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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1 , 1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Record of a Day's Doings in Iowa's .Metropolis , How the Races of Yesterday Resulted. The General Now * In Smn.ll Fnrn- YESTERDAY'S RACES .SOME VKHY riSfc HIIOW1.VOS MADE. Althoughtl'o ' orderof the programme for some reason was not maintained yesterday , there being present not more than one thousand people , the programme was carried out. The track was in good condition. Prof. Olkcr's band furnished the music. Col. D. B. Dailey acted as field mar- filial , assisted br Masters , Wallace and Officer. The 2:50 : class race was called promptly at 2 o'clock with the follow- mi entries : Clarence II. , Orphan Boy , Sleepy Frank , Blackwood , Trampoline , Farmer Boy , 'J' . ; J. Pot ter , Brown Dick , Lady Kern , Clif- don , Bclmonl , RaVcn and Scramble , twelve in all. Those horses made a very pretty appearance , scoring down the homo stretch by the home stand , and wo can here remark that there never were so many fast horses trot ters so far west as Council Bluffs bo- fore. The horses nil looked finely. After scoring several times. They came to the wire in good nhapo. Lady Kern going under the wire a little ahead of the others , with Tom Potter close on. Atthe quarter polo Orphan Boy reach ed the second place , and when they passed the half mile was loading the others with Lady Kern and Potter hugging his wheel. At the three- quarter polo Orphan Boy spurted ahead. All three of these horses made a splendid showing coming down the homo stretch. But Orphan Boy wont under the wire some dis tance ahead , winning the heat in 2IJ8j : After this heat the horses for the 2:30 : class were called and the follow ing appeared : Athol Medium , Fair- inount , Mattie Graham , Sam Patch , Little Sioux These horses did con siderable scoring. At the word go Sam Patch had the polo , but Ethel Medium took it from him at the start. Little Sioux got a little off before they reached the quarter polo. Fair- mount broke badly. Sam Patch be haved himself , but fell behind at the mile nolo. At the threo-quartor mile the horses wore nearly oven , but Ethel Medium wont under the wire in 2:2Gi : , winning the heat with Mattie Graham second und Fairmount third. The second heat for the 2:50 : class was called. The horses got n good start. Orphan Boy took the polo and kept it throughout the whole mile , going under the wire some distance ahead , winning the heat in 2:32. : } . Then followed the second heat of the 2:30 : class. Onoof our noted horse men had declared publicly that Little Sioux was not worth ten cento , which at the start made lior feel badly , and when she passed Mr. Bray she turned up her nose and declared that she would win that heat or break a hoof. She had the crowd in her wako from the start and she worked hard , and at. the mile and a half polo she darted aland and took the polo , The fairgrounds echoed with the cheers of the crowd at the grand stand , and when she went under the wire Theo dore Bray felt cheaply enough , und said ho thought ho would change his mind. Little Sioux time was 2:251. : The third heat in the 2:50 : race was called. Lady Kern at the start was first under the wire , Orphan Boy , however , soon darted ahead and at the half milo pole , was some distance in advance of the others but here Tom Potter did splendidly , and hold time well with Orphan Boy to the three-quarter milo pole , At the turn these two horses wore almost nook and neck , it was doubtful which one was ahead down the homo stretch , but when they appeared opposite the stand Orphan Boy was a little ahead , and went first under the wire , win ning the three heats and the race in 2:31. : 2:31.Tho The third heat for the 2:30 : class was called. Sam Patch had got enough and did not appear , The horses wont under the wire nearly in a line. Little Sioux took the polo with Fairmount close in the rear. When