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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1881)
1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY JUNE < fe , 1881' ' . THE DAtLY BEE OMAHA PUOLI6HINQ CO. , PROPRIETOni OIQ Farnharn , bet. Oth and lOih Streets. TKIIM8 OF 8U11SC1UPT10N : Copy 1 year , In fkhonoo ( postpaid ) . $10.1 months " " . . ' r. ' ( tiionttu " " . . . , . g , ( RAILWAY TIME TABLET OMAHA KAST OR SOUTH * OCXB. C. , 11. & Q. 6 . m. 3:40 : p. m , 0. & N. W. , 0 n. m. 3:40 : p. in. C. , U. I. & I1. , 0 n. m. 3:40 : p. tn. K. U. , St. J. i a 1) . , 8 ft. rn.-3:40 : p. m. Arrh ktSt . Louts ftt 0:25 : n , m. and 7:45 : K. m. WEST OR bvi.iunr.3ra , 11. A M < In Xcji. , Through K pro-w , 8:35 : a. n n.U. . > Uncoln Krclrht.-7i | 0 p. m.- . . . . U. P. Kil > : O. & U. V. for Lincoln , 10.20 a. m. ft' ? . ) ' ' ° rO ccola , 9:10a. : m " W > t No. f , 5:30 : a. m. U. V. frvljdit No. 0. 8:15 a. tu. ' Jre "i1.1 * ia ' 0:1 : ° I'w emigrant. U. 1' . frelirht No. 11 8.25 ti. in. ARR1U.VO FRO.M KA3T AND SOUTH. 9 ' S' . * SB:00 : " > " 7fip. : m. C. k N. W.,8:45 : a. m. 7:25 : p. in. O. II. l.&P..n:45n : , in , 9:05 : p. in. h. C. , M. Jo & G. V. , 7:40 : a. m. G:4Sp. : n : M. , St. L. k p. , 10:55 : a. m.-4:25 : p. m. ARjuyiMi FROM TIIK MT AND BOCTIIHMT. O. k K. V. from Lincoln 12:12 : p. m. U. P. Expr3:25 : p. m. II k M.In Nub. , Through Express 4:15 : p. in 11. & M. Lincoln FrciRht SSi : n. m. U. P. Frclxht No. 10-1:40 : p. tn. No. C 4:25 : p , m. Enilurant. No. 8-10.50 p. tn. No. 11-11:35 : a , in. O. & K. V. mUed , ar. 4:55 : p. m. .NORTH. Nebraska DhUton of llio St. Paul A Sou.Clt ! Hood. No. 2 learw OmhhaSn. m. No. 4 l kuw Omaha 1:60 : p. m. , No. 1 arrUco at Omaha at 4:50 : p. m No. 3 nrrhcvi at Oniaha nt 10.45 a. m. TR.U.SH ERTttKKN OMAHA AND COfNCIt BUJm. Leave Omahi at 8:00 : , 9.00 and 11:00 : a. in. 1:00 , 2.00 , 3:00 : , 4:00. : 6.00 and 0.00 p. m. Loa\o Council Hluu > at 8:25 : , 9.2. . , 11:25 : a. in. i:26 , 2.25 , 3:25 : , 4:25 : 6:25 : and 0:25 : p. m. Sundays The dummy Iwues Omaha at 0:0 : nd 11:00 : a. m.j 2:00 , 4:00 : and 5:00 : p. m.\c Council Bluffs at 0:25 : and 11:25a. tn.2:25 ; : , 4:2 : nJ 6:25 : p. m. Opening and Closing of Malls. nouTE. eras' , cu > s . ft. m. p. m , a. m. p. in ChlmjrofcN. V 11.00 0SO : 4:30 : 2:4i Chlmiro , U. Li 1'aclilc. 11:00 : 9:00 : 4:30 : 2:1 : Chicago , 1) . i , ( > . . . 11:00 : 9:00 : 4:30 : 2:4i : WaUuh USO 4:30 : 2:1 : Sioux City ami Tactile. . 11:00 : 4:30 : Union l"actlic 6:00 11:40 Oinoha&H. V 4:00 : 11:40 : 11. 4 M. In .Vcli 4:00 : S:40 : 5i : Omaha & Northwestern. 4:30 : 7:30 : 1/ocnl malls for Statoof Iowa Icavo but once i day , viz : 4:80. : A Lincoln Mall Li al < o opened at 10:30 : a. in , OUicu open Suudajs from 12 in. to 1 p. m. TIIOS. F. MALI. 1' . M. Business Directory. Art Emporium. J. U. ROSIVS Art Kuipoilum , 1510 Dodge Street Steel KnpnuinKw , Oil Pointings , Chromes , Fancj Frames. Framing Socially. Low Prices. J. BONNER iSoa Douidos Htrcct. Good Styles Abitract and Real Estate. JOHN I , . HcCAQUK , opposite Pout Office. W. R. BARTLKTT 317 South 13th Street. Architects. DUFRENS & MKNDKLSSOHN. ARCHITECTS Iloom Crcighton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Iloom 2. Ciclithton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DuVINE k CO. , Fine Boota and Shoes. A good nssormcnt o homo work on hand , corner 12th and Hartley. TIIOS. KRICKSO.V , S K. cor. 10th and Douglas JOHN FOKTUNATUS , COS 10th street , manufacture to order good worl at fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Springs. J. F. LARIUMER Manufacturer , Vluchera' Bl'k Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEHAUF 1010 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. HcSHANE & SCHHGiDKR : , the oldest I ! , and K house in Nebraska established 1876 Oinalia. CKNTIIAL RESTAURANT , 11113. A. RYAN , southwest corner Iflthand Dodco. Best Uoard for the Money. Batlsfactlou Guaranteed , Meals at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furnished Rooms Supplied. Carriages and oad Wagons. \VM. SNYDUR , No. 131h 14tliand Harney Street * ] Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors. ANDREW ROSEWATEIl , CreUhton lllock , 1 > o n Suncys , Grade and Scwcrago Systems a Hpccialty. Commission Merchants. JOHN G. WIL LIH.14I4 Dodge Street. D 1) ) I1EEMER. For details eeo lar u advertise , mcnt In Dally and Weekly. Cigars and Tobacco. WEST k FIUTSCHEU. manufacturer * of Cigars , and Wholwwlo Dealers In Tobaccos. 