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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1881)
ff 3 HE OMAHA DAILY BEE TT.TnrrrrpTr \nrr\rrpTr n AT A TT A R A TTTT ? H A V J1TXTT ? OS 1 Qftl Houses , 10TS , FARMS , LANDS BEMIS Real Estate EXCHANGE 15th & Douglas OMAHA , NEB. -V.J - innn RESIDENCE LOTS , < 4:000 ' $100to 2MOcaeh 918,000 each " m BUSINESS LOTS , m $200 to $10,000 each. FARM9 500,000 ftflfi ACUK3 1N " y rtA ACKE3 IN SA.UPY COUNTY LARGE AMOUN ; "O Subnrbaii .Property , SN ONE , 'TEN , TWENTY on FOHTY-AOUE LOTS , WITHIN ONE TO I'lVE JHLE3 FnOM rOSTOFKICE. $250,000 TO LOAN AT 8 Per Cent , . NEW MAPS OF OMAHA , PUBLISIIEO BY HUB AQENOV , 25c each ; Mounted , $1. Houses Stores , Hotels , Farms , Lots , Lands ; Offices , Booms , ' etc. , etc. , TO RENT OR LEASE. j Taxes Paid , Rents Collected , Deeds , Mortgages , and all Kinds of Real Estate Documents Made " Out at Short Notice. This agency does strictly a Brokerage business. Does not speculate , and therefore any bargains on its books are in sured to its patrons instead 01 being gobbled up by the agent , Notary Public Always - -Tr-j .in' Office. i AND GKT-CIRGULAKS &nd FULL PAUTICUIiAnSat ; Ka BBMIS' * r Eeal Esate Exchange - , 15TU AND A GENERAL STAMPEDE. Assemblymen Leaving the Oity and the Vote To-Morrow WiU bo Reduced - 'ho Dotnocrotio Policy is to Secure an Adjournment as Soon as Possible. Fjwor of Prolonging1 to the End of the Year. AI.II.VNV , Juno 21. The joint con- ention resumed its session at noon , jiout.-d'overnor lloskins presiding , 'he iirat ballot for successor to Conk ing resulted : Colliding IJO , Wheeler 45 , Cornell , Lnplmni IU , Folgcr 1 , Roach 1 , .tasking 2 , Potter 44 ; total 107. The first ollicial joint ballot for Mail's successor resulted : Dopow 40 , vornan 45 , Platt 2" , lIuskina.Craw- ) y ii , Cornell 7 , Trcmaino 1 , Lsiplmm 4 ; total 1 7. After thoballol for Plait's successor i motion was made to adjourn. Son- itor Madden demanded the ayes and mys. The'half brood loaders iniine- Imtcly protested thai they should not uljourn , thu adjournment prop osition was simply a scheme of the talwarls niiddomocrats , nnd il is well underalood that it was their plan .to iruvout an election this session. Ya- ions speeches were nia'de oil botl ides. II finally resulted in an ad ournment. Ayes 70 , naya GO. Dispatches have boon Deceived hen nsking whether the adjournment o he joint convention js final , or unti o-morrow at noon. In accordance with the joint rules adopted , the adjournment is fo : wonty-four hours only , .and. nl tlcmp'lrf 'to < mislead regarding , thp fleet of the "vote for adjournincii ire party Hellenics , intended to cft'ccl Htblic opinion. THK ALBAKV FKACAH. ' . t AJ.IIANV , Juno 24. Oonkling am : ? latt wont to'Nbw York 'on the af- .ernpon tr.iin. The assemblymen are oaring the city at"such a. rapid rat * hat it is probable the vote t'j morrow will bo reduced to Iho lowest figure rot attained. Thoanxicly to adjourn s increasing. In the balloting to day , Brooks plainly said that tlio democratic policy was to secure nn adjournment-as soon as possible. Ho said the balloting has showfi conclu sively that an election at present is Impassible nnd the contcsl could ' nol DO settled except by an appeal to the pooplo. < Brooks' position on this jueation received no opposition from any but the "half broods , " and was ; indirectly approved. by , - Draper , the Albany stalwarts. The f'hnlf broods' all opposed any attempt > at adjourn ment and said the election must be if the session should bo prolonged until the und of thu year. It may bo accepted as a settled fact that the stalwarts and Democrats have agreed together to fight for an adjournment and secure it as soon O3nossiblobyaiiy means in their power. The luill- breeds have resolved to fight tlic ad journment-programme andi have de a termined to pass , if possible , the con current resolution and put an imme diate end to all legislation this season nnd confine business altogether to