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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1881)
Tills OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JULY 11 , 1881 , DEDICATED TO GOD , The New South Tenth Street M. B , Church , Ceremonies in Conneotioh with the Event , Able Address by Blshopt Hurst , of DCS Molncs. Ycstonlay morning the Methodist church , which has just been completed pleted- was formally dedicated and Il-'shop Hurst , cf DCS Moiiics , deliv ered the dedicatory discourse. There was a very fine attendance and Rov. John 13 , Mnxfield and Rov. A. F. Shcrrill assisted at the services. The altar was prettily decorated with flowers. Rov. John B. Maxfiold offered a prayer for the recovery of the presi dent , couched in very touching lan guage. Bishop Hurst took his test from St. Matthew , 1 , xix-xx. "Again 1 say unto you , that if two of you shall agree on earth touching anything that they Bhiill ask , it shall bo done for them , of my Father which is in Heav en. For , where two or three are gath ered together in My name , there am I in the midst of them. " The Bishop began : The verso to which your attention is more particu larly invited is the one "Where two or thrco are gathered together in my name , theio am I in the midatof them. " Those are words that are familiar to us. They were Sl'OKEN 11Y CHRIST. Not only with rofronce to the power of prayer , but also wtth reference to the blessing of prayer. They contain the l-onsolatton of all pure and true worship. They contain the secret of success inall ] [ our approaches to God , for they declare His presence , they declare the necessity of His presence , and also the great work of the. jieart which claims His presence. Lot us not forgot , however , the surroundings of the ago- when Christ spoke these words of cheer to His disciples. His passion was drawing very near , the dark shadow of His Buffering and His departure from His disciples had al ready come upon them. Ho foresaw the particular difliculty .under which this stricken circle would have to labor.Vo know what it is in our own social life even IN THIS CENTURY , when the great light is gene out of the house , when the familiar face , the gcntlicst hand , the most ( sacrificin spirit , the lips that speak the kindliest words always , when such a one is ab sent. What shall" take the place of that vanished hand ? "What shall take the place of that still voicoj Tins was precisely the condition into which this circle of disciples was soon to bo placed. They wore to bo with out their friend , their teacher , their redeemer. Yet they must hare some thing to SEUVE AS A .SUBSTITUTE They must have the memory of some thing to recall his presence that should cheer them on their long pilgrimage , and the sacrifices wliich t" y were still to make. Now it is tlihr sonio- thing which Jesus now supplies. True , it is a remarkable statement. Ho says ho is not'going to leave them , though they may look out for the face and feel for the pressure of His hand , and could not see him with TIIK PHYSICAL EYE yet Ho will bo with them. Can you imagine- more comforting word that as the cross is in sight and the Jewish and Roman tri bunal is soon to condemn Him , as Ho is soon to die upon the cross and to bo placed in the sepulchre , and the great atone to bo rolled before tho.door and the keepers charged to guard carefully Him that is placed withinthen as Ho is to ascend later out of mortal sight , I say can you imagine a more comfort ing word than that Jesua should say before all this happens' , "Nevertheless remember that I am still with you , wherever you may wander over the earth. " WHATEVER LAND you may live in , whatever may bo your surrounding ; "still "whorovpr two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of thorn,1' not represented , not a memory , not