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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JUNE 25 , 1881. PEPPERMINT DROPS. "Onemnllow ( loci not make a Mimmcr , Vmt It lower * ft gluM of beer dreadfully. [ CMlHohurz. The old relinhlo New . ! > > ccR-neri nl ImS Turned up'nir.ilh , anil the New > ork art ) tellig | nboiit what It looks IBS Sodtty ctiqnettexnmoiif ? ' thcrJndlnim in cunfffiwl to ono troll. Tlipy ncMir let n r.\llcjr'ftd fvNinJ-JljtinKi-yf if it takU.tllil 'nit ' Ponot toll n man hft lied. It i * vulgar. Sny that III * culi\erntin ! ) MtmfMt * to votir iniml a'Mimmcr resort circular , [ rliil.v ( lelphia N'ew * . A .Tcrroy mllkninn milki lit * cow from iloor to ( loir. This it enough to bring t M to the eye * of the hearted hydr.nut , IN. V. Hcral.l. "Von King nnd I'll work the , " MM a Church ctrect father , Sunday evening , jind he lifted a high collared young man Jrom the front ( torch. Tlic lmn e fly can only PCC rt dMatice of thirty-eight feet , but that never bother * him ntiy. Ho ninny * manage * to keen within twrtj--ic\en ! feet of cverytliliit ; . llnlllmore cUinii the bandioniest corot iieri" . It must be n yrcAt cosolatiou to nuybody who iiin dnnger of horriblu dentil tit know that the fncti will bo Invcntignteil liy n Imml-omp man. It W.IK real menu for n innn tit cU'.il n jilncnnl fniiiHliu fnral of n clothing t' ( > , in crilM- l , "FlU warranted. " nml han ; it on n uhUky liottle txt one of our mo t f.oxh- tunable unliNinn.Cinclnnnti [ Ratunlny Tlieyucro Retting ready for a Hiimlny excursion , and the father unlit : "Wifet'iiii curry thu tuindwfahen : Hilly can rarrj' tlm hhuwlH and inyglncN ; Johnny can carry thu umbri'lhvi.ind lemon HiiRftr , nnd I'll carry the ptrtnl. " Ken Franklins' inothcr-in-liiw hexltated Jiliout ticriiiittliitf her ilnui'liter to marry n iirintrr , n.i there were alrcmly two print ing ollietN In the United HUteH , nnd uhu van uncertuin nhcthcr thu country couhl Mipixirtathird. I'n > bnbly the mcnncut man on record kt epfl a boarding Innuc in Hmi Domingo. l < at winter au earthquake tiltncd thu eill- lieotjihlilu down , anil tlm very next morn- lug ho bt'Kail" charging tlio gniTUt lodgem Hint flour price * . A littlu boy seeing the clrixymnu coin ing , ran Into the liousn to tell hn ! mother. When ho came out the clcrgynmn inked him if IIK ! mother \van at hoino. "No , ir. * ho' nut. " 'Tleaco tell her I called.1 ' I DID tell her , " imld the boy. " ( Jiiiii ] ) cntli utatiilM liimlng In my ear what Mial ! I doijj rcmnrkM a young liuly in Ohio , who writes to know whether or not1 he liml better ninrry n cvrtAiti man , Wo don't know anything about the young man , fin , but move your car by all ineaiiM. Now that olfplinnU' milk has bten mini- y/cd , ami found to be miporior to COWH' milk , of courtu ! it will become fiiKhlonable. And null will lie fold at n high jirlur , deal- can afford to make it of n line iiuallty of chalk and very jiuie. water. [ ISoston J'ott , A lmtonbmine ! ( H man recently tried to mnjiire a K.IIIIO of baiu ball , hct\\een two iilni'H nuicle up of bin eniiloyeH | , and , befcrc the folirth inning , ho had discharged every one of thu jilayern from bin employ , cut down the wngen of the Kcnrcr.s and been thrown over the fence by tlio excited muif , Irritated Mamma No , itdocri not fit as if ho had biefi Ixirn In it it iloenu't / at all , and t Khali expect the money back. " JIr.'iIoMe T-"lut ! iB'heb ) me-i- Irritated lamina "yourudverti"ement cay ' .Mon ey returned if not approvedMr , SIOHUH-"Sn they do , ma tear.'Ki ' they do , but your money itvuapproved ; It wjin very Kix't ' money. " [ Kondon I'uii. At "society lady" writCH to a laKhtonabk journal to UnoW "if etiquette nlloivn nlady to rcnmin ticatci whllu a gentleman guttt departs. " It dcpcnikon whothu guent IK , but it IH alwnyH nafo. to accompany iv St. J > < min man to the dour to Heu that hedoenn't carry off a S10 Ivory-lmiulU-d nllk umbrel la iiiHlead of tlio M-cent cotton one lit brought.Chleago [ Tribune Wngncr lia decided not to visit Ainrii ca , thii year , but an enterprising New York manager lion tccured thruo dozer New Jeracy Uim-catn , which ho will rou- ceal on'thu wtaue , and , with the ahnlNtanct of thrcu ImsH drum * , touriuilnTnf cyinbMH , nnd the occnuiinml dn > ] > jing of croekurv from the Hies , hopeH to ] iroduce n fine iini tatlon of Wagner H latent viork. Antartliug Yankee novelty lust Intro iluced in Lomlon is the onc-Mhillmg Ainui ican'mbber baby. It 14 washable , dura blu and nnbieakablu ; it retenihloH life ; II