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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. KLE\HENTH YEAR OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 9 , 1881 , NO. 119 124 Houses LOTS For Sale By BEMIS FIFTEENTH AID DOUGLAS STS , , Vo. 1 , Vow home , 7 rooms , on Cumlng street near Snunrten , 01200. No. 2. 2 Ht ry hoiuo , 9 room , well , ditora and born , WebiUr , mar Ifith street , ? 2BOO. Ko. 3 , Homo of 10 rooms , an Harnej- , near h street , ston foundation , 94000. No. 4 , lArRBhouso ot 11 rooms , on Wrfwter trtMt , near Creltfhton Collcico , BioO. V't No , 0 , II USD ot 7 rooms , ou Caxx , near 17th ttrcot , JlliOO. Ko. 7 , If OURO of 8 rooion , S lota , on 17th street near lurd , Si 00. No 8. Houeo of 6 rooms. on Caw , near 14th , 22183 too lot , 41300. No. 0 , HouHu of S rooms , kitchen , etc. , or Cans , ii car 13th et cut , 5:00. No. 10 , Howe of 3 roomii with lot 22xl3S feet , on CUM , near 14th etrcet , fcXJO. No. 11 , Henna of 0 rooms , on loth ntrix > t , near Douglm , 44x < W foot lot , 44000. No 12 , Ho.BeofU roomii. brck foundation , on y , ncnr 27th fctrcot , $1000 No 13 , 1 utory new homo of a room ? , brick fouhiliulou , off .St. Mary's acnuo. . near con > cut , No. 14 , House of 5 rooms and summer lclt < hen , n 20th street , n < r dark , C-.WO. No. 11 , Hoiuo of S room' ' , on Hhcnnan avenue ( ICtli etroot ) near Nicholas , $2250. No. I'i , 1 j itory hoiihu of 4 rooms , collar , ( table , etc. , on Diuun.-ort - , near SaiHtrcet , $1500. No. 17 , 12-ntory brick hou o of 0 rooms , near cnj of red utrnet ear turn table , $ ? UK ) . No. 18 , Ilouuo and 2 lota , 4 Dlocka we t o ! Hlch School , e2KIO. No. 19 , ifoujo and Slot ! ) on road to | xvrk , near hatd St. Murj's aM'iiue. 83500. No. 20 , House and 11J loU iwar nucolft , South Omaha , 92500. No. 21 , House auJ tot on Darcnpirt etre t , nar 10th Btroet , 95500. No. 22 , 2-story haum and lt S2.\GO feet , on Davenport , near 12th street , 31300. No. 23 , House of 4 room * oud 2 lotion 17th troet , near Jtard , $1200 , No. 25 , HouBoand i lot on lOtb etruct , near Dod o , 1050. No. 26 , Houieuid ( lot on 10th etreot , near Cap tel avunue , $1460. J - . , x " "Hs. SV2 housoo ind tot" oFjucksoii , ' neat ISth rtrcet , ftSOO. No. 20 , 6hou < c and 1 lot on California , near 3th street , WOOO. Uo. SO , 1 J ttory brick houeo ot 4 room * with lot OOzfieOfoet , on Sherman avenue (16th street ) , near Izard , JCOOO. No. 31 , 1J story hoiuo and 33x68 feet , on 131-h trcect , near Howard strcot , $2000. No S2 , 1-story liouso of (1 rooms and two loU on Maun , ntnr Uth tired , $3000. . Noji , Ijvrjre housu u < i full lot on Caplto iTonuo , near 13th rtroot , 62aOO. i No. 3t ) , 2 tlirou ntory brick house * wl lot 44x IS foot , on Chicago , nuur 18th Htroot , $5 0 1 nch. J-o. 37 , Houwof 7 rooms with IJlot 1'uul ( rtrcut , near Ibtli Btreet , * 27W. No Hi , House and lot on 18th Btreet , near Sherman , $1850. No. 39 , House of 6 rooms with 44x60 feet lot , on 18th Ktit'tt , near California , $2500 No. 42 , Housoof S rooms with lotl&Oxl&Ofett , i on Coburn. near Col fax Btreet , $3500. No. 43. Ilotuo and 2 lot ? on Chicago , ucar-Otli itreet , 67SJJ. No. 45 , IJITK'O house of7 roomi , clotetfl pautry , well and clitorn , on loth , near Clark struct , jy500 No. 46 , I Ar a house with full block , near uu ' jihoU ewer , 3 000. No. 47 Houio of 9 ro > ms with J lot , on Paclfle , near 11th iitruet , &MWO. No. 49 , IJrick house of 11 rooms , well , c'atorn ' , ffu throughout the hauue , jjood barn , etc , , ou rarnhnm , near 17th Btrcwt , HKKK ) . No Wloata of G roomn. cellar , well , etc. , ou 10th , near I'tul utruet , ( OXX ) . Nil. 63 , House of 0 roomi and collar , lot 33x132 , off St. Hur'sa\enue , near convent , 81600. No. 65 , Four hou-ui and 88x120 feet , on Dav en- port , near 10th strixjt , $5000. No 63 , Hou of 9 or 10 rooms , on California , no r 21rt utrect , 95500. No 67 , Houw ) of 0 rooms , Rummer kitchen , collar , clater i , well , prod barn , etc. , near Ht. Mary's avenue and 2Ut street , $3001) Wo , 63 , New house of 7 room * , good barn , on \Vetxter , near 2d street , $2500. No. 60 , Four housed vrlUl i lot , on 12th street , i . No 6 < ) , House of 8 roomi ou Da\enport , near 23rd Btnwt , $900 , No. 01 , House of 9 or 10 room * , on Hurt street , near 22nd street , 600 } . No. 2 , HOUBD of 4 roonu , 1 rtory , porch , eel- lar , dstorn and well , on liaruey , Dear2lBtBtn > et , 1760. No. 63 , House of 4 roims , clnoeto , basemint nnd cellar , near White Lead Works , 91(100. No. 64 , Building op.lenM.Hl lot , on UotlKestreut , near post oUlce , otoru below and r > > ouu above , WONo. . 