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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 9 , 1881 AFFAIRS IN MEXICO. Opening of n Now Rn.ilrond- Ofll cln.1 Comvpomloncoof the N. Y. Post. CITV w MEXICO , Octobur 10 , 1881. During the past wuok 0110 could ru- mark groups of Mexicnm statiiling urotitul tliu street cornnrs uagoily rendiut ; the atlvortisoinuuts , in which the Aloxicnno Uniirowl Coin- jwny olTcrod tdtho public of the capi tal the lirat pleasure trip on the ro- ccntly finished line to Tula. The train started at 7tO : ; A. M. , and was pretty well crowdud. The station at Hnoi Vista , the starting point , inulud several very neat buildingr. , the prin cipnl of which are the storehouse , HO by 05 feet , the cngino hall , 1-10 b ; 85 feet , and the blacksmith's shop , ( i by 34 feet. Tlio roofa of these built ? iims are constructed of ties and ol rails , bought from the VoraCnw-Mwc ice llailroad' ' Company for 0110 cent pound. Tlio line is constructed ti stool rails , weighing 4i > nounda a yati The cuago is 4 foot 8 inchos. Th traiiiR run iirst. second and third cias caw , built in Wilmirgton , Uclawaic The six engines \voro constructed i1 Philadelphia , The road runs for aboi twenty miles through , swamp , country. At Huohnetoca it runs tt a few miles pnr.illol to the Sulliva' ' line , the lines being but six motru apart at aqvoral places. Upon enter > ing the T.i'cho do Notchistongh then is an inuiiensc ! wall of unsettled parti nt its right and a deep , precipice at th left. To avoid necidouts strong wall have boon constructed to prevent th sliding of the earth , and onc4housan men are yet constantly at work t lower the wall and fill the precipice , El Tacho do Notchistungo is the plas where the Spaniards constructed ai innnonso tunnel for turning oil' th water of the "Valley of Mexico int Tula River. Ton thousand men hav constantly been at work for years over night the working Indians wor imprisoned in an immense yard cspec ially constructed for the purpose After fiyo thousand Indians , by th falling in of the tunnel , had beet killed , the work was abandoned to b taken up again in our day. Afto having pass-id the Tacho do Notchist ongo the train runs a few mile through a picturesque country and ar rives at Toula. The length of the lit ) is oixty-throo miles. We arrived a Toula at 10 . \ . M. The passengers numbering about three-hundred , wol provided with Amcricanlunch baskets had to make the best of their time though Toulay oilers little of interos to the stranger , except to those wh care to visit the ruins of an ancion Spanish church discovered by Char nier. nier.Tho The travelers scomijd to bo wel pleased with the excursion , for th train was run with care b , American machinists , assisted bt Mexicans , and everything had beet done to make the travelers comfort able. My impression of the road wa that it had been most carefully con structed , and I did not feel the leas uneasiness with regard to accidents though the dreadful Moulos acclden ie yet remembered. I was surprised to hear , after having , arrived in th City of Mexico , that 'the very train on which I had travelled had beet precipitated into the abyss of Notsh istonjro. The conductors of the train are ai Americans who receive from $80 1 $120 "a month. The engine drivers have a monthly salary of $120. The brakemen and firemen , who am Mex icans , receive $30 to $00 a month First-class passengers pay three cent ; a mile , second and third-class passen gers two cents and one cent for tin sumo distance. Quite a sensation has been created not only in the capital but in the country as well , by the publication oi the odicial documents relating to the assasination of citizens in Altaian , Jal acingo county , Vera Cruz. The crime was committed toward the end o May by the District Governor" Au gustin Itomo. Seven peaceful citizens were arrested at midnight without any warrant whatever , conducted to : neighboring wood and shot there in the presence of Homo , who fired him