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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1881)
i-'f ? ! | l I ' HE H.H ELEVENTH YEALl. OMAHA , FRIDAY lWR 3 , 1881 , NO. 82 ESTATE AT FffTBfiHTH AHD JDOUDLA8 8T8 , , No 1 Ijfll on I Inrney street , near new court hou. c , SiM'i. ' No 2-lxt on Om stntt near S2il , S2JOO. No 3 Lot on l-ulfornln sttvcl lifirJ.M , S1BOO. No 6 Lot on Murcy street ncnr U. 1' . dc | > ot , 11200. No 0 ) block In SMmi's 3d addition near Con- en t , SS.'J ) No S Two lot ? on Decatur Campbell St. , WOO.No No 10 Slots on Colfax street near llaiiofoin I'ark , at reasonable prlivi. 100 choice rusltlencu lots In Credit Komlcr and ( .rtuulvlcw additions n xhort illsUnco southeast nl U , I' , and 11 & M. ilrpot" , prieu from HIW up ward' . 18 lota on 2Ht , 22.1 , Z3 > \ anil SAun.lcrs street B , north of ami adjoining 1C. V. Smith' * addition , 2400 ; tcniiR ea y No Oil Pull corner lot on Douglas street near 10th , S26W. No 70 Corner 00x110 feet lot on Douglas near near llth street. SHOO. No. 71 Thrcu loUln Olsc'fl addition nearSaun- den struct , ! ? U1X ) 73 I , < ) t on Decatur street , near Irene Shlnn's & 1 addition SllS. No.7fi-S2\ilOfecton 1'aelflo street near U. 1' Mid U. & M. depots. 300) . No. 70 Splendid \\archouao lot 7"\132 feet 1HI. street near Jones , $3f > 00. No 7i 3 lotn on llarncy * troct near 10ti.2000 ! No 81 Lot In disc's addition near Saundcrs reel , SfxX ) . No. 82 Lot in discs' addition near Saundcrs trvet , 8300. No 83 2 lots on 10th near 1'aelflo and Nail Virks , 81500. No tit } Lot on Charles street near Saundcis , KOO.No No 87 I t on Lcavenworth near 15th , 51,100. No 83 Lot on Caldwell etrcct near Sanndcra No 89 Lot Oil Chicago near 22d street. $1000. No 00 Lot on Illondo near UaiuplicH etrcct $76. 31 lots In Millards & Caldwcll's addition , Sher man avenue , IGtli street , Spring , Sarato n ami llorcnco streets , $700 and upward * . No 122 2 lota on Ibth etrcct , near I'opplcton'd new reildeneo , 100:1. : Nc 12t ! Lot 71x310 feet on Sherman a\emio , 16th etreet , 81100 No 121 8 lots on Ilcllevuo street , near shot lower , SM to jfiS'e.ith. No 125 Pull liloek on Clinton street , near shat tower , ? iU to 475 cadi. No 12U IM on ISth street , ncij white leail odg , ? o2.'i No 127 2 tots , 3J aere near head o J St. Mary's avenue , on road to 1'ark , & 2600. No 129 Lo on California near Crelghton Col- we , sar. . No ISO 4 lots near new government corral , S2J X267J aer each. i3UO. Nu 1G ) Lot ill ( iisu's addition on Cameron St. neiir SuunJcTH , make an olfcr. No. ICCi Lot in Olt.o's addition on CasslusSt. , near SUte , inakoan olTcr. No 102 Lot In Gise'a addition on Cassius near Saundcrx , make an offer. No 1 3 1 block in Itou1 ! * adilltion addition near Omaha tiarracks , make an olfer. No 1UI 7 lots In Henry < t Shelton'a addition ncurhJ h fcdiiwl , price from S12 > 0 ujiward. 170 ix > t on I'aciflu stroct , near IDth , make an Oder. Oder.No 171 2 lots onVclwter street , near 21st , Iwth ? 33U0 or fiOOO for corner mid $1600 for in- Uc. Uc.No 173 1 lot on Cam near 14tli street , $1000 No 175 Lot on Sncrnun n\cliuo 10th btrect near Izard , 44x132 , ? HOT. No 1773 lots In ( Jrawlview. make an offer. No 180 Lot In Sninn's lulilitloii on 1'icrSt. , uir4 > inl Urrc-l car track. SJ2j. No 181 Two lots In Nelaon'i ) addition , 1 on Uiihn Ktrcct , 1 on Center street , near Cumin ; , JOd each. No 183 Two ( jilt edfjo lots on Cass street near 21et. on a corner , ? GOOO. No 185 Lut on St-wanl street , near SniuJcrs , make an offer. No 180 .I lots on Scward street , near Irene , make an offer No 1 C1 , lot'on Pa\eni > ort near 2fith,8')00. No 187 } , lot on Division near Cnniii ! nt. , $200. No 1&SJ , block in lloyd's additlonlicur Omaha kirrackH. jlOO. N01891 , J lot on 1'Icrco nearCth street , KM ) . No 1'Jifj , J lot on llth near Farnhani , S2100 No 10H , 2 beautiful lots in Shlnn's addition , $1200. No 102J , 2 lots on 15th btrcct near vliitu lead works , No 10'JJ , lot on 20th ptrcct near Sherman , $400 , No 1U1 * , S loU onJiil street , near Clark , WOll. No UHlJ , 3 beaiitilul lots on fcaundcrN bt. near rtrcct cur tun ) t.iliU' , i'1275. No 1'J'Jj , lot on 15th mar 1'IcJio st. J.'iOO No 201 I jt In CilHu'u addition on Came St. , near Saunders , NoiOJ Lot on Cameron stroct ncarS.iundcr * . tww. tww.No 203 Lot In Shlnn'ii addition on Saundcrs etrrct , uturMicvt ear turn table , S M ) , No 201 licaiitifiil lot In Nclwn'd adilltion , on ? Division btrcct Ciniilnfr , Sif.U. No. 2U5 Two lots on Casti-llar street , near 10th $ lf > 0. 0.No 20(1 Two lots on Sixteenth street , near tlio nail works ; 1HX > . No'JilS One-half lot on California ttrect near 2Ut , 4700. No 2 M Lot on ISth fitrcct near Nicholas , 8000. NJ 210Lot on Cupltol a\emiii near 23d$1500. Na 212 Lot 1 18\f-0i ) feet on Colfax street , near Ilftnwom I'ark , with ImiirotvniciitH , S270 < ) . No 218 Two acres on Ciimlnii street , 81000. No 21&-0iiu-half aero on California , near Ken nedy xtrcct , ? 