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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1881)
\ &UL PAILY H.H fl \ ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MOJRN1NG , OCTOBER 12 , 1881 , NO. 95 SENATE PROCEEDINGS. Aldrioh Sworn ia m Senatoi From Rlioilo Island Yester day Morning. An Objection Filed Agains : the Admission of Miller and Lapbam. It is Placed on File and the Sen ntors-Elect are Sworn In. Edinnnds Oflors n Rosolutloi Against RoorRanieliiK the Sonata Committees. SENATE. M&tlona ) Assaulted Press. WASHINGTON , October 11 Immediately diatoly after the reading of the jour iial , Senator Edmunds moved tha Aldricb bo sworn in as senator fron Ilhodo Island , which was agreed to He then moved the admission o Miller and Lapham , the senators fron Now York. Senator Mcl'her.son said ho hold it his hand a p.iper signed by cortaii members of the legislature of Nev York , setting forth the reasons wlr thcso gentlemen should not bo admit ted to scats in the senate. Respect ing tlio allegations ho had no knowl edge , nor waa ho personally ac quainted with any of thu signers o the papers. Ho did not propose t < interpose this paper in opposition t ( the admission of , the gentlemen , bu recognizing the right of the petition ho felt it his duty to lay it before tin senate. Senator Edmunds inquired to when the paper was addressed. McPhoraon replied : "To the semti of the United States. " The paper was then placed on fill and Senatora-elect Aldrich , cscortei by Mr. Anthony , Lapham by Ed nuinds , and Miller by Sherman , ad vanced to the desk and were sworn ii by the president pro torn. On motion of Pondleton a committee too of two were appointed to wait up < in the president and inform him tha V u quorum of the senate was asscmblec nnd ready to receive any communion tioiiR ho might bo pleased to make. The chair appointed Pendleton jim Anthony as such committee. OUITEAU. Guiteau will not bu arraigned to day. Scovillo lias gone to Baltiinori to see some lawyer in regard to securing curing his assistance. Scovillo say ho does not doubt that his client wi ] be arraigned some day thia week a which time counsel will ask that ho bi allowed two or three months of prep aration. It is hardly probable thai the court will make such allowance. HOWOATK'S CASE. The case of Captain Howgato is be ing hoard by the grand jury this morn ing. The Indictment is expected tin : afternoon. T1IE RTAIt ItOUTKKS. Counsel for the star routes filed ' ; motion to quash thu informatioi against Brady it Co. , ill the crimina court this mornin' , ' , and Judge Co > told thu counsel for both sides to ar range among themselves a day for ai argument of the motion. Tt will proh ably be some day this week. THE YOHKTOWN OKhKIIUATION. WASHINGTON , D. C. , October il. Senator -Johnston , of Virginia , HIM Commissioner Soring , menibors of tin Yorktown centennial commission led upon the president last night , am invited him to attend thu celebration. The president accepted and will bt accompanied by members of the cabi net on the steamer Tallpoosa and Des patch. Secretary Bliiino and foreim guests will go upon another. Tin president will make no speech on tlu occasion. TJio steamer Excelsior hat been chartered to convey the congres sional delogatian. Tlio steamer Lear ) had been chartered for this purpose , but the senators all being in Washing ton her accomodatious wore deemed insuflicient and she , will bo assigned other duty. TO HE ADMITTED WITHOUT OPPOSITION. WASHINGTON , October 11 , Tin democrats at their caucus this morn ing decided to admit Senator-elect Miller and Lapham , of New York , and Aldrich , of Rhode Island , without op position. IlAVAJtll TO HE Htri > ] 'LANTKI > . Tlio democrats in caucus resolved tc adopt a waiting policy in regard tr : the election of a sccietary and to be guided altogether by the action of the republicans. The democrats believe that an attempt will be undo by the republicans us soon as their now sena tors are sworn in , to supplant Soimtoi Bayaid by Senator David Davis on president j rp tempore and say thoj know Da via is willing. At 12:15 : p. in , , on motion of Harris - ris , the senate took u recess for hall hour. an N On the senate being called to order again , Edmunds oll'ered a resolution that the committees of the senate : it they existed at the cloao of thu last session , bo continued for the session , and that the president pro tern bu em powered to lill any vacincica that may exist. exist.Mr. Mr. Davis , of West Virginia , moved that the resolution