self two shots upon a victim that had not yet expired. The soldiers con ducting the escort , refusing to fifo , were threatened with punishment if they would not obey the order. Ono of the victims lamented his ill fate not to bo born in the centre of Africa , where ho had at least given up his life according to the orders of some savage - ago King.Tho | ) prisoners were arreste"d without any reason whatever , and without having scon a judge or a lawyer - yor they were executed. Some of the soldiers , who intended to make the known , were summoned before the Tribunal and threatened with ton years confinement if they dared to open their mouths. Furthermore , the soldiers wore forced to sign a paper , whoso contents they never read , in which they declared having fired at the prisoners because these wretches tried to make their escape , though all Buvonworo heavily loaded with chains The mothers and sisters of the prison ers , who followed the mournful escort , rforo forced by Itomo , revolver in hand , to retreat 'nto the village. All endeavors made by the relatives of those murdered to obtain justice at Uiu different courts have been useless so far , and Homo occupies , yet , his official position just as if nothing had happened , Tlio facts ot this aud other crimes are undoubtedly established , and Homo lias scarcely tried to justify himself. There is no doubt that the Federal Government and its liberal inombe'rs do not approve of such an abuse of [ authority , and this case presents an opportunity not only to apply strict justice , hut on well to sot an example for the real enemies ot the country's happiness. Homo belongs to that sot of desperadoes who formerly devas tated the country with revolutions , and who by the intervention of his politi cal friends has obtained some ollice. The Government will strengthen its . well-deserved credit abroad by actini : rnoH severely uga'iiint criminals of Romo's kind , and it will at the himu time free itself from the sworn ene mies of its piosperity. 1 have nniplu proofs , for inst.uiuthat an iii-liviilii- al who IB known as a rascal , and who is constantly committing frauds tf a mean nature , occupies the ollice of instructor at one of the ( Jovonnneiit'rt schools , and draws his high sulaiy without doing any good to those who should bo instructed by him. It ia not only ot importance 'that the chiefs ' of ft ho Uovornmout bo honest and en- lightonon inon , but lluwo in inferior poiaitioiiB ought to bear the samechar- nctor. A plan projected at various times by tlio Aztecs Jiiul the Spanish con querors , the draining and thu canali zation of the valley of Mexico , seems to bo on the point of execution On the 3d of October a contract was signed by General Pacheco , reproaont- inn tlio Government , and Senor A Miory Cnlis , ii-presenting the Drainage - ago and Canalization Comjmnylimitoa , of the valley and city of Mexico. The publication of thu contract hna pro duced an excellent ctl'ect in tliia city , as property will rapidly increaio | in vuluo and the city of Mexico will bo be provided with proper water accom modations , not to iiunlion thu benefits derived from the enterprise as to thu sanitary improvement of thu valley and the city. Two sailors of the Spanish Man-of- war have lost their lives in YoraCruz , yellow fever having been the cause of death. A curtain Dr. Licht has ar rived from Now Orleans to claim the § 100,000 promUed by the City Coun cil for an ellicicnt antidote ngainst the terrible pln < rne. Dr. Licht is the sixth applicant this season. The duty on importations in Vcra Cruz has produced during the last fortnight \ \ \ September § r > L'4 , ! )0 ) , the largest amount over produced in that [ > oi'od The Mexican treasury seems to bo in a nourishing ntato , for it had in its vaults thu first of this month § 1,200,000 in cash. Thu total subvention hitherto granted to railway companies by'tlie Government is reported to bo § 87 > - 000,000. A new colonization contract has been signed by General Pachoco and Senor lliz/.o , who binds himself to import Italian Inmilies to Mexico ; ho is to rocuivo . 