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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1881)
" " - -F&rw - - THE DAILY BEE. B. BO3EWATEB : EDITOR ; EVEET vote for Hascall IB a vote for hoodlum government. HASCJOL'S election as mayor -would be an invitation to the Holly compa ny to bring suit against the city for large WHT a brace of city officials we weld have : Ha c ll for Mayor , Smythe for City -Attorney , and one of the Nor ton boys for Marshal. THE Herald is trying to aseist Has- call by making strong partisan appeals which tend to arouse party feelinc in the republican ranks. HAKCATL for mayor would set The city back.five years at least It would be almost as. great a calamity to our business interests ru a destructive con flagratiop. NOT a dollar in bonds will be voted for public improvements If Haecall shonld , by the alo. T > ! hoe < llnmBtbum mera and dead beats , become mayor of Omaha. . _ _ THE Cincinnati Gaztilc , the most stalwart republican 'paper in Ohio , is supporting a democratic candidate for mayor of Cincinnati > on the ground that good cly jrwniTner.t i * more im portant tVim mo ; * riy * nocOES. INSTEAD of dUcutsmg the reepec tive fnerits of the candidates for mayor the Republicati opnns "the flood gates' of slander and vilification npo'ithe editor of THE BEE. Nothing better could be expected from the hibitual ' . the department blackleg - thatQdjts t. ( city partment , and the impotent black' guard that.f armshfiS' the gush and slnshjfor the editorial-page. THE local editor of the Republican in his report of the mass meeting-to nominate anon partisan school board takes pains to publish the following malicious ajar : . . . "If the committee will follow me down stairs I will sbow them a room , ' and theyj accordingly , . .followed him out. * BerlinVlibweVer' , Vho was close to Rosewater , deposited hla money , $2 50 in silver , with A. .MfChadwick prior to his departure. , - , If tbe contemptible puppy who made that demonstration lor the pur nosepf Jnsultlng his.bettorshadde posited his loose change -witU Al.JSor- enson Inttead of Al. , . Chad wick , 'he , * ' 4 * * > ri v * > * * * i - i 1 1 would have-only been able to recover it by calling t the faro rooms In th Third Ward _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ONE of Hascall's strikers , who at tended the mass meeting at the Cit ; Hall * Salurday njght , soughVtca ; > r' rent we aSopjtion of-the'report - < t"1 comrnitfee of fifteen npo ' &e frivo lous grounds that the -cond ward was left out in the laminations. Wha rd or other has the seco ; Bnr ward to jSnth this matter ? The ( S 00i > tSard is' to be elected at'large fafirdlcM of location from among the most competent persons to fill the positions. It ! a prcoutncd thn , " the school board vrl'l ' provide every ward with .its necessary school housetA'The fact that tbe Second ward hive had two members in the Board for the last ten years , and they have utterly failed to secure the de sired buildings , shows of the two' things ; either that the parties were incompetent , or that the ward divis ion had little or nothing to do with the management of the Board. The friends of .Mr. Morrell . seam * t ' * i to be very indignant because he was left out It was impossible for the committee to nominate ell ( he men on both tick1 ots. Mr.iMorrell has served for a number" year * and It will do no harm if he will take a back teat aud let some one'olee serve. It does' look strange to a man up a tree that such a disgraceful scramble 'should ' be made for positions to which no salary is at tached. SOME POSTAL hKKORMS. PostmMtor-GsnerAl James is devot ing his" "whole enorgv'to a thorough study of'thBteeda of ftho postal a tern nndtaanounccn in the. near fulure a number of important improvements In the service. g"His first effort will be directed to the improvement and in crease aIEtne free delivery Vysteoi. In the forger cltias the postmaster-general proposes to Inereisi iuo-JsunVburof free delivcriefijfroKi gevontoten daily. This brWch7Mr : Jam ? ieclaras'5 : & the monay making part of the BET ' " ' " vica. ' * Anotherrefornv rhich jthe ' master-general hss in vie Is the or ganization" , , of - 'a , ; post office savings , bank , and with a 'view of Inj Introducing ( to British tystemislightly modiSeiJ-intojthts cobnlry ha. paring arbill.f or , the .next session -of congress. Slrs James1 f&mit ioln- troduce 'Aavicg bants'Jin connection with the postofSce department , not only in the largei tiea but smaller townsl A .ready and"eecnre place of deposit with ! " Sie tjtfarraD tee5 of the national government for its responsibility will thueWurnkhe the poorer clawe/iad Iktereftt wlIl.