Little Sioux passed Woadall Bray , she broke a little , but soon set tled down on her mottle again and gained a little by the time the the half-polo was reached. Ethel Me dium came up even nock with Mattie Graham and both wore driving Little Sioux pretty hard nttho throe-quarter milo pole. At the turn for the homestretch stretch nil the horses were nearly in a line and made a handsome showing coming down Little Sioux and Ethel Medium went under the wire almost nock and nock. So close were they that the judges declared it u dead heat. Time 220. ; The running race was called , dist ance one miloj for 500. The follow ing horses were entered : American Girl , Boston on the Table , Ella Row- ctt. May Flower , Mollie Merrill and Tidal Wave , Ella Rowott took the polo at the word go and at the start was the favorite , but Tidal Wave pained on her and at the threo-quartor mile they wore neck and nock , and when about half way between the distance polo and the wire spurted ahead and wont under the wire in 1.47 , with Ella Rowott second. The third heat in the 2:50 : race was caled. | Considerable interest was centered upon the heat for Little Sioux had won the third heat once , and was to undertake it again. The horses scored zcvcral times and re ceived the woid go pretty nearly in a lino. Little Sioux darted ahead , took the polo and kept it to the three-quar ter milo stake , when Ethel Medium came up behind and at the turn got in ahead of Little Sioux , making the wire first , Matlio Graham second. . Timo,2:28. : ThorEecond heat oi the running race was called. Tidal Wave behaved badly and scorned to want to got off the track on to the open plateau. The other horses dashed ahead , Amer ican winning the heat in 1:40 , Tidal Wave being distanced. The fourth heat in the 2:30 : class wns called. Ethel Medium wont un der the wire first. But at the first quarter nolo Little Sioux darted ahead and led the others with Ethel Medium hugging his wheels until they reached the three-quarter polo , when Ethel Medium took the polo ahead of Little Sioux and kept it , Little Sioux dropping behind and coming .in behind. Ethel Medium won this' heat and consequently the race in 2:30J. : The following is to-day's pro gramme : STALLIONS , 2:30 : CLASS , rniSK § 100. Wash Corbin , Chicago , entered by J. W. .Jacobs , c. B. , Corbm's Bashaw , by Amboy ; by Banner Chief. J. I1 ] . Kinney , Nebraska City , Neb. , br. s , Alarm , by Wilkie Chief , by Sherman Morgan , Jr. JohnS. Wolf , Jr. , Ottumwa , b. B. , Gen. Garfield , by Am Clay. W. G. Neal , Chaunce , Kan. , b. s. , Phillips lllackwood , Jr. , by Black- wood. K. Packard , Rod Oak , Iowa , oh. s. , Trampoline , by Tramp , by Green's Uailww. Jas. W. Xibble , Fullerton , Nob. , b. R. , Alnumt Raven , by Almont. H. Brown , Bt. Paul. , Minn. , br. s. , Chas. G. Hays , by Tramp. UU.VMNC1 § 100. Novelty , U " mile dash ; $50 to . . - I ' ' 8100 to inilo"S2r 0 to finish. Entri close evening before the raco. I'ACB 2:25 : ULASH B. J. Johnson , Creston , la. , br g Lone Jack. J. M. F. Schneider , Avoca , la. , b g Little Frank. . ) . W. Ford , Chicago , 111. , bg Won derful , by Legal Tender , by Tom Crowdor. H. Daws , Fannington , Tonn. , ch g Thunder. FINK CHOI' . During the present week we wore at the homo of our friend Thoa. Page , of Bonnor township , and saw one of the finest corn crops wo have over scon this season. Wo measured some of the ears and found them to bo full twelve inches in length and well filled. Many of the stalks are fifteen foot in height. Mr. Page lias some sixty acres of corn which will average him at least seventy-five bushels to the aero. Wo also noticed that this corn is fully ripened , the same being sulli- ciontly dry to shell , and almost enougth to grind. This is remarka ble , but wo presume must bo attribut ed to the extreme dry weather. Wo noticed that his corn field waa very clean , there being scarcely any weeds in it , which shows that it has been well farmed. Mr. Page is one of the