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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1881)
* ? si = S5 * * " * w - i mTd > * * Airik4 M . )4'w-car" ; ' rV ISv - 1H HE OMAHA DAILY BEE ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , WEDNESDAY M011N L N G.AUGUST 31 , 1881 , NO. (50 ( PROBATE NOTICE. .SUtc ot Nebraska , IKnitUs County mi At a County Contt , held nt the County Court Itooin , In and for nald Connty , AtiKtiit SOth , A1. 1 . 1S31. 1'resent , IIO\VAKU U. sMlTIl. Count } .ludfjc. In the nnttcr ot the estate ot James K Isli , de- On rorullnfr nnd flUne the | Ktltlen ot Martha > t. lull , i > m lii ( ; that admlnltt ration of natd estate may lie granted to hir M ndinlnlstmtlv ; Ordered , 1 hat September IMli , A. I ) . 1881 , nt 10 o'cleck n , m. , h atiljncil fo.'licwlnif wldjictl- tlon , Hhcnall i > er on § Interested In mid matter may opjicar t n County Court to lie held , In i\nd for ) ld County , nnd dhow cau c by the vrnjcr of ixtlttonrr hould not be Rrantttl , and that no tice of pendency of said petition nnd the hearlnir thereof , bo len to nil jwrnons lntcrc to < l In nald nidttcr , bv publlnbliis a copy ot this ordcrln TIIR OMAII i Wrr.M.v llr.r , n nc p.ipcr printed In said Countv ' , for tlrttu suivcwlvo cekB , prior to nald iliy of'hearliiK' . HOWAHD l > . SMITH , : m'JJut : ) Coiintv .lu.lifp- LKGAL NOT10H. .lohn McKmlilcn III Wko notice that on the 10th of AUKmt , IbSl , Chnrles llnimli" " , .luctlccof the I'CAIC , of 1't precinct , DouifU ? Co. , Nell. , li- Rued nil order of nt Inchiiient for tlio mini of Wl.2f > In nnnctlon pending bcforo him , wherein Arne Kratz Is plaintiff and John Md'oddon defendant , that propcrt ) con lstlnf of household Inriiltiiro nnd Inipleincnts has boon nttnchcil under said order , bald CAUHO an continued toJlst of September , 1SS1 , 10 o'clock p. m. nmrl7iv.1t AHNO HIIAT7. 1'hlntlff. LEGAL NOTICE. To Hugh Klnsly and all others hem It may eon- cirn : You \\tlt tAke notleo tint on the Tth day of November , 1S"8 , Jlnry A. Uuirilalo purcliiuud nt troamrcr's sale lor ta\c4 for tlio 187i , tlio w i of lot a , block I" , In thu city of Omaha , said lot ni taxed In the name of llujjh Klnsly nnd the time of redemption has expired , nnd that on tha 25th < l y of No\ ember , IbSl , I will apply to said trcas- orcr fern deed to the above described real cotate. MAUY A. UUOUALB , F. MORTON" , Attorney. aulO-\\3t xamlnntion of Toaohors * I u 111 be present nt my ollleo In Crclghton tilockon the first Saturday of each month to ex amine such applicants ns may desire to teach In the public schools III Douglns county. Qunr- tcrly examination first Saturday In February , .May , August and No ember. J.J IMlNTR , County Stint. Public Instruction. Aug24-lstand3dscnmtl PUBLIC KINDKRGAUTEN , Council Bluffs , Iowa , Conducted by Miss Sura Eddy , ot Chicago , Ills. Will begin Sept. C , 1881.Miss Eddy will re- < el\eafew well-qualillcd ladles to train In the Normal Kg. Course. For particulars apply until August 20th , to 031 Monroe St. , Chicago. nlMv4t TT1AKEN UP A red jearlln ? bull , on J. J Brow n'a fanii , six miles w cst of Omaha nujtlO-wSt H. L. McKLDON. 5000 Agents wanted to sell the Life of PRESIDENT GARFIELD , Including n full nnd accurate account of his brlcl but e\cntful administration ; thu great conllct with the "Stclttnits" hcided by Conkllng ; the diabolical attemot to assaislimto him , wltli fill particulars of his cose , ono of the moat critlca and remarkable on record. Thu Intense Interest excited causes thousands to desire full parti cuUrs , hcnco this book must sell immensely Tcnrs liberal. Outfit , fOc. Circulars tree. Ad dress HUBKAUDBltOS. , Pubs. , aulO-\\4t KansoH Cltv. Mo. TTVVKEN UP One dun mule , letter V brando JL on left side of the neck. AUGUST NELSON , Jyl3-\vfit OnCrciBhton Place. Military Uoad. UP A red nnd white 8 ] > ottcd co - .L about 9 3 cars old ! right ear cropped , at Ho- gan's addition , north Omaha , fill-wit L. HKNKKN'IIOFEn. AUEMa WANTKD EOK the Fastest hellliiK Book of thi Axel Foundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOOIAL FORMS. The laws of trade , legal forms , lie * to ( rang i-t business , valuable tables , aorlul ctlquctt parliamentary usapo , bow to conduct | , ubl ! butlnMe ; la I .ct It Is a comnlcte Qndd : to Sue cces for all cli ca A family ncces l y. Addrcr \ for tlru.lirg and spoclal terms , tNCUOR PUB ' . . Rt J nln. Mo AGENTS WANTED FOB OUK NEW BOOK BSBLE FOR THE YOUNG , ' being the Story of the Scriptures , by Eov. dcorg Alexander Crook , D. D. , In simple and attractU nnguage for old nnd young. Profusely Illustra ted , making a most Interesting nnd imprcssU iouth s Instructor. Every parent will cccuro thi work. Preachers , you should circulate It. Prlc J3.00. Send for circulars with extra terms. J II. CUAMBEUS i ; CO. St. Louis Mn. " ibc ! ior the Bciug tbo sinry cf tha Ccilptures by llcv. Ueo Alexander OrnoV , D. D. , In simple uml Bttrac tlve language for old and young , froliuel Illustrated , ranking a moil luterebllug and itr prcssive youth's Instruetor. Every parent wl aecura tnla work il'ioachore , jou elinuld clr culatelt. Price 3.00. Sen' ' for circulars with xtr crms. J. H. CIIAMBEUH & ro. . St. IxmlN. CARPET HOUSE I d. B. DETWILER 1313 Farnham St. , oKlAHA , NEB. Bodv Brussels , PI.25 to $1.73 ; Tapestry Drns els , IUS to 81.35 ; 3-ply Camet , S1.25 to 81.40 Ilest 2-ply Ingrain , $1.00 toil.10 ; Cheap2-pI Ingrain , lOc to B5c. Mattings , Oil Cloth and Widow Shade at Lowest Market Prices. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices , Samples furnished at yard-rates , OOOOO < APPHOPUIAIED For Pensions I haie mode an arrangement wit partlcshereby whlchitll claimsagalin the Got eminent coming from Ncbro ka nnd Iowa will reecho prompt an SPECIAL ATTENTION If parties wanting now dlschargo papers o claiming pensions , increase of pensions , bonnt ; back pay , prize money , tranbjxjitatloii mono commutation ol rations , lands , | iatcnts , etc , , w ! send their claims addressed tonic , I wilUcutlia their interests are cared for. Letters anUii Information blionld ha\e stamp enclosed for n ply. JAMES MOUItIS , ( Special Correspondent ) IbOJ "Q" St. NV , dtitwjt Wa hliiiton. I ) . O MRS. LOUISE MOHR , Graduate o ! the St. Lou i School of Mlduhcs , a 1503 California Street , Between Fifteen ! and Sixteenth , north e , here calls w 111 bo promptly rospom ed to at any hour during the day or night. Bishop Simpson addressing the students of the National Fcliool o Elocution and Oratory aid , "Tho law of ciiltur ii applitublo to thfl human rolco u to tbo ham and If the hand tlionld be tialnod v.lnnot nine the MJko. " The National School of Elocutlo and Oratory , utablUhud iii 1S7H , cliarternl I 187S , affords the most ainplu facilities for sue culture. Nineteen Teachers and Lecturer specialists In their ncicral departments. 8un mer Term , July 5. Fall term , Oct. 3. Sen for Catalegue and Prosinsctm to IthiSdw J. U. IlKCIITEL , Secrctarj , 1110 and HIS Chestnut tit. , Philadelphia. HENRY WARD BEEGHER addressing tha students of the Katloiml School o Kloeutlon and Oratory , buld , "Wo ara Hi ing In Iznd vliooo genius , unoso history , whose inntlta tlon eminently demand oratory , ' ' The Natlona School of Elocution and Oratory uai tutab UUied In Io7l , to kiipplv this demand. L'lurterci In 1875 , Nineteen Teacher * and lecturer Speclalltti In thtir dciartmcnts. | Surnme Tefm , July C , Fall Term , Octobers , facn. for cirtular to J. II. BKOHTFX , Secretary. HlOanil JUSCncatuutbtrcit , PhUidcli > hiC. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS AT BEMIS' AGENCY , FIFTEENTH AND JOURLAS STS. , No 1 Lot on Harncy trcot , neir new court ouo , * 2.V > 0. No i Lot on Cans otrcct near 211 , $2MX > . Noll-I/otonCulfornU street near 2idlHOO. No 6 Lot on Marry street near U. ' P. depot , 1200. No 0 } bled ; In Shltm's 8J addition near Con- cut , ( SM. No E TvtJlota on Dccatur near Campbell St. , 700. 700.No No 10 S lots on Cotfax ( trcct ncnr Hanscom ark , tit reasonable prlcei. 100 choice resldcm.0 lots In Credit Vonclcr and r.imlv lew additions n short distant o southeast of t , P. and II. & II. depots , prices from $100 up- ardi. 13 lotl on 21st , 22J , 23 < 1 and Saundcrs streets , orthof nnd adjoining K. V. Smith's addition , 400J terms ca y No 00 Full corner lot on Douglas street noir Oth , $2500. No 70 Corner 00x110 feet lot on Douglas near oar llth street , &J100. No. 71 Three lots In Glsc's addition near Satin era street , 81000 73 Ix > t on Uccatur street , near Irene Shlnn a il addition $115. No. 7S 82x00 fcot on Pacific street near U. P nd U. & M. depots , $300J. No. 70 Splendid warehouse lot 77x132 foci Olh trcct near Jones , $3200. No 78 3 lots on Hartley street near lOth.SMOO. No SI Ixit In Oluo'S addition near SaunJcrs reel , WOO. No. 82 Lot In UUcs' addition near Saundcrs trcct , $300. No 83 2 lots on 19th near Pacific and Nail 'irks , $1600. No 80 Lot on Charles street near Saundcai , { 500.No No 87 Lot on Lcavcnworth near 15th , 81,100. No 83 Loton CalJnell street near Saumlurs No 8J Lot on Chlcnp ) near 22dBtn t. 81600. No 00 Lot on Illondo near Campbell struct $75. 31 lots In Mlllards & CalJweU'a addition , Shcr man nx cnuo , ICth street , Sprln,7 ) , Saratoga and floreneo streets , $700 and upwards. No 122 2 lots on 18th street , near Poppleton's BCW residence , 81000. Kf 123 Lot 71x310 feet on Shcnaan axcnuc , ICth street , $1100 No 121 8 lots on Dcllctuo street , near shot tower , SSOto ? 75'cach. No 125 Full block on Clinton street , near lhat tower , $50 to $76 each. No 120 Lot on ISth street , no" nhltclcad works , 8525 No 127 2 lots , 3 } ncrcsncar head of St. Mary's a\onuo , on road to Park , S25CO. No 120 Lo ouCaltfo'rnlanear Crctghtou Col- CRC , S175. No 130 1 lot * near new ( ro\ernmcnt corral , 821 "NO 101 Lot iii Ulsc's addition on Cameron St near Suunders , make nu offer. ' No. tOO Lot In Glso'H addition on Casslua St. , near SUitc , make an offer. No 102 LotlnOlse'saddltlon oil Casslui near Saundcrs , make an offer. No 103 1 block In Boyd s addition addltlot near Omaha Barracks , make an offer. No 101 7 lots In Henry & Shelters nddltloi near high school , price f rom i260 upvrord. 