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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1881)
P ( i THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY OCTOBER 13 , 1881. \ COUNCIL BLUFFS. Yarious Interesting Matters From Iowa's ' Metropolis. Are the lumates of the Poor . Form Badly Treated ? THe Kosult of tlio Connty Election * Very DooNivo- Ib IT TRUE Til AT Til b IN MATES AUK 1IAHLY TIlKATKI AT TUB roou FA KM ? There are complaints coming into TUB BKI : ofllco that the boarders out At the poor farm are not treated a- Ihoy should ho ; that their food to kept short } that they are obliged to swal Jew their tlrink without the necessary ingredients to make it palatable ; their bread \ < t eaten without butter ] that meals ] sent to the inmates are not onongh to keep them from being ex cccdingly hungry between times. Wo don't know how much truth thuro connected with thcso complaints , bub if they are true , the people of tin county don't want it to proceed any farther. Thcro are no doubt BOIIK , people who more or less impose upon thu county , and being kept a little short will not inconvenience them much , for they are not obliged to stay. Wo say thuro may be such onus , bill AS a troneral thing our poor nro those who are past helping themselves. A good many of them liavo scon nothin _ hut the rough aide of this life. Some are cripples , and thuro is not a citixon of this county who would for a mo ment sco ono of its poor sufler for want of food. TUB HrEClAL Resolved by the city council of the city of Council Bluffs. Iowa , That the mayor bo and is hereby instructed i < issue a proclamation calling a special election on the day of , 1881 , submitting the question of the aban donment of the special charter , as asked by the petitioners , as is pro vided in section 437 , code of 1883. And Mayor Vaughan says that will Lo about the time the new election will bo called , the blank day of blank , and the poles will bo opened the blank hour in the morning and closed the blank hour at night in time for the thu "bigI" to pronounce thorn all blank. The mayor says ho cannot for thu lifo of him account for such a stupid act on thu part of the city council. He alw.iys linn believed and'does now that thu vote should have boon canvassed and declared ; that the intention of legality wa not ono for tliotn to determine. The law required them to receive the ballots , open , count and dcclavu thu result. Thu mayor douj not believe that thure is any authority under thu law as it now stand * for calling n new election : that if thu council is cor rect in then * position we can declare the election null und void. The orig- .inal position becomes a dead loiter , and , until a BOCOIK ! putiou is present ed , no action towards a Hucond elec tion can bo taken. Tlio mayor wants it understood that ho takes no hand in thu fight bohvoon thu "Big 4" and the people. , x TOTAL TOTK ItV WAHUS.I Below is the total vote on each candidate - , didato by wards in Council Bluffs : On the state ticket the vote is as 'follows for governor : 1st 2d Uh lire. pro. ] < ro. pro. Sherman , ) t , , 17H 210 221 Kinne , ] ) , , < J'i'i 102 270 Majority in the city on the state tickut for Ivinno , democrat , for gov- urnor , is 17. The vote' on county tickut in the . city is as follows by wards : * " 1st 2d M Hh \ ' llre- mo , pro , pro. , Kt'prmeiitntlvo lH lireft , It. ICri nr 281 ( Jlaytoii , H. , lf > 7 'J17 MMm 2(12 ( lluniHted , D. , I'D I ! J7L m Morgan , D. , 221 U'J2 21(1 ( 200 Aiiilitor-r Kirklaiul , H. , 188 1 > 5I 270 ; tie Gardner , 1) , , ] ( ) " > 2(52 ( UK 2:11 : Treaiuier Homiest , It. , 177 2(1 ( 23 ! ) ' 270 Jtailolk't. 1) . . 