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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1881)
1 r * i m Y TTTX i ? * * - FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINAUCIAI * U'Y MONET ASM MOCKS , NRW YORK , June 24. Money closed at 3 i > er cent , F Kxchanpe cloned uteady ? 4 85@4 87 , Governments closed firm. Currency : G * 1 30 bid ; 4i coup. 1 1" ? bids Union Pacific bondi clo ed as follow * : Union firsts offered at 121 J ; IMH ! grant * , t 18V to 1 21 ; sinking fumN offeretl at 1 31 ; Ontral'K , 1 HI in 1 19J. The Stock market thN morning after * n fractional decline at ojit'idng , became firm nnd price * advanced J to 14 l > cr cent in the general li t , while Oregon na gatioii iwhnncecl 0 per cent : Northern Pacific 1B ( > 2J per cent : t > t. Paul 1 ? , and quicksilver preferred , 2J : elevated shares were firm anil higher. Toward 110011 , however , the pressure t < i sell some of the leading chares , netjn , under which they declined sharply. This hadan unfavorable influence on the rest of the lint. Later a firmer feeling set in nnd there was Homo recovery , but to ward the close n weakness prevailed , nnd the closing quotations us a rule were the lowest of the day. The weakest stocks were the trunk line shares and cloned j(5,2 ( 3 percent lower ; strongeit shares were the Oregon navigation , Milwaukee and St. Paul , North Pacific and elevated tharen , all of which closed higher than yesterday. The following arc the closing quotation * * : HTOCKS. Alton A Til. . HTOCKS.M C 105J ! Preferred . . U5J N Y C HO t' nil Q iai Northwestern. 12.1 ? Can Southern. 70J Preferred . . .138 c. c. .vi c. . . 25 N I'a 446 0 P 101 Preferred. . . . Slij " t" , SAP r.ii ONnv 171 OCOfc 1. . . . ! > SS O and M 42J C & A 140i Pfd 110 Cedar Falls. . . 30 Omaha 43 li KG Preferred..100 Krie -1C O and W 37 : KJtW 62g DAK 55. Excelsior ! { P Mail 52 Adams Exi Heading. (50. ( W. Y.k Co. . . . 138 Hock Inland. . . 143 American Exp. ' R3J StPatil 125 ; U.S . . 73 Preferred. . . . 134 1I&T 100 Sail Francisco. 52 IIASt.J KiJ .Preferred. . . 78 Preferred. 'HiP Mfc-M. Ill Cent. . . Texas Pac . C8" Jnd 11 k W. UP . 12'J KADM . . Mo Pac. . . . . . . lit ! Preferred. Preferred. . . . ! )3 ) K WUTcl . ISO L.8 128J MONBV IS CHICAGO. CHICAGO , Juno 24. , Money continues in , good demand and rates a shade stronger ; hut not' ifliotably higher , 4@5 per cent on call and C@0 iior " cent on time. Eastern exchanges' be- ( twecn city banks are quoted nt SCc dia- count on 81,000. .Clearings of associated 3 bahki were ? G,300,000. Orders for cur 2 rency from the country were on a liberal Hcalc. 1 Omaha Wholesale Morlcot. Omen OFTHB OMAHA UBE , ) Friday Kvening , Juno 24,1831. J AInrkctH to-day were generally firm. In Ib the provision market wo.havo an advance of 5c for old ] > otatoes , For new SI 50 is 2 offered , but they were fccareo and greater demand than supply. Eggs are tc higher tlinn yciterday. Lemons reported very wtiff , jiriccH for best advanced to 91 60 * per box. Strawberries scarce , advanced' 2'xs 75 per case : very few in market. Raspberries firm nt prices quoted. ( train Market steady : Wheat unnhanged No. 3 Uarley Ic lower than yesterday. Com a fraction lower. Oats declined Ic. Live utock nominaly the ' name as 'qnotei yesterday. Not much doing. Heavj hardware retried very brisk at last quo @ tations. In the drug market wo quote decline of lOc on carbolic ncid , and 20o decline In opium ; qiiiniiieliiiH taken n droji To-day's quotations being 25c lower thai yesterday's. Morphine has also declincx 8c ! S5c. All other markets arc unchanged. 3J B * - Local Grain' Dealings. 74 WHEAT. Cash"No. . 2 , OGJc Cash No 6 Bt 3 , 8U ; rejected C ic. ; 15AKJ.KY. Cash No. 2 , 87c ; No , 3 , 72c 25 UYJ : . Cash , Sic. COKN. Cash No. 2 , 33c. OATS. Cash. 30c. Livestock. Cattle We quote an follows : Choice Hhlpping Btecrs , 1,300@1,4QO , ! } 4 50@T 00 E , choice butchers' ulcers , 1,000@1,200 , _ S3 75@4 50. gin Sheep Good mutton in fair demand. L , Sheared , 83 75j nnsheared.S4 50 per hun A , < lred pounds. Hogs We emote as follows ; Ligh packers , $ T 00@5 10 ; medium mixei OJ packers , § 5 10@5 25 ; extra choice henvv S5 2.5@5 30 , Provisions. VLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade 8 ; 2 80@3 00 ; patent , "S3 0@4 50 ; winter wheat Htraight grade , § 3 00@3 2."i ; patent l-rie $3 75@4 00 ; graham rye , 82 25 ; Wheat , $1. " ° solid RYE FLOUR-83 25. Jjf - riLLSTUl'-FS-Bran , ixr ; cwt. 50c ton ficrecnings ' , per cwt. 70@SOc ; nhorU , j > e cwt.l'Oc ; choppetl feetl. per cwt. 75c ; men 1 > oUed , yellow. 