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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1881)
6 TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY JUE to 1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS. f > . , * Mattera * of Moinont J Trans- I plrlng in Iowa's Metropolis. Happouinga of the Day Put in Readable Shape. The Result of the Republican Convention. Commencxsmont Eiorclo , nnd Other Iilvo topics h 1 The commencement lait night closed the school work and closed it well. Eighty new aspirant * for life's honors and cares have been turned loose upon society. The su perintendent and teachers will now take a much needed rest and all will got ready foi another year of earnest flchool llfo And school work. Olucer it Pucoy have rcpaited and refitted th6 several ollice * owned by u them. 1'iofcBuional mon > like a nice , f neat'placo in which to tr.insact Intel' UPSS ai well as bankers , and duly ap- pteciato liberality of landlords. < . . , Heal catalo is advancing , Lots in seine loc.ilitiei have doubled and tripled in price ninco ( March. The dd- inand is chielly for property on the bluffs or high ground. llonta of dwelling * ) have also advanced but few aic to bo had at any | ) iice. Ho was loaning against a telegraph pole on Main street , lie was appar- cntly'about fifty , tall and comely , but rather seedy , sallow and careworn ; the ( ire of genius still lingered on his | Grow and in his eye. He might have J boon oncoa , professor or a senator era a a editor. Ho held in his hand a newspaper , in which ho suomod deep ly absorbed. It was Tun UiR. : Ilia lips moved."o drew irresistably ' near And heard in nnlrmurcd cadence sweet and1 low- : - ' i "llow doth the lltUo buHyllKK Improve each nhjplnffliourj . " " And gather honey' all the day From every openini ; llowor. " "I'll subscribe for the URK , " and ho sinolu a placid Binilo. E. D. Godfrey , special agout of the JJ. S. iionaion bureau , was in Iho , city yefltoruay on iidportant busineost " ( jround was broken yesterday for Uio erection of J. J. Jirown's ' latgo brick block on South Fifth street. The Mueller building , on the same fitroet , is being pushed rapidly for ward. Gronoweg & Schoontgon will jt begin thd extension of their building ' in a few days. Mr. Gallagher in now in Toxaa but 'ia expected to return shortly and will immediately begin the erection of his1 maminoth block on' ' Fourth atreet. Spveral brick buihU ing.1 are in cotitomplation on Broad- way , In about n month the Jvpystono Manufacturing Co. will begin .tlioii ; J four ntory building , 70x100 foot'near ' I tho'O,1 , B.tfcQ.jlopot ! , and , thus the ! clioory Jjustlo goes on. Xinx says , "Only just the signs of tlio times. " It 800)118 ) the two names given by the countorfoitoc , whosol arrest wo reported - , ported yesterdayf woio "both ulidms , his true immo in now given as Doll Smith , and ho in reported to bo an old hand nt such baa business. Tlio broom factory , on Sixth struot , is now running with its improved mat chinory. This machinery was inado at Syracuse , N. Y. , and is the firwt.of the kind that lias boon not up west of the Mississippi. It IH capable of tinn ing from 2,000 to 9,500 brooms per wook. Tlio hugo sowing jnaehmo " "makes ono Immlred stilclios or iniu- uto. Making brooms by steam ia nn exceedingly interesting "operation. Tlio icgular' hionthly oxnminaticm" of teachers u ill occur to-day at the county superintendent's oflico. Good si/.od nun- potatoes JAVOIO placed on the market by our m.frkot gardener yesterday. They ictail for ( JOc per peck. P. T. Mayno loft for Ornniwoll yes- tcrday on btiBiiioM/b"u Will leturn Jlagain on'Mondayj * j ViwProf. At E.Clnrondon lias returned to his homo and family in this city , where he will remain during the sum mer vacation. - Twelve regular passenger ( rains ar- live and depart from Council lilulFa daily besides thu Union Pacific trans fer trains. , It u'.Oscar ' KHOJC'H nqw Vesidoifeo ' on ' 'Sixth street will bo complotop mid ready for occupancy about tlio iqt of July. * o U'hp funeral of Herman Jlopscho took place yeatorday at the unpointed .hour as'pcF nnnouncomont. TJip qoro- JmoriipB wire kcono\nctodiby \ tho. Odd jfPollpys , of which orflor deepaaod ( was | a prpminoni member. Anv unusually [ flargoconcourso of carriages and poo- "p5oplpj > yero in attondaucCi ' .Bhowing . th'6 high eatoom-in whichtho'docoaaoil HvavJiuld by his ( follow - townsmen , " The funeral 'trainwas' ' procqdod by "tlio band playing a mournful1 dlrgo and thp entire coromonioa wore I nol- x qruiiand beautiful. The romalns ' wore interred | n PWrviow cemetery , t.Tho aiokiioiia niWplrovailiiighi cor' tfiiir localities , ' Chough not aorious. con probably bo remedied or obviated bv coasiiig to drink wrill water. Fil tered ciatoru water ia the safest , nnd far the , moat whole&omo water to drink in this locality. The county republican convention mot at the courthouse at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon and vae called to order by John W. Baird , chairman of the republican county central com , initteo. lion. W , F. Happ was chosen chair man and Hr. Roqera secretory. ISIi -Clayton , T. P. Troy nor , George F. It Wnght , J , II. tiwMison and J. T. Evans were appointed on credentials. I > J. 0 , Adams moved ( hat a delegate from each township and ono from each ward , to elect ita own delegate , ; 1m appointed. This motion produced a clash of in terest * and a war of words. The mo tion was amended by Mr , Baldwin , that the chair appoint a commit tee confuting of ono from each ; ' ' township and pno from each ward to ticloct delegates , anil finally passed in that form. 1 Thp following delegates \\cro soleo- tods Jacob Sims. W. F. Happ , John Lindfr. Qeb , F. Itight , 'J. ' T. iJaldwin , . . , T..J.Evai a ( J S.lUndi II. 0. 0tifu- not , E. A. Conaijjney , B. . F . , Clayton . , a O.iM. Brpvm.JJV ' ? ' > G * or * 'fMI1 * tttnrj / * * Ellis , AlfFrazier , man andS proxies lie admitted , brought on n spirited itrngglo and the tliermoinctor of political heat rapidly rose into ilia , Jiinotlos. Mr Bafdirin E\ml1y \ vith- drow'hta motion * amHIid convention closcu harnionioimly. The high achool coinnioncomont was well attended , nnd passed off nicely hst'evening. All acquitted them selves hitiusoinoly. Wo regret that the exorcises cloicd to Into to Rive a repgrt. > Wo clip the following /mm / last evening's Globe codccniing the Fairview - view comolery , of w hich wo had occa sion . to , * . sneak * _ _ _ yesterdays . "In _ _ . yic\r * .1 Clearness r Falrvfow : > .l of the of cemetery to the heart of Council Bluffs , its inadequacy - adequacy to moot the fcants of a growing - ing city like otirs , ( tliero only Doing seine twenty acres therein ) ; the cer tainty of more extensive grounds Ixung'tiGodod in Iho future ; the liahil- ity of the health of our citizens boint , ' endangered by exhalation anddranngi ( ! from tlio old cemetery , and the proi- peels of inturinohta therein being cn-4 joined by the courts for 'thu , reasons above slated , Botlio of our citizen's are taking initiative stem looking'to the purclmio of ample and suitable urnimdH , either , adjacent to' Walnut llill contotorY Or at Homo other Uiiob- jcctionablo placu of Huflicicfit capacity and in nome of the picturesque locali- lies with which the city is so abund antly surrounded , as will nicol the w.ints of the city for the burial of the dead for all tiino to come. " MEXICO. Gonld'n Bitter Disappointment in tlio Soutb. Umpalcli \ to the Tribune NHW YOIIK , Juno il. ! There 'haa been a- great deal of excitement'on the strcots to-day over the rumor that the