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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1881)
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : MOKDAY JULY 11 , 1881. FROM THE WHITE HOUSE , The Safl Scenes of a Week Ago DlsplacBfl by Joy and Hope , The President's Physicians Ex press the Utmost Con- fldenco. His Bearing Throughout the Trying Ordeal of the Best Character. The Cooling Appliances for the Siok Room Still Doing Tested- SATURDAY'S DISPATCHES. WASIIIXOTO * , July 0. The presi dent paseed a good night , and is com fortable. The temperature in the room is now sixty. July 9,0 a. m. The bulletin just issued gives the conditon of the pres ident at 8:39 : an follows ! The presi dent has passed a tranquil night and expresses himself as feeling quitb comfortable. Wo regard the general progress of the case as very satisfac tory. Pulse this morning 100 ; tem perature 09 4-10j respiration 24. [ Signed. ] D. W. Buss , J. K. BAUNES , J. J. WOODWAUD , ROUT. HEYBUUX. The president is cheerful this morn ing , and takes nourishment regular. The doctors began this morning an examination at 8:30 : and will follow it by dressing the wound. The presi dent seems always glad to liaro this done. The postmastcr-Ronoral and his wife came lirst to the White Ilousa as uauiil this morning. Indeed , no ono had called before them except the telegraph messengers. Thcso como early and often. AlftUltD1 ME-SSiOKS. Ono of the messages received to day asked if the president would not bo moro comfortable in the capital with the steam fan blowing on him. This is not moro absurd than many other messages that have been received. Ono of the most curious letter that has been reccoivcd by Airs. Gafiold came from a notorious Greek doctor hero who encloses ono of his peculiar cir culars. Ho addresses his letter to Mrs. J. A.Garflold and offers his services t in 'the interest of medical science for saving our illustrious and beloved president. Similar letters como from doctors of all grades and standing all over the country. A LETTEK FEOM JEFF DAVIS. SEYMOOTI , Bid. , July 9. A youno ; man of this city who has a mania for collecting autggraphs , recently addressed - dressed n note to Jefferson Davis , so liciting him for his autograph , and lut evening received the following from iho ox-prcsidont of the Lost Cause. " BEAUVOIB , HAHIIISON COUNTY , Miss. , July 5 , 1881 Mm FINDLEY COIMNDear ) Sir ; 1 have received yours of the Oth inst , and thank you1' for the kind expressions it contained. The evil influences to which you re fer as causing the bitterness felt to ward the south , will , it may fairly bo expected , give wny before the sober sense of the people. If they shall like yourself , detest the sordid motive for which stimulants are administered , I will not , like the telegram you clto in regard t6 the ) assassination of the president'say "I am thankful the as sassin was not a southern man , " but will say I regret that ho is an. Ameri can. The crime , black enough in it self , has a deeper dvo from the morci- nary motiyo which Booms to have prompted it. I sincerely trust that the president may rpcovor and that the startling event will arouse the people to the consideration of a remedy for the demoralization which wild hunt after ofllco is creating. With best wishes for your welfare I am very truly yours [ Signed ] JEFFERSON 'DAVIS. ' 'WASHINGTON , July 0 , 11:30 : a. in. The president's appetite continues good and no unfavorable indications are apparent. Vioo President-Arthur called nt the White House at 11:10 : and remained only a few minutes. WASHINGTON , July 9 , 12 noon. Prom president indications to-day will bo very similiar to that of yester day.WAfliHNGTON WAfliHNGTON , D. 0 , , July 0 : 1 p. m. The ofilclal bulletin jusl issued giving the condition of the president at 12:30 : p m. , is'os follows ' The progress of the president's case continues to bo favorable. Pulse 108 , temperature 174 7-10 , respiration 24. ( Signed ) BLIHS , . 