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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1881)
PER OMAHA DAILY BKE THUIISOAY" , OCTOBER 13 1881. THE DAILY BEE Thursday Morning. Oct. 13. REPUBLICANCOtJNTY TICKE1 TUKStiAY , xovKMnr.n 8rit For Sheriff , DAV1UN. MILLKll. For Treasurer , JOHN HUSH. For Clerk , JOHN 1IAUMKK. For Commtwiloner , For.hulgo , A. M. CHADWICK. For Surveyor , GKOKOK SMITH. For .Supciintomlcntot Inotruction , * J. , T. 1'OINTS. For Coroner , JOHN' ( ? . JACO1W. _ For the acconioJatlou of our iip-lown patrons arrangcmcnU hare been innxle itl Kdholm & Kricknon , jewelern , ophite the lK t olBcc , where niUcrUwincnt * nnt crdern for the city delivery of TIIK BRK will bo received. Advertisement * for the evening must be hnnJcU In before 1:30 p m , , lor the morning edition before 8:30 p. in _ > flcpt23-tt LOOAL BREVITIES. Patterson Ffllln oonU Frederick leading Hatter. Donne. Sellable Hutter. Fine pocket knUcH at KtihnV. Owl Cigara nt KuhnV Dru ? Store. 4 Night School at the IIuntncgH Oollrge. Th * Lion continue * to roar for Moore'n Hamcitnd Saddlery. For FINE Commercial Job Printing , kll nt Tine BEE Job rooms. Smolco Stariton k Stormy finest Cigar , nt Kuhn'a DruR Store only. The third social party of the Omaba Central Club taken plnco Wednesday oven- intfnort at Standard hall. octlO-3t Who pays thalif licst price for Second Hand Furniture ? Abrahams & Low ! * , H21 loii-las ( ntreet scplO-2w Lost Uttncli of keyn. Finder will plcaso leave them nt tlio < lellvery whitlow nt llio pnstofTico and receive rewanl , The city treasurcr'H ollico In being elaborated poincwhat principally thruuxh the Uh D ( Icnlt-iiuiine. -Xobljy ] ) rby and Cloth Hall for jrenlH , soinulhiiif , ' IK'W , at I'VedcrickV ' , the Halter. octlliw-UU JA1H I HAlsl--1.alent Ht > kv , in the city at llrnry ( ! . KtchtcrV , 1322 Fnrnham i-trtet. Dr. 1'eabody has lost inn of bis by.plnk-oyc , and the in ito is not to reco\cr. . TJw noon train < > n the U. I' , WJH two KOUI-H Into yusterclaVi liavinj ; waited at the lUuir * for the C. k It. I. train. Thoi temporary nddrcfn of Consul X. N. Vfiuiiient in now KnnsaH City , : il- though IniHlncMi nppuitiiriltij ; to tha con- hiihito will be tratiKactcd in Oinnlia ns ' iifiual. ; The musical cutvrtalnuicnt of the Catholic library iiHi > ocinton ! , which was an nounced to take plac this evening , ban been postponed until Friday c\enltiR , KESIOVAL Tlio Om aba Furrier , Hen- ryj' lUchter * Teinovcd from 15th street ' ow < wIto'thoIVMtofBcolo 1322 Famlmm utrcet In 1'olIack'H old stand , north side , between 13th and llth atrccts. LOST Ladies' gold chain nnd looVcl ; amethyst ptono on one uido locket , lady'a aiidgontlcman'ri picture in the locket. Lent between Catholic Library roomn end IGtli And .Tncki > nn ttrceta , A liberal rewaixl n 111 bu puld for itn return to this olfice. M. A. McNAMAMA. Oiio Inmilrcd and fifty-nine beautiful rcsiiileuco lot , located on Hamilton Ktrcot , halfway between the turn table of the vml htruut car line and the \7ateruork8 reservoir and addition , and just went of the convent of the Slaters Poor Clalru In 1 Shhm'fl addition. 1'rlccH range from "f > to 81 1 0 cncli , nnd will bo sold on cany tcnrn to thofo who will Improve , lioinls' real citato uK'tncy , Fifteenth Btrecti , OODRT HODS CONTRACT. It was Sifjuod Yesterday by Contractor Coots. * * * * Thu commissionurs yusterday after a tlijurVmgh cunvnss of the subject do- cidutl t ) > lut the .contract for building tKo iiuw court homo to John F. Coots , of Detroit. The contract was ftignod yesterday. It is conditional in iU tunna. According to thu . .NobranlcHtutiUeH ! the connniHiioncrs art ) not iillo\vcd to uxpund moro mnnuy for public buildingb than is actually voted by the pooplo. This is the ciso : too oven wliero the coininifuionora huro the nocoasnry cash on hand. As the building will coat inoro than W.IH voted originally the coin- tniBsionora Imvo decided to put the inattor to u vote of the people in No- vumbor. Cootn will begin on the work of the couit houseat once , but little will probably bo done until next year except in laying the basis for the cumont foundation. This is thobhapo in which the matters now is and thcru will not bo nny change until the No vember elections. To the Grand Jury. The case of Kiftiik if a mil , the uol- dice charged with Hlcaling u wntol ' frouvn , follow vel , and that of Win. M * } * Juckovie , who , it ia claimed , uttpmpt- ed to pulverize his brother-in-law , wore tmnijforrod from Jtulgo JJonuko' court yesterday to bo acted upon by the grand jury. "Tho Kcvoro Houseouncl < Blulfo lit the bent aecond-clasa hotel in the voat , " ' OF CARDUI" for I-adlw only. AtO.r. Goodman J A SERIOUS CHARGE , The Treasurer of Saundore County Indicted for a Grave Offense. Damaging Disclosures