolf the trouble of curaing the correspondent on his second visit to . 'our place. I see that a correspondent of Tin : UKK from Nebraska has assumed my "trado murk" trying to palm off his ( onuino article for my worthless stuff , f ho public is again cautioned to be ware of infringements , none genuine unless "HOVER" is blown in the bet tle. See advertising columns for busi ness directory. Mlrablla Diotu. "Your SiirhiK blossom ia a HIICCCH * . I certainly think HH effects are wonderful ; all tlio dyn | uiitio Hyniitoiiid | I complained of have vanished ; my wifd in ulao ciitlmul- jtttio in pruina of It ; nho wai diaflgnrcd by blotcht-H mm pimplm on her face , ami had u cnnUtminis heiulauliu. Hliu is ull rltjlit now , u'ul nil unsightly empt'ona h VOKOIIO. You may refer any doubting partieH to me. It. M. WII.UAMHON , "Elk Btroct , IJiiilulo. " Price , 50 cuiiln ; trial IxUtlcK , 10 cents. flT-eodlw ] FREE OF COST. Du. KINO'B NEW DIHCOVRRY for Consumption , Coughs and Goldi Asthma , Bronchitis , etc. , is given away in trial bottles free of cost tr tho' ttlllictod. If you Jmvo tv bad cough , cold , difliculty of breathing , hoarseness or any affection of the throat or lungs by all moans give Una wonderful remedy n trial. As voi value your existence you cutfnoi afford to lot this opportunity pass. \\ocouldnot afford , mid would not give this remedy away unless wi know it would accomplish what wi claim for it. Thousands of hopolos * eases have already boon completeh cured by it. There is no medicine ii the world that wjj cure ono half tin cases that Bit. Kura'tiNtswDiHCoviiiH will cure. For sulolby 0) ) IHJI & MoMAUo.v , Omaha. i f ON THE FLY. A Trip Over the Now Line to Denver rind Return. Splendid Bond Bed , Smooth Tracks nnd Fast Timo. Some IntcrosUnc Not on Along tlio Houto. ' Tlio first tripiovor tliu now through line to JJonvcr was marked with ninny interesting ino dunlB , Tliu run North 1'latto inndo without to wns ac cident mid breakfast was obtained at this station whiuh is the turniinus of the Oinnlin passenger division. Tlio mil- ing house at North I'luttu has parsed into now hands , a man natncd Cash buniK tlio present proprietor. Hois inatorially rupairiiiK the hotel and con structing a needed addition to it. At this point 2 ! > 1 miles had hcun covered > > y the iron stood drawing the hand- Homo train mid a change of engmeH was made. Conduct ) > r also chunked lioro , Thoarrivalof the train attracted v Inrgo crowd and was the cnunu of much onlhusiasm. After thirty ininntus halt the line of listening conches ngnin glided awny from the depot and the run was speedily made to Jnleslmrg , whcrotho main line wan left , 'Iho'cvont of striking off on to the now road for the first time was fully appreciated by the pqssongors , and was the occasion of hearty congratulations. The now track ia snlpndidly ballasted and ac curately laid , and the train rolled smoothly over it without a jolt or jar. It is unquestionably the finest line of truck anywhere in tlio western country , and will admit of any speed to which the trains can attain. There arc no , 'nuk-s of coimcuonco ( and the country Jirough which the train was speeding iu.s on both sides of the South Plat to river as level as a iloor. Most of the rorritory from Julushurg to Sterling , l.'iO miles out , is occupied by cattle ixnches , and with irrigation could bo undo very fertile. The first train nuoko the solitudes and sent the rightonod herds scampering over the ihiinafor d ar life. Sterling was the dinner station for ho train and it found a hungry load > f passengers. The eating house hero a tilted up in most elegant style and s splendidly kept. The proprietor is mined Sullivan and formerly kept a cfit'iurant in Omaha , near the Union I'licilio depot. The trains meet hero it 1:20 . . the east-bound train : p. m. , - ar riving first. Lockwood is also a meot- ng point , at 10 : ! a. m. At Lascollo , forty-six miles from Denver , the now track ends and the nun runs on the Denver