170 ixjt on Pacific ttreet , near 16Ui , make ai offer. offer.No 171 2 lots on Webster f trcpt , near 2M both S330 or S2000 fo'r corner and 81SOO for In do. do.No 173 5 lot on Cvsnear llth street , 81000 No 176 Lot on Sncrmiii u\enu WJi btrc < near Izard , 41x132 , $1400. No 177 3 lots in Orandi lew. mal.c an offer. No IbO Lot In Snum's addition on Pier St. car end street car track , $525. No 181 TttO lots in Nelson's addition , 1 01 oaho Htrcct , 1 on Center street , near Cumliij $300 each. No 1S3 Two gilt cdje lots on Cass street ncn 21st. onacorncr , $ < ! QOO. NolSS Lot on Stward ttrcct , near Saundcrs make an offer. No ISO 3 lota nn Sesvard street , near Irene make an olfur barracks , $400. J.'olSOl , j lot on 1'lerco near Cth street , $5jfl. No lOlrt , 4 lot on llth near Kurnluun , S2100 No 101 J , 2 beautiful lots in Slilnn's addition fl"00 No 102J , 2 lots on lEtli street near uhlto leai works , tluW. No 10JI , lot on 20th street near Sherman , $40f No 104J , i ! lots on 22d utrect , near Clark , U > 00 No 1UUJ , 3 beautiful lots on bauiidt'i * ht. ncu street ear turn table , * 1275. No IIWJ , lot on 15th near I'iouuo et. $5dO. No 201 Lot In ( Jise's addition on Cameron it , near Sannders , 500. No 02 Lot on Cameron street near Saumlers. $900. $900.No 203 Lot In Slilnn'a aildltlon on Saundcis street , near fctreet car turn table , $850. No 204 Bcuutlful lot in Nelson's addition , on DUIsioM Btrt'Ct near Cumln , t50. No. 205 Two lota on Castcllar street , near 10th S150. S150.No 20fl Two lots on Sixteenth street , near the nail works , S15UO. No 208 One-half lot on California street near No 209 Lot on 18th street near Nicholas , $ COO. No 210 Lot on Capitol at cnuo near 2Jd$1500. Na 212 Lot 148x500 feet on Colfax tired , near Hanscoin I'ark , with lmpro\cmcnts , f2700. No 213 Two ucrcs on CumliiL' htreet , 1000. No 215 One-half acre on Calif 01 ma , near Ken nedy street , $350. No 210 lleautlful lot on Hamilton street near street car turn taolc , $1000. No 217 Lot on 23 < 1 street , near Clark. 8500. A few aero lots only remain unsold In " 1'arlc Waco" little west of Crelfjhton Collect , prices ran iKK doin $275 to & 300 each and on easy terms. LoUln Ilorbacn's Ht and 2d additions ; aUo lots In I'arkcr'nHhlnn'ii ; NeUon'H , Teriace's , K. V. Hmlth'n. Uedlck'0 , and all the other additions at any prkoand utanv terms , Ten acres In the fit } limit * on tlio rood to the barracks at $375 per acre. Four beautiful rut-Hleneo lots in front of CrclBhton Collfae ; will cut them up to euit. Nine rvsldcnco lots Morth of Crcighton College Broundi , from $700 toilOOO each. Thirty resident lots In I'arktr's addition , six blocks north of thojcnd of thu Htroes car track on Haundcra street , rtOO each , 810 down , balance suit , nt 8 per cent Interest. A few lots lelt In Terrace addition on the road to the I'ark , near head of Kt. Mary's enuo.WxO each. To those \ \ ho w ill build a * 1200 rctldciicc , 7 > cars time at 8 p r cent Interest. UU in 1-ako's addition it $350 to ? S50 each , 10 jcarstlme atO percent Interest , to those who build. 'Ihuold Tousloy 40-acr tract with house and all Improvements , adjoining wco mn > o and fair ground * ' for & > 000. . Traotsof 6 , 10 , 16 , 20 , 40 or 80 acres , wllhlnill- illn s ami other Improvements and adjoining the city , at all prices. 3500 of the lictt rcfldenco lots In the city of Omahi any location jou deal re north , cast , south or west , and at bed rock prices. 250clioicobusnc ! s loU ill all the principal bui- nei > s strotU in Omaha , varjln ; ; liom 50Qto j7000each. , , Two hundred houses and lots ranging from MOte SIS.O'JO ' , and located In e\try | urt of the ity. ity.I I irL'o nmnber of excellent arms in Douglas. Sarpy , Kaundcrs , Dod e , Washlnrton. ( Hurt , and other good counties In eastern Nebraska. 12.000 acres best landi In Douglas , 7000 acres best lands in Harpy county , and largo tracts In all thu eastern tier of counties. Oter U/0,000 ( acres of thu bct land In the No- raska for ale by this agency , Vcr ) largo amounts of suburban property In one to ten , twenty anil f ) rty aero plcec > n , located within ono to three , four or ( Uo miles of the ostollleo borne \ct ) cjieap pieces. , Now Maps of Omalia , publuhccl \ > ) Ccorgo I * Btmls plain , unmounted main CO tents each ; mounted , colored and with cloth back , $1.50 cuch , Ilousts.stores , hotels , farm , | otsl ands. olllccs toonu , etc. . to rent or lisvso. Taxes paid , rcntJ collected , deeds , mortgages. indall kinds olruil cjtatu documents nmdo out on thott notice. GEO. P. BEMIS' Real Estate Exchange I ' 15th arid Douglao Street , OMAHA , . . NEB. SLOWLY GAINING. Ohoerful Reports From tlio Sick Chamber. Another luoision of the Swol len Gland is Made. Tlio JPronlilont Grontly RoMovotl nud QrowliiR StroiiBor- National A oclatcil Press. \VARIIINOTON , August ! ! 