20(1 ( 272 171 2111 Sheriff Gnittar , K. , 150S 220 215 2G8 OWdll , . , S 285 232 ijuiicrlnlunilent Mix * .Smith , It. , 1511' 102 181 ! 2 Hi Cooper , I ) . , 220 : ur Jlatluclc , 11 , IK > 201 200 Tlnderwood , IX , : 0 .107 208 . Hurvpy. r DctitoiJt , 170 203 211 Urodbcck , 1) . , 208 2'JII 1117 28J 1 Coroner 3'aul , 11. , 1711 104 212 2110 Itlckctts. I ) . , 203 2011 io5 , 202 Twin 'I'rustco Jffreclit , It. , 178 210 222 281 Kcluirr , U. , IDS 208 181 207 'I'lio vote as nbnvo given shuwa in ( thw city for , democrat , for ruprosontativo , 1411 majority , Hemp- atoud , democrat , ! > 0 , Kirklnnd , repub i lican , for auditor , 107. Doiinor , republican - publican , for treasurer , 30. O'Neal , democrat , fiiruhenll' , 123. Paul , re publican , for 'coroner , 02. Kirscht , ropubltenn , for towualuji trustee , 4 , Cooper , democrat , for school miperin- tonucnt , 287 , Underwood , dumoornt , forHuporvisor , 10 ! ) . Brodbcek , demo- urat , for iuvycyor , 127. Council Blull'H has certainly put herself - self on record IIH opposed to ntiy pro hibitory law in Iowa. There is not much doubt on a cUmu vote. The city- w democratic , and it will bo renu-in- lborod the democratic candidate for superintendent of public instruction at the state convention put hinmclf on record ns : \ prohibitionist. Mr. W. H. Butler attacked the rum element cf the paity in aevero iurms , and do chrud hinyjclf opposed to tlio liquor tiallio in this Htuto , Thu result WAS that in this city and throughout the \ county ho WUH ignored entirely , bin immo not cvon beinj ; put upon I ho ballots with the rest. The demncuita and a largo number of the republicans of Pottawattamio county are opposed lo submitting the question of amend , mcnt to thu people , bcliuvjug that if > it la ever submitted jt'will carry. l A VEMIVVI , OIMCUT. A poor cripple wua arrested on our M atreota in a beastly state of intoxica tion , A team was procured unit the poor wretch was carted to police hond * quarlcru Hfl was . .without fcot and Jiad only ono hand. This city H- O should employ a detective ( well spent would bo the money ) for the purpose of finding out who is mean enough to deprive a cripple of thn use of the ono arm ho has to assist him through lifo by Helling him drink. MOIUUN'.H JOKK. Morgan , ox-edilor of The Globe , wont homo happy at noon yesterday. His wife noticed a broader amilo than usunl , and in n woman's inquisitive way asked him the cause of his undue hilarity , lo which he replied : "Wife , do you know that to-niglil you will have the pleasure of doing that what few women in this county will ? " "Why , Hiiro 1 am nuzzled. What do you mean ? " "Do jou know that you nil ! repose with nn honored rcpie- Hcntalivo from 1'oltawattamio1 She smile , and , not to bu caught napping before thu time arrived , replied , "Perhaps Mrs. Clayton will have something to ay about that' . " The ex-odttor went into the dining room and shut the door wilh a slam. VfRt.1 TltKATHO. Several statements havp appeared in regard to the disposition of the man-seller who met with an accident out at the Western station. The man was brought to this city Monday night , and a comfortable bed was pro vided for him in the Hock Island do- pot. TUB BKI : reporter * aw him early in thu morning , Ho made no com plaint