an idea , not a vision , not a fancy , "There am I in the midst of them. " You will observe that Christ saw hero the natural tendency of the heart to trust in the visible. That is our na ture. AYe are very much4 inclined to believe in what wo see and to bo akop tical of what wo do not seo. Bomo things we cnnno dpubt , because the evidence is too strong , NO ONE DOUBTS the existence of uuch a continent as Europe , or the existence of such man as Luther , but when the evidence lias become ICSH striking , more in the line of the spiritual world wo grow sceptical. Thomas afto ? , Christ rose from the dead , represented not so much himself as the race to which ho belonged , yhen ho was informed thai Jesus had risen from the dead ho sail ho would not believe until ho couli sco the prints of the nails in His foot and until ho could put his hand into that wound in His side. That is our condition , Wo ere too SLOW TO BELIEVE in the spiritual world because this gross vision of ours is so narrow and so excessively cessively short that the , spiritua world , which is invisible , ia by far the greatest world inyhich wo Uvo , Notwithstanding it is .invisible , it is after nil the real world. Fpr after this material universe shall pass away , wo shall BOO , , wq shall know that all the greateat affairs in the world are not material , but these in visible and epiritual affairs which lift up the soul into likeness and liarmony with our divineRedeemer. . , rill observe that the first ihing that strikes the COMMON FAITH OF MAN is the smallncss of the number hero stated in ono verso. "If two of you shall ngrco on earth touching any thing they ask. " Further along it is somewhat magnified. "Whore two or three are gathered together in My name there am I in the midst of them. " Thus wo have this strange fact stated that a very small number is capable nnd has the promise of re- csiving the great presence of God. Hero is something that comes homo to our common thinking , our every day life , It 13 not n pledge of TIIK IllVlNr. rilKSENCE to the multitude , but it is a pledge of the Divine presence to these smaller circles in which wo meet nnd which nro common in our domestic , social nnd sncrcd lifo , The thinking of men is just the ether way. They measure their successes by the magnitude of their arithmetic. If in their calcula tion they can muster n large force they expect to succcced. It was the philosophy of Napoleon's military lifo that God was always on the side of the gtcatcstbatallions , nnd so ho arranged ns n rule to have n larger force than his enemy. For ho boltovcd that the star of his fnte would shine favorably if ho had only a few moro nion than the enemy against him. That is the way wo calculate. Wo measure our tasks in lifo accord ing to the arms we have to overcome , the resistance it gives to us. If wo wish to plough a piece of land wo cal culate TIIK KIND OF Fouor that is necessary to overcome the re sistance , to throw up the soil and make it ready for the grain. If wo wish to build a house of atone wo tnko pains to go. to the quarry and apply n certain quantity of explosive material to disintegrate the stone so that it can bo taken out and handled and put in shape tor the edifice. It is nil a question of how much force can over come the resistance. If an obelisk is presented to this country from Egypt wo go to work and calculate the amount of power necessary to take it across the ocean , and the AMOUNT or FOKCI : to get it from the ship and thence to Central Park. It is a question of building material force to overcome material resistance. So that it comes into the habit of our lifo to calculate. We sco n little child learning just for the first time how to walk. The toy is in its hand , it drops it on the floor , when it stoops down nnd picks it up , it requires n good deal of man agement