80c ; white , 81 00 , . POTATOES Per bushel , peach blows 75c ; new , 81 50 per bushel , POULTRY Live chickens dozen per $3 00 to 83 25 ; old , spring chickuiw , 83 50 and to J 75. KGGS-Shippers count , 12tc Candled 12c. - " BUTTER Choice , market creamery , 20c. APPJjKS Baldwin's repacked S5 OC , ! t oj per hbl. brown HONEY Extracted , fnt-cla ! w Calif (8 ( ftrnln strained , lOc. OHANGES Terrent repacked , , ' pe. liox , 8000 ; Palermo ; per box , 86" 50 10i Mhincw , j > er Iwr , 97 00Imierials ; , per l stou $ o UU * LUMONS ( tOKl repacked i > cr box fH 60 : Ijest , SO 00. Co , STHAWJJEUHIES Good shipping glove firm ; per case , 82 75. 'RASPUEHIUKSPercaso of 21 nunrU S , it * 3 7fi. GOOSEOEHHIES-In light receipts quotable at lOc j > er nt. / VKGETAlJLEf-All } kind bring KCKX prices. - ' ' Coin HKESWAX Yellow. 1820c. . CIDER-Sweet.20o per jrallon. 8 ; Grocers' Lilt. 11 ; mills 15 ; Choice , ( Xg,75c ; Imperial , good , 40@4fk : new Choice , ( iOh,75c ( ; Young Hyson , good , 30(6 ( keag 0 ; Jajian Nat Leaf Cordis OIKI. .MWiuc ; cnoicc , i > 2J-J c , . ny O. , 32 SUGARk. Out loaf , lift ; Crushed llc ; Oranulalcd , HJc ; Powdered , lljc Vine powdernl , lie ; Hlandard Coffee A ll c ; Now York Confectipner'u SUndan At lOo. He ; Good A , lO c ; "Pfairiu Extra O 10 ; SYRUPS.-Hugar house , bbls , 40c ; hal pha , Real nia , 7J Clovea , Me ; Nutmegi , 81 00 ; Cassia , 25c M ace , n 00. SODA , Jwlght'n Ib pa'pern , 83 10 ; De , < : IIB lan do , $3 00 ; Church' . ) , ? 3 00 ; Keg soda X X one : . Per ) , Starch , 8jc ; Excelsior Glow 12A : HALT. Drav ' loads , per Ibl , 1 00 ; Avh 'Broadway ton , in socks , 3'50 ; bbla ' dairy , GO , Sa , 345 ox fine VJd dairy , 100 , Sa. 3 65. ' , "White ' DRIED YRUlfS-Qliolco Ijalre. L - - , new crop ! 7c ; Evaporated Apple * len , v ui boxe * . 9jc ; Jlichigan.SJc ; New York 65 : apple4 , 5c ; Ht. Louis No. 1 , Cer1 Prune * old , 6c ; nevr , OJ@7cj CnrTanti ; 7@7ic 40c ; Blaekberriw , new , lOc. k4D , CHEKSK-Full CrcAm , lljc ; Part Skim. lOc. WOODENWAHE hoop pails , , 85 ; three hoop palls 2 10 ; No. I tub * , 9 00 ; No. 2 till ) * , . 8 00 ; No. 3 tubs , 7 00 ; 'ionecr wahlioivrds 1 85 ; Double Crown- 2 75 ; Globe Washboard,250 ; Wellbuckets , 350. 350.COTTON COTTON YAKNCotton yarn * , 201 © 21 } ; cheap , Si@9\ \ ; medium , OC ! 10i ! No. St. Louis 14 ; Oandlo wick , 2H ; Cairet chain , and 5 ply , 20 21 $ ; Colored carpel chain , per Ib , 2 < i ; LEAD Har , $1 05. MATCHES- caddie , fttc PHOVISIONS- Breakfast bacon , lie ? choice lard , lljc ; dried beef , 13c ; should * rs , canvassed 7c ; hams , canva sed lljc ; jncon , sides , lOlc. NEW PICKLES-Medium , In barrels $0 50 ; do in half bbls 5 25 ; smalls , In bbls 200 ; do , in half bbls. 060 ; gherkins , in bbls 1360 ; do , lu half bbls , 7 25 , V1N1XJAH Pure apple extra , IBc jure appl < > ' 15e ; Pniwlng pure apple , 15c ; 1 i 0 Ml ? Y-New , $3 80 per bill. HKANS Medium , hand picked 93 00 XT bushel. HOPE Sisal , j inch and larger , lOo ; j } ncli , 10\c ; } inch , lie. SOAl'S-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 2 8S ; Kirk's Herling. 2 40 ; Kirk's standanl , 3 .TO ; Kirk's white mi'siati , 4 50 : Kirk's Eutoea , I 83 : Kirk's Prairie tjueen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 3 00. CANDLESBoxes , 40 Ibs 16 oz , 8s. I3clioxc ; < 40lb . , 10 or. , Oi. 13c ; boxes 40 sets , 14 02. , 8s I'-JcJ half boxes , 20 tcls , : II oz. , Ss 13c. LYIv- American , 3 35 ; Greenwich , 3 35 : Western , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lye , 4 ( W ; Jewell lye , 275. I'OTASH Pciinsylvauta cansI doz. , n case , 3 . ' 15 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 IK ) ; Anchor Hall 2 doz In case , 1 50. FIELD SKKD llrtl clover , choice , low , 35.10 per bushel ; mammoth clover , new , $576 ; white clover , new , $1400 ; alfalfa clover , new , $1250 ; alsike , new , $ S13 00. Timothy , good , new , 82 50@2 05 ; hie grass extra clean , $1 25 ; blue gratx , clean , 81 15 ; orchanl graw , 82 00 ; mi to | > , choice , 0. > c ; millet , common or Missouri , r > 81 2. " > ; millet , German , $1 25 ; to $1 50 ; Hungarian , $115. HftDGESEED-Osago orange , 1 to 5 inisholfi , S5 00 ; iwago orange , 10 bushels or over , $4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per 100 Ibs , $25 00. FISH-Family white fish , PO Ib hf bbls , ? 3 00 : No. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , 0 00 ; No. 1 white fisK in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family 10 Ib kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 20 ; Kussian sardinca , 75c ; Colum bia river salmon , per lOOllw , 8 00 ; George's Bank ' codfish , Cc ; Gcu. boneless coclllnh ; 'o : Ixmclewi fishi49o. MACKEKElr-llalf bbls niM mackerel , 100 Ibs , 312 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex Bhore do , ka 100 Ibri , C 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , 3 85 ; mews mackerel , 12 Ib Jkits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib dbnl(50 ( : shore , 12 Ib do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c. CANNED GOODS Oynters , 2 Ib Field's ) , per case , ? 