3M ) . No 2in-ltoutiful lot on Hamilton street neur Btrix-t car turn tanle , SllKW. No 217 Lot on 23d btrcct , near Clark. S OO. A few aero lots only remain unsold in "I'ark Place" little west of L'rclghton Collogt , prices ranjfins fiom W7fi to J300 wich iiml on easy terms. I IiOUin Horlucn'H 1st nnd 2il ndditionn ; also loU in l'arKer'HShliiii' ; NtlsonV , Terrace's , K. II V. Smith's. ItedickX and all tflu other additions tally prleo and at any tcnm. I Ten ucruH In the city limits on the road to tlio barracks at fti7.r > ) > vr uirc. Kour licautiful ruMik'iicc lotx In front of Crclslitoii Collcjfc ; will cut them up to cult. Nine riwlilriiiii lots -lorth of Crduhton Collect' irroumN , from fc7W ) toglUOO inch , Thlrtj ri'ddent lots In I'.irkir'ii addition , K blocks north of tho.eli'l of thu htruci car Inv-li on Ha\indcr Btreet , t' iVJ each , S1U down , balance unit , at t > | K-r cent intcrrat. A few lots left in 7 rrau' addition on the roul to the I'ark. near head of St. llarj ' a > HiueS7 0 i-jLch , To tnosu hottlll biiilda 1200 li'oldeiifc , Tycan time at 4 p T cent intcruiit. Ix > t In Uku'n iiddltion at ? & > to SSM isich , 10 jcarstimo atU iiorwut tuti-ru > t , to the o Mho build. 'lliuaMToiuIoy 10-acr tract IIIi hoiiK ) nn-l all iinpro\cniritrt , adjoining MI.U < oiir < - aml uir grounds' fortfSnOO. Tractsof 6 , Id , 15 , 2010 or SO acres , with null- dln s and other lmpro\omentk and adjoinln ; ; the city , at all prices. ISSOOofthu heat re Mcncu lot * In the < itof Onuiha any location jou dc lri ) north , isist , bouth or uuiit , and at U'd rock priit-c. JMcholculnisliifiH loti. Inall the prinripal huii- nc'j truW In Umahaar > ln from tMotu J7000rach. Two huudroil houses and loU nn in from 500 to 815,000 , and loc-aUd in u\cryjurt of the ity. ity.Iarj'o numljcr of excellent arms In Dou ta * . H riiy , SaundcN , Doilge , Waihlnirton. Hurt , and other good coi'.ntlcn In eastern NeiiRi kn. 12,000 acres best landi In Itou las , JOOO acres bent land * In Harpy county , and larn'o tracU In all the Ciuttrn tier of counties. Over ! MO,000 acre * of the licit land in the NC- nuka for nalo by thli Agency. Vcrj larfu amuunU of suhurlian property In ono to ten , twenty anil f > rty m ro piecus , loeatod Kithln one to three , 'four or fltu mll , < of thee o totl ! < wmo icry cheap ) > icce . J New Jlaps of Omaha , iiublkucil by ( JeorifO J1 Ikuiisulaiu. . iilimouiiieu iciapi CO cents each ; mounted , coloied and with < loth liMk , * 1.M llousws.ittirM , hotel" , firuH , lot , l ands. otllecs tooiuD.cii : . . tonntorUaw. Tuxes laid , rents colloitod , doedj , mortgage * . and all kinds of rml ctUtu documcnU mad out ou abort notkc. BEO. P. BEMIS' Eeal Estate Exchange 15th and Douglas Street , OMAHA , - - NEB. STILL GAINING. Later and Mro Cheering Bul letins , Serious Talk of Removing the Patient. Long Branch Suggested ns n Desirable Point. lutorosUiiK Talk With tlio Atlniiil- IHR Surgeons- National l l'ri" . WASIU.NHTO.V , Sopleuibcr L. Tlio prositlont had another good night. 1 Us sleep ( luring tlio greater part f the nigjit was satisfactory nmlthocou- dition indicated ill thu inornint' btillo- tin \vas Biibstniitiiitud by tlio most careful inquiry. The only disturbing element in public opinion was the pe culiar reference to absence nf rigor and perspiration as accompaniments of last evening's fever. The first im pression was tint the riijor must have been expected in that connection niul that their absence was cited as an es pecial encouraging sign. But nothing , waid lr. Uoynton , should bo made of this. The sumo thing has occurred several times oven in the president's boat days , and no notieo was taken. The usual febrile rise was slight nnd cnmo on again later in tlio evening. There was no special sign in the circumstance , and the president is no worse this morn ing on account of it. Ho has con tinued to improve , and I should bo perfectly satisfied if the wound were discharging mnro freely. The dis charge is some bolter than a few days ago , and the character of the discharge is also improving. Thcro is not the least danger of ab sorption of pus from it , as it is per fectly clean. The gland , too , is doing very nicely. * I do not think the open ing into the mouth will cause any trouble , but I think that thu pus has been lii id ing its way with the mucus into the mouth for some days. It will not prove a drawback. I , % think the president gained a little strength yes terday and will continue to do so to day. day.Dr. Dr. Boynlon said further that the president was cheerful , talked n good deal about removal , wanted to go to Ohio , and might j.ossibly bye and bye , if not now. Ho was not nervous and the noise of passing trains would not shock him , and ho could