Pacific line ho'rest of tlio distance to the metrop olis of Colorado. The run in was nado in very quick time , and the first rain into Denver over the through ino was heartily cheered us it glided nto the magnificent Union depot. On the return trip nothing of ea- ) ccial importance occurred. The run Yiis made in good time along the onto. Dinner was again taken nt Itorling , and supper , instead of ircakfast , at North riatto. When train reached I'apillion it was ox- ictly on time , but hero a delay from a freight train reduced the time to ar- ivo at Omaha to twenty minutes. VVlipn the start was finally made , the engineer , Nich. Wix , "pulled her wide > pen , " and the train must have looked iko a huge streak of * now paint und glistening gilding. As the engine vhirled around the curve and over ho switches into the Omaha depot , ho conductor looked at his watch. 1'ho first train from Denver was ex actly on time. , SKINNY MEN. "Wells' Health Ilonower , " gmatcst emody on earth for impotence , loan- less , sexual debility , &c , Ono dollar t druggist's. Depot , C. P Good man. ( B ) * DYINU CV INCHES. Very elton wo see a person sutler- ng frum some form of kidney com- ihiiut and is gradually dying by nclies. This no Conger need to bo so , or Electric Bitters will positively cure Bright's disease , or any disease of the kidneys oruriniary organs. They ire especially adapted to. this class of diseases , acting directly on the Stomach and Liver at the same time , and will speedily euro where every other remedy has failed. Sold at fifty cents a bottle , by Ish & Me- Mahon. f3 W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Ornoi Front Iloomi ( up italn ) In Hanscom'i new brick building , N. W. corner Pftoonth ad trnham Rtrcntc. E. D. MCLAUGHLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW And Notary Public. Dlock.Oppo lte " " ' " * DISEASES -Or THE EYE & EAR DR.L , B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. llc ( rciict all Reputable Phyilctans ot Omaha. tSTOtnce , Corner IQth and Farnham Sti. , Omaha. Neb. u2Dinett O. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW S Vtrnham flt. Omaha N Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEVATLAW Prof , W , J. Amlor's Select Danc ing Academy , A. Hoipe , Ur , Hall , 1510 Dodge St. Clai for ( 'viHloincn cominenclni ; TuntJay evenIng Ing , Oct. 4. Clau lor ladle ; ) commencini ; Thiir * dayexcnlnirOct.O. Tvnui liberal. Tlio CM mvthodi 1 liaia for tt-achlnir thu Walti , QIIJi io. , 1 can guarantee jwrfcct tatltfactloB c iholar * . For tcrnii , ic. , call at A. lloupc. t. or ad driws 1110 Capitol A o. ITdlui Mr < . .t. O. llohprt'on , I'itWiurif , I'A. , wrllot"I wn i milTerin ; rrotti ( ftticral dililllty , want of ap pitltr , uonttliKitlon , Uc. , t > a that fliu ua < n bur den ; after nilntf llunlock Illnod llltltM I felt hct tcr than fnr'ji-nrc. I cannot praino jour Hitters too nnicli. " U.OIMn , n | HuMe , K. Y.rlttn : "Vour unlfick Diet llltUM , In ihronlcill-cw of tliu lilnml Ihcr . .J Hilncxp , hatu liucn Fl nallv nnrkcd with micco" InaNe used tin in nij M u with htt rMiiltn , for torpldltj'of tholhcr , rmdln ta oof a friend of tulno ntfirlnj { from tlrop y , the cflcet wag niarulou * . " UnicoTurner , ItochMtrr , N. Y.Jwritcs : ' " ! ha\f ken Hiibjcit to ncrloui1l , i > ricrof ! tliu kidnap , mil nnalilu to attoiul to linslncsul llnrdocl < Illnoil Illttim rtlleuil niclicforolmlfnlmttln MxiitMtl , I feel tonlldcnt that Ilicy w 111 entirely cnru rno. " A'oiiHh Hall , Itinfjhainplon , N. Y. , writes : "I suffered with a dull | < aln through niv clt Innc ami shoulder. lx > tmy ntilrlti , np | tlti ; nnil color , and coiililv ltd dlttlcnuy keep np all dty. Took jour llurtloik Illowl Hitters 111 ill. icct < dand liaM ! fe.t no pnln since flrtt neck af ter using them. " Mr. Noah Ilaton , Klnilra , N. Y. . writes : "Alionl four jwirnn o Ihidanattaik of billonsfi\ernnd never fully rccotirnl. My , ll e tltu crtrani wrro WoakLticd , and I would lie co nplctrl } ] iron- tratcd forday * . Alttr nfliitf two bottUi ot jour Ilurdock ( Stood Hitters the Iniprovciiicnt WA < < ro \l lido tint I ain < itonliheil. I tniinow , tlimitrli ( It j v.ira of ne , d a fair and rtauonalilc daj 'H w orlc. C. Illackct IlohliiMii , proprietor of The Canada Prcplijtirian , Toronto. ( Hit , , writer : "I'orvcnrB I stiffertil crutlj from oft-recurring hcadxeho. I uotiljonr Itiirdnck Illnoil lllltira with Impplc-t resultnnd I now find insell In better lunlth tlian for yearn jiait. " Mrs. 