0. The pros- dunt liixd another good ni ht. The gain is perceptible only in the on- crnl iippcamnco of the patient , anil 'avornblo progress of the nyinptoius. tt will bo suvornl clixys bcforo there will be any noticeable gain in strength. Tito patient slopl remark- ibly well , but early in the forenoon was moro restless , on account of the gathering of pus at another point ill iho gland. The early examination was satisfactory , although the pulse and temperature were higher than they would have been if the accumu lated pus had been removed before the indications were recorded. After issuance of the bulletin anoth er incision was made in the gliuul where the accumulation of pus \vaa most evident. The result was a liber al discharge of healthy pus and relief to the gland. The size of the swelling lias materially diminished. The wound is reported as doing well. No now symptoms have appeared. TUESDAY'S BULLETINS. TWO A. M. BULLETIN. Koports from the sick room up to this hour have nothing unfavorable in their character. The physicians are sleeping as much as usual and the president seems to be getting _ better rest also. No material change in the president's condition has occurred in the last hour. TEJf A. M. BULLETIN. A further discharge of hculthy pus has been secured by u third incision which was made in the swollen gland this morning. The physicians say that the president seems started on another good day. TWELVE M. IIULLETIN. The latest information from the White House is that the prcsieont has been having a good day. The pulse and temperature have been somewhat iluctuating during the forenoon. The otlicial bulletin will bo issued soon. OFFICIAL BULLETIN. EXECUTIVE MANSION , August 30 , 12SO : p. in. At the dressing another small incision was made in the lower part of the swelling on the right of theE resident's face , which was followed E y a free discharge of pus. A similar discharge took place through tlio other openings. The swelling is per ceptibly smaller and looks bettor. The wound remains in an unchanged con dition. There has been little rise in temperature since , but the pulse is more frequent. In other respects the condition is about the same. Pulse 117 , temperature 98.9 , respiration 18. D. W. liuss , J. K. UAUNES , .1. J. WoonwAUD , ROUT. RKYISUIUT , D. II. AONKW. TWO 1' . M , UULLETIN. Dr. Uliss the ' sayt president's gen- i condition is as favorable as at thin time yesterday. The pulse is li > \\or again now than an hour ago. Tin- fever has risen but slightly. THKEE P. M. BULLETIN. The president's pulse has fallen to 110 , and Dr. Woodward says the case is progressing favorable. nvr. r. M. UULLETIN. Nothing can bo learned of the presi dent's condition , except that it is as favorable as at 4 p. m. , when the pulse had dropped to 100. SEVEN P. M. BULLETIN. The president passed comfortably through the day , and has taken the in mil amount of nourishment by the mouth with stimulating eiioinnta at stated periods. His rise of temper ature this afternoon is a degree less than yesterday at the same time and his pulse is less frequent than at noon to-day. The parotid swelling has been discharging more frcoly and con tinuing to diminish in si/.e. Pulse 100 , temperature 1)9.5 ) , respiration 18. TEN P. H. BULLETIN. The president's ' febrile riseis satis factorily subsiding. No unfavorable indications have appeared and the prospects uro good for a comfortable night. MIDNIU1IT ItUI.M'.TIN. The president's pulse has been fluctuating between 100 and 114 , but the temperature and respiration are normal , There are no now indica tions of a discomforting nature. STEAMEiTDlS ASTER. Tbo City of Richmond Goes Ashore Pussoiigors All Saved. National Associated Press. UOSTON , August ! tO , Dispatches from llockland , Me. , say that "the steamer City of Richmond ran ashore on Mark Island ledge , Penobscot bay , eight miles from that city. She struck bow on , tearing a great hole in the hull , and rapidly filled with water , All of the passengers have been safely landed on the island , and tugs have been sent to her assistance. NOT THE IlICIIMONII. The Inmaii line steamer , City of Richmond , sailed from Now York 011 Thursday and on the following day she was spoken to ono hundred and eighty-nine miles east of Sandy Hook. She should now be within three days of Qucenstown. Seittoucod for Lit'cv National Associated Tress. CINCINNATI , August HO. Dr. Aust of Petersburg , Ind. , has boon sen tenced to the penitentiary for life for a peculiarly atrocious murder , YOUNG DESPERADOES. A Ofinn in laiHium Unonrtlioil- " ' Kllllnf AntocUled PKTEnsmmo , Ind.r August .10. For j year or two BOVOTR ! boys , l ( > to i > 0 years of ago , near AVhifllow , liavo been ihoot ing the .stock of people nnd rob- iiing stores. Six monthn since one of the number , young Hopkins , was Riven § 25 by his mother to leave the country , and every ono supposed Hint ! io did leavo. A short time since Bronton shot Morton , both being members of the same clan as than to which Hopkins belonged. Morton , on his "lying bed , confessed to having assisted Brenton and young Peacocks to kill Hopkins 'or his money and buried the body under a tree. Yesterday they searched the plneo Indicated by Merion am' ' found young Hopkins' body , thus fastening the jirilt for n single murder upon Pea- jocks and a double ono on Brenton. Iho only way to account for Itrontnti shooting Morton is on the theory that io hnd talked too much. TURF AND DIAMOND. The Coney Inland Races Unso Ball Yesterday' National Associated Press. NEW YOUK , August 30. At Coney Island to-day the first race , all ages , throe-quarters f a milo , was won by Bonnie Lir-xio , Sir Hugh second , Fol low Play third ; time 1:15. The second race , for two-year-olds , soiling allowances , live furlongs , was won by Memento , Edith second , Go- dinn third ; time l:02j : , The third race , all ages , milo and throo-qimrtors . , was n walk over for Olonmoro. The fourth race , handicap , sweepstakes - stakes , all ages , milo and a quarter , was won by Ferida , Sly Dnnco second ; time i 1:501 : , 1:57J. : The fifth race , throe-yoar-olds , onu milo , was won by Duke of Kent , Shadow Dance second ; time 1:48 : ] . BASE HALL. National Associated Pi ess. BUFFALO , August 30. H flalos 7 , Clovolands 5. TUOY , August 30. Treys 0 , Bos tons 2. PUOVIDKNCE , August 30. Provi- donee 10 , Worccstors 3. DETROIT , August 30. Dctroits 8 , Chieagos 12. NK\V YOUK , August 30. Metro politans 1 , Albanys 2. MURDEROUS NEGROES. Two White Men Killed at a Colored - orod Danco. Natlenal Associated-Press. SunEVEPOiiT , La. , August 30. During'a row at a negro dance on False river point , Coupeo parish- , Messrs. L. T. Chonvort , l.wid John son , Joseph Garon nnd / > ' fovr other [ irominuit wliito citizens , tried to prcsorvo the peace. The negroes inado a rush on the whites and com menced firing at them with pistols. Clonvort fired ono shot at thonegrocs. The negroes shot Clcnvort througl the head killing him instantly. John son ran for his gun among a shower of bullets. Joseph Garon , aged 18 , ran up to the crowd with a pistol and was shot down and mortally woundei by the negroes. Johnson lirod at the negroes , at which the latter lied. Sev eral negroes were placed in jail bin all released except Aral Dorval ant Leopold Polite hold to answer the charge of murder. FRIGHTFUL EXPLOSION. A Bailer Blown Up anil Kills Four Moii. National Associated 1'rcss. ATLANTA , Go. , August 30. The engine gino of a largo saw mill in AValtoi county exploded , killing H. O. Porr ; and W. H. Pammitt , the owners , am two employes. Pieces of the engine were hurled ono hundred yards , am persons fifty yards distant were severely veroly wounded. A train of cars ran into the nov exposition building , knocking dowi ono side and damaging the building to the amount of $0,000. INVADING MEXICO. Tlio Railroads nucl American Hotels Crowding In National Associated Press. OITV OK MEXICO , August 30 , Ai unsubsidi/.od concession has beoi granted the National 'railway com pany to construct a narrow gaugi railway to the coul fields of Guerrero The road is to bo completed in six years , and in ninuty-nino years the government is to acquire the proport ; on paying the arbitration price for it Reports from Onxnno announce tha several Americans uro in the city fet thu purpose of selecting a hotel site A Magnificent Gift National AMQcI&Uxl Prci > s CINCINNATI , August 30 , Josop ] Longworth , of this city , who pur chased 03 of the original drawings o D'Lessops and 5 ! ) of the most famou paintings at a cost of $10,000 , has just arrived , Ho presents thorn t the art museum. National Associated I'ress. I'ress.Pa. Pa. , August 30. Vasoy and O'Connor , arrested 01 suspicion of complicity in the inurdo of Goo , A. McClure , had u hearin ; and were both discharged. KilledTn Bod. National Associated Prcsj. DKC-ATUH , Ala , , August 30 , Jak Hay ( colored ) was killed over the Ala baiiia line in Florida last night , boinj , shot while in bed asleep , by an un known person. An Ajjoil Horse Tliiof. National Amoilatud 1'ruM. JOMKT , August 30. Frank Brad shaw , alias Van Lutit , a horuo thicl was captured by Iho uheriir to-day The man is aged 00 and has serve five terms in the penitentiary. HE'S ' ON THE ROAD. Tko President in the Way of Ulfcimato Recovery , Ho Saya Ho Pools Better Them Sinoo tbo Shooting. Vhnt Canned the Crisis H StrtiR- rough. The incision tnado by Dr. lHitx tliis lorning to further rolioru the gland insed a vury decided llucttmtion in 10 proaidont's pulse , and it ranged oni 10 : ! io 118 , und whou the Imlle- n \vi\a taken \riis lltl. Tlio nro W.IM slightly increased , but the ospirntiou remained normal. Th < u ibyaicinun any that tlio whole IvonWo a \\ilh the gland , and n hiuh itulna it 11 iiccniiipniiiintmt. Eneli incision hen made , although affording relief o the ( { land , causes HOIIIO irritation to lie patient. The wound seems to bo oinj : no liann , and the phyaiciaim in- tlint no other imfuvomblo symp- onis have been scon. 11 fall pulse caused considerable anx- cly on the streets. At the White louse all seem to think the case in irocoeding BatUfuctorily. An the ftornuon bulletin was issued Dr. Aglow - low remarked : "Ho continues to do veil. " Dr. llliss said that tlio Irish uilso caused no alarm as long an oth- r indication ! * wore favorablo. Dr toybunt fmid that the gland would lot pass the troubloaomo point for ovoral days , and Riich Ihictnattons mist bo expected and need caiiHo no larm. 1'ho day is very hot and the ooling api > arr.tus was sot to work. 