lay over , Mr , Pendloton of the coinmitteo ap pointed to wait on the pru&idont re ported that they had performed that duty and tlm president had replied that he would communicate with the suimto in wiiting to-morrow morning , The senate then at 12:50 : p. m , , ad journed. Dr. Thonian Z'auml Guilty National AHMKiuttxl 1'ictt. GHKMOO , October 11. At midnight the coinmitteo in charge of Dr , Thomas's heresy trial at Sycamore ar rived at n verdict of "guilty. " Dur ing the three hours preceding midnight they took flvo formal ballots. Thosi were preceded by several informa ballots , which showed that a largi majority of the coinmitteoon ngainat Dr. Thomas. The volu fo Dr. Thomas ranged as low as throt and as high as alt. On the llrst nnc second charge * lie was found < ruilb and on the second and third specitica tions. On the lirat specillcatioii cliarging him witlulctiying the inspira tion of the Scriptures , he was ac quitted. The court expels him fron tlio ministry and from membership ii the M. E. church. The verdict wil create cohsiderablo astonishment , not withstanding tha feeling that lira prevailed that the verdict wan a fore gone conclusion. JBurRlars nt Grand Junction. Special Dispatch toTllH IIM. OitAND JUM.TION , la. , October 11 -Tho hardware store of W. F. Xollo liefer waa broken into Ifint night am a lot of goods stolen. There waa alsc a safe broken into and twenty dollar taken. * J. T. Kunk'd slojro was burglamci last evening and $180 worth of good taken. No clue tc ) the thieves. The MinnoRota lioglslatnro. Natlotml AssoctatcJ l'rc . CmrAiio , October 11A spccia from St. Paul saya the Mimie.sotu legislature islaturo meat sin extra session to-day called by GoV. Pillsbtiry to conside tlio jtroposition of Sclnh Chambcrlaii for thu settlement ; of the old stati railroad debt upon a basis of fifti cents on the dollar and to elect a sen ator to till the unoxpircd term o Windom. Members nro reticent oi the bond matter. Popular sontimen in tlio state ia overwhelmingly agains a settlement aud'matiy.-mombcrs wh < favor an honest payment of the stati debt are too timiuto any so. 1 is impossible to predict tin result. A motion will bi made early in the cession to elect i senator and adjourn without goin < into the bond matter , and popula : sentiment may carry it through. Then is no appcaranco of lobby hero and the only thought of leading pub lie men who are anxious to redeen the state credit is "whether they cai prevail over the popular repudiatioi prejudice by rnero force of argument The senatorial question does no excite much intereati It is gcnurall ; conceded that Secretary Windom wil bo a candidate. Other possible candi dates are Congressman Dunn aiidGor. don , but all will give way , it i thought , before Windom. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. National Associated 1'rosx. FOXHALL WINS. ' LONDON , October 11. This was th second day of the Newmarket Octobe meeting r.ico for thei > /iiJi ptskcs distance two miles , two furlongs am two yards. Tt waa Von by Keono' ttireo-ycar old bay colt , Foxhall , Lort Bradford" five-year old brown horsi Chippendale secured second place am the Dnko of Hamilton's three-yea : old bay colt Fiddler third place At the Lushes Fiddler led Retrea witli Foxhull and Chippendale next , Others followed in helpless trouble. . At the descent of tlie hill Foxall who1 ahead , followed by Itotrcat , who ousei 141 on his jockey seeing thai the pursuit of the American horse was hopeless , but Chippendale and Fid dler contiiniiidpursuing b'oxhall , wlu galloped up thu hill like a linn , win ning the race by twelve lonuths , Chip pnudalo second , Fiddler a bid third , Retreat fourth , Fortissimo and Am bassador next in the .order named. The betting at Newmarket this af ternoon was II to 2 against Chippen dale , 11 to 2 against Foxhall , 7 to J against Retreat and 15 to 2 against Mistake. Just before the start the butting tuainst Foshall was 0 to 2. Carmt Filley was scratched to-day. Ii ia.stated that over § 2,500,000 have been won by Americans by Foxhall'i victory. Keene alone is reported to have cleared about 8500,000. A KEENK CUT. LONDON , October 11. The race foi the Czarowitch stakes was run to-daj at Newmarket and was won by Fox hall , with Cleppendalo second , Fid lor third. TJio betting on the race for the Cairowitch stakes just before the start was ! ) to 2 against Foxhall , but ho carne out and -won very easily by ten lengths. CONTBACT KOll HTEEI , KAILS. LONDON , October 11. A Berlin dis patch saya that Herr Krupp ban con