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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; THURSDAY OCTOBER 13 , 1881- BASKING BY THE BLUE. She Sown of Sowavi Looms Up Loftily ill tlio Most Beauti ful of Valleys , Surrounding Country Pour Into Her Capacious OoffVsra an Enormous Tribute. Boasts of Burthen of Royal Breed Raised in the Neighborhood. A Volnmlnoin Wonlth oTPornonnl , Political nml BnnlnoBi Items Corrc rondcnco ol The lice , SEW.VIID , October 11. If this were not a country nnd an age of severe util itarianism sontimontnlists would on iliuso nnd poets write sonnets to this most lovely of vales the valley of the Dine ; but it is not the provincu a' your correspondent to indulge in rapl Bodies or mount Pcgnssus , but simp ) to toll in a plain , way what has been , \\iai ] is , and what is prom HKWAItl ) . Tlio big town of the upper end o the 131uo Valley is located in the midsl of the most delightful rural scenery that Nebraska's broad surface can fur iiish.- When last I wrote of this town nnd country there was but one railroad hero and now there are two , Tlio public square of Seward waa HI unattractive plot of ground , covered with infantile sprigs of cottonwood now it is n young , but beautiful grove. . 33rick buildings wcro confined to ono or two stores , and now a mapiiilicont throe-story brick hotel looms up oppo nito thcsouthwost corner of the square , and brick blocks are the most fashion able style of business buildings. Some of our loaders may bo interested it : knowing something of cho IHHTOUY of Seward , a town that has in thirteen years grown to bo a city of the second c'ass , with over eighteen hundred in habitants. H. L. Mofl'att started the town , built the first house , and is still a resident of Soward. Boatty & Davis next came with n small lot of goods and opened a store. Thou Fred Lan kins , Joe Tissue , Herman Diers , Gre ener Bros , and others followed with stores and shops in quick succession , and Seward in 1873 elected its first mayor. Pour yours previous to this dates the county seat was located here and the court house was built in 1874. The winning of the county Boat was the termination of a fight of thieo years' duration , during which lots of red ink , but no blood , was shod , and -yot it was by the force of arms that ililltord finally surrendered to Seward ard , and , tp this day , there is a lively rivalry betw con the two towns. But Seward has the advantage by a thou sand inhabitant * , and will , no doubt , continue the leading town of this sec tion. The first snort of the locomotive was hoard ' lolnand NorTHwcstorn , caino another line , having first secured $75,000 from the county. But these a bonds engineered by that wonderful . road builder , "My Dear Galoy , " have been pronounced fraudulent and the courts have so far sustained tlio in junction against their pay ments. Tlio road was duly sold to the B. & H. and hence lias ceased to bo a competing line , just as the Lincoln and Fremont line will bo placed on sale after the people have paid the expense of construction and a nice profit given to the builders , provided always that the people are as gullablo to-day as they were a few a years ago , The vote recently taken of at Lincoln would seem to indicate is that fools are still alive , well and very numerous. Seward lias never experienced the feverish mushroom growth so com mon with western towns , but steadily and constantly her wealth and popu lation have increased- slowly , at first , but rapidly during the last three or jfour years. Among the important in- fltitutiona of the town are a largo brick uc/iool houHOj two stories high orna mental , spacious and substantial ; two atcam elevators , two flouring mills. seven church edifices , four hotels , and a court house ( a now one is completed , } IN l-nOSPKOTUs. of A broom