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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1881)
UJl * THE OMAHA.iDAiLY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR. OMARA , FRIDAY MORNING , QQ rOBERlj 1881 , NO. 97 ' QUIETING THE GONQUERER ParnolltliB , Great Irish A tor , Arrested By Order of the Government , The Cowardly Occupants o ihe Castle Mortally Afraid of His Speeches. Unable to Oopo With TJnarmoc Chief uains They Appeal to the Dungeon. The People Pushed to the . Verge of Revolution by the Event. The loader Qni tly lumdod In Kil- nmlnliau Jitll Mlnuto Dotaila of the Arrot. Rational Associated I'mw. OOOD-BYE , . CHABLEY. LONBON , October -23. Charles Stownrt Parnell , tin Irish agitator , was arrested this morning by order o I the government , undur the coercion : ict. Thu news of his arrest has al most stirred up a revolution in Ire land. The arreat of Pnriicll was ac complished by the government officers at the King's Bridge railway station , .Ireland. The agitator at the tinio was on the train , going to attend the county Kildairo convention , whore lie 'had ' been advertised to deliver an ad'tre'fs on the land act , and whore an immense concern ran of the Irish people was to be ass em bkil to receive him. It was well known the character of the speech to bo delivered by Mr. Piirnoll would bo violent in the highest degree , and tliat his party managers had made every effort tti have assembled at the convention vontion an audience that would bo in p&rfect sympathy with his utterances. It wai because of the fear o the re sults that the'governmont was appealed to by the loyalists to apply the coer cion act to Psirnoll and that the Gov ernment consented to the upplica tion. It was intended to have the arrest made quietly , but the news of Parncll's advent to Kildaro had been so well advertised by the land league that crowds of sympathizers were posted along the entire route and at the railway 'stations were assembled great thrones. The number of people at the King's Bridge station -was great and Air. Parnoll was practically in the midst of an ovation when the gov ernment officers , boarded the train. The officers had not apparently antici pated the presence of such a throng and , being ( few , hesitated to make the arrest , fearing A report would ensue , but they had no option in-the'mattor , as tbe order was . - ' rthe titation. f popuJacSlittliu station had not suspected the real reason for the presence of the soldiers and sup posed they were there merely to pto- Borvo order. When the officers board ed the train there was no movement among the pejplo indicating that they understood the solution of the affair. It was 'not until Mi. Parnoll was act ually under arrest that the truth dawned upon the assemblage and then n scene of the wildest disorder followed. The determination to order the ar rest of Parnoll was arrived at during the secret and prolonged session of the cabinet hold yesterday. No indication - cation of any kind was given that such a step had been dccidud on. After the session ended the public was given to understand that while the ministers of course had given some attention to the condition of affairs in Ireland , yet there had been a division upon the question as to the best course to pur sue , and that the most of the time not consumed in the consideration of the * Irish question had been used ar ranging a final policy toward the Transvaal. The resolution to arrest Parnell was is this way kept entirely a secret from the English and Irish people , and BO profound A secret did it remain no QUO knew of it boaidea the cabinet until Secretary Forstor , who secretly left London immediately after the cabinet adjourned , reached Dublin at a very early hour this morn ing , This ho did by special means of travel. He at unco summoned the best government detectives available , placed the warrant for the agitator's -arrest in their hands , and giving thorn the -fullest assurances of military sup port and the amplest powers advisable , ordered them to perform the du y as signed as speedily and secretly as pos- diblo. Secretary Pointer thereupon placed himself at once on the closest communication with the military all over Ireland , andit was not long .after the detectives left the secretary before ho had every member of the British force in the island under the most absolute orders. The cabinet to day do not hesitate to say that they believe the energetic measure will have the ellcct of improving the polit ical condition of affairs in Ireland , but many who have paid much atten tion to these affairs shako their heads and say the olfect of Purnell's arrest may be very commendable but cannot now bo cal