that of electing the senators. Evidently web a resolution would pass. If it should , then , its iirst effect would bo . to lesson the atlcndancu of democratic members. They would consider them selves absolved from duty attending thu session by an act ending . legislation. Those democrats who have openly agreed ill along that the question of electing < senators noror did ndong to the pres ent iogislatuYo , and 'assorted their willingness to get rid of the questions in any way possible. II is known thai they have sympathized with half breeds and considered thorn entitled to senators if the above resolutions should pass. These democrats , would go homo ind let thu fight take care of itself. Their absence would just about re duce the total vote to that figure , making the half broods strength to eloqt. It is now possible that the presentation-of- IJradloy investigating committee wijljbo made is anoccasion to bring1 about an attempt to break the dead lock. The indica tions now- are that three Republicans will bo made first , for tlio stalwarts on tlio committee will present a majority report , which will bo long and care fully prepared and will take the ground that Bradley's charge has been sus tained. It will go further and dwell upon the general state of corruption or nllogod to have boon shown as exist ing in'tho present' contest , It will sliow that the corruption boa boon all OK ono aide. by Chairman Scott told an agent of the national associated an press to-nighl that the report would nol ho made for several , is days ; probably nol until the end , or probably the begin ning of the week after. Skinner will make a minority report , showing thai be investigation had A. proven nothing bul Suuion'a innocence of Bradloy's charge , and the non-existence of cor ruption in the legislature. Brooks and Stanley will make an other minority report , nnd this will bo or indirect , and will take grounds Urn or none of the chirgca , Jiavo 'boon , sus tained. Brooks reports certain Bug gestions in view of the gravity of the charge of Bradley. MEXICAN MATTERS. POSITIVELY OK Mexjcp , Juno 24. The government 'positively ' declines th consideration of fho foreign deb ( ( IN1IIAN , . the It is" roportdd 'that Iho Indiana who all were transferred to the Clffliuhuan reservation have broke loose Iwi killed.1 aoyehteeif " citizens Yjot vflorita Oki . been ordered to the field , SPORTING RECORD. 'atlon I AModMed 1'rcc * . PEOIIIA , Juno 24. Tlio second ay's rcgnttn was wltncmod by n VMt rowd. The water was rather rough , n the first race , senior double , there voro Are entries , nnd ft beautiful start iffectod , but the MinnosotnSj of St. . \uil ) took the lend nnd held it to the itoso. miming in 14:42 : , the Sylvan , > f Moline , 14:42 , Modoc , of St. /mis , 14:47. : The others merely cored the distance two miles * In the four-oarotl rncoj .tho 'oorin , Blirlinijton and Kcoktik rows entered. The IJurliujjtona got ho load nnd ntuck t6 it , winning in 4.149 , Kcokuk 15:14J : , and Pcoria 5:174 : ; distance two miles. The" most oxcitintr rnco of the entire regatta was the senior single , iu which hreecrows started : Munford , of Now Drlenns , Muchtnorp , of Chicago , nnd Jeastly , of Pcoria. Attempts luul eon made to disqualify Munford for his rnco on the ground that he was n jrofcssioiml , according to the rules of ho association , but the objections voro not allowed. At the start Much- nero took the lead for the first thrco- Minrlers , bill was overhauled by Mutt- enl , wjio reached Iho home stnke two ongths in advance. Time : Munford , fi:5DX : ° ; Muclnnoro , lD2i ( ! : ; Reastluy , .0:0 : l j ; distance , two miles. Thu senior four , seven entric.1 , six tarled ; The Poorios , Sylvans , Mo- iocs , Minnesota * ) , and Burlingtons tarted out in splendid style , Pcoria 'oing'to the front but pulling top fast stroke to last long. Burlington mllcd ou { on the first eight , nnd-the ilinnesotai rounded the mile stake " irat . and led nil the way down ; Time , "ilinneotos , 13:31 : ; Poonns , 13D7 : ; Dix- ns , 14:04J : ; Sylvans , 15:15 : ; Modocs inlf a milo behind. Distance , two niles. Tub race , six entries , won by J. P. ) onnluio , of Davenport. The Choctoxv Indians. WABHINOTONV Juno 24. Secretary Cirkwood has received n copy of the csolulions adopted by the citizens of rt Smith , Arkansas , in a recent at- empt of the Choctow Indiana to en- orco the law assessing a very , .high ax on the white persons without In- lian rights , residing , carrying on rade , or renting lands within the ter ritorial limits oi the nation , and con- aining provisions virtually amounting o expulsion , while people how in ho territory who arol , not ntcrlopcrs or intruders. They im- ( lore the secretary to take such &tops n oii'ialf of 'thnso ' pcoplo ns'hojmny tocm practicable and to postpone the enforcement of the law in Question until the present growing crop is galhored. The secretary * is pressed on > no side by Iho Indian territory au- .horitips to expel the alleged intrud ers , aiidjjn the other , aolicitedSby , the whiEes'to prevent such expulsion. Boso Ball. t ' Natlonil AnocUted . - " > < i-i' ' < - " - * " - ? * DETitoir , Juno 24. Treys , De troit 8. BUPKAIO , Juno 24. Buffalo 4 , Worcester 2. CLKVELAND , Juno 24. Boston 4 , Hovoland 3. McCormick's bad work in the fourth lining contributed largely to the Boa- ; on's victory. In this inning the lat er scored three runs on two hits and total of six errors. The homo nine iiiado a good effort at the , but could not recover the game. In the bird inning Rcmson's three bases , Junlap's double and an error of the visitors allowed the homo nine to Kcoro two runs. Whitney's muff in .he eighth inning let in another run. Kennedy was injured by bcint' run nto by Richmond , who hurt his sprained knee. Jones lias again at- .ached the receipts of tho'Bostons. Attempted , Sulcldo. ntloiul Auoelttcd P/eu. , BHOOKLYN , N. Y. , Juno24.- While [ one of the .Fulton ferry boats was at crossing the river to this city this morning n well-daessod man , about 35 years of ago , G foot 7 inches in height , ran to the end of the boat and jumped overboard. The lugboat "Jacob My ers" was passing at the lime and Iho would-be suicide waa picked up and . taken on board before ho had accom plished his purpose. Ho was landed rrom tlio tugboat at the dock , Groen- o ri ; and handed over to'a ' policeman , , o who brought him to the station house. From letters founds in his pockets , it [ thought that his name is Samuel El- ibtt and that ho belongs in Chicago. Ele refused to give any account of tiimsolf , and he is thought to bo in1 sane. Ho will bo detained at the sta- ion until his friends are hoard from. to The Comet Again * National Awoclated 1'rau. CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 24. Profess Osmond Stone , of Cincinnati ob on servatory. says the cornel waa visible hero at 2:10 : this morning , and musl have arisen earlier , but was obscured 'clouds. Ho says the tail is directly upwards and toward tlio west , making angle of about fifteen degrees witl Zenith. If it bo the comet of 1812 it moving southeast at a rate of ono dogreon day. Although to most ob servers it will seem stationary. It may soon between 2 A. M. and 3 o'clock M. for some time to come. It is the typical comet , like the one usually It pictured , with nucleus and long tail , slightly curved and spread out at tlio end. It may bo the comet of 1812 a now comer. It will require f urth observation to determine. Chicago's Saengerfeat. National Associated 1'rcsa. CuiL'Aao , Juno 24 , The ainoun received from the saloOf tickets to the different concerts of the Saongorfos the festival is now a little over $25,000 The choicest scats to nearly all of th of evening , performances hayo alread , gone , while thoro' is not nearly sc much preference shown for parlieula pcifortnanccs. The concert atwhicl , "Elijah" will bp jjiven outrank the pthora. On iioxt Monday an re Tuesday nights tlioru will bo gnuic ruhearaala , in which tho' aoloiitayil few take'part. 