800 for each emigrant , male or fenfale , over t'wolvo. years , and § 30 for each child under twelve yeara. Beside , a premium of § 15 is promised on every imported Italian , fiio concessions made to the immi grants by the Government are not to excelled. It is a pity that the Gov ernment , th > usrh animated by the very best intentions , limits its gener osity to Italian lazzarom , while there thousands of industrious Germans and Englishmen who would readily come Lo this country if proper inducements were ottered by the Government. Ono" of the improvements intro duced into this capital is the founda tion of a largo-hospital constructed on iho best modern plans ; Governor Fernandez would merit the thanks of the healthy if he would put the thor oughfares iu a bettor condition , as ho might otherwise bo obliged to con- itruct a special edifice for those whoso limbs have been injured. On the 25th of thisinouth the wed ding of General Porficio Dia/ will take place. Ho is pramiaed to Miss Car men Rnbio , a charming young lady of the capital. Among other gifts the General lias bought for his bride a diamond set worth § 25,000. Diaz will spend the honeymoon at Oaxaca. the seat of State Governor of the Province of Oaxaca. MURDERERS' MOTIVES- Some Strnngo Causes ABHignod by Killers for Theirs Acts. New York Dispatch. There i probably no civilized coun try in which life is hold so lightly and murder committed aa wantonly "as in the United States. In this connection it is interesting toinvestigate the causes which inspire our red handed malefac tors to the crime they commit. The fantastic fancy of the romancisfc could create no stronger reasons for murder than those some of our mur derers afford. The theory hold by , many that a madness comes over some men , whoso fury can be only quench ed in blood , receives ample indorse ment in such cases as we give below. Take the one , for instance , reported from Wyandotte , Kas. , recently. A ' notorious young scamp of that place a negro Grant Greoii byname. One afternoon Green started to go hunting , A little boy 8 or 10 years of age fol lowed him , and would not go back , when ordered to do so by Green. As they came to a creek , Green said ho would shoot the first thing he could find across the creek. The little boy ran ahead and climbed up the bank playfully saying : "Shoot mo. " Green did shoot , and shattered the boy's legs so that ho died. When arrested , the murderer remarked , coolly : "It was his own fault. I gave him fair warn : ing. " Another colored assassin has just been sentenced to deat hut Little Rock , Ark. Ho shot a stranger dead , by mistake for a man against whom ho had a grudge , and at his trial pleaded not guilty , on thogroundthat "ho had no hard feelings against the deceased. " In Pittsburg , a year ago , a work man in a foundry had three fingers of Ins right hand crushed under u steam hammer. Ho trava up foundrying in consequence , and beciimu waiter in u saloon. While mixing a drink for a : stranger , the customer happened to remark that ho was u master mechanic , and set up the machinery in sevoralj foundries in the city. The waiter asked him if ho had Bet up the machinery in the foundry ho had been srippled in. Upon the man relying ' that ho had , the waiter stubbed him to the heart with the knife ho used to 3ut lemons. 