Against Henry Anderson , of "Wahoo. Snil Domentio Trouble ! in n Once Hnppy Fft Two vccka ngo the following dis patch wns received nt Tun Dun oflico from Onnwa , Iowa : To The Omaha Uec : ONAWA , Iiv.Septembers' , 1881. Henry Andernon , of the lianking firm of Ander son At f iritnth , of Walux ) , Ncbrnnka , wns indicted yeatcrday by the iir.ind jury of thin comity for ndultery with one Alice Wilson , who H somewhat notorious in tliU locality for her IOOMJ ! ) anil easy \lrtue. The diHputcli created the greatest atirptiso. Although coming from n highly creditable source , it accmed impossible that there should not have been Homo mistake , The standing of the man alleged to have been indicted nnd the peculiar locality in which the indictment was reported to have been found made it nt ( seem improbable that the popular treasurer of Saundcrs county , Henry Anderson , was the person against whom this grave charge could have been preferred by a grand jury.On On Mio dny following the receipt of thu dispatch , however , a note was left on the desk of the editor of Tin ; UKK , in hia absence , from GriflitliH , junior partner of the banking fiim reforied to in the above dispatch , which re quested that no publicity be given to the startling information , Thii made it appear us if there might bo "some thing in it , " after nil. A representa tive of TUB IJr.B was accordingly detailed - tailed to investigate and nift' the mat- tor. It was first found that thu man referred to is * 1IKNUV AMlKUSOJf , OK WAHOO , who formerly teiidcd in Omulm , where lie ia well known. Anderson entno to Ihis city about fifteen years ago. Ho ivas flrnt employed aa a clerk in the grocery aloro of A. J. JLinacom. Tn Jme ho procured n position in thu mstoflico , during the postmastership ) f George Smith. Through Senator rhayor ho was nftorward appointed as matal clerk on thu Union Pacific rail- oad , whore he faithfully performed iis duticH until a change of admini.s- ration relieved him , He then icciired the position of teller n the Omaha 'National bank , ind afterwards accepted a position aa > ookkcoperintheFirst | National bank. Jusincss openings caused him to ro- novo to Fremont , and from there to iV'ahoo , In Wahoo ho has since been ntcrestod in banking. Ho wns elect- id treasurer of Saundcrs county in :877 : and was re-elected in 1870. While living in Omaha ho enjoyed .ho . confidence of his employers , the cspoct ot his acquaintances , and was [ onorally popular and hold in high istocm. In 18G7 Mr. Anderson , while n 'lork in the postofuco ii\ this city , voed nnd woix a lady of highly , re- ipectnblo family in Fay otto county , [ own , named Carrie A. Hough. Tlitty were married nt the house of he bride's parents 'and the newly redded couple moved to their homo n Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson osidod hero until 1872 , living moat of he time in : i residence on Dodgu itreot , between Eighth and Ninth itreetH. During these five years , as atf ai in kiio\rn , the most lumpy con- U'al ( , relations existed. In due time i little baby daughter appeared to ; laddeu the household , and not n cloud irossod the pathway gf the happy louple , Anderson's salary as postal ilerk and while ho- was in the employ ) f _ the InnkH was sullicient to inaiii- ain his little family comfortn- jly , but he was ambitious to ; ct ahead , , and , therefore , when tie received nn oiler from a heavy him- > er dealer in Fremont to IIHSUIIIO the iJusincsM , ho wns ( juick to accept it , ind liiH wife went willingly with him to the new homo in which ho was to lay n foundation for his future busi ness success. TIlliKI ! YKAIIH were wpent in Fremont by Andewon , luring which tinio ho waa quito for- .unatu in hia entorpriscs and suc ceeded in acciinuilnting mnno little properly. Neither hero waa there ( orioim discord in the family circle , tvliich had been increased by another bright-eyed , kugl * ' \\eo bit of n larling. It wns dnriii } ; this time , liowover , that MrH. Anderson began to'susnicion that her husband wait not iiitiiely tnie to his mairivgp VIUVH. Itut friends intervened whun Higtmof a appeared and again peace was re stored. In the winter of W"B Ander son became interested in another line uf _ business und shortly- after moved , with liia family , to M ahou , whore he opened a bank and where he has since remained and conducted many suc cessful tinunuiul operations. It was while living there , too , that ho is charged viitli having fallen before temptation nnu becoming involved in an hason of the most disreputable na ture which ruined n once happy homo , and has now produced an indictment for felony. TllKl'ATALINTHinUK. In the winter of 1878-9 two women known as Mabel and Dlanclio Manard wcro inmates of u disreputable house on Twelfth utreot , in this city. ] Joth