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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1881)
/ 'HIE DAILY JBER PUBLISK1KG CD. . PROPRIETORS. SU Parnham , Let. Stk and 10th Strtttt TEans or SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Ooj > > 1 year , In advance postpaid ) . . . . .83.00 Smiths . tM S months . 200 " 11ME TftBUS * > THE'MAILS. . - . B. . 620 a , . , t p. ' m 0St Joe 630 a. m. S.CltytP.6SOa.m. O. P. B.U.lliOm.m. O. 4 K. V. to Lincoln. 10 a. m. B. Alt. U.R. . 8:40 a m. O. * N. W. , 0. k M. VT. B.R. , 11 . nu , 11 p. m. 0. E. a Q. , 11 . m. , 930 p. m. O.E I. & P. , U .m. , U p.m. 0B. . * St , Joe.,11 am. , Up in. U. P. R. a. , i p m. 0. & R. V. from Lincoln , mo p. m , B. City i PM 11 . m. B , &U.rnJxeu.t p. m. . m. Officoopcnlrom - 12 to J p. Bandars. THOMAS JF.tULL.Po6tm Ul. Arriral Departure el Trains UHION PACIFIC. Dally Express .12:15 p. m. 836p.m. do _ Kited..6:10 p. to , i36p.m. doj Frclght.B:30 . m. V.tOisir. , * do . . . . .8:15 a , m , 12:20 a. m. riKB DAIiD OF IKK BURIIHGTOH. tn VB otuRa. ABJUTE oiLuia. rSxpeas.840i ! . tn. fexpreea lW am , ' . . . . . . . .6:00 a. m. K . . . . . . . . : p. m. i Eiccpusd. Bnndays Ezteptod. CIUCAOO.EOCK IELAKB & PACIFIC. . . .0:09 a. m.'l Mall ICttW p. m. > * rprc . . . . .S : Express..10:00 a. m. , X3HICAOO JfORT H WE3TEKK. . , , . - . , . - . > 0 a. m. I Mill . . - 739 p IB. Xma2 IM pi m. j Express 100 a. m. Sundays ezccptcd. KANSAS C1TY.BT. JOE fc COUNCIL BLOFFS HATE AKS.IVE. Kail _ .8SO * . m. { Express T : 0 . m. Czpreej . . . .C:00 p.m. | MiIL..7SS } , Q. The only line rnnnlnsr .Pullman Sleeping Can out of Omaha to Unlou Depot. OMAHA & SOUTHERN NEBRASKA EAIL- WAY COMPANY. Leave. Anire. fiprai8.8:20 a. m. 1 FxpreK . . .4TOp , m. lined 1:50p m. ( Mixed 10(5a. : m Dally Erc ptSundi8. , JE. 4 > C a. R In KEBRAEEA. LSAVB. Throosh Rxpre > i < _ 7 JO a m JLceommodat on . . . . .7.09pm ARB1W. Thronzh Kxpreiz. . | 7.OP m Accoinmoja'lon . . , , % . . . . . . . 8SO'm BIOOX CITY & ST. PAUL R. R. , 1I 11. . . . . . , . . ? :10 : m I Express..ICMO am Express 8.0pm | M , 7:28 p m KABASH'ST. Louisai-Acmc. LIAVrS. AXUVBS. Ball 8 a. m. | HiU UiB a. m Express. . . . ! : p. m. | Express. . . .1:26 p. m. BRIDQE DIVISION D. P. R R. Leave Oaiau * . dally -8 a. m. , B a. m , 10 a m. , 11 a , m. . 1 p. ta. , S p. m. , S p. m , C p. m , , o p. en. . Lrave Council Blnfls ; S3B n. m. , 9:25 a.n , , IOS5 a. BX , 11S5 a. m. . 1S6 p m , , ! :25 p. " . , C:26 p. m , 6:26 p. m. , 6 5 p. m Fear trips on Sunday , leaving Omaha at B and 11 . m. , Jl w4 6 p. m. ; Coundl Blna U flse , 11:2C a'm. , Sid 2 6 and 6SFp. m. MSHEKOIR nuurs. I/MT * 'imaha : 3 n. tn. , 7 . m. , 830 - m. , 1 p. m. ; ( :50 : p. m , 7 6 p. m. , Leave Cdancll BloCC < SI6 a. m , , BiO : a. m. , Xl(0 anu :25p. m , 70 p. m. , 7 0 p. tn. j OaUy except Sunday. QMAAA * P.EPOBL104.N VALLEY R. . t , AV > 1KKITS. j "M ti _ . .1Qiia in. , tA5n.JB. 1,1 Al'LhK. J. ENCL SH , A TTOBVhY AT LAW S10 Eonth Ihlrteenth M. WOOLWORTH- : POWELL , < r UBTICE OF IliK VEACE . .omer Uth and Farnhim SU * . . Omaha Noh. nfa. SNsflAL , m B"Crelehlon ATOJ 3l . PWAH A , L. THOMAS , A .r iAW Ix n money , boy * A. Mi usJ oatate. Boom 8 , Cielghton A. C. TKQUP , * LiW Office Jn A wlli ( teorg * E Prltehett. 1EOA CKAHA. KEB. . 4 rrOAKKr AT LAW Oralc 3nank I Bnlld OL ing _ trees A. tt. CKADWiCK. i rrORNKT AT LAW Office UM Farnham A. Btr et. . , y AwYEBOfflce In Orel iton Block , nart'U Ll Fcatoaoo , OkAHA , WiyJBABEA. JttfEatenii Procwtd.1 * COTABV rUBUO. OOLLKOTIOKB MADM - O'BRiEN & SARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law , OKncB-Unlon Blodt ltc nih anf'Famhaa ATTORNEY AT LAW. 'ARBA3H BLOCK. COR. UOBQI6TM ST8. * ' -4 r- OMAHA , KEB. W. d. Oonnell , Attorney- -Law , 0 Ecc : Front rooms , np stairs. In Hanacom * ! aoir balldlns , H. w. corner Fifteenth and Farnham Strata. . KlDIOt. R.BKDIOK REDICK , ttorneys-at-Law. r.tlentlon will be slvet to * n corparaUona ol etery deKrlption ; wUl nrwU to Ml Jibe Cacr oi the State and the tJnltsd SUtst. Oact. rarnham St. , opposite' Co-ri House. CDWAKD W. SIKEKAL , 4 TrOSNt ? AT tAW-Rwom 8 Orelj bum A Clock , Uth ad DoacU itreeU. ooMh S JAW SIS Fkrahjus Street 0. J. HOHT HiCHASDS & HUNT , &tionays-at-Law , South Fourtetnth Street. tiANTA. OLA.US FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the Aee- "iTonoe-fuIdiscovorlei In the worldhare been made iiconi ; other tUlnps where Santa Cans stayed CUU Ircn o' ( jk U he makes coed * or not , U r.alrliol3Tc ! In a mountain I mow. Last je t an ext-nndon Railed clear. t the J > ole - And BuJdccly dropped Into what § eomcdllks hole V.liore woudnrofTrondtrBtbeyfotrndanewlanJ , VUli fair } -lik < btlnjrs appcared.on each hand. Thoie wore taorctilne ItVe ottra , with more beaatUnl creec , &j n fur bnfrnwr kktea'than ver were een , Birdji with tbe hacs of a rainbow were found , VThllc Eovrers ol crqulstte fragrance were grow Ing aronndT Not lonj TTCre ihej"loft to winder In'doab * A bsludjf noon ciice thej had heard much about , Tw b bifnU Clans' fflt and th ! j they all By. l lkej like the picture * eaee every day * Re drove up a tcun that looked Terr