-W paid upon Ihe smaHeel depoiits" "The" aving banks hajS jeovei a. iat success in Bgl Bd-aiBd ; < if-Mr. Jsm i aaccead * in placmg tkera'in tucce ful' operation , Aeir wtefelUhraent iril.l be one of the mostTBot6bl e' > aMUpraiw- worthy eveata of hia t rm of ofilQe ; The postraarterl geBerat haalso announced Ms int&nieB o rwiKer lucraase the tifesieBC/ 'the saoney At present a considerable amount of coin and.'vtaall eaau andec two dollars are sent thr Bgi-the mail witkoat't fee ; e protection afforded * by the money order - / der aysteoi. I U pr p eed to redsce ' > tbe prioa T/fpr , , saaaey orders under ten dollars , f rera 'ten cents > lo five , and to stake > oorreeponding ; re ductions ! a-ibe T tes for tho/tH - aission of largw BQBM. "Theie ' are * few of ha ia ediit 4TOformB WE- templated by tie'po < i , 8ter gwwal , and they are only n fwe will be pat into pracrical opera- Woo before tae cjow of the year. A WOED WITH WOEKINQMEN. Every workingraan in Omaha whoj owns a home , and every w who expects to have ar city is deeply interested ! ln throat corre of the city election. OmaWis on the eve cfan era of > Hneiaaplod ; rowth. Capitalists are disposed now to invest their money in manufacture ! and in various enterprises in "our olty. It is all important that the city gov ernment at this stage should be in the bands of men whose in tegrity * is above suspicion. With such men controlllng our clty afhirs the bonds needed for public im provements will be cheerfully voted and the money willbs promptly forth- , , coming. "We shall hive .employment for hundreds of mechanics and laborers for the building of sewers , laying down of pavements , grading of streets and construction of market 'halls , engine" houses , etc. If a man notoriously , , crooked and unreliable "becoBH W Uji mayor of Omaha , not a dollar in" bonds will ba voted for the next , two years. Pnblic improvements willbe at a stand still and the growth of the city. , -will b seriously crippled. Went of all , the forty or fifty thousand dollars : levied upon our city in general taxs > tlon will be recklessly equandired by' barnacles and jobbers. Initead of putting the money Into the bandsof the working people and merchants for labor and material , the taxle y will go Into the pockets /iishonesV / cormorants and coparcfnera in jobbery. Hascall , who his .nomi nated himself for mayor of. Omahaj by the most extravagant premises , is now making a desperate effort to cap ture the city government fora gang of hoodlums'and indolent bummers * bo , want to pilfer 'the ' hard earnings of' laboring men. Hasc&ll put * himself up as the special , champion f work ; ingmon and asks their support oVthe ground that ho is a Ymdsill and JAB. E Bqyd is an arietoWt. Now , .Ihe fact is that this disreputable demagogue' Is 'trying to impose -workingmen justaa Church Howeuaposed upon the grangers. Hia record\aa council man shows that he. was.alfays an ac tive tool and cappsr for , tax " "lille sharks like 0. 0. Housel , and tax ehirk'erBrmio wn vafc tracts of land in this neighborhood. "His audacious attempt to palm off the Holly swindle on outpeople" " is elill fresh in -every-body'a memory. His backers point now to the fact thatthree years ago when Haacall pretended- ba in sympathy with cthe" aatl-B oaopoly movement thejJeditor > . o * this * pijjer defended him .publicly agalnstu aa attack by Haracom. ; The troth " .is that Haacall , . . professed penitence -nen he was actuallyplaying the spy and working into , the bands of the enemlfs of the citizen's Boveme'at and on election day wai > working ; * li day for the election.oif the TatlrcTad ticket , with his nome on. ; . * * } James E. Boyd wears better clothes than Mr. Hascall , and , ' do'e r t run around f com saloon to saloon'followed * j ay a gang of roustabouts and ragrants. But Mr. Byd is a worklngman from the bottom up. He started with carpenter's bonoh , a jack plane as his 'o-aly capital , and has mide hia way up by hard labor.and close attention to basinets : jfir * invested everyjfdollar he c r rom his business in inaprovemefita'tkt would be a credit to any city. , A am employer to workingmen he has "W ways been liberal and just. When ia packing house .had . been desteoyasl > y fire , : and . induceBoeBki were offered iisa to rebuild elsewhere -decided to rebsUiJin ) maha , " maioly because. as ha said Itf giveS Itfnwonld give permanent - manent employ aaent' , > lo a arge Bamber of worklrjg e . At a citizen Mr. "B : > yd .is pabjk spirited. Ie headed Oaiaha'a'oontrlbu'ion to , be suffers from the Chicago * fire and