best farmers in our county , and always raises extra corn crops , The field of which wo have made mention is noth ing to what wo have known Mr. Page to have during moro propitious sea sons. PLEASANT 1'ARTV. The residence of "Uncle John" Phillips , on Bluffs street , together with the grounds , wore brilliantly illuminated with Chincsolantornsof all hues , the occasion being the giving of a party to her numprous young friends by Miss Mary/ / Phillips , daughter of the leading wholesale boot and shoo dealer of this city. The whole house was thrown open and two of the spa cious rooms wore cleared of the furni ture for dancing purposes. Profs. Olkor and Glen's string band fur nished the music. Just as Tin : BEE reporter loft ho heard ono of the many ladies who were there ask Uncle John if he ever danced and ho said he could do anything from cleaning nut the whole cily council to dancing with her or Foropaugh's beauty. TJio lis tener thought that there wore a quar ter of a hundred girls in that party bettor looking than that tamous lady. All present Boomed to enjoy them selves and thought the city council ought not to cut that grade down more than three feet. HATHEll LIVELY. Quito an interesting affair took place at the drivingpurk Tuesday afternoon. When it was announced that the man agement had concluded , on account of the delay that the unfavorable condi tion of the track had occasioned , to .sandwich in the running lioat. A man named Judd leaped from his carriage , and remarking , ' 'Lotus all sandwich , " run and jumped into a too buggy con taining two of our best looking alloy girls , Miss Joe Wood and n friend , lie had no sooner got snugly settled down between the two thuu a man named Kainhart , con siderably under the influence * of driving park fluid made for lludd's team and attempted to got possession of the track. Not being tiblo to dose so made a dash for the open air through the main entrance. JIu suc ceeded in gaining it and went at a break-nock puce up town to Broad way. The inflated man was finally caught and caged and his horse deliv ered over to a stable for better treat ment. The man was lined for being drunk and driving immoderately. What became of Judd wo did not learn , but judging from the company ho was in ho was probably slightly taken in. UNl'LKASANT OIUECT. d somewhere in the ditcli. near Spol- man's store on Main street , and the poor , miserable creature was so drunk and nasty that a hog going by stopped , took one look and shook his head in disgust. When the Hastiness had boon shoveled off him ho was taken to police headquarters , and it ever ho comes to his senses ho will break rocks several days for that drunk When searched ho assayed four cents. AllllANOEUENT rOMrLETEI ) , The Hordio coach scheme is still being - ing a'/itated and the friends of Mayor > Vauglmn claim they uro a fixed in- stitutum in this city and not far iiin the future cither , and for the faith that IB in them giro the following tolo - phonio conversation Bar between our mayor and Mr. Hordic , while that gentleman wns in Omaha a few days ys ago. Mayor Vauglmii to Mr. Stephenson - phonson jit Omaha : Mayor "Is it oa fact Mr. Sfophenson that Mr. Hordio is now at your Stable , and if BO lieI would like to sneak to him at onco. " Stophcnson . ' 'Ho is hero and you shall " speak to him. " Mayor Vauglmn "Mr. Herdic , are you now at the telephone ] " Hcrdic "Yes , sir. " Mayor "Mr. Hordic the inventor ot the Hcrdic conches ? " Hordic"The same. " Mayor "What , 1'ctor Hcr dic ? " llerdic "I am the man. " Mayor "Well , I am W. R. Vauchan , the mayor of Council Bluffs , aim de sire your presence at once over here on important business , " Hordic"I have purchased my ticket for Denver and will leave in half an hour. " Mayor "Oh , hang your ticket ; tear it up and cast it to the winds and come over hero at onco. Mayor Vaughan wants to see you and can easily furnish you a pass where over you wish to journey over this broad country from the Orient