66 , Slots Hitli birn Mid other Improve- menu , near truet car turn table , $2000 , No. 67 , New hou'e of (1 room * on 17th , niar Cttmtn ? street , C1000. No 69 , Larifi ) line ho < ue of > 12 rooms , orory- thlnz ootnplbte , ou 18th , near Chicago , fjOW. l.o. 70 , HOUMI on IBth street , near uatenport , store below un J rooms above , barn , etc. , S1000. No 71 , HOUMI of 8 room. " , flue cellar , all complete ploto , on California , near SUt , 47000. No. 72 , llrkk house , 10 or H rooms , on Daven' port , near ICtb 4M > :0 : , No. 7J , IJ-storv houiw , 6 rooms , collar , w.l and el < t rn , on Jacknon , nenr 12Ui , 81600. No. 74 , llriek hou , with 2 lot * , fruit tree * , etc , on 16th , near Capitol avenue , | lf > ,000. No , 76 , HOUMI of 4 rooms , basement , lot 17)x ) IBS tevt. on Muiey , near 7th , WJt . No. 76 , H UT > house. Brooms , ou Caa4 tttrwt , ni or 16th street , 4500. No. 77 , 2-story house , Jl rooms , closet * , fur- ac , fruit tn.i * . born , eU ; . , on Karnham , near th utroct , 8000. No. 81 , 2 houwM with 0 room ) , and other Htlh rooms , on Chicago , near 12th street , $3000. No. 82 , 1 { itory huuso , 6 room * , i closctti , well ami 100-bariel cittern good barn , on fierie St. , near 0th ( near new porornmf nt eorrall ) , SI 600. No B3 , E-otory house , Brooms , coal ihiid , good vftll , cistern , on 4 lot , on Capitol avuuue , lira IZth , WOO. No. 84 , 2-story house , 8 rooms , 4 below Mid 4 bore , 3 elawtt , ce'lar , well and cistern , with 6 er i itround , on Sauuders titrcet. urar liarratks , 2500. No 86 , 2 stores , house on leawd } lot , Ibiute runs 2 ) t-ars from April Ut , 1881 , on J'cllle Ht. , near U , 1' . dupot , $ oOO No 80 , llonxu , 15 roomi , uell , clitrrn , etc. , near 16th and llarney gtruets , exK No. 87 , 2 ston' home , 3 rooms , uull with 40 feet of water , nfth Sacrmofuround , onSaundorJ tritt , nt r U 8. Ui > rurk . t 00. No. 89 , I rgo house of 10 roomi , well , cistern , barn , etc. , on Cam strrct , near 2Ut , 87000. No SO , l.arifu houue , 10 or IK room * , onVub - U-r strevt , uoia lUth , 7600. BED. P. BEMIS' ' Real Estate Exchange 16th and Douglas Street STATE ELECTIONS. Returns Prom the Eloren States WiM Hold Their Elec tions Yesterday , A Majority of the States Re port a Remarkably Quiet Eluotiou. Wiaconsia Goes Republican by Prom 10,000 to 12,000 Majority , Bailey , Republican Candidate for Treasurer , Elected in Pennsylvania. H lection of a Republican Gov ernor and Legislature in Massachusetts. The Republicans Make Heavy Gains on Assemblymen in Now York. Nebraska Wheels Into Line and Goes Be publican by a Good Majority. Synopsis of Election Returns From. AlltbaStntM. , NEBRASKA. Special Dispatch to Till HMU MILLAHP , November 8. The total number of votes cast in Millard pro- ciuct was 01. iJemocralic Munm'r 64 , Brass Oil , Boar 55 , Taylor Hfi , Hnrtman 05 , O'Connor 75 , O'Keofo 19 , Shields 07 , Houao I5G , Conkliii < ; 4il , Timme 70. RopublicaiiH irnxwoll U7 , Fificld U8 , Seivera 4 , Miller 72 , Rush 25 , Bauiucr 55 , Knight 14 , Chadwick 10 , PoiiitB 22 , Jacobs 48 , Smith 53. . DODOK COUNTY. Special Dispatch to TUB Unit. , FKKMONT , November 8. Tlio dom- ocrata carry the outiro ticket in the city by about 200 majority. W. H. Mungor haH 1 > R majority , with four precincts to hoar from. The majority for treasurer in the county ia 505. Sherifl' , 235. The ontira county ticket J'H probably elected. Special Dlnpatrh to THH BHH. j SALINE COUNTY. . WILBEK , November 8. The demo cratic county ticket fi'tin about 215'ma jority. Special Chpatch to Tim lias. C4ss COUNTY. PLATTSMOUTII , November 8. woU'a majority in CQKS county ia 300. The entire republican county ticket is elected by a largo majority. The city of Fliittmuouth is republican for the first time in yuara , a republican gain of 150 in the city over the election of a year ago. ISUTLKH COUNTY. Spuciil It > patih to The ! ! . ULYSSK.S , November 8. The elec tion in Butler county is noted fur bold and open bribery. The republi can ticket i' probably defeated , ex cepting Davis , candidate for treas urer. The county precincts will g've ' the anti-monopoly ticket a good vote , but in all the townH it does not figure conspicuously. Tile count has not biwn completed in David City. The tickets counted give thin result : Ev ens , democrat , for * clerk , 84 ; Lord- ich , 00 ; Feulon , democrat , for sheriff , 89 ; Wills , republican , for sheriff , 87 ; Davis , republican , for treasurer , 147 ; Sheets , democrat , for treasurer , 21 ; Regestone , anti-monopoly , 7. The full vote in UlyBses precinct