'Wallace , ll.ilTalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! ha\e lined Ilurdock Illooil Ilittcra for iicnonx and bil lens hcadichc ! < , anil can rcconmicnd It to anyone requiring a euro for lillllousncss. " Mr . Ira JJullhoIland , Albany , N. Y , writes : 'Kor several jtnri I hive Huflcml from oft-ncnr- rlntr blllloiiH hcadaihca , djcpepsia , and com- ihltits ( icculiar to my PCX. .Since uslnoiir llurdock Illood Hittirs I mil entirely rcllo\cd. " Pries , 91.00 per Dottle ; Trial Bottlct 10 Cti FOSTEE , MILBURN , & Co , .Props . , BUFFALO , N. Y- Sold atwholcfalcby lull & llcllahon and C. F. tollman , jc 27 cod-mo The leading Scientists ot to-day agree that most dineasca are caused by dlsorcloriil kldncja or llxer. If , therefore , the kidneys and Ihcr are ivpt In perfect ordr , perfect health will ho the result. This truth has only been known a short Imo and for years people suffered great airony without bclnirablo to find relief. The dlsf-ncrj' of Warner's fafo Kidney and Liver Cure nifcrks a a now era I'l'lno treatment of these troubles. Ifado from a ilmplo tropical leaf of nro value , it contains Just the elements necessary to nourish and Imigorato both of these greul organs , and safely rcstora and keep them In order. It is a 3o ltlvo Remedy for all the diseases that cauno wins In the lower part of the body for Torpid Jor Headache * Jaundice Dizziness Gravel FeverAIJUO Liver and Urinary Organs/ It Ia an excellent and safe remedy for females during Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation and in in 'aluablo for Lcucorrhooa or Falling of ho Womb. As a Ulood Purifier It Is uncnualcd , for it cures ho or rans that make the blood. This remedy , which has done such wonder' , is put up In the LAUOEST SIZED UOTTLK of any ncdidno uiran the market , and b void by Drug gists and all dealers at 91.25 per liottlo. For Ulabotca , cnnulre for WAUNKK'S SM'K Hlfif- BKTES CUltK. Itlsol'OSI 1VE Remedy. H. H. WARNER & CO , , Rochester , N. Y. ] clC-tii-th tat- _ BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 15087arnkiun Street , side ODD. Orand Central Hotel. liisoi Mm Ms ! Richmond , Ind. USTAUIJSHFJ ) 1842. Builders of ENGINES. OF ALL SIZES , From 3 to 25 H. P. CAUI Mil I C For Largo or Small OAW lYllLLb , Engines. For all Grains and Seeds , Including Clover and Timothy. Feed Mills , &c. , &o. It will pay you largely to wnto , stat ing what you want and how you wish to pay. Unusurl Inducements to Cnsh Purchasers. A : ROBINSON & CO. , no2wtf Richmond. Ind. 8tALED PnOPOSAL8 For the Construction of Sidewalks , Scaled propomH will he received by the under- tlisiicil until November 12th. U > 31 , 12 o'1" noon , for the cnni > t i.ctlnnand rculrlnia | walkn In front ot and adjoining tlio follonlr scribed premium , to-wlt : Let 8 , hlouK 26 , north IJo of Cast Hticcl 1 Jvst 1U feet lot 7 , block 25. north sldu Oil Lot 1 , hloik 4U , west sldu 22nd Ht , Lot l , block 12 , south Ma Wibutcr utree be reralnd. Went 2GO ftctot south 1S2 fact of lot 2 , Capitol addition , on north > Uo ot Karnbam ttrect. Houth l i feet lot 3 , Capitol apditlon , north side of r'arnhaiu. lot 4 , Capitol addition , north tide side Farn- liain ktriet Ixit 6 , Capitol addition , nbrlh ldu Farnham street. " ' " " ' " ' . J. L. C. JKWETT , City Clerk. AQENT8 WANTED FOR FilTMTSlLUKO 1100KS Orill AQll Foundations of Success SOCIAL FOKMS. The laws of trade , legal forms , how to trans act Uiislncua , v aluablo tables , noclal etiquette