to the Oc cident , but business must first bo at tended to Mr. Hcrdic hung the earplug plug on the hook , picked up his hat and started for the dummy , and meeting Mayor Vaughan aim Col. Chapman satisfactory arrangements , wo understand wore entered into to supply our city with this valuable motor. HAH IlKMINDln. : Some of the older citizens of Coun cil Bluffs Tuesday had a reminder ciol the ficoncs of ' 52. The cloth and the dice box wore scon in active oper ations near the corner of Broadway and Pearl street. Men and boys were there congregated gamblini , ' . What are ; wo as a city thinking about , that wo allow Biich things to bo done in de fiance of the luw out on our sidewalks liw walks ? It is bad enough to wink at Riich things under cover. If we wish to l < amount to nnythinu as a city we must convince the world that we are advancing in integrity , intollironcu ( and morality. We believe that a large city will always bo cursed moro or less. This gambling should bo stopped. Till : DLU1TH INIIUIHF. There was quite an altercation yes terday on North Fifth street , between Mrs. Oscar Patton and Mrs. Henry Schomacdccko , which resulted in the former cutting the well rope of the latter and locking the woll. To retal iate Mrs. Schemocdecko took the hoops off the pails and removed the handle of the pump. In consequence of the trouble between them both parties are obliged to procure water from other sources. This might bo called biting off ono's nose to spite one's face. Judge J. F. Kinjipy , of Nebraska City , is in the Bluffs attending the races. Judge Kinney is not n novice in the business. Ho probably lias at tended moro horse trots than any man in thu west , and at the present time is n member of the highest court of appeal known in the profession , the national court of appeal , to which all opinions of judges where error is claimed are sent for final hearing. This court consists of three members , the west being entitled to one mem ber. Judge Kinney is the manager of the Nebraska state fair , which commences at Omaha , September 1. .1. N. Bool , of Webster City , a mem ber of the Park association in the county in which ho resides , is in the city , and of course can bo found at all hours down at the driving park. M. G. Griflin will addrcss'.thoB land league meeting to bo hold in St. Joseph's academy to-morrow evening. All interested in Ireland's troubles should not fail to attend. J. 1' . Cassody and family start to day for Indianapolis , Ind. , where they go on quite an extended visit. Mr.Cns sody will , no doubt , interview his old friends , Thomas A. Hondricks and Vyilliam ,11. English. Ho purchased his tickets of Potter Palmer. The festival last evening at Doha- ny's opera house , given by the Cath olic ladies of this city , was a grand Hiiccess. Everything to please the ear , eye and palate , was furnished. The music was excellent and the dancing very fine. Everyone present scorned to enjoy himself and each one appointed him or herself a committee of the whole and returned the man agement a vote of thanks. S. G. Hall , one of the onorgotio members of the Entoq > rise , a paper well named , of which Mr. 0. 11. Ford is editor , of West Side , in this state , is in the city to report the races. Martin Dunham , of Omaha , ox- president of the agricultural board of Nebraska , is taking in the races. J. W. Bonham is attending thoraces races in the interest of the Atchison Patriot , All questions at the races must bo submitted to D. II. Duprow , of Dan ville , LI. , and A. M. Howe , of Cres ton , these gentlemen having boon se lected as judges. J. N. Bell und Dr. A. B. MoKuno are the timers , and Dr. Watts , of DOS Moine.s , is the distance judge for thoraces races , _ "PI , " Johh Dlllhixx nay : "Tlmic ain't no n ! In natrul liixtry tlutt luu been t't more , ixiicl tliot imiro.oft than ajip'u pi , und no incill- cin kan euro iiHH t'stun mid billousenesn Imf xn wel n.s Hiirint ; IJlosom. " 1'rice , tilul bottle * ten centu , 2'J-cmllw Detroit KOHH , Not Mucli. An exchange says that "Joaquin Miller's penmanship makes the angola woop. " From the ignorance dis played in the assertion it is probable that the writer never happened into a composing ioom ; when ono of the "angols" took his clay pipp from his mouth and communed with nature for a few momenta over a pa o of the mountain pool's manuscript. Weep ? Ah , no , no ) _ . = s DON'T ' DIE IN THE HOUSE. Ask druggists for "Rough on Rats. " It clears out ratsj mice , bed-bugs , roaches , vermin , flies , ants insects. 