women were notorious nnd both are recorded upon the police docket of that winter as paying fines for their illicit calling. One of those women haa figured prominently in the subse quent career of Henry Anderson. A near relative of Mwi. An- dorion , who claims to know nil of the facts of the domestic trou bles in which the unfortunate family became involved , tolls the following story and vouches for the truth of each allegation therein contained : TIIK hTOHV. "During the winter of 187H-U An derson bcc.tme acquainted with thu woman Mnbol Mrnaid , nnd he became - came u i frequent caller upon her at " " * * * ' ' ' 'A CfJiJ , the house whcro she wns an inmate tn March , 1870 , the so-called Mnbe Mcnardwhoso real name wns Mrs Alice T. Wilson , sued for and ob tnincd in n court in this district , presided sided over by Judge Savage , a divorci from her husband , Charles A Wilson who then lived in Sioux City , am haa since gene lo Dcnd oed , I ) . T , The divorce WAS obtained upon tin ground of desertion , cruel treatment and neglect to support her. Wilson know nothing of the nctian until th < decree nas entered. Shortly after tlu procurement of the divorce the Wil son woman ltC.NTP.Il Al'AIlTJIKSTH in n hounu on the northeast corner of Tenth nnd Harnoy streets , this city , which aha occupied for some timo. She reprenonted hcriolf ni n married woman , and said that her hiifthnnd Mai a traveling linn. During this period Anderaon's visits hi this city were as frequent ns once n week , Ho usually cnmo on Saturday and remained until Monday. When questioned by hia wife , -\\lioso \ sus picions were aroused by his frequent absence , he told her that his business in Omaha was such that it could be transacted at no other time , and that it wns always necessary for him to re main for ono or two days. During the following numtncr , Anderson , em boldened by his seeming immunity from exposure , TOOK A Tinr , in the company of the Wilson woman , to the home of her parents , who arc named Blanclnird , and who live near Olancoo postoflico , Momma county , Iowa. Tlioru the Wilson woman in troduced Anderson aa her second hus band , calling him Ucnr.v Lightfiold , n western Htock-raiscr and heavy cattle nvner. They remained there about a week , pnaaing ns mini nnd wife , nnd wore generally accepted ai such by Lhp entire neighborhood. It ia upon this that the indictment nnd arrest of Anderson , alins Lightfiold , rcstx. Iii'J.OUAllIK : CONHKQUKNI'ES. "Up to this time Andoraon had suc- joeded in keeping his rightful and still rusting wife in ignorance of nis Don Tuan-liko behavior. But the donuu- iiont was to come , nnd in most horri- > lo form. Mrs. Andurnon was taken ill. _ She delayed securing medical idvice , as she was unconscious of her nalady. At length she summoned a mysician , and then , for the first time , nado the terrible discovery that she " ras a victim to the disease "of syphi- is. This has since developed into ho most virulent form and , the poor I'onuui ban battled against its insidi- ms n.dvancuuntil , she has almost lost lopo. When Uie fearful truth burst ipon Mrs. Anderson's jnind nho for ho time almost - IIECAMU A MAI > WOMAN. ilio tore her hair and ran through thn trcut in fron/.y , forgetting all save tor loved children in the terrible bought that Hho was < v victim to thu laneful penalty of her husband's in- id jlity. And while she was thus suf- uring , I charge HonryAiiderson | with laving pointed the finger of reproach t her , and ho asked the wondering loighbors if they thought ho could ivowith auch a madwoman , hoknow- ng that thu pride of her modesty , I'hich had not nil deserted her oven hen , would keep her lips sealed as to ho true cause of her terrible grief , indorson , nt this point , arranged his luaincss mitters as expeditiously as loeaiblo , and wont to Colorado. Once hero ho wrote his wife to follow him. [ 'his she refused to do. He then hrcatencd to procure a divorce , on ho ground of desertion nnd leave both her and the children WITHOUT A BOLrAlt ir a homo in which to live. Stung > y this threat , and having greater love or her little ones than for her pride , he petitioned for > nd | procured a di- , -orco in the court of the fourth judi- sial district , .Tudgo Post presiding. Vndorson did not defend. Tlio do- TCOvhich wns granted in April , 1880 , ; ave her pogHusainn of the chil- iren and 85,000 worth of property. Host of tHe property so awarded her ras in real estate and included the lomo in Wahno in which Mrs. Andor- on has siuco continued to reside. iVhiU she has suH'ored nnd ia atill suf- oring from thu dreadful disease to riiich she became tv victim only a few lonroat her can know. The best nodical skill in the state nnd thn timed virtues of the Arkansas Hot Springs have boon tried , but still the atal poison