parliamentary usage , bow to conduct public buol < otia ; In fact ft U a complete fluids to fiuccc&i foi alluwii. A family tiewuUy. Addresa forclr culamaiid ( i-oclnl term * ANCllOll I'UULIHIIIKO CO. , St.l/jiiln. Mo. John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly of Ol"h& Jacob * . ) UNDERTAKER. No. U'.7 KsriihatuSt. . Old Stand ot coh m Of Onltn ur Tvlocr ub SollcltcJ t7 AND STILL THE UOi CONTINUES TO Roar for Moore ( s ) Harness AND Saddlery. I have aitoplcil trio I.Ian an n Trade Milk , and nil my pooJn IU bo with the WON nnil my NAJli : on the mine. NO OOOU3 AllE unm/iNK WITHOUT TIW AUOVK STAMPS lioliwt material Is nsol anil the mo l klll ' workmen are employed , nnd at the lowest CM ( I'ricu. Anjono wlnhlii'Rprlco.lDt ) ] of good will confer a tmor by comllng for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. If Tnu are a man fit younro ft ! mftn of lei * _ . fmnlby thoftrnlntif trntUlllnioTorrim joir iltitlea nvolu nlKlit nork , tn rc M'liiiilniitinnd Udo toitibrnlnncrn'ond Hop Bittern. ' Iwm-tc , u > e Hop B > IrutTcrinKfromnnT I. . If you aroyaunn and dlw i-.llun or dl < ilm | Itloni Ir you urn 'nor- rieil or MnKla , old t > r jounir , KUlfcrlnc frow jxiorlu nltb or lantoi h luB oil a bed of sick 11119. nljr un Hop 3 Bittern , Whoever yon arc , ' whenever you reel mmlly from > uie Hint cystem fone of Kidney your needs lnir , ton- dK-ate that inlKl.t ii\a \ or ftliiuilatlnf ; . have lj cni > roipntic vlilioilt iHtnjrtmttny , bra tlniory usual .alto Hop HopBltters ElttO'3. D. I. C. It en elMolutb ' nnil Irrcsthto- of llio'iloiitiirt , llo euro for . HOP ftlooil. , ilninkumoBS t Ihvrointnw ii ( < o of opium , You will be tobacco , or cured If you UM Doreotk-a. Hop Bitters Soldbydruir- IfycuAroFlm- lrt K Hendfur T > | r wvnk nnd lovfunlrltcd.try NEVER Circular , it I It may Bornrmxa onvo your FAIL UTS CO. , . llfo. It rm saved hun * Recbtiltr , B. TeA droclu. A Toronto , OnU GRAY'S SPECIFIC -MEDICINE TRADE MARK The OrcalTHADB MARK iiy. An uti- failing euro for Seminal Sinrinntor rhca , Impot cncy , anil all UUcasrithal1 follow an n BEFORE TARIHa : iuciKe or AFTER TAKINQ. Si'il AIJII U , u * l.ot > < of Memory , UnhtTsal Iwt\- \ tudf , I'aln In tlio liacl , , Ulriineionf Vlolon , Pro inn ) urj Old A e , nnd many other DNcascs that oid to Insanity or Conaumritloii nnd a Prcma- 11 ro fta\e ! 'Full jiarticulars In njr pam lilct , wlilch \o iltslru to fcml free I r mall to uvcry one. rsntio Sjictlflc Mcdiclno is io1U by all druifglsts it SI IH.T jiackaKO , or 0 IKU.W i es f r 85 , or will bo tent free by mall i n rtt p lot Uio money , by aiMicssinif TI1EOHA 1KUICINKCO. , Buffalo , N. Y. For tale l > y C. F Ooodr _ oc7iiio-cod Free to 'Everybody ! A Beautiful Book for the Asking , lly nnplilnBpornonally at the nearest office of'HIlJ aiNUKK MANUPACTGIUNO CO. ( or \iy \ ( Kj taltard it at a distance ) any ATOMF per , eon wll | lie presented with n beautifully ilUB- rated copy of a Nu\v Hook entitled GENIUS REWARDED , on THE STORY OF THE SEWM MACHINE containing a handsome and costly ntccl mgrav- ir frontlsj'icrLo ; also , 3d finely engraved wood cnt % nnd bound in an elaborate blue and gold lihotfraphcd cover. No charge whatever Is made or this I > and8omo book , which can bo obtained only by application at the b anch and eubor dinato ofllics of The Singer Uanufacturlng Co. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. , Principal Otllce , 34 Union Square , New York oct27-dmietf&w SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 273. b'or levying a special tax for thti constru- tion and ro airing of nidewalks. Bo it ordftineil by the City Council of the city of Omaha , SKCTION 1. That the several aunu set opposite the following described prcm- sen , to wit : . South 4 of lot 1 , block C , Itccd'H addition , ? 