1305 Douxlas. W. F. LOHl 'ZEN manulacturer 014 lOUi street , Oornlca Works. Wcutcrn Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron Uoniloc , Tin , Iron and Hlato Roofllng. Onion from any locality promptly executed in the ) > cat maunof. Factory and Oil ! 1310 Dodge Street. GarnmUcd Iron Cornices , Window Ouni , etc. , manulacturcd and put up in any iiart of thu country. T. H1N1IOLL ) . 1U Tlilrteenth utrott. Crockery , J. BONNPJl 1300 Doiutua strict. Good line. Clothing and Furnishing Goods. GEO. H. PETERSON , Also Hate , Cara , Roots. Hhoe > , Notions and Cutlery , 804 S. lOtli street. Olothln Bought. C. HUAW will j y hlghent Cash price for second hand clothlnir. Oorntr lOtli and Furnham. Dei tlsts. DK. PAUL , Williams' Ploek , Cor. Uth k Dodge. Drugs , Pa'nts ' and Oils , Kuiur k co. , Pharmacists , Fine V Goods , Cor. 1Mb. and DougU * btrcets. W.J.WJUTKHOUt1.wvloiRttail.lOUjet , C. C. FIELD , 2022 N tjh Side fuming Street. M. PARK , Dnurjlit. lO'Ji arid'Howard Btrcctu. JfpryOooH Nptloris , Etc. JOHN UF.'tHMANN k CO. , , . New Vor Dr/aoodsSxirc.MSlO and 131C Fini- ff'J f "hamifreet. * . ! L. C. Kncwbld Mso hoots and ehoua , 7th & Pacific ; m * i V tUf furmture , A F. GROSS , Now and Second Hand Furniture and Stc8 , 1114 Douelu. Highest uu > h prlcu laid for wcond liana iroo 11. J. BONNER 1309 DouaUlst. Fine foods , ic. Fence Works. OMAHA FENCE CO. GUST , FRIES k CO. , 1213 Hamey St. , Impro * e- ed Ira Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Otttcu Ralllnis , CoujiU'ni ol Piiie anil Walnut. Florjit. , ; A. Donaghue , plants , cut flowers , secdf , boqutts etc. NtW. cor. 16than ) Douuliastreets. i7-v t v Foundry. * JOHN WEA11NE tt EONS.'cor. Uth It Jacktfnsts ? * ' Floqr and Feed.t - GHAHA CITY MILLS , 6th and Farnham Sts. , WfUuns Bros. , .roprfcton. ' ' ' " Grocers. Z. STEVENS , 2Ut > VtUccn Cumin ? and Iiard. T. A. McSlIANE , Corn. 83dandCumlnfB'tret"ta. | Hatters. 1508 DougU * Street , WbolmJo Bxcluilrtly. Hardwaie , Iron and Steel. DOWN k LANQWORTHY. Wholee&le , HO and 1Mb itteet. A. HOLMES font * 16th and CallJornU. . D. WBOTT M 150) St. Ut F rnA Bmtj. atnd Donnot Dleitcher4' ' tAdlcs Rft youi Htrvir , fhip and > ll Hats don up M north wt comfr Setenttviith and Cnpltc Aitnuc. WXI. UOVf Troprlctor. Mtelt. CAKFIKI.I ) HOU3F,0 . CAnflfld.Mh k FarnhM tOHAN 110CSK , 1I . Cnry , 913 Fonih-im S BIAVUX'S ItOTEIj , F. Slen , 10th Struct. Southern Holdl flti < .I.aVnclMh&iM\en orlh ron fencing. The Western Oornleo Wotkn , Artnts for Ih CliMuplon Iron Fence &c , , hate on tuml nil kind of Fancy Iron Fillers , Crcstlsp , Flncals , TUllliip etc. 1310 iKxttrc utrcc. apl Intelligence Office , f MIIS. UXZIK Dr ir 217 ICUi Street. Jeweller * . JOHN lUX/MKll 13H Farnham Street. Junk. H. nr.RTHOU ) , Risrs and Metal. i Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSiTKH k QUAY comer Uth ant ) lKnictix < Sin Lamps nnd Ulattware. J. HONNKII , 1300 UonslM St , Good Variety Merchant Tallorti 0. A. LINIXJUK3T , One of our moat jxjpulu Mi-rchnnt Tailors U re rchln | ; the Intent dwieni for Sprinff and Sinnme ( loodj for Kentlomen s utnr. ht > ll li , durable and urtccn low as ever 21613th bet Uout'.A. Farn Millinery. MRS , C. A. IlINflKR. Whol ilo and Retell , Fan rv Goolo In Rrratarlety , Zephyrf , Card lloanln Ilwlcrj , Glo > rs Corsitn , Ac. t'hm | > t Homo Ii UicVst. . rurvhawn ha\o SO per cent. Unit by Hall , 115 Fifteenth Street. Physicians anJ Sureeoni. W. S. aillllS , II. 1) ) . , ooni No. 4 , Crelghtoi llloch , Uth Stri-ct. A. S. I.KISFAIUNO , U. D. Manonlc lllock. C. Ii. 1IAKT , It. I ) . , r.t and V r , opp. pottoftlet Ilt. ) L. n. QRADDY , Ociilltt and Auriat , B. W 15th and Farnham Sta Photographera. GIX > . IIKVN. I'ROP. , Grand Central Gallery , 11S ! slilocnth Street , near Masonic Hall. Flratoau Work and Prompt ness gtuiraiitecn. Plumbing , Gat and Steam FlUlng. P. W. TAIU'Y k CO. . 210 12th Bt , IwU' Farnham and DouitUi. WorK promptly attended to. D. FITZPATHICK , 1409 Douglas Street. Pnlntlnc nnd Paper Hanulnji. HENRY A. KOSrKltS. 