Goiild-Moxican schemes wore bad ly involved. It SOOIIIH that when the AtcluBotij Topeka & Saifta Fo and Denver & Uio Oiando wcro engagiid in their fight tlmt Jay Gould unstated' ' the latter road , believing thai ho could capture it nnd its valuable Colo-i rado , Now Mexican and Mexican franchiser chisorVhon'the" fighl ended ho'wastho owncrof a third of Uio Grande stock , and ho madon desperate effort to break the market and got enough of iho floating stock to" got control , This plafl.wns balked by th'o shr'owdncss of General Palmer , and , as n result , ho found himself with .Russell Sago , at thu close of the contest , the owner of less than a ninth. Still undaunted , though sorely dis appointed , Gould then directed his attention to Moxicb , lryng [ to qbiaiii , special subvontiquB and concessions. ( In'this ' ho utterly failed. Whun Gen eral Grant returned the railroad king saw a chanco1 to 'try ugniii.r nnd after muoh ; negotiation ho Employed the oJd-ptesidont to go 'to Moxicoj and on the- , strength of his reputation and in'lluqnco/with Senor Itomoro , f makp a second attempt to gain the concessions which t\oro jdo- sircd. Grant's first move was to as sociate Romero with him in th6 6nter- prise , believing that his name -Mould carry great weight. Unfortunately ) for'tho ' schdntd , this did not prove to bo the case. There was deep jealousy and milch suspicion of Grant on the part , of the Mexicaim und in associating - ing Senor Romoio wish him , ho nrndo a great mistake. They at once as sumed that Romero had boon bought to work against his coinitry.and Jio was' ' generally * denounced * by , tjio Mexican papers. 'When Grant wont there ho was * cpoly but politely received , the most m.ukcd feature of his reception being the ut ter absence of cordiality. Everybody seemed to1 bo watching Jus movements , and whcii ho < nmdo the piopoaitions and reiiuesls which Gould bad tofl quested him to make they woio nrniuptly lefused. Gen. Grant is not a good deceiver , and when ho first reached Now York , ho mane no secret of his disappoint ment. At once 'tho nrirkot 1 oiVWho GouldMoxican" soouritiprt dropped , and aigonoml distrust1 ( was J arousfed. Alarmed'.at this , Gould --aoiit him a request to say that no subventions had been asked for , und it is stated that this request moio than any interest ho may fool in the Colliding matter , has prompted the many interviews ho has submitted to of late. On iho market , and among woll- infyrmod men'on the sheet ; thpro is a genoruT impression < Unit 'tlioljGould syndicate will bo very seriously embarraSsed - barraSsod by the Afoxicaii failures It was rumored | yesterday thut Gould ( was buyiug back Union Pacific ! How to Bplld a LOTCO. t The mode ot buiUUn ( x.lo\oO'wliicli suporacdod tlio jirfriiitivu stylo" just tlcacribdil is this : Tlio Hiincu which it in to occupy is first carefully qloancd off ; trocs/iroota. atuthps , logs , V < { ods , even grass nnd luavus , are roniovod. Thou in Iho iniddlo of the spnco , extending - tending longitudlimlly the whole length of the pronosod work , is du a ditoh thrco fuot vide and thrco foot Jeep , which is to bo atrnightwiiy filled up nguin. This is called n mock- ditch , or , as some people say , n "muck-ditch. " " " but - why "muck" is ono of the things tlmt lias not yet boon found out. The object of this is twofold to close all root-holes and to mortise the Biiporsiructuro in the natural oiirtli , thus preventing any sliding under the pressure of the wator. AH the levee is built of loose onrth , its muss coalesces with the loose earth vith which thoiuiocjc-ditch MOS filled , and when the levee has boon completed and settled , it forms , with the contents of the mock-ditch , a homogeneous mass nnoji rcd three foot all along the line in the soliuVground. Tlio next process is to build the