givoa Da vis 04 , Sheets 04 , Lord 85 , Evans 74 , Chamberlain , anti-monopoly , CO. National Awoelatwl I'rv 8 MISSISSIPPI JACKKOX , Miss. , November 8. Weather fair and voting hero com menced early and continues with intereat. VJOKHUUJUI , Novembers. The elec tion is progrussitig quietly. At noon tiio indications are that Lowery , dem ocrat , will receive a largo majority for governor. The democratic ticket will all bo elected in thia county , except Shoriir Heck , republican , will be elected. In every county the demo crats are Raid to bo leading , except Hinds , where the funion ticket is ahead. JACKKON , November 8. There is now a largo number of negroes voting the Democratic ticket. News has just been received of n riot in Londerdale county , in which the democratic nom inee for asie ser and two other white men were killed by nogroea. AN KLKCTJON 11IOT. VICKHIIUIIO , Novembers. A apodal to the Herald from Meridian. Miss , says that soon after the polls weru opened this morning ut Merion , MHB. , a row occurred , in which three whitu men were killed. Among the killed was A. T. Harvey , the present assessor mid democratic candidate for ru-clectlon. The white men killed wore A. T. Harvey , Joe Uowpl and Jeff Sogara ; Vincent Segara is mor tally wounded. Two of the negroes who did the Hhootini ; are non-residents of Marion. Peace and quiet prevailed hero to day , and ouUido of politicians niu\ \ negroes but very little interest was manifested in the result of the vluc- lion cither in thnxtato or county , con- nenuontly an unusually email vote wan polled. 10 p. m. The count thus far in dicates n majority for the sUtu demo , cratio ticket , and the election of R. F , Bock , republican candidate for she riff , in Warren county. A fuU lor count mny ilovolopo con trary results , but wo think it likely that the above will stand the tost. The lack of telegraphic f cili- tioK in thia county renders it ditUcult to got the nowfl from country points. A special to the Herald fiom Jackson - son , Miss. , says the reports indicatd a democratic majority aa follows : Monroe - roe county 1,800 , Grenada , 500 , Vnzoo 1,500 , Noxuboe safe , Marshnll solid , Copiah small majority , Hinds esti mated at 500. The above is from the chairman of the Btato democratic executive coin- mittoo. CONNECTICUT. NKW HAVKN , November 8. Con necticut ia to-day electing u house of reproBentativea nnd ono-half of the senate No roturim from other parts of the atnto have been received at noon , but at New Haven the demo cratic nominees are practically sure of election. New Haven ia voting about three to one against thn purchase of the water works from the private cor poration. HAKTFOV.I ) , November 8. The re publicans have both houses of the kg- ialnturo by n reduced majority. The senate will stand fourteen republicans to ten democrats ; IIOUBO 148 republi cans , 100 democrats. MARYLAND BALTIMOKK November 8.--Tho , - - day is foggy nnd wet , but a pretty full vote is being polled by the regular demo crats ; but there Ls a surprising amount of apathy among the old liners. No disturbance thus far. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON , November 8. The elec tion to-day is passing oil' quietly and there is no excitement attending the voting. A very light vote is being polled nnd no interest in the contest is shown by either party. BOHTON , November 8. The vote of all the precincts give Lonu , republi can , 10,258 ; Thompson , democrat , 13,434 , a republican gain of about 4- , 300 over 1880 , and a falling off of about 2,300 from the total city vote of last year. PENNSYLVANIA. PITTSBUHOH , PA. , November 8. There is little excitement in thia city to-day over the election. The weath er ia pleasant .but the indications nro that a small vote will bo polled. Bai ley , Republican candidate for State treasurer , in holding about oven with the local county ticket , the Wolfe de fection not having thus far in the day exhibited any strength except what it .w getting from the " Democrntic party , which ia uiifrioiidly"to their candidate , Orange Noble. Allegheny counvy will not poll over 05,000 vote , which is about half its voting population , but will give nn average of 5,000 Repub lican majority to the State and county ticket. PuiLADKLi'itiA , November 8 Noon. The election is progressing quietly and a light vote is being polled. There in great apathy in many wards , but the reformers are doing hard woik in every section with a view of electing tht'ir ticket. The democrats are with out an organization in many of the wards , while the republicans are nc- tivo and will get out a good