1412 Dodge HtTOft. Planing Mill. A. MOYKH , nunufacturer of gosh , doon , blind ) Kx , new ula , aluatem , hand rails , turnlililuj awlns ; , Xc. , cor. lode ) and Uth btreebt. Pawnbrokers. J. nOSENFiaD , 322 10th St , bet. Far. & liar Refrigerators , Canfield's Patent. C. F. GOODMAN , llth St. , bet. Fam. & Hartley ShowCase Manufactory. , 0 , J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer'In all llnds of Show Cases , Upright Casts , ft > . , 1317 Cit St. FRANK L. OKKHAKD , proprietor ! Omaha how Cnse ni.inufactor3' , SIS South Itth street , twtwrcn U-nMj'iworth and Marry. All good ? warranted Urst-cUs * . Stoves ana Tinware. A. BUIUIESTKK , Dealer In Sto\es and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Hoof * and all kinds of liulldlne Work , Odd Fellowu' lllock. J. BONNER , 1309 Douglas St. Good and Cheap. Seeds. j ; EVANS , Wioli-Ralo and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivate , Odd Fillowd * Hall. Shoo btores. Phillip Lans , 1320 F.irnnam nt. , bet. 13th fc 14Ui. ' Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAK , 1118 Douclas St. , Now nnd Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing Goods , &c. , kouvht and Hold on narrow marvins. Saloons. HENRY HAUFMANN , In the new brick' block on Douglas Street , has j just opened a most elegant lice * Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. FLANNKUY , Jn Famhain , next to the U. & M. headquarters , las rc-opcnod n neat and complete establishment whichbarrliiR FlHK.and MotherShlpton's Proph ecy , will be opened lor the uoys with Hot Lunch on and after present date. ' Caledonia " J. FALCONER. C70 10th Street. Undertakers. CIIAS. RIKWE , 101B Farnham bet. lOtli fc lltd. P. PEMNER , 303 } Tcwth street , between Farn- lain and Harney. I toes ( , 'ood and thoap work. 00 Cent Stores. IENRY POHLMAN , tov , notions , pictures ewelry , &c. , 013 Hth bet. Farnham and Douglas ' . C. BACKUS. 1205 Farnham St. . Fancy Goods PROPOSALS FOR BEEF. DEPARTMENT OF TIIK INTERIOR , Ofllco of Indian Aflalru , Washington , June IS , > < ! * 1. Sealed iiroiwsalii , Indorsed "ProponalR for teef , " nnd directed to the Comml Ioncr of In dian AfTairu , Washinirton , D. C. , will lie received until 11 oYloclm. \Vednebdaj , July 20lh 18S1 , or fnniishlnu for thu Indian service , 14,200,000 x > uncli IKcf on tbo hoof. Dldiiuustbe maduoutoii Clovcrnnient lilanKs. Scheduled showing the quantities to ho deliver ed at rach Agency , together xtlth blank propo > ialii md form of contracU and bond , conditions to MI obrcd by liJderx | , time and placu"of dellv- ry , and all other 'necuixary Instructions "u 111 bo urnl he l upon 'application to the Indian Olllco at Washington D. 0 , or New. 65 and 47 Wooster itrtctNew York ; W. H. Ljon 4b3 Ilroadna > New York , and to ConunlMOrieJi of Subsletcnco , U , S. A , at .Saint Ix > uls , Chlnago , S Int IVul , Leaven- v orth , Oinaha , Clie.t t'nnu , and Yankton , and the 'ostinacttr at Sioux City , Hldfl will In ) opened at the iour und day aboro tated , and bidden me i'l to bv pnwvnt utthe opening. CkBTlMXUKH. \ . M bids must br. acrooipjlni" ! by 'certified c-lucln > \on oomo Unlttil NtaUm IK-po itury or Aw.istint Treaaurer , for ut least fltoptr cent of thu amount gftheproporal. H. PKICKl CommljMloncr. fotiqe to Contractors and Bnlldora. KALEDpropojah Mill IHI recehvd at thoonico O of the county i-lcrk of Polk county , Neb. , up o 12m. , ou ThuixUy Juno : )0th ) , lt > 81fortho rectlon of a Court Houitu for Polk Co. , Neh. PropoAU ill be reeeH e l ( or tlio work , clash ed as follow : , Clata let For excaiatlon.ktonc ; , brick nork nd plastcrintc. Clam id Carpenter work , Iron work , tin work and palntini ; and L-hzinif , Cl 3d-Vaultdoor . Class 4th Seating and furnUhlnj ; fho court1 oom. , Clm 6tU For fho entire structure complete without furniture or vault doorn. Clasx Cth For the entire utimturo complete with furniture and vault doom , The propofcalj mu Include the materials for achclasHof work 1-xidi pro | > o al must l > e acrnmpanletl vitth a > end In the num of two hundred dollar * , giyncd by ilmtelf and one other good surety that if rcqulr- d ho will enter into a contract , and glic good ml Kutflccnt | bondi in twice the amount of his ontract. Thel plans and fperlfUatfoiis mn bo het-n at the tike of the county clerk In Onecola from tlila ate. ate.Thu Thu county roininUtloncru reserve thu right to eject any or nil propound. JTio projvofalH iniint ho made on thu blank forirm hich ean bo had at thuollU'uol thu county clerk' rie on application. Pro | > OHaii mum Ira directed to the Commission- re ot Polk Co. , Nth. , rare of county clerk. lly order of count ) comiulmloners. 