levee , The material ia to bo taken only from the outside , or side next to the river , aijd should not bo cut nearer than twenty foot frpm the base of the levee ; the earth is carried invhool - barrows upon lun-plank , The dimen sions of levees have railed from time to time , according to the amount of > funds available for their construction. In any cusp , thp top of thojovoo should bp three foot perpendicular ubovu high-water mark ; the base line should be live , six , or seVen foej , according to the ratio in force , /or every foot 'OI perpendicular height ; the top should : bo level , and as bioiid us the lovco ( s high , Thus ' I , jthqro Jn'KliTwutor iiur is four foot nuovo the lovelf of th 10 natural bank , the porpohdicular height ( of the 10veQ sliQUld boVuveii foot , the breadth iat the top > ; sH6Uld > b ' E ts Jhickuoss oj hi ' thirty-fivo feet , forty-two fcot , 6r forty-nine fcolj fis tlio rntio pf TITO to orie/Jsix to".ono7 or soverf * to Wiojlinight bo- ' * ! force. * Tnk- itig.H for illustration , ' i Mnoveii- foot lovco constructed upon this Irwt ratio , it will bo observed that , with the Jrfttor. standing four foot deep , there will 1)0 on a horizontal line twonty-fivo foot of solid earth between the surface of tho'wnter outside and the air inside , and forty-nine feet be tween the bottom of the water without and the air nt the natural surface of the earth within. , - Jl'ho last biitt indisponsiblo stop in the process ofi'lovco-building' is the "stop-water" ditch , whicliis dug BOino thirty or forty /cot fnnn4 tlio , inner margin of the Ibvee , And parallo with it. The function of this ditch it to rcceivo and conduct away the the seep- water , or transpirafion-water , which no/on in consilortloimntities ( | through oven the most compact of levees. If permitted to remain it , would rotulor the ground , about tliofinncr base of the lovco intplcraoly tifiiddy , and wAifld operate ? w'n greal'disadvantago in case of cmeigency.'riiOBCCp-wrttcr % ditch must bo connected vJilh planta tion ( litchus or otherwiRoput into" communication ; with , the Iswamu ni the rear ? BO * thai the wntcr cali bo carried rnvny. Finally , as u finishing touch to the liow ( lot'cu , it should bo planted with Bermuda grass. If tufts of this grass bo HCl two or throe feet apart all over the durfaco of tlio'ldvod it will , in a year or two , cover it completely with n very donid bed , and by ita interlacing loots add materially to its water re sisting capacity. When water stands for a long time against a levee , the current and the waves seriously aorado its Hiirfaco , cutting it sometimes so deep that an Inopportune tsind storm would asfliiiedly urcak it. A hoKvy coat of Bonnutla nod is a very efficient nro\ontativo of this kind of disaster. I have noon at the end of a long per iod of high water , n long piece of lovco deeply indented all along tli'o line , and in some places , cut more than half ilu-ougli ) while adjoining itVIIH u .strip of Bermuda covered levee , sub- jec't to'tho' saiho oxpntiro ) to wave , wind nnd current , vrhich had not , ap parently , lost a pound of earth or a tuft of.-gratm. [ From an illustrated articloon "Tho fjoyeos of tho' Mis- sfsBippi , " by William L. JTurfreo ; Sr. , in Scribnor for July. IFnw often pcnoiw lm\o been annoyed 1 > y tmrrH clinginu to their dresH orclothmj ; , nnd lionHcldom na\ ( ! they , uhcn cleaning them. giM'ii it a thought that ] ! urdock Hoot Is the most Milinililo blood cl ninl purifier "known , nml in Hold by oNury dniKKiit under tlio immo of liurtlock Itlood " BUtem : "L'flcoaLOO , trial pize O ctsnts. ii says : "Debt , pov- ortyffindfmtforring haunted mo for years , caused by' a sick family and largo billsfordoctoring which did nb good , vas completely discouraged , until-ono year the advcoj | of iny. pastor , ; Iprocurred' Hop Qkt tprs , and commenced their use , and in ono month wo it of 6 aU'woll ; and none of us liavo bcen sick a dayr since ; and. I % want [ to say to all poor mcnyoii ( can Keep your families tell a year \with Hop Litters for IOBH than ono doctor's visit will nnaf " nml.ivl Worthy ot Praise. " , AH a rule wo do not roconimond , pa tent modicino'sl but vJhon wo know of ono that realty is apublic ; benefactor , and does ' positively cure , than wo con sider it'our duty to impart that information mation to nil. Electric bitters aru truly , iv jnost , valuable niedicino , and will surely euro Biliousnesa , JFover and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Lidnoy complaints , oven whore all other rem edies fail. Wo know \\hcreof wo sneak , and can freely recommend to nil. [ Ex. Sold nt 50 cents u bottle Tsh & McMahon. 4) ) RHEUMATISM , Houralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Baokacfia , Soreness of the Chett Gotfff Quinsy , Sere Throat , Stil ings arid Sprains , Burns and * * Scalds , General Bodily Pains , Tooth , Ear and Headache , Froste , Feet and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches , . , Kc Prtptntlon on urth tquiU Sr. JIPOU Ol M taft. furt , tiniplp nd ehtaji XxUm * i rmtdf. A trl l tnUlli t > ut lb 'coup ntlr l tj luE out ) 7 of 0 C nt ( , ind r rjon. . luffe / IM rith ( ttla C4n L t chntp tad potlUT * " r tt * cUlmi.1 | /M Dlrtctioo * in B t n Ingo4t . y r MEDIOIHE , A. VOGELER J.H FLIEGEL Successor to i. II , ThU-le , MERCHANT TAILOR Ko. 50 Douylu Street Oiuah * . Neb. Eusiness College. THE GREAT WESTERN QEO. R. RATH BUN , Principal Block , ' * * ' BOAUD OF U'JLALIZATION. Nolltti b hereli > irlun tht In noconUnc llK foctlon 70 of an net of the I , < dhiurt of Uic tttlo bf NcWmlK entitled "An act M pro\ld < > & ysttni of llcirnnC , % pj > fovcd SMrch 1 , lT9 , the count } commlMlonfM of DounUut rotint ) , Xe hnwkn , will tt the office of th countjtlerk t Ofii\h , Inttild muntj for ten micnwlre il J , foninicncln/r / Monitny , ) iino 20 , 1&S1 , for the pur- POTO of pqtmllzlrttf nd erirrcctlntt the mt mcnt rolli of Uie nercrnl tircciV'tt of mlct county for thejwir 18SI. All iwwii frcllnif Krlo l by sn.Mhlnc cotiUIncil In mill Msiwtnicnt roll * miKt Tr1At the time MMtnt tl UK. Joilv II. Om.\ha , June 13th , 184J. Count\ Clerk , dCtlt 1'ROI'OSALS FOR SP1UNKL1NG HTHEETS. propo .il < will I * rcteUod 1) > the under- until thp Uth ib ) of .In if IkSl , nt 12 o'clock noon for the fprlnkllnsr of r'nrnhum Mrott from nth to loth street , end north , and nouUi , of cftrh eroM street to allejd bftvicn Bth ami JOtli utreetj ) , Ami Kou Lit ftrctt * * n12th onJ ICth trict < Tlic contract to CUIMJ whun tlio untcruorkn coni | n ) < up | > n vntcr In nuth < lli * trlct. Slid tilds tfl tie oix-ncd at the rc tilur meet ing of tlio clt ) council on Tucwlnj , Jutic ZSth , 18.31. Tlio council rcwnm the rlifht to rcjoct nnnnd nil tildi Siln M'l' munt be acccinmnvtl ] ! li } thd immo of | > ropOwl Mtrct ) imdcr Uio iMiial condition * , Ktucbjxt conUlnlnKxlil iropoiaN vlnll Iw inirkfl , t-l'roio | < nli forcprlnk. Init ctrc'ctn In tin 'lt.of . dniaha , ' nnd dcllicrcil not liter tlinn the tltnb abuto .1 .1 I. , 0 Jvvsm , Jc2T3t Clt ) Hcil. NOTIOK. J. M. Stixnton ( full namettnkiumn ) Hnr- ritt Iltnii and MaryShilldck , non-ix-iiiknt ( Itfundnnti uill t.'iKu nuticv tlmt , Mil tun Ik'iidiu , of llic county of Douglas laH , In the Stntt of Nibronka , did on the 7th ( lay of May , 181 , lilo his iivtition in the Diitrict Co'iitt of the Kt.ilc of Ntljiim- Ita' Mthin ! nnd for the mid county of Jo jf- , ncalnst the .itd if. M. Stnnlon. MM- rict llpnn nnd Mnry Hliillock. imple.ndul \\jtli deorgu Mills , Mn 'lo Mcl/orinick , .Toslnlj 8. Mcrorinick.JlnttlifwT Vntrick nndJ'hn N Patrick ilefindantK , < < ittlnK forth I hat hirtuc of a deed