t-ooH iitpleannre , yet Hcreauw awfully whet Kiiankcil. "Kven exheriencedfathoi'H , " sayi the advertisement , "aru deceived by them laughter-producing infantx , and no homi can be a najipy ono without their eheerltif jirt'scnce. " His announced that it will bo thi > fash ion thin Hummer to bo plctureMMie. That'i nil right. But the qucntion of what I iiicturcwiue Isn't nlwayit easy to decide Perhaps n man in knee tnniHeni am striped ho o in ] ilct\irewiue , nndperhupH hi Hii't , I'orhapH It in picturesque to w car ni nUl tin kcttlo tied to your coat tall , Per baH ] It Is plcturcsruo ] to be cross-eyed Who i vvilldi'tmu < pictujemuuiiu | s ! Duntoi Mental arithmetic : Kaiu John Ing wa before thu justice the other day. 'I'll juNtico told him that telliuc the vvhol tnith about the matter would bu regaiilv iuf a mitigating circuumtancu. Ham Hal lie woidd toll the truth. Well , then , hu\ muiy chiekeiiH did you uteaU" "Only five j Te. | " "Arc you * uri > , Jum , that yo didn't have moref " \ eg , taT \ \ ibir WM only five , becaiiBii I counted Dnr WIIM tliroo Inyln' he < L < , , four und two pullet * , ] TuxiH .Shiftlngx. Ootm4el for the defenne "Wo mtnilt th Kult of the jiriaoni'r , your honor , but w \vii li to remind tlio couit thnt it once hm the pleasure of taking n ilrinWlth th father of tlio prisoner. Let UN liogio thu the , court rtmembvrH It , " llie court "I , remember the clrcuir tttanco very well , Indeed. I hnvo tukf several drlnku in company with thin youn iimn'H father. But I Imvu nlwuya bee compelled to'pay for them. Unilrrtlieu circumstance * tlio court. In ju tlco to th jH-ople , must entenco the prisoner to fiv yt-Ani In the ( tciiitentlnry. The mokt coniulerato tramp tlmt hn \lvted | TCXHH thin oeanon Htopped nt IIOUBO ou AiiHtln avenue , yeatenlny , an nuked for itome dinner. A good wiuai meal ivastiVcn , including n large cup i colTeo. After he hod tinlxhud hU cult i cotfce , ho leaned back on the chair AH xad ! U ) the klud-hcHrtoil Indy of the houm "I would like to iniiku you n buniuei proponltlon. " ' 'What Is itt" "Ifyouwi hond'out und get me n ten-cent cigar I Hinoko witli it , I'll try and itmgglu wit another of tlmt coffee.Texan cup coffee. - Sif ing . 1 tell you , myfilcndii , nboywuj lion kensu in hlii head to l > egin on , tempered \ \ \ \ id two or three y.arn of union ( Kiiiavtloi \ril | make bin way wheru graduate * can } , ' ( ) . Our mon' siiecehsful bu lneiu < men u : almost Hflf-txliicateil. Men \\lw nebbi n w a college ha\e Invented our reaper inowcrw , Hewing niHchlncd an * lal > ort > n\l maxliefiiiTy , Men ld ileevtrlck tnluc i-liiiiu hn\o built our blggeut xhipii a planned our bgirent ! eiitei'iirifea. Sta Kazin' , jioetry an' vliirmojiliy nm we jiuif , but it Juu been native penlim u buneiM push \\hlclihuH mailo ilia kenti what It nm. Fuft feel of your Itoys un1 n if the l.uvd gin 'em any IIOM t > eiu > e. Hi ( jardncr in the Detroit Free " Occatilonally , yen , very olten , a womi In inore than match for R man. A farm living in the outtklrU of New Ha\cn w in a hurry to get bin fann work along , ni wmt out into the field with hU Iwy und lilrtd man , entirely overlooking the fa that the lastittck of wood In the wixxlp liaj keen burned to get the brcakfai lloging hungry the force came In ut uoc ITje'food wife had the tabloset with ; the toute of .whlcli she was mUtrt-u , and really looked inviting , but thvro wan dinner upon It. " 8nJi , vrhere'i the'd nw ! " Inquired the farmer , oin wt "I Jou't Luow wUetW U done or not , /'There wA n < wood forjtho fire , so I hungVitiln tlio wmnrtt po I could nml. H > Ton the jifdacr At the c6nth nide of tli , hbupe.5' The vjTiolSforeP&M detailed at'iHolwrnt' fSTSt'that ( aftfrn ri. New Haven Iegi ( tcr. HONEY FOR 1HB LADIES. nrc not worn-'whcn''lonrwrirte ( < l kid glov M are. ' . panich Inr.c l mo t nM fii/triininlng gronrwline Fanciful bracelets arid necklaces arc worn with all toilets. Scalloped ruffle * arc again worn Uxfn | Mimnier nllk Kult . A nqu.Hre of yellow para" * ! haX ft Vpray of crimxon roses painted on lit hiis a nleo woman who vvcam her best Blockings Itrmtiddy U-eathcr. All fashionable handkerchiefs are en riched in xomt ! way with color. ' White nml gold comblncdandpAl6l mon aixj fanln'otiablo hucti for nummvr boiitietx. A young lady at a ball called her beau an 'Indian ' , becaun4 ho vva on her trail all tlm time , There are 1,000,000 mirplni wonirn in ( Itrnuny. No flagging In the oonvcma * lloli over there. New wrap-bags arc chapcd like a great vas'n , and trimmpil with aconi , IJOVVH and balN of