corn factory is to bo erected next season that will employ two hun dred hands , and the land is secured on which to raito the broom corn , M. A. Butlbr , from Illinois , is the broomcorn for -corn man. HTOCK. A. Rogy has established hero a branch of his great French snlo stables and ho is constantly importing the finest Porchoron horses and . Holstein cattlo. Having disposed .11 advantageously of his last lot ho has gene to Franco for a few moro carloads - loads of regular gold modal winners. His Pacific farm ia fitted up' for the reception of las horses and cattle and their entertainment in a manner suit ed to their royal blood and noble forms. This is a pretty good adver " but tisement , but I have never soon Mr. Ilojfy or any ono authorised a to act for him , and I only put in these facts biicuusu I deem it well for our it Block inoii to know them , and because the citizens hero rather insist on hav ing this enterprise , in which they take great pride , fully represented in my letter. iu Clan do Joncn , ono of Nebraska's cattle kings , haa hero Bin-oral stock farms , and in all over a thousand head of horned cattlo. Ho is importing , liiw 13 head of Holatoins direct from Hol land , and they are now in the Boston quarantine. Ho also haa about thirty head of the very finest strain of pure wi blood short horns. Thoroughbred lay cattle are very common hero , in and this is said to bo the best shipping waa point in the state for prime , fat cattle CO1 and hogs. This ia the banner county got of the state for coin , ai well na cattle , gi and tlio turnout will thir year bo sim gifi ply uaumioua in the way of choice SO butcher * ' atock. do A UNION 1'ACmO LINK my .rum Br inerd ou the Republican Vol- er. Icy road to Seward , TJca\er Crowing , Fairmont , Ofjiio\a , nnd on to St. Joe and Domov connection , has been surveyed andnn doubt , will bu built uro long , 0.1 this is too rich a country for the 1T. P. to leave in nil- disputed possession of the It , & M. Thii is the most important road for Omaha that is now to bo built , for with the opening of it thcro wilt bo secured a country now tributary else- whcru , and its ttibulo h xast. Sownul boasts of having one of the best bands in the Slate , the boys , hav ing blossomed out , in a SHOO uniform , are just too lovely for anything , mm thuy aio alway * ready to furnish free of expense nil fiu minic that Seward wants. The Slncinnb law has been accepted hero and is working smoothly. The Donno law is highly opoken of in Suwnrd. and nil the criticism that the people have nmdo is that the law is too Rimll a tub to hold the wlmlo. Mr. Donnu must give something that u ill keep roilnmd charges nitlitn narrower limitfi in order to win full and unqtial ilied approval. Mr. II. Atkins has recently rshb- lislicd nn extensive harness and car- iia < ro-trimining shop on the cast aide of the ttquarc. CHOPS. The farmers are happy ; they have good crops and good prices. Corn will average forty bushclt lo the aero , wheat eight husliuls , oats lifty , barley twenty , rye fifteen , and potatoes an excellent yield. Seward county has potatoes to sell , although in most sections of the west that crop is this year a failure. UKAli KST.ITK. Mclntyro it Soeloy are 15. t M. land a euts , and handle besides , n great deal of other lands , and it is a fact that cultivated land lioicabouto is now in the market for much less than it is really worth. Why this In no , seeing that farmers are HO very pros- peions , is a conundrum to inn. There is very little wild land , and yet there arc some very choice pieces for sale on long time. THE COUNTV PAIll. Thcro is here a fine fair grounds and race track , with good buildings , and an enterprising agricultural HOCIO- ty. 