issued by thu treasurer of nid county , ho has an nb elute - lute title to the totithc.ixt quartur ( if thu norihn'cftt quarter of Uio nnthciHt rniartcr of section nlnis (0) ( ) townsliiii fifteen (15) ( ) , ian-e ( , thirteen ( III ) e , in kaiil Donfjlns coun ty ; tint you and each of raid defciulnntH claim to nave Fomc Intciest in K.iid land , nnd prnylntr that ho , may be adjudged to ha\o nn iiulefc.vihlo title to oaid preinisLH ; hut that if IIH title uhould be held invalid , ho may bo decrcrd to lm\u n lien on M.I id land , that it may be sold to pntWy the Manic , nnd that you and each of you ho for ever be debarred from netting up or nitsertitiL' any right or claim thereto. And the raid .T. .M. Htanton , Unit let Hcnn and Mary Shilldok are hereby notified tlmt they arc required to aiijicar nnd anxwer Haul peti tion on or before the firnt day of August , Ig81. MILTON HUKDlilX , Uy Cr.AKkMV 4c HUNT , IUB uttoriiej-H. Dated Qinalm , Jimo 23 , 188 . wl ltd NOTICE. To Ilulldcn ami Contractors : Notice U hereby hcn tint pealed willo \ \ rccthwl bj the Hoard of TniHtwa of School DUtrkt No. 1 , of Cumin/ county , Ncbrfw- kiuntil 2 o'clock A.M. of the snthilayot June , A I ) . IbSl , for erection of n sdiool houx ! In the tomi of West I'oInU In nald School DUtrlct , during Uio prcwjnt > car , ' the Kane to be built nnd Uio ma terial lined In tlib constnictlon thereof , In accordance lth the ploni and specifications thereof , on Die tilth the IMroHor of the Ilonrd of Tnistccfl of said ikliool DUtrlct , and which plnn and ftpcclflcatlonii may be wen at thu furmtMr store of Ixiulii Hlcy , In said town of West Point , nnd a duplicate copy thereof at the ofllce of Chirlca Drucoll , tirtnitect , In the city1ot Oniaha , Neb. Neb.The The laid Ilonrd of Trustee * hcrohy reserve the right to rejut an ) nnd all bids rcceUctl. Address , J. W. POLLOCK , Director , ma. > 31-d3t \ t West Point Nebraska. NetoashLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , 1505 Farnham St. , . . . Omaha. Nebracka. Carefully Bcloctotl land In I Jistcni Nebraska ( or B.ilu Croat lUtrRnlii In lnipro > cd famif , and Oinalu clt } projHirtj O r' DAVISf. WKIWTKU SNYDKIl. ' .n II 4) ) ) ftbtf , , MRS. LOUISE MOHR , Graduate o ! Uio St. I/fiuls School of MJ ! i\cs , at 600 California Street , Between Fifteenth and Sixteenth , north nMo , where cilU will ho promptly -ospond- til to at an > hour during the cfaj or ulcht.rol7J3 rol7J3 J. G. RUSSELL , M. D , , HOMG0PATHIC PHYSICIAN.a Rheaws of Children and Charonlc Diseases a SiHxlulty. Oineu nt Uesidcmo , 2000 CMS street. 'Hour.1-3 to 10 a. in. , 1 to 2 p. m. , and alter C ] i. m aulbdlm W. d. OONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Omen Front Itoonu ( up stalrt ) In Ilanocom'ii no1 1'rlck building , N , W. corner KfU. < onth nd 1'arnhara BtrtoU. GEO. H. PARSELL , M. D. Itoomi In Jacoba' Illock , up stairs , corner Cap ltala\cnueand Flfti'tntlKtrect. Itcwldcncc. 41 Miennan atenuo. Kay be contiiHud Atrusluen from 7 to 9 p. m , except Vt'odnoHda } 8. HlKciiUTY ObxtctilcK and DUuaaci of Vf om Ollko hour * , 0 lo 11 n. m. and 2 to 4 p. in. ; Sun ( I/use to 7 p. m. AG. . TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Oyncs In Hunsooinb'e Illock , with Ooorge K. 1'rlchttt , 1WC Famluuu St. , Oiualta , Neb. Boggs & Hill , REAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. 