queer , 'Twas a team o ! craohofiben ! Instead ot reindeer , He rode In a incu Instead of a ttelgh , But be took them .on Vo td and drore them away. He shaded them all over hli wonderful realm , And factories mating ( roods for women and men Funien were worklnc on hats cre t and Bnall , To Bunco's they cald they were Bending them all. tCrli Klnclo , the Glove Uaker , told them at one * , AU our Qlorca we are lending to Bunco , Santa shored tacra luipendtrs and many thlflfi more. Uylc < I alse took theea to friend Bonca1 ! item. Santa Clam then whit pcreJ a aacret he'd teU , Aj In Omaha every one knew Bunoe veil , Qe therefore ihsuid send hit froodj to hli can , Knowlnf ; his friends will get their fall loan. Now ronBtubnrye dwellers In Omaha town , AU who want ercaontt to Runce'B go round , For bhlrte , collan , or gloret great and email , 3end TOUT El5tor or aunt one and aL. Bunse , Champion Hatter rj the Weft , Booglal Hamburg Lifle. WERKLTLIN OF STEAMERS tEAYISQ' SEW IOPrT 'EVERT THDRSDAT at S r. x. , rod England , France and Germany For ras3ajoaplij-lo ) ' f/ C. B..IUCHARD & CO. General Fauenccr A tntt , York. VISEGAR WORKS I ERNST KREBi Manage , " " ' * ' * "utaaurer ot an ktads'ot " " , St. StL A end Wa OJf LHA MMS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ART EMPORIUMS- i u ; BOSffS Art hmpirtum. me DoJge fctreet , Bteel Encimnngs , Oil P.tutlnge , Chromog rancv Frames. i'rxmiDpaS.wciaHy. Oow prices. J. BOSSEK. 1303 Douglas fet. Good Style * . ABSTRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JOHN L. KcCAGUE , opposite postoffiee. W. B. BABTLETT , SIT South 13th Street. ARCHITECTS. J3UFRENE &MENUKLSSHON , JABCSTITECrS Room is , Creigoton Block. . AT. LARnE. Jr. , KoOin 2 , Crete h ton Block. BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES DlVI.VE & CO , Fine Boots and Shoes A i.ooJ assortment of home crk on hand , cor. Utb-and Barney. TH03 ESIChSON , S. E. our. ' 6th and Docglas JOHVYOttTONATUS , 603 10th St. , mulactureu tc order good work at fair prices. Reruifivg done. BED SPRINGS J. F. LARBIUZR , M.mufatnrer. Vtsachers * Blk. BOOKS , NEWS AND STATIONERY J. I. FKUKIlAUr , 1015 Farnham street. B TIER AND ECCS- JIcSHANr &SCHBOEI Eil.lheolfle-tB. andE. house in Nebraska , efetkbltaieaitTa , Omaha. BOARDING CEKTEALRESTAURANT RESTAURANT , URb. A. RYAN , sou'hwctt cor. 16th and I'Sjgo. Best Boird for tne Moner. flatlsfactl uUuaranteed. tteals at a 1 Hours. , Board by the D y , Week or Month. Good Term * for Cash. Furnished looma.-upp'i-d. ! CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS yM.EKY'BiKo. 1319 Hih ana llamey 8t CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- AKDRKW KOMiWATKU ; 1610 Farnham St. Town Survc } i , Grade and Sewerage S > bt msa specialty. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOHN G. WILLIS , 111 * Dodge Street. 1 . B. BEbHEtt , For details see Urge Advertise- Ptat in U all arid Weekly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO WEST t FRlT C11LR , Jla.utacturers ol Cigars , and Who esale D.aUis in Tolucoo ; , 1305 Doug. W. r. LORES ZUf. nranufmcturer. 61110th St. CORNICE WORKS. Western Cornice \\o kr , ilia lacturas Iron Coral eT > n , Iron and felate LoUiup. Orders [ rom any locality i romi ily executed lu the bent manner. Factory and Office 1S10 Djge . - treet. Galvanized Iron Cornices , \Viodo capa , etc. rain nfactnred and put op in auyipart ot the country. l.felMl LD , 416 thirteenth fet. CROCKERY. J. BONKER , 1S09 lnu.la4 St. Good Line. . CLOTHING AND FURN1SHINCCOODS GEO. H. PEI EibU : > . Also Halt , C. | * < , Boots , Shoes , Notionsand Cutlcrj , 80i S. 10th tt. CLOTHING BOUGHT. 3. SHAW : lil pay bigunt caati price t t second tiand clo hlnp. Comer 1Mb and Farnham. DENTISTS- DR. PAUL. WilllarnV Block , Cor. 16th tflodw PAINTS AND . x- DRUGS , OILS.x KUHN i. V-0 , . , Pharmarlntj. Fine Fancj Goods , Oor. 16th and. / Di nglas Streets. " * * t * W. J. WHITEQOUSE , Wbolesi'e ' 4 ReUU.10 at. C. C. FIELD , 2022 Keith Side Cuminc Street. M.PARR , Drug2lat , 10th nd flovard SM , -ODS.K&TICNSETC.C , JOHlJ"B [ . K , LEHSlAKN qa , * ' "New'Tork'iJry Ocxxh Bfire , 1 JllO wd 1J1S Tarn. ' him street J. C. newpld.also > ojt > Ashoei.7tL&rFaciac FURNITURE. rA.T. OHOSSjraieand Second TUndrnrnlture and Stoves , lilt Dounlw. E. 0. Torceon Act. t. BONNEB,1SQ9 Douilas St , . Fine Goods. &C. FENCE WORKS - . OMAHA-PENCE CO. OVST. FR\ES \ t CO.,1213 TTamey St. Jmprov- ollce Uoxes , Iron and. Wood -Fences , Office Ballings , Counters of Pin nd Walnut. * , FLORIST- A. Donachue , plant ; , cu flower ? , seeds , Ixxjueta . W. ror Ifiihmil FOUNDRY. JOHN WKARNEJitiK.Nd co' . Hth& Jackson st. GROCERS. Zi STE EKS HlsyjeivTetn . Oorner 23d t.d rOumlnirSts. HATTERS. * W. L. PAHROTTE i CO . 1S06 D nilas Street , Wholesale Kzcluslvrly. HARDWARE IRON AVD STEEL DOLiN & L > KQWO&TBT ( Wholesale , 110 and A. HOLMES , < * > rner16th nnfl California. HARNESS , SADDLES , -&Ci E. B. WE18T. 32) 13th at. , Let Farn. i Har- HAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY. ladles cet roar straw. Chip snd Kelt liats done up at nortlieiA corner bevcntccnth and Capitol avenne. WM. DUVE , PHOP , 'HOTELS t ' CANFIKLD HOUSE , Oco.'Canfield , 9th & Farn. DORA is DOUSE , P. U. Cary , 913 Farnham St. SLATERS HOTEL , F.Slaven.lO.VBtrcet. 