culated with any certainty. Parnell was taken to Kilmainham jail , the prison which was prepared especially for the prisoners arrested under the coercion act and in which both Mr. Dillon and Father Sheohy languished. Ho offered no resistance. Ho was so taken with surpriio when the officers presented the warrant to him as to be for a moment speechless and powerless. The people at King's Bridge station , when they saw the Irish leader a prisoner in the han da of the soldiery , were indignant and disposed to tit once crush the oiilcertj to death , but the power of the government appeared so instanta neously in the presence on the ground of largo armed soldiery , who had OB- capod notice before that a sort of dreamy to'rror came over Jho people They fell back , for a moment sub dued , and Pnrndl was removm without trouble. The now spread all over Ireland witfr th rapidjty of lightning , nnd everywhere that it wont the populace turned enl ; to find the British soldiery armed , an ! on duly abend of them. The power of thu English go\eminent nnd the utterly helpless condition of the IrNh people in any scheme of common resistance sistanco were never more terribly con traatcd than in the necrccy , the and denncss , the complete success of the. arrest and the dazed helplessness will which the Irish people Hero compollet to learn of It in the proaonco of an armed force that seemed in n momcni to have swarmed all over the country and taken complete possession. Mr. Gladstone , on the invitation oj the lord mayor , wont to the Guilt hall to-day and tliBro received an address - dross from the municipality. In re ply lie said that Irish affairs were too near and too pressing to bo. put backer or neglected. The condition of Ire laud was , without doubt , the most serious , but in dealing with thin con dition the government disclaimed al partisanship. There was no issue be tween political parties in England or the question. The government had sblnmn duties to discharge and it was determined to perform them. The first step which it had taken toward1 * vindicating order and the rights of propcity in Ireland was the arrest ot Parnell which had been made to-day. "Mr. Parnoll , " said Mr. Gladstone , "from motives which I do not challenge , has made himself prominent by attempting to destroy the authority of the law nnd to substitute for it an anarchtal oppression - prossion of the Irish people. I believe that the Irish people wish to give the land bill a fair trial and the govern ment ia determined the people ate not ip bo terrified out of their constitu tional rights. " This declaration of the intention of the government was received with much applause by the assemblage' which tilled the inag- nificoi\t \ hall. M' . Gladstone closed liis remarks by sayinc thai thu govern ment intended to abide by the Trans vaal convention , which the Boers hud solemnly agreed to ratify. Upon leaving Guild flail , Mr. "Gladstone was greeted with vociferous cheers by the crowds which lined the street , and .hcso continued to be taken up by the > oniilaco as he drove through tho- city , along the embankment and to West- muster. The excitement in" the city ] y reason of the news from Ireland is very great , and further is waited for with great anxiety. THE INDIPXMENT. The warrant on which Parnoll was arrested charges him with inciting Ti'sh tenants to repudiate part obli gations and refrain from applying to ho legally constituted land commis sion to fix rents. DILLON DENOUNCES TUB OOVERNMENT. Immediately after Parnell's ' arrest' ' kit impromptu.tneethu was held at Morrison's hotel , Dubkn , which was Pitted .over ; byjM hA'jWjpn.i whn denounced ni strong terms * thu Action of the government , amid the applause of the crowd. A DEVOLUTION IMMINENT. DUBLIN , October 13. - The city is illed with soldiery and the city pre sents the appearance of an urmed : amp. The inland is in a state of fer * ment. A popular indignation is growing all over the country , and ip low on the vorg * of revolution , and copt from breaking out by the pres- Jiico of extraordinary mil tary forces. : he land league is now sitting in spe- ial session , presided over by John Dillon.It is rumored that the gov- rnmcnt will take military possession ) f the land league headqu irtors , and ireceod to extreme measures to sup press the league. The league is pre paring an appeal to Iiishmcn in \morica. HOW TUB AKKBHT WA3 MADE. LONDON , October 13.