15o per box (3) ( ) GREATEST REMEDY"KNOWN. . Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption is certainly the greate&t medical remedy over placed within the reach of suffering humanity , Thou sands of once holnless sufferers , now loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful discovery to which they owe their lives. Not only does it posi tively cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Hoarseness und all affections of the Throat , Chest and Lungs yields at once to its wonderful curative pow er as if by magic. Wo do not ask you to buy a largo boltlo unless you know what you aso gutting. Wo therefore earnestly request you to call on your druggists , Inn & McMAHON , and got a trial uottlo free of cost uhich will con vince the most skeptical of its wonder ful merits and show , you what a regu lar ono dollar size bottle will do. For sale by lull & McMnhon. ( i ) Malaria li an Unseen , Vaporous Po ! on , ( iprctvlInK illsc.-wo and ilentli In many lo- calltlc * , for hcli ! < | unlrio ! l > no Kcnnlno .antidote , lint for the cIToctnol uliltli H < t < .ttcr' Htoiimch Hitters Is not mil ) A thorough rcnifly , but a reliable ] iro\cnlh o To thli fict thcro h nil o cr- wliclinlnif firray ol testimony , vvtcndliiErotcra jiorloil of thirty j par * . All < II ordcrs of the 1U or , utonmuh and bouelanro nlso conquered l < y the Hitter * . WFot role liy all UniKKlnU and Dealers gen erally BITTER Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers , Ministers , Teachers , Business Men. Farm ers , Mechanics , ALL should bo warned airntnet using and Introducing into their HOMES Nos trums and Alcoholic remedies. Hate no such prejudice again * ! , or fear of "Warner's Safe Tonic Bitters. " Thov are u hat they are claimed to bo harmlm tut milk , and contain only nicdl- clnal ilrtuca. Kxtract of pure vegetables only. They do not bolonif to that class know n M ' 'Cure- All * , " but only profess to roach ca.scs n here the dlsciuia originates In debilitated frames and Im pure hlood. A perfect Spring and Summer medicine. A Thorough Blood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tizer. Hcasant to the taste , lnrljr.oratlng to the body. The mosit eminent physicians recommend them for their curath o properties. Once mcd alwajs preferred. r TF.IMI 6-iItaC. For the Kidneys. Liver and Urinary organs , use nothing "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE. " It elands Unrivalled. Thous ands owe their health nml happiness to it. Price , SI.25 per bottle. Wo offer "Warner's Safe Tonic Uittere" with equal confidence. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. NeteshLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , 1505 Farnham St Omaha , Nebraska 9 > OOOOO J&.CTES3E3& Care.ully ( elected land in Eastern Nebraska for lulo. Great Ilar nlna in Improved farms , and Omaha city property. 0. P. DAVIS. ' WBDSTEB SNYDER. Late Und Com'r U.P. P _ ' .p-fcbtf Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. 15O8 Famlinm Street , K T - - TIT ri B-B- , Omcit North Mdo. onn Oronrt Cnntral Hotel. ' 08. It , CLAIlKtiOa. 1. 