about being cold , Jlo was wrapped up in ono or lwo quilts. The operation of amputating the limb was not performed at the dnpol. Sel ler was convoyed to the poor house , out on the Crescent City road , whore the arm was ampulalod. Dr. Hart stated yesterday that thu man wus doing well ; nn wull ns could bo ex pected ; that everything was being done that could bu done. Mr. Bur roughs is not a man who would BOO a brute suflur , lot aU > no a human being. THH I1M7FF.S IN JIHIIIK. Any piece stamped J. W. 0. cannot - not pass among the republicans of old I'ottawattomiu much longer as genuine coin. The othur 'side may take it. Yut there is HOIIIU doubt about that if they uuf thu udgo a trifle. Several men say they novel1 drank so much in onu uay as they did on oluslion day , for the very leason they couldn't ' gut i : . This is thu way it always worka. When iv ponton wants a thing and c.'in't got it ho wants it all thu more. There was not more than one-third of thu vote of Council Blull'i polled election day. The full vote of the city is 0,000. And still the buildings go up. On lower Main street a largo1 crew ot mon are at work excavating for the foun dation upon which will bu erected an- olhor mummouth warehouse by thu John Door company. This structure will bo built of brick and will bo four utorius high , including thu basomont. This will bo thu HOCOIK ! four-story building that has been erected in that locality this season. The voice was the voice of democ racy , but the hand was the hand of The Nonpareil crowd. John W. Chapman is all tired out working for the election of Eli Clay ton "in n horn. " Ono man offered $2 for a think election day nt a saloon on Main street. The proprietor said ho would not soil a drop if ho would maku it $10. That , saloon man is n pretty safe ono'to handle the bowl. Pottawattomio county don't oven intend in the smallest way to dress in female attire. Conventions please take notice. Charley Harlo's fumalo speech in the convention was good , but didn't pan out very well. Kinnu , democrat , . carried tlio city by 17 majority. That enterprising Jaw firm , Flick- ungor brothers , have aproad out into Wayne county , having established a branch ofljco thuro , whore they will operate in the law and real estatu business. Dcsplsml. ly the iuithin1\ii ! { % ISurilnck lian been L'Diisliloijcd n\\ecdniulitn luxurlimtKrmvth , unpleiiHaiit nuicll , etc. , Imn lunduicd it , to thdsu "nut ln : \viiij , ' ltn virtnen , iv utilRancL' , nnd yet tlio root ! mn Inn ? been auknuwl- cilgcd liynavants us most invulimblo : is n illuiutlo , ntiurknt and blood jmrilicr. Xiur- dock Jllooil ItltturA I ( inibody nil ItH . Vrico $1.00 , trlaUlo TO cents. Tun How 1'oi'L'LAn.i Tun 11 Bar TUT i nit < uwy i TlIK Kl'KT VOHT oo.v VIlNIHNf Cuuiiw Manu/jclnrcu In 0\tt\t \ t , 1 fl , 8 , 10 Jiul I ration ) . It laa nn vriMiln. . tlciuo no imii ! icontu work cully nnil Hii'tHy. and K l tl c U'i'csl ammi't nf tuvt r fri'in'lio nillt or croamj In mauo fromllio wt ucb > < > r. ( t > lilai lower price than any tlur flnt-ilvt hum , Henil lijr lUi.rlpthe Lticular il.t to Iho IhoOVAL CHURN CUMPAl/Y. / GOSHtH.IND. OAEPET HOUSE d. B. . . DETWILER , 1313 Farnham St. , OMAHA , NCD , Italy DniMtl . 