voto. The indications at this hour are that Bai ley , for atato treasurer , will have over 20,000 majority in the city , and the entire republican ticket , with the ex ception , probably , of one of the com missioners , will bo elected. Bailey will probably bo elected by 10,000 to 20,000 majority , if the Btato estimate ia correct. PITTHUUKK , November 8. A very light vote was coat to-duy , though the weather was fair. The total vote of the city will scarcely reach 35,000. Scattering returns show that Wolfe , anti-Cameron candidate for Btato treasurer , is making n stronger run than WOB expected. Returns from 40 precincts give Bailey , republican , 2,502 ; Noble , democrat , 1,715 ; Wolfe , 1,001. The republican county ticket is sure of election. Ninety-Boven districts of this city give Bailey , republican , 0,759 ; Noble , democrat , 3,409 ; Wolfe , independent republican , 2,533. Reports to The Times from Hovonteim towns through out woatern Pennnylvania give Bailey 4,017 majority. Wolfo-is making an excellent run , but Noble is making a very poor one. NEW YORK. ALIIANY , November 8. The elec tion ia proceeding very quietly , and there is no excitement. The demo crats claim that they will have 3,500 majority in Albany county. Many ropuWicaim are voting blank ballots. | Brotnan , stalwart republican , for the uonute , ia being badly cut. Draper , stalwart republican , for the aBsombly , will bo elected. NKW YORK , November 8. In the ninth congressional district , to HUG- ceed Fernando Wood , Hardy is elect ed by an immense majority over Thomas. Cortland county gives the republican state ticket 850 majority , and ihe ramo on the judiciary. Mc Carthy , republican , for senator , will have about 050 majority. Car-tor , re publican , for iiBBemblyman , h reelected - elected by 150 majority. ELMIKA , November 8 Ohemunc county will give a democratic majority on the tote ticket of about 300 , Dimon , democrat , is elected member of thoiissembly. Schwartz , democrat , for atito senator , will have about 1,000 majority in this county , but not enough to overcome the republican vote in the republican counties of Steubon and Allegheny , the other two counties in the district , and Sunnier Baldwin , republican , will probably bo elected. NKW YORK , 11:30 : p. m. RotuniH as far OH received K ve Flower , demo crat , for congress , u majority oyer Aator , republican , showing that the latter is beaten by nearly V,000. ! UTICA , November 8. Griffin , stal wart , has been elcctod in the contest ed district by 124 plurality. Some sharp practice may n\sult in the con test , providing the legislature is dem ocratic. Ono democratic candidate is H. L. Habcock. Ballots wcro intro duced and voted to some extent read ing , L. H. Babcock jvnd Lewis H. Bibcock , a popular UticA _ counsellor. The democrat * claim tutllciont of these wcro cast to make good their contest nhould one bo entered upon it. Re- turun como in slowly. PoKKKratK , N Y. , November 8. Republican majority about 800 , n gain of 391. SAHAToaA , N. Y. , November 8. Six of the twenty towns in Saratoga county , including Saratoga springs , K'IVO Curr 710 majority , a ropublicin loan of ICO on ( trrfield'a nmjoiity. The republican majority ill the county will roach 1,200 , The republican majority in Washington county is 2,500 , n loss of 1,100. AuituuN , N. Y. , November 8. - Seven towns , estimated ; give the re publican atato ticket 2,550 majority. Hnsted , republican , runs ICO behind. . Both republican assemblymen are elected by reduced majorities. Seneca county gives the democratic Mate ticket about 150 majority , but. elects a republican assemblyman. Evans , re publican , for Bonntor , cnrrica ' every county in the twenty-sixth' district , and ii elected by a large majority. NK\V YOKK , November 8. Mid night. A bulletin from the republi can hcadquarturt at this hour status that the returns are very incomplete , owing to the defective working of the telegraph , caused by bad , ' weather. They tmow that the republicans have probably elected their state ticket , excepting Husted for treasurer , by a BUI all majority. ILLINOIS , A QUIBT KLBCTIOK IN 'CHICAOO , OIIICAOO , November S.Tho elec tion in Chicago in pro-greasing quiolly and n light vote is being 'polled. In some of the wards containing four or live voting places lens than 200 votes wcro polled up to noon , this number being one-eighth of the registry. The chief interest lien in the tight over the county conimisaionership and iu the county towns there ; is con siderable excitement over results. Coburn ; republican candidate for commissioner in boini ; * considerably scratched in favor of Mattock , demo crat. In aomo town in the\ districts Stephens , republican , for clerk of the criminal court , is leadinsr his ticket. The weather haw been cloudy : ill day. A light rain brjjim falling at 11 o'clock nnd bids fair to continue. All indications favor tho-1 , democratic ticket. ' * a CHICAGO , November S.