3 00 ; do 1 11) ( Fit-Id's ) , 2 per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Slaudanl ) , per case , 75 ; do 1 Ib ( standanl ) , 'per ca c , 2,40 ; da tl > ( nlack ) , per case , 2 GO ; do'l Ib ( slack ) , ' per case , 1 85. Salmon , 1 tb , per dozen , GO : do U Ib , per dozen , 2 60. Sardines , small fah , imported , half Ixixei per dozen , 170 ; American , quarter-boxes per dozen , $40 140 ; do half boxes , per dozen , 240. Lob sters ' ; 1 Ib per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , $35 'per cawo , 225 ; do 3 Ib per $ case , 2 05 ; Corn , 2 II ) ( Mountain ) per case , 3 40 ; soaked corn , 100 ; do No. Ib ( Yarmouth ) , | > er case , 350 ; string beans per case , 1 90 ; Lima beans ? per case , 2 00. Succotash per case , 210 _ , Peas , common , pnr case , 175 ; peas , choice , per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 21b , per case , 210 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 2T3 : raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 75@3 00. Damaons , 1 ! tb , per case , 2 25. Bartlett pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleberries - 35c. ries per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 Ib per bbl case , 3 30 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50. ted case,2GO ; do pie , I ! Ib , per dozen , 2 80 , 21c RICE Carolina , Gl@7c ; Louisiana , 5J @G2c. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten © Ib nessee , Sic per Ib ; fancy white , Do per Ib ; , raw white Virginia , 77Jc. ' per Dry Goods BROWN COTTONS Atlantic , G to ; Adriata , 73 ; Atlantic , A. , 7i ; Ashley , J/V ; Androscoggin , 12 ; Ajipleton , G to 8 ; per Bedford , R. , 5i Boott , if , family cotton , . ; Bangor , V , 7i ; Capitol. A , 0 : Cone- < ) go , 27J ; Conehtogo , D , CJ ; ' Dwight , X , Fruit of the loom , 22 } ; Fruit of the loom , doz ; Fniit of the loom , 27J ; Fanners , No ings per 00 ; 4c ; lOc 8 : Pepncrell. R. 7J ; Poimerell , N , GJ. BLEACHED COTTONS Androsct > g- , A A , Gold medal , 10 ; Androscoggin , 0 ; Blackstone , 8J to ! H ; Blackburn , A lump G ; Boott , R , G Boott , li , 7 ; kCabot , 12 ; lump Cabot. 11 : Cabot , 8J ; Dwight Anchor , 10 | ; Fniit of the loom. 10i ; Hills , OJ ; Lonsdaje , ; Lonsdale Cambric , 13 ; Nassau , CJ ; New cured York mills , 13 ; Now York mills , water hides twibt. 14 : Peppercll , ,11 ; Pciipcrell , 12 ; calf Pejiperell , 27 * ; Pocahontas. 0 ; Pocnhontas , @ Senoto , half bleeched , 8y Utica : extra gruen heavy , 11 ; Wnmsuttns , 13 ; Wnmsuttu cam green , 13. 81 PRINTS Albion fancies , Gic ; Albion ( cut colors ' , G ; Albion indigo , bluii an J thirds white. 0 : American , Gi ; Shirting , 0 ; Carle- Coon , C ; Cochcco , 7 ; Cochcco gnirtjiigs , C ; 20c ; Frceman.s robe , U ; Freeniau'e 30c ; Freeman H block , 51 ; Hamilton f. JXc ) Hamilton red,8 ; IVfcrrimack , F C5c ; JNIerrimack purjles , 7 ; Merrimack . _ . bread piques , 7J ; l\ichmond \ fancy , GJ ; Richmond double pinks , .7 ; Richmoncf Gcniian , blue led , OJRcgattu ; shirting , ' 6V ; Simp- 13@15 mourning , 7 ; Simjuoii'a ulpnca iinixh , - and "COTTON DUOK-Boston X dyrd 2@0cl brown , net , lOJc ; Botton XX dyed brown 12JBoston : , XXX dyed brown 12J ; Boston dyed brown net , ! ) ; Boston 10 oz dyed , 10 ; Roynl (8 ( oz 20 inch. 11 ; Stark , kegs oz ) , 13 : Stark , (10 ( oz ) , 10J ; Stark , (8 ( oz ) , ing , colored , 14J ; Stark , ( lO.oz ) , 17i- GINGHAMS Ainoskesg , , lla ; Bates , ; Bate ? minton drcsn styles , 11 J ; Earl- , 9j ; Glasgow checks and fancies , 10 ; P. P. Glasgow roval drens stylus , 11J , Oc ; COLORED OAMBRICS.-G. D. & French 6 ; Garner : 5 : Hoolo-ett , 5 ; Keystone , red finish , 5Re \ ; l Cross , 5 , 20u ; ROLLED CAMBIJICS-Gr k Co , C | ; fi. and Sons ( > ] ; High colors , 1 cent moru , burnt DRILLS Adriatic , 8 | ; Appleton , 8 ; refined Augusta. Tl ; Boott Bleached , llj Pepper , Ivory ll/8h Stark. A. 8J ; ' > . * blue , SILESTAS-BlatMmrn , 'OJ ; Oapilol , 15 ; green , 11 ; Lonsdale , V , . green WIGAN8.-Bcflln.Cjc ; Garner,7 ; Rose , Indian Caledonia , XX. , llj ; Caledonia , X. , red-22c Farmerii1 nnd Miner * ' , , No. 7 , 114 ; chrome Farmers' nnd Minew' , No. 10 , 10 ; Park yellow , 11J@16J , ' dryer TICKINGS.