1. F. KKLLEY , Je 20 Ot County Clerk. BROWNELL HALL , YOUNG LADIES' SEMINARY OMAHA , NED. Bey E DOHBRTY M A Rector , , , , , , , by ati ) able corps of teachcru In K , Science * and Fine ArU. THE NINETEENTH YEAR WILL I1COIN 'or ptrttoulan. Mfl } to tt . > d 2 TOE RECTOR. POETRY OP THE TIMES. The HonMt "t take no lirib * ! " crlod llnuilcy l > oM. "Hnkcnol.ribcl" crictUie ; "Thi ? tnlw/vrt toiiwh , ho M-on't be * o1il Yeti enn't two thmianml me1 "I > r once T H\cd In Loulsvillo Antl wrmopttl the Inuzinp saw : Von bet I've t.Mn . nil through the mill Hi IOIIR since I wn * . raw. "I'\e ynukcil the knotty tuo-itichlKmnl I've mndo the pcantlinu Imtn ; Tvo nevlf yet been rniiujKMl or Anil Malm I've hustled dome. "I never I'm (6r the Conk ninchinc ; Tln > phirijl twh thmmtu ! eoiinti im Irns Ami 1'iii a sawyer clenti.-- * ' - l'ourler Journal. . _ . . . t , t j. TJ 1 How Ho Jjnved Kor. They fttKxl U > gcthrf ltxkng ! down klpon the < vntpr blue , Vi hen suddenly the rail KIWII way , And h went tutnlilitut through , "Help , h li | , " he cried ) "my wife Wil ilniwn , Oh , help hov Hfo to OANO. I did not ttit'iun when her 1 wet ) , She'd find ft watery grave. " They A hccl her out nnd brought her up , A dripptnu nicnnaid she , Her hunimnd eire < l her net , cold Imnds , Ho glad he Hcciuctl to be. "Tlmnk (5od , " ho cricil , "you aio no drowned , I'm spared that bitter imln ; Hut I will ne\er let you keep The pocket Look again. Hit Awftil Error. A gentleman sat the eventide In n doorway fnir to KM ? , Mil wife WO.H gone to : i neighbor's housd , And in despair cried hu : " I'll not tay here And think oVr all my BUI , Itut go to bed nn.l forget it sfton , " So through the gloom went in. "And I/ml , " ho prayed , "Thon mer clful 1 O grant my one icuuesl , Keep Jane nwny until T\c hud Somewhat of needful rent. " lint KOon as ever hu hail dropped Into a dream of rnce , Htiliinied liitt wife , diirubcd and felt Under the pillow a\evn. "What gone ! Do you- William , mj dear , Where | s it ? Ha\eyouneen My go\m nnywhero hero to-night ? Como help me ! Don't bo mean ! I can't you know the curtain'rt up , Turn on the gas and hand 1'Vohiout oh ! dear , you hoi rid wretch You've got It on ! niylnnd ! " The light went down , | n hurried way , And ho from out the gnriu nt , And , for an hour or two was taught What anle-sleepim' war meant. OUR PRODUCTS IH EUROPE , Tricks Which Ruin Commerce Dovolopmoixt of Trailo , ivlth Austria. Dispatch to Tin1 Chicago Tribune. WAHIIINCIFON , D. 0. , Juno 21. Consul General Weaver , nt Vienna , furnishes the State Department with a valuable paper on the introduction of American products and manu facturers into Austria-Hungary , nnd , nt the same time , gives a very valu able warning to American manu facturers. Ho sli ws that honesty is most certainly the best policy in the export trade ; and that an attempt to make large amounts of money on one invoice by petty swindles reacts severely against tbo entire American trade. Despite all tricks , however , nnd also not wjthstanding the severe protective tnnir , the import trade From the United States to Austria is very rapidly increasin" . Consul- General Weaver soys ; During the past year , a firm , in whom I Iiad sufficient confidence to ive a letter of recommendation to our American merchants , sent a represen tative to the United States to estab lish business connection with manu facturing and exporting houses. Among other articles it was believed ; hat rubber hess might find a largo argo sale in this country for many Mirpoues , but particularly for the wine ndustry. Consequently business connections with a leading Now York VTork tirm were established , nnd sam ples sent , which , with slight nltora- ions , met the wants of the trade. Mattering commencements were made , jrders came in rapidly , and it was sonfidcntly believed that in this sin- { lo article al no the sales for the first year would reach 8100,000. Trial oi lers were secured amounting to over ? 