tracted for the delivery in America ol 15,000 tons moro of stool rails. iiAiioN VON HAVMEUI.I'H : SUCCESSOR , VIENNA , October 11 There nrc various mmnUcH relative to the late Baron Von Haymcrlo'a successor an foreign minister. Count Kalnoky , the present A list ro-Hungarian ambas sador to Russia , is considered in po litical circles as most likely to succeed him , IIANLA.V RHALLKNOEII , Tor.o.NTO , Oct. , October 11. Han- Ian received a challenge to-day from St. Louis from Triekott to row for $2,000 and the championship oi the world. Ho immediately answered that ho is ready to row if suflicient outside bonuses were offered. Destructive Flood. National At ochtxl l'rc * . PitAiuii' Da CIIIEN , Wis , , October 11. The river ia still rising hero. All travel in suspended on this end of the Prairie Du Chion division of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail road between this place and Boscabel. About five miles of the truck is washed oft'and under water. It will bo a week or ten days before travel can be rosumcd. The Evidence All In. NrvMnual Asuocfutoil 1'rcfi SVOAMOUI : , III. , October 10. The taking of evidence was concluded to day in Iho ciso of Rev. H. W , Tlionian , of Chicago , on trial bpforo the Methodist conference on the charge of heresy and the case given to the jury , which conainta of a trial committed of fifteen , POLITICAL MATTERS. - . . 9 A General Scratching of Tickets in Ohio Yesterday. Which Makes the Counting ol Votes Necessarily Slow and Tedious. The Latest Roturas Indicat < Foster's Flection by 16,000 M jority. Tammany and Irviuff Hall Dele gates Excluded Prom the Now York Con- veritiola. f - * Harmony Again -Estobhshec Among Now York Republicans. Other Political Notes. The Battle ill Ohio , National Awoclatvd l'rc . CINCINNATI. Oct. 11. The woathci to-day is delightful and a much fullei vote than was expected will bo polled No such scattering wa over known ai shows itself and the work of counting will bo long and tedious. Icsidc ! republican , democrat , proh bltion am greenback ticket , A dozen or BO so ciutioj , nationalities and special inter ests have tickets mostly selected fron candidates on regular tickets. Tin chief element of interest on the stati ticket is the prohibition vote as i comes mainly from republicans am much depends on the magnitude o this clement. COI.UMIIUH , 0. , October 11. Tin weather is very fine. The vote police in the wards up to 11 a. in. show tha the total vote will fall 15 per cent. / full vote , ho-vover , may bo got on later. The election o the entire democratic ocratic ticket seems conceded. Tin republicans made the hardest fight ot sheriff and probate judges , but thpii own candidates are German and Irisl respectively , and the trading thui caused makes for the benefit of demo crats. Uookwalter is accounted af runnimc well , but no enthusiastic views of his election are heard. Tin republicans place Foster's majority ai 150,000 , provided the temperance voti docs not exceed 12,000. CINCINNATI , O. , October 11. Th ( day was fine but nearly all places TO port a light vote and a grout deal o scutching , In tlijs. ci y tlie"Hk uwfli never known. A straight ticket is i curiosity and'so ' tedious is the work o counting that many precincts will nebo bo finished by sunrise to-morrow , The scratching to-day is terrible am the returns will necessarily bo ) at < and incomplete. 10 p. in. At this hour but few voting places have reported and these indicate democratic gains. There if an uneasy feeling hero among repub licans. Scratching has so gen- eial with republicans that it is be lieved that nearly the whole demo cratic county ticket in Hamilton coun ty is elected. At the Lincoln clnl there is a feeling of fi'iir that tlu liquor vote and temperance dissatis faction has po siby | defeated the re publican state ticket. The first twelve voting precincts rcpoited show .1 democratic gain of ! ( ! ! ) , republican gain 88. Democratic net gain 81 , CINCINVATI , October 11 10:50 : p. in. Fifty nrecincU give si democratic gain of 78 ! ! ; republican { tain , 531 : not democratic pun , 157. This doe. ' not include any in Hamilton county , where thu indic.uioiia .ire of slight re publican gains on the state ticket. CiNoiNNAxr , October 11 At 11 o'clock returns from 78 precincts in rill parts of the state , including G in Hamilton county , show a not demo cratic gain of 448. Lndlows vote ( temperance , ) so far about two pel cent , of the whole which will run it t > j about 10,000 in the stato. The re publicans believe that with full re turns Foster will bo elected by 10,000 majority. 