makes deadly inroads ipon her frail nnd sensitive system. "HUT TIIK OHOWSlNd JNFAMV n this chapter of uncovered disgrace ' am still to tell you. After Mrs. An- lerson procured her divorce Andoraon pmained in Colorado most of the imc until November , 1880 , when ho ippeared nt Wahoo , whom hia di sced wife wns atill living , with a iccond wife , and that woman none ither than the Alice Wiltonthom ho ind maintained in Omaha nnd tuth vliom ho went to Iowa , Ho claimed o have married his second wife in lhica''o , , and denied her identity with he nymph du pave of days gene by. Mrs , Anderson , thu second , was in- itiiHed in plensunt homo nnd has linco remained at Wahon , whence it s noticed that the ubiquitous banker Iocs not find it necessary to come to ) mahn every Saturday to arrange spo- iiul business. Anderson has continued n business and IIBS retained a air reputation in that direction , ; Iin first wife nnd her children ire there , but ho scrupulously avoids hem. Travelers from Omaha , who iroro "boys" in the days gone by , fro- lUfiiitly remark upon the presence of no preHunt Mrs. Anderson and say hey have "seen her before , " Andor- ion denies this and says they are mis- aken. " The inveatigntion by THE BKK re porter of this case has established the .ruth of many of TUB AHOVB AI.I.KUTIOJf8 , ispecially those regarding thoidentity > f the Wilhon woman nna the present Mrs. Anderson , and the circumstances ionnectod with her living on Harnoy itrcot , Hut the charges utill nro of inch n Morions nature and involve so liructly the whole future of the man ijraiiiBt whom they are made that THE ititi is not disposed to venture nn ) } iinion concerning them. The pen- ilty for the crimeof adultery in Iowa angea from six months to three yeara mprisoumont at the discretion of the JOiui , The case will probably bo > rouglit on for trial in January'next. kVlmtovor line of defonco will bo fol- owoil. ' the columns of TIIK BKB nro > pcn tor nny communication from the iccuaed or hia friends who bchovohiiu iinoccnt , i < , BURGLARIZING IN VAIN. Two HOUSOB Ransacked bj Early Morning Thieves. About 5 o'clock this morning tw < burglaries occurred on lower Twolftl street , by which two houses of ill fame were thoroughly ransacked. A ono boiiiiu , kept by Jennie Dickinson the bui'glara entered nt n back windov and went through nil of the lowui rooms. The safe , containing mlver wnro , was nttnckcd but the burglnn evidently did not possess the propoi tools nnd relinquished the job After going through tlio lowei rooms nnd taking n few rings am' trinkets from n bureau they proceeded up stnint , whore nil of the inmatei were sleeping. The proprietress of the house being very ill , n man was watch ing with her , nnd uhun the intrudon caino to the door of her room ho put in an appearance nnd they immediately ) - ly retreated , leaving the house as they entered. A few minutes afterward n window in the front part of the house kept by Sadie York , on the opposite side of the street , wns opened half way , propped up with n ( mingle and two men crawled inside. They found nothing in the lower rooms , but in room upstairs they succeeded in cor- ruling n pair of pantaloons belonging to n man Bleeping there. As the bur- jlnra were going out of the room n nau in bed awoke , nnd seeing the men "carrying nwny something , gnvu chnso. All three plunged pell moll down thu stairs into the street , nnd ho two marauders ran toward Dodge street , closely pursued by thu alimly- clad Nemesis , who thought they worn carrying off his projni'y. At the corner of T'volfth und Dodge streets ono of the fellows dropped the trousers , nnd they separated , running in different direc tions. What wa ? the disgust of the ndividual who had thus rushed out hrough the cold and mud with noth- ng more substantial than a shirt , to liscovcr that the pantaloons wcro not iia , but belonged to "another fellow. " L'ho nuin who thus gave valiant chnso lowovor was excusable for his ardor as 10 supposed the burglars had his coat , which 1111113 upon n chair nnd contain ed $250. It is supposed that the mrglnrs are the same ones who ebbed Tom Highlander three weeks ago , nnd about ton days inco went through another disreputn- > lo houno on the same street kept by x > u Scott , and stole twenty dollars and a gold bracelet from under her ) illow. In both of these former op- rations , however , chloroform is bought to have been used , and the hiove.s may not bo the same ones who nado things BO lively for the deini- nondc yesterday morning- PERSONAL. V. f . Tiantry Is nt the Crcl hton house. II. 8. Chittcnden ia a guest at the Crcighton house. * F. C. Cnstcller , of Blair , Neb. , is in the city , xlaylng nt the Creightnn home. Mrs. Clms. Sluvcrick returned home from tlio cast yesterday , She lias been nbseutfor