1508 Farnham Street , Orrin North fcldc , o ) > p. Onuid Oatnl lloti.1. J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 810 South Thirteenth BUett , wltb J. M.Woolworth. los , K. cuigKJSO , o. i , uusr. Clarkson & . Hunt , 8ucce on to WchAnU k Hunt , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW - - , B. lltliStrvct , Omvh Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 16th and Dodge 8U. , Omaha. Neb Thlt Kene/-d9c / § BTWCTLT * broVonge Imtlnoe * . Dee not vtKcuUU ) , ttnJ therefore any tarzulix on UK boo > > * are Innurod to Itu patrons , iuuttw ofttlag \ fobUcd up b ) the ojcut DexterL.Tliomas&Bro. WILI- BUY AND kf.LL COXKCTID Tliimwrni , Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc. if ' \ , . tit t- * it roc rinr TO flrl ox " ' Can at Omco , Hoom AND STILL THE LION CONTINUES TO Roar for Moores ( ) Harness AND Saddlery. _ , _ _ _ Il.a\e ruloptcd the UonaniTrulo Maik , and nil my peed * will ho STAMl'KIi with the l.ION find niv NAMK on themtuo. NO ROODS AKK OKM'INK WITHOUT Till ! AI10VK STAJJIU The best material It u eil and the irott skilled uorknun arc employed , nnd at the lowest own price AMJOIIC Wlshlnif a price-list o [ good will confer a fa\orbj sending for one , _ DAVID SMITH MOORE. D. s. BENTON" ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. - - . AIII1ACII III.OCK , Cor. DOURwand ! IStliSt * . Omaha Kcb. D. F , Manderson , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 242 1'arnhnm St. . Oniflha Edward W , Simeral,1 ATTORUEY - AT - LAW , It/xmi 0 Crtlxhton 12th and Doughg utrcctf , RIPVPI CO UmAu-intfor COl.UMDIA DIUTULCOi nnauriOIIIOYCI.K.S. Send thrcorent Ktniup ( orCalaloRUQ and priic Hit eontalnlng full InfonnAtloit. H , I , D , SOLOMON , Paint * , Oils and Glass OMAHA , KEH. 31 Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! Used on Wnjfotm , Uuefflcs , Ktajwrs , Thrcsliors and Mill iUclilncrj. It Is INVALIBLKTO v < tut- Rim AND TPAMHTPIIH. It niret Scratches nnd all klndx of sorco on Ioreca nnd block , ax > > cll na on men. men.CLAEK & WISE , Manuf s , 305 Illinois Street , CMcano. ron ruicts. jo 21 cm ii John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly ot GUh&Jacolie , ) UNDERTAKER. No. 1417 Farnhftm St. , Old Stand of Jacob GIs. /3 0rdcra by Telegraph Sollcitod. ai > 27-lV J. R. Mackey , 1 Corner 1Mb and Douclna Sts , Oinaha , Kcb. PtltcB Ittntt ruble. B\R01 TtKKD LJ.M1HR1-KD. BYRON REED & . CO. Eeal 'Estate Agency IN NEIlHAhKA. Keep a complete nbxtrnct of title to all Itcal inaha and Douglas count } . mtUf A , f , NASON , Dentist , OKIICB JAcolrt' Illock , corner Capitol atinuc and riftfciith utrcut , Omaha N ! J. DR. G. B , RICHMOND ( Formerly Aiwinlant rii > flIeIKn In Chlcapo Ol ) . ktctrfc Hospital , for 1 rcatment of Disease of Women under Dr. 11 } ford. ) Wlll'devoie my entire attention to Obstetrics , Medical and Surgical Diseases < jf Women. Office. H03 Varnham . Hours , 0 a. m. to and 2 to 5 ) i m. mlO tf AOKKTS WANTED PQR OOB NEW BOOK BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , " belnp the Story of the Scripture ! , ! ) } Rev , Alexander Crook , 1) . D , , In nlmiilc and attractho aniruapa for od ! an-1 } o njf. Vrofawly Illuntra- tcilt nuking a no t lnt ri tlnf ( and ImpruiaUo } outh 8 Irntruttor. Kvcry ( Mrcnt will ne urc thw work. 1'rcaehem. joil vhoulJ clrrulatolt. 1'rico tknd for circuUrn with ixtra tennB. J II. CHAMUKim < : CO. St. IxmU Mo. SELTZER A man of noted health wa a-iiccd how It HTW uHvcmcJ toboalwn ) w < , ll. "lam not parti cular In my mvalHi I cat wmt | I Ilku ; and when t\tr I lev ] under the author , I resort to my TARHANT'S SELTZER APERIENT , which I keep alwaj i In tlio hoiuc. " WUoiuan ondc < x > MoiuUiiloJiwi.ll. He doM not rcoort to Violent uieaiiH ( or rtllef. Ho u t4 NBturs'n rem cdy , Ui the ihil > ot thli atierlvot. 2 'Sold b ) all lrurvl ( t . ' LOVELY COMPLEXIONS POSSIBLE TO ALL. What Nature denies to many Art secures to all. llagan'fl Magnolia Balm dispels every blemish , ovcixjomes Jleducss , Freckles , Ballowness , Bough- ness , Tan , Eruptions and Blotches , and removes all evi dences of licnt and excitement. The Magnolia Balm imparts the most delieato and natural coniploxfonul tints no detec Uou. being possible to tlio clos est observation. Under these circumstances a faulty complexion is II ttlo short of a crime. Magnolia Balm sold everywhere. Costs only 75 cents , with full directions. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN - HOTELS. ; HOTELS. PROPRIKT011S. UNION PACIFIC HOTEL , MARKEL & 6WODE , U. P. TrAn fcr , Council Bluffs. LEWIS HOUSE , S. LEWIS , Dow Olty , Iowa. HARTNEY HOUSE , W. P. HUNTER , West Side , Iowa. SleHENRY HOUSE , T. W , BUTLER , ' Vail , I own SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , reston , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS & BRO. , Red Oak , la. MENDIN HOTEL , ADOLPH WUNDER , Mendin , la. THE CENTRAL HOUSE , JOSEPH 8 AN KEY , 'Walnut , l . IVE8 HOUSE , O , T , IVE6 , ' HAstlng , ' COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. PARK HOTEL , W. J. OARVIN , Corning , la. DELDEN HOTEL , A. W. BELDEN , Woodbine , la. LUSK HOUSE , JAS A. LUSK , Logan , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , C. F. CA88ADY , Denlson , la , OURKE'6 HOTEL , E. R. DURKE , Carroll , la. GLIDDEN HOUSE , 8. M. LEWIS , Cllddcn , la. 8CRANTON HOUSE , JOS. LUORAFT , Scranton , la , ASHLEY HOUSE , DAN EMBRCE , Qr.tnd Junction , la HEAD HOUSE , JOS. 8HAW& CO , Jefferson , In MERCHANTS' HOTEL , CHENEY & CO. , Sioux City , la. CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY BROS . Mo. Valley June. , CITY RESTAURANT , J. JTUOK , Dunlnp , la. CHAPMAN'S SE8TAURANT , T O. CHAPMAN , Stanton , la. LAUQHMAN'S RESTAURANT , W. LAUOHMAN , Cliclby , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTZ , Ncola , la , WOODWORTH HOUSE , J. R. CALKINS Atlantic , la. CENTRAL HOUSE , 3. P. ANDERSON. M.ilvern , la. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Cmmorson , la. CROMWELL HOUSE , MRS R. COCHRAN Cromwell , la. WALTON HOUSE , T. C. WALTON , Onawa , la. CITY HOTEL , .OHENEY . & CLARK , Blair , Neb , MARSH HOUSE , W. W. DROWNING , Drownvllc , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , EID. COTTRELL , Nebraska City , Neb. CENTRAL BLOCK HOTEL FRED , STADELMANN , Plattsmoutli , Neb' eyer & Co. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods PISHING TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LIHE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. SE33XTD OEVOIEt. X XUCOXJ-XJCCSarj1. MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne O /'JfcTa-T.TFTP = g js . I-- Tobacco from 25c , per pound upwards. Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards. Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. .AJBSTD POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MACIIINJittY , HELTING , HOSE , I1RASS AND IRON FITTINGS , PIPK , STEAM TACKINO , AT WHOLKSALE AND 11KTAIL. HALLADAYWIND-WISLLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. A. L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha. -WORTH OP- To Be Closed Out Immediately Regardless of Cost. We respectfully call your attention to the large and varied assortment of Boots and Shoes-including some of the very best grades in Ladies' and Gents' Hand and Machine Sewed , from several of the leading manufacturers in the East , which will bo sold at about To Close Out. This is a rare chance for BARGAINS. Come One , Como All , and Shoo your self at HALF PRICE. Remember the Place , 216 So. 15th St. , Union Block , Bet. Farnham & Douglas. MAX .MEYER & BRO , , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Pine Watches , at as Lo-w Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers , Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner , llth and Farn ham Streets MAX MEYER & 'BRO. f < ' IAIIET1E & BRO. , O 3MC THE LEADING , > . i MUSIC HOUSE IN TUB WEST ! General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son > Pi anos , and other makes. Alsp Clough & Warreu , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do notfail tosee u's before pnr- chaisinp ; ; ? " * ,