tnanjf cblom. A multitude of fanciful bracelet * , bizarre ncflklacesand Inicclx , mounted an pltn , tire 'vvornwltli all toilets. Handkerchief nulls have been butxhort- lived. Already they are cold to the rag man , nnd will bu ecn no mure , Very loiu bluck silk mlttn and black cm- hroidered ilk xtocklngx nro worn with thu mimt delicate urpnlng toilets. Now itaranol handles nr In the form of HWonl-hfltH or champagne corkn. It N liunl to tell which U the wortt taitc , Dindcm cotnln encircling the chignon arc enriched with real or Imitation jewels or balN of gold , silver , jet , steel ) ir amber. Ht. Ijoui * bclleo , not -having riiough of their own "woman1 * glory"to ratlxfy them , Imnort each year o.OOO j > oiinds of false hair. nitg ) shawls in rich rolorn como * o vcrj- cheap this year that theio CCCIIIH to bo no uxcuw foi wealing knit brcakta t At the KrcnchVaecH it IH the fashion to Illilg Itoquets from the trowd to the ladles , from box to Imx , nnd In f act. flowers lly ovuryvvhcro. , . .Startling JackeW of cut ntccl , or rainlKw beads , are imported , cut short aiu round , to bu worn over long-jicaked bodices or embroidered blouao waisU , Ty > ndon mllljnerH innko their flow ers no natural tliat even the 1100 in deceived as well AN the eye , for they tierfune each How IT with its particular perfume. It'ri nii ui'ly fashion for women vvho hav c plump,1 huudarmi/'t / > > bury thejji ( iiililcri vvilnkled gloves , but they will bo in ntyle oven if is detrimental to their beauty. The gjrl who vveuix u pair of ten-cunt tttocklnux , when xhe earns them herself , cannotlvvcar a fifty cunt pair when her husband earns them.llinghamtoii Re publican , ' ' Crape N no longer xacred to mourning , and a newxtyle gown of crape , made up over cloth , ! snecn lit' entertainment * ' at which people in mmtrnlilg would , not dura to appear. i A Philadelphia girl , on be'ng asked what xhu considered the greatest misfor tune that could overtake a woman , prompt1 ly replied : "Attending I'icnlc witlinboil on her lp.--PhiladcYphia ! [ Uhronicle. 1'erfora etl fans in screen xhapo arc pietty for gas sbodev , butat , " your jierll let not the fans be iilnk. Thu" gaslight which paHriea through them then becfinie orangu and makes every one look frightfully bil ious. a Hummer plush , brocaded with gold and silver stars , arabesques or Grecian foliated putt or us , ( is much used for bonnet garni- turu by "exclusive" ndlllncrH. The dnrV brnn/.ii d'art aml'Venetian green wbiulcHnn most favored. The Wattean hat turn * up at the bad and Is profusely tilmmed with lace anil llowern. The wearer , being , presumptive ly , a xhephcrdctis , secures hurhead-uoverinfj with n ribbon , which is fastened on one shoulder bv a jeweled lly. Steel omamcnU arc the only kind fit to wear with a ntcel-trinimed drexst , and ladies uro muimiiiing that there art * ni steel bracelet * to bo had , lace plnx , coml and earrlngsibeitiK all that the manufac < turerw hav provliicd n yet. Antique reticules of velvet arc much It vogue and are worn with a belt to match , where the waist IH made round. A ven liandsoino onu is formed of dark blue vel vet , mounted with silver , having tin clasps and belt buoklo In the fitrm of ole slUtr medals with mcdliuvnl heads , In the ladles' cabin of the Hoboken fair ] Ixwta thu following notice has recentlj been posted : "Tho scats in thin cabin an reserved for ladies , dent It-men will ploaxi occupy them until tjiu hulled arp pcated. ' That strikes us as reversing the proper po dltions. JJoston Post. An eccentric fashion is to put whlti and black ostrich iilumi'S tin opposite Hide1 of thu brim of a black chip hat , separates by ft bow of white satin over vvlitto Span isn lace whllo the brim Is lined with whit xatin and white Hpanish lace frilled In am hold down -with ft .rv w of largo cut je beads , The only daughter ami heiress of tin late ] ) r. Ayer , the millionaire pill manu facttirvr , Is iurnrln. A corresjiondcnt o the San Francisco Ohronlclo Kays that shi receiveil an offer of inarriago from n Hour bon prince , a cousin of jon Carlos o Spain. Hhe refused , ami when the im IKirtanco of the honor wus urged uhc re piled ) " 1 don't vvunt n tltle'lmlf 0.1 mud lib ho wantM caih. " ' 'You must lovu MM ! L\wrencq ver much , " Hald Jack to Miw Double as the , left that lady whom they had just met o thuntrcet. "You gave her ' most raptur ous kins ou the cheek. " Mid Miss Uashl replied"I despise her ! " "Then wh such n kins ? " "Why , didn't you see ? Sh vydn tvlrlbly painted and I made a sjiot o her cheek with