- -To-day'a election was the moat Jifelesa one over witnessed in the city.\A } light vote waa polled the partyjflinca not beingJBtrictly dravrrirtrFoUJ dgc ofj the supreme court both republican's nnd democrats nominated judge Joseph E. Gary who was elected al most without a scratch. WISCONSIN- MILAVAUKKK , November 8. The state election passed on"quiutly to-dny throughout the entire state , less than ono-half the avorngo vottiboing polled. Thia fact is duo to the recent terrible Hoods which have visited Wisconsin and left the road a in an impassablu condition. In this city the cot.tust was the quietest over known , no stir or excitement of any kimd being vis ible. The rdturne thus far show that the following aru the assemblymen elect in the city : Republicans Arthur Bate , Jacob Zander , Frank W. Wood , Win. Lindsay , Henry Herger. Democratic Edwurd Krogle , F. J. Burchard , A. Hutching , Charles Fingado , W. B. Stanley , W. S. Williams , PeterBarth. A republican ia elected otato senator in thia , the Sixth district. The total vote in the city for Rusk and Fiatt , republican and democratic candidates for governor , ia 11,701 , of which Fratt receives 5,550 and Rusk 0,146. Kanouso , prohibitionist candidate for governor , received 274 voted , nnd Allis , groonbackor , 'i"U. Ruak'g majority over Fratt IB 689. Fifield , republican for lieutenant gov ernor , received 0,254 votes in the city , Anderson , democrat , 5,752 , Clapp , prohibitionist , 272 , . Fnlk , democratic candidate for Btato treasu rer ran ahead of his ticket over 2000 votesreceiving 2,000 majority. At 11 o'clock to-night returns at both demo cratic and republican headquarters from 108 precincU in the city and U 335 voting precincts in the state uhow a net democratic gain of2,800. MADISON , WIB. , November 8. Comparison1) on 102 lowna from all portions of the state , including Mil waukee , complete , show a republican gain of 412 on the vote of 1877 , when the republicans had 8,000 majority. This indicates a republican majority in the atato of from 10,000 to 12,000. COLORADO. DHNVKK , November 8. The vote on the location of the state capital gives Denver a plurality , but not n majority , Colorado Bpinga . nnd Pueblo next. The question goon over one year. The Denver municipality will bo republican. KANSAS , LKAVKNWOUTH , November 8 , The republicans have elected Hook for treasurer and Barnes for surveyor , and the democrats have elected Nie- liaua for clerk , Canton for registrar , and Lynch for coroner. Moonlight , democrat , for sheriff , ia ahead nt this hour (1 ( H. in. ) , nnd is probably elected , though it may require the oflicinl count to decide. MINNESOTA , ST. PAUL , November 8.- Johnson , democrat , lor governor , carried St. Paul by about 2,000 , but looses Min neapolis by about the same figures. The entire county ticket ia elected in thia city except troahurer and the in- dicatioiiH at midnight point tu the of the republican candidate , Henry M. Rico over JohnX. Davison. In the ittnto at largo .lohnion runs largely ahead of his ticket , but will bo beaten by nearly 10,000 , n consider able reduction over Iwt year. The vote \\aa loai than two-thirds imd doen not give n fair test of the strength of the parties as both tickets hod olo- meuts of unpopularity. vi no INI A. RICHMOND , NovembcrK. Sixty ono precincts heard from in the state , in cluding 15 in Richmond , give Daniel , democrat , 10,480 , and Cameron , read- junior , 8,775 , , a umall gain for the democrats over last year. FOREIGN AFFAIRS National AMoclnttx ] I'rww. LKKIIOY HKNTKNOKIi VO HKA71I. LONDON , November 8. Lufroy him been found guilty on thn charge of having murdered Mr. Oold in n com- p.trtmont of a railway coach on the Brighton railroad last .him ? , and linn boon sentenced to death. The verdict of the jury in the Lo- fray case was announced , nnd after sentence h d boon pawed the prisoner stood up nnd in a culm , Rulf-Hisnessed ) manner bojjau to address the jury , aud concluded by saying : "You will find out when it is too late that you have murdered me' " This ntntomont caused n profound sensation in the court room. Railroad Aooldont * . National Auoctatml 1'rim. LKXINUIOM , Ky. November 8. The south bound Cincinnati Southern railroad freight train was wrecked