1 BARNES , ' WOODWARD , HKYBURN. A PLEASANT CONTRAST. WASHINGTON ; July 0. The acones at the White House this evening are in pleasant contrast ; to those of a week ago. Then there was a tear in mosi every eye , nnd not a heart but wlial was heavy with fear , . Where all was then despair nnd grief all is now-hopo and confidence , . AW UNCOMPLAINING J'ATIENT. The eighth-afternoon of the prcsi dent's prostration has been berne by him with the noble fortitude that has cliaracterizad his bearing during the whole crisis. Wearied , of course , b ; the mighty physical and nervous strain , ho murmurs not at all nor sliows sitfns ot the Bljuhtoat irritation. Ho is calmly determinpd to do all ho and u .told that is best for him , and has a confidence 'in his re corery that is the physicians' besl assistant. Ho lias not only rolishoi but enjoyed his nourishment this evening , and that seems thus far to liavo boon sufilciont to preserve the standard of strength which to him is small enough now but which would b great in almost any other. Ho bos Been less restless to-day and his sloop continues tb bo peaceful. He asks questions and talks about the condi tion of his wound and is always ready to , kayo it dre&iod when the proper time arrives. ' APrLUNCKS VOB THE 810K nooy. , July p. The various oM for cooling the president's ck roofli are still oclng' tested. I has been tkought inexpedient to place cool air in the room through the flues * M those have not been used since las winter , and are thought to bo damp Mr will probably bo introduced hrough a cylinder passing over' the co and charcoal , on the principle of wind sails aboard ft ship. Thontmot- > here is sensibly lowered and is not ipprcssivo anywhere in the city. July 9 , 8.30 p. m. The official bul otin just issued shows the condition > f the president at 7.30 as follows : The president's condition has contin ued favorable during the day. The reaction this afternoon does not differ natorially from that of yesterday , 'uho 108 , temperature 101 , rcspirn- ion 21. ( Signed. ) D. W , BLISS , J , K. BARNES , J. J. WOODWARD , Hour. IlEYBtntN. The pulse was taken after the wound lad been dressed nnd when it was un- Itily excited , Since the examination lie pulse has been reduced to 108. THE EVENING EXAMINATION. The evening examination began writer than usual to-night nt his re vest. Ho wanted to compose him- elf to rest. The pus matter was ound to come from the wound in [ iiantity , and the suppuration there- ore is n continued success. The tulso was not taken until after the wound was dressed , nnd wai accord- ngly higher than expected. Even at 08. however , it was only the same as it the corresponding hour last even- ng , and half an hour later it had alien to 100. The other symptoms omain exceedingly favorable. WHAT T1IK MFDICAL MEN SAY. Dr. Bliss says ; "Ho is doing well all ho time , " Dr. Royburn says : "Tho onditioii to-iiight is much hotter than oat night1 Dr. Woodward says : 'Wo have good reason to hope on , " id surgeon General Barnes soys : "If ho recovery of the president was ful- y assured wo could not ask for a moro atisfactory condition of affairs than ho present. All is well. " The mom- > ors of the cabinet have not a waver- ngof hone to-night. Mrs. Garfield lovcrwill have untilho is dead. Secretary Lincoln , however , Jjivcs a vord of warning. "Yes , " said ho , 'tho president is doing remarkably. . ' am very confident of his recovery , > ut I know that ho is yet and will bo or a long time a very sick man. I hlnk the general public think ho is near or quite out of danger. Such islet lot the caso. There id danger ahead , Hit the hope is that it will bo avert- d. " iv-HAT PRIVATE SECRETARY DROWN SAYS. Private Secretary Brown says the 'resident ' is doing so well that it is Imost too good. Wo would naturally xpoct