4,000 , and the specification stated mrticnlnrly the walls of the hose ihuuld not bo less than five contlmu- ors. The goods arrived in duo time ipparently in line condition , but on urthor examination it wwi found that ho fivo-ccntimotor walls of the hose lid not extend throughout the piece , jut nftei' continuing for a yard from ach end fell off to tnrco ceiitimotcrH. \s a result the entire lot was refused md sent back to the agents , the trick ; haracterizcd as A HLOVENI.V AMEJUOAN FKAUI ) , md probably the trade injured for nany a day to como. The attention > f thp manufacturers being called to ho impropriety and eirect of such ransaction , they coolly replied that eeing the clmraccr of their manufac- uro did not unit the Austrian mar- tots they had concluded to withdraw heir gopds , nnd consequently gave or- ors that all stock on hand should bo otiirned to Now York. Thus , through his deliberate net of bad faith , or a nisapprehension of instructions , or a opsurablOj Ia6k of care , difficult to xplain in any satisfactory manner rliatuvcr , ended suddenly and dishon- rably what certainly would have do- eloped into a profitable business. Jut the injury did not stop there : onfldenco had been weakened , su-spi- ions and prejudices have been arous- d , which to neutralize and ronioVo vill require a lam * period of patient tl'ort and honorable dealings , Hut however heavily handicapped mr products and manufactures may bo ) ii the Austrian market by national ealousios and prejudices , by protect- vo duties and formalities , as well ns > y short-sighted or time-serving mor- bants , or their agents , who prefer an mmcdiato insignificant gain , even if o procure it they imibt resort to ques- ioimblo tricks in trade that may do- troy a largo fuluro profitable busi- icss yet there can bo ucarcoly a loubt that the present import trade rom the Uuited Stateato this country icvortholesa , and in npito of tlieso Irawbacks , constantly and rapidly ncreasing , and that eventually certain dditiojial claasea of our manufactures rhicli are as yet strangers to or but ittle known upon those in riots may > 0 profitably troducod. Their in- rodwctio'n , however , caonot fwl to in- ite the deep-rooted feeling of oppo sition ever manifested , not < ntly t > the pro < htccrs , but likewise , althoug lo n less degree , by the consumers c this country. * orrosmox to AMRRIOAN This opnosition takes 'n varou forms , and rosorls to every unncinnbl device in onlor to secure its oiul. Tli usual and most successful plan ofopot ation is to circulate through tlio pul : lie press damaging icports as to th chanwter of Aiucricnn importations ad , for example , that flame authority professional or oflicial. had Kntod thn the canned moats and fish .tu poison ous , or that the American swine pro ducts contain trichina1 , fnnn tlio c < m sumption of rhicli people ficiuontl ( die from fiightful maladies tlu > eni that the masses may bo dctorrod , lv four , front ( mingthotn. ' Fmthormord the local Authorities , uiillcr nn un-u nnd unjust pressure coining from in tcrested parties witli whoso Hade thus Ainorican products como into eompu tition , lend their oflicial influence ti exact ftMin their central g' < vurnmen certain decrees , cithur ] iruyomuii ; thoi introduction or so regulating ind hampering poring the trade that it may bccoini unpnilltablo. In the iniestion of | iotii < loum th same object IB sought to be obtains by representing that the importulioi of American potroluum cottu-.s in sue ! strong competition with their nativi petroleum industry in O.ilicn that i should be required to pay o.xtt-.uirdina ry unliy duties , and as this j > im ; woult aid in relieving the sorely pressed ox chetiuef of the state the project find many advocatew , while in the matte : of canned fruits the present ontr duty of 115 florins per 1X ( ) kilom-nm' serves as a complete embargo agains their introduction. Furthermore , thio opposition a times takes the more practicalandpro lily succeHiiful form of opposition bj thu mannfaclurora of this country. ntiTATixn