'This year a very commendable exhibition was hold , find it is under stood to have bo a financial success , us well as a grand showing of the pos sibilities of this wonderfully fertile soil , The stock exhibit was simply immense in all departments. WANTK. Seward needs a Ii rat-clans oxculsivo ready made clothing and gents fur nishing store , there being none here at present. All other branches of trade are fairly represented. I'OLITIUH are. ami have been for years past , and will continue to bo "red hot' until such officials as are now fattening on the puHlio nro forever shelved. Republicans have n largo ma jority hero , but somehow the cards when nhufilod always turn up that Jumvo of clubs and railroad thimble rigger , our present lieutenant- governor. The people have sot down on him again and again , but in every convention ho is there asking for something , and if bogging , bull dozing or buying will Ret it , it is got. At the last republican convention held hero on Oct. 3rd , a CarneB ticket was put in the Held made up.out of now 'comers that no 'oWT < fto4i < butitonM timers ; knowing the Carnos1 methods , got together in delegate anti-monopoly convention , .and put in the field a ticket that everyone ono admits ia as good as wheat and sure to win. Hence the antis are jubilant to-day and the Carnes men are correspondingly depressed and bo- girUo see the end of their political roii COMPLIMENTS. My thanks are especially duo to Air. It. It. Schick , who took your wan derer under his guidance , and , for ono whole day , labored with all of bin characteristic , earnest enthusiasm for big list for the anti-monopoly paper i. Nobrasha. and that wo succeeded it I unnecessary to state , Air. Schick handles ; flour and Htono , and is enjoying an extensive patronage. I am also under obligation to Pout- master Van Poll , W. T. Olmstead and Win. Bowers. For business review sue advertising columns. RANOKU. Blair Notei- Correspondence ol Till Ilix. BLAIU , October 11. A larqo num ber of delegates on their way homo from the convention at Lincoln wore detained here on Friday on account the ditching of a freight train on the Sioux Ojty & Pacific railroad near Boll Greek. Tlio nomination of Samuel Maxwell supreme judge is in accordance with thu wish of the people of Wash ington county. The democrats met here in convonOl tion on Saturday and placed in nomination - * nation a full ticket. Owinq tojjpnio th dissatisfaction in Ji .i ? -A WI the republican party Ot they oxprosa hopes of electing one"or In I JIi two candidates. Blair has boon the aoono of ono or two HoiiHational dramas in the lust week , the young daughter of ono of citizens eloped with a young barber , the young folks were dotainud at "West Point by the sheriff of receipt of telegram from the girl'ti father. They wcro promptly brought back , and is understood that a marriage at an early day will bo the result. A few evening ! ) ngo ono of Blair's ' iowplers , while Koing to his place of buftincsa after supper , was interviewed n way that tended greatly to his disfigurement by n , gentleman who claimed that ho had been interfering with hit ) domestic felicity. ' Thu utt'nir been settled. ITi.v. got Back 42 Years. "I was troubled for many years or with Kidney Complaint , Gravel , &a. ; blood became thin ; I was dull and . ) inactive ; could hardly crawl about ; an old , worn out man all over ; could got nothing to help mo , until I Hop Bitters , and now I am u boy again , My blood and kidneys are all 111 right , and I am as active aa a man of u , although I am 72 , and 1 bavo no doubt it will do as well for others of ago. It ia worth a.triul. " ( Fath- ) Sunday Mercury. octl-lG. FIRE OUT THE FOGIES And Put Live Mon in the Load That's the Way to Ravi- alteo BrowuvilJo. Corro ] x > nlcncfl of Tlio lice. BUOWNVIUE , October JO. Ii < visit' ing this plnca L find a town that cam into notice at the HUIIO time your city did , There is but little hero now