81.ES to J1.7B ; Tapestry Ilrut- Kit. 11,10 tol.a5j B-plyOinict , l.S6tol. < 0 ; llvkl 2 ply Inx-niln. ( fl.OO to 1.15 ; Clieapi-ply ItH-rolD , iOo to Oie. Mattings , Oil Cloth nnd Widow Shades ut Lowest Market Prices Largest Stock und Lowest Prices. BainpluB funiisliod at ytml-ru QTllAYKK-Krom Slcrt' etablo. Omaha , one k" ) Mack inaro , color * ouiimhat / dod. cliiht or nlnotan oldwcl h nlKint clnon hiiiidrwl , had onuaddlcand bridle Arenurd III bo paid for her If.tu " . , ? [ . ! ! ! ! ormal10" 1ai"'ir ' to her recovery. \V. K. UAT1IKY. Kort Uillinun. Neb 7032t 1 0)1 ) SAtK-A f4nu of cljrbly acrw. In eootl , .ri'l' .lr > . 0ooJ I'OUW. ' 2i 30. and ell 14x1(1 ( , null orihird of bearing treei. Ono mile south of Onawa C'ltr la. , on H. u 4 , l' . n. n. will irho tji'iP ' on init | f wUhtd. Addrtw T. M. Bourn , Omaha , iub. unIP-ttU ri- - - , , y o uner- J liriieil , HI HIT on the Jiidtfo llrljfc' * farm , ouiid h'ilf mllt > ut of Omaha , Domjlai > . , 9putntlih IQW , mpponcd lo bu HSjfurerld , noioiiuarUaor broiulu , red mid hllo uptolikd JAMBS (1. II AM : . O. F. Manderson , ATTORNEYATW. . I i -AND- H a n d s o mest IN TUB- MARKET ! For Sale by WM. F. STOET35EL , 521 South Tenth St. SEALED PROPOSALS For ( ho Conttructlon of Sidewalks. Hralnt prom ah ullllio received liytlio tin- , ilurx tncil until Tuesday , October llth , 18S1 , 12 o'llotk nnon , far the construction ot ntxl njxilr- In , ; of. slilawnlkH In ( rout o ( nnO adjoining the ( oilouliii' ) ) rcml o.i , to-ult : Lots R , ( t , 7 , Muck 2Q3 , north Hide ot Chestnut strovt. IvOtM 23 , 2r , 27 , Uorhach'g Hrnt mldltian , Went slilu ot Shcriniin aveinie. Lots 4 , H. Mock 1A , K. V , Smith'aaiMHIon. tot 1. Mock 14 , K. V. Sinltli'a addition , south side n rate itrcct. Lotnl , 1U , hlock 13 , i : V. Snilth'8 addition , fouth fide Ornco etrect. I/it 21 , llorlnch's flrit addition , Ciut lido Sherman avomic. Lot * , C , 7 , 8 , 1 > 1ock 10UJ , north tIJo Iznrtl street. T-oti , R , Mod ; ! I2 , c.itt Blilo Sixth stri-ct. Ixit- ) , [ i , liloiK US , cast slilo Credit Funclcr adilltlnti. ljol y , 4 , liloul < i021 , ordered rcpilrcil , 17th. LoUl , 8 , Mock 11 , wctitsldc Huvunth street , to bo rcpulrtd. Also on Ion cs tilc Hl\tccntli Btrcct , be tween north line of llorlnch'n llrst addition and Clark utrvct , uxecpt SO foot In front of Isaac TlioniTHttt'a resldtnc.0. J. J. I , . C. JEW13TT , OMAHA , October ? , 1SS1. City Clcik. Be7d4t THE OF ALL LINIMENTS FOE MAN AND BEAST. For moroilmn n third of a contnrr Iho McixlcnnHI'iiMaiigl'jIntmeiitlmsuarM 'linown ' to mill Ions nil ever the world us tlio only Hare reliance for tlio roller or iivulilents anil imln.It 1 * n incillrhut itlinvu prlci ) mill jinilso the licit of UH klml. Toriivery form oriiiteriutlpa'.ii tlio JIiilinniit In nltlioutnn crjnnl. It | i tietrnlrii llenli und iinilule to tliocry iioite making the contlim- uiii'o of pain mill Inllainmntlon lirijux- Hllii | > , UH < 'lleclniilion Iliiuiuii FJrsh uml Urn IliiitoCrrnMon uruciiiially wonilui ful. Thu I.lnlincnt Is . . . . . in eiy liotisc. K\ory ilnv lirlnu" nuwuot tinHKOII.V of ii n IIM fill Hrnlil Of 1mm Kiilxku'il , oT Iliciiiuntic innrtyru ro- ' or n Miliiulilu liiivnti or us by thu licnllDK jionoroftlil'J poi'illly mtrcs suoh ailments or thu HUMAN 1UJ.S1I us IMivinnniMAii , ivolllnRa , ftlT ! Joint * , < 'oiitrrotc l ? Iiim/i-i , Kuriii * nil feculilBpl 't * i"f iir 11 " , uml Niirvtni _ ' , * iu-u < > M a u H ililfH nut ) x > niu 'n n. oiij o , I'l . 