go by rail road. The fact is the physicians are seriously discussing plans of re moval. It has been suggested that a track could bo laid direct to the \Vhito House doors and tlio president , placed in a car without serious distui ance , and then ho could bo taken anv.Wace. The surgeons seem to thhik7lo bol- dicrs * homo not enough of a change. The plan favorably regarded is to con voy the president in tlio Tallapoosa to some seaside resort , probably Long Branch. If the improvement contin ues ho can bo moved somewhere with in ten days. The patient took chick en and oyster broth to-day. WILf , AimiUIl III ! C.VLJ.UII TO ACT ? Much comment is caused by the re port that the cabinet is seriously con sidering the advisability of calling Arthur to act as president , until Garfield - field shall be able to perform the du ties of his ollice in person. The de mand for such a ctop is reported to have coinu from the press of depart ment businoss. which calls for immedi ate net ion. Ono cabinet ollict'i- stated that the subject has not at all been neriously considered and that none of the cabi net recognise the necessity of nuclt nil action , oven if it were deemed expe dient. Many other presidents have been absent from the capital longer than the president has been unable to perform his duties. THURSDAY'S BULLETINS KIiillT A. M. llt'I.I.KTIX , \V.\SIIINOTO.V , Sept. J. The presi dent's condition denotes lurther im provement during the night. The stomach seems to Imvo increased in strenth and demands additional nour ishment. The pulse h now below 100. ornruL iti'u.irriN. Exm'-rm : MA.VMO.V , September J. The otlieial bulletin juat is sued gives the following as the president's condition at 8 ; . ' ! ( ) a , in. : Towards nine o'clock last evening the president had siuno fovcrishncfc.s and ins pulse ranged from 108 to Jli ( , This condition , which was unaccom panied by rigors and .sweating , had subsided by midnight and did not interfuro with his sleep , lie had , on the whole , a good night , and this morning his condition is fully as favorable as it was yesterday at the same hour , I'lilwo 100 , temperature ' .18.4 , respiration 17 , ( Signed ) F , II. HI.MIMO.V , D. W.-JJuss , ,1 , .1 , SVOOHW.UID , .1. K. li.MINK.S , UOU'T llKYJIUHN , TKN A. M. lIUU.nTIN. The president is passing a comfort able day. Ho takes ample nourish ment and has no disturbance. The case continues to progioss satisfactor ily in all the feutmea. 7 r. M. 111-i.u.M.v , oi'ncui. . WAKIUSOTON. J > 0. , September 1. The condition of the president has not materially changed since the last bulletin. There wan n moderate rise in the tcinporuturo this afternoon. It having been roprosuntod to us that u portion of this morning's bulletin has been nmundi'ratood , wo would state tlmt the president has had no rigor for several weeks. At present his [ > ulso i.i 103 , temperature ' . ) ' . ) ! , res piration 18. D. W , HUM , J. Iv. HAUNCH , I. .1. WOOIWAKP , F. 11. HAMJLTO.V , DESTRUCTIVE OIL FIRE ngliiR About Bradford , Pn Thousrmds of Bnrroln Burned. Pa. , September 1. The oil country is being scoured with a aeries of destructive fires. Sparks from a locomotive on the Kendall t Kldred railroad sot tire tn nn oil -well near llaker's trestle. The llamcs spread rapidly and at this hour thirty rigs and about It , 000 bairels of oil have been consumed , The drought hns made a scarcity of water nnd the tire is still raging , threatening a wholesale destruction of oil property. Korest fires are raging ut various points Itradford. Gangs of men are lighting the llaines , but they are working against desperate odds. If the tire at Baker's treat le ia not got under control soon several monster iron tanks in the vicinity will go up n smoke. HOLT THE COUNTERFEITER * Ho it NnVbod in Colorado , Tint Again Gets Awny. National Asvtciatnl I'rc-w WASIIINMTO.V , September 1. I'M- ward Sharkoy , ganger wf the Fifth Illinois district , civil service division , in advised by a Colorado agent that Win. M. Holt , the counterfeiter , who is a fugitive from Tennessee justice , lias been found at White Pino. Deputy U. S. Harslml Hone has boon sent with the necessary papers to se cure Holt's arrest and extradition. The telegrams state that Holt was ar rested yesterday , but that the ollicers were ambushed by a largo party of armed men , who set the prisoner free. SANGUINARY RIOT. Pitched Battle Bo two oil and "Whiten in Arlcansnu. National Associated 1'roM. LITTI.K ROCK , Ark. , September 1.