3outhern HoUI. f-n * . I'anul fl' } INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. MRS. LIZZIE DiCNr , 217 16th Street. [ JEWELERS j JOHN BAUUER , 1311 Fainhim Street. JUNK- H. BEBTIIOLD. ar LUMBER , LIME AND CEMENT FOSTEB & OKAt , corner O'h and Douglas St . LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J ROKKF.R ISO ? Diluchs St. Good Variety. MERCHANT"TAILORS" G.A.LlNDQUhSr ; One of onr mont popular Merchant Pallors la ro- celvlnc the latest dctign * for prini aud Sum- merGoodjforccat'em-ii's c r. Sty'Uh dnnbl < i andpricciil' > ga f\er 215 ' 3thbet Dnng &F r. MEAT MARKETS- The Boston Market. HOGLEft JEiTKR , Frea < nnd Cured Meats , Game , FM . Poultrr. Ete . 2020 Cnnilng Bireetj MILLINERY. UBS. C. Jl. RINOER , Wholciale and'Jtetall , Fancy Goods In great -variety , Zephyrs , Canl iloanls , Honerr. cloves , coreets , ti Cbeajiett 9oux In the West. Purchui Rave SO par cent. Order by Mail. 115FJ > enih-rt. MILLS- WMAHACITr MILLS , 8th and Faruham Sti. Welihan * l'rn , p > tprioU.r - PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. W. R. GIBBS. M. D. , Room No. t , Orelfhton Block , 16th Street. P. S. LEISENBING. V. D , Ma onlc.Bloek. O L. HART.,15. D. , Eya nnd Var. fflc DR. L. n QRADDT. Ocnlln ar3 AnrStt , S W.Hth mnd Farnhum St. PHOTOGRAPHERS r OEo. llr.VM , FKUP Grand Central Caller ) , 212Ixuenth Street nearUaEonlcHull. Flm-clauWorkandPrompt. ness Oujnniecd. V PLUMBING , CAS AND STEAM FITTING P W TAftl'Y ' J6 tX ) , 216 I2'h St. , bet. Kara. 'am & Douslas. Wi rk prooiptljrattrnded to. D. FirZPATRICK.'HOS DonsUs 8tr t. PA1NT1NCAND PAPER HANGING HSShY A. KO Ig s.H12 DoJ.-e Sffeet. , _ , -PLANIKC A.MOYER , manufaciurar o If ash , doors , tnoldlnps. i ewds. halustcis , hand rail' , lurnlsh' ' lEf.BcroUsagb'p. Ac-cor * Poote > and 9th sta. PAWNBROKER J. R08ENFELD. Sxi IQtfa St. bet. Farn. A Bar. CANREID'S PATENT ' 0. F.'OOODUAX , Kth St. . bet. Tarn. 4 Har. SHOWCASE MANUFACTORY 0. J. WILUK , .Manufacturer ted Dealer la all tlnds ot Show Casei , Uprirht Cases &c. , 1S1T Casa St. STOVES AHD TINWARE- A. B0RJIESTER , Dealtr In Stoves and Tlnvare , and Itanolactarer of Tin Roots and all kinds o ! Buildlnc Work OddFelloOT > Block. F , 1S09 Done. St. Oo.dand Chnp. , SEEDS J. E7AKS , Wholenla and , Betalf : Seed Drill ) and Cdtlvalrrs. Odd Fello * , SHOE ST01ES. fhiUpp tear , 1329 Farnham ct. bet. IStn & 14th. SECOND HAND STORE rEKEIS'SiLEAH16 DjuelMSt. , New and Second Hand Furniture , H use Furnishing Ooodv. & . , bought and gold n narrow ma gins. SALOONS nENBTKADFSIAITN , In Unctw brick block on Donclas Street , ha * JBftt opened a molt ele nt Beer Tr ll. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 very day. FLAJWERT. On Farnham , next to the B. & VI. headqnarten , baa reopened A Teat ant complete utablish- mratwhich , barrice HUE. and Mother Ship- ton' * Prophecy. viH ] t open tor the bojs with Hot tanch en and afur preyntdate. "Caledonia , " J. FALCOSER. 67916th tre t ' . UNDERTAKERS CHAS. R1EWE , 1012 Farnham bet IQtl tilth. Milit f tSS'CENT STOTES' ! ' " - ( > HESRT POHLMAN , toy. notion' , rictnre * . Jewelry , So , 613 l h bet. Farnhun & Doug af. F. 0. BACKUS , UOi Farob&m .it. liacy good * . Slith Ward Begiatration-LiHt , Akerly G S Albee G J Axford Carr Anderson A H Anderson JM Armstrong Gee Angel J B Allen B Allen Jaa T Adams H Armstrong G B AdkinaSF Adklna Sam Barnacle R Bnffington E K Barker Jafl Barker Austin P Barker J M BrigeaJS Briggs A Breretoh Chas Britcoe tt Barland Jas i Birlovr MT Bailey P E Baker W I Bell J W 1 Baesett G 0 Beddla 8 J DeBolt G M Blair Harry G BaddJ Barnacle J B tiardickFR Buckner Harrison Bell C D Bennett J S Benson WV Bell John W 2 Basard W R Brown John Bonner Gee 0 Bandenon John Bushnell Chaa Barkalow 8 D Birkalow M W Barkalow D V Brovrdvent J B Bukalow N E Barber C J Blakely 0 H Blowers Lyman Barker F M ' Ballon 0 H Blair JR Bendarp Crist Brown Oonrad Beemer D B Burnhsm. Leavitt Baddorp Henry Burnham N G Brings Ansal Cliff TG Cady E H Oronemyer M F Olaaisin B Oaaidy LE Carroll G L Cole J F OoleDT Chapman J H Clark Edw Orandell G T Canaan Martin Clark N S CookEF . Clark Dan lei Oreightsn JD Child. E F Cooper F D Clark Phillip Cane John Campbell WF Cornish Marcus Coruish G T Call Chaa Grayer G H CattlerFE Clarsen Peter Campbell O C Cowan John Cannsn W Or ristlanien Steph Oapperty Saml Copeland W W Carlson Ola Ooutant 0 K Oowin J 0 Copeland W E Coegrore Jas Ittner Martin Ittner Nichels Johnson Thomas Jepi on Upward Jester E S Johnson Lars Johnson Crist Jones A F Junes GeoH Jacobbetger H Jordan Oallins Jensen B P Jones Hsrraa Rear A N Kref t E Kirhy H H Kipp Wm Knight Z B Knight Fred K > mm&n Frank Kamman Lewis Kanipin Ekward L\uoD "W Leary C A Luhr Chas Larson Ole Leavitt H T Lucas B H L idington H Ludingtoc J M Ludingtoo H 8 LaePM Lnmbk 'i > G S Lawton J 0 > LesterW 0 Mogle Wm Marcy Stephen Moore B C Mack Henry Munson 0 D Mills EA Manderaon C F Murphy Mike Mathis WB Mercer S D Martinson Nells T Mulhall Wm Maroney