eovcrnl niouthn. The Into Senator Mortrm'H wito and daughter posited through Omaha justordny afternoon bound for Saw Francisco. Mrs. licoht , of Peru , Ilia. , mgtlier of Max liccht , of Schroter & Becht , arrived in this city Yesterday on a visit to her on. X. I. I ) . Solomon and wife leave to morrow morning for Philadelphia , lkiton > nnd Xew York , to puicliaso his holiday1 gomla. Hon. Robert Anderson , member of the parliament of Melbourne , Australia , with bis wife and daughter , are in the city , jjuests at the Crcighton house. J\-Oov. ! Johnllnrbauk ; of Dakota , lain the city. Ho in well known to many Omaha people. Guv , liurbank was n brother-in-law of the late Oliver P. Mor ton. ton.J. J. C. Fitz Glbboii , of JClmira , N. Y. , who has been spending n few days in Oma- 1m , 1 envoi ) thU morning to accept n position in the Western Union t leKrnph office in Lincoln. "Fitz" is nn expert lightning- jcrkerand is a young man of grent popu larity among hU acquaintance * . WHY IS IT SO ? A Plain Drunk's Puzzling Ques tion. "Say young feller , " said n wiry- looking , bronzed man with a cardinal tinge to his nose as ho edged up to a BKK reporter in the police court yes terday. "Soy now don't you think it n little tough that the judge hero should enforce thu Slocumb law agin us so strict when the saloon keepers hero ain't got to stand the rnckct to Now Year ? " "How is that ? " was asked tlnf vic tim. "Woll you see over since last Juno the judge has bin sockin * UH the 910 and cost for n drunk as provided by Slocumb. Now , I n'poso that's till right enough you know , but if this is n free country why don't the saloon keeper got the same fodder ? We have to stand the blunt while they got nt least six month's warning. Now do you think that's fair to blokes like me ? " The reporter told him ho didn't ' know , but ho would gn around und in- [ juiro nud lot him know to-morrow. A tiiil pack'uge of "BLACK-DRAUGHT" frp cif charjjo. ' i ' ' , At C. V Opqcl in' . ' 'k . < ' A Female Thief. Slnry Stundon who is charged 1 > ; Mrs. O'Jlrion with hnring stolen 81 from hur in now Judged in jail , haviii | been nrrcsled in St. Joo. Virtue don' seem to bo one o Mary's failings It's alleged tlmt oven durinj her brief residence in St Too slio succeeded in beating n part ; out of ? 2l. ! Yesterday a furtlicr chnr ? wna preferred against Mary to the ef fect that some time- last April aha line ntolcn n vnltmblo ncck-lnco from Airs Lizzie Vickory. The grand jury wil pass judgment upon Mnry's short comings nnd probably Hond her before the court. A SLIM REPORT. That Presented by the Last Grand Jury. The grand jury huvu family mndo A report , nnd it isn't anything tn brng of particularly. They find indict ments against M. A. McNamnni , Henry Ilornborgcr and A. McGav- ock , nil of whom itro members of the city council. Outside of this they present a short report. They eny they have found twonly-four true bills and none that were not true bills. They claim to have had n num ber of matters of great public importance ) before them , but for Eomu reason which thuy do not explain , failed to reach any of Lhem. Tim principal other thing Ihoy did was to visit the jail. This institution they found to bo tv most exemplary prison , well adapted to the purposes 'for which it is intended anil well kept in every respect. They re ceived complaints from the prisoners on account of thu quantity and quality of their food , but the prisoners being questioned individually giivo couflict- tig statements , and the committee , consequently , say Micro is no ground 'or the charge. They furthermore 'omul the jail perfectly clean and free rom odors. The appearance of the countyjail so tickled the grand jury that hey go entirely out of their province o recommend Joe Miller , the jailer , o the kindly consideration of the in coming sheriff , whoever ho may bo. Pho report closes with a compliment o District Attorney Burnham for his nttontion.s. Certain. Knowledge. We know whereof we allirin when cp say that Warner's .Safe Kidney and jivor Cure has performed more won- erful cures than any medicine ever in night before the American public. lOeodlw Carfleld Mormmont Fund THE BEE acknowledges the receipt t the following contributions to the Sarfield Monument Fund : elm .Tohnson $100 v" . A. Kuhn 1 00 o'feph Barkers 100 ! . Kosewntcr 1 00 Max Mover 100 V. K. Amiin 100 T.M.KOFB. . . . , 100 V.K. Souer 100 Geo. B. T/.schuck 100 O.K. Mayne 100 Tulius Meyer , ' 1 00 ' LA. Hai'kell 100 KT. Simernl 100 A. M. ChacUvick i 1 00 Jdwin Davis i . " . . . 