u roi-NTKnrriTiXii , whore the patent laws of the ompin will admit of ita being siiecosHfulh and ] > rotit ibly done , such useful am valuable American inventions or machines chinos as create for themselves anj considerable demand on this market , as for instance , the sowing inaeliinos certain patterns of metal stoves , smal domestic utensils , and tin less complicated and niosi easily imitated agricultural machinery , lint , notwithstanding nil thuingenuit } and enterprise manifested in this di ruction , generally tlru original article ! manufactured in the United State ! are preferred , and give the most satis factory results. In the case of sow' ing-machines , only the delicate parti are imported from tlio United States ; the heavier or rougher parts , madi from iron or wood , are manufacturer liero , thus saving freight nnd other ox , [ lenses. J3nt in many instances tlu machinery of the American m-ticlcn ii BO delicate , and requires such perfcc' Lion of execution , that they cannot be successfully imitated here probablj owing to the less degree ol intelli gence found in the laboring class ol this country compared with those ol the United States , who , with grcai skill and success , direct 'and ' suporin < ipnd the working of our complicates ; imo and labor saving machinery ; con sequently wo find the 'chcanur am' more ordinary clocks , ana BOIIK watches but particularly the clocks- arriving and being introduced hinu bj the hundreds of dozens. In tlio. AOnKTJ.Tl'P.AI , HKPAllTMKXT nuch has been dono. Since J87 ! uindrods of reapers and mowers havi jcen sent into Hungary ; thothrashon usually come from England , but wind nills , separators , nnd horse rakes from ; ho United States are generally pre > 'erred. Tlio seed-drills and corn-plan- cr might be made a success if con- uderation was taken of the value of and hero , and the npaccs between the rows or drill were reduced to conform o the exigencies. Instead of having hem from three or four feet apait , , hey should bo reduced to two feet. ; Jut the greatest hindraino against ho successful employment of agricul- ural machinery in Hungary is the ack of intelligencer on the part of hose who are required to operate hem. Accustomed , to handle every icavy and strong machinery , not liable o bo broken or disarranged , manipu- atod by such hands , thu delicate part arts of the American machines are eon rendered worthless by careless- loss or r * U < h usage1 , and as cenurally hey attempt to supply all duplicate lieccs from their own native work shops , it will bo readily purceivod how soon a valuable machine may bucnmo worthless. Another reason why the American roupprs uro jiot moro generally adopt ed is owing to the opposition of the aboring chisces , who , mmgining that heir interests nro affected injuriously > y these machines , refuse to bind up ho grain cut by them , or charge for he binding alone the same price they would ask for cutting and binding. [ "ho " combined reaper and binder can- lot bo used from thu requirements of ho case , since the grain must be cut ow for the value of the straw , which lecessitafeH the cutting oil' along with ho grain a largo quantity of green < rass or weeds , which , if bound up at nco with the grain , would cause it lo mat nnd jnjuro thu quality of tlio { min. The disi'doratum is therefore a oparotu binder that uses cord or winu , as the millon ) HO seiiously oh- oct to the pioqos df who that are loft n the grain that Hclf-Undcrs employ- ng wire arojiot yet a MICCUBH , A Man in a Milliiiory Store. She had mildly hinted that slio didn't aio to go to church again until HIO md her uummer bonnet , but at the lention of the bonnet ho turned round and belched out : "Uojinct ! 'Nothcr new bonnet ! Vhy don't you go down and Jmy out very infernal bonnet fouiulry on Voodward avenue and bo done with t ! " "I haven't this " Ijadbut one wpring , ho meekly protested. "OneJ Why , you've had forty ! " "Only one , my dear , and lean show ou the bill. "Well , fiat cost foity or fifty dol- ars. " "Oh , no. The bill is only nineteen lollare. " "Nineteen dollars ! NVol ) , that's an utragooua swindle | " "It is a very plain bonnet , " ehu re- larked "ana it for " , was only Bpring. "Ifow much will a summer hat est ? " hp asked , after reading down to ho column. ' " \Yoll , 111 try t'q get along with ton > r twelve dollars , bat you ' 1 "Ton or twelve dowlas ! " Leydlod as ho half rose up. "I loll you it'i ! an outrageous swindle , and no onobu an idiot would submitl They tack tin price on because they think you don't kran from broomsticks ! ' * "Then you go do\\n with mo urn make the purclms.1' ' "Kgad ! 