11:35 : p. m , Only eleven precincts - cincts in this county , Those show a net republican pain of seven on the state ticket. Nash , chairman of the central committee , claims the state for the republicans by 18,000 , but the democrats do not concede over 7,000. Returns very meagre , being from 225 plncus in various parts of the stale. CINCINNATI , October 11. midnight. At midnight 1GC wards and precincts - cincts are reliably rupoited. These show a net democratic gain of 73. There are 2,232 wardj and precincts in the state which , at this r.ite , will give Bookvyaltor a not gain of les than 4,000 , leaving Foster's majority over 14,000. The temperance vote re ported in thoBu wards is ! ) GO , out of a total vote of 41,252. Tlio vote of the Etato will probably roach 050,000 , The temperance vote of .tho state will hardly roach 15,000 , CINCINNATI , October 12.At 1 a. in , , returns are very meagre , but enough to indicate that Foster's ma jority is not far from 15,000 and the remainder of the republican state ticket about the KIIIIIO , In Hamilton county the count will bo in progress till daylight but there is little scratch ing on tlm state ticket and Foster's majority will probably roach 1,200. A demoratio judge and ( moor two can didates are probably elected throu"ii ° republican scratching. It looks as if Iho loaisliituro will bo roptibltmn , but may depend on Hamilton county , which is til ! very uncurtain. CINCINNATI , October 12 , 1:35 : a. m. The intonst at 1 a in , couU-r * in the loitislnliiro , TJio o ia a sti'ong irobability tint it will borupublir-uim. The scratching is BO gum-ru ) that tlio lomoeratio candidates may bo eltcfd from Hamilton county and thereby < ivo one branch to the democrats. Unlcaa , however , ( hey can procure w ; both houses it will bo ijniiossihlo t ( npMit tic present districtittg of the state lor coii ! > rcssinan wlitch1 is con sidered by both parties a very im portant matter. J CouJMiius , 0. , October ? 12. Al 112:20 : a. m , democrats concede Foston election by 8.000 , while tho1 ; rcpubli cans claim it by 15,000. Tbc legislature turo is in doubt and depending on the result in Hamilton county liwhich m-xj not bo dclorinined until jt inorniw , Four hundred nnd thittylhtco wardf nnd precincts give n not domocaaic gain of Olfi. Kvory indication is that the ctoo counties nro ropuhliejui foi the legislature. Later returns show that the repub lican candidates for the legislature have been elected in MusUcgum coun ty and in Van Wert. Th'i ' democrats oven fear that Foster has carried Franklin county. But frw remain l the democratic headquarters. A string band has just boon tfont over tt serenade them from thu'remihliciii headquarters. Till1. KUHTION" YESTK AV. DKS MOINGH , October H.lie turns up to 10 p. m. indicate a falling oll'of from tea to twonty-Uve. per cent in both < ho republican nnd democ-atic vote. The greenback vol * holds ilt own. V Dmiuytn : , Iowa , October 11.J. . K. ( Jr.ives , i-eub1ic.ui | ) , is elected t < the state senate by a largo majority and will vote for AVilaonJfor the Uni ted Stales senate. v * ; , NEW YORK DEMOOK ATS. National Assoitntrd 1'rcsa.i -i TAMMANY AND IUVINO HAUl I Bt.KOATE ! KXCLUDEI ) . * AniANYj October ll.Both , tin Tammany and Irving hml dcleg.itei were excluded from participating ii the convention. The contention was called to order at 1:25 : this ufternooi by L. 11. Faisknor , chairhiau of tin democratic state committee and : temporary organiKation was etl'octot by the election of DT' fn. Hill , ol CJicmting , as temporary ojiairiuan. At a Jiieoting of tlio Ttimma' < y hal and Irving hall delegates , it was re solved not to bolt 'the'a'cliou of tin convention. They worogiven seats ii the rear of the hall. j ALII AN v' , October llTho convention vontion re-assembled at 8:120 : p. m. Mr. Jacobs said thnt 'he liad beer given to understand thnt iiUio commit tco on contested scats wduld requirt more time than had beeif expected , as tlioy had docidedjfitO' give a full fair and frephoaring. ' rTKo committee rpsolntions would , alsb'-fequiro tiddi tional time , and for these reasons In moved that the cony.entlon ndjoun till 10 o'clock to'nibrrpw morning Carried mianimoualy. I1AHMONY AMONO } ( EV NEW YORK , October JL The nev republican atato committee , composoc of twenty half-breeds nnd liftecn utal wart a , mot to-day and devoted tin entire sesaion toward securing liar mony. Tliny were entirely success ful , tfie/stalwarts agreeing to givi their entire energy during the ro maindcr of the campaign to 'the sue cess of the ticket. AUTUMN SPORTS. THE TURF. National As.