'Jho murderer then finished mixing the cocktail , and irank it off in the presence of the horrified by-standors. tlb A somewhat similar tragedy ia re b ported from Las Vegan , Tex. An ? ' idle hanger on of the local bar looms fl ! ot on a drnnk and wont to slc'op on hih ho railroad track. A train came hibi < did what trains bi ilong and generally Jo to a man asleep on the track. Ho st was taken to the hospital and one of 01 liis legs amputated. When ho rocov- S ( jrod no resumed his old courses , and ini i juded by shooting the conductor and ni jrakeman of a train to avongc him- 01hi iiOf for the injury to his anatomy him Thoao two avengers hud something hiw .o inspire them , in a uenoral way , w vith hatred of their victims. But el vliat caust ) had the man in Georgia , 01 vho , having just purchased a revolver fo ) n an Augusta store , tried it by shoot- ng a telegraph lineman down from a cl mlo ut the door I His reasons fur his irimo were about as cogent as those tn i if the fisherman ut 1'alatka , Fla. , who ailed his tough old boat into the ancy skitF of a tourist visitor , "just in oaoothodarncd concern collapse , " and > ailed away from thecrushod boat leav- hiwi ng . wi 'UK JIA.V AND WOMAN" IV IT TO IlltOWJf. It is comforting to read in connee- 01 ( ion with this gentleman that ho was hunted down the coast by n vigilance committee till his craft capsized in a pnle and left him to enjoy ( ho same fate his two victims had oxpeiiencod. Down in the sumo country , at Indian river , an alligator hunter walked into a store and bargained foi an iron stow pot. There were tw < kind. * , one for s'l.f > 0 and the other foi S . The alinator nniiihilator cruver for n $2 one , but refused to pay more than $1.00 for it. The storekeeper refusing this oiler , the saurian slave ! laid the money ho ollered on the counter , ahot the obdur.Uo tradesman through thu lungs and carried oil' his pot in triumph to his forest homo. In a barroom in Paxagoula , Mis ? . , two lumber cullers got into a dispute over the length of n tree one of them had foiled. "Thoy ditlVrod one foot in their estimates of its measurement , Aftera time and numerous drinks a fresh topic of discuss on displayed this one. Next morning ono ot the tim ber men met the other in the street. Ilo walked up to him and said , with out any preliminary explanation : "A hundred and fifteen. " "A hundred and fourteen , " replied the other. And ho blow the first speaker's brains out before hn could use thu knife ho had stealthily drawn when ho opened the conversation. Scores of miirdors athe out of just such trivial disputes. In Galveston two negroes on the cotton dock last month , eating watermelon and counting the bides being loaded on a steamer at tlio wharf. They counted aloud. Ono tallied forty and the other forty-one , and they fell into a wrangle over who was right. It ended with ono whipping out n razor and disemboweling the other in his tracks. That night the brother of the murder ed man went to thu house of a brother of the murderer , and in the fracas which ensued both men were slashed to ribbons by the vigorously applied favorite weapons of their race. At Toxarkana a bully of the Jin Currio typo stopped at a store am pointed to a red flannel shirt in th window , asked the proprietor , wh was standing in the doorway : "How much do you want for'tha blue shirt there ? " "That rod shirt you mean , 1 sur pose , " responded the storekeeper. I'll teach you what I mean , you , " replied the ruffian. And seizing the poor Israelite bj the breast the miscreant drew hi bowie knife across his neck , CUTTINQ HIS THUOAT FltOM EAH TO E Vll Charles ISolles , in Minneapolis missed lire in trying to kill a dog , ant his wife's laughter so enraged hii that ho aimed at her. The Aveapoi still refusjii" to go off ho tried it 01 himself in his ungovernable fury , am it sent him whole ho will trouble th dogs no more. A colored woman at Dyke's Mill Ark , ordered her 10 and 12-year-olt children to go into the house. The ; lingered , and their disobedience reii dorod her so frantic thutsho beat the ! brains out with a. pine knot. He neighbors roasted her alive for th crime. At Whitomill , Va. , a farmer nanicc Williams had a quarrel with his wif last month. The wife sued out a war rant for his arrest , but his daughters made sure of being revenged upon bii by chopping his head off before h * . could be arrested. "Ho had no righ to treat mother so , " they arc roporte to have said. Al Louisville , in a quarrel botweoi bwo brothers , Louis and Henry Basset over the loan of twenty-five cents , the latter shot the former , killing hin instantly. Before the shooting the two had fought , during which Henry vas so badly cut that he will dio. I ho row began in the room of their mother , md en cd in an adjoining room. A California jury will soon have t pieer case to puss on. E. R. Sproul , jf Oroi ille , lay in wait with a shot < ; ui 'or J. H. Espy , who had invaded his lomestic preserves. In the darkness 10 shot James Andrews instead. The ntcnded victim had learned of his do- lign and sent Andrews to. the rondey.