in stretching these tender muscles to pick up that toy without falling. It is ono of the first efforts on the part of the child to use n scop- tcr. It has just strength and wisdom necessary to overcome the law ol gravitation. These nro things wo sco every day , our lifo is made up ol them. Hence wo como to conclude that numbers , force , tlw calculation of muscular force are absolutely nee essary for SUCCESS IX HUMAN LIFE Never was there a greater mistake. Wo forget when wo are standing around these battle fields of lifo thai there is an invisablo one who has n word to say and a share to take in the great conflict. Fnbor says , "Thrice blessed is ho to whom is given the in stinct that can tell that God is on the field whpji He i Hun&olf ; Jir/isiMo. \Vo must remombcr that in every un dertaking it is 'not'by'nftght nor by > ewer , but by the spirit , by the spirii saith the Lord. In these days oi reat material progress when wo over spread the continent wiah a not work of railways. When wo are rcnrinj , -owns and cities almost as fast as wo earn SOME NEW LAW 'or overcoming and resisting the un willing law of gravity. Wo are coming ; o the conclusion that everything wide do is a matter of force and resistance ffence , in this material age , some go so far as to say God is not necessary. Wo should not forget the triumphs o science , ' the progress man has nado in finding out the secrets of na- ; ure , but , nevertheless , the spiritual world is just ns real in His presence as if no progress in the world of BCJ- enco had been made. We find this icre to be the fact that in all the spir itual lifo of man , looking back in dis tant times , God's presence has beci alculatod upon , has boon built upoi sy these who have understood Hin most , and it has boon secured mos idly. Wo find far back in THE DISTANT TIME a promise given that ono shall chas a thousand and two shall put ton thousand to flight. Wo find far back in the distant time that bread cas on the waters was returned afto many days. That a little handful o corn dropt from the hand on the to ] if a mountain , grow and became ; forest whoso fruit shako like the : edars of Lebanon. Wo find that the little Htono cast from the top of tin mountain beeamo so largo 'when i reached the valley , that it made th valley higher than the "placo fron which the stone started. Wo road what St. Paul said tha the very things that are not convenient iont , that are base things , that nro do spis'od , that are looked upon an noth HAVINO NO KXISTKNCE our eyes never saw , our hands ; neve handled , hare never been trod upon God says , through Paul , shall bring t naught the things that are. Why i this ? Why is it that those infinitcl > small afliura that tliu eye cannot BO in any distant lurizcn ? Why is that they have the omnipotent voic and bring t > naught the things tha are ? The reason is in man , who glo rics in his own strength. Thcra are persons to whom Go whispers a secret sometimes. Ho di it to Abraham. Don't imagine tha lie gives up como divine attribute buto , some thoiii'lit. Ho doc not act in the manner HUMAN 1MKTIAUTY. Ho goesto the heart who trusts Ilinu The divinp presence is base on the human worthiness , not on th divine partiality ; So those who listo to the divine voice are those to whoi the divine voice comes. Those \vh feel for the guidance of God's hand ar the ones to whom God extends hi hand. Why was it , I argue , tha Thomas , did n'ot acknowledge hi Lord and father sooner , The rnaso was because ho had a chill feeling sceptical , unbelieving , the -spirit wai net ready , \vosj not willing. Ho ha surrounded himself with a coa of moil. When. _ they tel iim Jesus had risen ho would not bo- eve it , ho would not accept it. You rill notice that sonic of the race to horn the word came were inclined to eliovo it. They said that is what wo aid. Ho was going to do it on THETIUIU ) DAY. 