-- In Central Point , Howard county , there is bad blood between the whites and blacks and several riots have oc curred. On Saturday a regular pitch ed battle occurred. Two colored and ono white man wore killed. All en gaged were roughs. CcMit ral Point is remote from telegraph and travel. International Stenograph National Associated 1'rcss. CIIII-ARO , September L The inter national convention of short-hand writers was called to order this morn ing at the Palmer house. Delegates are present from nearly every state in the Union. Several interesting papers on ilillbrent branches of the sciem-o will bo read. Mr. Barthol omew , of St. Louis , exhibits a ma chine for short-hand writing. Bad Fire in Bothouy. National Associated 1'rcss JlKTHKNY , 111. , August 31. A lire broke out in the residence of Mrs. Fryman and before it could bo got under control burned nearly aa entire block in the business .portion of the village. The loss is all covered by in surance , cxcopt in ilio of ufut ilrs. Freeman , who loses her house , the contents and § 000. Burned to Death- National Associated I'rcs'J. ' CINCINNATI , September 1. Miss Sallip Carneal , at Paincsvillo , Ohio , ilcd into a stable to escape the storm. The stable was fired by lightning and burned to the ground , anil MieH Car neal was burned to death. Mrs- Abraham Lincoln Recovering- National A ioclntcd I'rcts ( , Ills. , September. 1. The health of Mrs. Lincoln has so much improved during the last few weeks that she leaves for Washington soon to spund the fall and winter with her son , Secretary Robert Lincoln. FRENCH OFFICIALS. A Grand Excursion to America Nobility and Military. National Associated 1'rcs * . WASHINGTON , September 1. Col , K. K. Parton , of the Yorktown cen tennial association , has received a letter from the Marquis do Kocham- beau , stating that ho and Madame do Rocliambeau expect to embark for America on the iMth inst. , and they will probably bo accompanied by a stall'oflicor of M. Grovy , president of the French republic , a delegation of six persons representing the minister of foreign affairs , a military delegation composed of one general officer and two or three aides do ramp of differ ent grades , a naval delegation , com posed of one vice-admiral and two or three staff oflicorc , a delegation from the minister of arts , composed of sev eral of the best artists and designers of Franco , and a member of the LaFayette - Fayetto family , who will I e invited to join the delegation , The French West India ( . ( juadron will escort the delegation , which will bo under tlio charge of AlcOulroy French minister at Washington , On Trial for Horony. National Associated I'rctw , CIIICAUO , September 1. The Meth odist court , for the trial of RoDr. . If. W. Thomas , on the charge of liercsy , mut this morning. The in vestigation by the church in to bo managed by Dr. .loivott , Dr. Hatfield and Rev. Mr , Stoiigbton , The de fendant's counsel consists of Drs Shepherd , Bennett , Miller and Axtcll. The case was ready for trial , when a dispatch was received from .loliot Bay ing that Dr. Jowott was sick and unable - able to attend , Tha proceedings have , therefore , been adjourned until next Tuesday. FATAL EXPLOSION. A Gas GonorntinK Apparatus lilowx n Building to Piucos. Satlonil A&ociatul i'rco * . ( JKANII HAVKN , Mich. , September L The apparatus used for "generat ing gun used in the Cutler house , a Fashionable summer resort in this city , exploded this morning , fatally injuring Charles Cutler. T Q other iiursoiiH were also injured. The building > vau blown to atoms. ANOTHER STEP TO LIFE. . The President Passes a Oomfort- able Night , Explanation of the Rigor Soaro in the Bulletins. How the Pfttiont Can bo Carried by Rail. Now Fnots CoitconiliiB the Wan nil null GIniiil- National AMOuutcil l'rcs . WAHiuxoriKV , September I.Tho physicians at 2 o'clock this uftcnuxi said that the president hml pusn-il M favorable iv day as yesterday , although perhaps the perceptible progress made in the case has not licon more mark- uil. The noon bulletin waa s.'tisfnc- ' lory in every respect , cxcontint ! as re gards thopulso. Its frequency c.iiised no anxiety to the doctors , who di-i'in- cd that of no especial signta-ani'i' in view of the very fnvorablu naturu of his symptoms. However , the weak condition of the. president is shown by how easily his pulse can bo > to llnctuato. Dr. Lliss was asked this morning his opinion of the rigor mentioned in this morning's bulletin. Hi ) said it was to portend the nUogiitinn tlmt Iho late foyer had boon accompanied by chills. At the time of the only vig ors in the case , fever had occurred about the same timo. Ho also said that the president had had nothing like chills since the second week of the caso. A careful summing up of to-day's history in tlio president's ease will leave it apparent that thudistinmii.shed patient has only just about held his own The physicians say lie lias done as veil as yesterday , nnd no complications have arisen to throw doubt on their statement. The unfortunate reference in the morning to the accoinpaniamonl of fever and rigors early in the en so , scorns to Imvo caused the. general opinion that there have been either rigors lately or that rigors