lersonally canvasted the oity far swb- criptiona for the/Ifhh faniai fMel o which he was a o t liberal eoatei- mtor. Far from being in arlrtoWt ieia aman wko will at any ti e give as much .attention to _ it ) cgRar , ps.he would , to.a millionaire. . Jat.tyen.if JBoyd and. .Haacall .wero on { the 8amepiane/ factjihat 'ttp.nj3f the community re- jarde Haecall at a.tricketer and jobber ra kt. to have .weight , witcl worklng- desiM our oityf affairs to be dmiuiatered by men of character and lability ! JLr wajhaye id at the tHt ; et,0maha cannot affordjto vote a aol- urjOf' bonds for Jumblic improVeBiints. with Haaoall as Mayor. ' ' ; i--'l' : ' Jl * * . , - - - - - ' * THS EIGHT TO BOLT. Th rlRitJDf every'Aaeincaa eltfeeaf Io vofo according to the dictates of his i own cooaciefiee camnot be diiputed1 ifiwt coaa'tty * V PflyosoosBes Srndj ' cbaTeptioEB'kta not laalUba ! 'exprea ? alaofl ot .party a nUHant , The. fact , r that sncrTi , manxi * Iwiao has bean.Bominated Mayor of ] ' -30" fe-avt ol " C7OT ' enaa.Vben a party commits nch criminal "bltiHdeiJt not only republioan to rebuke corrnptioH and HisVote "f or "a better When4 part # ikrlera End rinkaad fifc williot f J they n o he popj , . alar " * .V * f support" . . of th ir t of the republi- " a party Jamee A 'Garield mnd jrai"i restajuod by tKe klgbwt tribunalr fl _ tfe republican party. , . , It J > an hUtorj j lcf , tei that threeJielecatM to the na- ' A tieaal repubUe i ooaveBtfou , tote to aupport js Bosa eeJ , J fprpr ldent. In oiher word * they J Wicly reawved , for thftiiudrM.lthe bolt the aoabaAion'if it & & ' V to , Hot''epBapart with th ir a fe&M of theM sea Bade Jamw.A. 8 Garfiald prewdeot. It U hardly'MO- 1 the question of par- to enter into local aff- interests'are in- , 'a l"we are confident that the reatlboiy of republicans In'this city * ? : -'S-X ' " - ' - position. ' STA JOTTINGS. Genoa wants a grist milL Nebraska City Is to have a militia company. Exeter's land league has fifty members. Herman is to have a new baid- .ware store. * * . . Loup City has petitioned for in corporation. Oakland is 'working for a town organizatien. Fremont's ladles voted at the municipal election , The new church at BradshawU neariog completion. Nine skiffs are running on the at er at Guide "Bock. The York Tidal Wave has been Converted into The Times. Five new brick buildings are at once to be erected at Crete. Travel Wer the Sidney road to trie Black-Hills is very brisk. The cattle men are beginning preparations for the spring round uju Forty car loads , .of stock were sent from JTekannh to Chicago last week. Steele' Clty andTFairbury loit their bridges" In the late rise of the Blue. Washington , county's bridgea es caped damage during the late .high water. , 1 The Texas cattle drive to Nebras- ta this yeat will .aggregate 160,000 Twenty acres In town lots will be laid out as an. .addition to Bine Springs. Fremont has subscribed over $2,000 towards a pew bridge over the Tflafcta. Arrangements are being made for the } erection " of a Baptist church at Hastings. - -Two new stores and two 'dwell * ings are being erected in Bradshaw , York countyl , f/ - -The Gampbellltes are bnilding'a church in Waterloo that will cost ? 2- 800V when finished. . -j-Twenty-seTen. spans of the North Bend brldge'went ont. with the ice in di'e Iitte river. ' -i-More seed , wheat na ' been shipped to ( Orleans than to any other point in the valley. " -j-Mnch 'more'than lhe nsual acre- agejwHl be putHo"crpp this seasori.ln ' * * . ' Dawson county. * - > The St. Paul wagon bridge and railroad bridge and North Loup bridge wont out with the flood : -ilt will cost Gage county % 20,000 to rc > Pi < K Bridges and other damages done lately hy the nouda. G. JF. BurgeBsJ of'Foresi city had1 his house 'and iti contents 4v- stroyed by fre'last week. xs -Mrs. 'Sarah1 * Gartner , 'of Knoi OuuOty , was , found , frozen' to death on the pight of March 20th. -r-A Mrs. Tacker , of , Beatrice , left her 'hatband last , week tand silently skipped'off wlthja brakeman. Henry 'Grosaeu , of' Scotia , got drunk last reek tid'beat "his wife in a cruel manner. It cist-him $27. It Is reportedithatSherfff'Krorns , of O'Neil , was Tolledjastweek while attetupting to arrest a coir , boy. There ro , , wenfy-seven sohool districts in St&nton ionntyj and all will probably hav 9 acmmer terms. , -Tiro Lincoln ninlsters Indulged In a lively fisticuff &XI eok , in which black eyes graced oth parties. I fThe JJakoUySoufhern road will bo extebded from Tanklofl to Running Water durlng/ti'a oamifig year. t Daniel JP/aVoFOJOonnor , Gree- ley county ; wasLldrowhed while at * ' tempting to 6rosa