0. HUNT. Clarkson & Hunt , Succcstvr * In Klclmrcla & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW , S. UthStrrct Om ha Neb. J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 310 South Thirteenth Street , with J. M. Woo I worth. J.H FLIEGEL Successor td J. II , Thlclo , MERCHANT TAILOR I No. 230 Douclas Street Onuhk Nel > . Business College , THE GREAT WESTERN QEO. R. RATHBUN , Principal. Creighton Block , OMAHA , NUDUASKA. iSTScnil ( or Clrculvr nov NOTICE. Omcr. lloAno or MANAOURS , ) OU4IM , Sqit. 27 , lbl. ; ( ORAOKIUII HTATXrAIH. DM ) will lie riHTUcil at the Manager * ottlco until Eatunlay. Septcmt cr ill , at 12 o'clock in. , ( or ( iirnUhiiiif hav , ktruw , c-orii and eaU during thu ( air , For ( till Information call at 1421 How- nUtrett. J K.KINNEY , auffJ'-lt for Hoard ot Mauaieni OKO. u , A. c. DOANE & CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law , S W COll. 16TH & DOUOLAS STS. , Iv Sl'tf OMAHA. Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. C. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 2 Furnham St. . Omaha Neb. AGENTS WAKTRD FOB OUR NEW HOOK BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , " Mng the Story ot the Scriptures , by Rev. George Alexander Crook , 1 > . . , In riiuiJ * and attracthe unguiKB tor old and > omiff , Vrofusaly lllu tra- tuJ , inakliij ? a most Intcrcktliw and Impruuhe ) outh8 instructor. E\ery isuviit willwt'ure thl work. 1'ruu-hcr * , } onUioulJ circulate It. Trice 13 00. Bend ( or circular * tt ith extra term * . J 11. CHAMHKU3 4 ; CO. St. LouU Mo. AdEXTS WANTED EOll th P&itctt tolling Book Ot the Ape ) Foundations oi' Success , BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FOUMS. The laws otr < Je. forms , how to r ni. Mt builueti. valtublfl tables , wvJal itlqucuy , D rlUmcut ry IUA ; , how to couduct public s ; in Let It 19 VVLU ! ' 1V t V Quids to Sue- ccuiorallcUuttt A family necotnliy. AdiUeu Cot droularaand jpeclM ttrun , INCltOlt FUU- Louis , Mo. 3XTOT3CC53E3. BASimTfELLS ! , 1422 Douglas St. , Near 15th. Before removing to their new OPERA HOUSE STORE Will sell their Mock of BOOTSI SHOES At Greatly Reduced Prices. E-3 E3J IHI IHIO NHI & Established 11 Tears , agent * TAYLOU & CO 14th & Douglas st DON'T IT BURN I My house and furniture is insured with C. T. TAYLOll k CO. , Oor Itth and Dowlas. DE VEAUX'S WASHING MACHINE The Only Machine that Will Do just as is Advertised. It Will Wash Faster , It Will Wash Cleaner , It Will Wash Easier , It Will ropire no Eubbing , It will do a large family Washing in 30 Minutes. It Will IWasli Equally well ] with Hard or Soft "Water- It ilocs a way with M-ouli boilers and wash boanls , anil will | > ay ( or Itself In full and the wear ot dollies In a iuoiih. No steam In the kitchen. A child 10 yean ol can do the washing ( aster than any w oman can u rlnx and hang out the dollies- DAN. SULLIVAN & SONS' , dim 1410 Karnlmm Street , Agents , D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW AUDACH RLOCK , Cor. DoucUuiandltthSta. Umaha Neb. A , G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW DRS. COFFMAN AND THOMPSON , Physicians and Surgeons , OJHCE , O\crCrulckshiuik , 15th St. , lict. I'arnliaiu and Doi'tflan. aSMm John G. Jacobs , ( formerly o ( GlKht Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKER. No. 1117 FJdihara St. , Old Stand o ( Jacob alt. .WOrdcrs . bv Tele-'raph Solicited P M V A , f. NASON , Dentist. Omen Jocolw' Ulock , co ncr Capitol aunue udtftteculh IK ) ' . , Ouulu Kg- ) DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOTELS. PllOPliiETOllS. ARAPAHOE HOUSE , L. OLUTE , Arapnhoe , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T. M. STONE , Orleans , Neb HOLLAND HOUSE , QEO. D. HOLLAND , Red Cloud , Neb. WILDER HOURS' THOMPSON REED , Wllbcr , Neb. , S BLUE VALLEY HOUSE , R. DAVIS , De Witt , Neb. REYNOLDS HOUSE , Z. O. noCKHOLD , Wymore , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , T. MUNHALL , Dloomlngton , Neb. OAOE HOUSE , A , R. QAQE , Republican CityNeb. COMMERCIALHOTEL. Q. D. DORDEN , Alma , Neb. SUPERIOR HOUSE , 8. TIMMERMAN , Superior , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , A. O. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. WESTERN HOUSE , E. FUNKHOUSER , Chester , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , DR. W. W. JONES , Glue Springs , Neb PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. RENSHAW , Beatrice , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , E. D. COTTRELL , Nebraska City , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Creston , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS&DRO , , Red Oak , In. COMMERCIALHOTEL , WM. LUTTON , Vllllsca , la , PARK HOTEL. W. J. QARVIN , Corning , la , BURKE'S HOTEL , E. R. DURKE , Carroll , la. HEAD HOUSE , JOS. SHAW A CO. . Jefferson , la. CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY DROS. , Mo. Vnllcy June. , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. SIEVERTZ , Ncota , la , CENTRAL HOUSE , S. P. ANDERSON , Malvcrn , la , EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Cmcrson , la. CROMWELL HOUSE , MRS. R. COCHRAN , Cromwell , I . [ OENTllAL NEBRASKA. ] A. L. IIOPWOOD it BUG Drugs mid Chemicals W. li. OGDEN , Drutroist and Chemist SWENSON BUGS Drusgists mid Chemists 0. G. OL1ASE Druggist and Chemist C. RODINE Lion Dru < ' Store P. . II. GREEK , General Merchmhliuu STEIN KRAMER Now York Store B. PINCH Empire Store A. THEMANSON Groceries mid Crockery H. HANDLES Grocer F. BODINSON Grocer s. QUICK Musie Dealer and agent for Tin : BEK A. L. WEBB Agricultural Implements D. W. ROE Carriage Repository BUFFALO CO. BANK Wiley Bros. L. CLARKE it WHITTAKER Real Estate A. G. BEMIS Flour and Food J. S. HARRINGTON Flour and Feed A. H. BOLTIN Commission House , Grain , Flour , &c. C. H. MILLER Hardware , Stoves and Tinwaro T. J. PARRISH Hardware , Stoves and Tinwaro C. J. GRABER Hardware , Stoves and Tinwaro JAS. JENKINS Boots and Shoes A. AVINHOLZ Boots and Shoes' W. A. DOWNING Harness and Saddles GREEN & NASH Moat Market and Cattle Dealers W. M. HECHT Meat Market and Cattle Dealer H. W. MORSE Meat Market and Cattle Dealer M. O. RILEY Livery , Sale and Feed Stable PETER NELSON Livery , Sale and Food Stable M. W. BENSCOTER Livery , Sale and Feed Stable H. M FISHER Livery , Sale and Feed Stable T. F. FISHER City Bakery , Restaurant and Confectionery N. G. CHILBERG Cigar and Oyster Parlor C. D. AYRES Coal Dealer and Weiglnnaster E. T1UPP , Jeweler MRS. E. TRIPP Milliner D. A. BARROWS & CO Kearney Mills A. TOMISKA Guns and Sporting Gooda 0. T. JOHNSON Plow Factory and Wagon Shop S. WENZEL Wagon and Blacksmith Shop J. A. STRIDBORG Photographic Artist ( a. of the track ) DR. F. W. WILMS Commr rcial House W. R. BEETLE , Harrold House , dollar a day P. D. KEYS Carpenter , Contractor and House Mover W. A. DOWNING Harness and Saddles HENRY BAKER , M. D Physician and Surgeon C. T. DILDINE , M. D Physician and Surgeon DR. G. N. SEELEY Dentist T. li. HAMUR Attorney-at-Law L. S. IRVING Attorney-at-Law E. C. CALKINS Attorney-at-Law ANDREWS & GRABLE Attornoy-at-Law EMORY PECK Clerk of Buffalo County JOSEPHJ3LACK Treasurer of Buffalo County H. E. S WAN Capi t airs t B. H. GOULDING ( weekly ) Nonpareil F. C. HOLDEN ( weekly ) Nebraska Press CUNNINGHAM BROS ( weekly ) Journal GRANT it SAVILLE The Western Now Era. G. W. COLLINS Principal of the Reform School 0. P. CORNELIUS Billiard Hall [ CENTRAL NEBRASKA , U. P. R. R. ] S. B. LOWELL Dry Goods , Groceries , Boots Shoes , itc. A. D. GEORGE General Merchandise J. E. KELSEY Lumber , Lime and Cement. BABCOCK BROS Hardware , Stoves , &c. D. H. 1IETE Druggist and Chemist WM. H. KELLY Harness and Saddles PROF. G. W. READ Principal Gibbon Academy JOSTAH SLICK , M. D Physician and Surgeon JOHN M. TAGGART Pres. State Bap. Con. C. PUTNAM Land Agent and Postmaster MAX MEYER & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , uhe La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn ham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO MAI IEYEB & BED. , O IWC jflL 3EE THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IK THE General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pnr- chasin ? . O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IX \ Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT , . j jyl-cod-3m.