1 00 ) , W , Saxo 100 iumner Johnson 100 'anies M Siiuernl , , 100 TolmP. Carroll..1 100 \V V. McMillan 1 00 V. Itcmtngton .1 100 C. C. Carleton. . . . ' 100 C. E. .Tones , fiO C. Y. Pickett 50 T. V. Dunn r > 0 Cyrus Latham , I'apillion 1 00 Formerly beers would not keep for any length of time , but "Conrad's Judweisur" may bo laid down with mpunity for almost any length of line , without losing its many good ualities. JAN. 1st. ? he Time When the Slocumb Law Goes Into Effect. The action of the mayor in signing lie ordinance to regulate the sale of iquors in this city waa approved by the ouncil Tuesday evening. This ordi nance was presented by Mr. McNa- nara , and is almost a literal transcript f the original Slocumb law except in hat it shall not take effect until the irat of noKt year. This is also its loint of diflcrenco from the Dunham ordinance , which was originally presented upon thin subject , ind which was dilly-dallied hrough committecH for several nontlia , The MoNamara ordinance s , to an extent , n compromise to rhich bath thoi temperance and liquor 'actions ueem to give a tacit consent. L'ho principal fight latterly made was upon the tune the law should go into otlect , those- who hud paid fora license a year in advance not fooling disposed o forfeit that amount of money. How's the Baby. "JIow'n the babyj" " Ilia croup In bet- er this morning , thank you. We gave iliu Koine of Thomas' Klcctrio oil an you advised , doctor , niul Khali give him nome nero In on hour or no. " Next day the doctor ynmounced the youngster cured , A Frightta ! Quagmire. The condition of Tenth street just now , owing to the heavy rains , ib omothing frightful to contemplate , t is nothing loss than a con- inuotiH quagmirei from Farnliam troet to the depot. The work of curbing and guttering ho Btreet has left it in a thoroughly insettlcd condition anyhow , but with ho rain transforming into a sheet of plastic mud it has become such a man trap tlmt words can give no idea of it. It must bo BOOH to bo appre ciated and execrated. TJeauty , health , mid ImpplnrrM for ladles In"WINEOFOARDUI. " At C1. JGoodman. . Ph Best Brewing Co. , Milwaukee Export Boor. J. K. BOAKK , ocUMOt Agent , Ouiahn , . . . , ' \ , . . . . . \ 1 I K' ' * 'llj | ' . - ' 15 THE REVIVALISTS. They Will Arrive Hero on Sat urday Next. Goo. F. Howsor , the secretary of th Y. M. 0. A. , yesterday received a letter tor from Chicago to the cflect tha Maj. Whittle , the revivalist , Jim James McGranahan , the singer , at com anied by his wife , would arrir n this city some time during Saturday On Saturday evening there will bo i choir rehearsal. Mr. McGranahai desires to secure a choir of at leas 100 voices and will meet those interested estod in the cause in the Presbyteriai church Saturday evening at 7:3 : ( o'clock. The services prope in connection with the roviva will bo inaugurated on Sunday nigh in the Presbyterian church. Tin gentlemen will remain hero at leas I two weeks , and a strong effort will b < made to secure their services for. longer period , four weeks if possible' , .SPECIAL NOTICES. _ _ . NOTJUK Ail\enl cincnt To Loan , Kor a l Ixnt , Found , WanU , lloardfne , &c. , will bo In aartfil In these columns once for TW CKNT1 jer line ; each subiequent Insertion , F1VECKNT ! ior line. The flrst ln crtlon novcr lew that TWF.NTY.nVK TO LOAN MONEY. ONKY TO LOAN fall nt Law Onlcc of U M L. Tliomai lloomS. Crcltrhton Illock. Q- / / M/J To I00"111 fromS ( o 10icrient TPtMI.wl.JU on Rood real ntatowcurlty , bj > U. ISAAC KUWAUDS. 1109 Farnlmin St. " 1'0 LOAN At 8 per contln. tcrcst In sunuol * 2r ) mid , Ior 3 to G yoarn. on Ilr t-cla a city and arm protwrty. DIIMIB KRAI. ESTATK and LOAN VUKVCT. 15th and Dmulcs Sta. HELP WANTED. WANTED" A Rood tinner. Steady employ ment guaranteed the > rar through ; the ilRhcst waffos paid. .IAMIU Ctiuuv , 2M-1U Grand Island. WANT ! ) Several K\T \ ] < I to learn dress mak- InjT , tti ulioin frmll ttacut ulll bo cHcu. In. VT. II. Wood , 210 l th St. , Masonic Itlock. 247-14 A smart , nctl > u boAiiulr at WANTKU . 2iJ.12' . ' . THO Xo. 1 broom-makers. A. WA.NTI'.D . -JIS-ll * WANTHU Olrlatnortlmcst corner Capitol aiiuc and 17th Sts. 212-12 * A woiniui to take enroot children. WANTKD to Sim. Tonnr , on Sfith St , wmnd oor south of Parnlnni , S41-13 * situation by a strl la ix tnutl fam WANTED Iniiu to Inttlllgvtut ! Ullk-f , ; ! U , { S. a-i3 i\STiU No - mill li caw s , Llttlcncld's Sara- W . ' * tosa Dairy. 'Jgl-H iirAXTKD 10 ( arpuitcr- . Apply to White- Y V , house Druf Hlorc , ior. IGth nnd Callfnrni.- > st. ' H. T. MUUVI1Y. 223 la1 - tn iCO loads of dirt near lUd WANTHII-KO ' avumie. Knqulro at lieu ffleo. _ _ _ 2Z29 II nyajoun > fSl girl n situation WAXTIID ' for general houscnork Vpply at or address ) H.Meur , 'JOUlM. l th St. _ 2J7-tf r\ /"ANTED / Kxptrienecd sen-ant girl for zcn- T V cral liuuso urk ; small family. 1813 Web er St. 2.J7-12 ANTUI * flied cook at S.V. . corner 16th and llarney Sta. IVuri ! * fel itcr week. Olrl for Keneral housework. Call WANTFD It. U. LUnu &Co. , 2158outh II li treot. 