'hoy recalled His words Mid they be an to take in the fact of His re ur- cction To them Jesus came , as herover you will find the heart that > oks towards God for His blessing , Jo comes and whispers the secrets of 15s life , for wo read far back in the Mondays that "Tho secret of the iord is with them that fear Him. 'hcso ' are the divine distinctive basis f character ot live of oyn rr.ovnr.sT FAITH f our willingness to take hold of God ml make him our savior and our re- .corner. In the next place wo must observe his , that the place where God ovcals Himself is hero in the midst f his disciples. Observe the force of lie locality in which this revelation is lade. It ia a great assembly , with tranches on cither side , but one con- rAl pillow is the support of the whole ystem. As the sun is the center of ho planatory system , so in grace. God is the center of the atlcction ana oyclations that are inauo to His hildron , The great aim of Scopti- ism is to take Him so far nwny from nen that they shall not rccognizo his ntorforcnco in human affairs. They jive us some such analogy as this : w the clock is wound up by a turn of ho hand it , is loft to pursiio its mis ion until it'1 runs down. 80 the uni crso , by some dense force , by the peration of somcthSmr they call law ins been originated has gone into nission. ITS OSCILLATIONS , IB revolutions , its cycles , after the un is made and the time lapses and ho forces are run out then the uni erse will go down again into nothing less. That is , the gospel of certain ncn who call themselves leaders of icienco. The only effect of such caching is this , it takes God away roili men , takes Him far away from 11 interference with men It is an cfiort to say to one prayer has no > owor. It is an attempt to drive God out of the church , it is an attempt to bTOl' THE ERECTION of churches. It is an attempt to stoj : irintinjr of Bibles. It is an attempt to lestroy all missionary work in distant ' .ands. It is an attempt to drive GoJ : rom the world. There is just one difliculty about it. The same that overtook the Spanish Armada that at : emptcd to invade England. The Armada never reached England , but went down'.to the bottom of the sea. There is the same difliculty to eliminate nate God from his universe. It can lot bo done. It is a little lee late. They have been too slow about it They are bound to see God in His world. It is his dwelling place among men. men.There There have boon too many prayers offered ; too many answers to the con eluding prayer of faith. There have boon too many Bibles printed. Ther Siavo been TOO MANY MISSIONARIES ihat have gone to distant lands. Thcro liavo boon too many testimonies There have been too many books for healing the nation ; too many testimo nics of holy lives and triumphant deaths ; too many perfect lives , sofar _ 13 human lives can be perfect ; too many crowns worn by God's trium pliant sons. God h in the world to day , more present wiih His people h hristian homes , the object of their adoration. There is no power or jarth , no power under earth , no powc : in any corner of the compass TO THRUST GOD from His children and spiritual af' Fairs within the universe. Jesus has lived bore. This is not the sain' ' world that it was at the time of the prophets. Everything has been con secratcd by the divine footsteps. Tli very air we breathe has berne Hi precious words from Itomo all ulon [ the holy highway of Judea , of Samfv ria. Ho has spoken I IN HC.MAN LAfJNUAon. Wo don't care particularly what Ala- lect ho spoke. Some say it was Armenian monian , some Greek. Wo have noth ing to do with that. It was a Ian ( 'uago that the poor widow understood It wasi a language that those parent when they como with their children i their arms and the dcsciplo said Mastci will not bo