'Mma. J Pes'oakftV Loutnor Edriard Kdmwiyi , andlHcrr1 Candi FOREIGN EVENTS. London Bankers Sign a Mem orial to Rehabilitate Silror , arnoll to llecoivo a Banquet on His Birthday by the Irish Party. ho Pope Sends a Prelate to Ireland to Find the Condition - tion of Things. LONDON , Juno 24. Arrangement * ave been made at Greenwich olwtf. ntory to photograph the cometwhich s expected to make its nppoaranco to * ight. The steamer Celtic 1ms arrived al iiiecnslown in n disabled condition , A dispatch frsm Coiirftanlinoplu say * steamer ran into ono of the guard- lips in thu Dardanelles , sinking the liter. The duke of Argyle , who has boon ullering severely of lalo from the out , is much worse , and fears nro ntertaincd about his recovery. He now 58 years of ago and in ( ho vent of his death the oldest son. lie marquis of Lome , would succeed o the dukedom. LONDON , Junu 24. An oilicial dis juleh says that a number of persons voro killed in Iho pillage of Saida by iiBiirgont Arabs , is fully one hundred voundcd.nnd the prisoners number our hundred more. LONDON , Junu 24. Sir Charles ilko , undor-sccrcfciry of foreign nf- nira , states that tlio Canadian prime minister informs him that nothing is < nown in Canada about the alleged > roposals by- Franco to Canada for a omniorcial treaty. 11EHABIUTATKD SILVER. I LONDON , Juno 21. The Daily Tolrivc | graph in its financial article this uorning says ; A memorial to Mr. iladstono on the international mono- jiry conloronco at Paris , and the ilvor question ia now being signed/by / lost of the London banks . It nirCS ho government to olfcr , ua Germany las done , us much guarantee , anil iractical as it may bo in il.s power to- vards inducing and enabling the bi- lelallic states concerned to rohnbil- tate silver. NBW OOVEUNMKNT. LONDON , Juno 24. A dispatch from lolbourno says that the nihilists at Adohad , South Australia , have re igned. Hon. John Cox Bray JIM ucceodcd to the premiership mid has ormod a now govoriimont. BIKT1IDA.Y IIANQUKT. t Mr. Farncll , on his birthday , , which occurs next week , will receive a ban- ot , frfim the Irish , party. ' ' fAX AMBIltCAV .1NVHNTION. The Jioiino of commons last night vas lighted for the second titjie by electric light on the Brush systemand ironounccd it n much better oxpuri- nent than on the iirst occasion , AN ArroINT.MK.VT. Lord Carrington has been appointed o succeed Earl of Huutloy as captain if gentlemen ut arms. ON A MIN.SION. ROME , Juno 24. The pope is about o send a prelate on a mission to Iro- and with the object of reporting the eal condition of things there. KKNTUAIN THKIU K/.OI'KS. A letter ban boon sent to the Amor- can Catholic bishojis asking them lo estruin their flocks from inciting rime. TUB ANQLO-TfUKIHII CONVENTION. The house of couunona lust night lubutcd the Anglo-Turkish convon- ion. Mr. Gladstone said that after ho manner in which Cyprus was uc- uircd , England need not be surprised Franco's action in Tunis , but the jovenimoitt cannot give up the con- ention. Sir Stadbrd'Northcoto vin dicated the policy of the late cabinet. OISHATI8FIRI ) . LONOON , Juno , 21. The English - fillora company are much annoyed at .ho treatment of the Cornell crow in relation to the race for the visitors cup and has enured 100 for the cup bo called the International college , bo competed for on the TJiamos ut MONTREAL MOTES. > National Associated I'ro-n. TIIKCOMKT. MoNTKKAt , , Juno 24.