have been feared. A local surgeon outside I he case to-day said that fear of ri era could only bo occasioned by the dis eovcry of iv pus cavity somewhere. The continued low temperature shows conclusively that no such cavity exists. The surgeons saystluire is no trouble , and until seine trouble ap pears it would seem absurd for the public to borrow any. The , pulse has boon Iho only unfavorable symptom of the day and that gives ihe physi cians no apparent anxiety. Dr. lloyn- ton says to day , as sent in thcao dis patches this afternoon , thai all is going well. Drs. Woodwfd and Bliss say the saiiio thing. This afternoon Dr. Itayburif WIIB asked if tlio president was aH well to day ns ho na.a yesterday. "Ho in , " was thu reply. "Ho is doing very well. There has been nothing to set him back. " "There is a report , doctor , " said tlio reporter , "that another nbsceas has formed. " "There is no-truth in the report. " "Is the stomach all rights" "Yes ; ho has taken food of a more solid character , and retains nil that is given. Ho is doing well despite the contrary reports. The slow progress of the wound seems to be the only feature that does not satisfy tlio doc tors. Tliny think it will iiiovo more rapidly as all other conditions of im provement appear. ' The gland is apparently doing as well ns could bo wished. A promi nent local doctor said to-day that ho would never have any conlidenco in the president's recovery until the ball was removed. The public scorn to have forgotten that it line boon the cause of all the trouble so far. While it is in the present condition it is juntas likely to cause now trouble. The ball has not became " -neysted no tlio attending doctors admit and , said the physician , the president's ex hausted condition is incapable of the healthy process necessary to permit it to encyst. The physicians in the ease insist that the 'ball ia causing no local trouble , though they admit it wilt bo cut out in timo. The qm slion of the president's removal will not bo nettled until to-morrow or ne.\t day , when Dr.unow is expected. There will then bo a full Hitting of till the doc- torn and the matter will be finally decided. Capt. Henry , who left for Ohio last night , nanl the gen eral outlook pointed to removal down the river on the Tallapnosa. That vessel arrived here this morning and is in readiness to take the president at at.any timo. The president has not objected to going to the soldiers' homo ; but it is thought such iv slight change of base would not answer Iho purpose. On authority of a prominent cabi net oflicur , it is stated that the sub ject of asking the yice-presidont to temporarily relieve the president of his executive duties has not been se riously considered , and is not contem plated at present. Suggestions have been made that the president could ask the vice president to act for him , and ho eould do so , or that congress might pass an act of disability and have that act submitted to the supreme premo court for decision as to its constitutionality. Hut these Huggestions have not been acted on. One reason of this is that it is feared the president's recovery might bo seriously retarded by knowl edge that it wart doomed necessary for another to perform his constitutional duties with the added possibility of u general policy in tlio administration at variance with his views and wishes. It ia safe to buy that this step will not bo advised by the cabinet at present. The evening bulletin proved gen erally satistactory , and the hours suc ceeding its issuance wort passed in comfort by the patient. The fi'brilo rise began to subside by H o'clock , and and an hour later the pulse hail bo- cniuo considerably less frequent and the temperature and respiration nor mal. The attending physicians ai'em to bo all well satisfied with the progress - gross of the case. Dr. IHiss' associates prefer thnt ho , as surgeon in charge of the ease , should do most of the talking. This evening he had a long conversation with the agent of the National Associ ated Press , in which the recent status of the case was given substantially as follows : Ho lirst explained why men tion was made in the morning bulle tin of there having been no rigor. It seems that Dr. Woodward , who writes the bulletins , called the Attention of the doctors to the fact that on special occasions early in the ease lover in the evening had proved the herald of an nncnmdirtahlochango in the situation of the president , such as chills , etc. , and tn meet a suspicion of the occurrence of such nn- cunifortablcnosi after a sim ilar fever it was suggested that the point be made that there had been no uncomfnrtahloncH.i accom panying the fover. No one objected , but the explanation in the ovuning bulletin was made in reference to the evident general misunderstanding. Dr. HIiss said that the fever was a trilling ono