troubled. It wa a language which these parotns under stood when Jesus Christ said , "Suffe little children to cento unto me , for a such is the kingdom ot heaven. ' Tha gospel would not bo a gospel withon these words. They are there to bles : and to comfort , to give the promis of salvation to every child that close its little eyes in death , for of such is the kingdom of heaven. In the third place lot mo ask you t notice this special condition to clain the divine presence. You must observe servo it is not A DIVINE EXI'RKSSION. It is a declaration that God is to bless without regard to human pur chaso. The promise is that with a" who meet in His name Ho is prescn 1 have said it ia a promise ; it is hard ly that. Thcro is something beyond a promise when a man is trudging hia way across a desert , thirsty , with parched lips , and ho is met by a trav eler , and that traveler tells him at yonder tree there fa a little fountain. That is cheering. Ho LIKES TO HEAR the sound of-tho word. But after ho has reached the sprinj , ' and slaked his thirst there is the fullfilment. It is a fulfillment. It has been already carried out. In our human skepti cism wo make too many angles to roach the point , God works directly , infinitely moro directly. Had man tliot arrangement for the conversion of a soul I wonder what wo would now do. Why ho would arrange that ho nhould travel to some distant land. What God requires is so simple that children can understand when priests and philosophers cannot. Many a man in the simplicity and ignorance of hia nature can take hold of tlicso divine words when your learned CRITICAL BCEITIO stac'gers and stumbles and goes through life ignorant of the myster ious divine word. So many commen taries are like stained windows in a church , they don't lot the light in without giving the color of the glass. There was a good Christian old lady who told Dr. Dotheridgo that she thought she understood the Bible pretty well before she read the com- mentary. but now mo did not under stand it half as well. The bishop concluded his discourse with an elegant peroration. A Blonted Body does not always belong to an inebri ate. Kidney troubles will cause bloat , but Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver cure has never failed to re move it. eod-lw FACTS THAT WE KNOW , If you are sulToring from a severe cough , cold , astlima , bronchitis , con sumption , loss of voice , tickling in the throat , or any affection of the throaC or lungs , wo know that Dit. Kixo's NEW Dit-covnuY will give you immediate relief. Wo know of hun- dnjds of cases it has completely cured , and that where all ether medicines had failed. No ether remedy can show ono half as many permanent cures. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Dr , KINO'S NEW DM'OV- ERY will euro you of Asthma , Btvm- chilis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Severe - vero Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness , or any Throat w Lung Disease , if you willcAllat.T. K. Istt & MI-MAHON'S Ding Store you can get a trial bottle free of cost , or a regular size bottle for 81.00. janl01y(2) ( ) M. R. RISDON , General Insurance Agent , REPRESENTS : PHOKX1X ASSl'ltAXCIlCO. , Ot I/Ml- ilon. msh iiwt * W,10T.187 WKhTOIIKSTKIl , N. V. , capital . . . . l.lOO.Ortl TAli.MKHCIIANTS , ot .Viwnrk , N , J. . 1,000,010 niKAItDFIIli : . I'lilliulflrthla , iwpltal. 