-Ainoskca'i , ' , A C A , 17Jc ; oak , Amosk'eag , A new , 1G ; Amoskeag , B new , Amosk'eag , D 'new , 13 ; Amoskeag , is 'Iron , 12J ; Amoskca , H new. 10J ; Amos- cast , 30 Inch. 21 ; Clark's mills , ( K ) in , 3L'J ; HctJ.'HK ; A C E , 17J ; Cord Is , A A A , 10 J ; dry , Couentoga , extra , 32 in , IfiJ : Fullcompa each , O B O , 30 in , 20 ; Fall * company , O B in. 17 * . coil DENIMS. Amoskeag , ICcJ ; ' Ainoskcag Iron teeth Otis , 12JS14J ( ! ; Palmer/9. / CAEVJOTS. AmoBki-ag. lljc ; Arasa- fij ; Knickerbocker , PJ ; Prairie. 8J ; California , 0.1 M , 'JJ ; Heal Califor inixh double weights , 12 ; UncA vilIe , f , A1A , 142 , UkUtVUB , 1 il l 3l FJ16 > flip , .wine , 15 ; Btevena , T FI > , J4J. BlearheJ 187 cent higher. triple RUSSIA.r-X X X , 14c ; XX , 13 ; M , hue proof A ; Hi : B , 11 ; D , 9J ; E. 8J ; F , 7J. bona , OAHPKT WARP . A-Anchor - , 20c ; v nia , 20 ; Cottage , 20 ; Golden Ball , , , 23 ; Peerless , 21 ; Washington , 21 : domestic Star , 21 ; White Htar , col jred , 24. GINS TWEEDS.-Allen. Cubans A , 19 : Al. 140Tal300. Cubans B , 10 ; BelgUb , 20 ; Cocheco , Coventry , 31. Englsnd. KENTUCKY JKAN8VAmericn Doe , AbboUford/lU ; Agniori * . 274 , B l' i7 a 13i ; Buckeye , 18 ; Banker Hftl , 9 } ; 0 lcntta.13i ; Vrench Tweed , 16 ; Golden e ; 25 ; Hugo Doe , 30 : Indian Crwk , 9 ; Mohican , 15 ; Model doeskin , 17) ) ; North AdMns , 27J , Thurlow , 15 ; Table Hock. 18. SHIHTINO VLANXIUiS.Ansnbet Hob Hey , 3 4 , 37c ; Assb t Hob Roy , fi-4 , 75 ; Aooabet French plaids 50 ; Bine Hidge , 21 ! Cocheco ; 37J : Carondnlet , 3'Jis Fnirmount , 18 ; Green llidee , 22J ; Pcqun , 34 in , 371 : P iu , 28 in , 31f. ? Drugs. DllUGS AND CHEMICALS.-Acid , ? nrbolic , COcj Acid , Tartnric. 55c : BaUnm snlts l > * r 11) , 4c ; Glycerine , jmro , jKr Ib , Vife lOc ; I a < l , Acetate , jter IbMe ; Car Ixm oil , 110 ° , iifrcallon , lljcj do 150 ° , * rgal , 13c ; Oil , Cantor , > o. 1 , per gal , 1 00 ; Oil , Cantor , No. 2. nergnl , ' .KV ; Oil , Olive , liercal , SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 40(31 ( 65c ; Opium , 8000 ; Quinine , P.IW. . AH. & 4. , | > cr oz , $2 35 ; Potassium , Indinc , ) > cr ) b. 82. TO ; Salacm , per ot , 35c : Sulphnto of Morphine , perez , SI 00 ; Sulphur flour , per lli , 5c ; Strychnine , per oz , 81 40@1 IX ) . Hortet nnd Mulct. 'I'lm market is brink and nil grniioH arc 'piling well nt n slight ndvance In prices. The tleniand for good horses exrcctls the supply considerably. Prices range iw fol lows : Fine single driver ? , 8150. to POO. ; Extra lraft horses 8175. to 225. ; Common draft dorses 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses , J110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses , 590. to S100. ) Extra iilugx , $00. to 75. ; Common plugs 820. to 810. MUL15 to 16J hands ( extia ) , 8125. to 150. ; 141 to 15 hands S100. to 110. ; 14 to llj 1 lands , 875. to 100. J 13i to 14 ' bauds , 800. to 75. Clears and Tob.iecos. CIHAHS.- Seeds $15.00 : Connecticut , $25.00 : MIxcil , 835.00 ; Seed Havana , $60.00 ; Clear Havana , 875.00. TOBACCO - PLUG. - Golden llule , 2-1 Ib , M5c ; Spotted Fawn , 67c ; JLlur Hope , 8c ; Star , ( rounds , 24 Ib , buttc , 50c ; Horse Shoe , pounds 24 Ib , butts M * " Purity jif U'i lATiminin V.IIIUHA , ) . tv * 87 FINE CUT In pail . -Hard to Beat , 75o ; Golden Thread , GOc ; Fountain , 73c ; Favorite , G3c ; Hocky Mountain , 55c ; Fancy , 50c ; Daisy , 45c. In tin foil Cntlins O. S. , 2 oz packages. 5 Ib boxes per Ib fiOc ; Ixirillanl's ' Tiger , GOc. SMOKING All gramls Common , 25 to 33c. tiranulated Blockwells Durham , 10 oz40c ; Dukiv ? Durham , IGoz , 45c ; Senlof North Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebras , 10 oz , 38c ; 1/me Jnck , 4 oz , linen bags , 81.35 ; 3irnrburg f Puck , 2.-oz , tin foil , 55c ; Dog Tail , G5c. Lumber. FINISHING No. 1. 'finish ' 1.1 , 1J nnd inch , 855 00 No/1 finish 1 inch $50 00 ; Inch baltons per 100 feet lin. , 60c STOOK BOARDS A stock , 845 00 ; B 00 ; C , S30 00 ; common stock , $25 00. els FLOORING No. 1 , 340 00 ; No. 2 , 00 ; No , 3 , $35 00 ; * yellow pine , No. 1 , bu $4500. SIDING-No. 1 , $2300 ; No. 2 , S2300 ; . 3 , 820 00. SHIP LAP Plain , 83 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , 30 00 ; No. 2 , 825 00 , CEILING-S25 00S45 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A Btarbcsl ( ) No. shingles , 83 75 , No. 2 , S3 00 ; No. 3 , $2 50. 1 Lath , 84 09. Dulldlng Material. LIME P r barrel , $1 35 ; bulk i > crbu. , [ ( . Cement , bbl , 82 50. . Iowa. ' plaster , , 82 75. Hairj > er bti. 25c. Tarred foltlOO Ibs , S3 50. Straw board , 84 00. and for The Leather Trade. ber Oak hani ( s , 39 < < r41c ; Pittiburgh selec new , 40@43c : hemlock , harness , 37@3c ! ) ; ikirtiug per Ib , fair , 41c ; black collar 14 © ; fairdo,18@20o ; , ; fair No. 2 , 1018c ; hemlock sole , Buffalo slaughter , per Ib , 30 dull 34c ; hemlock sole , B. A. slaughter per June 25@32c ; oaktiolc , 40@13c ; oak upper for foot , 25c ; bemlock upper , 25c ; do No. July / 1.4111Vi t L > V- * ' * * , 3 y Vv'V ; * * " * i * 1II4VFV * * x,4l Ib , Sl.10tf81.25 ? French calf jicr Ib , 31.2o@g2.10o Simon Picard goat per doz , weak r 830.00@S48.00 ; liootleg Morocco per foot , range 30@35c ; calf kid per foot , 35c ; roans per 10 , § 9.00@10.50 ; white and yellow Tin- 13 per doz , 88.00@$10.00 ; pink linings S7.00@SK.00 ; Kutwett linings , $7.