'K'crK , vru iiiii'HviuiijnuiJ. SH ) ivliplci , Caked Itrcait. mill every fornt of external 11 - .mc. lllirnlfi M'ltliont ncnrv. For the IIHUTC CniuTiox It curcfi rj [ > rnlit , hwluity , Ktitt .Inlntn , Fouixlori llnfiics KOITH , Hoof 1 > I - < , l ont Itnl , HcrnAV IVnrm. Scnb , Ildlloxv Hoi n , Scrulclin , Wluil- anlln , Npavlii , Tliruuli , ItlitKlioue , Olil NDITII , roll Uvll , t Urn upon the NlRlit mill every otlur nllninit ( it whlcli tlio occiiiniit of Hie Mulile mill Htocl ( Vnril nre llnlile. Tlio aiaxlvuu niuiUtui ; I.liiliuciit nlwuyu emeu uml nuvur Ulstipjioluta ; ami Iii8 , positively ! THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB MAN OR BEAST. " ' ' "PJIOB'ATE'NOTIOE. State ol NcbrasVft , DaujjlaaCounty , sc At a County Court , hehl at thu Ooiintv Court llooin. . In and ( or sal I County , on thu 'Jl t day of September , A. I ) 1881. I'rcecut , A. M , CIIAUWJOK , OountvJud- { > < . In tlio mutter ot thu tulojition oj Jciiulo U , oljt'fi a minor. On rcaillnif anil flllnir the petition ot Aidoa nnd Mary Cotycr. pntlnic that tlulr KiiJ tlilld may bo nlopteil liy Kiln aril nnd ilary K. atewanl and that they volnnlnrilr anil irvuly the uii the ciutojy Aud euro of wild child , iu alio thu pctli tlonol r.dwnrJ unU tlaty K. Btuwanl nhowliiL' that they hh to ndont. the natd UilM. That Or lober llth , A. J ) . 1SS1 , nt . . ild rt > t | > tlon , uhcn nil j > e ons Intiresteit In &tlil mutter limy n | > pear at n County Court to liohclil , In and for wild County , anil nhow ransu liy the prayer or iwtltlonrrishould not IMI Krautudj and that no- : lccolHMulmi-yctlntaU | ! ] > ctltionuniltliulii-iiniiir ttitrrof , bo lien to nil pvnon * Interuitnl in > alj nuttir , liy pulillnhlnjra copy of thin order In 'In it UUAII * DAILY UKK , a nuu pa | > or iirlnted tu nald Ooiint ) , forthriio buucusithe ucekH , prior la sx0 ! lay ol hcarlnu. A. M. CIIADW1UK , ( Atruucopj ) County Judge Wostoru Horse and Oattlo In- mirauco Oowpany , Capital , . . . 8100,00000 Iimtren Her e , Mule and Cftttlo niralimt lo by aoolUent , ileeuaw or thi-lt. Aecnclw In all comi- tlc ol the fctMc. Hciul lor ilicnlarK. AKUt Ul'-lrpli Kray pony ntnlllnri. Imndeil . J , V , on lift Klioulder , at 6. II KnowlwV , 10 iulli w ma(0ni ( liaott the It. I ! , PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Last No One Need Sttfiort A siirccire for llllinl , JlIecillnK. Itching ftiu UlccrMal I'ilif IIM IK.Y n dlswcrcd liy Dr. Wil Hum , ( n Indlin remedy , ) called Dr. William Imlhn Ointment. A nhijflo liox IIM cured the wor t chronic ones of 2i or 30) ears standing. No ono ncud niiffcr flvo tiilnntcii otter njiplilnj thl Honilcrlnl soothing medicine , Ixttlon * , liistru inonl * niiil tlcctmrlis do more htirmthrtn RPOI | WIlllAin'KOliitiiitnt < ib otl > the tnmon. ftllnj thn MUr ItclilxR1 , ( pirtlciilonly > t night nllc CettltiK'urm In bed , ) ncti n n poultice , Itlun In ntnnl and la ulo < n rtlUf , find Isprcrnrcd only far I'lloi. ItchlnR of the private I'.irts , anil far noth Ing ; il w. Head uhttthc lion ,1. M. CVflliiborry ol Ckc land wn ti < . nt llr. Wlllhm'B Iidlin I'llo Ulnt mcnt ! I hit o u > I ITOICI of I'llci cure * anil II olTordxnict > ln * ti tomy tliatlhmonocr foum nnjthlnjf Hiiich g\\a nurli Immo ilito nnd perma nent felli I m I'r ' WHllom' * Indlrui Ointment Fornalo lij Ml ilruyijWa or mailed on receipt ol price , $ I 00. HENRY & CO. , Frop'rs. , Ci.l\KLAM > , OHIO. For saleVy 0 , 1' , Goodman. OcllOdeortA-wcowlj Reading and Elocution TAUC1HT I1Y JULIE B HARDENBERGH. Voice Training , Private tenons and Clastca , COH { .VIM Strret , between SOth nil J 21st. DlnVPI CO I am Aircttt tr COLUMBIA DluTuLllO > nndOTTOllK tCI.KS. Sen. tbrcofcntstarpp forCntnlopn and price list containing ful Information. N , I , D , SOLOMON , Paint * , Oils and Oltu OMAHA. NKH Dr , Amelia Burroughs AT THE WITHNELL'HOUSE , Tuesdays and Fridays , 10 a. m. to 5 p , m. DISEASES -OFTHE- EYE & EAR DR.L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. HctercBcca all ffcpiitihto riiyilctan * of Omaha. 