-Tho latest iccpunts show that Parnell was anost- d in Morrison's hotel , Kind's Bridge tation , Dublin , where ho had gone to lo down and take a resb before taking ho train to Kildaro canon. Ho wan irrosted after the train reached the tation , some of the detectives board - ng it on the supposition that he was eated aboard. Others of the force ntered Morrison's hotel and found Parnoll abed therein and placed him inder arrest. The fact that the agitator vas a prisoner did not appear until ho flras out of the hotel and on the rail- oad platform , where the guard sur- punded him more closely. The en- ire garrison of toldiera in Dublin re now confined to their barracks in rder to bo ready to march at any tno- nent. The excitement continue to ncreaso , but thus fur there has been .0 outbreak. An impromptu moot- hg was held at Morrison's hotel im- lodiatoly after thu arrest , and Mr. ohn Dillon , in a very impassioned peech , denounced the government's ctiou. An order for his arrest is mo netarily expected. If any attempt o execute it is made a deplorable cene of'violence and bloodshed is ure to follow , TKOOPfl AT THE JAIL. DUBLIN , October 13. Kilniuinhum ail hospital is now full of troops , who voro served with bill and cartridges. BIB. HTAFFOKD NOKTHCOTE. LONDON , October 14. Sir Stafford orthcote in speaking at Edinburgh ast evening said it was a satisfaction o arrest Parnell , but ho held thu ovornment responsible for the state f affairs loading to the arrest. A t-TRONO IIKHOI.UTION. At a private meeting of the Irish lombors of the homo of commons eld in this city last evening a resolu- ion was arranged which will bo pro- icsed at a great _ meeting to bo held in Dublin to-nhfht. Thu resolution is as ollows : "Resolved , That no govern- lent tuxes uro henceforward to be uyabla throughout Ireland. " INDIVIDUAL COVMKflT. BOSTON , October 13. P. A. Col- ins , president ot the National Irish and league , expresses great surprise vor Paniell'tf urrost uud says in an interview : "I did not suppo o GJad tone would blunder ngm BO soon Ho himself provoked Parncll's receni utterances by speech. I trust the Irish people to keep cool and then Parnell will bo a greater force in jai than free. I think there will bo IK outbreak but the arrest will intensify the land leaguu again , Our branch will probably immediately nppoal to America for aid. BcFKAM ) , N. Y. , October 13. Rov. Patrick Cronin , vice president of thu American land league , snja n mass meeting will bo held nt nn early dnto to express indignation at the arrest of Parnoll. Great excitement is mani fested by leading Irishmen hero. SYMPATHY XXrilKHSKD. MANCHESTKK , N. II. , October 13. The Manchester branch of thu land jonguo held .1 largely attended meet ing this evening Strong addresses denouncing thu arrest of Paruell were made. The follow-in ciblcgram was read and forwarded by the secretary. MANCIII-STKI : , October 13. Secre tary Land League , Dublin : Parnell's arr st can sea the utmost excitement and awakens the memory of cen turies of misgovornmcnt , Follow his teaching , no surrender. Stand firm Tor frco lands and homo government. Wo are with you to the und. ( Signed ) CHAS. GALLKOIIEK , President Land League. OTHER FOREIGN AFFAIRS. National AkEod&tod Prrn. THKCJIAII'B MOVEMENTS KBIT RECKET. LONDON , October 13 A Berlin sorrespondcnt sayH a telegram from it. Petersburg ! ! announces that the Lluewian journals have rcceiuid iv cir cular from the censor pr-jhibiting the indications of any thing about the im pending movements of the czar or any of the imperial family. THE AMRKll VICTOIIIOUH. Thu ameer in two well contoitod 011- jngements 1ms defeated the force sunt gainst him from Herat , although his 'orces wore commanded by "Russian soldiers. The government of Herat s now attempeing to muko terms of > i-aco with the ameor. The latter eems determined to push his present1 ad vantage. A Rich Vein of Coal. pcchl Dispatch to TliR HUB. GiiAsn JuNimoNj Iowa , October .3. The Grand Junction coul com- tany finished sinking their shaft this afternoon , and the indications are hat they have thirty inches of very superior coal , and , of course , the stockholders are feeling jubilant and anticipate a successful career with hcfr enterprise. * Snoceisfel Balloon Ascontlon. National Associated Vna. CHICAGO , October 13. The longi alkea of balloon ascension was suc- esafully made to-day from the "baso ' ' works' , nnd after u tedious preparation > f the four anchors and other para- mernalia of the balloon , Prof. Samuel I King , tin ) luroiuut , suddenly drew lis knife across the cable which held ho struggling leviathan to the earth. 'ho rope -parted with a loud snap and ho swept through the crowded park nd sailed gracefully toward the louds. Prof. King waa accompanied > y Sergeant George Hasha on , n Jnitcd States mgnal service ob- ervcr , who carried a few imple instruments \iith which to nako baromotoric reading and to take lie elevation , humidity , tempeiuhiro nd to observe the clouds , und cur rents and concral phenomenon. .bout one thousand pounds of bag- caga was carried in the car , consisting f extra clothing , provisions , otc. 