-ooiatc-il Prow. JKHOMI ! 1'AIIK HACKS. JKIIOMK PAIIK , N. Y. , October 11 TJio Americjyi jockey club race closed to-day. The lirat race , throe-quarters of i milo , wa- won by Duke ot Montrose Clarendon second , Valparaiso third Time , 1:19 : j. , - . The second race , throe-quarters of i mile , was won by Torawamla , FOB teral second , Chickadco third. Time 1:20. : , 1:20.rim /rim third race , n handicap sweep stakes , all ages , mile and n quarter was won by Wnrfiuld , CiroiU second Uonnio Lizzie third. Time , 2:14. : The fourth race , a handicap sweep stakes , all ages , two miles , was woi by Ferda , Eolo second. Time. 3:387 : , The fifth race , all ages , selling al lowancca , one milo , was won by Duk < of Montroao , Morathan second. Time liBOA. Tlie sixth race , a steepleehaso , shor course , was won by Trouble , Fnwl Short second. Time , 3:10 : ] . UJIKSTKK I'AltK IIACCH. CINCINNATI , October 11. Tlio lirsi race , 2:40 : class , was for n purao o 81,000 ; SGOO to first , S2HO to Bocond 5loO to third , § 100 to fourth. Tin btsirters wcro E.ichantrce , King Wilki and Lillian. The first heat resulted : ISnchantrosi first , Lillian second , King Y/ilki third. Time , U:29 : . Second huat , Eiieliantress first , Kin- Wiikes second , Lillian third. Time. 2:27. : 2:27.Third Third heat , Enchantress fir tLil - li-ni Hiicond. King Wilkca thiid. Time , 2:29. : 2:29.The The second race , the 210 ; class , wu ; for a purao of ? 1,000 ; 8500 to first , B250 to second , 9150 to third , nnd 3100 to fourth , The starters were ; Driver , Fannie Withcraou , Pilot , Wodgowood and William H. Tlio fii'dt heat resulted as follows ; William H , first , Driver sucor.d , Wedi > owood third. Tirno , 2:23 : , Second heat , William II , first , Driver second , Fannie Withersiiooii third. Time , 2:2U. : Thirl heat , Willmm H , first , Fan. niu Willierspoon second and Driver third , Time , 2,23. Indications , S'titlonil AmioclaU-U l'rc H. WASIHNOTO.V , October 12 , For tha upper lukon ; Partly cloudy wo.ithor ind r.iin , south windH , lower buroinu- tcr or higher tompunituru. Fen- the ; ippor MUilHtippi valley ; Partly ) loidy | weather and rain , wfiidsmostly I'Wlh , falliii'/ , followed by rising torn- icriitiiro , For the Minnouri valley : Pair weather , prccodod by occasional aitm , stationary or hixher barometer , ituiionary or lower temperature , vinda ohifling to northweet. Balloon Anoonnlou Po tp noil. National Associated I'tcm. OtliCAUo , October ll. The coal , gas fnmi a city main wjw turned into Prof. King's balloon nt 11 o'clock lust night. Tt has been filling constantly nnco that time , but up to 2 o'clock this afternoon is but Imlf full. It is thought the ascension will bo mndo about B o'clock , by which time one hundred thousand foot of gas will have boon used. Prof. King will bo ac companied by ,1. 0. Hosliager , of the United States signal service. The wind is now south by cast. Tlio bal loon will bo carried over the north shore of the hike pretty well inland. CIMOAUO , October 11 , The pro posed balloon nsconHion was n failure this afternoon. A largo number of people gathered to wilnens the ascen sion but before the mammoth air ship was tilled with gas , Prof. King , the aeronaut , decided that the wind then prevailing , would c.irry the balloon up the lake and render the voyage ton long , therefore the ascension waa postponed until to-morrow. Want n Rooolvar Appointed- National AisochtiM Tress. INDIANAPOLIS , October 11. W. S. Hosonkratoday filed in the United States court n bill in chancery alleging fraud in thu rccmit consolidation ol tlio Lafayette , IMootiuiiutun & Muiiciu road with the Lake Erie it Western company , asking an injunction to re- utr.iin thu latter corporation from further control of the property and praying for the appointment of a re ceiver to whom the Lafajotto , Blouni- ington & Muncie road shall bo im mediately turned over. The pio- cecdings are in the interests of the holdeis of the income Ixmda of the U , U. &M. road. The Orlolo Festival. National Ahioclatoil 1'rcis. BALTIMOKK , October 11. The second end day of the festival has been a giund success. One hundred thou sand strangers are in the city. Thu events of the day wcro the reception of the French visitor.1' and the open air concert at Mount Vcrnon atnignt. The festival style of the southern mardi gran took place and waa a com plete success. The tableaux were thirty-fivo in