Edward "Metzler Alv'ln Miner N 8 Mansfield 0 B Manville F W Miller G B McCnne AST , 4 MeQague J L McCagne TflomM MeCarty Jamea McCarty Dan McLine J J McLane 0 F ' IcShana T L McCune J W , , H McKoon H H McSbaneJohnA McOarmackT McAlvinJohaH HcCarty Dan McMichols James " ' , Nelson HansfjSo 1 Nelioa Christ Nober.I J * * s KlSh'oli-d ; " * " ' ' * ' Nichcl * J W : > ' Nichols R Nelson Hins No'S'NelionTIagnnis Nile Wm , ' Ostrom A S Osbnrn Wm Oyler Jacob Powell Jas Pedersen Peder Peterson S T Patter J F Platz John H Penny T B Prewett Martin B Phillips ) N Pallaid M D Penny John W Peckham H S "Pinkham E B Pofclilmaun Henry Qaick T J Rodgers R E Ritter Henry ResS Richardson Gee Richardson Jshn RoveDB Rowle J R Rathbnrn G R Rowe James E Rose 0 G RicheliewEdw Rowles Ch&s Rowley Richard Rider Wm Russell Klias Richardson Lyman Smith J Ed Smith J H Smith J M Starkey Thos H Simpson J R Sidnor E B Smith W A Staley T J Straight O P Smith E V Steven * Z Shinn Mesa F Soauldlnc ; Gee Smith Watson B Straight 0 L Sachtso Bernhnrt Scuby Wm Sturgea Jacob B SirgentDB Saderholm T P Squires G G Shlnrock F L Smith H K Sessman Chaa Saaby Lewis Spellerberg E Staring G A Stephenson James Shill John Schwabe Hearman Schwabe August Sorensen Peter Thomas JD Thomas Jessie Toft U K Thompson 0 P Ttschuck Brano Tzjchuck B M Tzschnck G U Taggart Obaa F TarpenninpLnnanTroxell BF Tnompson N P Thomas D L Tender Peter Vanderford Joe Yanknran J Yanknran A S Vankuran A J Valentine J Valentine JE Whitney 0 F Williams Simon Williams Ira WHkins W B Williams , F P Wright Silas Waddell F K Wright JK Walker J W Wallace Wm Walker H D Williams H H Willis J G Withnell B S Watson J H Williams LB Wtllet Harris Weidensall J Jr. Waller Frank WiUon John Wilburn G-W Williams Lewis' Wiese 0 H Williams 0 B Willson Thomas Wnymfller Chaa Yoong G Yost 0 E ZiminerFP I certify the above liat to be the true copy of those voting in the Sixth wan 'of Omaha. 0. 0. FIELD. FOURTfl WAED. ADDITIONAL NAMES. Brownson Henry Burchmore Thos Balbach Cb s BoehnekeMax Borthwlck Fred J Bowers L M Bailer J F Beals S D Backns P C Balcombe U B Goby D B Congleton J M Crouch L C Cole E B , . Campbell Thos Clarke W If Clarke A M Crowell P Cutler S J Davis EP V Dlnsmore 0 W Dr Donnegan A H Dibble Lorenzo Drew E H Elleson Chris Frost G W Fries Gus Frenzer Peter Goodrich D H Goodrich 0 S Goodrich F Graham Ohaa ( Co ) ) Gray G W Gray L B Heimbaugh P C Hendrlx Milton Higginson A G Harrison Rob't Hoyt Rob't 0 Hobbs J L Jarman Thos Johnson Jas Jones D D Jankowskie L Kaufmann Henry Knight M A Larson F LeGert Daniel LoweF B Laudrock C Lowe W W Murphy Jas P McEelligon W J McKenstry A Nourae R E OakesJ J Overall E R O'Brien Jas E Olsen Ola Place W E Redick W A Richmond A ( col ) Reed Robt A Rhoades Wm G. Rohwer Henry Raodes H S Smith Roswell Scott J H Sandon I P Schroder Jno Stephens Oscar F Seymour W A Tallon Thos VanBuren S S Whulcck J 0 Woodbridge S F Whitman E Wuelpley Dave Welsh W L Word Gee E Watt J M Col LADIES RBBI8TERED. liish J E Mrs Horner K Mrs. STATE OF NEBBA.SKA , ) COUNTY or DOUGLAS f SB This Is to certify that the above is a true liit of additional voters registered n the Fonrtn ward , city of Omaha , to dale. dale.In In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand this 4th day of April , A. D. , 1881. JOHN F. , WOOD , 1 Registrar Fourth Ward. FIFTH WAED , ADDITIONAL NAMES. Arnold JW Atkins SF Armstrong E L Jsngoton Oloff Burk Ft Jristpl E T Baird J T Jarnick Wm Brewer 0 H Jrown H M Brewer W W Jogua Peter Bailer Fred Jockhoff John Brisco C N BurkhsrdtMY Biker B F Jlnett J Burke Pat Jean Sam Bansarman S Barkalow D V Barkalow NE Bliss M H Bradley Jno Jach Jucab Barnnm H W iarnum R Baldwin BE Jerger J E Brown W B Jorick F " Blake J E irnner T O Burke Walter irewer Harry Benzon Aug irosius J Bruner 0 0 Joard Dqlos Beard G W Jradley Jno E Beans W K Jolan Jas Brown Jo J y John P Bucklin E L Jrown R H Bail H Ww Jrophy Peter ) arlinn Bernard Copland Bichard ] nrlin Jas Conrad Oaoke Jreighton J A Creightnn Joseph Carpenter G L Clark JC Cog J R Ookley John Jarrigan Mike Cutler F E /ooperR 0 Chandler Chas /arpenter-T - Loon Crarron John } eon Frank Coon John Jrane Abraham Carpenter W D Jrane Isaac H Carroll John ) owdell Peter Donnell B P ) unn ET Davitt John ) eve Jos Doty Gee ) ooker Andrew DaltoH B G ) eltrich C Donahue J H ) oyle J A Doste A ) oater M J Donald John ) orn August Dorman August ) ablcrun John Dahlgren A M ) ouglas Jas Dyhrmarm JF Daily A H Swing .Etnlson Ettinger Benben Elliot R ii Egan 0en Evers J P Edholin Eeoj SUott N Ellett Gee Swers Frank EstabrookE Elling T B Etlemgreen J P Elvin R 0 Engstrem C X Elliott Wesley PT FoiJ W Flood 0 B Falconer James Fuller HA F ddisH S Famaworth S A FondaTH - - Glbbs J M Gratton G W Gratton W E Gratton.0 H Groin J W Garrison 0 L Greenbura O P Gusticn SN Garrigin P H Gilbert G J Hall T F Hall AM Haerr J Hearn E D H01WJ Horan H P Hardin J P Heistand G F Homror Wm Hart wig A J Hume B T Hwkell a A Hunt H H Hagedorn H H Hoglo Chaa Hnmmill J Hanson Chris Harris B Harr'h'C L Hammell A Hunter J B Hogsie D D Heinrikson F Ej Hansea Jena Hubbard A 0 Heron Jamea Harmon-Andrew Hedding