- -ous in his place. It will strike the ivurntre reader , doubtless , that the ntemled victim ought to bo indicted is an accessory to the murder. Win. Smith , a prospector , visited jilverton , Col , Ho signalized his com ng to town by shooting tlio first man 10 met , and went on popping at every mo hoencounteredtill hissovon-shoot- r was emptied. Ho then stopped nto a store , purchased some car- ridges , and was loading for iv now deal vhcn ho was arrested. Onp man kill- id and lour wounded attest his prow iss as a shot. His only excuse for his vholesalo slaughtering was : "I've boon in the woods thesosoven nonth and I came to town to have some un. I'vo had my fun now you can iavo yours. " A considerate 'assassin was Martin 'robasco , of Deadwood. Ho mot a fat Jennaii mounted on a jackass on a mely trail , and drew on him , Thu ntimidatcd Teuton descended from his ogrser ane Probasco mounted in his ilace. Ho then asked : ' 'Whore are you going ? " "To Rod creek , " replied the intend- [ d victim. "Good God ! " exclaimed Piobasco , 'you're too fat to walk that far ! " and n saved him the weariness of the Burnoy by shooting him through tlio eart. A much moro extraordinary case of lie same sort comes to us from No- raska. At Smalloy station u tramp pplied for entertainment at a lonely : : irm. It was denied him. by the irmor's wife , who was alone in the ouso with her little baby. The vaga- : end thereupon brained her with u lick of cordwood , and proceeded to iitertain himself. He held thu lualling baby in his lap while ho ate , ud when > ho went away tucked it icoly up in bod. It wits being raised u the bottle , and that receptacle ' eing empty he went to the cow house , lilked a cow , filled the bottle , and rent on his way in search of some one IBO to murder , leaving his victim's rphan comfortable and wo'l provided ! ' , Gniteau is not the only assassin who aims to have been nivi.viii'y j.vhi'iuiiii his crime , A miller in Maine foil pen a stranger who was passing his > or and beat him to death with an on bar. The only explanation ho uld give for his act wan that God id whispered to him that the victim us a bad man , and ought to die. A school teacher in Idaho strangled 10 of liis scholars on the same slen der motive , and the wife of an lova farmer brained lu-r five children , and tried to chop her hubby into mincemeat - moat , because the Lord cominnnded her to do so. Fnlpltntioit of the Hrnrt. .7. M. Might , Syrnc\t o , X. Y. , writer "When I ilr t eommeiiewl u iii voiir llur- dock IHuod Hitter * I was troubled \\ilh llutterliwund | i. lplti Uoiiiif the hvnrU I felt \\oftk and liuigu il.wlth : v iminlmcKs of the llmlw. Since UMIIK , my liinrt 1ms not troubled me niul the iiuinl > iiij > ncnmi- lion it Ml K IIC. " rHce , $1 ; trlivl K/O | , HI cent * . _ _ Bnohliu -irnion Snlvn , The best salvo intho world for outs , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , totter , chapped hands , chillblains. corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salvo is guaranteed anteod to give perfect satisfaction in every case or monay refunded. Price , 25o per box. For sale by OnmliA. " tfcrUIIUunlnll ( flio rollliiu up mil down ho he t , " H a unnn on oviU"wlnn | nmoiimif crtrs from Indirection. Ihen u-u Tarrant's Seitcor Aporiout. uct the ! > } stem Into a healthy condition , so thai hi1 illirc tu orinns ran ilo their Irvlt nmtu \nrk , Amiou won't liu troulilwl nlkr ratlnir ) \-pqisla N the fruitful mother f iimm mil lf u.i-ut nsiiltniK from the Mpid vomlltloii if hi' ( tnini'1 , ami the npcrlcnt tarries oil iv ll ) niul phvuantlj the i-iiuio , anil thin elites the INuuo. 