-rTho comet as clearly visible hero tin's morning the naked eye. . UWOSHOUKMKN'B OT1UKK. Serious trouble is apprehended to morrow from the longshoremen now a striko. Tlio St. Jean's Baplislo locioty will hold its annual procession lioro to-morrow. Afterthoproccssion , which is expected to bo unusually im posing , it is feared that n crowd of sympathizers will flock to the wharves and join the strikers in efforts to pre vent outsiders from working. A largo body of police from Quebec ar . rived to-day. Every precaution is , being taken The St. Jean Baptist society procos < BIOII hero , to-nay was very imbuing took two hours to pans a given Iy point. All the different trades were represented by allegorical cars. Ev erything passed elf quietly. Indian Doprodatloui. National AaxKlalod PR- * ) , SAK FIU.NUIBCO , .Juno 24. A lie patch from Winnpmucca says that the Indians in the neighborhood of Camj McDormitt are killing the cattle o farmers , and a force of twenty-one men have been sent out to the scene trouble. Arrested for Murtlor. National Awoclated 1'roe * . P CUICAOO , Juno 24. A young ' \ man named J. H. Elliott is under ar rest for the murder of police oflicorMare _ _ _ . . . , . honey , who waa eliot by a burglar nighU.ago. A burglar's brace wa found under Mahoney bo4v and - ha been identified as the property of Ellj - The World' * Destroyer. NatloTiaJ AMorUtttt I'tttn. YonK Juno 14. ! Thocomct has become visible to the nuked oyo. Its nucleus is of comparatively Jiiodornto size , while its Inil is estimated at ever ten drgroos in length And fnn-liko in shape. It Is visible at early hours in the morning. Prof Draper , of the University , said to-day that lie ob- icrvcd the comet in constellation of Aurcgn , about eight degrees from Cn- polio , but was tumble tomnko nuy ob servation. He said that it could not posiihlr bo the comet seen by Dr , uoitld from thu Argentine observa tory. Mioliifrnn Raooi' National Awoclatnl I'rrvi , OiuNit KAPIIM , Juno 'JI. The -(0 : ( race was won by Alice Tyler , Lucrocio necoiul , Fringe third , Suinnola fourth ; time , 2:38 : , 2:31 : , 2:30 : J. The 2:27 : race was won by Ilelonu , Troubador second , Medium third , J. \V. Thomas fourth ; time , 2:2H : , 2:24 : , Silvorlon won thu race for nil , beat ing Trinket , Voltaire , Will Cody and Chit lie Font in the otder named. WAKIII.NUTOX , Juno 24. Indica tions for the upper lakes : Partly cloudy wonthor , local rains , stationary and mostly southerly winds , stationary - ary or higher temperature und lower barometer. EPITOMIZED REPORT. Or Yoitordny's Important Tolo- grnphlo News , Condoiuod from the National Associated Proai Dlnpatoboa. This morning Dr. Chnpln , for sev eral years nn inmate of Iho county house at Charlotte , Mich. , cut his throat and died in a few minutes. Ho was supposed to bo ever ono hun dred yours old. iu ' ' response to an inquiry as to the nr- rived rumor , of his being succeeded on July Itit , stated to-day that ho had no intimation of the acceptance of his recognition , and had no idea that he was to be succeeded. CUICAOO , Juno 24. Lulu Martin , a girl 14 years of age , had occasion to cross the tracks of the M. & St. P. road this morning nt Curtiss street , but a freight car on the side track cut off thu sight of an approaching train. She was run over , nor body being completely savored at the "waist nnd otherwise mutilated in a horrible manner. maiV Wyatt Holmes , colored , to bo hanged this afternoon nt Holy Snrings Miss , , for the murder of nldmanScoit , also colored , slept quietly last night. Ho said ho was prepared to die. The sheriff look him at IU o'clock this morning to Iho poor house grounds , 4 miles from town , whore the oxcoulion takes place. Great crowds nro Hock- U to the spot. DKTUOIT , Juno 21. Clarence Ji ) avis , nlins Frank Debiel , a stone cut er by Imdo , got drunk after the sol- iers leiinion b.inqmit , last night , nnd rent homo to his lodgings in the otiso of his brother-in-law , | Aloii7.o tarrott , a shoemaker , and about 3 a. i. had a quarrel with Barrett and illcd him by striking him on the eadwitha piece of scantling. Thu iiirderei' cHcapcd. Deceased leaves wife nnd three children. A. special to The Kansas City Star rom Maryvillo , Mo. , says. There is iteimu indignation and excitement vor the reprieve of Charles K. and Vlbort Talbot , who were to have boon ojigod to-day for the murder of their aMior. Twenty thousand people had issemblod to witness the execution , i is feared I hat an attempt will bo lade to lynch the Talbots. The rmcd guard about the jail him been oubled. The White Man AXnit Go. 