at the depot in this city at 0 o'clock thin morning by an open switch. The loss over the delay in norious. Another open R witch nt Danville wrecked two eara of a freight train nt 5:12 : this morning. All trains nro dolnyud. An Exception- National Antedated I'I CM. MONTKKAI. , CANADA , November 8. A few yearn ago a clerk in the otllce of E-ana & Riddoll , accountants , ab sconded , taking $3,000. Yesterday the money WUH voluntarily returned by the young man who is now living in South Americn. Blow Her Brnlii * Out- National AsHOclatixl IVcw. ST. PAIT. , Minn. , November 8. A prostitute named Florence Fuller committed auicide this afternoon by blowing her brains out. She has been notorious for years , and him been the mistress of several prominent eiti- ZOIIB. DiHeaao and despondency wore lliu causes. OFF THEIR HIBH HORSE , Loads of Taffy Brought Froni Omaha to be Fed to the Denver Merchants. Union Pacific Magnate * Aaxloui Mufc * CoBOMJilbWte UMM ! off th. Denver Republican , The magniflcnnt * private car of the general manager of the Union Pncilic railway occupies a side track in the yard beyond the Union Depot. It camn in over thu new Juleaburg short line , and brought , among other Union Pacific officials , General Manager Clarke , Aantstant General Manager Kiuilmll , nnd Assistant General Freight Agent Shelby. The alleged object of the visit of thudintinguiaheri gentlemen wiia to inspect the new line , nnd doubtless this is one reason why they are here ; but it ia pretty well understood that thu Union Pacific officials have now deter mined to let up u little in their discrimination ngaiiiHt Denver and curry power v/ith our merchants with a view to avoid as far aa possible the punishment which would bu muted out to them upon the ai rival of the Burlington. Mr. Shelby haa been talking to thu Denver merchant * * , nnd will appear at a meeting of the board of trade at 4 o'clock this afternoon. To ascertain what our buninuas men think of the new nttjludoof the Union Pacific a representative of the Repub lican went around among them yes terday and found the moat of them enjoying the buoyancy of spirit which comes from a consciousness of being pretty nearly at the top of the heap. Ono of the ahruwdost and best-in formed merchant ! ) of thu city un bosomed himself as follows ; "The fact is that the Union Pacific are beginn ng to realize that thuy uro losing thuir grip upon Denver. Ihu time wim when there waa no use of our trying to do anything with thorn , but niiicu tau Burlington determined to cuinu here , they are gradually get ting mollified. They are now re.idy to listen to the board of trade , and when the board mnkea a dmuaiul there ia pretty auro to bu a prompt and favorable renponiio. Aa you are well aware , a largo proportion of thu eastern business has fur aoino time been going by way of the southern routo. and thu almost universal senti ment among thu buHinona mun of Denver in to encourage the Burling ton , and when their line gels hero load it down with business. The Union Pacific people realize this , and now odor concessions of various kinds , and promise to move freight between Omihaand Denver in fifty houm. " "What is thought of such promis es ? " naked the reporter. "Wo understand them perfectly well , " wan thu reply. "They can malfo the time named if they choose , but I doubt very much whether it will bu done. They promise to run a through Denver train , but thu con stant temptation will bu to load it with freight bound for points on the Union ( livinion went of .lulesburg , which would cnusu delay at thnt point in ii regularity in reaching Denver. Thu merchants nro willing to accept from the Union Pacific the lights which have long been denied no , and there are many points which IIH yet can only bo reached by thnt road. The udviJiit of tlm Burlington , however , will be still looked fur nurd to na a dolivorunco from WASHINGTON NEWS. Continuation of the Argument m the Star Route Gasos. Government COUDBB ! Evident ly Getting the Bent of the Star Routers. Scovlllo Donmuda the Surren der of Certain Pnpars in Oorlthlll's Possession. The Firat Comptroller of the Treasury Submits Hia Annual Report , Accompanying It With Some ' Very Sensible Recom mendations. One nnd Fox Indianu Sign a Document Allowing a Cou- sue to bo Taken. MUnollcuioou * Now * aud Notni Front the National Capital. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. , OWTKAU. WAHIIINOTON , November H. Mr. Scoville , counsel for Gnituau , np- uiaml in thu criminal court this niorning , and naked that a batch of printed letters or docuiuuntn , a print ed book , and n letter addreeuod to him by ( Suiteau , now in the ponacB- dion of Dintrkt Attorney Corkhill , bu delivered to him. Ho ( aid these pa pers were necessary to sustain the plea of insanity , which would bu thuir dufonse. The court remarked thnt in the absence of Mr , Corkhill it could not make I ho order neked , but would consider the matter. Mr. Scovillo st.ites in relation to bin motion for Distiiet Attorney Corkhill to surrender certain lottern from Gui- trail to hia counsel , that to-morrow bo ahull prove by aUidavits thnt Corkhill interpreted naid letter , nnd , although ho doniea it , it in now in hiaposaoHion. Till : INDIANS BKIX. At a ecnforenco with Indian Com missioner Price this morning thu Sacn and Fox Indians agreed to iiign the annuity roll for themselves , their wives and children , and itllow the cunnus of the two tribes to bu tnkcn by the ( T0.vornm.ont. The annuity , amounting to 10,000 , duo thcHu Indiana , will now bo paid over. HHUTKU TO VIENTOlt , Tlio Qarfiold household-goods and yhospcturoaHaiid | pCTOjal cffrct ; , eto. belonging.-tothoMamilyJfvrcri shipped fnftri the whitoTioiise to"Meil- tor to-dny. JU1IOK LAWIlENCr.'H HKPOUT. Judge William Lawrence , first comp troller of the troimury , has submitted his annual report , oi wliiah thu follow ing is an nbstruct : Accounts and vouchers have boon received from the first nnd fifth auditors nnd commis sioner general of the land oflico , nnd credited ua follows : From thu first nuditor ! ) ,0 > ' ) ( i accounts and ( il- 571 voucher * , amounting to § 2- 707Xii > , i > S > lMJtl ; from the fifth nuditor 0-lG-l ncemmlB nnd 10-4,547 vouchers , amounting to $708,07il- , ( i8 ( > .82. ] 'rom thu commiHHioner of thu general land office , 2 , 'iiil nccountti nnd 17iJ01i ( voiichurR , amounting in $ .r > , yi27 ; < 10. Total nmonnt for which accounts and vouchcra linvo been audited , $ : ( , -l71)'Jr.r ) . > ,2 7.18. The re port mnkex Iho following recommenda tions : That it bo rccomn.ondud to congress that the solicitor of thu treasury represent the government before the inut comptroller when im portant claims nro being considered by him ; that the aecrotary bo given milliony ! to cauao an investigation by oflicorH of thu department of official transactions and accounts of any officer under the department. Some of the vouchers of the Dis trict of Columbia commis sioners are for work not technically authorized by law , but no- ttiitlly needed. The attention of con- cress ! H , however , called to this fact , that they muy take action upon thu matter. He unya it h indiaprnsiblo to the prompt adjustment of elnimn and carrying on of thu Imainerii of the iiffice that additional clerical aaiiat- unco bu given him. He Aii gestH that n diviaion of the claims in thu office , with proper potHonn in charge ) f each department , would Facilitate work , Regarding curtain disbursing officers , who nro also cua- Indiana , ho recommends n form of re- iort hirnilar to that uaud in thu quar- L'rnianter'H department , under section 1221 of thu revised Htntutea , Ho sug gests that piovmions bo made for fill- inp the placen of Becrctarius nf the tur ritorioi in case of death or nbnunco of persona holding wuch placcH. He again recommends that a limit bit fixed for llio time in which claims againit the govornmeiit mity bu brought. A C'lUCULAH. Thu second auditor nf the treasury to-day ieaued a circular culling the at tention of the diuburoiug ngenta of the department to thu idatutu prohibitiiiu puymont in the nbsonco of nny articlii nurchi ed by thu government. Thin is to avoid a repetition of tlu compli cations that huvo hitherto arisen in thia Hupt'ct. Till ! NKW IlllinSIl MI.NIHTBK , Hon. Lionel Saqkvillo Wcat hns of ficially communicated to thu ntato de partment hit ) nrrivnl but no dny Inn been tiet for the prenontnHon of his credentiala as liritiah minintor on ac count of the uncertainty when Prusi dent and Secretary Blatno will return. TJIK J'HKHIUKJJt ANI ) OAUINKT President Arthur will return from Mow York tu.uiorrow and Secretary Ulninu and Post Master General Jnmea will conui with him , Secre tary Hunt will bo absent n week long er. Chmincy t. Filley , pout mMtur ftt St. Louis , is waiting to sou Iho pi'eai- dout. Friends anylie is to succeed Jnmos nftor December Int. ( IAVORK A1TOINTKU. W. K , Ediuuiidfl haa been appointed cauRor of rovouuo for the Fifth Kentucky district. MIMSTr.H TO KCSHIA. It in n tat od that the proMilunt hai offeivd John C. New , of .Indiana , the appointment of minister to UusMn , to succeed Gen , 1'oator , nnd that he had accepted. wiu niKTiutirri : AWAIIHH. Air. Pickering , United StateaCommis- sionor to thu JNIolbouruo oxpositinn , haa arrived nnd tikun ullicu nt the etato department , whure hn will dis tribute nwat-ds tthe AmericHii ex hibitors. STAR ROUTE CASES. 