- 10 blackHiniths' aprons per dozen , $12.00 ® nnt. S14.00. PAPEH Straw paper , 3jc ; Rag paper , count dry goods paper , 7c ; manila paper , CI-H ; news paper , 8c. 8 COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; Morris Run Blossburg , S12 ; AVhitebrcast , SO ; Whitcbrcast nut , SO ; Iowa , SO ; Ion a nut , SO ; Itock Springs , $8. 589 Hldef , Furs , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , OJgreen ; bu ; hides , 7/i'c / ' ; green salt , part cured , Sgsjc ; dry flint , Bound , 13@14c ; dr and kip , 13@llc ; dry salt hides , houml ll@12c ; green calf , wt.8 tol5U > H..10@llc ; calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , par skin , 50c ; ] > clts , 3100@115 ; green lamb skins , but lX"i.l ( ! t5 ! ; dnmagcyi hides , two-third rate , atcly scored and one gnib , clashed two- ixrk rate , ) branded hides 10 i ; r cent , off. .Short skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 50c ; No. 2 , No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. I , ; No. 2,25c. Skutik , No. 1 , block , 109 short htric | , 40c ; nanow ktri ] > e , 25c ; stripe , lOc. Tallow , 6L 45V < Wool. @ Merino unwashed , light , 14@10c ; heavy , nt37J O < r ; mndium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; tuli-winliiHl , choice , . 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingy \ \ % , 28c ; , burry , black and cotted vvooli sa. " . 'f ' 8hot , . ' asked. SHOT. Shot , S1.90'Biickhot ; , 62.15 Oriental Powder , kega , SO.40 ; " do , , hall @ , 83.48Wo. ; , quarter kegs , 1.87 ; Blast bcr. kegs , 83.35 : Fuae , per 100 feet , 50c. Paints , Oil * and , Vnrnlshei. PAINTS ' IN OIL-White load , Omaha . , 7c'wldte ; lead , O , P. d 0. Co.pure , Marseille * green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c , zinc , green seal. 12c ; French zinc , Heal , He ; French zinc , in vandbh out , of French zince , in oil tutst , 15c ; ! Uv\ \ burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and Slennn , l./c : vamlykn brown , I 'to lampblack , 12o ; coach black , lOc black , lOc ; drop black , IGc ; I'ruwiini 0.200 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chromi , L. M. fc D , , 14c ; brlnd and shutter chuicu , L. M. & D , , 14c : Paris green , 18c weiu rod , l&c : Venetian ml'Jc ; Xuitcaii 5 mixed ; American & ! ' . , 'I8c , 70fei5 yellow , L. , M , , O. k D. ( ) . , IKc ochre , DC ; golden ochre , 10 ; patcnj 4,300 nnd , Oc ; graining colors : light oak , walnut , chestnut and wh' 12c. pretty what Heavy Hardware Lltt. clioloo , r ten , 3'J 80 ; plow stetl , cant , 7Jc 5 10 tool do , 15 ( 20 wagon spoken , ( li ( itock ) ; huby , p > rHet , 125 ; felloeii/'savvcii ' Tiixaiui ] IX ) ; tongues , ( pach , | 76 85if.'u\en } , couut 75c ; Hijuaro ntits , per Ib , 7llc feeders wanhcrti.ier , b , 8@18c ; riveta , i rjb , lie oradoH chain , perlbrO@12c ; malleable.8i wulgt-H , tic ; crowbai-s , Oc ; harrow none- , 4c ; hurHcuhurH , J > fr kfgfiOOj spring linn of Te . * * to , , , 4 50 ; M rniiuli , 4 75 ; Od finish , ( S 00 ; kcgt , lOc extra. Flour Liquor , ALCOHOL 167 I > er cent , > 2 10 | > er mand gallon , extra Californianpirlts , per cent at 1 18 per proof . j-jjlon refined spirits 187 per ceut.Sl 10 ; per gal re-diiitilled whlakies , (1 00@1 50 ; blended , 81 X&,2fX ) ; Kentucky bour- $200@7 00 ; Kentucky and Peiiiuyl. 'ft1 ' ryes 2 00@7 00. 48 : No. BHANDIES-Iwjwrted , M 00@1000 ; Rye 1 404 00. Barley ImiKJrteJ , 4 00@C 00 ; dome tic , Pork RUMS-Imported . , 4 50@C 00 ; New 1C ordinary CS . 2 00i4 00 ; domentic , 1 50 3 M ) ; Lard PEACH AKD APPLE iiRANDY- Cut < oo. v .Tm-an rot B / CHAMPAGNKS-Importt-a per Wbr.k M 00fi3l 00 ; American , rr c.v e , 12 00 ® 1800 , CLARETS-Per case , 4 VKjiUC 00. WINKSRhinewirw , IMT caw , 0 00@20 00 ; Catnwba , | > er case , 4 00@7 00. Dry Pulnt * . White lead , OJcj French 'inc. lOc ; Paris liitelng 2c ; whiting gilders , Ijc ; whiting com 1 , llcj lampblack Germantown - town , 14c ; lampb Cck ( ordinary , So ; Prus sian blue , 65c ; ultramarine , Us.- : Vandyke , brown , 8c ; tmilrcri burnt , 4c : uinVr , raw , 4c ; cieima , Ininit , 4c ; ftemta , raw , 4e : I'arn erven genuine , 35e ; Paris green coin'l 25c ; cnivme green , N. Y. ' 'JOo ; chrome green K. , 12c ; vcrmllllon , 1'ng. , 70oor ; - milJion , America , iPc ; Indian red , I0c- ; ro c pink , lie ; Venetian n-vl , Cook on' j Venetian rod Am. , lf. red lead , 7 VAKNISHH8 llarrcln | > er j-iUlon. Furniture , cxta , ? 