a compared with Omaha , and that little is supported by a local trade that i not likely to increase much , HISTOIIV. In 18 < il n demand tor goods in Oma ha and Biownvillo was created b thnir existence. A way to get then DOOM opened by the St. Joe and Oma ha picket line of ntcamora wliicl tiavorncd the Missouri liver , ntu found favor nt Brownvillc on nccoun of the convenience of landing. A that time the vast region of territory west , with numerous ranches , wore depending pending on thin town for supplies. As the country developed , BO did thotowi until the construction of the A. & K , road , which cut oil'tho feeders by open ing new tnwnn along her line , and lef Brownsville in 1870 , a better tmvi than it is to-dny. OM ) III'.UCS , In 1850 Tie | Nebraska Advertiser , the oldest paper now publiHhcd ii Nebraska , niiulo her debut and has been issued every week since under that name , in Brownvillo. In 1857 the Nomaha County Bank waa opened and clo.suc the aamo year under a heavy financial duprcRHion , It is stated that her script was honored in Illinois for two years after thu failure of the bank. In T 7 another bink was opened and is now hero under the same manage mont. Thcso are the only relics of olden times that I find , unless it bo Rome dilapitatcd wooden structures that adorn ( ? ) the streets , HUHSTANTJAI.S. Some of the buildinqa horc are fine specimona of brick work , They wore built when the town was it a llourinhing condition , and are the envy oi her competitors. Among them is , perhaps , the finest dwelling in the county , costing § 10,000. The county seat was located hero ii T)5 , but is not as substantial as nome would like it to bo at least the proa' pcct for removing it , is considered ijood. In ' 74 the oara came here and tins was the tennimiH of the road. Two yearn ngo , the load started to build , but has not gene anywhere yet , and until it does , or some other ono comes , thin town will assume the appearance of having been "struck with the mat. " The next time T visit this town 1 hope I may bo able lo give your read era a giapluc sketch of a now railroad bridge across the river , which would bo a redeeming featurp for this town that aho would appreciate , and ought to havo. Scu advertising columns for busi-1 ness directory. ROVKU. If Adam had had n game of "Fifteen" placed in hi * hand at an arly ] > erioil of his existence , tlio wh lo course of lilntory might huvo been inutermlly al tered for the hotter , and if mtoumiecvli" digestion , tick hcouncho or dysponsin were unknown , Hnrint , ' Blossom would not bo netcled. Price CO cents , trial hotUes 10 cents , lOeodlw TRUE TO HER TRUST. Too much cannot bo said of the over faithful wife and mother , con atantly watching and caring for her dear ones , never neglecting a single duty in their behalf. When they are assailed by discaao , and the system should have a thorough cleansing , the stomach and bowola regulated , blood purified , malarial poison exterminated , she must know that Electric Bitters are , the only sure remedy. They ar the best and purest medicine in the world , and only cost fifty cents. Sold by Ish & MoMahon. (2) ( ) of | all I JfS y n/f'9 * V * _ J * ? \ KlDNmiVt The leading Sclentuts of to-day nureo that ontdlsLO.HC arc tau cd liy ilUorikrwl klilnojs liver. If , therefore , the klclne\B nml Ihcr uro kei > t In perfect orcKr , inflect health w 111 ( 'o the result. 