'ho start was made at 4:45 : and in on minutes after considerable ballait was thrown out the air hip had ascended two miles , moving in a outhwest direction under a stiff > reezo At that point the upper air urrent was entered and the speed WUH somewhat slackened. In forty linutos it disappeared from view in no clouds. Mexican Matter * . atlonal Associated I'remi , CITV or MEXICO , October 13. A omincrcial commission has boon ap- > ointed by the Mexican government or the purpose of considering the onvcniencu and inconvenience of the iresent treaty with the United States nul the suggestion ot necessary mod- icttions. _ They will study the qucs- ion of'nalional jurisdiction in the natter of n violationof a treaty. They will also consider different mutton > ertaining to customs and the advan- ngcs of any union with the United tatea. A sensational dispatch has been re- oived from Masataland statini ; that wo hundred Americans art * preparing o invade the state of Sinalaa , nnd liey are the advance guard of a ma- audint ; expedition. A dispatch from Monterey Bays that ioavy rains have fallen for the past ourteen hours , inundating thu city nd rendering over two hundred fam- ies homeless. Borne loss of life is eported from other points of the tato. The water is doing much dam- go. The secretary of war has or- ered a division ( if troops to ha sta- ioned at Oaxis City on account of the riport at Guatemala that a frontier war is considered possible but not > robable. * _ _ Indication * . itloiul Aiioclattd i'rena. WASHINGTON , October 14. For ( hopper ppor lake region : Partly cloudy million and rain , cmi winds , sta- ionary or lower barometer and torn- ) oratnro. For the upper Mississippi nd Missouri valley : Partly cloudy weather and rain , east to south wind' * , ewer barometer , stationary err r tumni-raturo , Tronblo Aruone the Menuonitca. letloual AiwoclatoJ 1'ieu. OTTAWA , Out. , 'October 13. A dif- culty having occurred but uon oouiu on A portion of the Monno nitct reservation in Manitoba , tha Do minion ffovornment Ui r decided to ujlow nedfortr to remain on the lam on p.iymbntof1 93 per acre. A prom incut Mennorilttt BO'tier Mja that the Monrtonitci threaten to Jvmovo to Da kota if payment ia cnforecil. Border National Amocialod ITex * . * CiiKuno , October 13. Lieiit , Wood ward , of the Tenth cavalry , telegraphs to military headquarters in this city from Fort Quitmnn , Toxiis , that the latest news from Nana'a Apaches , gathered from "Mexican1ttwircos , is that they loft the Candolnria inoun- tains and went to the Coralitns where they were attacked by Col. Torrats and' fifteen Indiana killed. From there the Indians are rnpaHcd to have cone west toward Lake Quomaii and Florida mountains. v A special from FortfKcogh says Capt. anyder with throo'cwinpanioa of mounted infantry has bean L searching Tor ton days for a party of White hunt- era reported slaughtering , largo quan tities of buffalo near Hho source of lied Water rivers , " mif lins been unable to find them. * Iti.ia feared Ihey would come in eollUion with the Yunktonaia Indian ? , if the slaughter ot bulialoa vna.ttfit stopped. Booth' * Domeitie IJifc. National Associated Trou. , ij NKW YOKK , October . 'IS. A dra matic journal prints lth . .fltnteinent that Kdwin Booth ftnd"wlfo have separated , the former coing to the hotel Brunswick with/hiiV-daughter / Edwina , nnd the latter to > private house with her motheflHnd step father , .T. H. MeVioker , who have rented a place on Sixth nyonuo and Fiftieth street. It is Raidjtbo estrange ment hns grown for a yewj nnd ' cul minated with thu discbvMMfi'that the wife had willed to her mother prop erty in Chicago deeded to1licr by Mr. Booth n year ago. It ist&lso said thcro has been oiitsidojgiutBrforcnco in their family aflairs. | Mra. 35ooth aulTers greatly , part of the\timn being confined to her bed. Booth , Is looking ill nnd careworn. Fatal Polio : National Aseod.itctl I'ross. UANNIIIAL , Moy Oofojjor iy. A c.iso of wholesale poisonitijjoccurred icar hero yesterday. MiOnid .Mrs. Binnn Westfall , thoirja'jaughter , , and a hired manifaine | ( un- cnown ) being the victiwc. V All ate oatmeal mush for brcakfaStMuieli wan > repared by n negro cSSik. They vcro almost iramcdiatcly Tiikcn sick , jut Mr. Westfall manageU to come nto town for medical , ) In he meantime Mrs. Wcstf dicd and the others uro very sickl i'nyBicmiis > renounce it arsenic ipqiMSiyifg. The : ook did not oat ( ho ; ratith .and was not affected. She had tronblii wilhibo amily A short , time ago. SlK.Jias b'eeii arrested./ Tk.WorkofTnaim National Atsoclatod Prom. j. " ' " ' " " - - 'OUr. lington , Cedar Rapids fc Northern Toad was thrown from the track about 2 o'clock , n few miles south of this place. Engineer William Hailey V-M instantly killed , but nn one olsr in jured. 