that kiax that will Ic everybody vvho reea her into the secret n h'T ele-gant coinpluxion. " A ItoAtonlun ) ias taken 1,000 notes r thu coiivi'satlou of 'passing young vvomer Of UiU number (80 Wgan with elthe "And I xald to him , " orMJIe iiuid to mo , or "She told muthat ho Haul ; " 120 referre todroKHca or hats that \\eio.eltlier "pel fi-ctly lo\ey" } or 'just ilemlld ) , " and th remainder vvcrc pretty evenly divided bi tween coiiinu'iita on otner girls , vvho "wet horrid,1' or "ntuck up und hateful1 ' ne1 ImU , atudles , the mnumiT vucation , tli ( ireek play at llttrvanl , ami the Kclcntlfic discovery. IMPIETIES , The Ifoiutuu Aio ; calU tlio re\i eil Tr Umentthe ( 'Iollv Vnnleu Ulble.1 ' Htrau berry Hhoit-cnko nt n cliurcli ft > t vul Is chnmiing ntull to eat , It U mu ( xcitiii ; ; fun to kte u lie ota the Ura > beixy , Tlic iSiimlny law of Kmt Worth , Toxn u\ci utrhiKciit thut thu L-itizi-'iia am olillgi to niaku i > ilKiiuah'04 [ uUowhoru to get the rock und rye on the Kubbath , Clergyiimnt "Xo , my dear , it in ! i IKin iblo to preach any kind tif n bvnnoit tiuch u congregation of UKSCH. " Hnui young lady : "And U that why you c them 'dearly belavinl brethren V" There U a great deal of religion In tl world that U like a 4lfen | - er er on on at the moment of linmrdiu Sut anger , and then put on half the time hli tilde before , lr , Txirlng. the new commissioner of o rtculturo. U theaon of a clergyman w lived at North Audovvr , MIUB. The kto U told that ho and Lh brother were gau Ixvjg. Their father mt them ono day in adjacent cattla ihow with uome ve fat bogo to txLibiU Tb boyn wtrc rtl i > roud oflh , many complnienlpald'tothd ! ' nO H i , unnltft 1 farmer came nl6ng arid paid , i acniiklntAncc ! pMiohty nice bog * , those of 1'ir-wn Lorlna'ii : but whittlon't hoi feed his r jS more And hlf KogvleM" It has come to light that come enter- prilling fellow , on the day of the publica tion of the New Yernlon. liym-ht BCternl thousand coplh < i { thq old version , nnd putting thcili Into new binding rIM n ronr- InR'tradc nt'100 pertjcjit. by peddling them among the New York brokers. It i wickedly fnigtenttd tliatjttf nthcJ- claim of Wicincfs men could IIMC'K'CH o gulled , A young con vert at Jfew Canaan tccnl' ly got up and wan mnktnfc a i-imfeiMlon 6fnc- thing after this eort : "I have been very wicked , Indeed I ha\c ; I lm\e chontcd many persons. > cry mnuyj but 1 I11 rc- ctoro four-fold' " when bo vas Intorniplod by nn old Indv thtm : "Well , I cliould think beforr you confess much you had better marry .Nancy Klfcbbenn M you nvrecd to. " I la hot Into hli * Kept nmid much confusion. It doMii't Bocm gcxxl policy for a church to Milne up its collection of iilatox to micli a degree ai In cause two-thlnm of the con gregation to turn thelrhcadrthon it clr- minion inthiir vicinity. Tliero wax a voting limn from the Mission , Who p | > ciit nil hi * SmulayH n linhin' ; lloxnid llfwlc ? , for Hell , When they didn't bite well , Kor he read the ItoUncd Kdltion , [ Oil City Derrick. Colored ( icdplii nro tnlkln a great ilcnl to-day iilxint a big frame of poker played the other night nt the hounc of the Itcv. Mr. Tnnner on Morgan utreet , t'inchback of [ . ( luiniftiia , llob Hnrlan of Cincintiattl , .Smith nnd other hlghtoned pHtrting ) men of color ncre in and the money that changed hands nniounti'd to ceveinlthoUK * nnd dollar * . 1'inchbnck droppid 31,700 Itil Hald..St. . I/juls PostNcript. Tln-ru'fi ft Joy that cnn't bu Npoltt-n When the iiimin r time ahlde . And you walk the blooming garden With IU vugeUblo tttlvH ; When thu prmlucU to your Htoinach Promise conifortHcry Jiati/ , And your little .Tolmniu plunipH you With uti o\or-rip < ' "tomattm. " [ VonkeM ( ! 7ettc. - ha4l \nccinu ccnb Upori bur MIOW > vhtu ! nrn , Him wnninl her" bunu to thii effect Kor' fear he'd , Jo ltlmriij. J5ut when they cainn to part that night , Hhe gave n mighty grnlix And uliinpered , "Hug me nuful tight , And netermind thu Bcnb ! " ( Jity Times. CONNUBIAL SIPS. he marriage of Lord Colin Camplx ; ! ! , M , I' . , nnd Miss lllood in lixwt for 1 liurw- day , July 21. Jlary ( 'laro Htdvrr , a grauddaxigh- itcr of ] 'nllciit' ' Andrew .Johnson , v n married ntKnoxxllle , 'J'enn , , on 3lonilay , to W , 1 } , Uuchanaii. vTho golden u editing of .Ionium K , nnd Sarah Fell wan celebrated tllloomington , llln. , teci'iitly , ami Senator David Davm ] iroKCiited nn eleguntclock. A man In Itacinu , Wlncon in , thirty-fU'c yeoin of nge , wan introduced by hi * fricndH to n blooming country girl whom lie had navcr Keen