'ITils truth IIIIH only lieen knou a short time anil for yean piopta mifToretl ureflt without lalnjr able to llni rtlluf. llio illtcotcry ( Waniur's hnfo Kidney anil Liter Cure marlvii a now era t'l ' thu treatment ol theno troubles. in. JIoilo from a Blnii1o | tropKal Itaf ol rare \ulue. It loiitaiin Ju t thoiKmvnU iiixcueary to nourish ami Imlfomto Iwth of thivo Knot ordain , and Hafoly restore and keen Uicm Inordtr. ItUa Poiltlva Remedy ( or all thu dlwust * that cause jialiuliillioloworirart of thu Inxly for Torpid Liter Headache * Jauinllre UlzzlncM ( Iratvl lnerAjriiu I.hor and Urlimry Ornuim , It l an cxu lentauclKifo reinixlv lor fimalci during I'rcffiianey. It u ill control Miiiitrimtlon mil I * In ' hmlIo ) for Leueorrhtra or Kull'ntf of 8. ho Wouili. Aa a UlfKwl 1'urlflcr It In iinonuakO , for It curcu ho orpin * that linko the blood , In Thin reiiuiily , vhlih has donn mich wonder' , It put up In thu LAIHir.ST KIXKI ) DOT1 1K ol nil } - medicine UIKIII the nmrkit , and Id noli ! by Urni- \ \ L'luts ixrul all ilualen nt l. 25 per Iiottfu. For Ulnbeteii , vimulrc for W.UlNKu's UArT. UIA- HKTica cuiil : . it Is a 1' I IVK iiuncdy. llnn H. H. WARNER & CO. , Rochester , N. Y. JolO-tu th-nMv _ HAWKEYE PLAININ& MILL 00W | I Des Moincs , Iowa. Manufacturers of SASH. DOORS , ULIND8 , IA > URAOKET8 , MOULDINGS , AU. | Clrrat reduction In liAiik Counters , I'lvia Inr- liliwlami woril tiirnl l\i-l \ In nil Kinds of hard otl wooil , CiHiiiti'rn llnlthuJ In oil when do- cage ilrcd. UlirUliiKof MI hlnil4 furnlfhul and put way nto liulMIn rtatly lor paint on Bliort notuo \ir \ % orkinuii are tlio licit iniH.hanci ! tliAtian IK ) bft oiuonuyiygllaf \ M jour con. racts. Stain , Newels and Dalutters. Ouriorcin ii In ililmlcpattniuit win ( onni'tly with Fruit ilanuUttiulii,1 ) Co , 't'tilcavo , * , ami ha * ilonu touiu ol thu Ilimt btnlr .turk lliu Nutthwent Order * by null promptly attcnJotl to , (29 3ni Edward W Simeral. ATTORNEY Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago' RaciiticfiOt Soronass of the Ghost , Gout , QuinsyrSoro Throat , Snoll- ings and Sprains , Burns and 1 Scalds , General Bodily Pains , Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted Foot and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches. Ml rrtpmtlon on rarth f quaU Sr. JACOBI Oil M * * rt ftrre , tlotpt" and r/irnji Exttrntl A trlnl rntalli but th compuratlrtlj trtJIne outlay of 60 Cf nt , and er > ry cn auff r > lag with tain CUD h T chcip ted poaltlr * Bn > 0f of Iticltlma. _ ' , . Dlrectloni in Eltrtn tanrnacf. | ' r OIiDBTALLDRUOOISTS ANDDEAIEBB IN MEDICINE , A. VOGELER * : CO. , Diminished Vigor- Ia reimbursed In great inonurn totliose troulilcil with eak kldnojs , liy a Judicioususo of Hostet- tct'B Stomach Itlttcrwhich Imliomt < .s and Ntlmulatvi without .icltlni : the urinary or- Knni ) . In conjunction with its Influence' upon them , It correct ) anility , Improve * uppctitc , anil Is III e\cry way omuluiho to heillh and norm repose. Another marked quality is Its control m cr fever t ml ar'iie , and Its power of pro entln , . , ' It. For sa'u by all Drug.lsts and Dealers gen- rally. I Proposal * lor Sevror Bonds- Sealed iirupo nUvill bo received until October 29th , 18S1 , at 12 , noon , by the City Clerk of Omaha , county of Douglas. State of Nebraska , nnd will , at that hour , he opened for , tlio piuchnso of $50,000.00 of the" issue i of § 100,000.00 of Sewer Honda , VIrstf'lw2 1.of the City of Omaha. Said birna aTed SepcnTierlSt { , 1881 , are in muns ol $1,000.00 each , bear interest from their date at the rate of six per cen tum per annum , payable at the office of Kount/o llros. , New York , Hemi-ammully , upon coupons attached ; said bnmln are iaRiied under the Charter power of said city after election duly held aiithorizin ; . their iflsuc f'ir the completion of Sewers partly constructed , and for the construc tion of additional Bowers. The .S30.000.00 now offered are the first sold of aid Bonds , liicln will he addressed to the undersigned , and must state th ? full name and address of the bidder , the amount of said Bonds desired , and the price proposed to bo paid The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. J. J. L. 0. JKWETl1 , cpt29-30t. City Clerk. PROPOSALS For Grading Sixteenth