1,000,000 KIltntAN'S FU.m Cnllfornh , . . . bOO.OOO NOIiTUWKSl KI1N N.VTIONAlicai > iri BOO.CKO BRITISH AMKIIICA ASSl'UANCl. Co l.iOD.OCO NKWAUK KIRK INS. CO. , iwct9 * CO,000 AMKR1CAN C'KNTIIAI , , n M-N . . . hOOOtt ) Southeast Cor. of I'lftvrntli ftiM M. J.H FLIEGEL Successor to J , II. Thlclo , MERCHANT TAILOR No. SSO Douilai Street Omaha. Neb. If you ronminy lit younwn of fiuilncw.wcak' \ f nmn or let * ened by the strain or tintcUlniroTi > rnil > vonr ilutloi ATOM nllilit work , to rn > ftlinul/intannd UiO lore bruin iiprrnna Hop Bittero. rnjttc , u o Hop B. 1 aurfrrinij from uny In Jtlom If Tounroinnr' on iv bed u ( kick ] Dlttera. whenever Whrover you youjre. Ill " nnollr from BOHIO nwd Hint your cleansing nyitciu , ton. 1 dltnuo furmot that Kidney inlijM.t without ln or < rtlmuUttnir nforfwllii(7 ( , , I by timely UBOof tKUe Hop HopDIttara Blttoro. ula , kidney - " - orurfnni-ve01"- jjolnt , disease of the lomnfA , bio en re fur . baueti. blooil. drunkonnosii , JUcrorwtnwJ use of opium , Yon will be tobacoOior cured If \l sc { narcotlca. Hop DiWora If jon ro Im BolJbyilmir- wenkanj lstv buudtur pl ly [ Circular. Io * .ilrltodti7 ttt It mny uopDrmu anvo your . BTU CO. , life. It hni tinvocl hun no tM < rl. T. dreds Toronto , Cot. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA t > an jaa O TERS ILER & CO. . Sole Manufacturers. OMAHA. 3C.O17XS3 PAPER WAREHOUSE. 217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louis , WIIOLKS UK DIEALEIU IS \ PAPERS ENVELOPES , CARD BOARD AND Printers Stock. fJTCaih paid for Uat'3 and Paper Stock , Scrap Iron and Mctala. I'aper Stock Warehouses 1220 to 1237 , North Sixth street. 1880. SHORTJ.INE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs 18 TIIK OM.T Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANUTHEKAST ' From Omaha and the West. No change of cart between Omaha and St. Louis , and but ono hctncen OMAHA aud NK\V Y01IK. E2X2ST Daily PassengerTrains EHACIIl.SO ALI , EASTKUN AND WKSTKHN CITIES with LK33 CIIAUOES and IN ADVANC'Bof ALL OTJ1 Kit LINKS. This cntlro line is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Ca , Palace Day Coatheg , Miller' * KafUy 1'latiorni and Coupler , and the ctltbratcd WtstlnghoiHO Air-brake. -THco tlmt jour tkkct readi VIA nANSAS Cll'V , ST. JpSKPII & COUNCIL ULUKFS Ilall- road , via St. Joseph and St. Loulj. TlckiU ( or bale at all coupon atatlona In the West. J , F , IlAItNAUD , A. O. IIAWES , Ocn. Supt. , St. Joseph. Mo ! Ocn. 1'asa. and Ticket Agl. , St. Joseph , Mo. W. C. Siuciniiar , Ticket A 'tnt , lO O Farnham street. AKDT BORDKN , Pasiengar Atfcnt , A. II. IJinHiiip i' " ral Avciit , OMAHA , NED. PROPOSALS For City Scavenger. Proposal * will bo necked by the underaljfnod until ' Saturday , the Oth day ol July , 1831 , at 12 o'clock noon , lor iloinntlio duties el dty icaun > gcr. Said proposali must ha\o tpodfled Hit ol prlcci to bo charged ( or the rcmoi al o ( all dead an- Iinalirarbae | and Illthol wlutevir kind or nature , and inuat bo accompanied by the names ot good and nulUciciit surety ( or the faithful | > crlorniance ol the duties reiiulrctl. Kin dope * cnclotdug laid propouli ihall be marked " ' , "I'ropocali City Scav- ingnr. " anddclhcrcd to the undenlne < l not Utertlun the timeaboraipcclfltd. City Council rcicnci tb right to reject any and all tldj. J. J. t. 0. JEWETT , JTl-dlW City Clerk , J - . , . . . . . > , , , the most direct , quickest , and safe t line connecting the jrrcAt MctroX ) > ll , CHI CACU ) , anil the F.HTRRV , NORTH Kitmt , SOITII and Sottii-KASrKRN I.INRH , which tcniiliint there , with KAN W Cm , I.KMKNttoRTii , ATCIIIIOV , Corxcii. Iliurrs ami OMAHA , the COUUKUCMI , CRNTFRS from which rvllate EVERY LINE OF ROAD thUwnetratrath * Continent from the MK oml UU cr to the 1'aclllc SIO ) * . 1 ho CHICAGO KOCK LSLAND it PA- CIF10 RAILWAY 1 the only line from Chlcaw onnlnt track Into KIMH.V , or which , lij Its own rend , readies tha points alio < e tnincil. NoriMMruM r.v CIRRI Mini No UKsivn cmsrciioNf' No InuMlliij In ill- \ cntllatol or > iiulcnn' , M e * erisenscr Is earrleil In roomy , ilivui iuuloitlhuM coaches , lixti Vn t K\iirrM Tmliu 1)U Uir.Hot unrhftlcil mvjnlfleenee , I'rtt.ilAi PALACH SLRiriNd Cvn t niul ouronnworliMnninns DiMvoOMK , uixiur , * Inch mcvils are > or < l ot mi' iurvvwcil | c\colWccnJnt the low rnto ol Sr\K\r\- KINK Cr.