'Ihe accident wan the work of train wreckers , as the crow bar with which the rail was removed vuia found near by. Foot prints were also fcund leading to the adjoing cornfield , where u M agon of some kind had evidently been concealed Detectives are after the wreckers. Gorman Society Parade. National AmociaU NEW YOHK , October 13. A grand review and parade of German docieties and several militia regiments was given in Union square to-night in honor of Iho arrival of descendants of Stuben , who have boon specially sent by the Gorman empire to the Yorktown - town centennial. Mayor Grace pre sided and delivered an address of wel come. A number of Gorman , French and American national hymns were Bung by the German Hinging societies. A parade nnd review followed , after which the party started for Washing ton. . - ELECTRIC , BRIEFS. National Autocinted fteo. > CmcAdo , October 13. The National DiBtillprs and Spirit Dealers' associa tion finished its session and adjourned this afternoon. A banquet will be given ihem thin evening , after which the delegates will Rive the city. CUIUAOO , October 13. The conven tion of the Colored Baptists of the northwest to-day dhcujsud the pro ject of establishing u colored theolog ical Hshool at Louisville. A Big Hani by Bnrclan- National AnHOilatod 1'rn * . CJIICAMO , October 13. A special from Carlinville , Ills. , says , The honHo of Ezekivl Perrin , n wealthy farmer living near there , wn entered by burglars" Wednesday night , whp secured 88,000 in gold. A singular coincidence In that nil members of Perrin'B family were bound and gauged in identically the same manner an a family named Fairbanks , near Turner Junction , who were relieved at the seme hour of 3000 in cash und $10,000 in government bonds , A Contradiction. National Awoclutvd I'reiw , CIIICAOO , October 13. The Wash- ton dispatch stating that the treasury cattle commission had failed in its purpose for lack of funds is emphatic ally contradicted from the headquar ters of the commission in Chicago. It is meeting with hearty cooperation tion on he part of thu local and state nuthmities , and lias expended but a small portion of the appropriation placed at its disposal by tlio secretary of the treasury. Mrs. II. L. O'Ueilloy ' takoi great pleasure in announcim. her association with the ricknoulodged hmding Milli nery KsUbliahment , ATKINSON , & CO'S , and solicits the patronage of her many fritmdi , The Time of 4 'S0Mto Iainly in Taken Up Y&\ * nt Electing a Ik * ProTom.V . 'hai David Dftvia Elootod' w > * Position by a Vo i > of 34 to 36. I Senator Davis Makes a 6hort Bpoeoh in.Accepting the Position. Batch of Norninatioi Sent to the Sormto Yesterday. \ Reception of tbo French and Gorman Visitors to the Yorktown Colo- bration. Wo Catlaot Nomluatlon * to be Sent to the Senate at Prc SENATE. NUoniU Aiwoclatctl 1'ti' i. WASAINQTON , Ootobur irj's It i understood that Senator KTdmnnds vill to-day offer a rcsiilutiun unseat ng Bnyani and iloclaiiuq David Davis irosiJinit pni turn. Thu policy thu democrats will pursue is not known , although the contingency has been disclisst > d in their caucua. Several senators nn that wifle declares1 that heir opposition will not be carrie the extent of filibustering. Senator Lamar offered n resolution requesting the president , if it would lot conflict with the public interests , o inform the senate whether any steps lave been taken since the last session o protect the rights of American citi zens in the projected intcr-ocoanio Anal across the isthmus of Panama. Jaid over. Edmunds culled up his .resolution , untinuing the committees. itct Garland nlferoil an iunundmont re- ct tricling the list to toll of tlfii loading tlct ommittees. ct A debate onsund. ' 81 OnTMr. Garland's amendment Da- DCH id Davis voted no. DCP" The amendment was rejected by a P" " > arty vote. in Edmunds' original resolution was in lion agreed to.Yeas 07 , nays 35. \ Sonutor Lo ayi ofl'eroi a resolution si hat David Davis bo declared 'presi dent pirVteni of the senate. , 5 Senator Penclletpn demanded that ho resoluiion lay over under the rulon. ti ' The Ho'nato ; then , u't 12:40 p. m. , oh w motion of Seiiator Sherman , wont'into u' ' ' rucutivei sHHslon i * ' ' ' * i > < 'TJiuVohat'o m'executive aitssion con firmed Hannibal Hamlin to bo minia- ter to Spain. All other nominations tiidi 'were referred to committees. diA In open session Senator Pendloton A : withdrew