228 ill/ANTKO A ( rood cook. Wages $25 per VV month. Apply at 2003 llutt &t. , between Othand21tit. _ IDl-tl [ TTANTEO ItO to 200 loads of dirt near 23rd TV and St. Mary's avenue. Enquire ut Hco l ce. - at 10SO North IGth Rtrcct. WANTED-Giii ; Drown. JIHS. J. M. COUN8- JAN. rjITANTED A couple [ rood cylinder press VY feeders. Can flnd'tteady' ' cmployn.ent at hia office. K7-M \TTANTEI ) Rcepcctttlilo employment by hug- V V land and wife. Address P. V. C. , Keo or- Ice. 077-tt rXTANTED Good second girl at 1818 Chicago VV street. 41-tf ITM.NTKD llousekropcr , 1109 FarnUam St. , V V uji atalrs. 36-tf IlT 2GOJ Dodge street. VV . 070-tf kTSTTANTEl ) Fundlni : bridge and athool Imudu. YY II. T.Clark , B llo\uc , 20-tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. TV5R HKNT Store anil dHcl'injrhousc.combin- J td. Inquire at t09 South 10th St. 21(1 ( 18" T10U HENT One or twolarifo pleasant front j chamber rooms , ftirnlalieJ or unfurnished , , ithout Imul , to ladc ! < , or irentleican and wife. HBC.llfarnU St. , bet. 21tt X 22d. 211) 1C 710R HENT A lan'o ctoro Jnciuire of N. J Hhelton , ISUtrarnham St. 238-13 7OH RKNT Suit of rooms , nicely furnished J bultiblc for four gentlemen. Also on a hlnsle oem for two. Northwest < nrncr 0th and Dav- iil > ort8tB. _ _ _ 232-tt 7OR UKNT-1'lii.oj , 84 nd 83 per month , at J 318 10th street. 230-tf 710R HKNT A fine ticw Brocm bouse. I ) . j Cookc. > ciiMoithStt ) . 21813' RENT Tojfcntlomcn , with ( rood refer- POK . roam and board for thu winter In a pr- ! atefWlj. dill at 1U12 Coxs St. 100-tf RENT Itooms at nouthucst corner 18th FOR lord St. , green fir line. 177-12 * hKST Nicely f > rnlehcd front alcove FOR ; alto a smaller room , low pilces ; brick ousu. Ca btri doom west of 20th St. 1E4 tf nOR RENT New -t-room home. South 17th i ? street. J. L. WKLHIIAKH , at Union tlcw or. _ HB-tf RKNT Just flnlahcd two Hntt-cliss two- FOR lirlfk hoiiso-i , 8 and U roonm , utablo nd ccmt'iited cellars : lOmonthy In advance. V.M. 1IUSUMAN , S. K. corner 15th uiul Dnug , aasu. " . \01l \ KENT " [ urnUlic-.l roonm 01 or MCJ- J cliauta' KxcbanivN. ; K , ccr. lllib and Ikxlge rocta. FOR BALE. [ 70R HALE- team of large mulcn. fII Uf J . : : OAK , mas. lath st. _ { as-ia * ORSALK-A small hniuta and { lot wllli good t-ll and stable , on UOUi , near Hliermiii tit. , < o 1307. J'rlco , W50. _ 8 'U * niOH SALE Chcau , horsc , buggy and harncwi , 1 * JCnquIro at No. M , Crulxtit Illock. 10.14 hat nttllriK Inni ; llntx of hitman , loU BKUla tiid larinn ( or nale Call and get hem. HAUS Stock and DxturcH o | millinery , Foil and lulr itoro , doliix a. irood | IU IIIO < M , oi-atlon central ; itoro and JwcMiuir tC'Kctlier , cut cheap. I ulth torutlrafromuuilucwi. Ail- IrihH A. It , , 1'cwt Ollico , Oinalii. 137.ii : HALK A bnntlful wMtinco jiroiwrty ol POIl ftirot with roniiiioilloiw houno. I'.lKlit icrcaof on-unl ! anillnu > nrd. location hllitly | , ) n.v ! tv o nnd n hall mlltn from l" ) t olllcu , liar. ; aini JOHN u iicuAoiii : , onp. i' . o , 7n-tf KOIt ALf . BHICK TAlOnK ! ! 4 COK. SAI.E-A imull wirflnii , 1J , W. ! ' } lie & FOR ' uuiko. In perffit ovlvr , Ii | ulru of li. . cinK ft Co. _ se-tf 7011 SAIK Lcaee and furniture of a flrat clam 1 } hotollfta town of 1SOO lnli bltimt , lubUtu f Nebraska ; ha 24 btdi ; tlio tiacllli | { 'lion rv < Jtt. IniulroatllE12otncu. 'IH-.t rT fnrnion n-ivOrwl by Jl U hOUUTT lUJj aud Jfftrnanmt . 7iiOtl _ SPECIAL HOTICES-OoimimBd SALE 1 flrntelim cnMnct orpin , very FOR : nearly new. Inquire Milton ] loern & Son , Hth nnd rnrnham St. 80-tl T7IOII SAtiE M p ol DoufrK * Mid Surpy conn- tie * . A.ltOSKWATKR.1620F rnh mrtr * t S20-1I TjlOK 8AI.K l-'otir Rct ? of lund nwvr wixtor. JJ works rcwnolr , filno two cottAffM on Cnpltol ilill. Add , ANIUMV.lIhVINS.13oa DoiurlM 81. SALE Fine ttoik ( arm ot 400 acrtn- FOH house , cikttlo MirO , orchard Ac. , with fAiy roach ol mllroad. I'rkv , f4MX ) , piut time at W. JOIIX I. . McOAOUK. Opiv. t'cst Oin < a. ( lila tf | HOUSU3 AN It J.AND Dcrnu rent * hoiiMn , tores , hoUli , furtr oU , Uml/i , o(5oo ( roomB , etc. See l t lx3ff ( "TjlOUHAlK Good hou o 1lh ( our roomii and J ? hn lot , No. 2013 Dodge between OIUi and 27ln street. Good well and ulifulo trec ; liouw lu Reel i-ondltlon. Inquire on prcmlnel Ml-tl MI80ELLANEOU8 , mtIK J. M IIUUNSWIOK A IlbAKRCO. , Kt-ep I. a complete stock of nilllnrd Tallies nnd lill- Hard iner-hadiao on hand , at tlicirttoro room , MX ) South 10th St. , Omaha , Nell. ol2-lm * A nhltonndlirtndlo biill.ilo ? . Hill an- rOST j nir to tlio mine of Banco. Finder will tw > ilbcrxlly irwanlcd by Kturnlnj ; him to Mil ton llojtnn & Son. 249-H r iioo'STAssEn the huhcst co h J . . price lor fcrotul ban llllllanl sndl'ool Tables. Cat ! cr ( ulduss ( O ! ) .South K th M , ol2-lm CANVASS Tor books , you know , AOENT3 sell "Ufo of IT fldont ( larflcM1 "Ilcroas of the I'lalin , " "llonkr Uiitlawn , " "LAUrSOf 1KA WALUI10N & OO. , Ht. Loula , IIo. ' Pcpu.