H W- ollbger W H Ijama .W H t Jones FD f j A Jones Geo' - Johnson C C "Johnson.P'J Jacobion Andrew/Johhson Salador Johnson Soren1' - v - . Keith H flF f.KuehnF W Keenan Nicholas jKieT J L ? " . .Kane Michael Eln'neyE * * Kennard Joseph Kellner M'J . , - -i.r Lanyon W H XoydLE- Lucas A K { LowifC J Mahoney J G Mason B'1 Muller P 0 Meldrum T ; jjurplrye Malloy Bat tMy rs J MorkAlbiB&a Msi Moran P Mauss Fredl XMocltbwO E Mortimer S L t- 2IuIlen Murphy Martin /Mulktt'B'O ( Macomber J H Morel PjH _ - Monnahan Pat Miller J F , MorrellC - Miller Wm Moran C ( tMahdney J/ ' ManionsPat1 "Muskat Ang MorrillAMj-5 oe MidgelyO" Mullg IPal Maffatt D W ManiUeld M Miller Joseph MsJoney J 'Manig Wm Miller D H Mnlcahey T Madden J 8 Moora F M Murphy Jno MarrTbos l Manss Chris Morten EH Mulligan Frank Malmberg Olof Melliion Jno Marshall Westly Mullen Jno Mullen Jer Moran Jno Mack Wm Mitchell H J Marshall MM Madden Wm Mnrner Edw Mohr B M Moore Jno Masher G W Minkler 0 A Mackedon J J Meloy D 0 Matteson B Matcalf 0 F Mauss 8 Mallette S G Murry J M Mulligan M Mnllery Thos Moora D S Murphy D T Mason Edw Mathers T J Morris Clark T MastonP Maloney Edw Murphy J H Myers H B Mosett Joseph Motz Samuel Moran A Monell'J J Minton A K Meyer Joseph MattaonF H Munnecks Wm Malmsten C E Murphy T A Murphy J J Morton Nelson Madden Jno Miller Gee Martia S E Martis Ole Marley Ohas Martin Robt Murphy Jas N Manning IT Miller Thomas Megrath T A Medlock Gee Marston J M Marsh W W Miller J 8 Miller R L Miller W E Merrill N W Morgan N Murphy Thos Mtdtcuff Magwell 0 B Monk F E Mies Peter Maine 0 L Morris 0 F Miller Charles Millage John McGuirkEJ McConnell Robt McDermott Lnke McCann Jno McOormick J S McGuire E McEnroe Pat MoRoe F McOanu Mike McDonald John S McOlare E A McMickers J McCoy W P McGrath Mike McMullen H 0 McOonnellFR. McNamara Wm McDonald Jnd jr MciJonell James McDermott Peter McAvin John MoFadden Wm McKinnev John McKern A H McOaig Kennedy MoLearle Jno McNamara Pat MoMahon Jas McPherson D McOarty Pat MoGowan J H McAndrewa M MoKern H M McOormeH'RY ' McCarty J H McNalley Pater MoKenrla A MoMillen John Me Manns J C McQuillan Pat McMamns T McNamara J C McKeg G H tfcManus Hugh McOay F C McCarthy M' MoMillonWH McKay WH MoMnrray T S HcGnire Pat McCaig John McGinn Bar McDermott Ohu MoAndand R R McShane Jno A VIcShane.Jno H MaOord W H McCoy James Nelson Niels K Nelson Bund STeedham Gee J Newman W B Newman H Newman R Nimrod Thos Neville Dchsenbien G W Ownegan Owen ! Ma 3n Ambrose Olsen G Olaen D Oasley Ge O'Donohue John Patterson'Geo Price J H Priokent , W H" Patterson 0 P Parker Ike H Peterson R T Parker Churchill Poppleton A J Peck E P Peck J P Payton A Peterson M E ? end Wm Peck Ed ? olack A Peters'ou/A Pnrcell Miohael Peterson Torrls Qainn Peter Ri'ley J B Rpedv John lobinson J T Rue ! Edw L lichards J M RoffJD lamsay A F Ryan John lamsay Robt A Ritchie FE lamsey Saml Reed D M Robinson W T Rumel W M Reed 0 A Rosaokcr C lyan Edw Uanberry B Stoughton Aaron ' Sw'ifle Fred Sacket F A Sweeney F W Spellman N J jtomm Louis Samhnd Peter Store Wm Store G Icheid Andreas Shepand James Ityger D Souor A R ihenon Jj Stewart A S . Simpson A J Simpson D L iwoany John Store E L Sw.m A S Simonds Gee iweany Dan Swartzlander J Saara M F Swan C P Stouk Frank Sshulen' erg F W Ichulenbarg J L Stevens Simnel Smith William Stratmann G E Scott Jerry Shane Daniel SaieroR Niels Smith D J Sliter F J Smiibson S A Stevens Edwin SkotchleyHobt Tlmms M F Tnnnell A M Tnk'ey A P Thieman Chas ? ylpr Ohas Trott W J ? bomasDilbert Thomas W F I'homas Rudolph UbblaA Visseher H H Vis G W /"auadarnam / W J Vanadernam J B Valentino D A Veira Brlce Vess J 0 Wilson J B Whlcehouse WJ Wroth A D Wood 0 L Wood Pat Wigman JE Villhite J 0 Wisjman J E Whttehorn Edw Wiemers IC Walters J R "WetmoraGeo R ( Walker R H Wilbur L T Woodman Clark Worm August Wing W S Ware Elijah Whitelccko Gee Wilson Gee A Vhitney WN Wroth AB Veimer Frank Wood Ben B Ware M L Ware E L WilUrd H B Whitmora Will Williams C F Wieser Martin Wakeley Eleazer Yerfoss W K 'I hereby certify thai the above list s a true copy of those voting In the ftfthward , On aba. SCHUXLBB WAKEFIELD , Registrar of Fifth ward. SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS. As a family medicine and tonic , here is no remedy at present giving such'universal ' satisfaction , and effect- ng : so many astonishing cures , as Electric Bitters. Our druggists re- nrt'a lively ) demand for them , t Imes beirg unable to supnly the many calls. All Bilious Attackn , Stomach , Jiver and Kidney Complaints , Dia- ) etes and 'Gravel , readily yield to heir curative qualities Sold by all druggists , at fifty ceuU per bottle. (4) ( ) EocEuen'e Arnica Saive Ttie But SALVE in the world foi Data ; Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rhoam , Fever Sores , Tetter , Ohapp- IcdtHands , Chilblains , Corns , and all 'kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salvo Us guaranteed to glva perfect satiofac- ; lpd In every case or money re funded. Price 25 csnts per boz. . " 'or sale by Srlly Tab & McMabon Omaha. There wu % nret girl named Corinna , And day after day une jot thln