a reaction from this favorable irogreBSIt may not bo serious and we do not believe it could bo fatal , ut wo should bo ready at any time to lear that ho was not so well. CONGRATULATIONS , WASHINGTON , July 0. Among the lispatches received at the White louao yesterday , was the following : THOMPSON'S CUEKR. CINCINNATI , O. , July 8. o Mrs. aarflcld. The daily favorable bulletins crcato a profound joy nnd every face is nqiput will liopo , The whole people f this , the metropolis" or this" your Itato , are thrilled with equal admira- ion of your unflagging courage and hoer in this extremity , and the prcsi- lout's unyielding fortitude against ; reat odds and the happy termination f his "hold-fast" to that ono chance , flay your heroic courage and his un- ompliuning bravery bo roquittod with finaj victory in his recovery. Signed. JOHN G. THOMPSON. UNCEASING PUAYEKS. DAYTON , 0. , July 9. To Mrs. GarfloIJ : Our people pray without ceasing for the recovery of , ho president and for God's bless Ing on you. .T. W. HOLT , Editor Religious Telescope. THE LAFAYIOTH FAMILY in Paris , sent a dispatch in French of which the following is a translation : "Wo grieve on account of the event and tender warm sympathy. ( Signed. ) LAFAYETTE FAMILY. " CABLE CONGRATULATIONS. National Associated 1'rcss. LONDON , Eng. , July 8 , via. Ameri can Cable. To the President of the United States of America at Washington , 1) . C , : Simon Brothers , having just com pleted , successfully , the first Atlantic cable constructed on American ac count , desire to make the first message through that cable convey to Prosi dent Garfield Simon Brothers' sincere sympathy and hearty wishes for hu speedy recovery. ' The Gat-Held Fund , National Associated Prcus. NEW YOIIK , July 9. It waa expected od that subscriptions to fund of $250 , 000 for Mrs. G.rflold's benefit wouli have reached § 100,000 yesterday , bu inclement weather interfered nnd little tlo over half that amount was sub Bcrlbod. Cyrus W. Field sent a dis patch to J. S. Moryon , banker , Lon don , and received in reply the follow ing : "I shall doom it a privilege to subscribe $5.000 to the fund for the benefit of the president's family in case of death a calamity which I hope and trust may bo spared both to ou country and his family. " BUTCHERED AND BURNED Confirmation of the Massacre Perpetrated by the In dians in New Mexico , Special to the Globe-Democrat. 1 SAJTAFEN. , M , . July 7. Dis patches as to killing of the surveying party of the Central Mexican railroai at a point forty milea south of El Paso near the Oandolaria mountains , are confirmed. The bodies wore found b1 F. Bennett , of Silver City , whowith * ' party of Americans , was on his way Chihuahua on mining business. Throe of the bodies wore burned bo youd recognition , and it is fearoi Chief Engineer 0. 0. Upham was on of them. ' It eceina pretty well eatab lishod now that Chief Nane , witli th fcerunanU of Victoria's band , took th camp iu. aa the Candolaria mountains near which the massacre occurred have been hia hiding place for months The Indiana muit have cquie upo them unawares , H the party woa vro ! armed and could have successfully re sisted an open attack , ADDITIONAL 1IETA1LS. Full information as to the massacre s to the effect that the Americans wcro not of Upham's surveying party , and that the surveying party is safe. The men who wore ambushed by the [ n'dlans wore five in number , going with two wagons to Chihuahua. Their names are : Charles Greene , of Indo- > endcnco , Kan. } Larrio Fordham , of Joston , Mass. ; Guy Levitt , of Indi ana ; George Wallace ; of Taylorvillo , ill. , and Charles Ilaines , of Kansas , 3roeno'a body was burnedi The oth er bodies word all scorched. The In dians were Nanes Apaches. Several detachments of Mexican troops are after them now. It is reported hat the Nancs has boon joined by about thirty Mescalero Apaches rom the