number and represented historical , allegorical and mystical scenes. The streets wore illuminated by electric lights and hundreds o ! buildings were illuminated , which presented a charming scene. NOWH From Jamaica. National ABsoclatfil 1'rcs.i KiNflSTON , Jamaica , September 30. The news of President Gartiold'n death was received here with foolinge of profound legret and sorrow ainonj ; all classes on the 21st. Flags nt half moat were displayed from public build < v ' * j- and principal nioniivnt.iln o tnh lismnonts in the city arid likotvlat from the shipping in the harbor. Yes terday , in compliance witli an ad mirnlty order , minute guns , as n lokor of respect to the memory of the dis tinguiahod American , were fired al thy Port Royal naval station. Mormon Conference. National AwwclntiHl 1'rwx. SALT LAKI : , uctobor 11. TJio semi annual conference of the M > rmoi ; church closed last evening. The tub crnacle , seating 11,000 , was crowded , No chaiges wcro Hindu against churcli oflicinla and two vacancies in the am > s < tleship continue untilled. All tin dignitaries had an opportunity tu nd dross an immense audience. The preaching him been of the usual tone , though no defiance ( o the government has been mniiifented in any discourse , The only tiling like it was yesterday , when John T.iylor raid that if tin American nation did not repent oi their mus God \\ould \ destroy it. Mexican MattorM- National AoMictatrd I'rutM. CITY OK MKXICO , October 11. A commission Imi been appointed to ar range for a commercial treaty will the United States. The commiesioi is composed of Antoine Dernier , llay < man Gusemnn and four others. The Mediterranean railway com pany has completed 150 kilometers ol their road from the City of Mexico. A grand banquet was given last evening by the Mexican government to Admiral Lopote , of the Spnnisli nvy , who accompanied the body ol ex-President Arista to Mexico. Pnblio Buiiofiiotom Nan FrancNcoCliioiilclu. In spitu of thu alleged folfinliiicpHof rich men , they give aw.iy n great dent of money. In f.ict thuy give nearly ns iniiL-h ; ti puor men do. In the United States m.uiy oxnmjile.i of liberality , especially in aid of educational insti tutions , are presented. The splendid roll it Jomjihoning with the steady pace of the years. Dining thu past two decades the following sums have been given for educational purposed by the persons named : John Hopkins $3 , . 000,000 ; John 0. Oreen , 8750,000 ; Ezra Cornell , $1500,000 ; U. W. Sage , § 500,000 ; Mrs. Valeria Stone , 8 00 , OOOj ( Jooa o Peabody , § 2,000,000 ; Joseph E. Shefileld , 8100,000 ; Na- tlinmol Thayer , 8250,000 ; Nathan Mnthcws , 8250,000 ; Samuel Willis- ton , 8150,000 ; S. 0. Hastings , 8100- 000. To thia list muat bo appended the name of James Lick , whojo total donations , for 11 variety of public pur posed foot up § 1,820,000. Some years ngo Lelniid Stanford of this city donated 825,000 toivird and Odd Fol lows' homo. In various Christmas donations J , 0. Flood Ins given about $12,000 to tlio orphan asylums of this H'ato. ' "Jtiamoro bleased to give than to rccuive , " is often quoted , but is not BO often implicitly believed. That the su.ying obtains occasional 2rodcnce is evidenced by the proced- ng statistics. The best time to give Is when the gift can bo afforded and when a man live long enough to witness somoof the beneficial ell'ecta of his liberality. Mrs. A. Atkinson has lutuinml from Novs- York , uml the grand dis- > lny of the season will bo announced u u fuw day a. WASHINGTON , Rumors That tlio Resignations oi Winflom and MacVoagli Will bo Announced To-day , And That Socrotm-y Blalnc Will Retire Prom the Cnbiuet Soon. Judge FolRor , of Now York , the Probable Successor of Secretary Windom. The Star Route Swindlers Still Trying to Uvado the Law. The Cabinet Holds an Hour and a Half Session Yesterday. Hownato'i Cnoo Before the Ornnil Jury-Gnitoan to Tic Ar- -day. MISCELLANEOUS National AtwoclaUxl I'roM. ItOWUATr.'H CASK. WASHINGTON , October 11. The ( jroml jury he.-ml General Hnxcn and several other witnesses in tlio How- Kate oinbosMlomont case to-day. II will bo Rovoral daya before a bill can bo returned. TIIP.STAU UOUTES. It la probable lliat thu star routers' motiini to But aside tlio iufoinmtion will bo arghed on Fiiday , in Col. In- gersoll , ouo of the counsel , goes west next week. The ( pounds sot forth in tlio motion mo : 1st , No notice was iv n , if any , of the information. 2d , That tlio court was without jur isdiction in the matter. 