'his morning Drs. Ajjnow andltarnes laid a visit to the Washington asylum or the insane. The president has lad chicken broth to-day in addition o the usual nourishment. W.AINI'S : CAIILKUIIAM , The following was cabled this aftcr- loon : Lowr.LL , London : The president's londition has not materially changed inco my last dispatch. Another in cision was made this morning in the uirotid gland with very satisfactory aaults. I'm Hews frouly and the welling grows loss , The pulse at this tour , 2 p. in. , is lower than during ho forenoon , as it was yesterday , but on both days it haa been higher than ho other good symptoms would seam o warrant. It is now 110 ; at noon it vas 11(5. [ Signed ] BLAINI : , Secretary. OPINIONS. Col. Rockwell stated that the prosi lent is doing well , and the high pulse caused no anxiety. The doctors as sort that ns long as tlio gland remains troublesome aa now the fluctuations of the pultio are nxpcctcd , and arc nol doomed dangerous. Dr. Woodward stated at It o'clock that the pulse is causing no anxiety ; that tlio accelera tion was duo to the gland progressing satisfactorily , and that on the whole the cose is proceeding favorably. This has been a day devoid of inci dent around about the White House ind the nick room has boon equally monotonous. The president IMH been bettor to-day only in the sonwj ol Sjoneral improvement that would naturally come with twenty-four hours continuation of favorablu symptoiiiH. That is t Hay , the much needed marked improvement is not yet ap parent. Even the most sanguine fai to rccognixo the conclusive evidence of such progress. About two table spoons full 01 hoalty pun have boon removed from tlio gland to-day. This , of course , materially relieves the tension of the swollen point and gives more [ Balis- faction too , since the swelling lias begun - gun to decrease. The swelling wnsal one time 2 $ by 'I inches in size ani thick as tlio fleshy part of a man's hand. The choak , neck and righl eye were also swollen. Now , however - over , the surrounding aw oiling lias entirely disappeared and the lines o the gland are distinctly evident while the glandular swelling proper is reduced about ono-sixteonth It is stated that the walls botwooi the pockets of pus are gradually breaking down , and thuro is a fair prospect of the gland being in a safu. condition after a few days. This trouble obviated , the physicians ex pect to have plain sailinir , if , how ever , the president's system does nol decline under the continued strain , To nourish the system the fiamo means are being resorted to , onomali being administered at stated inter vuls and the president takes liquid nourishment easily and in suflicion ! qualities. Koumiss , milk , porridge , penetoni/.cd milk , and chicken broth still constitute his bill of faro , with another piece of toast added , to-day. The increased pulse shown by the noon bulletin was caused , according to the Burgeons , by tlio irritation con sequent upon the incision of tlio gland , and resulted in creating considerable sidorablo uneasiness outside the White House. The surgeons agree that the whole trouble is now with the glani und its effects upon the system. The president particularly dislikes the frcmicnt incisions that have boon maue. One of his attendants says ho dreads thoin. This doubtless does much towardjtho increase of the pulse tliii morning , It began to decrease noon aftoi noon , however , and this evening's bulletin was so satisfactory that tlio feeling i ono of general quiet , thcru being diflerenep of opinion to-day among the physicians in regard to i continued favorable character of the case. Dr. Uliss stated to-night that ho was very well fatisfiod with the progioss of the cuso to-day. Thuro had beet no great gain , but the gland was improving every hour. Ho had not oxpuctcd the case to take a decided turn toward recovery until the gland is less troublesome Now ho expecis to sou the beginnin ] of marked improvement by Suturdu ; or Bund.iy. Ho bays the wound i doing niculy. The How of 'pun , ii character und quantity , is butter thui it was a week ago. \Jr \ , Wowltrnrd snys the president s ( loins ; well , and that the llnctii.v ions of the imlsc.and temperature , o , must fctr expected ns long aa tlio land remains troublesome , but that io tliiiiks _ the case is progressing to ntire satisftittinn , lilt ll < m TOJVt HfAO.N HI . Dr. lloyntoti is hardly as confident n his remarks to'dny m yesterday , as io docs not think the wound looks mile so well as it might. Ho admits