and in no way a bad in dication , lie thinks there will be lie rigors in the case aineo they can only arise either from retarded pus or ma laria and that every stop is being taken against them. Dr. Bliss also stales that they are now coming to a point in the ease where it will not bo exactly uniform , that ia whore each succeeding day must not be expected to bo just an much bolter than ita predecessor , and when the febrile rise will not occur at the samu time. In other words , transmatic fever will tike ita more natural course. The pulse may lluctuato considerably and other indications may not remain the same but the conclusion must not bo jumped at.that the president is worse. It will all bo in the progress of the ease , For instance , the pulse was to-day higher than yesterday , and yet the general condition is better in nearly everyway. The doctor says that the gland is doing excellently nnd is nearly down to its normal size. The poulticing has boon discontinued because beyond the central part the fermenting softens the intergiimonts and has a tendency to cause sloughing. Instead of poultices a stimulating ointment has been used , but now thuy use only lint ' and simple eeorcoate. There is a steady How from the gland most of the time , but the pus in all present out now. The gland has now BIX openings , ono in the ear , ono in the mouth and four incision : ) . One of the incisions is very slight. The hist ono made was deep and long and moat of the pus is llowing from it. The slight discharge through the mouth causes no annoy ance , The removal of the president is uni'i" 1'onr1 , ; ' ntioiL To-pi hf n plan of removal was talked of. Dr. Kliss thinks l eng Branch may bo the destination. The question is whether by land or water. The Pullman company have ottered a palace car , to take out the interior arrange-nonts except the end rooms , and to arrange it ao the president's bed can bo carried in through the side. Ho would then have a large room for himself and two small rooms for his attendants. A civil engineer writes that the bed can bo hung from strong spiral springs o that no jar can be felt , and Iho bottom of the car covered with rail road iron to increase the weight and steady it. The surgeons can bo cou pled behind. SOUTH AMERICA'S WAR. Porn \Vlnhon to Mulio TOMUH with Chill Pence Uncertain. - * National Asiomtcd I'IIM , NBW VOIIK , September 1. A Panama - ma dispatch ot August IMth says : The Peruvian congress at Chorillas has authorized the provisional president , Caldoron , to make terms with the Chilians , but prohibiting ceding any territory. It is believed that ho can not make lerma without mime conces sions unless thu interference of the United States is B/cured , which rumor Hays has been done because the Tin ted States minister , Hiirlbut. at Lima , has been showing great activity toward securing peace. All of the Knropuan powers have refused to interfere nnd some power must : as , if none assure protection , whun Chili retires Porn will bohweptwith rapine , murder and terror. The Chilian camp is now established at Chorica , twenty milus from Lima , commanding the roudstrom the moun tains. The Monlanerort have taken the town rf Corrode 1'asco , and are squeezing the inhabitants out of all their money and valuables by oppres sion and murder. This is the third lime for the same town , Lima is patrolled at night by robbers. The liritish minister , Sir Spencer St , John , caned u drunken Chilian nflicial for insult until the latter apologized. Nr.w YOIIK , September I , Minis ter Chrihtiuney , who arrived from Peru to-day by way of Panama , nays that Peru is in a pitiable condition. Peace is uncertain and the conditions of peace are scarcely outlined. Fur ther than this , ho says , ho was not at liberty to speak , since his informa tion had been received in an ollicial capacity. An Inhuman Mother , ! National AnTOclatod I'rciti. Niw : VOIIK , September 1. Mary Coniwughty , a young and pretty Irish immigrant , secured a position ns aor vunt at the Atlantic hotel. Early this morning she bore a line large male child , tied a red scarf around its neck , hung it in the lirophico of her room , carefully replacing the aoreen , and wont about her work as usual. Two men in an adjoining room heard the baby'w cries , the transom being open , and went in , found the baby still ulivo and took it to the hospital , whore everything possible was done to have it , but without avail and it seen died. .Mary was arrested. FALSE AND PERJURED. * IsWuntMiitNtorGhrUtinuoy Sny * ot the Dlvorcn Evidence. National Associated 1'roM. Xuw YOHK , September I. Of the divorce litigation at Washington Min ister Christiancy said Co-day that ho knew too little to speak knowingly , and when allusion was made by the reporter to ( ho fnct that there had been recent and important evidence taken before the referee