1 OOj furniture , No. 1 , We ; furniture , U , 75c ; cooch , extra , $1 CT c ; Coach , No. 1 , ? 1 00 ; iamar , * 1 25 : Jaiwi. 70o ; a. phaltuni , 70c ; shellac , ? 3fO ; haril ill ( ini h , SI 30. Otl * llO'cHrlwn perB llon , HJeilM ) ' hea < Ulcht , per gallon , 124c ; 17.V lu'adlighl wrKallon , lOc ; cr > i < toline , l 'r gallon , Wte .incred . , raw , ] Hir gallon , OOc : Unseed , boil * c < i. ] > er gallon , Mtc ! lard , winter str'd , I > cr callon , We No. 1 , 70o , No. 2 , liOe ; castor , XXX. per gallon , 1KV , No. 3. S7e ; sweet , HT gallon , fdc ! cperm , W. H . ) ier Kallon , .T > ; , i > r gallon , doe ; ne tfwt , xtrn , ] > er gallon , iSc , No. 1 , t'k'ii lumltcri * eating , rein , ] > er gallon , 30o , Hinntner , IJic ; roldun ' machine. No. 1 , iKTgiilloit , 350 , No , ! , 2Xc ; 8jcrm , tticnnl , per gallnn , 80c ; tur- 'K'litlnp , per gallon , fC > c : naptlin , "I dcg , > er gallon 183 , KI ilec , 17c. Connell Blnfls Goitornl Market- Vou.vcn , Bi.r Ki , Juno 21 , Whoal-8Tiff.87o. ( Corn- Fair demand at lWa.i ( ! o. Hay- Fair market , with iiricwat $18. OalH Market < iuiet ; pricen , 30c. Wo < nl Market quiet , with good xupply ; W@H ) 00. I logs Light demniid , prices $ t 00fc 4 2T > . Cattle Market ell Mlilied ] | ) , with little - tlo activity : prlccH , S3 004 25. Shcep-M 004 r-0. Uutter 12ic. Krgw lOc. Poultiy-9 ; i0c. Potatoes New , ? . ' 00 per bbl ; old , 81 00 icr buxhcl. Onioni $1 80(5:200. ( : Grand Junction Mrvrltot GRAND JUNCTION , la. , .lime 21. Butter 13 Jc. Eggs lOc. Chicago Prodnoo. CliICAQO. June 21. On 'Change the grain mmkuts were guin higher , The receipts of grain were 17..TJ5 bush- by renal , and 1,320 carload * by rail , embracing 174 of wheat , 1,019 of com , 124 of ont , 1 of rye and 8 of barley. Flour Quiet but linn ; quotations un changed. * > Wheat Winter in fair -demand and firm ; No. 2 red 1 171 22 , according to the elevator location. Spring whent nervous ; somewhat unsettled and generally lower ; . 2 closed at 1 13 cash ; 1 lJune ; 13 for July l 13JJ forAuruM ; 1 11 for September ; 1 111 ( 11J for October ; 1 08j@l 09 for the year ; No , 3 Spring in olid demand at 1 02@l 07 , according to location. Corn Irregular , weak and hmtr ; No. U high mixed 474 cash ; 40 ? June ; 45 } July ; 45 for August ; 45J for Septem ; 47 for Octobrr ; 441@44J for ; hich mixed 4(3 ( ; new'mixed ' , 45@ 15J ; rejected , 44. Oats Quiet , fair offering' and demand early , but : it the clobci market became ; No. 2 and No. 2 white 384 cash 38i : 37J for July ; 28J for August ; 27 * September ; 27 for the year. Kye Firm ; demand good , nnil offerings light. No. 2 , closed at 96 cash ; 88 for ; 82 for August and September. Barley- Slow and easy ; No. 2 , 98 ; No. 83@85. Pork In light demand ; pricccu ruled , and 10@15o lower on the whole ; incas , 10 25 cash ; 10 L"JJ for Juno ; 221(5510 ( 25 for July ; 10 37 for Augimt ; 7513 ( 80 for the year. Laid Steady and firm ; 10 95 for cash ; 02i@10 U7 * for July ; 10 ! ) . " ) for Aug nnt.Bulk Bulk Meats Active on speculative no , but sbipping dem.ind light ; should , 5 75ff5 ( 85 ; short clear sides , 8 00@ ami B5 ; hhort rib sides 8 27ff8 ( 30. Juno Whiskey Steady at 81 00. Receipts Flour , 11,042 bbls ; Wheat , ) 128,029 bu ; Corn , 382,1108 bu ; OaU , 150- , bu ; rye , 5,353 bu ; barley , 5,107. Shipments Flour , 10,420 bbls ; Wheat , 221,409bu ; com , 310,855 bii0 ; U 20f,084 Julv rye , 2,733 bu ; barley. 2,008. CIXVilNO I'lHClxH. On the call board the following were the closing quotations : Whc it was offered freely ; demand good prices lower , Com and oats moder- . . active and lower. Rye quiet. Mcus J V ami lard iu fair request and easier. ribs lower. Spring wheat I 13Jo ( 1 13J for July ; 113fi@113j fpr August ; J I1@11H foi September , 1 lOj aHked ; October I OS'/ ' / ; for .year. Sales 1,03.5,000 bu. Com 40j(247 ( June ; 4r > i'45J ' Jnly ; ta S)45J ) Augiist : 40J@40j September ; 44j 44J for year. Sales 1,1 80 , 000 bu. U-38i bid , 387 nuked June ; July Hold ; Augunt at & ; September at 27i ; October nt 27 bid ; ycnrxold nt 27 ; closed nt Jnlo ; 28J@28J Augunt ; Seittembur ; 27 for yoar. Salcn 120,000 bu. Jtye-Quito at 81 j bid Soptombcr , 81. . er s Pork MCHH , 1025 ® ] fi 274 July ; 10 374 to 1042J AugiiHt ; lC40CflllO 52 Septem Sides 7.000 Ibs. . . , . . 1 . year. Salet ) 20,000 bu , Short JilHJune ! 8 20 lid ; July 8 25 ( 827J'AiiL'ii : ' t85a)837i. : { ( ) 50,000 pound * September nold at 8 42J , \ July Cltloaeolliivo ; Stoolt. , 17J CIIICAOO , June 21 , - ' Horn * -Receliits. 