'ational Aiuoelatitl I'rcM. MUSKOOKK , 1. T. , Juno 24. United .tales . cavalry from Fort Sill arrived ere this morning to assist the Choctaw - taw militia , under command of Oov. -IcCurtin , in removing white iiitrud- rs and their stock from the territory , in 'ho Choctaw militia , three hundred trout' , are now in camp at Scullyvillo. 'ho United States troops wliich ur ived huro this morning will leave to- , lay and join them at that place , when he work of driving out thu whites , iven though they have permits , will o commenced at onco. A largo num- or of Hotllers have not wnitid to bo Iriven off , but have gone voluntarily , fhe Indians who are not intermarried vith the Indian tribes nro classed as ntrudorH. A largo number of whites laving extensive ranches and claim- D ug to hold genuine permits , say they will not bo driven off , but will nro- eot thcmsolvosi if force is used to ijeot them. Serious trouble is Inimi- lent. Champion Doolurod Mayor 01 Port land. Nl RAN FKIWIHUO , Juno 24. Thomp son has boon declared elected mayor of Portland by the board of canvassers , Co .hoy throwing out ton votes for Simon , ( lius giving the election to Thompson on jy ono vote , * ' AN EDITOH 8IIOT. 'OI Ilov. L. A. Banks , editor of a week- paper at Vancouver , was shot in the leg by a person who had boon criti- 'sod in his paper , Will Have Hi * Money. NKW VOUK , Juno 24. Goo. W , Childs. of Philadelphia , has gone from tins city to Long Branch where is lo nrrnngo with General Grant for the presentation of the $250,000 Hiibscribud for the general. 11I.MK1HANTH. Twoiity-sovon hundred immigrants landed at Cnstli ) Garden the pwt ; 21 hours. _ to The happy owner of "Tho Snoncor Parmacy , Spencer , M ass. , Jlr. 0. Weatherbeo , writes : My customorH speak very highly of the great German B remedy , Kt. Jacobs Oil , it having al 1- ways given satisfaction. One of thorn , Mr , Henry Belcher , has been greatly benefited by its use in a case of severe rheumatism and ho refers to it in ' terms of highestj praUei/ / . ' " Uoat NaMflnat Amoclatrd Frtm. PHOHIA , Juno 24. Ten thousand spectators Witnessed the afternoon rncos. To-night there was a grand reception _ al llonnos' hall.At 10 o'clock this morning the junior dou ble race , which was rowed on the firnt day but declaredoff on account of a claim of foul being allowed , the Mo- docs of St. Jxmia againit Durlingtoiu was pulled ovor. FourstArtcdMiiuioflotasDavanporta , lUcincfl and Modocs. The Minneso ta * got firs I water , and the leader kept it to the cloio , winning in 13,40 ; Davenports , l.'l : : ij ; Modocn , 13:51 : ; lUcinca , no time. Distance , two miles. The free-for-all double. 4 entries , ! ! started ; Sylvans , of tMniino , ofBur St. I uis and the liurlingtoim , of Unrlingtim , Iowa. The Hurlinglonn. who ai-o a crack crew , forged ah end soon I after the start , pulling a strong forty-two slroko. The Sylvans steered badly ! , and the Modocs proved wretched nciillun. The Hurling- tons won in lir ! ) : > ; Sylvans 14:07 : , Modocs 14.0 ! ) Distance two miles. The | ] free for all , singles , four starts : A. Ilunsloy 1 , of Peoria ; Ivolly , of Fort NVayne ; , Ind. ; Mnmford , of New Orleans loan , and Mtichmore. of Chicigo. Mumford 14,11 , Mucliinoro 14,14. } ; Kelly ' 14.33. Distance two miles , Griicom'n Condition. CUICAOO , Jnno 24. Griscom took a three milo walk this morning , starting out at ! > . ! IO and ruturning at 11.10. The loss in weight to-day , even after the HOVOH mile walk of yoslorday , is but three-quarters of a pound , lie drank forty-eight ounces of water dur ing the past twenty-four hours. I'ulso lifty-two , respiration fourteen , tem perature ninoty-oight. His blood , as e.xiuniiuHl under thu microscope , now contains 2,500,000 , corpnlsclcs to n cubic millimetre , as against 4,100,000 on Wednesday. Ho started in oil his twenty-eighth day at noon in excellent spirits. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC. Which Terminates in a Big Drunk-Tho Offenders Tied Hand and Foot , Several ' Canplo Iioft in the Wood * All Niclit , Which Croat * * Much Scandal , JfeltauU Annotated Pr w. n ST. LOUIH , Juno 24. The IJiblo Sunday school went down the river yesterday on a steamer to a picnio at Walnut Grove. Ono of the passen gers had smuggled along n stock of li quor and sot up a bar. Some young fellows began to get drunk and thu religious clement tried to clean out the onr , but were roughly handled. The children all retreated on board of the Wat in terror and finally por- Bunded - the captain to pull out an hour ahead of time. The result wns that various couples got loft in the bushes over night and considerable scandal waa caused. On tlio return trip the captain had all the drunkards put under guard on the hurricane dock and the bar keeper waa stowed away tied hand and foot. Charter Graxttod for n Narrow G lingo Railroad- National AKsoclatvd 1'iess. PiTTHiiimo , Junu 24. A charter is to bo gnwted to-day for a standard gunge railroad , § 5,000,000 capital , to run from Itradfonl to the mouth of Iho Mahoning river , making eonnee tion with the Pittsburg t Western road at Parker Oily and coming into Pitlsburg over tlioir lines atBradford. Connection will bo made with the road running to Rochesterwhoro the Now York Contrul will bo tapped. The president of tlio now company is Wallston II. Brown , ot Now "York. Firos- National Annociatcil BAODAII , Ky. , Juno 24. ICarly tliis morning a fire was noon mailing from n fttoro : owned by Biynnt it Saoroy , and loss ! tlioii nn hour the stores of Bryant - ant it Sucroy , James UuaKott and D. Onan ! wuro in Humes. Titero waa nothing saved except by James Bos- kett , who got a small portion of goods clear. The loss will roach nearly glO- 000 ; iiiHurcd for. 85,000. It w supposed - posed to be the work of tin incendiary. Shooting Tournament. BHKIJITOK BKACH , N. Y. , Juno 24. The tournament of the Now York fitato sportmun's association contin at ued to-day. The tie classes I ) , 0 , and , 111 the contest for tlio Pierce diamond mend badge , hot off , wliich was won respectively by If. Drcoly , of the On- ondngo club , and 0. Warner , of the Dean Kichmoud club , of Bota\ . Another Strike. Nitlonal AimocUtod I'row. [ CIIIOAOO , Juno 24. Forty em- * * ployoa of tlio Pcoplob' Oaalight and Coke company struck to-day in COIIM- juoncoof n refusal of the company to employ : only union men or to reinstate throe members of the gaaworkorn.1 un ion who hud been discharged. Explosion In a Ghnrdh. National Aiwocl- . ' GAUUKTTHVILtlJ , O. , JllIlO 21.IJlO Baptist church building was blown up last night by powder or dynamite. The inside of thu church was almost entirely destroyed. The explosion was so heavy as to nrmiHo people from bed a milo away. No oluo , Respite Granted. ST. Louw , Juno 21. Governor Crittondon granted a nmpito to July 22d , to the Talbott boys , who were have boon hanged at Miiryvillo to- da 'IViuuf thouKaifU of dvlliirH are . , , . a > dered yuarly upon tru\dinj ; qunukvh ( < > from town t ) town prou-mliii ; to uurtj ftl the ilU that iiui' i > oor Immunity in hulr to Why will not thu public IvAni ooiumou sciuv , und tf they are Mifferlus fctiui dyH pi l > ia ! or llu > r comphilut , Invent u doHur rlu HriMNd UI.OSHOM , sold by nil druifK t8 im I'iitlorned by thu faculty. Seu tcUiiuonl M , 1'rlcc 60 cciiti , trial bottles 10 mlU } ST. BARNABAS SCHOOL Who Secured the Prizes nt the Exorcises Yesterday. Tho' closing exercises of the St. ' Barnabas school , of this cily , of wliich Ilor. John Williams is orinci- pal , occurred Thursday afternoon. . The nfternoon was ono very cnjoya- bid' to the pupils , nnd very interesting (6 ( the friondfl nnd patrons of the school who attended. The exorcises consisted . . sisted of the rmml order of recitation ! ) , music nud dialogues , innsTi The salutatory was given by Mis Bcssio Bowoico wislitig of a recitation onlilled "Auction Extraordinary , " which was followed by another recita