the.L'qnp last week. Blua SprinRs"has unanimously vet ; i 55'OOOm , bonds 'to fuduce the U. P. to cross-ihe river into the town. f * J r ? BanchoK.repprt'the grass grow- inc finely and 'iinbaP pro . .itions out look lor coming' rseo > D. * ! ne.i ' . Acarload.ot.graiaand : ( clothing b a arrived at C&mbridga ; lasfwaefc , for the jSoldiers'i , colony7 ont JBeaver creek. The Yort-Sribnne 'intimates ' ihat the bounty treasurer , : irf over , "eighty thoniand dollars "behind in hia ac- connti. * Holland's elevator at Inland- , Clay " " .county , was entered in" the night last week and sixty bnibels of wheat ctolen. . h % Two farmery , and tbe chillren of , _ < j bridge wa\ch'man have been miss t ing from GoInmbuB.sInce the'flood. ! -The bodiesi.of.ja. woman and two : hildren , yet unknown , have been Fotina nearSchuy'leri ' rowned by the Bo" d. d.Near Near $2,000 has already been -s , 'citizens ' 'of. Bed CHeuS towards rebuilding the bridge trihat place. , , f i There is some talk at St. Paul of joining with the Union Pacific in .the erection of a combjhed' railroad , and " * JJ ragon bridge. - ' " Within five yearg-SEelton has srowkfrnm ' . ' , * a uaere'way. station'- a own ] of , iftfc buildlagsi nd'over 300 . nhabitant * . if * ' > , ( A number of buildings have afc . . ready been contracted fforr t-Albion , Snd a building b66m of large diuieh- ' alonsla anticipated. , " ' * ' 9i-The state , canventlon of the No- , brmska Young Men ? 0ljristlan A s6- 'ciafton will riB hcld in Lincoln on . rpVBnckskin BUl' hnt and killed dntfBraden iriA'readre'Yalley county" ' . lM6weeit , for jumplngahis deserted . claim. . Bill ' Harvard's > C6i regiiuonal church kaa received a donattpn of sixty vol- . t.l-'i _ - the oongre. 'gatlDBal churchjataire , , One hundred % nd'ten miles of'the Chicago , MnwanareV rSr. Paul rail'- 28 d will bo " * n exteirdeajrrpm - - - - dnrinjf the year.wu : . ' Two childreVof ' K. Aldo'Lo'ce7 , of flkiigi near Hubell , Th yer county , oies were drowned IM& weekTwhUe clavinir _ esHI 1 I * T * * * * - ' 7- * * * " > n the ice of Bow Sfeak ; r - HI At Kes > ri 'IieJt'intek , one AUR. . / _ Andtrson sHq | " t lwp' boyg by the' me of Smith M < iYhv-jtbeen bound , over in the sunrof--lfiQO".H / " { A large wySe'iwacf , . , R eight and onSjluJf'feet'Jfrom tip tp ; .tip pf ; Its wiBgtyakrlicfi * fe ' two inches from hedTte.taiJ ! ; was killed kstVweek near LInobH.r - ' ' oe , while . . . fc JMI M j * > nxr. - - " * - * * j - , last week ; , , wasU thrown under tbe-wheels andMnciaiitlyvkilled. , L xi _ JaHies . _ . Benaon . wSlIa out shoot- _ _ . nt ci .4 & ' Ui JT- - * ' lag.nbar Saperiar'-'wiUi jJndson'Todd ot in the anni bytKe ; acciderifol of Todds'H,1 He will IB county have sub Bi | rta propceJtion ' 'Yin th't > lKal voters ofcAliaa prscinct tb rote en the qaeatloibf Kends to the dt unt of il OO'for pairing J be med Olarkaon achool at KorthPlatta aii will open on April 20th. A bnflding tn * ( * * * -i2J * . , willW erecteaFfor tbe echool time 'daring the preaenijear. , Oae ments havo'bewi'cstaWibhed by 'the LincplH telephone cqmp nyjaudj.the- farthest one ortf froni tswceafeil office " Is .seven miles.- " } AXlarge number of , emigrantiliave ; > een comingMnto York connty whhln the last few weeks and they are com posed of the best class of farmers with means to purchase lands and farmjng outfits. I' 1 * 1 The second , rise of. the Blue river carried away the flnmB of the mill at this place , together * ith the water , wheel belonging to Mr. Wetherald. The wheel and shaft weighed 9500 pounds. ' [ Beatrice Courier. The little daughter of JUr. and Mrs. G. W. Fiak , of Helena precinct , Jefferson connty , was so badly scald ed by hot water last week that she died from the effect of her injuries. Milton Elliot , who lives seven miles south of Superior , in boring for water through a strata of slate , at the depth of forty feet found petroleum' . The slate in which the oil ia found , burns freely. Ar unknown man died in the jail at Blair from exposure. He was afterwards found to be a stock dealer from McGregor , Iowa , who had shipp ed , two car loads of stock to Oakland. Insanltv is supposed 'to ' nave been the cause of his wanderings. Hank de Land , the , TL P. engi neer , who , at the risk of his own life , ran an eneine down to the Albertson place and Rogers'to the-resciia "of the people in danger on March 26 ih , is deserving of praise for his courage , the water was pouring over the'track ' most of the way and the chances were about'even 'that at every' ' culvert or low place the engine would go * down. IOWA BOILED , DOWN. Emmetaburg la talking np a pork- packing .house. , Sao City has-an orchestra composed of ten'young ladies. LeMara shipped twenty-two cars'of live stock in two' daya last week. The DasMoinesisoap / .factory manr nfactoreaJ.8,000 pounds of soap per " ' * * week. , , Tne floating debt "pfLlJubuque baa been Increased , 318,000 during the 'pa 't year. " * Itia estimated that thereare , 60,000 ' buahels'of.corn la Humbaldt county still .uubusked. . , Ten car , .loads | of Immigrants and their supplies werq unloaded at Aurelia within a week. ' . Arrangements 'are making for the construction * < ffs an 0 elegant'-library bdilding at vKeokuk.1 / ' * - ' The Whitebreastdoai ] Minlng , com pany -in Iiucafl"'coun y1'ts ' bdistlhg 18,000 bushels of coJpjy. . 'b > A new steamboat companychas , been organized,4at .Dabnque , . known as the Dubuqne and St.1 Louis Packet com pany. * if " " l1 - ' - . l f , ZanaBjW. .Mnyof-DeaMpinoa | , is missing , and'from theiact .thatho'had. 81,600 ino sh ? in Jiisjpocketifoutplay ' ia suspected. , i , * ; iH . . t There , are four building , and loan associations in Dca Mplnos .which are said to ba doing much r toward ihe building up of theiclty- * The gronna'naa Ueeh "broken anda ; portion of the foundation'aid { fora .new brewery'on. "the Bite of th"6 old Deal Moines 1hous'oTes ' vMoines ; The new Clinton , canning , jfaotory , now in the proc sa o cpha'truotibn , ' promiaea to ba sp 'important "factor in the businessInTeresTa oTjtfiat city. A' competltfye examination for the purpose of eelecling a' cadet , from the fifth congressional districtof. , , Iowa to , the raillery ; .acaae'my at. West Point wjllba held'at.Ibwa' ' "City on the 12th of April. " ' * ' ' The winter wheat is-looHng well in the Eontheaatern-partof the staFe. It Is'deeply'robted add well steeled , and the heavy 'snow Which'coyered the ground' all winter has protected it well. , ' ' i " 'The sff > re .building ftt J. , W. Butler , in Vinton , the largest in 'the town , burnedoV'the ' was 27tK Lou's on stock and , building , . § 20.000 , fully 'in sured. * , y Theata eliaa § 3,28'9,76Jl60 ofjts school fundjoaned ont ( jin first" , clasa farm mortgaseafand2'46j43519 ; ] ; more invested jn statq bpndat ey ryl dollar. ofwhlch is aa good-as gold - j The manufacturing Unduatfles- CedariRapids re reported 8 > ' "having" baen , more prosperoue"'during. the year. 1880 than ever before ; * 'The' ' notal value of products Is stated at $7,500- . 000. , Inatqad' Wing lost 200 084 of1 stock the past winter aa reported" , i Geo. Wells , the big GFundycounty ; farmer , saysthaFoiitfof - Bomo11600 cattle hehrintered. . he nly-Ipat 12. | ; The10.M. & St. P. railroad'cimpa-- ' ' ; ay has finally determined to Btnrrita . ' Council Blnffa extension from Marion'J and the line will run about fiW miles norIh of- Cedar ' B/ipida. O.inVracla have been closedior depot an'd aide track grounds In .Marion. ' > It is rumored "at.ttes. , that * the Wabish and the OhicagocBrirHng- ' ' ' ' ton'-'Quincy'haye diBaolve'd paTtner- ahipin the extension to Council Bluffs from Humestbn , and eaclr will build its ownline. ' " ' " A convention of.ideleRates ; from : the llth , 13tb , 16th and 16th regiments of Iowa soldjer * . will ba. held : atMus- .catine n , June..9th.for the purpoao of Organizing an.Ipwa , brigade.--1. * The northwejtern college , to be' ' erected at Toledo.ftW cotintv/will 'ba of' ' brick.and stonojtwith iron" roof , ' Si and modern o'thic. ' ltf > atyle80/eei [ no th and southTbyloOfeet eaai-ana * west , with a tower In'the-ceuterof .westdrd frontllqKeF.Qgh. ( U XUO At a farm house .near Mom < na Ghatav B-ichfns waa killed last Prl- .daby - two ah'b'ts' lred 'tbrough fiie .window , and.WBjaother Faa so badly- Injared that he nearly bled to death Gustav was a bachelor" JanaVjeaTea ti 30POO. No motive for the aiaassiaa- Jl tion , rag.eats ; itself. 13 ' Tha .firat'regnlar .sale . of tha Dairy ? ° Board of Trade of Cedar 'l&Didlwai ' ' 3 : 5OCC" Oreamery butter Jo :32 : rents ; fair. to fine ladle,8 packed , . ani.akim , -Hi'6 S-W ' " regnlar/aale0day , - , - , / the board ; wlfl bo on Wednesday of each , week. ' * Jf ' 'th People resifing * Inltoims 'alongiher MuwlsrippL ! compelledto " 're V ° ? ° ? / . ? > 2.bInfl . ! & ? . SS&ftfc Jri ipioq placesiCociing no to the second itory and rnshmg n' TorrSntaYhrduVS . the streets ddlfig Jmmeibse1 damage to1 Jt Isf * _ eared jtKau some ' . - 5.Bpcc | ho a , Crumbier some one has said : but show ? . isplease ; - ' Sll ! g. witbT f > ce'-acbB-6r * neuralgia , Mr , . Jirj.KliHe7 , Eis ? , time'-agoy Mr. ilicnael Trostel , of' ParaaUeTownahlp. . * Pa' , "Viaited1" by,1 store : eofflplained'8f5snHer/ / agjrith toothache -and metiralgii'ln - . - f&f . _ \i\ \ 1 & A.K H artr\Qt-iin - A * . PPe , ° Sg ' * 9 have a t. Jacobs Oil open ! I In. fci Ittcei hlrtrto tub ' LWl of : tot . He.