1 will go this 'very day , and if I don't buy a Iwtler bonnet foi S than you Imvo ever had for $10 I'll eat shingles' " That afternoon they entered a mil * linery store in com | > any , and the oh gent had the look of n man who was bound to win if ho broke a lei < . "My wife wants n bonnet , " ho began gan as ho got settled down on a stool. "Very well. About what pricuf" "Say from $4 to SO. " 'Ves , sir. Hero is onw for $1. t to for a kitchen giil on Slxteontl street , and 1 call it an elegant thin ; for the monoy. " "l-r-.l don't foi - - guess no want 0110 four dollars , " ho muttered , as a chil ( tow Up his spinu. "tt's very cheap , 1 assure you , am the colors are very popular witl kitchen gills , but hero is one for six dollars. " "An ! that is moro like it : Jfow I call that handsome. ' ' "So it is , sir. That is for n secant on Winder street , and she cer tainly has good tasto. It is the cheapest bonnet 1 Imvo made for a year. " "Yes ahem no doubt ! ' gasped the old gent as rud streaks began to color his neck and chin. "And what's the price of this ono ? " "That' That is sold to a barber's wife fotr8 , but I could get you Up the mate to it if you want. " "Harbor's wife aliom - ciyht dollars lars and this onef" "Well , 1 mndo the price Very low on that one , as it is for n scamstrees who always buys of me. 1 only charged her.ll2 for it , " "SeaniHtrcsH , eh/ / " "Yi's. She ( joes out for seventy- five cents per dny , ami of course nho can't ' afford any better than this. Old Whetstone was as red as a strawberry by this timu , and it was ohly by a tremendous effort of will that ho couldroprtsn n"posli darn it ! " "You wouldn't earo'to ' look at this § 10 bonnet , as it isifor a mechanic's wife , " softly iuniiukcd the milliner. "No ahem perhaps not , " ho grunted. ' "Hut this one at $20 might possibly do , " she wont on , "although your wife's position in society would only permit her to wear it for second best. Just wait and I'll show you something for 825 which will charni you. " "I won't ! I'll bp hanged if 1 wait a minute ? " exclaimed ns'ho rose up. " 1 don't feel very well , nnd 1'vo also agreed to meet a man at thu city hall at 3 o clock. Martha , you go aiead | and pick out a bonnet. "One for for- four dollars , " she whispered. ' "Four bo-hangs ! Who said anything about four dollars ? If you can make one for S20 do you , I'd take it ; but if you look bettor in one for 825 , you can have it sent up. What I wan scolding about this morning was the shape of your bonnet not tlio cost. I still hold that the shapes are outra geous ; but you've got to have "one all the same. " And when ho got out-doors and around tlio corner , ho struck the air with his canu nnd yelled : "If a man had played that on mo I'd hunt him to a narrow grave ? ' AT THE CROSS. A Daring Prospector Dese crates It With His Claim Board. .tnilUllc Clironklc. . John Dixon , thu well known pros- lectors , liohemian and newspaper cor- espomient , 1ms just returned from a < mg journey to the Holy Cross , His lip was replete with thrilling inci dents , but none moro fraught with in- .crest than his experience in locating v claim , literally in the Holy Cross ( self. The mountain derives its name as everybody known , from t > vo gulches or fissures crossing at right angles on tu bleak and inaccessible face. Dixon tad conceived the iden that there was in immchso mineral deposit at thu summit of thu mountain , nnd formed ho project oppressing to thu cross it self and thoru locating a clniin. Thu undertaking fleeinud at first full of in surmountable difficulties. The Across oomod at least n inilo and a half beyond - yond the farthest point tp which uiy ntispector had ventured , and lay al- nest directly nbovo an almost perpcn- licular precipice. NuyortholcBS. ho started oil his perilous journey nlon'u , md carrying