3TOnicc , Corner IDth nnd Farnham Sti. , Omaha. Neb au2'iiiietf J.H FLIEGLE accessor to J. n Thlclo , MERCHANT TAILOR No. 210 Donilar " ' - - h Keb. J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 810 South Thirteenth Street , with J. M. Wool worth. ; 08. R. CIURXBOM. J. O. DUST Clarkson & Hunt , Succcswr" tn Richards ft Hunt , ATTORNEYS - At - LAW 8 ! UtbBtrerf Om hn V h BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 15O8FnvBluun Street , " ) FrtcB Nor h tide ODD. flrand Central Hotel. Jojin G. Jacobs , ( Formerly of GlshtJaiob.t , ) UNDERTAKER. No. lOFarnharaSt. . OM Stand of Jacob Ola iS'Onlers iiv Tclcirrach Sollrite.1 rr.AKBN UP Buy horac of medium elze , shod J on all ftet and about six a * ono- lialf niilu wo.t of the Deaf and Uunih Asjluin. BOfflJwtt JOHN STU1JK.V. LEGAL NOTICE. To Catharine Itctldc , non-rcstilcnt ilcfemlant. Yon are hereby iiotilltcl Ihit on the 2.1 day of September , 1831 , John Itudde , plaintiff , tiled lilu pill tlon In the District Court , ItlunnnJlor 1)011 1.19 County , Ncbrasla , opilnstiiii as dp- rcndiint , tlio object and prajtr of which petition in , to obtain adccrcoof divono from thu bonds o nntrlniony with you for thu following causes , to-\\lt : 1st , hivbltiinl drunktmicEs ; 2J , uxtrcmo cruelty , and for treneral relic ! . You nto rcoulrc'l to aiiNVter tatd petition on the 21th day of October , 1 . UOANi : k CAMl'UKt , ! , . > e7w nt Attorno } M for I'laiiitlfl. PROBATE NOTICE. ? tate of Ncliraskn , poiulas County M : At a County Court , held nt the I'ounty Court Kooin , In and lor t-ald County , Sept. ! Urd , A. li. 18SI. 1'rcicnt , A. Jl. CIIADWICK , County Jud o. . In the matter of the adoption rf JonnlnK > utn On nadui ; and filing tlio petition of and Dull Carey , prajiiif tlmt they HIM' ait low. cd to adopt Mid Jennie Hyan , mid ll.v ; > ( ( ' tl.'ii and stati'iieit of llenrj nini Sinn Kvui : , I'lioiits ol Slid UiHd that said AutfUhtU ! ) and Dell Curvy may he pctmlttcd HO to do nnd voluntarily lolln- piUliln , ' all claim to tuld child Ordered , Iliat October -iind , A. H. IbSl , at 10 o'clock n , m. , In A sl'.rncd for hearing sild peti tion , when all persona intcrc trd In xatd mutter may appear nt a County Court to bu held , In and for mill Comity , anil ehoiv CSUMI why the unijcr of petitioner fhould not bo urotiUd , and thatno- tlcu of pendency of said petition ami the honrliiK tlureof , lie glton to all persons Interuttiil In raid matter , by pnbllshln & a copy of thisoulerin TMK OMAHA WriKLT HKK , ancu-spnper printed In uilil County , for three bUiccsuli u ce kn , prior to tald ilij ofllearlnir A. M. OIIAUWICK , mi"SH3t rvninty Judge' WANTKD FOU OSEATi E SOIEIVOE Sexual Philouophy. l'iouey ! ! 1 IliittratcO , Ihcmrst ImporlantanJ tcltbooK ruldbbod. Every ( imlly waliti U Bttriotdlniry mdiicomcnta nffitred Aionf. Aildrosa Aiu.\rrt'l'iliJI.islllMi ' wO. . St. LoilU. Wo J. E. BRADLEY , JEC. 33 S OP JO. XT 3Efc k. Iff JC. Corner 10th and Web ter6ts. b'rrHU Oyrtcra anil Game conxtnntty on hand end In thola'ci-tttjlo. 