his objection to the present consideration of the resolution elect so ing David Davis president of the sen soP1 ate and debute was begun thereon , P1Tl Air. Jones , of Florida , being the first . Mr. .Tones' speaker. argument re IK ceived no leply , and the vote was IKJ ] tuken by ayes and nays. When Mr. II .Bayard's imnio was called he said : sc "I shall withhold my vote on this nu question. I hive never attained of- nue lloo by my own vote , and I shall not of seek to remain by voting. , I am glad iv i the vote in taken to-day. " When Mr. Davis' name was called ho remained silent. The vote stood : Ay OH 'M , nays 34. iv Senator Harris being in the chair in appointed Senators Bayard and An ino : thony to escort thu president-elect to inU the chair. U Senator Davis on taking the chair re spoke us follows : CD SKNATOHH The honor which you th have conferred cjmeB as did the neat which I just occupied , without Holici- t at ion on my part. If it carried with it any pledge of party obligation I ofK I could not accept the high position K I do not consider it as a recognition of thin any personal merit but rather as a tribute to thu independent position in which I have always occupied. I feel grateful for this mark of your confi dence and shall endeavor as a duty to administer the trust with impartiality ui and fidelity. Not having been trained ttH in parliamentary practice I jjhall tii hope for co-operation in this ro'pect. thtf The Hunato will now come to order. tf Edmunds said ho thought it not tic only a duty but a pleasure to offer n trn resolution that thu thanks of the sen n ate bo tendered to lion. T. F. Bay ard , the senator from Delaware , for the dignity and impartial manner with which ho has presided over this body during the brief period which he has occupied the chair. Thu resolution wai agreed to. nc On motion , Senators Logan and ncn PcudleWn were appointed u commit 1C tee to wait upon the president and in- 1Cu for.n him that the senate had elected w < Davis president pro torn. 1 , Senator Kellogg called up his resolution Ala lution calling on the president tor in Au [ formation in regard to the first nnd Aa Biibsequeiitoxtraditionof VinoinzoJRe- a bnllo. The resolution was adopted. Senator Voorheos offered a resolu tion for thu strikinu of u gold medal in commemoration of the services and la nnd death of James A. Garfield. Re laH ferred. Ii After Homo uniinpoitunt buaincaH IiHI the auimte , at 1)3 : ) p , in , adjourned. 1 , NOMINATIONS lu Thu following nomination' ) wore it uunt to Iho Houalo thii morning , be 01U ing nearly nil UIOHU officially uppoint- 01V otl since- the lust saamon by the Into V Proiidont Garliuld : Hiniiilnl Hum- lin , of Mulnu , utnoy extraordinary nnd minister plunopotonUary of the Unite ! States toSplin ; WalterDlaino , ef Maine , tlitid nsaistant auurctary of state ; Mark L. Hrciner , of Michigan , cuimil general of thu United Stuti'H at Botlini Alex. Joiirdon , of PcnnByj- vania , United Btatcs consul at Al ders ; Eilmond Johnson , oftNow Jersey , confcul at Piclon ; Arthur A. Harrison , of Now Jersey , consul nt Santa Andre ; Winfioid Scott Bird , of Alabama , consul - sul at LuiiRUeyuft ; Hobort V. Ilalloy , of Vermont , consul at Barbabo ; Taa. W. Silcc , of Indiana , consul nt Capo Town ; Henry S. Lasar , of Missouri , consul nt Port Stanley ; Alva S. Alex niidor , of Indiana , fiftli auditor of the troaiury ; Bon P. Di\vis , of Jtaiuiuhl- Fotts. fourth auditor of the treasury ; ' -\coi > H Ely , of Now Hampshire , klor of the treasury ; Thomas M. msrtiu _ tlf collector 0 Mississippi , ' .Brondito. 'f the aatr0t ! Of Vlcks- t.f . oaitotni10. .xckin ot Wisconsin , .burg ; H. M. RW i revenue Third diilector of intern * , district of Wisconsfll * * Crocker , I'ostmMturii-James M. 'niball , Ileou1 City , Mich. ; Kiovi J. X v ' .0 NorwnVi Mich. ; Charts E. Woatlnk. . . ' Mt. Pkwint , Mich. ; John Otto , Mt. Olonicns ; . Mich. : CJiarK * M. Buckley , Montgomery , Ala. ; Jaco4 > X31assElm- hurst , III. ; Lindsoy Well. ' ' ' , Piyry , In. ; Mrsi Dollo M. Burcholl , vKt. Worth , Tex. ; m\on t AgtoclAtai Trtw. IKC'KITION OK F1CHOII AND O. S V1SJW1W. W'ABHINOTON , October 13. Ap ty f ciY-izons of thu Ditrict , lieadoa y tvo commissioners , wunt to BaltimoTO inlay nnd escorted the French nn.d Jcrmiui ; grunts of thu nation who ftro' o parti eipato in the Yortctown cole- ration. At the depot nn address oj , ' , elcomo vas made by Commissioner lorgan rti ul responded to by. Montrey , Vench minister to the United States , 'ho ' visitor.i > remained quietly nt the .rlincton t bis evening. To-morrow 10 city wl/U / Jitrrnlly belong to tlio Isitors. P. nblic departments will bo , osod at 110.01) ) ' , and soon after the i nests will bo3eortod ! ' to the capitol y the military ftrnl civic societies of t ic District , w here they will be > i > o- tti ) ivod by the president of the United tifi tales nnd a recot > 4ion will bo held. IV > ] fi1 lorrow evening there will bo a grand < \1 Ititnination and itisplny of firoworlni ) . 