simply his pickax and u inv s'unplo tools anil jirovisions. From' ho very first he found thu way almost iiipassable. Hugo canons split thu country in every uircctldn. TJiese ho crossed by lowering himself down onu side with ropes'and then often by aid of notches 'cut in the earth , ascend Uo other. His prof/cess was never aster than a slow walk , and ofttimes limply a crawl.1 After infinite perils , 10 finally .icachcd the bottom of u eng , precipitous jnclino leading ty thu visncd for spot. Thu cross had upon tear approach lost all semblancu to its ippearanco at a distance , nnd scumud only two long ruggud gulches filled vitli mww. Toward thu foot of the owest of these was the point toward vliicli Dixon pressed , I1 or a time hu nanaged to progiuss by crawling1 on is hands and ICIIUCH , mul then thu cliff ) ccamu B ( | excessively steuji that ] iu waa obliged to muko a long dolour in order to surmount it , Finally , creep- ng like u fly along a slender crevice hut barely offered a foothold on the ace of the precipice , hu reached tlio oot of thu cross , and to hia joy ob served the outcroppings of what aji- tearcd to bo u line vein of dccom- > oaed quartz carrying frou gold. An nstunt a inspection satisfied him ! that t was a true fissure , and clinging to i tiny projection of rock with one mud , hu drove his pick-ax into thu iulding formation with the other. Securing a fragment , ho allowed his lick-ax to fall and hoard jt crash far > ulow uppn thu rocks. lie dared not > von glance into the abyss that yawned jpnoath him , but with averted head 9rupt bock. A pound yielded over CO luncvs from thuupocimen sepurod , and ho ' probabilities ant tuit bo will laako tUng of it > TO THE LADIES OF i We take the liberty to call your attention to the fact that we : have just secured the EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF THE ONLY First - Glass Summer Stove IN EXISTENCE. MMIIO of its many advantages nro that mmiff under no c ndKiunn will it PRODUCE SMOKE , DIRT OR ODOR , 0 furilit"l' ° r ntuvp cnn bo "SCl1 ° " ' " " ' " nny sized of nny WHIM ! or cortl rook tnc ( , onn 1 * tlonn ou thorn , Wlni ; per fect in fitch dcparluicut. Cooking , Baking , Washing & Ironing They can l > o twed out in tlio wind asjcll ni in doori" . Tlioy cnn only 1 > u npprcciftttd AFTER A PAIR TRIAL ; i In imrrlmklnK n Minnnor hto\p. ywivill liavo cnii'e for IPIIOIif vim don't in p et nndRivnUuvO Moxes r fair nnd niimitial ) trial , For SiUo Only by DAN SULLIVAN & SON'S , jo 14-ood-lm 141O Farnhnm St. , Omahn , Nob. EDHOLM WIIOLK8ALU AND UKTAU , MANUFAtm'KlNCl ra J , ® HTOCK Ol' Gold and Silver latches and Jewelryinthe City Como ami eco our ted ; , oa wo will ho plcisetl to bliou- good * . EDHOLEVi & ERIGKSON. orromtit I'OHTOFNCK , . J t iujh * VW AiCitlUutiiUuiltf i t tni&jUeSLiHd : * & ' WIIOI.IISAU : . \ D itin'AiL IAJIH : IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , 43TBTATK AOKNT KOU UILWAUKKK cr.MKNl' COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB More Popular than Ever. THE GENUINE Now Family Sewing Machine. Tlio popular iluimml for the OHKl'IKK SINOKH In 1979 cxrcixloi Uiat o ( anj-prcvloui year during be iuattcr | ol a century In which tills "Old lltltablo" Machine hui bctn before the public , " In 1878 wo soli ! . | , .V 300,422 Machl < Inl 70woMld . 431,107 " , Uxcuvi over any ji ) oar 74,735 " ouu HAua LAST VAHVEUK ) : AT THIS HATE ov OVER 1400 SEWING MACHINES A D/\Y / , For oriry butlnnu day In tlio ) car , REMEMBER : TIIK " OLD RELIABLE" HAT liVKHY IlKAL SINOI'.R SINGER IBWINO MACHINF. HAS THIS ISTIIIiSTHONaEST.BIMPI.K > RADi : JJAUK OABT INTO Till : MOST DUIIABLK BF.WINO 'III5 HION STAND AND ! . MACHINE KVKK YCT CQN , , 1CDDED IN TIIK AltM Op STRUCTED. . -ii 'Hi : MACI1INK. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. Principal Office , 34 Union Square , N. Y. 1,600 Subordinate Onices. In. ( lie Unltcnl Statin and Can&di , and 3,000 oflkta in the Old World nd loutU America. euplGdivvtl THE NEW YORK Has REMOVED from Orcighton Hall , llth and Farnham , to DNE DOOE WEST OF B. fie M , HEADQUARTERS , For the Largest Auortn nt , the Latoat Styles and ] * HE BEST ; QUAUJY OF HATS AND GAPS ' , THI NUT YOM COWAOT THKM Aji , BatWr youiself by T ' tb Btock. A NU