tion by Miss lltasi Putiiian. Clmrlin- Spencer then recited in a very credit able mannor. "Scenes tlmlare Bright- , cat , " ' is the imnto of n sweet little song : sung by Miss Btillo Gowcnncr in a , manner delighting. h r hearers. Miss , Emily ! Wakoley rositod the populni- little poem "Up the Aisle , " much to the entertainment' of all. The recita tion "I Wish" waa nicely rendered by , Mini Maud Pholis ) , and was followed byt the touching nnd buaiitiful ballad , "Nobody's Child , " ns.rcntod by Miss Jennie : McClelland. "Tho Lust Hymn" ' was then recited by Miss Gundio Co- bun This is quite diliicult to recite well , but the little lady c.ipturod her audience with her line rtmdilioti of the - poem. Miss Nellie Moor then jmvo "Tho Foolish Maiden1' ! in a manner . displaying much drill and study in the art of recitation. A chorus entitled tied ' 'The Slioeiunkur , " na sung by the pupils was a very pleasing feature of ' the programme , Tlio mott spicy part of the exorcises was perhaps the din- lojjuVof "The Gossips'iii , represented - . od by Miss Coburn , Mauiio Moore , Emily Wnkeloy nnd Clara Picrco. John , Patrick gave n recita tion from the * writings of Walpolo \ , and was- followed by Earl Gannett with a ruoitnliou from Win. . Pitt , after which Will Brwwn recited selection from Wobstur. Each of 1 the boys did himself , credit iii his ex pression of the sentiment of the great , orators. oralA After the other exorcises the story of "Tho House that Jnclc Built" was. given as nn oporafctn. by the younger ' pupils of the schooU wlu'clt was fol lowed by awarding the prbcs nnd ' modals. j Iu the , senior" dopartinonV'tlio first , prize , Iho Maid modal , was awarded to Will Brown for the best general scholarship and deportment. The second prize , tlio rector's medal , won. awarded to John Patrick for good de.- portmont. porI In the junior department , the first prize , the Hector's modal , was- awarded od to ! Miss Gundio Coburn for the best scholarship nnd deportment. The. second prize , the Louis Woodman . medal , was given to Miss Emily Wnkoloy , for oxcollonuo in deport ment. A prize offered , toone who , should make the moat improvements in pen- maiiHhip : , waft-awarded to Mm Manio Moore , the prize consisting of a beautiful writing desk. . A prize in music was awarded to Miss Bcssio Bowon. It consisted of an elegant book , Thin closed another year of the most successful and populnc St. Bar nabas Hchool. _ * > XHo JJmnEou Soldier- C'haH. J. Hatcher , tlui soldier from White llivor , Colorado , , who il ia. thought was drugged and. roblrad in this city night beforor lost , left the city for New York , , his. destination * yesterday on the 3:40. : express. Yes terday morning the proprietor of a ' Twelfth street saloon called upon hint. . his hotel and hondiid hini hifl trav eling , order and transportation , telling ; hinii that ho was ia the saloon keep- > or's place iu an unconscious con ditwu the night before and left them there ; tliat ho had learned through TIIK Bun , wluiru to find the owner , and had preserved them And brought them to him. The soldier wan delighted at the recovery of his. papers nnd Haul ho didu't care for the money nnd ring so lon # ns the documents - monts wore iu his persuasion again. Th Swodi a Pianio. Thursday the Swedish Library so- ioty gave tluiir plcmc iu liauscom's mrk. Tlio weather being very fine ivor three hundred poreoiia were ut- ractodtliero and tHe ludion showed up in hu-go numbers. The band , under ho direction of Mr. Killhurg , , played somu lively airs Tind there was somu capital daucing. Evoi-j'thing was very w ll nuiiuijjed by Miss Henderson , and. ' Mr. Logeron. The party broke up. at 12 o'clock. AM Excursion. The excursion of Prof. LewV col ored band to Lincoln yoslerday - \ > as well attended , the parly tilling n'oout throa coaches. They were accompanied by n uniformed base ball cjub , and were otherwise thoroughly equipped fora. . day's sport. Thoer.cur8ionist8 ( roJujnL od last evening. - "