'M , That tin otlbnso charged in throu year * old and the delay of the information h unac counted for. 4th , Insullloiont allidavita. oth , No proceedings wore ntiuthomod anil ro con trary to practice , flth , The information docs not charge tlio of fense against the United States. 7th , Tlio mattora charged were impossible of execution by tlio departments. 8th , The information is not tilled accord ing to law. Oth , Because at thu Unit of the alleged commission- the acts chanted they were authorised by i standing rule of tlio poatoillco depart mvnt , w'Hfih ' , also wuj made , and ii forcc'bofuru ( luif. "Urt'Jy w9& uatfyi poatmastor-gonorrtl. AN BNCIKAV1NG OF UAHFIKLD ON IIONUH. The first vignette of the late dent which will appear among tin treasury issues will bo upon chcckt for 0 per cent , bonds continued at 3) ) per cent. The checks embrace thi first isHiio which can bo utilized foi that purpose. In the postoflico department partmont the vignettes of the lnt < " president will bo" placed upon 5 cenl postage stamps. MAIIINKT MKKTINO. WAHIIINOTON , October 11. Tin cabinet were in session at tlio "houai on the hill" from noon until 1:1(0 : ( p1 in. All the inoinborH were present The meeting was' unmarked by any thing of interest. Tlio question o cabinet changes WIIH not referred to and only the minor details of the de partmcnta wtro discussed. Among the callers on tlio presidun to-day wis ox-Senator Thna. 0. Platt CAUINKT OIIANOEH. Tlio general belief hero to-night ii that at least two cabinet changei will bu announced tomorrow , the re tiring nicmbera being Windom and MacVoagh , It is kiiown that tin president ban upon his desk moro tliai 100 nominations to ho sent to the soil' ' ate and the impression is that n liuiil adjournment will bn possible in twi or tlirco clays. The president ha * definitely stated that ho will have no communication to send to the nonaU other than nominations. Tlio fact thai nothing but nominatioiiH were consid ered at the cabinet meeting to-day u ml that cabinet ehuimes' won not referred to is taken tu evidence by some that nc imincdiato change wcro contemplated , Hut , on the other hand , it is sail ! that Secretary Windom told a frionii last iiigjit that tlio president would name his successor within forty-eight lioura , Jt is pretty well understood Lliat Judge 1'olgor ' , of Now York , stands thu beat chaneu for the posi tion. It is thought that the attorney- noneralship will bo filled from New England. Secretary JiUinu expects to retire before long and devote his time to private business. TUB UKMOCllATIQ OAUCl'H , WAHIIINOTON , October 11. The lemocratia senators went into caucus teen after the adjounimont of the ionato to-day , the subject under con- iideration being ISdmund's resolution to conlinuo the standing committoiu. I'hu unknown attitude of David Davis placed the democrats in an embarrassing - ing and uncertain position , as their io\voi : to resist republican advuncua loponds , now that the threu now Mon itor ; ! have been admitted , upon hie /oting with thorn. There was a pro. onged discussion , and uftor appoint- ng Mi'Hirii. Potidluton , Davis , ( W. t'n. ) and Butler asu coinmitteo to ; onfcr with a. like conimittoo of the republican caucus , they adjourned to ho B.iiau hour. Tt is understood that ho democrat * * will not , under any dr- MimstUiicos , push the matter to thu jxtromity of u deadlock , WII.I , HUITOUT MAHONH. It is reported that Congressman Jorgemicii , of Virginia will very soon iiiblish a circular addreas m-gini ; Vir- ( inia republicans to support Muhoiiu md hia rauljustcr ticket , Jorgensen ; ays Mahonos conduct in voting for \nthony against J3ay rd for president of the senate proves him a good ic- imblican and entitled to support and ho ( Jorgcnscn ) is natislicil to auppoit. him. . OUITEA.U. 10 nK AUIIANOEII TO-DAY. WASHINGTON , October II. The best information obtainable is to the of loot that Quitoau will bo instantly put to plead to-morrow. A copy of the indictment and n list jf the wit nesses was served on Guiteau _ at the jail thin afternoon. The indictment was read to him in his cell. AVhat he said is not known. Mr. Scovillo ha1 } thus far boon unsuccessful in trying to get a lawyer to assist him in the defense of the assinsin. CRIME- . Kntloiml AMCx-lnUil I'rriii. A HI.APK 1IHUTB HUN ? COHINTH , Mass. , October 11. A terrible rotributinn has overtaken a miserable brute in Franklin county , this state. Robertson ( colored ) over took Mrs. Kllon .loluisou , an a cd white lady , nnd outraged her , nlmning and treating her in a violent manner. Tlio news in a short titno spread far and v.ear ( and largo crowds of men made a diligent search nnd ltokortaon was captured near the kTellorson county line by colored men , who at once conveyed him to Morgan's Fork , within half a milo of 'tho place where the deed was committed. Not less tlmnJJOp orJOO people , both black and white , had assembled , and it wan finally proposed to take tlio vote of the crowd , which was unanimously in laver of hanuiug the brutish scoun drel. Good order prevailed through out ami it was done in open daylight on the public highway. The young demon was only nineteen years old. FIRES.