before , on thu Tith imt. , and in threu hour ! ) had married her. The latent mornel of Wa liington society gossip in the approaching m.irriago of Hon. Emory Spcer'of ( leorgia. the j'oungest ikinn in corigrcB * , to MIBM Albrgan , n weal thy young lady of Wnnliuigton. A Calhonn county , Michigan , man na'iicd Kcnulnn tiled t widow named Mrx. Chnpin for w rk doi.e on her farm. The particH CAIIIO Into court , xcttled the Hiiit , and were married ofMiaml'by tli6 Justice. Lord'Houghton'M ' cldcnt daughter , the Hon. Amelia Milnci * , recently married Mr. U. M. Fitzgerald , ( J. M. ( J. Ho met hii bride by moonlight on the Nile , under the uhadow of the pyramids , nnd it wan very naturally a ciwe of lo\e nt first night. When a butcher marrieH the daughter of ft cattle drover their friend1) nliould not in clude among thu n edding preientw "Hogg'n Tali-H , " the "Works of JJacon" and "Irilh Bulbi" bound in calf. They might con- Nidcr Mich gifU xlightly iiutsonal , A local eeiiHation wan produced iccontly in Niipoloun , .Tackuon county , , liy a young lady marrying a young man while engaged to another , from whom it in reported nho borrowed KfO to buy hei wedding outfit , and from whom xhu nc1 cepted nn engagement ling. Doth were her lovew , and. after advising with her fiiendn , HIU took the man HIU loved the boHt. The rejected lover tot b.ick hla rin and iiyn the rrmilt HtiitH him. MntivcH for marry ingarovaiious. " 1'rob. ably 'marrying to get a uwt , ' " Hayn tin Now York ledger , "IH moro common than is generally mippoi-ed. " JJut not mgro sc than we mtppoxcd. The hundn-drt of men who neck to repose at beer Haloonn , billiard rooniB , corner grocerien , and elsuwhere , while their when me making xhirtx foi fifty centH a dozen , or going out kcrubbinj ; by the day , Hbould con\inco the mosi Hkoptlcal that "marrying to get a rent" ii ono of the moot common motiven foi marrying. [ Norrlntown Herald. Ou Juno ICth Mr. Benjamin ( ' ; Portei and MHH ! K. Copeland wcro mai-rird ii King City , Mo , Thogioom in almost 7 ( yearn of age , nnd the bride 1ST ) . Mr. I'or tcr ban been in St. Joseph for forty yearn and ii ) a very popular and highly eiteenui gentlemen. The bride in ono of the oh man'g fiwt lovui , and MX onrly nwcetheart They were engaged fort > vlho ycara ago but the ntfajr WUH broken elf and ho mar ried another lady , with whom ho llvet happily and rained a Inrgo family. Shi died about ono year are 'Iho youngest non ot J're idont ( Jarficld who has just made arrangrmentH to become como n member of WilllaniH'collcge. is en gaged to l > o married to Mis * Olauii Itradlcy , of Mentor , Ohio , thu president' ] homo. A few yearn ago , \t jsn llnulluy wa a bright little inisx , eight yearn of ago , ii the univenwliiit Hunuay xchool , of' Troy N. Y. U IM rumorud tlmt many intimat friendx of the young lady were aware o the iutcntionx of young ( iarfield befor hit father became president. The Pitt * lluld ( Mann. ) Journal nayas " > fany Berk shlro people -\vill remember well thu famil ; ofhich Minn llradley is a mVmber. Am it uill bu believed by all that , althougl the prenident'ii win Is young , and lion , ciollet-u courne before him , his married lif will be none the ICKH happy because of Ion ; ; RELIGIOUS. A high church that of the Presbytei laiu in Iruin , C'ulorudo. It U 10,500 feel oralnuiMt two milcii , abovu tide Icyel , Tlio Uev. Josi'i > hCook rercntly dellvere hid liuit Ifctnru in lAiiidon in tnu Motn l > oltan'Tabt | < niaclu. HU themo'was "Cci tnintiej in Ueligion.1' During hU viMU < England Mr , Cook ha * preached and lei tunnl I'M times. He will visit German ] India and Aiuti alia before Ids return i the United .States. The Hot . John K. Adamx , v. ho died i Greenland , K. Jl. , hu.t Saturday , was tl oldest Methodist minister in New Hani ] uhlru if not the oldest in New Knglani He wan born in 1710. * The Methodist church of Iowa has ft pastoral charge * , 74,781 members , HI churches , valued at 81lKK > .olf > ; 1178 pa bonayes , valued nt $30 ! > II7S { ; 1,177 Hnnda and 75,101 bdioLirs. After an exigence of elghty-teven yen in | Virginia the i'rotfstfiit KpUcop church has nuw SM chunJica and chappie 130 inlnUteni , and between three and foi thousand comrouuicaU. A New JiTUBelciu C'hurch conferen has been fanned inAuttrnlia , but it it vei small , coniUttug of four wcietica with ' metnbeni , two ordained mlnUtent , nd t llctutiatot. BinhopHunUngUin.of Qentral NewYor to recently ordained two young Indian * , 01 Cbtjtaut , the otbtr Klow , who pv er aed thruo yew * ' count of irudy , bud i Jin a mitaion to thtlr ow n iopl in Indian fl'erriloryj St Four i'reOijtcrianch'rirrhes in thta cftiin- ly the past year ralfeil rSTjtil 1 for foreign , ml'flons. and three raised S.MO,703 for" home minion * . It wni mid ni thn rec'nl C-ongwgnlionnl cometivcntlon in Chjcajr * , that oniiectit cilt.fs the A t ry center of i Congregational- im for the world , since no other dale or county cart sayUHat'fl per cent M US popv illation is in Congregational churches. A coiiventlifoi'of ' Sw'fdifh IjnpticU 1ms been organiml in Kalicm Tlio Swede * , who nrn rapidly Increasing in the west and nlirtlnvc t , make good church member * , nnd Baptists nnd MuUuxllfU vie will ! the Lutherans In securing them. Tlie conen - lion coti ! < it of twelve churr.liPif , of * hich the First whs organised tWelve year * ago. The following bishops nf thn various Methodist branches ! u America will go to the Kcnmenlcnl McthoJint conference In 1/mdoii : HiiOiopM Simpynn , Warren , 1'cck , McTjein * . llownlnn , Payne , Urown. Hhor- ter , Dickcrnon , Hood , Jones , llillcry , Tliomp on nnd llol ey. Of IViodo all but lite fir t four nrc colored. In nil W.I dele gates have been appointed thus far , leprc * Hctitlngnlxteen chtirchcH. The dignity of Vrivato Clininberlnln jn thol'aial | Hou thold , which cartlesHh it the titlrt of MonMgnor. hax been ie. stowed upon the Itcv. William ( Juiiui , vii-nr general of the nrchdlocc c of se\v Yotk , and upon the llev. Thom.'w H. Preston , chancellor f the archdlocece and pasWr of St. Anh'n chhrch. The tltl0 Of Monslgnor IH borne at prexcnt by only two dci-gymi-n in thin country Mgr. Seton and jSIgr. Doane , of the diocese of New ark. ark.llo llo\ . Michael Hloiilnn , of the IJhuroh of the VWtntion. Brooklyn , has been called by Ui hop O'Connor lo Onlnha , Nebraska , wnere ho hat < received the lippointment of rector of the cathodrnl nnd vicar general of the dioci'xe. Father Hionlnn Mas ono of the iililot thcologianx in thin ticclioii of the country. A puif o containing n handsome mini nnd n batiiiiet | uero tendered him jtl-l before his departure , the nddivHs being de livered by ex-ovenior ! ) .owe , of > lnry- land. [ Ni-w York Herald , A contention of thc American-Hebrew Union , which nocicty is in close relations with the Alliance Ixraclitc UniverHelk- , will beheld ou the I''th of next July at Chicago , The a Hembly will be composed of delegnti'H roprcKcntlng the lending llc- nrcw ccpiigregntioiw in the United State * , to Hie number of onu hundred and fifty or upward. Thc meeting is one which takes place periodically for icglnlativc nnd other purpose * ; but thiH year itri dellbernlions will extend to a careful conaideratiou of the l > ci-t meaiiH of providing for the wants of Much poqr.Tewx as may bo compelled to lenvo Itussia and helping the c who can not get away. A AUintlr Vosscvaiigcn is a little fanning hamlet on the west shore of n beauti ful lake. The region is ono of lie | best districts in Western Norway ; the "Vos" farmers are held to bo fortunate nnd well to do , and their butter and chuusu always bring highifjccs in market. As wo drove into the villugc we met the peasants going homo from church ; the women in short green or black gowns , with gay jackets and white hamlkcrcliiufs made into n flying- buttress sort of head-dress on their heads ; the men with knce-brccchcs. short vests and jackets thick trimmed with silver buttons. Every man bowed , and every woman courtesied as wo passed. To pass any human being on the high way without a sign or token of greet ing would bo considered in Norway the height of ill manners ; any child seen to do it would bo sharply re proved. Probably few things would astonish the rural Norwegian moro than to bo told that among the highly civilized it is considered u mark of good breeding , if yoii chance to meet a fellowman on the highway to go by him with no moro recognition of his presence than you would give to a tree or stone wall. It is an odd thing that a man should bo keeping tlio yosscvaiigen Hotel to-day , who served in America's civil war , was for two years in ono of the Now York regiments , and saw a goon deal of active service. , Ho was called back to Norway by the death of his father , which makes it neces sary for him to take charge of the family estate in Vossovangen. Ho has married a Vossonvangon woman , and is likuly to end his days there , but ho hankers for Chicago , and al ways will. Ho keeps a fairly good little hotel on the shores of the lake. In ono corner of the dining- room was a largo round tablu covered