-mt.or lllh. l.y the under- J. HlRncd , Ihlnlnirnn tl < o JtuJgo IMsit'v Inriu , JJ mlloHwustof OniAht , Dou laj Co. , Neb. , ono milch cow , Hiiiio < ed to bo lUe } car < od ! , with crop nn < i Mi on lefUnr , rcilnihl x\liltci iH.clloJ. 21d-novl.1 6p JAMES O. 1IA K. 00\I3 AND HOAltl-A pUwsint homo for , thowmtur for thrcu pcntlcuicii , where the- run Iliul thu icim'orti of n home. lvfcrcucc ! ex chnnjfcd. Adilresi II , llcoolticu. 2S8-17 TjlOUNn Flue locks. Cell tf. > V. cor. 7th and I1 nndJoncaSt. 1'ay chargts. W. * Vt POK- ' T > E1II81 KKALIbTATU 110OM. hco 1st page. A'l MRS. H. K. CLAUKE'S No. 1 Board CALL Uctrce , tor. 13th and Itoilga Ste. Dofi n th" city _ SlQ-tf PU1VATK INSTRUCTIONS In Fronch.lOor man , Greek nd , Lntin. I'rof. Henry W Meek. 1207 J nek son St _ tKM-oc3 AIK1) HAY At A. II. Sander's Feed Store , B 1013 Harncy St. ulO-U BB Klllb' HEAL USTA'CK KXOUANQE. a BB 1st pago. B KMIS > "NKWCITTMAISr26c. Soelrt pane. QHhKPKOK SAln 2COO fat wctbers. Ad- J drees Anton Abel , Plum Creek , Uauun Co. . Nob. 185-18' 'PC KKNT A lar unfurnished room with I bay window and n randa , ulthln tl\ block * ioin I1. O.AiWrci _ ( ' . _ * _ . . thin otllcc. 1C3-M nOUTUSF TELI.UR AMI ) JIKDIUM-Mrs I ; Kllz , tclU past , prtscnt and future In lot e nd all utTaini. Hho reeaN the dcepvet bucrcU ] ho heart. She posscwci the maprnutlc ixmcr.j nlllll all jour \ \ Islics Call at Ko. 322 corner 10th nd ( Jhlnuro strut * . COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. ANTED Even-body In Council Hindu io to take TIIK UTK , 20 cents per week , de vcrod bi' carrier * . Ollic-o comeV llroodway and Iain , up stftlrs , Council Bluffs. W.-tf OTTHU'S TICKCT OrFICE-\Vnr In railroad tlcktts continues to boom. Unprecedented ow rates to all eastern polnt . K\cr > tiiket uarnntecd. Orders tilled ny telephone. From ne to ten dollars sa\cd by punliauln tlcketn f 0. A. Potter , HueioMiir to l'ottcr& 1'nlmcr , No. 0 South Fifth street , Council lllnffj. Iowa. oai3-tf _ [ TrANTED- Boy , \ilth pony , ( o carry paper * * . YY Inqulr * atllhK olHce , Council lilutls. oct3-tf p7"ANTEl ) To buy 100 tons 'broom corn. YY For particular : ) address Council Dlufli room Factory , Council ItlufTj , Iowa. U&S-2DU nrr ANTED A iorxcarpenter \ at , ouro. Ap- YV plyJljnster & Adams , Council Blutfe. C50-EO * iTT ANTED A llr t-class broom tier. Mayne YV & Co. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MO SO * : ANTED A boy to dochorei at Mj niters W fishery , Council IlluflH. Wl-28 * WW ANTKU Good girl for Reneral housework. W llarla Mynbtcr , Cowicll BlulTs. < XI2 tf [ T7"ANTED A situation hy a first-class rrlllcr. YY Had 20 jeira cxpcriuncc. Umlerctand * Id ami new procasscs. Sixjaka hnill h and crnian and acquainted with ntuira and water lowers. CnnKhotho best of refcreiicu. Will omc on trial at any time. Address II. S. , Uax | - - 7 ANTED B1a gentleman of experience and VV liu-iiic'ss hibiti , a position uith a firm , cither OH clerk or ti travel. Kcicrcnco L-hen. 1. 1. WA'fKISS , Itlufl * . 1)42 29 SALE Old paptra-JPc per humlrcxl , nt FOU llea cilice. Council Ulufls. Ho'7-tl "IT7"ANTKD [ Tno experienced book solicitors YV for Colorado and Utah. Addrt-si 1' . O. bov 1214 , Council UlnHa. Io a. WW-21 * To Contractors , Bnildora and Property Ownera. The undei eltrned liat lay been appointed ajcnt for the o\tcn ivo Iron anil wire nmnufacturin/ houses of U. T. Ilarmun , of Detroit , and the llussel Iron Foundry and Workg at Toledo , Ohio , capacity of H ) tons dall ) , I * prepared to furnish estimates and price ? for iron columns , kv. , Ac. , for btoro fronts , window caps and lll , threshold platis. wrought iron bcamn and Ifird- era , hjdraulic efei atorn , staple llttlntrs , pullejs , shafting , &u. ; also iron fenws , crcstinc , "In- ilew guards , shutttra. Rtalre , lulconlcn , Htttces , chalieO8C3 , acquarluina , fountatna , summer lieu u < , lawn , canlcn and cemetery ornament ? , ( Io cr etunds , KTM o .ifuardu , ic. , j c. . In endloea i arlcty , Cataloguci ) Hupnliod on application. HbNllV H , bAUIlV , Manufacturcrb' Agent , 22 Peftrl > treot. auzlO-lm mo Council Ulufft , lovm' EWAED KUEHL , MAOISTKB Ol' 1'AliUySTKRY AND CONDI ) riO.VALJHT , 403 Tenth Ntretit , between Farabom wdllainey. Will , ltli the aid of Kuardlao iplrltB , obtain for nny one a glance nt thn pa t mil present , and on certain condltioni In Uia fu ture , lloota and Bliwa imulo to order. 1'erf ect- uAtlifactlgii i-uarantcixl Madu from Ornpa Crca-'o Tartar. No cthi-'r rpitlon uiakta uih Hunt , toky hut lavatlx. luiirloiiK ixutry. C4 l ( ratcu by Djupcutlo Itrout fear of IbvllU rpiultlnc from lnuvy InJI Obtlbic food. PoU In tan. , by all Urocen IIOYAL DAKiN' 0 Y. it 'i