15.GO. 2. , block 8 , Kouutze & Kuth's addi tion , Si0. ! < 0 Lot 21 , block 8 , Kountze &lluth's addition - tion , § 20,00. Lot 26 , block C , Kountze & Ruth's addi tion , § M.OO. Lot 27 , block 5 , Kountzo & Jluth'a addition - tion , $2.1.0 ' . Lot tt" , block 5 , Kountzo & lluth'u addi tion , S15.CO. Host 22 feet Iot5 , block 104 , Omaha ad dition , 92.1.10. Lot 1 , block 303 , Omahaaddition $20.79. Lot 2 , block 3 < > 3 , Omalm addition , 821.- GO. GO.Lot 3 , block 7 , Sweosy's addition , $14.05 , UeiiiL' the cost nnd e.X ] cnfC ? , njiprovecl liy the City Council for construction and repairing tlio Hide walk sin front of and _ nd- loiniiijr said premises by Charles Gardiner in purrtu.incn of a contract entered into by the city of Omnhn. with the Raid Charles Gardiner and after the failure of the own er thereof to do the name , aftr due notice , be and the same nro hereby respectively levied mi'l assessed aijniiiat each of Haiti lots , parts of lots , and premise * , p yablu to th Citv Tro.isurer within thirty (30) ( ) days from this date. 2 , 'J'hia ordinance xhall take effect ami bo in force frbm and ufter its passage , THOU. J [ . DAILKV , Attest : 1'rus't City Council. J. r. L. C , JKWKTT , City Clerk. I'nssed Oct. 2Ti , 1R81. Aiiprovcd Oct. 31 , 1881. JAMUS li. liorn , Mayor. The abo\ tax bccuuics deliniiuint on tliH Iir t day of December , 1881 , after which dale ten per cent , penalty and in terest , nt the rate of one per cent , per month , payable in advance , will be added. Nl-tit. S. G. MAI.LKTTK , _ City Treasurer. GRAND OPENING ! Profe.wor I'luher , ( from St. LouU ) Danclnic Ac- < lemy , Htandard Hall , cor Fifteenth and Karn- ham , Tuesday c\enlnn , September 6th. , Clamtea for Uulleaanil flentlemon comrocncln Tuewlay kvenlng September 6th ; cltuwewlor JIUscu and Mutern , coinuiencing Satur.Uy after noon at 1 o'clrck. Clasien for Fauillleg , will be arranged to ult the honorable patron * . Also ballet dancing can ba taught. Terms liberal , and pctfec satisfaction to Bchol- am guaranteed. I'rUato lintrnctloin wil 'Jc glv. tn atthe Dancing Awdciuy or at the twilUcoce of the jatroiu. I'rltato ordcu } oo left atli lluycr 4 ' lySO-tt II ro'n - BIBbBTT & PDLLBE , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , D > VTD CITY , NEB. Special attention -Uea to collections In Ilutler FOSTER & WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL . & LIME , . / On River "Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , ecSOmclv MARBLE HEAD LIME CO.'S Double Strength White Lime ST. PAULLUMBER YARD Lumber , Lath , Shiingles , Thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB * BcSlmolm - WHOLESALE - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER IN Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. I. OBERFELDER & CO , , IJU'OUTKIW AND JODIIEHS OK AT Q6 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive wholoB.alo house in thia line in the vvoat. . O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Neb. HEADQUAR TEES -FOI MEN'S FURNISHING GOOUS. We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to oui elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls Hosiery , &c.iaow open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. i WHOLES-ALE DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , HEU. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. iv 18-me FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Parnhani St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments made us will rccch o prompt attention. Kcfercnccn : Stnto Dank , Omaha ; Plait & Co. , Baltimore ; Peck & Banshor , Chioaico ; M w ir n Cincinnati. Max Meyer & Go. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods PISHING TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF'NOTIONS AND FANCY COOPS , MAX MEYER & OO. Omaha. Ne J. A. WAKEFIELD , AND RETAIL , DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT l\ MTSTATK AOEHl FOU MILWAUKEE CEIISNT COUPASY Near Union Pacific Depot , , - - OMAHA , NEB , Of the Very Latest Styles. FOB LADIES , GENTS , AND CfflLDREN , AT MRS. HUBERMANN'S , * 16th Etreet , bet. Capitol Avenue nd Davenport. Pura mada to order and R n irinonnntly done olOc