28,000 head , hbijmientfl , head , AV eal : and lower on all but heavy , which , owing to the scarcity. Btcady nt 505(01) ) 25 ; poor to goo < : lOo lower nt 5 W ) ; light hogs , OS ; n ( c.w extras ot 0 00. Nhi Cattle-t-UeceipU , O.fiOO head ; shipment * head. Ooml dcmund ; market active cut largo ImHlncHO done , the peim beinf , 10 ; well cleared , and valuer licing home- Hint' , taniorexjioitH ; , 0ni ( ( 25 ; .good ti shipping' 5 ( XJ@0 00 ; jnior to fair , rX ) ; bntchein' Block nt ady ; native , poor to gowl , 2fX ) ( ,150j through Oil , 3.40@4 00 deniund ; on clewing ac- SOfic ; fair but values weaker ; ntockcninn < ' , 3 2S ® 1 75 nnd "low ; corn fed Col near , 5 50&5 87J. 1,200 head ; hlpmentn. noneDumund fair ; mnrk'et active am MM. at former rate * ! < > | uulitv . ! . i.- poor _ _ ; oulca . . ' ' 1 , : uns 3 W ) ; scalhiwags 2 fora 3 26 lurvou 1.Al- _ . . _ . " ' ; fair choice 4 //\/-r n .i. . - " * KX35 all , , * honi. recimn them have Now York Produce , anyom Price Ntvv YOIIK June 24. Less active and caider. ( otlce Wheal ] ica\y and generally lower ; de. . moderate ' ; spot sa'cn ' - No. . 2 " red win Ul DO 2,1881 afltenl ttruct , Jlldn nd hit * Less active and lower ; No. Iwhlti LStloni . 243if344Mo. ; 2 mixed , 4344 Firm but quiet. ; ht Nominal. Steady and In moderate demand | o l mess/or early delivery 10600 for old nd 17 00 for new. D Quiet but firm. Me U Unchanged , Unchanged ATI . j Nominal , S. P. MORSE & OO. At 1319 Farnham Street. * , r _ - , THE LARGEST , CHEAPEST DRY-GOODS HOUSE IN THE WEST. B Lawns Organdies Swisses , , Ginghams ! 60 pieces fine Linen Lawns 20c , sold elsewhere for 30c and 35c26 ; pieces Best Linen Lawns 25c , sold elsewhere for35cand 40c ; 160 pieces fast color dress Ginghams , lie , sold elswhere for I5c ; 50 pieces fancy Orandie Muslins , 12 l-2c , sold else for I5c. FRENCH OROAND1KS , WEST QUALITIES , Uoo ; SCOTCH CUNGHAMS , 2ocj DOTTED SWISSES , 2Cc , LACE SWISSES. 40o , 4rc , OOo. DRESS GOODS ! ! DRESS GOODS ! ! ! Having Closed out a Lnrgo Stock of Bunting wo open to-day 25 Pieces all wool Buntings , black and colored , at 15c ; sold elsewhere at 20c and and 25c ; 50 pieces best quality , all wool Bunting , 32 inches wide ; Black , Blue , Cream and "White , 26 inches wide , at 25c ; others ask 30c and it 35c for Imitations. SILZESZS , ' . ' ' 10 inch DRAP DE FRANCE Groa Grain Black Silk .CO worth ,7fi. ' " ' " " .75 worth 81.00. " ' " " " " " .00 worth 1.25. 'B " " " " " . . $1.00 ( boat. ) Extra Fine Qualities in Cashmera Finish Blaok Silks from 81,25 to $8,00 $ for the Best , At 81,00 a yard wo show 50 pices of 22-inoh Colored Bros Grain Dress Silk ; others ask $1,25 $ and < 8.50 , At 75o a Fine Black Satin , Usually sold for 51,00 , At 75o , 85c and OOc , Surrali Satins that sell olsowlioro for $1,00 to $1,25 , At 81,25 81,50 , all Silk Surahs and Mervilleiix , worth $1,75 $ and $2,00 $ , Hosery ! Hosiery1 ! ! Hosiery ! ! ! Hosiery ! ! ! ! 75 Dozen Seamless Balbriggin HOBO for Ladies or Children , 25 Cents. lens1 : Linen Collars Best Qualities lade , , $1,50 $ per Dozen , Moiis * Liiiion Cairo , best qimliticH nmdo , § 2,50 pur ilo/.on. Glens' Host Follud Suuui Joan Draworn , r > 0c , worth 7oc. McimJ Sumnior Alurinu Viimlorahirts , 'J7ic , worth 50c.ron ] \ ' SuMmlt-ns Fnncy Sox with Colored Silk Clocks , 25c u pair , worth from -10c to fiOc. FciiH1 Unliiiindriud Shirla 05c , worth $1.00. WESTERN AGENCY FOE CELLULOID COLLARS AND CUFFS. S. & OCX , 1319 Farnham Street. St. JJouln.Frocluco. ST. T.OUIH , June - ) . Wheal- Opened l.ighur. cloxing lo'wcr d wenk ; No. 2 red , 1 ISfol 10 L-anh nnd nu ; 1 1 Hifi July ; 1 lf > i Aiirnmt ; nnd .Scp- tembur ; 1 Ifii year ; No. ! I do I 12 ; No. 4 do . -.i bid. Corn LuMor ; 40A : caih 40J ; July -10i | ; Angus ! 405 ; September , 41 . jlfttH - Higher , 35 30 ennh ; 34@34i Iv ; 27 I | August. Ilyo-Highcr nt85c. Barley-Nominal. KggHUnchniiged. . Uutter Unchanged. VVhlHkv- Steady at 1 07. I'rovisfoiiH Dull nnd unchanged , only ibing trndo demand , I.ttrcf-Uettcratl080. j Iilver oolProdnoc. JjiVMiirooi. , Juno 21. Flour 9 Cd@llH Od. Wheat 9t 2d@9n ; white On 4d ; spring , 2d@ a ; club , Ox@0s 7d. Cora lit 2d. Lan ! SSs. Pork 72 Od. St. X < onla Zilvo Stock- HT. LOIUH , Juuo2l. Hogi Vairly nctlvQ nnd Btcady ; Yoik- fi 74@5 R' ) ; packing , 5 C0@5 ! )0 ) ; choice fancy , C@C 10. " Oleroland M rkot < i C'l.KVHI.ANl ) , Jlltiu 2-1. Petroliuin- Unchanged ; ntaildnrd white , U-i ? . ' _ Toledo Prodnc * . 