with old silver for Halo ; tank ark H , chains , bolts , buttons , coins , rings , buckles , brooches , ornaments of all kinds hundreds of dollars' worth of things. There they lay , day and night , open to all wlio came ; and they had done this , the landlady uaid , for years , nnd not a single article had over boon stolen ; from which it is plain that not only is the Norwegian honest himself , but there must bu a contagion in his honesty which spreads to all travelers in his country. Rub It In. Jacob Loeckman , 274 Clinton ittraot , llullalo , N. Y. , nays he hiw been using THOMAS' HcLEorrtio Oil/ for rheumatism , He Hiich a lama back that hiTcould do nothing ; but onu bottle entirely cured himf ICeodlw Pretudloe Kills. "KloVon years our daughter suf fered on b6d of iniuory under the care of novcml of tlio beat ( nml eoinu of the worst ) physicians , who gave her diaenso various nmncs , but no relief - liof , anil now she is rostoreil to us in good health by as sipiplo ft remedy aa Hop Bittern , that we had ix > oh'cil at for two yoara before using it , We enniually hope and pray that no oi e ulsu will lot their sick miller as we did on account of prejudice against BC oed iv medicine as Hop Bitters. " The Parents. [ Tekgnun. codjy ] 'ROUGH ON RATS. " The thing desired found at last Ask druggists for Hough on Rats. I clears out rats , mice , roaches , Hies bod-buR , 15o. l > oics. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Spocifli It U a iKMitlrecurv ( or Srwrmatorrhea , Scmlm coVncM , lmi Uney , anil all dU u rusultln from Hell-Abiua , M Mental Anxiety , last < lluuory 1 l'ala hi the lUck or SUle , wij illeas < - that lead t Coiiiumptlo Insanity The Mnllclu * Ulng us < with vronJ * ent Uoc to all. Writs lot thorn and get lull pa tjculxri o Prlctt , Speddc , tl.COl per package , or U pael at < * tit K.OO. Aiidrcw all onlen to JJ. BIUBOXMKDICTNK CO. ( , No * . 1W and 100 Ualn Bt DuflaJo , H. Y. BolJ la OniaU br C. K. OoodmM , J. W. 1W J , K. I 1 No Changing Cars BETWKKX OMAHA & CHICAGO , Whcro Ulrcct conncctioni arc nuxdc with Through HI.EKPINU CAK LINKS for NEW YOHK , I10STOX , 1'IIILADKLPIUA , BALTIMOUK , WASIIINOTON AND ALL EASTEUN ITIES. The Short Line via. Peoria Kor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- V1LI.K , and all points In the CS O * t ? nie near USB For ST. LOUIS , \\hereillrect connections arc made In the Union Dciiot lth the Throiish Hlccnlnp Car Unwfor AI.1 , 1'OlNTrf as o TCT rr * EC . NEW LINE'DES ' MOINES THE KAVOIUTK UOLTE 1XJ11 Rock Island. Tlio uneqvixlctt linliircnicnti oOcred by tills line to travrlcrx nod tourists arc M follows : Tlic ctlel.ratc.1 . l'ULLMAN46o-whc < .l ) PALACE SLKKPINO CAIIS nm only 3n tills line C. , H. & Q. I'ALAUK VllAWINU ROOM OAKS , with llorton's Itecllnlng Chnlra. No extra charge tor BOAtoln Hirlliilii ! ; Chain. Thu famous C. , II. & Q. I'.iUco Lin l.i Cnre. Gorh'cou&HmoklnK Can llttod w Ith tlcirant lil h-tftckcd rattan revolving chain , tor the excliuitc usoot nht-clruw ) < a jcn- gen. gen.Steel Track nndmipcrjor equipment combined with their aont through car amngenicnt , makes thlir , above nil other * , the faibrltu route to the K.i. t , .South and Southeast. Try It , and 3011 villl flnd traellng n luxury In- ntc.-ul ot n ilttcomfort. Through tickets \ to this celebrated line tor ealo at all ollH-09 In tlm United Ktatoj anil Canada. All Infonnatlon about ratiM ot tare , Sleeping Car accamuiodatlona , Tlmu Tabled , etc. , will be cheerfully given by applying to JAMKS R , WOOD , General Poewineer Au'tnt , Chicago. T. J. POTTER , Drnrral Manotccr ChlcAiro. SO ? . XUOT7XS3 PAPER WAEEHOUSE. RRAHAM PAPER GO. 217 and 210 North Main SU , St. LouU , . WllOLHSALR DKALKRS IS i DADCDC JWRITINOI NEWS , -rMrtnO f i WRAPPING , ENVELOPES , CA11I ) BOARD AND Printers Stock. and Paper Stock , Scrap Iron and Mctala. Pnpor Stock Warchouncs 1220 to 1237 , North Sixth street. _ If } mi want something to n.11 tai.t In AGENTS - - All the people want ft prollts bis , unto at once to the Boston Lamp Co. , 607 Washington street , Iloston , Mas" . Their new lamp burner with the Hyde Wick attachment , mnkof ) kerosene lamps burn evenly. It has m6 email hand wheels instcoda ot ONK each wheel controlllnsr u corner , or one-halt the w ick. Sells nt night. KITS AVY LAMP. Terms to nsonts , 2 , HJ , and KJ.W per iloz. Retail price , 35 , 45 and M cents. Samples bunt to agents b > mall for 25 cents. 