-.tobkla iottle of the Oil for hia wife who was hat if lick a bed with rheumatism. Scarcely " wo weeks had passed , when my friend ' wife returned , happy over the result of the Oil , as it had cured her almost v " Instantly , ' - * JDELIOATE Oases of female weaknew , ( | e and enfeebled constitutions ; .V ana- thbse'-TntfBring with StomicHiHLlve | . and Kidney complaints' will findi Blactrio' Bitters a speedy and certair ! cure. The sick and prostrated should rejoioa that such a reliable remedy is jlace4 within theirj reach. Health happiness will surely follow where Electric Bitters are used. For sale bji nil druggists } price only fifty. ceota. - . ' ( * ) . L _ Great Cerau REMEDY JOB. NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , dOUT , SORENESS or rat CHEST , SORE THROAT , SWELLINGS J.KD SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET JOTD EARS , JJID SCALDS , OEMEKAL DDDILYP1S , TOOTH , EAR AHD HEADACHE , JUtD All other Paias JJO "No FnparaUod oa earth equals ; . JlcoM OIL u a urc. Jtmr. sixnz uuS cnxAr KiUrnil lUmedy. A trUI tsUili but tbe compmratiTctrttinj ! ontlar of W Guns , and f ry one nff riDg-with pvln cm bart cheap and jxuitin proof oMti cltlmi. DIBECTIOSS Ul ILETE.1 L1SOCAGH. SOLD BT 'All DBUQOISTS AND OEAltiS l MIBICIII. 'A. VOGELER ft CO. JBaltimore , 3td. , V. S.4 , WROUGHT IRONdFENCES. Wire Fendng and.'Ralllng .Bpfdallty. , Their , beautypermanenceand economy dally working the extinction of all fencing cheap material. ' Elegant In dtdiro , Indeatrnctlble Fences for Lawns , Pnbllo flrotmdj And Cemo- teryTlat& . > r , \ < Iron Vasai.&nra 8ettftoaficanopled * and ol n > iie patterns ; Chiira and every description of Irdn and Wire ornamental , vote , dcdcnod ami manufactured br E T. BARNTJM'S Wire and , lrcnWorkS7S9aiidSltrobdw ; rd Are , , De troit , Mich.BeBiA uitu * * < a' - taoiftiB-anil ! ' rice l ! t , 'f , np9l To iNervons § affercrs Tlie Great EuTopeanEemedy Dr. J. B.TSimpson's cSpe'oifio . -Medioiner . u It is a positive core [ orSpannatosrhca , Seminal 'W'oaknezs ' , Impotency , and all diseases resulting ftomJSeU-Abnsc , aa Mental 'Anxiety ; LOPS ot Memory " , Patna In the Back or Side , and diseases [ that lead to Consumption Insanity and ancarlygrave Tbe Spodflo Vedldne Is being use wftn'wonder- folsucreas. I Pamphlets seat free to all. Write for'them and get foil particulars. Price , Specific , tlW per package , or six pack ages for S5.00. Address all orders to , B. . SIMPSOSVMEDIOINE 00. , * NoaH and 108 Main St. , Buffalo. S. Y. Sold In maha by 0. " F. Goodman , J. W. Bel ) J. K. I.'h .nd alldrnsris-s everywhere. REED'S ' ' " 'ALLTIIVIE , ' 'By "Almon' , " he by Al ianderWAbdal h , Blre of "Otldsmlth Maid ; " First dam "On , Ume' ' by ' War D.ince , " s"n of tbe reio ned . 'texlugrw ; " Second , i'Blla Brerkonriclee" by ' Coliossra/'sonof Imported " ( * oTtreiro. ' "Almor.l's ? first' dam by "Ma .brlno Chief * and hljslre by KysJlck's "Hambletoatan. " This nmirkable horse nlll be fire yars old In May , he will strve only SS mires ' ( half of wblct ) number is , now enyaged ) at f2600 per mire , payable at'Ume ofserrics. Stason commences April 1st , and will end \ ; .After . that hU ttrvlce irill be nut at $35 00. Any mare that h-s trotted In .2:30 served FHK. AtL.TIMEwilltUndHondays' Tuusdijs' \ and : Wednrsdays' each iweek , begln- niar the first of.April , on Twenthth , west.of J Eighteenth itrcet cit-trick termlnu" and the 'reminder ot each'week ' at the'corner of llth and * Howard ttreeU. ; ' KD. HEID } , Tropfielor. Stable Corner llth and Howard Streets. , ina'l'odlm KEGISXEAT10H , IlOCOUB , ' 'oUce.'shereby given to the ( lectori of the iFodtthWard. City of Omaha , that I will sit in the store of'James Forsyh ; northtrert'coiner rf 16tb and Capitol-A vet-un orii Slbifdayj Tuesday and Wcdno div , Mnrch SSta. 59th and SOtb , and Friday. Saturday aad Monday , A'ptll 1st ; ,2nd , and 4to ; 1S3 , for tbe't < urpnee of registering the el9rtbrt > of said waid , for c.ty o ectlon to be held bathe'lhdiyof Aprjl , ' 881. Jiue'Kotlce Is hereby given' , that , 4 New List the electors will have'to bo m di , owing to the cbanxes rn-de in the , ward , boundary , and thtelectofs.will govern ttieicselvca'accordingly. . In wi > af < * where t > I hereunto sot my hand this 18th day of March , ' . 