80LU 1IY ALL DKUOC.1STS DKUOC.1STSilallv rod. AN OPEN SECRET AMONG THE LADIES The forllltont , fnscinnlinc tints of Complexion for which ladies strive arc chielly arti ficial , nml niltrho will take the trouble may secure them. These roseate , bewitching hues follow the use ol'llagan's Mag nolia Balm a delicate , harm less and always reliable article. Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Halm conceals every blemish , removes Sal- lowness , Tan , Kcdness , Erup tions , nlI evidences of excite ment and every imperfection. Us cllccls uro immediate and so natural that no human being can detect its application. Mary J. Holmes. .Jnstpubllchcil : Madeline. A nplcndld new nenel liy MRS. MAIIY J. HIIMKH , iune IIOMS ) cell so enormous ] ) , niul ate rrad and ri.-re.iil with Biich lulcrent. Ueautlfuliy bound ; ) > rke , S1.50. * . * Alaohandfomo neweilitlonuof JIrn. Holrncn' other w orkn Tcinnrtit an Sunshine , l.cnn HKtrn. KdithLyle , IvlnaUiounliiif , Murlan Orcy , West l.-xwn , Forest House , etc. , etc ; ALSO , SOLI ) KV ALL. HOOKSEI.LRHS : MAY AGNES FLEMING. A Changed Heart. Another Intensely Inter- cstlug noul liy MAV AUNF.H KI.KMIMI , author of tli08orailtil | imiclt Ouy forhcouri'n Wife , A Wonderful Woman , Mad Jlnrrluve. Bilent anil Truu , Lost for u Woman , etc. Utautifully liound ; price , 1.60. Q. W. CARLETON & CO. . OatSldeodlin. 1'uMlNhtn , N. Y. City. To .Nervous SutTerers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific 3SOC00303CC3I1W3EI. It la a pOHti\ocure | for tiponnatoirhea , Bcrnlna Wooknetw. Iirtpotancy , and all illneaun ) roaultlng from Holt-Abuse , iw Mental Anxiety , Loiw Memory , 1'alna In tha Dock or SliSu. and discount * - that lead to Consumption Insanity and early irrMC l/io / Specific Medlclno la tioliiK usud with wonder ful micccBf. I'MnphlctJ wnt frco to all. Write for thorn and fct lull par ticulars. Price , Specific , f 1.00 per package , or ilx pack. iKCH for $6.00. AildrvBu all urdcre la U. HI1ISOK ilHDKJI.VE CO. NOB. 104 and 100 Main fat. HufUlo , N. Y. Sold In Omnha by C. t. Goodman , J. W. Kelt , / . K lab , and all drutRletaoverywucre. Sioux City & Pacific SIOUX CITY EOUTB ItuiiB a Holld Train ' .through from Oonncil Bluffs to St. Paul Without Chance Time , Only 17 Hour * . IT IB LOO UILES THE SHOIITEST ROUTE , THOU ; COUNCIL BLUFFS O 8T. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS AULUTII On DIBMARCK , md all points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This Hue U equipped with the Improved Vuntlnghouso Automatic Alr-hrako ami JUIlIei i'latform Couclur and liuffer ; and for ; 8PKED , UAFETY AND COMFORT s unsurpowted. Pullman I'alaco Hleeplng Car un through WITHOUT UIIANUK hUwwn Kail an City and Ht , Paul , \Ia Council DluOir and lloux Uity. Tralimleavo Union I'Aclfic Transfer at Cotln- ll Illufls , at 7:35 : p. in. dally on arrival of Kaunas i ity , t. JoHvph and Council Illuflt train fioiu ho South. ArrUlngat Hloux City 11:36 : | > . in. , iiid at the New Union Dqwt at Ht. Paul ut l'i'M : 10011. EN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTIIEB BOUTE. OTItemcinlier In titklntrtlir Hloiu City Ilouto 0111'etalhrniigli 'Jriln. The t-tiorlf.t Line , ho ( julcKm'flmo anil a Conifortahlu Jtldu In thu rhrough i ar between COUNCIL ULUKI'fl AND HT , I'AIIJ , . fU'SLe tliat ) our TkktU read \li the "Sioux anil I'aclllc . . ' 'ity an Unll.oail.1 J. H. WATTLtH , J. II. IIUOIIANAN , ! . Otn'l Pass. Agunt , P. K. 11011IK ON , Au'tdtn'l I'M' . Ait't , Allmuurl Valley , Iowa. J. II , O'llliyAN , Soiittmi terii AKOnt , Council Illulli , Iowa " ' - ' - _ \ , _ i _ . ; BlackliamondGoalDo. : ' V. II LOOMIH , J. H. NK.WKU , I'KKtt , HW , ANUTlIB < , I. II , M1U.KII , AUKNT. HARD OR SOFT COAL , u cur loU or In riuantltltx to uulb purtliancrt . OriltM Holldtud. fard , Foot Fornham and Doug- laa Stt ) , , Ouwhu. Kp3-tl vsma/mm / t CTg.ggn'gr.ct r.n ' ; . ej.jj .3cjg r jy.yj a _ ( ! ffc IS s Mt \i' \ ' , ! -rniv , ! > Ti7a liI t'iT. * iiiigip vgigiiadi _ _ "T " * J * * III i = JC i = : trun. ' . . ixii jniac No Changing Cars OMAHA & CHICAGO , \Vhcto direct connection nto undo with Through SI.KKl'l.NO CAU LINKS fat NEW Vault , nOSTON. I'UH.AUKI.l'lllA , UALTIUOUK , The Short Line via. Peoria Kor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI. 1,01)18 ) V1LLK , nn.l nil point * In tlu > tllX HIUT MN1 For ST. LOUIS , Where direct conncitioni nro mvln in the Unlor Depot with the Through Slorulni ; Car Llnua for AM , POINTS gcoxTrgjac. NEW LINE" > "DESMOINES TIH KAVOU1TI5 HOUTK FOB Rock Island. The uncq > nlril Inducements offi rml liy this line to trarclcra anil tourUtu arorui folloun : The cdobrntiil PULLMAN (10-nliml ( ) PALACF SLKKPINO CAUS mil only on thin llnu 0. , II. & Q. PA LACK . 'HAWING 110OM OAH3 , with Horton'd Hocllntni ; Chulre. No extra charge fur ecota In RccllnliiR Chairs. The fninou > V. , II. A Q. Palace UlnliiK Care. ( Joixixwn Smoking Cure ( Ittcil with elegant titan-tacked rattan molting chairs , tor the oiihisn a uno of Orst-clasa | vvucn- ROTS. ROTS.Stool Trncli anil superior equipment comhlra 1 i\lth their Kirat through car nrrariKcinunt , mtlui thlo , al > ou all others , the fax or I to route totnu Knst , South ami Soutluvwt. Try It , anil jou will find traveling a luxury In stood ol a dlxfomfort. Through tlckrli vlo thli celcbratuil line for sale at all ollleea In the United Btatai nml I'Atmila. All Information nl.Jut mien of fan ) , Sleeping Car nccoaitnotlntlons , Tlmu Tablet ) , etc. , will bo cheerfully given by appljliiK to JT.UCKVAL LOWELL , General oncer Atrcnt , Chicago. J. POTTKU , On , lloimi-cr Chlroen West for being the meet direct , quickest , in safest line connecting1 the Metropolis , CHI CAOO , and the KABTBRN , NORTII-KIHTIRN , Sairc and SouTH-EiBTniiN I.IKM , which terminate ! hereWith With KXNBAH CUT , LlUVXNWORTII , ATC1II80.1 COUNCIL ISLDPFH anil OMAHA , the COHIIUOU CINTUU from which radUto EVERY LINE OF ROAD that penetrate * the Continent from the Ulaaour River to the Pacific Slope. Tha OHIOAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA OIFIO RAILWAY Ig the only line from Chicago owning track Into Uanxag , or which , by Ita own road , rcacheH thi twlnta ahovo named. No TRXNHricaa r CAHRIAOK NO MIHBINB CONNItCTIONS I Ko huddling In 111 \intllntHl or unclean cars , oa uvory tumacngor le < arrlcd In roomy , clean and ventilated coaches upon Font Kxuresa Trains. DAVG'ARfl of unrhalcd magnificence , PDLLMAIS PALACR SLuitrixn CARD , and ourownworld-famoiui DIKING CAim , UIKJII which meals are urvul of un nur } > asHod excellence , at the low rate of HKVHNTT- FINB Cit-iTU IACH , with ample time for healthful enjoyment. Through Can between Chicago , Pcorla , Jill waukcoand MI ouri Itlvrr Pointsand ! ; clone con lu'ctlonsut all polnta of lntcmccllori with other roads. Wo ticket ( ilo not forgnt thin ) directly to every place of Importance In KaiiHan. No ! > rankn , IHucK lllllH , Wyoming , Utnh , Idaho , Nevada , California , Oregon , WoHhlngton Territory , Colorado , Arizona and Now Mexico. \ A llhoral arrangements regarding haggago asi any other line , and rates of faru alvtaju anl OW IB competitors , who furnish but B tltho of the com fort. fort.Dogs and tackle of sportsmen freo. TtckeU , maim and folders at all prlnclpa Dmce In the United Statcw and Onnada. U. H. CAULK , B. ST. JOHN , Vlco Prea't & Oen. Oon. Tkt andPom'rAg Manager , Chlcairo > Chlcairo. PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Last ! No Ono Need Suffer t A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching and Ulcerated Piles lias hern dUcovered liy Dr. Wil liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cnrtd the Aornt chronlu en r of 'i ! or S0 > cars nUndlng. No sue nccil milTor fl\e minuted alter applying tlili wonderful Hoothlng tnedlclnv. Lotions , Instru incnts and eluctuurles do moru liarni than good , William' ) * Ointment abitorhi the tumors , allayi