Lincoln country reservation. On Sunday lost some of Nanes \paches , twelve in number , took in he El Paso and Chihuahua coach , ix miles north of Lucoro , in the state of Chihuahua. The coach was going low , passing some sand hills , between , hrco and four in the morning , when ho Indians fired on it , killing the river nt once and the two load mules. Thomas II. Pugh , ono of the uisscngors , and son of ox-Senator 'ugh , was TAKEN FJIHONEU BY THE INDIANS. Vhat his fate is has not yet been earned. The other passenger , Thos. Cummorford , of San Francisco , Cal. , nd the conductor escaped in the dark ness. The Mexican authorities have ilrcady dispatched several bodies of roops to the Candolario mountains to cout for these Indiansand , Gov. Tor- asas will order Mexican Fed- ral troops from Chihuahua to cout the stage road , and will also fur nish an escort for stage coaches. The each taken was completely burned , nd the mail and express matters were robbed and burned. The roads n Chihuahua are not at all safe , and American travelers should go well irmed and in sufficiently largo parties o successfully stand off the Indians nd bandits , ofi whom there are ilonty. FOREIGN EVENTS. he Queen Reviewing the Eng- glish Volunteer Forces at Windsor , ! he Most Brilliant Spectacle Evsr Seen in English Military Circles. Gould's Murderer Seemingly Unconcerned as to His Fate. Tie Paris Monetary Conference Adjourns to the 2Oth. THE BIUTTANIB AOAIN IN TROUBLE. LONDON- , July 9. The White Star tcamor Brittanio , which was success- ully tloatod yesterday afternoon , tartpd fgrjjixcrriopl. .but she made vator so fast that her commamler ound it-necessary to run her ashore t Carnshoro Point , twelve miles rom Wexford , where she is awaiting issistanco , which has been telegraphed or from Liverpool. UlllEST Or TUB SECRETARY TO THE GERMAN EMBASSY. LONDON , July 9. Count Guido iynar , secretary to the Gorman era- > assy at the Court ofSt. . James , has icon arrested for committing on ibominablo ofTonso with a guardsman. Cho count has boon delivered over to ho custody of the Gorman govern ment. The affair has caused the _ rentest excitement in diplomatic cir cles. THE MURDERER UNCONCERNED. LONDON'July 9. The young man Lofroy , who was arrested yesterday at Stepney on the charge of murder- ng Mr. Gould in the railway cars , has aeon taken to the Lewis jail. Ho slop well last night , and on the jour ney from Scotland yard to the juil ho appeared very cheerful , smoking and chatting all the way. REVIEW OP Tim ENGLISH VOLUNTEER FORCES. WINDSOR , July 9 , The review iof the volunteer force by the "queen , which is now almost completed , has proved to bo an oxcoptioally bril liant and successful spectacle. The weather is magnificent. The regi ments with few exceptions are full. The march past is now going ou and shows evidence of careful training and good discipline. From on early hour last night , and up to the time of the beginning of the review this morn ing , trains from London and those connecting with the Great Eastern , and arriving at this point , were loaded with passengers coming to wit ness the roviouv The queen , who was accompanied by Princess Beatrice and the ladies of the court , seemed to bo in excellent health ant spirits. The spectacle of 140 rogi- montsof volunteers of all arms was never or before seen in England and broughl fpnvard prominently the real strength and usefulness of her majesty's Bor neo , in case of an invasion of any kiml MONETARY CONFERENCE ADJOUNED. PARIS , July 9. The monetary eon foronco has boon adjourned until the 20th of this month. A SENSATION. National Associated 1'reu. , LONDON , July 9. The capture of Lofroy'tho murderer of Mr. Gold , caused a tremendous sensation in thii city. The police received their infer motion from a woman keoiiiiiu a lodg ing house at Stepney. Lofroy won ! there shortly after the murder nut routed a small room , bul as ho hat but little money ho could only affort to purchase scant meals. The woman says she did not think ho was the Brighton criminal until Thursday , bul aho thought that hit movements were strange. Lofroy waa arrested at 8 : < X o'clock last evening , and taken tc Scotland Yard , where ho was searchw but nothing was found on him. Mr. Gold's watch was not discovered. SrEAilKtt LAUNOUKD , The White Star steamer Brittanio was successfully floated yesterday of temoon , and wont on her way to Liv erpool. TUNISIAN TROUBLES. Orders have been given to strengthen the English squadron ia Tunisian waters. CHUN REMEDY arcm RHEUMATISM , Nauralgla , Sciatica , Lumbago , Baclncho , Serenest of the Chett , Goaf , Quinty , Son Throat , Swtll- ings and Spralnt , Burnt anil < 2Scafdt , General Bodily Paint , Tooth , Ear and Headache , Froittd Foot and Eart , and all other Pains and Achts. Vt Preparation on Mrth tqnali ST. JioOM On M a ttift , ur , titnpl * tnd thtap Ittmitl MMdjr. A tril entalli but th * comptnttvil/ tttiloc oaUty of 60 C nU , * nd t rj CD * luffcr- hq ; with ( win aa h rr cbMp led pattUr * woof Of I ) eUlmj. jf * tHrctlani In EI Vcn ttngiuf * * . ' r OLD STALL DRUGOIBT8 AHD DBALBB3 IH MEDIOIHB , , A. VOGELER AND STILL THE LION CONTINUES TO Roar for Moores ( ) Harness AMDSaddlery. . I have adopted the Lion as a Trade Muh , and 11 my goods will ba STAMPED with the LION and inr NAME on the same. NO GOODS ARE GENUINE WITHOUT THE ABOVE STAMPS. Thobest material it ux > d and the moil skilled workmen are employed , and at the low eat cash price. Anyone wishing a price-list of rood will confer a ( aver by sending ( or one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. PROPOSALS FOR BEEF. tEPAUTMEST OF THE INTEHIOn. Offlcc > of lniiion Ansinir''Ya5ii'.17gtsnr-ife t 15 , .l. Scaled proposals , Indorsed "Proposals lleef , " and dlrcclod to the Commissioner ol In dlan Affairs , Washington , D. C. , will bo received until 11 o'clock a. m. , Wednesday , July 20th 1SS1 , ( or furalsMnir < or the Indian eon Ice , 14,260,000 xmnds Bce ( on tbo hoof. Dlds must be tnado out "on Government blanks. Schedule * showing the quantities to bo deliver ed at each Agency , together with blank proposals and form of contracts and bond , conditions to joobsoncdby bidders , time and place of deliv ery , and all other necessary Instructions will be furnished upon ( application to the Indian Office at Washington D. C , or Nos. 65 and 47 Wooster fitrcot.Now York ; \ \ \ H. Ljon 483 Broadway New York , and to Commissaries of Subsistence. U. 8. A. at Saint Louis. Chicago , Saint Paul , Leaven- worth , Omaha , Chpycrmo , and Yankton. and the Postmaster at Sloui Cttv , Bids will be opened at the hour and day above etatod , and bidden are ia r to be present at the opening. CianrtED " ir.cKs. All blJs must l > e accompilncd by certified checks upon some United tatu9 Depository or Assistant Treasurer , for at least flvo per cent of the amount of the proposal. H. PRICE , Commissioner. .NOTICE. Gilbert Wtfleon will take notice that on the 18th day of June. 1881. lAUhcr H. Wright , a Juj- tlco of the peace In and for Douglas county , Ne braska , Issued an order of attachment for the sum ol * W and interest from January 1. 18SO , in an action pending before him wherein Klchardli. Darrow Is plaintiff and Gilbert Wesson defendant : that property to-wlt : Funds belonging to you hu e been attached undersold order , bild cause was continued to the 10th day ol August , 1531 , at 0 o'clock a. m. RICHARD H..DARIIOW , Plaintiff. Dated Omaha , July o , issi jC-eiw-3t WISE'S ' Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! Used on Wagoni , Dnroios , Reapen , Throshcrt and Mill Machinery. It , la isniU'iBLi TO I-ARM- RKS ANP TBiMHTiRD. It cures Bcratchcs and all kinds of sored on Hones and Stock , as well as on men. men.OLARK&WISE.Manufs . , 305 Illinois etroet , Ohlcato. f2TSKN'D FOR