r. Th reason wat plain , Sne'd Nenralzlaaealn , But Eclectric' on-cured the sweet Corinna GBEATEST Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption 'a certainly the greatest f medical remedy ever placed within the [ reach of Buffering humanity. Tbou- 'sands of once hopeless tufferors , now loudly proclaim their praise for this "wonderful Discovery towhich they we their lives. Not only does itpori- titdy curt Consumption , but Coughs , ' 'Colds , Asthma , Brorchits , Hay- Itever , Hoarsnesa and all affections of th'eThroat , Chest and Lungs yields at ijncejo its wonderful curative pow- ' 'er if by magic. We do not ask yon 'to buy a large bottle unless yon know what you are getting. We therefore earnestly request you to call on your druggist , J. K. IBH , and get a * trial bottle free of cost which wUl convince the -most ; skeptical , of its wonderful merits , and'show you what a regular one dollar size bottle will do. For bale by Ish & MoMahon. (4) ( ) TJd-Jbt ! CHANGING C4RS BEXWSKt OMAff A AM'CHICAGO , Where Direct connection ! are Made With Through Sleeping Car Lines to New York , Boston , Philadel phia , Baltimore , Wash- IngtoD , AND ALL EASTERN ClTiES. THE SHORT LINE via PEORIA for Indianapolis.Cincinnati.Louis- ' ville. AID Hi. rotors ts IBS BEST LINE F0R ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connections are made la the UNION I'EPO wl'h ' Throush Sleopiaif Car Lines fur all Points s o The New Line for IXBS IMIOIIETBS. The Favorite Eoute for 1ST. . A.1NT3D. The nnequaled tndncements offered by this Une to Travelers and TourliW , ara as follow , : The celebrated Pullman (18-wheel ( ; Palace nletp- nf Cars , iun only on this Line. C. , 1J. t Q. P.Uca nrawlng-Koom Con , with Borton's Ee- cllnlnjr Ch in No extra charge for Seats in Jedlnlng Chain. The famous O. , B. & Q. Palace Dicing Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Care fitted trltn Elegant HIzh-Eaclced Ra'tan Rcvoltlu ? CbairsfortheezcltuiTO uwof firat-Uasspuaen. Steel Track and Superior Fqulpment , com. lined with tbeir Great Throuith Car Arrange ment , makes this , abort all others , the favorlu ioute to the East , South , and Soath-Eist. Try it , and you will find traiellns ; a luxury nstead of * discomfort. Through TicLet * via thh > ele rated Line far sale at all offices In the United atatesand Canada. All information about Rates of Fare , Sleeping Jar Accommodations , Time Tables , &o , Trill be cheerfully given by appoint ? to JAMES B. WOOD , General Passenger Agent. Chicago. ; r. j. POTTER , Oeatral Manager. Chicago SHORT LINE 1SSO. K. C.,8T.JOE&C.B.R.B. , It tke onlj Direct Line to ST. LOUIS "AND THE EAST From OMAHA knd th WEST. Ho chxnge of can txitwooa Ornah * and St. Lontj ind bat on between Onuh and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & \ffestern Cities With leas charges and In ndranca ot other lines. This entire lice la equipped nltli Pnllman'l I Palace Sleeping Can , Palace D > Coach * ea.Unier1 ! Uafaty Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Wttilnghooso Air-Brake. tf3ES THAI TOUR TICKET MTTla Eansaa City , St Joseph a K.R..TU Sf Tickets lor sale at all coupon stations In the West. J , V. BARNARD , A. a DAWE3 , Qenl Sept. . Oen'l taa. k Ticket Act ' * St. Joaeoh , Mo. 8U Jaxpbt Mo , W C. SEACHRE3T , Ticket Agen. , I 1020 Famhara Street , ANDY BORDEN , A. B. BARNARD , jPass. AxcntOmaha. Oen'rl Azent , Omahs. BT THE USE OF Pit. BOSANKO'S ' PILE REMEDY. INTERNAL. EXTERNAL , AND TTCHING PILES rteia it amr * > on the mppllcatlon or IB Boaaaato'p ilto Reaaodf , which nct ol abaorfala the Tnaaoto , allaying the tetcaae Ite Ul omer remedtea here SMted. W ? tl tmfcat ooClier , BdteU j DO NOT DELAtT ntd tbe dnda 0a tbe syitaa prods icmaaeat dlanhlllty , bat bay It , TftYIT CURED PRJCF , 50 CENTS. 1 ASK YOUR DRUGGIST fOR IT , MM Wtea yoe caa not obtain It ot fahn , w rill tend It , prepaid , oa receipt of price Jr. BDMHika1 * Tr atl e om Filea vent fro mmirllemUoa. Addreu BOSANKOMEDrClNECO , P1QUA.O. THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE This Institution , located at Dearer , Colorado , ( he dncattonal and Commercial center of the W st , Is pre-eminently the best and most pracU. a/of Its Hnd for the | / * ° MERCANTILE TRAINING i Young Men and Ladies. ' G. W. FOSTER , Piealdent , D. W. OADY , Secretasy The most exVtnstre , thorough and complete nstltutlon ot the kind In the world. Thousand ! of aeocnntanti and BaelncaB men , In tbe prin cipal c2lea and towns of the TTnlted Statei , owe their ncce to our comrge ot traioJa ? . The Bidit End of Education for Young Men and Ladies. Fine , new brick block , at junction , ot three treet car lines. Elegantly fitted and tarnished apartmenta or the application of cad carrying oat of our norel and systematic methods ot BUSINESS TRAINING , Teen ; men who contemplate a bnslnes * Ills , and parenta ha-ring sons to educate , are partial' larly requested to lend foroar n w Circular , which will give toll Information as to terru , ondltion et entrance , etc. Address Q. W. TOSTEE , President , ff Panver Colorado. TIIE DAILY BEE - rftf * I _ ) 9 f ha ijatea'i