'AItUU.MK.NT IS WOK ( If Till ! INVOIIMA- TION. Hon. U. 11. Urewstur , ot Philndel- phia , counsel for the government this morning begun the cloning argument in favor of the information in thu Htnr route case. Ho i out into the lawn of the C.IHO at once , ontundiug that thu l.xvr which mndu ho appropriation : ! for the atnr routes untiiinod n resolution which com- imntled the president to investigate iiiy fraudu that might bu porpe rated. Iu contended that proceeding by information wan known hero uul all over thu country nnd iraa as old as common law. Ho fol- owed with numeroua cituutiono to latnblioh his reputation , holding thnt ho dufensn in their argument had trained the luvr to accomplish their nd. In continuing hia argument , Mr. Browstor said : I deny thnt the Itidavits were informal , irregular or innifficient. Tlio Inw docs not 10- iniro thnt an nffiant verify vll thing.-i by puntuml knowledge ml there was need to cite , ) npere , documents nnd letters. No man in pleading can state Iho ovi- ileneea or eoncluuions of the law. leuis ho.ird nro a fotmidablo weapon befntu thu people , and the do.fuiso 11 tmdcr.-taml how to hurl them , , mt liofoio thin ttibunal they will do 10 good. Thi ) informntion in in atiict coniplianco with thu law , nnd the yuii- tlumen for thu delenso know it. An iillidavit in madn part of thu infcirmn- tidii , nnd n fatso Ktntomunt of nny nl- "eged fact would nubjeot. the postnms- tor general t < > indictment for perjury. Thu informntion recites nil the nucea- n.iry facta' but not nil the fnufx thnt would break the Btrong lance of JUB- tieu. Continuing h'm nrgument in Iho Htnr route ciuies thm nfturnnon Mr. lirevsstor said : "They miy there ia no criihu agninat thuir clienta , uud that in the fnco of one of them thrust ing his arm into the treasury up to the pita certainly fairfinvet-tiqation ami a - . _ , , . _ * --i-- * * ii-.iv - i ; ! > 1J Tlioro are other graver offonBefl of greater magnitude than thia'tliat nwi piled up "pelion upon imin , " ; which win will present according to thu. foVnis of litigation nnd by thocu methods of proceeding which the defense seem to sunk. All that in duo time. Atpu'H- ont wo are hero to assert nnd main tain it to have to been duiiu legally according lo the duo form of ordinary litigation known to common law , ( auctioned by the constitution , au thorized by thu statute nnd maintain ed by adjudication. Air. Uro'wuter wan 'fteuuently interrupted by np- pliiusu. _ _ RnoinK nt Jerome Park. National Awacliitixl I'ruM .IKIIOMK PAHK , N. Y. , November H. The first race , throe-quartern of a mile , was won by lluiinio , Gen. Monroe aecimd , Mi'd. Chubbs third. Time , 1:22. : Thu aucond racu , a inilo and n fur- lonj ; , WIIM won by Viola , Maratluin pucond and Clinondon third , Time. no , \ln The third race , tlireoiiartorn | of a mile , wna won by Ktartlo , Marathon ancond and Conatnntiiiu third. Time , U j. The fourth nice , u milo and three- quarter , was won by Eagle , IJlno Lodge Bocondr.nd Ktartlo tliiid. Time , 2t5. : : 2t5.Thu Thu fifth race , a bteeplu ohnuo , was won by lJurtha , Butunu ( ucnnd and MoDoiiiild third. Tnuw , < : ! . i Postollioo Olmncc * v in Nebraska durint ; the week ( Hiding November f > , 1881. furniHhed ' 1'iin lii : : by William Van Vleck , of the po.'itoilicu department : KSTAIIL1H11KI > . Giles , AVnshington county , Giles Mend , postmaster ; Parnull , Grueley county , Ira Bishop , postmaster. WKCONTINUKK. Addison , Knox county ; Athens , ( icharduon county ; Big Spring , Chey- ennu county ; Bicklor Mill , Thayer ciinnty. I'OSTMASTKKS Al'l'OINTKI > . Kstoll , Hayes county , John M. Daniel ; Humphrey , PJnttu county , Daniel J. Drubort ; Isla , Sauuderu county , .r , 13 , JJjown ; Kenm , Cuutor county , William 0. Urotherton ; Pan- mm , Lancaster county ; O. S. Haido- , on ; J'helj ) ' , Phulps county ; Jas P. lymer ; White Itnbbit , Dawnon eoun- y , Amos J. White , The Fait Train on Time , " Nitloual ABsocutcxI 1'roM , CHICAGO , November 8 , The now 'nst train on tliu Luke Shore A ; Michi- an B'uiithoni , which left Now York at 8 o'clock yesterday morning , nr- ived hero ut DI5 : ! , R minutes ahead of inio. Making nllowancu fornatoppugu ' of about n minutes duration at fivo'dif- 'orunt uroMiinga and the diU'orunco iu inio between Now York and Chicago , he train made ita promised time of wenty-six bourn within a very few minutes. Choice Kutabaga at Wm. Qoutlouiau'n. nov8-Dt