thu intense Itching , ( particularly at night after getting wanu In lied. ) nets as apouUIco , gives In- tUntand iwlnU'HH rcllif , and lsiire | > arfd only for I'lles. Itching ol the prhnto parts , and foruoth ng t'lHC. Head whnt the Hon. J. W. Ccfllnhorry of Clevo- iimlwunQliout | ) r. William's Indian I'lio Oint ment : I liu\e UHc'iI HCorc-nof 1'lloit cures , and U iQords mop LUNUIO ton y thatlhavctiovorfound uiythlng wlilrh gnto such ImmixJlatu and | wrnia- innt relltf ns l r , Wit Iain's Indian Ointment Kor & ! by all druggists or mulled on receipt of irlc , 1 00. HENRY & CO. , Prop'r * . d. VKUni > , Oiiio , For sale by C. F Uoodman. 1880. SHORT LINE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , ' Jt. Joe & Council Bluffs in TIIH Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANDTHEKABr Prom Omaha and the West. o ctiRDKO of earn lietwien Oruiha nml M. ixiuli , anil but one Ixituitcn OMAHA BUil NKW YOUK. Daily Passenger-Trains BRACIIINd 1M , ASTIUN : AND WKSTKKN ciTiK3witiii < Kss CIIAIIOiS ; and IK ADVANCE ol ALL5 OTIIKU LINKS. Tlilt entlro line li wiiim | > < .U with ru'limn1 * 'nUwo Hlcciilii ( { Cnrn , 1'ulaco Day Coac lic § , Miller * altty riatlorm ami Uoujilur , and thu culobratod -brake. trBoo that vnur ticket ranis VIA nANSAS 'I % HT. JOSKI'II li COUNUIh ll.UrTH ! IUII- M'L via Ht. Joseph and tit. I/iuli. Tlcketa lei ualo at all cmiK > n stations In the 'w . J. JYIIAIINAKO , < U , DAWKS. den. Hunt. , bt. Jouvi > li , Mo ] Uen. Vu * . and TUkvt Afl. , tit. JOMI > ) I , Mo. i I Aai > T liouUKN. 'lick tit Agent , 10 0 ftriiham utrcot. A. U , UiKiiitli , General Aitvitl , OilAUA.NK THIS AXD CC .KItECX -icyonrt any rrMon.tblp < iucs nn tlint.t'.i CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN Rt Js by nit odrtj ttiobc < : ron < for you to take wticii traveling In clUionll f < tnti ! l twtv-n [ Chicago nnd al * of the Principal PointsIn Ihu V/est , North am.1 Northwest , k /Arrtullr ojnmlncthli ; Map. TJio TVIhrlpal t'ltiri of the \Vcn nnrt Vnrthw M ftro Station ! ? ! em th s load its tlmniKli trains ninkti I-IDJO ciuuicctliiu HUI ) tbolralc . of ail / . ' - M.IIIHM Junction pollltl . jy air -g- : " " ; ; ' \ AAf1' Vj m rM u , \ _ ro riOAGO . s OI l'g WT' I TOtAlLXVA'YJ ' ? THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , II * principal llnc.nmq p.ioh war ilallv f rein two to four or more ) 'n islimimlj luulwcbt of OlilcaBotliat uses tlio The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. T Ji-nii , i . V llt il'"ul'Vrlni ' ? ' . "Mllwauki'p , llrcon&vft \ \ Iako Superior ' r na ' . Canmlas. w atxl fc y " l Coul'011 'i'okct ' AKCUIS fu tlm Uultc'l titat-js ami , , . v.'i ' ° ? ! ' for T'ekotsvla ' tills road , liosuro they read ovcrlt.aail talcoaono other , ' HABJIS HlUUirr.Qcii'l JlniiaRer.UlilcaKO. k . W. 11. STKSNKir.Ucu'l Pass. Apout , Cl HAllllY 1 * . tUKl. . Ticket Aicnt ; C. A N. W. Ihllwrny , 14th and KMnlinm utroots. U. K. KIMIIALIj , Aiwlut-xnt Ticket . . . , Acont 0. A N. W. lUllnay 14th i\nd Fnrnhim etrcett J. HELL , Ticket Aifent C. ft N. W , Hallway , U . K ll. U. DCIKI * . RAJIKS T. CI.A11K OiinorM Ai-ont. A large and varied stock of 'Sta ple and Fancy AT E1FLEEN PER CENT THAN DOWN TOWN STORES. You will Save MONEY by buying your DRY GOODS of GUILD & HcINNIS , COS N. IGth Street , 2d door north of Gal K SitTu. EDHOLM & E'RIOESON ' Bive tie Bargains IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY , WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE , SOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS. At Prices that Suit Any Customer Who Eoally Wishes a First. Glass Article , STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Are also Sold Exclusively by us , ALSO WESTERN" AGENTS FOH THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN GO.'S ORGANS. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , .THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. OM. JLt CHEAP FOR CASH ! Base Burners , I Cannon Stoves , I Small Heaters. Remember the Place , 1211 Farnham St , I .