Horn e1m'Tele- Neiraofth Day. FRITSCH'S FBFSSIAN Gough Syrup THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. The only existing remedy for erery spe cies of Acute or Chronic DUea * ol the Orsans of R iplratloa , and on absolute SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION ! rpIIIS all-poTrerful vegetable prepara. J. tion expels from Uie lungs nnd air pos every organ which utilizes the breath of Life. It contains 110 stupefying poison , nnd is in all respects a healthful medl * cine. The rapidity and certainty with which it ANNIHILATES A COUGH Is astonishing ; . Its effects go deeper than the mere symptoms of pulmonary dis ease and discharges the cause from the system. Free and painless expectora tion is the mode by which It relieves the lungs , chest and throat from the burden * \rhlch oppress them ; thus arresting ; Con sumption and Bronchitis in the grerm be fore they reach the more dangerous stages. The emaciated sufferer , BATTLING FOR LIFE vrlth the most terrible scourge of onr eH- in.-ite will llnd Fritsch'j Prussian Conch Syi np a potent ally , and will assandly ( Tin the ilght by adhering strictly to thi > treat medicine. The CASES NOW ON RECORD -which It has been administered with entire success as a remedy for every va riety of inalndy trhlch affects tile Re spiratory I'unctlons , amount _ to raor * tuaa FIVE THOUSAND nt the present date , and yet the prepara tlou Is only in the infancy of Its useful ness. The ( Treat defect of Oil Cough Remedies liithorto introduced is that thoynre simply expiiKory. Hence they are useless ; for unless the causes of the acrid secretions which are couched np lire remov eel , and the ruptured , inflamed or maturated surface * healed and re- ttarpd to their natural tone , a cure It Impossible. Frittch's Fruwlan Conch Syrnp accomplishes these objects. Th mucus nnd muco-nns which are the con sequence of Z.unr ; Disease , are thrown off hy it , while at tiie same time it soothe * and invigorates the weakened tissues. "LIFE FOR THE LUNB8. " Tor congh < i , colds , influenza , bronchial ilifllcultles , tightness of the chest.hoarse- iicss , sore throat , trnchltis , Inflamma tion of the lungs , difficulty of breathing ; , pleurisy nnd all dlsordersofapnlmonary nature , it lias never been equaled. Sole agents hi America , BICBABOSOH * CO , St Louis , Mo. fiOLD BY AUC. DRUGGIST3. PRICE OlfLY 25 CEKTS. A new and hitherto nnfcnofra reausdy for all dlseiaM of the Rldasys , Bladder , and Urinary Organa , It will positively core Diabetes , Gravel , Drop sy , Grbht'a Dlscoso , Inability to retain or ezpell thi Urine , Catarrh of the BUdder , high cole red and scanty rrine , Painful Urinating , LAHE BACK , Ucneri. ! Weakness , and all Female Com * plilnta. It avoids Internal medlonea , la certain In It edccta and cures when nothing else can. For sale t > y all DrnijlaU or eent by mall frea upon receipt of the price , $2.00. DAY 1EY PAD CO. , PROPRS , f Toledo , O. JT3 jonr addrean for our HttlP t'ock , Ho a wsa Ssvod. " SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sitnu. City Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE 1 From COUNCUE BLUETS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And til points In Northern Iowa. Mlnneeota and Dakota. This line Is equipped with the Im proved Westiuchouse Automatic Air Brakea and Ulller Platform Condor and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT Is unsurpasmd. Elegant Drawtoz Boom and Sleeping Car9owned an-i controlled by the com my , run Through Without Change between nlon Faclflc Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paul. Tralaa learo the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Coundl Blu9g , at 6:15 p m. . reaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Paul at Urf > 5 a. m , muting HOURS ra ADVAHO OF OTBXB Bouxx. Returning , learu St. Paul at 830 p. m. . ar riving atSlontClty at4i5 a. EL. and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Conndl Bluffs , at 8 0 a.m. Be rare tbmt your tloketa read T ! " 8. C , fcP.B.B. ' F.C. HILLS , Superlntt ndnt , Ui sourl Valley , Iowa1 P. a BOBnrao1 * . Vss 'i-r-1 P sg. Agent. J. H. O-BRYAN , r Aic'nt , rnrr" BnB ! | Women Wlio wont glossy , luxuriant and Tvary tresses of abundant , beantiinl Hair most use LION'S KAT1IAIEON. This elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cores grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , liealthyHalr is the sure result of using 9IAKE NO MISTAKE ! MI01 AldVB GBEASE Composed largely of powdered mi ca and Jainglaasj is the best and e * pest lubricator In the worldL. Itlsthebestbecacwi t does not gam , bat forms a highly polished snrticetoTer tha axle , 'deter airay with a large amc.nct of friction. It Is the chnpest because''YOU & * & nw bat naif the quantity In grealne your txzon that you woull . of any other axle grease" mait , and then ran your wagon twice as ! og. Iv answers equally as wen for Ufll OeirinfThre ttag ( Machlno * , 'Bozzles ' , icfofwagons Send fer Pocket -Cyclopedlaol Things Wortn Knowln . lOQed free to any address- MICA HAKOFACTOIIMO CO. , 81 JsiTAsk Your Dealer For It octS APPETIZER SURE CURE For OOUQHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , OONSUMP- TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. Tha most acceptable preparation in tha known world. BT adding to TOLU EOCK and RTE ItUt Lemon Juice , yon hare an ezellent Appetizer and Tonic , lor general and family ns . The immense and Inereasin * sales and the numerous testimonial wcel red dally ara the best eTldencet of Its limits and popnlarlty. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. DON T BE DECEIVED by unprincipled dealers who try to palm off upon TO . PJ0 011 R0 * * " " "I By In place ot our TOLU ROCK and RYE , which is UM f only JtEDICATED article made , the GENUINE BaTbut a dOVERNMEM STAMP on each bottle. ' Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Kevenue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OFFICE OF IXTKRNAL REVENU 7 Wiannaioat D. C. , January . 1SSO. f Metin. LAWRENCE 4 MARTIN , 1111 Madison St. , Chlcaso , His. . .1 SK1 ! ? ? ; Sf.cemonnd ! > tathe OP1"1011 ot thl * office , would hate a sufficient quantity i he BALSAM OF TOLU to giro It all the adrantaew ascribed to this article In pectoral complaint * while the whisky and the yrnp constitute an emulsion rendering It an azreeable reme-ty to th. BDti. < S < rS2pon d8d xorillnto , tne 'onnnla , it may properly bo clashed an a MUICI2tAl. PKt'i5rJI2Il < l th provision * ot U. S.RfTbedStitPtee , and whea so stamped , nray l " sold by Dm ist , Apothe arlea and Oth r Persons witnoat runderlnr them liable to pay nwoiaf Lax u liquor dealers Tours Respectfully. ( Signed ) GREEN. B. BATJM. Commlsslonor LAWRENCE & MARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. ' " Sold by DRUGGISTS , GHOCERS and DEALERS everywhere. C. F OOODMAN. ORST , \fAM IT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING MAC ! Jrt Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in pnblic lavor. , * The White Machine instly claims to he the best made , the easiest running , the Simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in I the market. t > 'l The White Co. employ as agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The _ ' , * * sales far this than double so year are more tit l the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha Office will be promptly filled * V points.'l ! < JOHN ZEHRUNG , Cor. l > avem ort and 15th St" > Omnlia. ' ' 1'nin ' JNliW ASTD CORRECT 'M'A'P -i Piorea beyond any reasonable question that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RT Is t > 7 all odds the best rood tot you to take when traveling In either direction between Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest. Carefully examine this Map. The Principal Cities of the "West and Northwest ar * Stations on this road. It3 througli trains make close connections wiUi the trains ot all railroads at junction points. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , to PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CAES. , It is the onlr rend that runs PnTlmnn Sleeping Cars NY > rtn or Northwest ol Chicago. It baa nearly 3VO00 HULLES OF H forms the following Trunk Llnw : ! | Cp"J < : HBlu2sDen7er&CallfornIaUne. " "Wlnona,3Hnnc3ota& . . Central . Dakota . . Line. " , , 5lOUTCItV-Xnr Vrthmot JTr Vnntt/\n r Inn * T'Mir rt Kf T > nn < \ n1l. T ln . . . Bemcmbcr to ask for Tickets via this road , bo sure they read over It , and take- none other. ) KABV15 Hnomrr. Ccnl Manager , Chicago. W. H. STOSETT , Genl Tasa. Agent. Chicago. HiRRYP. UUELi. Tlck t AeentC. &N. W. Railway , Uthaitu Tarnbam btie U. 1) . H KIMBALL , Assistant T cket Aiteat C t N. W. Railway , Uth and Fkinham Street * . J. BELL , Ticket Aient C. & K. W. Roilwar , U. P. K. K. Depot. JAMJCST. CL ABK Qoneral Agent. ffffm s * Jfta 7 apk * FURNITURE , l-EftTHER ! And Everything pertaining to Uie IrV nitnre , and Uplioistery Trade , : , } /a A COMPLETE ASSORTMEHT OF & W OOOD8AT TO anil 12i ftunham ! ap M men tn tat OF LIST s MAMMOTH GLOTINO HOUSE. Hard Wearing Goods I Man's Cotton Suits. , . . . . , S 400 Men's Cottonado Panta 10 to 150 Men's Cotton Worsted 600 Men's Cmimere Pan-g 3 00 to 5 00 Men'nJean 500 Men's W rst d Pant * .150 to" 37-- Men's SatinetSnits . / 35 Oto 60 Spring Overcoats. .800 to 1800 Men's TJnion Cisa Suite 8 00 to I ifiO White Vest ) 100 to ii 0 < Men's JUl-Wool Snits 12 50 to 1800 White Shirts 62'la 1 35 Men's Worsted Suits 130 to 2000 Fancy Shirts. , 37 * to175 Men's Bine Flannel Suit ? . . . . 750 to 13 50 Ciuoimere Shirt * . . . . . I CO to350 Yonth'aSuite 40)to 900 Blue Flannel Shirts lOOto ITS BoysSnits 27-ito 900 Overalls an'I ' Jumpers..C0 < : and upwards ChUdren's SuiU 250t- . COO Suspenders . . 4i5to 451 MenV Jeans Pants lOOto 201 Cotton Hal' Hose ( Oa to 315 CO per dozen Complete line of Neck Wear , Linen Collars and Sum mer Underwear. Silk Handkerchiefs , . Hats , Caps , Gloves , * - * - Trunks and Vsiliscs , . . . " ; Boots and SKoes. 1' Agent for San Francfsco and Oregon City Woolen Manu facturing Company. - . ; , M. ELGUTTER'S M'AMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE , " " " " Farnham , Corner 10th Street.