lint the president. in no worse than esterday , but Any * ho is very little idler. The skin in good , his wind lear , and the patioxt remains efc-sur- til. Dr. Hoynton f rthor says that a watch is beintj kept oa a ossiblo outbreak of septic evidences i other i rts of the president's bed 7. s'o indications of the nprcad of stiitlt condition has boon uncovered. lb > > oulil bo lictter futisliiwl if a gmimlr > ion of the wound WUH uioro marked , le is natiRlicil with the way the sloni- ch behaves , and the only adverse- > oint inndo by the doctor is that no- iKiikod gain is apparent. In the course of the son versa ! ion : ito lust night Dr. Hoynton said that vero it not for the advent of nopli- aemia in the president's case he roultl now \H \ ) convalescent , that the tomach trouble of two weeks ago , ha glandular complication , stupor ml delirium , raised pulte , Ions of trength , etc. , were all duo to this ause , and that the wonderful vitality if the president had enabled him to ivorcome all these danger * and com- ilications attending the wound prior o the occurrence of blood > poison ; liat in his ease septicaomia hud. mi- ernnhed the very foundation of life , reducing a condition inudb roscmb- ing typhoid fever , attended with stu- x > r , delirium and great prostration. The processes of digestion andassim- lation had bean pretty much arrested o that although lie partook of a suf- icient amount of nourishment ho be came greatly emaciated and exhausted. i'ho president has been labouing tin- lur the influence of blood poison for wine time and during the past week it xicamo uvidonl that unless n fnvor- iblo change soon occured , his vital powers would give way. On Friday evening a change for the xittor was noticeable , the first indi cation being an abatement ot the stn ior and delirium. This was followed i > y the appearance of other favorable lymptoms , which indicated that the ilood poisoning was being eliminated and that thu system was making an effort to rally from the terrible de pression caused by sopticiemin. If the blood poison continues to bo eliminated and no more septic matters arc absorbed the president will slowly but surely regain his strength. In the present condition it is not impos sible that tlibro may be a further ab sorption of the septic matter , bring ing with it serious complications , bu it is confidently hoped that such wil not bo the case. No irreparable niin chief has occurred U > any of the vita organs and recovery is more than probable. As the processes of digestion and assimilation bocotno moro fully * es 'ublmhod ' , bettor blood will bo nianu Pictured from the food , which , as it circulates through the system , will stimulate to moro healthy action ill of the functions. The process of repair in the wound , which is now at : i standstill , will be re-established , and the discharge of pus , which has almost ceased , wi'l ' again become nor mal as to quantity and quality , the [ granulations will spring up , and the wound will heal up. The glandular trouble , although result of iho Bupticiutnia and depraved condition of the blood , bccamo not only an annoying , but dangerous com plication , and its subsidanco was i very important element in bringing about a favorable change in the prcsi dent's condition. Dr. Agnuw is preparing to return t < Philadelphia to-morrow. Dr. Ham ilton arrived to relieve him at 10 p m. The cabinet continueio gau hope. Mrs. Garfield has been ven choeiful all day. Colonel Rockwell and General Swahn say the presided' looks bettor every hour and expect t < BOO rapid improvement before m&ny days. HIH IlKflJMENT IIKUNIO.V. Captain Henry wrote to friends ii Ohio to-night. Ho thought the nrosi dent liad improved nicely for three days , and that ho had saitl to-day ho felt much bettor. The president , ho said , had been talking about the re union of his recimont which takes place to-morrow at Oullia. Till ! JIUU.KT KJNDEIl. J'rof. Graham I5oll telegraphs from Cambridge , Mass , , that lie lias per fected his electrical appliance for the location of the ball in the body. It is not , lunvoyur , intended that he shall renew his experiments on the president , at least not until he is much improyod. The followint. ' was sent at 10 p , in. UI.AINK' nirours. Minister Lowell , Minister Morton The president , if not rapidly advanc ing , m at least holding his own , Tin fever is loss than last night. The owollen gland Htoadily improves. Th pulse continues rather high , running this evening from 110 to 114. Tin bust indication is that the ptosiden says himself he fools bettor und hi : mind being perfectly cluar he rcadi compares ono day's progress with another. HLAINH , Secretary. A TESTIMONIAL. AH to the ] president's Chris tian life his pastor , Her. K. I ) . I'o v crs , writes : "Ho has never hesitated when it wfis necessary to tuntify to hi faith , I esteem him us an unustia Christian , a man faithful whore nin out of ten would fall. " WEDNESDAY'S BULLETINS O.VK A. M , 11ULLBTI.V. WAKiiiNoroy , August 31 , Kviu' TIVK