1Vi nd thu German utag'Jii * societies will , Vim mdor the dcscoudantn of baroiT- Viti tubon a seronaclo. tiM M CABINKT O3Htr. tiL Cabinet officers Htntod to-day that V ley have reason to bvliovo that no .Ucl ibinot nominations will bo sent to cl 10 senate until after tilu Yorktown ilubra'ion. Ex-Senatwv Fnlinghuy- in ( of Now .fersey , is decided on foe icrotary of _ statoi and'oxScimtor bwc , of Wiaconain , for some place , T robubly the interior dopnrtnivut , hue ithing olao is decided cm. Post- aster General JamoH wilt remain vhile and that will leavu'itr impos- blo to fill the treasury from New ork , hence it is considered ! not -ini- rpbablo that WJndom will remain in lice until ho is to take his proapeo- vo seat in the senate December ,1st id the whole Cabinet may remain i ichange'd until'then : An evidence , 10 cabinet will leave hero next Moil1 iy for Yorktown on the Tallapoosa. ' 1 EAKLY ADJOUUNMENT rHOBADU : V The result of to-day's session of the nato is generally accepted as a com- ete settlement of the present trouble. liero are no caucuses in the fore ound ; in fant there is no appuront ha ied for one. Both 'sides still cling to an ieir decision not to take the initiative ov regard to thu election of u ba cwtary this session ! There- now kn cms to bo nothing to in- fn rfero with the speedy disposition hi the buBinufs of the suasion. Qavis hiGi ill probably appoint senators to- , the an spectivo vacancies left by his prcde- an ssor. It is thought that all uxucu- seth ire nominations will bo disposed of th ithout conflict and the final adjourn- to out take place in time for the eenu- lie ra to go to the Yorktown colebra- lieTl an. The democrats generally take it avis' election philosophically. The itCtt publicans feel that they hava uc CttW impliyhod the object about which It toy have little more to say. Itmi UAIIFIKLD MKMOKIAL llOSl'ITAL. The Garfield memorial asAociation be the district of Columbia wlm prose - nrW > so building a national hospital in W ( o diwrict ot' Columbia in the uamu pain Garfield , to bo open to these need- g itu aid und minister without re inOn ad to class , castu of creed or color , On ks insuod an nddroan appealing to the wi inoroHity of everj-ono tor contriba- pi.ho . JOHN , small and large , to enable the ho socmtion to found mich nn inatitn- Tl iii. To be in need of help will bo 0 only passport required to enter num 1 door und secure Ita aid. Coiitribu- m ! > m may bo sent to Hon. J. Gilfillun , eusurer of thu United States , Wash- tii gton , D. 0. se as di W < HAMILTON COUNT * CINCINNATI , O. , October 1& Comja etc returim from the election of day jami ; fore yesterday in this county were th it received until 9 o'clock this morn- I g. They are pretty accurate , but it official. The roporU give Foster's hi ajonty 0,575 , and Judge Long- BO : > rtli thu highcHt on thu state ticket , th J)80. ) The hinlicH.votd cast WHH for in eery , democrat , for common pleas inwl dgo , Mutton , democrat , for probate ba .dgo , JH elected by , y80 , Miller , bam iinocrat , for county treasurer , hat * a or ujority of 11,740 , Johnaon , for coin- hi on plens judge and Devereaux for he 10 legislature uro also elected , thu is Her having n majority ot 550 over isal arlan , thu lowest on the republican alwl cket. The ropnblicaim elect throu at initom by majority ranging from tii 800 to 2f)00 , ; iiinu munibeiH to the ci : iginlatiiro by about the namu nmjor- w io.4. The only legial itivo eniuliilato i the republican ticket not elected is [ arlan , thu colored man , The re- uLlia'ins elect three common pleas iditH Miixwoll , Buohwalter and onnor. Hill , lepublican , for eoir.'ly him u mujoiity of 4U(10. ( 0. , October 13.Olmir - i in Nanh hi.i rotnnm from Boventy- x cdiintiya , giyinx Fontor L'3,800 lujority. Th aunatoiio\v | attnul/i / , re > publicans 22 , democrats 11. House , republican ! 