Street. Sealed proposals u 111 be received hy the und - d until Frldav , October 21st , 1881 , 12 o'clock , noon , lor the grading of Sixteenth street from Karnliam to Howard streets , a pro- llio ol which tan be Mccn nt the olllca of the ilty engineer. > nUU shall spiclfy the prlia per cuhlc 3ard for such Kradln ? nn < l II'80 ' 'tato when uch work thall bu lOiiiplcUd , anil accompanlid hy the name of proposed nurltv under the usual conditions. Dldi tn bo oponcd at thu iiueting the council next succeed Ing after Octoher 21 , 1SS1 , The city counc.l rcscncs thu rluht to ro- eet any > nd all bids. Knveloi a containing snld prop cats Bhall be marked , ' 'I'ropoi > als for sixteenth street. " and dellvircil to the ntd not latur than the time abate specified. J. J. L. C. JKWKT" . City Clerk. OKAIIA , October 7th , 1831. Oc7d2w GARFIELD Agents wanted for Life of President Oarflcld. A com- pleto , faltl.lul hbtory from cradle t ) Rta\e , by the cnilntnt hlograpocr , Col. Conwell. Itooks ready for iloln cry. An elegantly Illustrated \olume. Knilorsea edition. Liberal terms. AgcnU take orders for from 20 to MKcpicudilly , OnUells any other lx > ol ( ten to'onu. Agents ne\ur made money ro fatt. Ttie book rillt Itself. Ex- jwrlcmu not necessary. Failure unknown. All make Immense prof I U. Private term * free. QUOliaBSTINSON&UO. , ocfldtiMm 1'ortland , Maine. The Oreigliton anil Niotrara Sf JLOm 3C.X3XTOE ] Huns daily , ] en\lnj ; Creliihton on nrrkal ol trains at f. SO p. in , Arrli o at Niobrara , 12 SO a. . Uiuei Mohranx , 11:30 p. m. Arrives nt UreUihton at fl a. m. . Jn time for train , Kure , & . octlO-lm CIKOHOU HHHllY , 1'roprletor. ACADEMY , OF SACREDHEART OMAHA , NEB. . B. Corner 9th "and Howard. The plan of Stuillca Is the nuio us that punuod nil the Aiadiniles of the haired lliart. Dlt- furcncu In religion I * no olmtacle to thu admls- t-lonof joiinifhullcn. Tcnns : Including lioaril , \\a-ililin , ' , Tuition anil Ii utruiiiontal Mutlc , | > or ufcbloii of 11u iiiotitlm , JIM ) . KcfcrcnciH uro ra- nulri-J Irani all ncrbOiu unknown to the Inslltu- , Tor further lufoiinatloii api > ly to The Illtflit Utlilsliop o Omaha , or to the Lady Bui-trlor. o22illm WAE IN PASSENGER BATES I lIOimiK nitOS. , lirokcrs in all Itallroad Tlckutu , Omaha , Ncli. , offer Tickets to thu Kant , until further notice , at the following unheard of W Hates ; Ohlcago , I2 ; Hound Trip , $24.00. Thc o are limited t'int-t'Uu Tickets end iooil for rututn throuuli the jtaranil Uatha Old Ittllablo Chi- , , ilurllngtou ii ( julncy Huilroid. Also , one' ' to KKW YOIIK. 1st cligf , 91000. 1I03TO.V , do 2100. I'lllLADKLI'IIIA , do 1900. iiiaiimuiuft , do 1900. Kor particulars , write or to direct to 1I01111IK DUOS. , Dialer * In HcducoJ Kato ItnllroaJ and Stuamnhhi Tiikcti , SOU Tenth bt. . Omaha , Neb. UemoiuUr the iilace Thruo Ikiors North of Union 1'uclllc llallrosa Depot , Kast Bide of I'uuth Omaha. August 1.1681 au2Maw < m Dexter L. Thomas , MJ ATTORNEY - AT - LAWMJ Mr' , .t , n. Hobcrttan , Mtblniri ; , Fft. , - wn4 mifferinjrirmn jrcnoml debility , want of up pctllc , coiutitntlon , etc. , K > that llfo w.-un IMII den ; aftir tulns llunloik fllood Illttern I felt be tcr than for j cars. 1 cannot pnlsc jour Illttc ; too Hindi. " It.OlljK ol flnffnlo , N. Y. , writes : "Vou Ilunlock Dice V ltlcr , In chronic dl ca e of th lilooil , liter \.J lililnini , halo been Miriiall innrked uitli nucct-B. | ha\o iici-d thiin III.MC. with bcJtnsuIK for torpidity of tliclhir ondli cn uo [ a friend of mine nuncring from drop > the tITect uu * irarvclouii. " IlrucoTurncr , Hoclir tcr , N . Y. , | rllcs"riA : > licrn nuhjcct to fcrlonidlwinlcrof the klilni.ji anil uinlilB to attend to huiliui ; lluulock Illooi Hitters rrllc\e < l me htfore hilt nlmltlo WM wwl 1 feel confident that they "ill entirely euro inc. ' K. Auhlth Hall , Illnghsmpton , N. V. , writes "I nulTcrcd ulthn dull piln throiiKli inv 'el ' Inncand ehouldcr. I/ost my uplrltn , nppetlt anil color , Mid could with dlltlculty Keep up nl day. Took your llurdock Illood flitters M d' ice kd , and Imi o fe'.l no pxln since first * . ! < ai tcr utlng them. " Mr. Naih Batci , Klmlri , N. Y. , write * : "Ahou fourjiarin o I hid nn attack of l > lllousfe\crun. . ncicr fully rero crcd. Mv ill > ; i' tUo or an , cro weakenedand 1 would hncomi1c.tcly pros tratrd for dnjs. Alter uslujf two bottles of join llurdock Dlood Hitters the improtciuint wan K il-llilo thit I UAA nstonlihcd , I ran now. Iliou I 01 j ear * of a c , do a fair and rcmonihiu ' ' work. C. Illackct HoMnwn , proprlitor of ThoCatmdj. Prcthjtrrlau , Toionto. Out. , Mrlteo : "Kor jears I nulTercd preatl } from oft-recurring hoadochc. ' Used j our llurdock Illood Hitter * with hippies nvmltd , and I now find injeclf In better health than for } ears pnst , " Mm. Wallace , Ilutfalo , N. Y , write * : ! han uacd llurdock Dlood Illtteri for nenous and WI Menu hctulAchefl , nnd mn ricuininiiul it to anyon nulrlii ) ; < i euro for lillllousncss. " Mrs. Im Mullholland , Alliany , N. Y , writes : "Kor pcvcral joivrs 1 have suffered from oft-re ring billions headaches , dyspepsia , and com plalnte peculiar to my sex. Sincu using joui Uurdock Illood Hitters I am entlrch rello\cJ. Price , I.OO per Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cts FOSTER MILBMN & Oo , , , , Props BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale liy Ish & McMolion and C. F , Goodman. jo 37 cod-mo B1SWITZ & WELLS , 1422 Douglas St. , I Be.fore removing to the i P n e vy OPEEA HOUSE STORE Will Bell their stock of BOOTS i SHOES At Greatly Reduced Prices. Established 11 Years , 20O DON'T IT BURN I house and furniture IK Insured with C. T. TAYLOU ft CO. , ( 'or lith and Doui-laa. WHOLESALE- ff 11 ? ' * jf tiUtXul VrfW dMUitaia.IfUjidUAtlr On River Bank , Bet , Farnhani and Douglas Sts. , WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AN'l ) DKAMin IX- Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. > MARBLE HEAD LIME CO.'S Double Strength White Lime ST. PAUL LUMBER YARD . .UJLJL5-.1 Lumber , Lath , Shingles , Thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB. ecSlmclra HEADQUARTERS -FOI MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to our elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PBIOBS ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Oversharts , Overalls Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only. - SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. jv 18-me , ' . O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments . made us will rccehc prompt attention. References : State Bank , Omaha ; Platt & Co. , Baltimore ; I'cck is Banshcr , Chicago ; II. Werk & Co. , Cincinnati. I. OBERFELDER & CO. , IMrOUTERS AND JOBBEIW OK MILLINERY & NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive wlioleRaloiJiouse in this line in the tvost. STAR STOVE POLISH 0 H AND O Q _ BEAUBRUMMEL BOOT BLACKING MANUFACTURED 15Y Max Meyer & Go. GunsJAmmunitionSporting Goods FISHING TAOKLB , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. SX13XTD POXfc Z > XUC03EI-aC XEI < X' . MAX MEYER & OO. Omaha. Ne CHARLES MCDONALD OLIOS F- NOW OFFERING FOR ONE MONTH ONLY DECIDED BARGAINS XKT 3 Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc. cosnr. Handsome Suits , at $5.00 : 300 Styliah [ Suite , $1O.OO ; 75 Black Silk Suite , $17.00. Wo have Bovonvl lots of staple goods > rhioli trill bo offered at SEVENTY-FIVE GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All ladies should twail themselves of this great solo o JORSETS AND UNDEEWBAE , 'LINEN AND 'MOHAIR ' DLSTERB , SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWN SUITS AND SACQUES. CHARLES MCDONALD. , " * r