PRICES. je : imbo i , f , MM , Dentist , Orncn Jacobs' Block , corner Capitol aienue and Fifteenth ettett , Omilia Neb , D.T.MOUNT . . , DBALIKDI SADDLES AND HARNESS , 1412 Earn. St. Omaha , Neb , AOU KBTDI CONpORD HARNESS Two Medilj and ttpiomi , ol Honor , ' with th * rtij hWie t aw rd th. * lute * uW twttov WM awirOea this , hUQ * t Vtf CccVenuW EihlU Common , aUo tUachmea'f and UdlM * BADn DLES. Wl keep the larg rt itoek In th < yW and Inrlto all Vbo cunot X4mla to tnd to price * , PROPOSALS 'ot FurnUhln ? Horse . \Vazon , and Harness for the Indmn Mrrlce. Scaled propo * ls lor fumlthlng elghtr (90) ( nork horse * , two (2) ( ) buggr horses , flftj(50) ( ) wae- n , one (1) ( ) llRht sprlnsr tntfon ( nitj(60) ( ) seM HoubU h rncf for th. JndUn § enlc at Otoo atnoNeb. . , will b < recelrcd by the undcrslrn. t5Athli ! BcoantllnT6(5) ( o'cUck p. m. Tues day , July 26 , 1831 , at which time l > ld willL * pened and contracts awarded ) The following peclflcatlons and conditions will bo obscrved. lamely : Thenork horses rauitb * between tri ? gcs of four ( I ) and seven ( T ) years , not lesi th\n ourtctn (14) ( ) hand * ihleh and towcluh not lias ban nine hundred % nd fifty (0 ( 9) ) | x > undi , broke o double harnMs , true to work and > * rfcctly sound. ThehutSy t am will bo sub- cct to the abe > e conditions , nnd In addition must be good travelers All home , will Ira sub- cctcd to a thoronzh trial and Inspection , btfpro cin ? received. They must ba weighed at the jency In the presence of the ajcnt. Wayons to IHJ narrow track , three (3) ( ) Inch hltnblcs , rprlng scat , to , box , Ixjws and * o\crs co cr < it8 In of { clto (12)ounce ( duek , lhtwagon , three (3) ( ) springs , with top. liar- ess to bo plain , buck straps and collars , full cather tugs , complete , All thoabo\eto bo delivered at the agency | the { expense of the contractor , not atcr than September 1,1SS1 , unless there should jo delay In the approval of the contract. All bids muit be accompanied by a certified heck or equivalent on some United States do- losltorj , pajablo to the order of the agent for at cast flvo ( i ) per cent of the amount of lira bid , which check shall bo forfeited to the United States In case any bidder rccehIng award shall ill to execute promptly a contract nlth good , nd sufficient sureties , according to the terms ot ils bld.othcrwUo to bo returned to the bidder Payment wtil be made through the Indian of- cc , Washington , D. C , as noon M practicable Itcr the dcllmv otjhe good * . The right to reject any and all bids Is reserv cd. Tlds v 111 bo ieccl d for all or part of the \boto.and should bo endorsed , "Proposals for 'urnlshlng Horses , Wagons , and harniss , etc. , as the casotnay be , and addressed to the under * Igncd at Otoe Agency , Gage connjy , Neb. LE\VELLYN E. WOODIN , U.S , Indian Agent. Oto Agency , Xcb. , June 34,1S31. LEGAL NQTIOE. In the district court , Douglas County. To Samuel C. & \\Is , Caroline Da\ls , Ellzaboth- 1. Tomllnson and the heirs or de\lscs ef Henry ' . Toinllnson , deceased whoso real names are un known , non-resident defendants. You ore hereby notified that John T. Davis , ilalntlff and present owner of the land hcrelnaft- r described , did on the 17th ilay of Juno , A. D. SSI , QIo his petition In the district court In and or Douglas county. Neb. , against you as defen dants setting forth that on the 12th day of Janu ary A. D , 1800 , the mid Henry T. Tomllnson , tid Elizabeth 11. , his nlfc , executed , and delivered - ed to the said Samuel CDaUs a deed of lands Ituatcd In said county In" which a portion of the ands Intended to bo corn iyed was b ) a clerical rror erroneous ! } dojcrlbedai the north" } Instead [ the west J of the southwest } of sec. No. 1 , In township ho. 11 north of range No. 11 east oe- cordlu ; to the true Intent of the parties thereto , which deed Is duly recorded In the otflcc ot the lerk ot