175-17 'cat for being the most direct , quickest , and nfcht line connecting thu i nut ilitropolta , CHI * AiU , uid Uie'BlRTliuf ' , hoRTH-lLtbriiU-S , SOUTH nd SOCTH-KAHTJIRSI LIMW , which Unninato there , rith KAIHAH CITT , LBW vwourn , ATCIIWOV , JOVT.CII. llLvrm and OUAIIA , thu CoKMracut which radiate EVERY LINE OF ROAD iat - > cnetrattti the Continent from the Missouri Uvcr to the 1'acltlc bloi , The CHICAGO , EQCK ISLAND & PA CIFIC RAILWAY i the only line from Chicago ownlny tree * Into aiiHaa , or whlch.-'by IU own rnad , reachu ) ( be lolnto ahove named. No TIIAKHKK.KB BT CAKRIAOK ! 'o MIBHINU coxNKCTioxa I h'o huddling In , 111- tntlUtixl or unclean can , ( ui e > ery ] u ents'cr la arritxl .11 roomy , clean and NtnllUkil coaches , | > on Fmt fxpri ! s Trains. ' DAT CARH of nnrivaUxl magnlQccncc , I'I'LLMAN 'AI.ACI KHHU-ISO C4PH. ami ourownHorld-fiutunu iisisu CARS , uiion which muUnarc tcrtMl of un > urrnwd excellence , at thu low rate ot KKVKNTT. 'IKK C'H.sraiAcu , vtitlijMnplv Uuio lor healthful njp ) mwit. ThrouKh Curs between Chicago , I'torla , > IU < , aulico and1 Mlmourl Hl > er Volnbi ; and close con > itctloiu at all polnta of Intentoctlon with othn > Vo'tlcket ( do notlorcctthU ) directly to every ilace ot lniiortanc | in Ki\n < ia , Ntbroska , Iliad IU1VotnlnK. . L'tnh , Idaho , Ketada , Culllornia , Ori'fonVft hlntton Territory , Colorado , Arizona and New Mexico. A * liberal armnzcments rep irdlne baggage lu ny other line , nd ratcu o ( fare alwaj K as , ow u coinmtitott , ho funilsh but a tithe of the com ort , Itogs nnd tackle of cporUwcn free. 'HclcIs , maiw and fode | at all principal tlckc " M lu the United States and Canada. U , It. C'AIILE , E. BT. JOHN , Vliu 1'red't iOcn. Gen. Tk ( , audl'ass'r Ajt Manager. Chlraco. ChlfOL'O. 'if ' youjn > W oflAUUWtK.VUlK- \ mui of li-t- rnodbrthattntnyf ti-ri tolllne orer u- your dutlM oTOHl nUhtwork , to Tc- torubratnucrTeaoa Hop Sitters. . watte , uie Hop B , I , from tn If TOO re Tounir and lufforinff any dUintlon or dUiltwl I lion ) If jouaruinai-- rirU or tlngla. old or I TOUDB , unlfftine froni lK > orbe Hli or Uiipulth I Intt on a bud of tick un , rvly ou Hop ! Ulttors. \Vhewve youiro. tl TbouundjcU annually - whtucTfr you tet-l nually from Borne u T * " ' form of Kidney tli t 3 a HJ"a ( Sdbiate that liOjfl't Inif or ( tlmufitln ? , I haTob ni > menl l I by a tlmvly UM > O ( k take Hop HopBltter * Bitter * . D. I. O. or vrinarvcom-l Ii u > utoalut * tialnt , dlso and IrretltU- HDP II Uo cure ( or I drunVcnneii. HUM of opium , You will eel lltobacco.ur cured If muuxl Hop rfSw | law > nlrtU tkkudl < l.U7 | NEVER Itl It mayl HOr BTTTCU nv rourl IFAILI rra < ) I If * . tttw | kavod pun- N STORE 3 616 TENTH STREET. PREPARATIONS FOR THTcJJRIOUS 4TH , i ' 1 < - ' - > ' ' * _ r : - , > ' In order to close out our whole1 , stock of Millinery before July 4th , the following sweeping reduc- ductions have been made , 700 LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S , .HATS : Hanging in pncc from 75c to $1,125 each. All reduced to uOo each. 90 LADIES' TRIMMED HATS , Worth from SI 7"i to $ tf.50. All reduced to1.00. 60 LADIES AND MISSES'TRIMMED HATS ' Worth fixnn 82.50 io 8t.7o. ! All to bo closed out nt 81.50 each. 45 BEAUTIFULLY TRIMMED HATS , Woith from $2.75 to $0.00. All reduced to halt price. MENS' AND BOYS' STRAW HATS AT COST DO pieces lovely LIUWB , reduced to oc , Oic , 8ic , 10 and 12Ac per yard. Best Linen Lawns , 20c and 25o per yard. 1,000 piocca Jlosquito Netting , ( all colors ) -lOopcr piece. Ono lot Shetland Slm\yls at C.c on the dollar. , , ing engaged three additional salesmen , our customers can now gel attended to at once. LEADER , OF 1'01'ULAR Piano ; ans J. B. T ron- AND SOLE AGENT KOK Hallet , Davis &Co. , James Holmstrom , J & C. Fischer's Pianos ; also SoleAgent for the Estey , Burdett and t e Fort Wayne Organ Co.'s Organs. I DEAL IN PIANOS AND ORGANS EXCLUSIVELY. HAVE HAD YEARS EXrEItlKNCE THE LUSINESS , AND HANDLE ONLY THU BEST. 218 Sixteenth St. Hall Omaha . , City Building , , HALSBYV. PITCH. : : : Tuner. 9 J. The Largest Stock and Mb'st'Com plete Assortment in The West. n" : I3LTJ MJOWII. . / . - ' ttjij lll'l ' .I . . We Keep EverjrtHing in the Line of .Carpets , Oil cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures - and Lace Curtains. - , . , WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY , 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha. Ohas. Shiverick. FURNITURE , BEDDING , Feathers , Window Shades , And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up holstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of r New Goods at the owe"st Prices , CMS , SHlmiGE , , 11210 . Earn , St. * k prM mon'tlal