- National Associated I'rcu. AT MU.VUIK , INI ) . MPNCII : , Inij. , October 10. At ! l o'clock last night a tire consumed Lewis KCCSO'H largo and valuable barn , uituated on hia farm two miles south of this city. In the barn was three horses , farming implements and a lot of grain , nil of which worn destroyed. Loss , § 4,000 ; inmiranco unknown. on n Tour. National AmocUtuU I'ruiH. DUIIUO.UI : , la. , October ill , The river is very high and is nearly up to the warehouses on the lovco. All the bottoms and lowlands are covered , and all the saw mills at Clayton are under water. The force of the freshet will soon bu over. The nso at this point was six inches in the pjst twenty-four hours. Such a rise in the fall was never heard of before. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. National Associated 1'rcnn. ; , , HocKVOiti ) , 111. , October 11. Ex- ' ' Mayor " \Yatt > on died At an early houi thi < i.inornmjs. ? * l3. i > UoM' ' lj'iKnilwiiii ! The tleath caused a shadow over' the whole place. CINCINNATI , October 11. - Control of the Cincinnati Southern railroad was given over to-day to'tho now com pany , which will bo styled the Cin cinnati , Now Orleans & Texas Pacific SAN FUANIJIKCO , October 11. King Kalakaua and suite arrived in this city to-day. ST. PAUL , October 11. The Marquis of Lorno and suite arrived hero to-day from Winnipeg , and left this evening- for Ottawa , and will sail for England onthe'22d. KEWA.SKUM , Mis , , October 11. Bur glars blow opun the f > nfo if L. HOBCII- huimor , grain dealer , and secureA S2,000 cash and 50,000 in notes. Columbnn Politics- COMJ.MIIUH , October 10. Tlio dem ocrats hold their annual pow-wow and love feast last Saturday , but there was not as much love wasted among them us nsuitl. The engineers had thing * all cut and dried and thought it was not necessary to use an much corn juice us usual to oil the machine. Tlio consequence was when they forced their machine nominations on tin ) convention n rcHpectabla minority kicked and they arc likely to keep on kicking until after the election. The democratic nominees nro : For treasurer , J. E. North ; county clerk , John Staufer ; county judge , J. 0. lliggiim ; suporintundcut oi public in struction , If. Braun ; county surveyor , 1 { . llossiter ; commispi'jiair , David Shopbunch ; shut-ill' , D.uiiol Cavcn- iiugn , and coroner , Dr. A. lloint/ If the Ilcpublicans are alive and pull together , they can elect nearly , If. . not'ull , of thuir ticket by good major- iticH. iticH.Tho The Platte county fair , which cloned Saturday , wiia a gtand aucceaa , and one that those who had it in charge may well bo i > roud of. All dopart- meiits weio well represented , and the stock exhibit was particularly tine. OMHOA. Neliraika FoitofQoon- PoHtolllco changes in Nebraska during the week ending October 8 , 1881 , furnished for TUB DKK by Win. Van Vlock , of the postoflico depart ment : Established Walker , Wheeler county , Horatio M. Walkfar , P. M. } Wlieolur , Wheeler county , OeorgoV. . Bishoii , P. M. Diacontinuod Annandalo , Clay county ; lleacrvo , Gugo county , Rock , Hamilton county. Name changed Logan Valley , Co. Jur county to Norris. Poatmastorrt appointed Armada , Buffiilo county , William Cravcnj Blue Valley , York county , A. G. Corey ; Chelsea , Holt county , * Thoron F. Mil ler ; Inland , Clay county , J. 8 , Urooks ; Ionia , DIXOII county , Marquis Brown ; Long Pine , Sioux county , Thomas II. Glover ; Mouomineo , ( Jodar county , John' Hutlernian ; Pleasant Ilidgo , county , ' Misa Mary M. Coop er ; Postviilo , Platte county , II. h > . Klliott ; Staplehurst. Boward county , Krankliu liodun ; Tainora , Howard : ounty , August WoHl' , JKOLINEOK MAN- Iinimtfiicy of mind , limb , o.r vital fune. timi , nervous wuakncn ) , nexual debility , rtc. , cured by "Well1 Health ReneworV 81. At alldrujfBlata. . Depot , 0 , V , Uooduwn , Omaha , (3) ( ) V