the county ol Douglas Iu book M ot deeds .tjpage 1&2. Thoohjeet and prajcr of sail petition Is that said error bo corrected and that said deed bo con- trued as conve ) Ing the west J of the southwest uarter of Bald section No one , and that the title .hereto . bo adjudged ta bo In raid plaintiff or In those lawfully claiming under him the same as If said error had not been ruado and tint jou and ach of sou bo forever excluded from any Inter est In s ld land on account of Bald rror and for such other to further relief as may bo lust and light In the premises And } our arc and each of ou Is hereby notified to appear nnd answer said icUtion on or before the 1st day of August , A. D.,1831. JOHN T.DAVIS. Dated June 23.1681. Plaintiff. VM. K. MIU.KU his AUomcr : cr-eat-St Notioo tiNon-Roildont Defendant * E. D. Lane ( full name unknown ) will take no- Ice that he has been sued by Dudley M. Stcele , Samuel R. Johnson and Sanford VT. Spratlln , co- mrttiern , doing buslucw under the flnn name of iteclc , Johnson Si Co. , In the District Court of Douglas county , Nebraska , to rccotcr $3,031.29 , nd ( ntcrast from October 18-lSSO , due them on a romlssory note bearing date April 20,1878. Also tint an-attachment has been made on certain unds in the First National ( bank , of Omaha , No- nuka , Celonglng to ) Ou and which the said par ies above named seek to obtain to apply In pay- aentof their said claim. You are required to answer Bald petition n or cfore Uonda\ , the 22d day of August , A , D. 1SS1. ' ' WAIUIEN'SWITZLEK i , - ov-wt-lt v 1 Attorney for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. n the Or cult Court of the United States , for the tlw Di' ' rUtjQf Nobrtujlra ; At a session of the Circuit Court oi the UtiUeJ itates , for the District of Nebraska , continued nd hold pursuant to adjournment , at the United States court room' In the clty-of Onlaha , on the 6th daj ot June , 1831 , the Hon. Elmer S. Dundy cine present tand presiding In Is.ikli court , ho follon Ins among other proceedings \\crojua4 nd done , to-wjt : ' 1 . Nb. C3 Q. ; , hernuuK\WKncials , complainant . . .vs. , Edward Hill , Jlchln mil , Atjnos Hill , AlHn Hill.'Tldra 1111 , JohnJUll , guardian of uilnor doftndants. In chancery. Order on absent defendants. And now , on this 10th day of June A. D. 1SS1. jclnjf at the May term , A.D. . 1631 , of the said court , lt.ha\Jn& been inado to appear to the eat- sfactlon of the Bad | court , that this Is a > aH commenced to enforce -an cqultoblo claltn upon eal property within the said district , and that Ednard Hill , Melvln IIlll , Aenea Hill , Ah In till , Flora Hilt , John Hill , guardian of minor defendant * herein are not nhabltants of. and have not boon found v , Ithlu ho said district , and have not voluntarily op- icared In this suit , on motion of Jamoi M. Wool- lOrtli , Esq. , solicitor for the said complainant , It a considered by the court and ordered that the said defendants above named bo and they are icreby directed to appear and plead , oiun er , or demur to the complainant's bill of complaint , on or before the first Jay o ! August , IBSlf and that n default thereof , 'an order be entered | n this caue , taking the said bill pro con/esso / , H Is further ordered by the court that at least rwenty daj t before' the -sold 'first day of Au gust , 1831 , a copy of thli order bo served upon Jdward Hill , McHln Hill , Agnes 11111 , Alvln . ' 111 , Flora Hill , John Hill. ' guardian ot Jio said defendants , wherecntr ( ound , f practicable , and also upon , the. per son orfpersons In possession or 'charge of the eal property described In complainant's bill of complaint , u , any , and tint a certified ctpy of this ordpr bo published for four consecu < .ho weeks In the "Omaha I ! o. " ( Signed ) ELMER S. DUNDY , Judge. TUB UMTBD STATES or AMERICA , \ , DISTRICT or.NEBflABKX. ) I. Watson B. Smith , clerk of the Circuit court of the United States for the district of Nebraska , do hereby certify , that the nlxne ami foregoing is a true copy of an order entered upon the journal ot the proceeding of sald'court , In ( ho cause therein entitled : that I 1m o compared the same ulth the original entry of said order , and it is a true transcript therefrom , and of thu wliolo thereof. Witness , my official signature , and the fSEAL ] eeal of > old court , at Omaha , in Bald district , thlsUthday of June , A..D/61. WATSON U. SMITH , Clerk. JAMES M. WOO WOUTH , Jo Solicitor foiTlallntlff. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J , B. Simpson's Specific It Is a posthoouro | for Spennatorrhca , Semlni Wepkness. luij > otancy , and all disease ) resulting from Self-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , Loesi < Mutuory , Palm iu the Pack of Side , ! aiid dlsoasta that lead tq Oonsumptloc Inwnlty am ancarh grave The Sincinc Mudiclno Is being used with wonder ful success. Pamphlets cent free to all. Write for item and get full par tlcubrs. Frlee , Specific , 91.00 per package , or ilx pack area for giOO. Addrou All onlcn to U. SIMSON MED1CINK CO. No3.101 and 100 M&ln St. Uuffalo , N. Y. Sold ia Omaha by 0. F. qoodmaij , J , Vf. Boll 3 , & lib , and all drugbtfler ) where. eci3-dtwlT DlflVOI CC I atn Ag ut fcr COLUMHIA DIuTuLllOi ftiidorroiiicvci. . send three cent ftomp forCatalogu and pric lUt containing ful luforuntloa. 4 K , 1 , D , SOLOMON , P iat .Oils3 and Gbua OMAHA , NEB. C3 M BALED prtpotaU for ibe cmUog nnd oompl * O Uc-n olth * new Grand Oin KNeS./orKmben-Brq'f / : wilTba-meJVeda the wltbntU House , Omaha , and the pMiflc UOWK BtJJa * phyo. , from , July 1U ) W , ; o'dock , p. in. July , SOd , 1831. , , , t rianj Ud'spcdOcaUoni on rleW at both ol 8w bov mentioned bouses. Tlw right to rtjeet an/ MANN. Archlttcta. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS -OF THE- BOSTON STORE ! . 616 TENTH STREET. In order to meet the wants of our rapidly increasing business , wo have v leased the adjoining store and will throw both into one , thus inAkin&lno THE LARGEST Dry Goods House LWest of Chicago , ( except Cruickshank $ Co.'s. ) To show the people of Omaha how wo appreciate their liberal support , wo have decided to give the public a GRAND BENEFIT SALE FOE THE NEXT SEVEN DAYS. The Entire Stock must be closed out in order to " - | , mence extensive alterations soon lu The stock is all now nnd fresh and will BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST An examination of Goods and comparison of pri will convince every one that this is NO HUMBUG SALE. This grand benefit sale will commence Saturday Evening , J'uly 9th , AND CONTINUE ON.E JVEEKONLYV. ALL ARE INVITED. P.'G. IMLAH , Manager , Leadef of' Popular Prices. A. B. HTJBERMANN , JEWELER Cor. Douglas and 13th Streets. GIVES GREAT BARGAINS IN LADIES' AND CENTS' AMERIGANIGOLD ANKSILVER WATCHES. ALL KINDS OP Jewelry'Silverware _ and Diamonds \ f - We Guarantee the Best Goods for > the Least Money. a21-stfc Max Meer & Go. i irjijor.jj : , . GunSfAidmu-hviticfrifS'pbrtmg Goods > ' . , , ' - , - , n u FISHING TACKLE , BASH BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS 'AND ' FANCY GOODS. SXIZKTD ! COZC. X > aBUCOXI-3UCCIlX > . MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne O. H. BALLOU , . DEALER IK Lath and Shingles Yard and Office 15th and turnings Street , two blocks north ST. PAUIl AND OMAHA DEPOT. , ' " * . ' jyl-ood-3m _ _ _ 1 Plan os and Organs J. 8. WRIGHT , -AGENT For THE GHICKERING PIANOS. AND SOLE AGENT FOB J Hallet , Davis &Co. , dahies &Holrtistrom , and j & Q. Fischer' Pianos ; also Stale Agent for the Estey , Burdett and t e Fort .Wayne Organ Co.'s Organs. . I DEAfc IN PfAKpS AND OUGAN8 EXCLUfcn'ELV , HAVE UiD YEABS EXPERIENCB TUB DUBINKS8 , AND J1ANDLK ONLY TUB PEST. ; ! SlB'Sixtfientli'Sti , , City Hall Building , Omaha. HALBBYV. FITOE , : : : Tciner.