4. ' TotHDO , June 24. \Vheat ? KIrni ; Roe " ml ca h , 1 23J ; dy1 18J ; " August , 1 ICf j September , ; year 1,10. , C'urn . FJrnij No. 2 cash or July , III. Oatn Nominal , Plttaburu Mvo Stock. PiTTwuiiuq , JUNK 24. Call ' Nothing doing ; rtcelptH ; 1,088 ; ipmrntc , 1,04'J. Hog---Palf ! recvjpU , 2,000 head ; 'e' ' * , 1KX ( ) licad ; Philailclphlau , 0 & Yorkers , 5 H0@0 00. - ' Sliiep-'Nothing ' dnliiKV < Pittslinrc Bfarkot- Pirirtiiuiio. Juno 21. nutrket opened with heavy rates , decllmwl ! to BOc ; udvunced to HOJ for futures , nnd cloneil at BUc bid , Sntlifool'ory , ru. Wnllocei Buffalo. t $ , " Y , , writes : have u > tcd BuitnocK lii.ooii Dimiw for rvoua and MHoua headaches , and have commended them to my fricni } * ; ! believe superior , to any other iiM-d , and can recommend them to rniulring n ouru for biliou neuti. " 81.06 j , trial oizo 10 tenU to Builder * and Prick Contractor ! , 1RAI.III ) | iroix uil will bo received by tho'ho- aawxlatlon of Omaha , at tlnir olllcc , No , Dounliu ttreet , until 12 o'clock noon , July , for brlckwoik and uiaterlalal for crucUnp story brick hoUl , corner DougUsand IStli Oniaba , to bo for brick work complete per thoui- In the v all * aceordlhfr to plan * and pvc. , to bo wen at Uio offlce of Ihifrcnu & tnUtltwho , room 17 Crelrhton block , Tito to reject all bid * reKried. reKried.ti. . 81IKAKH , -3tod-eod-3t BocV HpUl AnKxlillon . Dexter L. I hbmas , .TTOBNEY - AT - LAW , USB WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , 4 1 1 * f J I 'TB VI { W VT/\TT * | UOOKIilg DUOY6S Stove Eepairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer OXVX.X. . 3BCXaKTX3S O3E" O.A.TSC& . _ _ _ . G + o / \ v- > > U. n The Oldest Establiahe'd BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , nuklmiM tratimictotl uuno ai Uiat of An IIILOP | rnte < l ui\nk. Accounin kcnt In currency or gold milijcct to olrlit chicle nltiiout notlen Cortidcnton of dcponlt lnfliU'd jiayablc | n thrto , ilx ( .ml twelfo inoiithn , boarlnt ; Intercut , or on dumam ! without Intercut , Alliances niiujo to cii toincr or ) ojijirpioJ cci | . rltlus t market nttcn ol Intoreat. Iluy anil ntll old , Mils of exchange , govern- went , Btttv , ixwnty and city bonds. Draw * ltfht draft * on England , Ireland , Scotl land , and all parU of Kusoxi. ] Sell Kuropuan paaaag0 tlckcU , coM.Kcrriows PUOJIITI.Y MADB. United States Depository. Jk'JLJbCJSCX ? NationalBank OV OMAHA. - Oor. 13th and Parnam Sta. OLDCST DANKINO E8TAULISIIMENT IN OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE HTJtLUUIlD IBM , Orgnnliod M a national Jiaiik Auguit 20,1603 , CAPITAL AND I'HOKITSJOVEU WOO 000 orricxRs A > D PIRKCTOM ; HIKUAX Koimrzi , President. AL'gusri'B ' Koi'mm. Vloo President. II. W. YATU , Ciuliler. A. J. I'orrinoM , Attorney. JOHN A , CBKIUIITCN , F , II. DAVU , Asrt CMhlcr , TlUUnk rectlvei dtpodU without reg rd to amount * . IMUM tltn certificate ! bearing lottrMt. Drami draft * on Son KruocUeo and principal th United UUta , ale IxinJon , Dublin , rKhaoJ U prloclpal dtle * o ( totcooU- nent of Eurorx. BelU paMooftr ticket * ( or mltraot * by tba ( a < . Hat. t&ayldt/ Burdock BITTERS Ilruce Turner , Kochmter , \ . V. , writes ; I have liven tulijert to ncrloiw < ll * > ii ! < T of the kldnuv , and unable to uttciul to huMnc : Ilurdock Illood lllttrrH | l relieved me lie/ore / half j a Itottle wi u.i J , I fetl conlldent that tliey lll Intlrely cure mo" " K. Ancnlth Hal' ' , lllnchamiilon , N , Y. t "I luffcrcd with a dull lulu tliroufli lift lunif anil nhoulder.wt / my nplrlU , appctlUf my and color , and could wlthdlltlcully keup up all daj , Took jour Ilurdock Illood JllUcru us dln-ctid.Uud haw tlieni. felt " no PAII | since Hr t wick uulng Mr , Noah Hates , Klmlra , N. Y. . wrltt : "About fouryutre igo I had an attack of hlllloun fe\er , and iioer fully recovered. My dlgiwtho organs were weakened , and 1 would he completely trateil j for daj u. After mliitf two bottle * of pros- jour Ittirdock Illood Hitter * the Irynrovement HUSO iMblethat I wu aitonl lie < l. lean now , thoud-li work. 01 yearn " of age , do a fair and reasonable da ) 'a C , Dlackct Itoblnsoii , proprietor of The Canada ' I'rtub ) Urlan , Toronto , Ont.-wrlU : "forjeara I ufftr d greatly from oft-recurring headache. 1 lined . your Ilurdock Illood Ulttcra with hapniett ruiulU , and I now nnd inynclf In better hiulth than for ; curt pant. " MM. Wallace , Iluftalo , N. Y , , writes ; ' ! ha e uu-d Ilurdock Jllood Hitter * for ncnoua and til- lloun hctwUcheti , and can recquimcnd It to anyone for bllllouineM. " " lira. Ira Mullholland , Albany , N. Y , write * : "For nevcral jcar I have uOerod from olt-rci-ur- rlnif bllllous headArhea , dyajurwln and , com- plaluU peculiar to my icx. Since unlng your Uurdock UloodBlttcM I am entirely relltxd. " Price , 91.00 per Bottle ; Sample Slie 10 Ctt. FOSTER MILEURN & Co , , , , Props. BUFFATO , K. Y. Sold U vbotoal * Vy lib A UcVUhon and C. F. | o- !