1 B. D. MCLAUGHLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW And Notary Public , rentier' * Illock. Opio | lte Poit Cftlco. SIBBETT & FULLER , ATTORNEYS 'AT LAW , DVTD CITY , NEB. Special attention irl.icn to collcctiona In Dutlcr n * ' 4.iw | llll AOKNTb WANTKH rOR OCR NKW DOOKJ BIBLE FOR THE YOUMC , " belnp the Story of tlio Sorlpture * . by llv. George AlrxMtlcr Crook. I ) . U. , In cluiplo and uttrr.ctuc anvuaije lor olU wid ycuinjr , 1'rofiuicly Illurtra- oil , nuiUiiu a uitut liitcitibUni ; aim lioprcwUe j ouUj hutnictor. K try l rent M 111 secure this ork. 1'nsxihcrs , joukhoulil clrculatult. Pries 3.UO. Bcnil for clnularn Ith oxtm tcrma. i II. OIIAUUKHS * CO. St. LouU Ma Ulieap NowispapBFS & Magazines. , ii'iid 0 ceiiti for catalopiQ of 8.000 K * i ner -iiul Ma'atlncn ( atC'lub llatea. Acents Wanted. 11. A. KENYO . I' . M. . J f iRl't ' , 111 I Announcement ! On and after this date our FarnJtam Street store will open y&Oa. m. and close promptly at Sp.'m. , excepting Satur day. We feel that the very low pi'ices we have established ana maintained in Omaha will he sufficient inducement to our patrons to make their purchases during the above hours. S. P. MORSE S ? CO. ' S. MORSE 1319 Farnham Street. 10 inch Black Satins , Black Brocades 10 inch Black SntiiiH , 85e. , 19 inch Black Satins , 05c. Surahs , In this department wo nro show 19 inch Black Satins , 81.00. ing the Latest Novelties of the Sen- 22 inch Black Satins , $1.00. Rhadames , son. 22 inch Black Satins , $2,10. 19 inch all Silk Brocmles , $ ! . ' . > . 10 inch Illuninntcd ] Sieges , 80c. 22 inch Black Satins , 81.25. 19 inch all Black nnd Colored Bro It ! inch lit'st Illuminated Biegcs , 22 inch Black Satins , cades $1.50. 81.00. 22 inch Black S.itir.R ) 81,75. 22 inch all Silk Brocades , $2.00 , 40 inch doth Plaids , Sl.OO. 27 inch Black Satins , $2.00. $4.00. 24 inch Fine Momio Plaids , 30c. Our display of Party Shades in Bro 24 inch Colored All Wool Bro MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS cades , Cream , Blue , Pink , Heliotrope , cades , G5c. Ac. , is the finest over shown in 10 inch Black Cashmeres , GOc Omaha. 40 inch Black Cashmeres , OOc. Fifty dozen men's unlaundriod 19 inch Colored Satins , ! /Oo. 40 inch Black Cashmeres , Best , shirts with full-sized linen bosom , 19 inch Colored Surahs , J)5c. ) $1.00. linen cuffs and ro-onforcod front , COc 19 inch Black Surahs 7oc. each. Well worth 75c to $1.00. , The $1.00 Cashmere is a Special 21 inch all Silk Suraha , 81.20-2.2o. Bargain , well worth and usually sold One hundred dozen Seamless Fancy for $1.25 ; when gene wo cannot re Striped English half hose , 25c a pair. GLOVE DEPARTMENT. place them for the money. Worth GOc. . 24 inch Illuminated Bietres , 30c. Wo are still selling and hare coiu- * plolo lines of the celebrated Fiak. SILKS SATINS &C. VELVETS , PLUSHES , &C. Clark & Flngg kid gloves ; wiiuuuro , , our customers that thuro is no finer 19 indi Gros Grain Silks , OOc. 20 inch 131ack Velvets , No. 1 , $1.25. glove made , and wo are soiling them 10 inch Gros Grain Silks , 75c. 20 inch Black Velvets.No. 2 , l.DO. 0 Buttons , best kid , 7oc. lf > inch Gros Grain Silks , flOc. 20 inch Black Velvets , No. 3 , 2.00 ] 4 Buttons , best kid , 81.00. 19 inch Gros Grain Silks , $1.00. 20 inch Black Velvets , No. 4 , 2.CO. 0 Buttons , best kid , 81.25. 22 inch Cashmere Silks , § 1.25. 20 inch Black Velvets , No. 5 , 2 75. 22 inch Cashmere Silks , § 1.50. 20 Housekeeping Goods. 