70 , democrats 45. O. Si M. Election. NutlotvO Awociktcd 1'tcin ClNCiNNAti , October 1J1. Before Judge Harmon this morning the peti tion to prevent UioGarrott party from voting 7,200 nharei of hyp6thccatjd ( ulocks of the O. it M. railway nnd certain bonds , was refused on the ground that the matter was not properly - ly before the court. The work of amending thu petition WAS commenced nnd another injunction will bo asked , but it is believed the parties will vote the stock before further proceedings can bo obtained. The election Is now in progress. INDIAKAVOLW , October l.l. In the application for an injunction by the Jay Gould party to enjoin the Garrett party from voting curtain shares of stock at the Ohio & Mississippi elec tion at Cincinnati to-day , Judge Urummond decided to tuko no action. - " ' VCINNATI , October 13. - The Ohio V- / * iopi election is now In pro- it MIMW * . ' . -.ving filed ft protest test , ( iOdtt . * . of Iho eloclion , against tliO l titj . ' -courts. and will carry llio Hialtcr id tu , . . Mr. Goald , Jr. , olforcd to voio tH hypothecated stock , which wcro thd' subject oi contest , bifl was refused. The Gor U patty had already voted 0,000 share * ff t as 6on as Judge Hannon refusli.w the injunction to enjoin , The fight for the possession ot the Jhio & Mississippi nttln y/ between ho Gould and Uarrett imrties1 , hart' created great interest Jioro , and though the election in over the con- l nt is nut ended , but morely'Jomoved to iho courts. The Garrett piUty , ON as Judge * Harmt.U . refuntul to the injunction , openud the voted the contiHtcd stock" 'H attorney could got a on the iimondcd petltiop. ilr. G'itJd offorcd to vote , haviiuin lis poeienMon the ort innl certificates if tht' etoak , l it the v.oto was rejected. ho HtoekJiaviiHr bccit already voted iy tlto oppuahnin. Protests were led bv tlio Gould ; par\y against the > \\lty \ oi''tluj olfction at , d the matter ill bo font 3iod un ihv courts. The oto re nl.Vdi in favor oi. the Balti- lore Ji Ohio party and the Gould cket wjxs dofcnod by alwiiit 24,000 lares. M'lio dbector ulottid are : J. . DonaUlscn , of Dnltinu > ov Henry enrson , af Toledo ; V. Jivta on , of onisvillo and T. UVrrisoni C'nrrott ' , IBalliinoro. > JIM WEAVER'SJAMS. . Hey Oaua9 Him t > Sic3r ; Up an Himself JWith'u ' , BntcUor Knife , A dupcrnto itttoajib was n ia rday by , Jim Wearer , to com * lit sui- lo.He rushed . - , , x ( i n e m ' " ' itchoknifo in" h'iv hkiid ! ' on who had soon hin > draw the knife- llowodv When Weaver rooohod tlie ey hot bent down and ran th iknifo * rough his leg. Ho then irodon . BI in hia left wrist , then run the * iifo through hio * arm nour u shouluer. _ Tliei men who ' d followed him seized > pitch fork& d attempted to disuRfehim.Vhon or they approached he drove them , ck by menacing ttwm with' the life. Five times he- forced bhoui. jm him , nnd each ticu * . ho sobbed meclf in the breast. Finally Jack illigan grasped his fork as n club- , .d springing in , hit ) his arm _ d sent the knife flying. No- oner had it ' left his hand an he fell to the ground.1 A' . lephono message was cent to the pee - : o headquarters calling for a wagon , lis soon arrived ana ho was taken in > to the jail. Dr. Leisonring wasu lied and dressed the cuts. The junds were not pronounced serimu. is undoubtedly otvimz to the attack : ido on him by the outsiders which evented the cuts intho breast frank ing serious. These in , the leg and ins made before they reached him , > ro deepi and if itu a more vital. , rt would unquestionably have beau rious. About U o'cloak a carriage , which if an a. negro woman nomwti irrio Lfoper , who claimed to bo hut fe , calludi at t ho jail. He woo. iced in. it and taken to hia > uno on Jackson street , between lirtoeuth und Fouwoonth streets. BKB reporter visited the house out 8 o'clock , lust night nnd was ad itted by Mrs. Leoper. A rumor a afloat in that neighborhood at ho had eitheo shot'nt him- If or some one clso last night , three ropocta had been , stinctly heard. On qucationitigitlio jman about this.she said : "Jim han. id the jim-jams for the lost faw > Hund.fa b niglii was watched by a. About 2 o'clock I laid down on > 0 bud nnd went io sleep , nnd wheu uwoko again , u hulf hour latbr ha , d gone. I Bout a man out to look , m up. Soma one said they hadL un him. running at full speed over- e hills , headed south. I. heard noth- g clsn of him until half past five > ion I learned ho woe in tbo jail dly hurt. " Sheelaiioud that bo hud ndo no attempt cither to kill himself. ' any one clou lust night but said that 1 now insisted that ho had. Weaver is been out of mil but four days nncL considered a desperate character by I who know him. To thu maishcl , . lie asked him why ho hud mmlu tbo tempt , he said : "Oh , I know my ? inu will come some time , but it don tune uno soon unough , BO I thought I' ould Jiurry it.N \Vm. T. FilloyK-q. , of [ .ma , , attorney at law anil idgo [ lolico court and county com- lissioner , H.'iys that ho was restored i purfituk health und activity by those se of St. Jacob * Oil. Ho had tuf- ircd with rhuiunatisin for yuaro in- Htsuly , but by the recent uao < > f the jiiicdy ho was , ua atatod , oomnlotgly LiruJ , / ' -U