\t ) ; > llinni ! | > lo tlino ( or healthful eM Chlmco , PeorU , Mil- ikeo and iTNonrl Hlu r Points ; i\nd close eon * itloii9ntnll | < ont8 ! of Intersection with other iu ! . Wo tlcVct ( ilo not forpct thl * ) directly to e > ery hce of Importance In KIMIKI . Nelirika , lllack iilh , WyonilnR , I'tah. hhho , Nrmli , Ciilifonila , > mtiniViv lilnrton ( Territory , Colonulo , Arizona ml New Mexico. At Ill'cral nrrriiijenicntu refranlliiR KiRcaao ixi j other Hue , nud r.Xi'i of fare aluajn nst ow M imiHtltorclia furnish hut a tltho of the com- rf , VOK" Mid tarMo of n ) < orli > t on free. Ticket. * , iiiajvt and ( olilcn nt nil principal ticket [ lice * In the I'nltixl SUitia and t'lina.U. . II. It. UAI1I.K , B. ST. JOHN' , l Prei'tA ! cn. Ocn. TXt. atuirasVr Ajt. . Chlcauo. CII | KO. No Changing Cars OMAHA & CHICAGO , iVhcro direct connections nro m.iilo with Through OAR LINES for * B\V YOUK , BOSTON , 11ALTIMOHE , WASHINGTON AND ALL T.ASTERN IT1ES. The Short Line via. Peoria Eor'INDlA APOi.iS , G..VC.'NNATr , LOOlS- VILLK , and all poluU In the TIIK BK.ST Lm For ST. LOUIS. Where illrect cotincrtmnn are nmilo In the Union Depot with the Thromrli SlrenlnR Car Lliu for ALL I'OINTS so xr mac. HEW LINE- - DES KOINES Tin : FAVoitrrn UOUTK rou Rock Island. The uni i\a1cil iiiihiccincntx oITcrnl hy thla line to travelers anil tonrlatn aru at follows : The colcbratoJ l'UU.MAN(10- ( < ol ) I'ALACR SLKKl'INO C'AKS run only DII till * line C. , H. & Q. 1'ALACi : DltAVi'IKQ KOOM CAIIS , with Horton'a ItKllnin C'halra. No extra thar o for ecafsln Itucllnhi ? Chilrc. 'riiofaiiioiisO. , U. & Q. 1'alnco UlnliiK Caw. Oorucoiiii KnioUIn ' < irn lltieil wlthclcffant lilirh lacked ratlMi ro ' ' chairs , ( or tliu exdushu ui > uof Ural-claw | i trors. trors.Steel Track ixnil Biiiwrlor i ulpmorit romlilnnl with their gjcat thronch car ari" ricinciit ) , inakon tills , nliovo ( ill otherx , the favorlUi routu to the East , South and Southeast. Try It , ami } ou will llnil tra > clln ; a luxury In- eteaa of a discomfort. ThroiiKh tickets vlo thli cclclmtul linn for Bale at all olllcu In tliu UnltoJ btatXH ami Caniula. All liifoniiatlon alrant rates of fare , Ulrcnlni ; Car accoininoilatloiia , Tlma Tnlilos , etc. , will ha cheerfully glieii hy ai > i > llni ; to JAMKS U. WOOD , General Paun nircr Auent , Chicago , T. J. I'OTTKIl , Ornonil Mantu'cr Sioux City & Pacific 5 St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. TIIK OLD UHLIAIILC SIOUX CITV ItOUTU OLOO MILES SIIOHTKH KOUTK 3LOO COUNOIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS , DUI.UTII 01UU8MAUCK , and all jnlnta In Northern lou-a , Minnesota and Dakota. 'JliU line It ixinlpi > cil u'th tliu hnprot vd WcBtlnKhouso Automatic Alr-braku and Miller 1'latlorm Couplej nnil Duffer ; and ( or 81T.EI ) , 8AFCTV A.NO COMKOUT Is unturpasscd , Kle ant Dmninv ( loom and Hlccplni ; Car , owned i > nd controlled by the ( .010. mny , run through WIT"OUT C'HANOK bitncin Union 1'adflu 'I'ransfor utpot at Council Dlutli ) , and Kt. Paul. Trains Icato Union I'acinc Traniler depot at Council lllulla at IM p. in. , rtathlni ; Hloux City at 10:20 : .in. and fat. Paul at 11:05 : a. in , making TEN IIOUHS IN AnVANCU OF ANV OTIIUH IIOUTK. Itctiirnlnv , Iwuo St. I'aul at 8:30 : p. in. , arrUIng Bloux City 4:15 : a. in. , and Union 1'aclUo'Jran * rdiiot , Counill Itlulli , at 0tO : a. in , Ilo sure t at jour tliketa road \h "H. C. k I' , It. II. " I' , O. HILLS , Buiwrlntcndcnt , T. 12. HOUINbON , Mibouri Valley , Ia. Auit. ( lei l'ai.8. Agent. J. II. 0'imi AN , l'aucr Agent. Council IlluOa , low * . SELTZER An overdoie of Dinner often clcriuiecg the i ) Uui , briiiif orj ( lit ul ncu an J uimltoltc , anil tub * jtcts the ) < atlcnt to k'-at bodily millcring. A tiln * fit dole of TAPRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT , v II correct the acidity , carry off the offending cause , nnd lava eoinetlinia \oag \ iptll of lllm3 , It efltcUaroKcntloaml thorough , ami Ha gca- nil u o poula pmcntmucd nu SOLO IY ALL UIIUQQISTK. VTHIS NEWfAOTJ CORRECT MAP r. ' TroTts bcj-ond finy fcasonablo question tht th CHICAGO I & < NORTH-WESTERN - _ . . . . Is by all odds the beat road tor yon to take when traveling in cither direction between * Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest. ) U Cftwfulljr < > iftmlnothUy ri. The Principal Cities ot thoWwtand NorthwMt are Btfttlonj ? on this roml. Its througli UMns rnnko ctoso connection * tvlUi tuo trains ol nil railroads at Junction points. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , . PULLMAN T HOTEL DXNHTG iiciiriyiMii/fi > Mj.iiy wjcuAit. UlormstlicifollowUiK TruiiU Lines t " -i ° lmcM.11Uls' Hnvor * CaliforniaLlnr. . " " Wlnnim , Minnesota ft Central n.-xkota Lino. " vlourii ! t > \ tfi ? ' l'faskiv& Ymikton J.lno."Cliloairo , St. 1'aul nnilMinneapolis I.lno. Sf',111,1110" ' Report & Dubiuiuo I.liu . " "Mllwatilifc , ( Jrcoii Hay ft Superior IJic. " Cn 1 O.vcr.tl113 lvci1 ftro so1'1 by all Coupon Ticket Agents In the United States ivnd Jtcnicmbor to ask for Tickets via this road , bo sure tliejr rend over It , and take none ether , UAUV1.1 UL'aiUTT , Gcn'l Manager , Chicago. iCK\V. H. STliNNKfl , Ocn'l I'MS. Agent , CUIcaeo. 1IAU11Y I' . nt-T.r , , Ticket Atrent 0. & N. W , rutlwny , 14th anil Kainlmm directs I ) . R. KIMI1AI.L , AMUUuit Ticket Atrent 0. A N. W. ! tAl | ay , llth and t'ariihim atrecti ] J. 11KLL , Ticket Aircnt C. ft N. W. Hallway , U. I' . 11. II. Dciwt. f 8AMEM T. CLAIIK Ocncral Avcnt. Ohas. Shi erick FUENITUEE , BEDDING , Feathers , Window Shades , And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up holstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of New Goods at the Lowest Prices. CHiSSHiraiOK,1208an 1210 Farn. apr24 inon thsat More Popular than Ever. THE GENUINEfl ) New Family Sewing Machine. The popular demand for the GI'.NUIXK SINGKIl In 1870 exceeded that of any previous yenr durint the quarter of t , century In nhlch this "Old Hollablo" Maclilna has bcun before the public. In 1878 wo sold 3GO,422Machln " , In 1870 wo sold 431.107 " us yea * rn 74,736 ' OUR SALia LAST VKAR WHUK ATTHE RATU OF OVER 1400 SEWING MACHINES A DAY ( For every business ilay In the year. REMEMBER : THE " OLD RELIABLE" THAT EVKRY HEAL 8INGKR SINGER SEWING MACHINE HAS THIS IS THE STRONGEST , SIMPLB TUADE . MARK CAST INTO THE MOST DURADLE SEWJNG THE IRON STAND AND IMBEDDED - MAQHINE EVER VET CON ; BEDDED IN THE ARM OP STRUCTED. THE MACHINE. Principal Office , 34- Union Square , N. Y. IMX ) Subordinate Offices , lir the United States anil Canada , and 3,000 olllccs In the Old World nil utli Amnrlen. We take the libertyto call your attention to the fact that we have just secured the EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF THE ONLY First-iCIass Summer Stove IN EXISTENCE. Some of ita many advantages are that unilur no o nditioiis will it PRODUCE SMOKE , DIRT OR ODOR , from any ether steve can bo on tlto'in , including nny sized WASH BOILER The work required nf nny wood or coal cook HtuVc , can bo donu on them , being per * feet in each department. Oooking , Baking , Wasliing & Ironing They cnn ho lined out In the wind na well ns in doon. U'huy can only bo ftiipreciated AFTER A FAIR TRIAL. " In purchnHhiB a Mimmer htovc. yon will have cause for regret if you don't inspect nnd give UICBO tovu a fair and impartial trial , For Sale Only by DAN SULLIVAN & SON'S , jo 14-cod-lm 141O Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Dealer in { Hardware , Cooking Stoves TIItT r Stove Repairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer ox * Tenth and Jackson Omaha , Neb ,