ho said : " 1 did not even know there had been any referee in the ease , and know nothing of any connivance. " He did not 'wish to have Iho story repeated to him since ho said ho could make no reply on hearsay evidence , \\illiout a knowledge of thu caso. Since the end nf the last year hu had not been in a position to contradict tlio evidence , llosaid : " 1 thought 1 hud m.ido arrangements to secure a full statement , but ( hey failed. I have had almost no information ex cept ftueh as 1 have learned from chance papers , often bought even in the at reels. " " 1 will say that every charge made against mo by this woman , so far as I know them , has been based upon falsehood and perjury , nnd has not even a foundation of fact. If 1 could have been horel eould have disproved every one of them by competent wit nesses on the spot. 1 asked for a leave of uh.icnco principally on this account , and it was granted in Iho usual course , but with the promise that it win not to go into ctloct while the ulliiirs of Chili and Peru remained complicated. Tlio condition in which they wore , my duly to the govern ment was paramount and 1 ronnined. 1 will repeat , however , positively that all evidence against mo , so far as 1 have heard , is ftflso and perjured. " AFTER THE ROAD AGENTS. Heavy Reward * Oiloroil for Tholr Capture. National .K-udilti-d l'rcs : S\N II'IUM-ISCO , September ! . The Central Pauilic railroad company oiler a reward of one thousand dollars for each of the highwaymen who removed the rails from the track at Capo Horn Mills , thereby throwing the express train from the track for the purpose of robbery and plunder. Wells. Far go V Co. oll'or ROVOII hundred each in addition , making with an oiler of three hundred from the- state , a sum of twelve thousand for the nix robbers. Francisco dotcclivca say their belief is that the robbers captured Iho treasure box , though thu express comp.uiy sayj the robbers got noth ing , having been fieighloiicd away without gaining access to the oppress cars. ISurglar tools found near where Iho train was stopped give some cluu to the robbois , and ollicers are in eager pursuit. Thoy.aro believed to bo the part of Jimmy Hope's gang. A report is be lieved that beside the robbery of the trcaure-hox and passengers the high waymen expected to capture Senator ] ' " , r ' l 'hU him 'i , . . fr ; < n'l an enormous ransom wasecured. . Three hundred thousand dollars was on the train , $100,000 of which belonged - longed to the government and a'lippod ' without guard. THE SPORTING WORLD. RIIOON ut Couoy Inland Grout Crowds in Attomliinco National Awiodatcil I'ruHH. NBW YORK , Soplombor J.Tho third da } ' of the second Hummer meet ing of the Coney Island jocky club opened finely. The lirst race , for all ages , was won by Hindoo , Sir Hugh Hocond , Kdondery third. Time 1-I'J. ; The second race , for all agon , sell ing allowances , throe-quarters of a milo , was won by Knight Templar , Crcdge second , Edith third. Time 1:1(11. : ( The third race for three-year olds , milo and a quarter , was won by Kole , ( irccnland second , ( > en , Monroe third. Time till I' ' , The fourth race , sweepstakes , for all ages , ti furlongs , was won by Ohio I toy , Speculation second. Time 108/ ; : / The lifth race , handicap swoop- slake , all ages , milo and three-fourths , was won by llouncor , OiniU'o second. The sixth race , steeple chase , full course , was won by ICnto Long , Do- yan second. Time ! : ! : . ' ) . Foreign Ailhlrs. LO.MION , Soplombor J.- The ( Jor- man minister of foreign all'uiis i i un derstood to bo ntili/.ing the services of Dr. Miinn Van Schloezor , envoy oxtnumlinary and minister plenipo tentiary , at Washington , for the pur pose of furthering arrangements IM- twoen the Merlin government and thu uitican. Van Schloo/.or was formerly stationed at Homo and in good stand ing LONIION , September 1 , A dispatch from ( Jiiotta says it is reported that AynohKhanis making overtures to the auienr of Afghanistan for peace. husnoN , September 1. A dispatch from Capetown says that another boat from the wrecked steamer Teuton with eight occupants has arrived at that port , , uid that still another with thirty persons , including thu crew arid olllcoru , The steamer Danube has gone in scaich of the remaining survivors in hope of finding some of Ihom. OH Fluctuations. National AvaodaUxl I'rcud. On , CITY , September 1. Yesterday thu Oil City oil exchange hold a moot ing and resolved to change the lluc- tuatioiib from p per cent , to I per cent. , to take ollcct September 1st. At 1HO : to-morrow the Piltahiirg ex change. holds a meeting to take it into consideration PuMio Dalit Statement. National Aeaadutcd 1'rctii. WASHINGTON , September 1.The public debt Htatoment for August shows a reduction for the month of $14,181,221. J2. Cash in the treasury , § 2JV 'J8,788W ! ; currency , cortili- cates , .1,1)25,000) ) gold certificates , $5,4UO)20 ! ) ; silver certificates , § 57- f > 78 , : IOj refunding curtilicates , . ( ! : ) , - ! tOO. THE NEBRASKA CAMPAIGN. The Republican State Oontral Oominittoo Calls the Ooiivontion , Which is to Convouo at Lincoln on October 5th. The Rnilrond Cnjijiors Show Tholr Hand. LIMOI.N , September I. At the mooting of thu stale central coinmitteo it Lincoln , .the question of proxies was raised , Messrs. Thurston and Yost appearing with proxies from Iho Eleventh and Twelfth districts in ad- btion to their home ones , and the man of the people , Pal O'llawcs , of Omaha , representing Polk county by proxy. The intention being raised as to the advisability of admitting non resident proxies was decided by the chairman as the common practice in the committee. In order to make the decision a matter of reqnrd for or against such admissions of proxies , Mr. Hushnoll , of Cass , ollbrcd a reso lution declaring it to bo the sense of this committee that no proxies be ad mitted where holders are not residents of the district for which proxies were i iven. Thu matter brought frowns freely from those holding alien proxies , and by diligent buttonholing on thu part of Mr. Cams , the queatson was tabled temporarily , and before ad journment , by vote UIIH loft tabled. The object arrived at to make such a loose system of work a matter of rec ord on the part of Iho committee , was accomplished , although the reso lution was defeated. Hut Chairman Dawes , to save any of his particular friends from being known as opposing tlio resolution , very graciously px- pugncd thu resolution and action from the record entire , iinil the pro ceedings as published show nothing regarding it. The following io the ollicial report , as published in The Lincoln Journal : The republican slate central com mittee oT Nubiaska , mot at the par- lora of the Commercial hotel of this cily yesterday afternoon. Upon roll call Iho following members wore found to be present : .lames W. Dawca , chairman ; V. .1 , llcndorshot , secretary pro tern ; 0. II. M01 rill , treasurer. First district .1. U. Wilhito ; .1. U. Wilhito proxy for A. K. Gantt. 'Second- I. L. Cai > on. Third - N. 11. Larsh. Ar. C. Utley Fourth -.Jl. M. Ibishiioll , proxy fur , ) . W. Johnson. Fifth-0. N. Yoct , .1. M. Thurston , broxy f. v D , X JJjIlor. t Sixth D. ,15. fleadlu , proxy for'Ai K. Kennedy. " * ' ' ' -X Seventh J. T. Davis. Kighth-S. Jl. Colson. Ninth M. MoLanghliti. Tenth W. K. Drury. Kloventh-J. M. rhursion , prosy forS. W. Jlnys. Twelfth-0. K. Yost , proxy for J. I ! . I'arnes. Thirteenth- . Mooro. Fourteenth A. K. Cady. Fitfuenth- . O'llawos. proxy for C. H. Mori-ill. Sixteenth- . ILShodd , proxy for T. U. Wilson. Seventeenth It. O. Phillips , John McClay. Eighteenth Julius Rhodes. Nineteenth . L. Purdy. Twentieth--O. W. DalUluy , proxy for James Donnelly. Twenty-first U. C. Cams , proxy for T. L. Norval. Twenty-second W T. Scott , proxy for W , 11. Keckley. Twenty-third , llaniby , proxy for II. 11. Atherton. Twenty-fourth- . J. llendorsliot. Twenty-fifth 1 . II. flonlding , proxy for E , 0. Calkina. Twenty-sixth - 0. S. Hishop. On motion thu Iroosuror read bin annual report , showing n balance on hand amounting to $4-15.71. Messrs , C. 10. Yost , J. L , Carson and 0. S. .Bishop were appointed by the chair to examine the Ireasnrer's report. After duo examination thu commit' too reported , approving lhotreasnr- % or's accounts and lindiii' ' * Uii > sanio correct. On motion 1) . I' ] . Iteadlo was admit ted as member for sixth district , in place of A. H. Kennedy , resigned. Mr , La rah moved the appointment , of a committee of seven on appor tionment. The chair appointed Messrs. Lamb , Colson , Cams , Gould- iim , Purdy , Shcddand Phillips. On motion , the vole for ( Jeorgo W. Collins for presidential elector wu taken as a basis for apportionment , The committed reported delegates as found elsewhere in Iho call for Iho convention. The city of Lincoln was selection as the place for holding the convention , and Die dale fixed for Wednesday , Oc tober 5 , J881 , at 3:30 : n. in. Tlio coinmitteo then adopted thu following resolution regarding thu attempted assassination of thu presi dent : Jtosolvod , That this committee , representing not simply the republi can parly , but the people of Nebras ka , regards with inexpressible grief and indignation the crime that has stricken down thu president of thu republic , and the distinguished patriot and statesman , James A. Garlioldand most warmly cherish the hope ( re vived by his present improvement ) of his early and complete recovery from the wound intlictod by the murderous assassin , and it tenders the president and his devoted wife ajul family the hearty sympathy of the people of this state. Adjourned.F . F , JVUuNKKltSHOT , , - Secretary pro tl'in.