MANSION. No noticeable cluing in the president s condition siu'co th last leport. TWO A. /IULLIITIN , The pultio ia averaging lower thu nn hour or two ago , und other surf.ic indications , are satisfactory , Th president has slept fairly well thvoug' the night so fur. LONDON CABLEGRAMS. Bismarck Shakos Hands With Pope Leo. Turkish Sick Mail Trying- to Mend * Aaotlior Irish lUot-O'Dj-numlto Story Confirmed- N.itlrnal.1 LWHION , , Following the rumor of a. concimlat between ts ! imperial government of Uorlin and the VAtioan , and renewed lu > po that n. reviflinn of tlio May lawn wrll bo had , comes the ntws that a. chares d'ntl'aim to the valioan will bo immediately ap- pointcd bjtJio Prussian government. This , is is said , will followed by the * appointment of a ptipnl nuncio to Uer- n. Jt is atrid tiini the Prussian uirgo d'allairs ' will bo Uarcn von chlooxir , long the Garman minister Washington , whoinj forifles c\ orienco asan attache of 10 German ( tmbassy a/i the Vatican ml familiarity with the existing illicultUs fitn him well for. . the place , his , coining with the annnuncouiont f' the hull appointing Dr. Korum ishop of Trovis , the vioib of the decor - or to "Viuuin and his friendly por- nal relations with Bismarck , and hia oinnal prc.icntatioii to luiiser Wil- alm to-day , is Bignideant of the really eluuiged policy oiv the part of "inisfliu. toward thu church , It is id that tlio intluenco of tlio kin ; ; ( it txony ami others prominent in iw- > erial allaics have had much to du > ith bringing about an unexpected luvngc. TUKKKV. A dispatch from Constantinople ays the sultan desires to hurrjr a eb- omijut ot the financial nai'otiationa xjuding , and it is thought that the reposition of Messrs. Btmrko aad relfry , representatives 06 the Engliita luH'reiicli holders ot the Turkish xxuls , will bo accepted ; The an- ouncemcnt caused n slight .rise in. Turkish bonds on the stock exchange uro and on the Bourse in Paris. BAD WIIAUNH. Yesaola from the norbhcrn seas to ) undeo , Scotland , ruiwrt the whalu- tshory in Davis StraiU this season u. > nd failure and the wliolcs vci-y scarce. Parnoll , addressing a meeting of ho land league at Oldham , thanked he members for having expressed heir hatred to the government for ts course in imprisoning Irishmen vhoso only oll'enso was uttering words awful in England but illegal in Ire- mid. mid.DUIILIN DUIILIN , Auguat 30. To-day at Rosereu a largo mob attacked the emergency men who ventured to- work for catWn landlords whs ; had icon boycotted. Tlio police clmrued .ho mob and dispersed it without rouble. The Times roviowinu the proceed- ngs of the Dotorol court-martial at. ? alinouth says : "So far there him ipt been a fragment of evidence to- lisapprovo Mr. O'Donovun llossa'a atost statement that ho was not con- : orned in the bluwing up of the 'Dolerel. " The corner in cotton at Liverpool ian given an impulse in the movement n favor of the cotton buying company supplant the present system o ( buying through brokers. F1TTSBURG BLAZE. A Lous of 815,000-Flvo Flromoa Injured. National Associated Pro * . PITTHMUWI , August 30. A tire at 10 o'clock to-night burned out I ! . Horn , tobacconist , tlio United S tut civ show company on Liberty street , ami damaged J. G. Brandt's oil and cntlior establishment. LOBS , 15,000. Insured. Five firemen were injured. > y the ladder breaking on which they were standing. Fatal Coal Oil Explosion. SUHUVI.KK , Nob. , August 30. A erriblo disaster occurred in this coun- , y on last Friday. A 10-year-old girl of Joseph Kurol was lighting a lamp und the wick being poor would not jurn well. She wanted to help it and poured some oil on the burning * wick from a cant The oil of course gnitcd , the can exploded and the lit Io girl was soon enveloped in fire , which burned her fatally , so that aliu iliod next day. Her mother was a witness to the terrible accident of her child , but could not help her , Thu ihock to her was BO great that her Ufa H also despaired of. Another JLmTjozzlor. National Associated Press , Cimuao , 111. , August 30. David llitchio , settling clerk for the Pier- mont it uo , board of trade , was ar rested to-day for embezzling twi > thousand dollars , lie was held to the criminal court , lie lost money in ; ambling , ludioat'oiis- ' National Associated Press. WAHHINOTON , August 31,1 a. in. The following are the probabilities for the succeeding twelve hours : For the upper hikes : Fair weather , winds mostly southwesterly , station- winds mostly south , stationary higher temporuturo und pressure. Obio State Fair. National Auouiatud i'rc > , 0 , , August yO , The thhty-socouil Ohio state fair opened auspiciously with increased cntreea and attendance over last year. The heat is almost unendurable. Them weto ninu entries in the byciclo race for the § 75 prize. It was woji by Ji. J. PearfaO , of Columbus , inakiiuj ono iniloina-.riljl , 7 _ _ , t , _ M - - ' You Gau't Afford. < ' To be without Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. tiugJJOcodlvr