22 inch Cashmere Silks , 81.GO. 20 Wo show bargains in Napkins that Full Lines of Guinot Silks , in. Cloak's Velvets , No. 2 , 5.00. c.uuiot be duplicated. moro Alexandra Silks , of which wo in. all Silk Velvets , No. 1 , C.OO. 150 dozen full sized u-S all .Imoii are Solo Ajrunts for Omaha , range in in. all Silk Arulvets , No. 2 , 9.00. line Napkins , White , Cream or Red I'rico from # 2 00 to $3 50 , and nro the 21 inch Colored Plushes , - 3.50. Bordered at 81.50 a dozen , worth best goods known to the trade , being 21 inch Black Plushes , - 3.50. § 2.00 , and an extra larg 34 Napkin , Full 24 inches wide and warranted to 21 inch Black Plushes best . . , , 4.00. very line linen , at § 2.50 a dozen , wear without breaking. 21 inch Ombro Plushes , - 3.00. usually sold at § 1.00. County orders for goods or samples will receive prompt atten tion. We .have but one price and do the largest business west o Chicago , selling goods very cheap. No one can afford to pass our doors. S. IP. IMIOIRSIE &c CO. , 1319 Farnham Street ! AND STILL THE LION CONTINUES TO Roar for Moores ( ) Harness AND Saddlery. I lava adopted the t.ion as n Trade M ik , and ill my poodi will be STAMPED with the LION xml my NAUR on the same. NO GOODS ARK QKNUINE WITHOUT TH AUOVE BMJIl'S [ ho best material la used and the rcost sMIIci * noiluiicn are employ cd , and at the lowest ci-1 irkv. Anjono wlshlnu a price-Hat of Rood nil ) onfor a fa\or by eondlnj ; for ono , DAVID SMITH MOORE. The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , trMitrctoJ cumo on that of on Incor porated iiank. ' Accountu kept In currency or gold subject tg sli-Jit chvvJs fllthgut ustlco. Ceillficatca of deposit w.ue.1 p ya\ito \ In thrcd , > lx and tweho inontlis , jcavinj ; Interest , or on Icmand without Interest. Advances maJo to customers on approved ( ecu- rltlea at market rates of intercut. Buy and neil gold , bill * of exchange , govern ment , eUte , county und city bonds. Draw niK'nt ilnvttn on Uncknil , Ireland , Scot- And , and all parts of U\irope , Sell Huropean passage ticUetn. COLLFXTf JONS I'KOUITLY HADK. United States Depository. FationalBank OK OMAHA , - Oor. 13th and Farnam Bta. DLDHST BANK1NO KSTAlltlSUilEKT IN OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE DIIOTHER8. ) UTAHUSIirj ) IS58. na a National liaulx Auguct 5 , 1SC3. 300,000 , omcria AMI WREOTOM , Ylco PrcsMcnt. U. W. YATia. Cadiler. A. J. 1'orrLKTON , Attorney. Jolt.tA. F. H , DAVIB , Atat. Cithlcr. Thl bink ircelvca dcposlu without regard to immmts. Iftueti tlmo rcrtlflmtcs bearing lukrest. Draw * ilralU on ( Un Francijco and prluclual lues of the Unltod btat < M , alw > l/Jniion , Dublin Kdlnturuh and the vrlncipal cities ot the coutl lent of Europe. ItelU mascnccr tlcVcta tor emljrantj by the la Special Attention Is Once More Called to the Fact that Rank foremost in the West in Asso rtment and Prices of FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OP Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps. Wo arc prepared to moot the demands of the trade in regard to Latent Styles and P.ittcniB. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & co , , 300 to 31213th St. , Corner Farnham Omaha , A PAT A PIT Collins Cheyenne , * * * \JJJl AJU&b.9 Colorado Fall and Winter I ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats Trunks Valises , Caps , , , IN THEILATESTJSTYLES. SatiBfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit al 1316 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH , FURS ! FOR LADES , fiENTS , AUD OffltDM , At Mrs. HUBEKMANN'S , 16th Street ; , bet. Onpltol Avenue and Davenport , Repairing neatly done and Furs made to order , olOtjl