'A. D."J8jl.i k l JOHHS.WOOD , , mlOtoaS ' " -.Kezlstrir. . REGISTRATION NOTIOB. " ' JHDJD All voters n .rth ofHoward street , eatt ol.JSth. street and sqnth.of Datenport wl.1 take notice , tit as rigis rarof niters at-my offlce , north- Mil copier of llth ! and : Douglas screets ( Vo. 4) nPt l'S , on Jlarch 2Ut' ndlfaich iSth , , md April 4tn , 1881'for'reVMritlon and'cdr- cctioaof Srdward votas''WM. H. HILEY , ' m2itba * ) - - - REQISTBATIpN NOTICE. STATK Or 4 , , , * DooatiB TOUSTT , / " ? ' Notice Isherebvg ) > , u to jj , , Iepal.T0tersot. " Ol"0msh , thail will sit ' " , aodJnfl , lor . reslneangtheToteriof ; saUwwd.U rillbe made ' , and ' aUvptera o/aalJ wardJ ; T'appear'personally'that their naine. " najTjbe properK1 reziatered. ' > ' n .Witnus my hand this Slsti day of iCarefa. A. BJ18SJ. - ; jt , STENBERu , tnSaiOt ' " 'Healstrar : ' QISTBATJOSfNOTiCE1 ! " * 1 -'a i > a a ; Sun f r f DoooijlsjCoeyrr , J iJfotlce Is hereby "girea thtt I win ait at the TJ Bakery , on Itth street , c nThnrsdayf > Harchi lsr.l Sl , for the-iurpose clreguteruvthetlec- oraoftheEthWarl. " " i. ' " * 1 ' - BOHDTUnt WAKEFIBr.D , , miStoa2.r . > - H SIXTH ' .W1BD. W -Kotlce la hereby givea to tb tlecil.Toten : ot Jia-Mith Ward'of tbe .City of > Omaha , that I illfSlt at mr f trre , Nc. Iu22 fcnmlnz street , clweea 20tb and flitr.t reffJ , > ontTne iaj , Tednes-'ay , TharaJay , 6aturd y and .Stomfay , Maieli uth. SOtb , 3Ut , ind April 2d > od'4tb , t brf pnrposa. of > erlrt ( rin J the Toters of sal * . 1. ruiM A sewi , > t will bcmidey-ancLall voters " 1.w aa waW re reqaestedtoTappear"In person" n their name i may be properly reglste' eo. "mtness my hand this 23th day of March , A. * ce 188L c. C. FIELD , ih Begiftrar. Bi-AL ESTATE AcElcY. AcElcY.f.i f.-i patroBi , IB Uad of befajr. gobbled up by the agent BOCiGS & HILL. REAL ESTATE BROKERS .OMAHA - NEBRASKA. OMae-ITorlh Blda opp. Grand Central Hotel. Nebraska Land-Agency , DAVISrtlSNYDEI ; l 1505 JTebrasks tat Ml Great Bargains In Improved tarna , andOmah * < ity property 1 1 t l- " - - O.t. DAVIS. WZB8TKB 8NYDXB , Ute Land Coml U. P. 2L B.f 4 > tebTU ITBOH BUB. IMVa KXO. c Byrou Reed & * . , SEAL ESTATE AGENCY IN NEBRASKA. mil 'R al KUte In Omaha and DongUs County. maylU $2.250,000 ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING , APRIL 12th. 15003 TICKETS ONLY. 72 * PRIZES' SMALLEST PBgE , $1.008. 1 PrUi 1 MO.OOO l"Prii < 25,0 > 1 i-riia 200.0TO 8Pnet ; 10tOOe ch 80.000 IPrUa 100.000 SPrlxei 8,000tub 40,000 IPriM 60,000 7Z2frU am't > etot260.008 WioVeTickets , $180 ; Halve * . SO ; QTarteiB , $40 ; TeotbiieTwe&Uethi ; , $3 , Fortiethf , $4. L ttlo Havana ( a gUrerneti entirely oy tit above drawing. 1 Prlx , $6.0OO 722 PrlMi. $16,119. WhelM , 82. UalT , $1. ROMAH & CO- SncceaioiitoTAYLOR * Co. , New York. Direct nil ci mmnnlmtloni and 'monay to ROMAN k CO. , General Agenu , 233 Chapel Streett , > 'ew Maveu. ' onn. ' Machine Works. J , Hammond , Prop. & Manager , Tha moit thorough appointed and complete Machine Shops and JFotmdrr In tha ataU. n Hnfi of erery. description mantlfaCUd. Knglnea , Pumps and erery di ol machinery ade to order ; pedal attcstlen giren to , Ifell AHJCHTS , Femlleys , HaRgers , ShaftiMK , Bridge IreM , cer ' , ftattlng , etc Plans toi new MaehlneryUeacBanle i Dranght nfModelBeto.netlT exeented. , 56 Harnov St. . Bat. 14th and ICtn. M. KV KI8DON. : General Insurance Ajeui , PBffiNli A3SOKiuv . don. Cash Aasets. . . . ; . . . . .1 . $6,107HI . T. , Capital. . . . . . . 1,060,00 ; itU . * * FIHKUBN'S FUKD , California. . . . . . . .800 W 11KITI3H AUERICiASSUBANOKCo 1,200,000 NEW A IK FIRS CIS. CO AJBett. . . . SQO.OCO AMKRICAFCENTBAL. Aieeta. . . . . . . .SOOMO v ait Cnr. nf.FllHsenth & DonaU 8t " ' * ' PASSENGER ACCQMODATIOM LINE OMAHAAND Connects With Street.Cars Corner of SATJNDER3'1 vand - HAMILTON , STREETS. . ( End'of Red Lin. aifellowj ; . . ' LEAVE OMAHA : 8303:17and : 11 afla m ,8rfBB37and7S9p.m. LEAVE TORT OMAHA : 7O6 a. m. , 9:45 : a. rn. , and 18:46 p. m. - * 4:00,6:1 and 8:16 p. m- The8:17a.1m-ran'-leaTin ? o aha , and the 4:00 V. mjiTln , leaTlag Fort .Omaha , are usnally loaded to fnll oapaclty. wlth.refulir.paaiengors. The 6:17 a. nurnnwlUbemadafromthapoftf office , 'corner of Dodge and 15th 'tnnhts. ' - Tickets can be procured bum street cardrlT- t , or from driven of hack * . . F AUK. MOUNTS. INOLUDtVO RTHB OAK * * - / AGENTS WANTED FUR CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. Profusely Illustrated. The most Important nn best book published. Erery family want * Extraordinary Inducement * offered Agent * . . Address Aaicrrs'Ptnminsa Co. tLoaivUo. . PROPOSALS .FOB INDIAN SUP PLIES ANDTRANSPORT- AHON ; TVEPARTUENT.OF THE INTERIOR , Office \J of Ihdlan AffalrtvWartilnjrton , March. S3 , " 183t. Sealfd prepoealsIndorsed Proton''for ' Beef.Bicon , Hour , dofJlnsrorTransporUtlon ; 4c. , ( at the case mty be , ) and directed to , tbe Commlssloner'of Indian Affalrt. I < oi.65and67 Wooster Street , N tw.Totk , will be received un til 11 a.m.of ; Monday , May 2,1831. torfnrnlahr intr f r the Indlin service about 800,000 pounds 'Bacon ' , 40,000,000 poandi Beer on tbo hoof , 123- 000 poonas Beau , 70.000 pound ? t.aklnp Po rder , 2.3CO.OOO pounds Cora , 760,000 pounds Coffee , 8J JOOOOOpoundiFl6nr,21 ,000 pounds Keed.800,000 roundiHasd Bretdt75,003 pounds Hominy , 9 > COO pounds Lard , 1,660 barrels Bess Pork , 233- 090 pounds Rice , 11,200 pounds Tea , 72,000 founds Tobacco. ' 200,000 pounds' Salt , 200,000 pounds Snap , 8,000 lounds Soda ; 1,250,000 pounds , Sagar. and 839,000pounia Wheat , , . Also. 'Blanked. Woolen ani Cotton'goods , ( c ntist-nr in 'part oi 'Icklng,1 ; 88.0CO yards ; ' Standard Calico , 800.000 yarJ ; jJDrmin ? , ZStOOO Ttrds ; Duck , fre 7 from , .all ridni. 175.0-0 yards ; Juntos , 17,000 yardi1 ; Glnghun , 60,000 y r s ; Kentucky - Jeans2CW JyMd ; ' .6atln v 4.500 yaios ; uuico c-uirtwK , owv juua ; * ninocy. z , * BOO yardj ; ) Clothing , aroceries , Kotu > njOHud- Trare. Medical Supplies ; and a long ; list ot mis- cellaneocs articles , such as Hanics * , Flows , Bakea , Forks , &c. , and fcr 476 Wagons reqalred for the amce In Arizona , Colorado , Dakota. Idaho , . Indian Ter , Mlnnnola , Montana , NB- ; bnuks , Nevada and Wisconsin , , to be delivered at Chlc go , Kan a. City and Slonx City. A'lo , Transportation fnr such cf the Snppllw. Oooos and articles that' ' may not-be contracted fort ) be'delivered at the Agencies. Bids mist be 'made out on Government Wanks. . . Scbedu'e * showlnz the , kinds and.quantltln of subsistence supples required for rich Agen cy , and the kinds and qouultiee , In gross , of all other Roods and articlestoeeihsr wftb. blank t > ropcnb and fcrmifor contract and bond , con ditions to ba observed by bidders , time and1 j'ece'rf delir ry , terms , of contra-t .and pay- nent , trinsportatl u roittc , and other necessary nstructlons will ba furnished'upi'n application to tbe Indian Office in'Washlnjton ; or Not. 65 acdoTWocster Street , New York , . Wm. H. vonNo. < S3 Broadway , Vev Tork ; and to tbe Commlf'suiei-of fc'ntaUtedee , U. 8. A , at Chi- ago , Saint Louis , 'Saint' ' .Panlf Leavenworth , San Fnnelico , Ojiahs , Chryennv , and Tankton , v and tbe Postmaster at Slonx City. ed .Bids . ftill b openei at thehonrjandday above fated , and bidders areinvltedto be present at tlw he cpcnlotr. tlID CQSCa'K AU tHs must1 be arcompaufed .by certified IDW i > * o''i upon Boms United , State * Depository "or W itslstant Treasurer , for at leaet five per cent , "of J5 the amount of the prgpnsall. ' ' J5a THOMAS M.NIOHOL. J5b nar28-lm by EAST INRI'A O S. Q. , STE3 BNSONCO. ' CarpettcraW Buflders , han.naortdi torJTo. . UCaDodg. Streetjrhare they ; ate , TB doaIlkl dkofworkinthdrIIneon.hortooUce , , J1GE ITSWAHTBD BOB > e ' of Success , BUSTNKaBsin ) SOCIAL TOX1HL - " -TheIawfbftne .l ilfBB , rho to . ei- DMUamentarr s e , how 'to condactpnoUe bminew ; In l.tA it to a eonnlste Oalde t * Sue- for U elaaeee. A family oteesdjr. Addresa NOHOB on IMNKWO HODSES. , /TJ1E III E8T' ESTABLISHED. . . BANKING HOUSE \ttN-NBBRASKA. : s.A.iSi : ts hi s. Business transacted same as that o an Inccr. panted Baik , Account * kept In Currency o gold juVJoct to tight check without notion. CerUflcatea ol deposit lamed payable In three. Six and twelve months , bear ! ng Interest , or oa desaand.wHhont laterert. . . t - ( Advances made to cflstocwrs on approved f e- ceritlM at markrt rates of Interest iBoy and sell gold , bills ot exchange Qcvern- raent , BUteConnty and City Bonds. " Draw Sight Drafts on EnxUniJ , Ireland. Scot i land , and all ports of Europe. Sell European Pasgi e Tlcketa. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. angldt * U. S. TJEPOSITOBY * FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFflXAHA. Oor. IStto and Famtiain Streets , OLDEST IANKINC ESTABLISHMENT H ? OMAHA. ( SUCCESSORS TO EODNTZS BROS. , ) MTABLisnia.ialBJS , , . Olganlied as a National-Bank. Augsat 20,1563. OapitalandProflts OverSSOO.OOO Specially kuthorlicd by the Bsuetaiy or Treasury to receive Subscription to the U.S.4 PER CENT. FUHDED , LOM. DIESCIOEJ HBUOK Kcnaizi , Presides * . Anomrrns EOUBTZS , Tlca ? rctiJcnV. H. W. TAISS. CsshUT. A. J. FomsTon , Attorney. Join A. Cntiairroa. 7. H. DiVEl. ABa-t Ouhiei. Ttlj bank lecolvesdepodt without regard to amount * . IHUM tune certificates bcs/ing Inteiest. ' Draws drafts oa San Francisco andprincipal cities of the United States , al j London. CuBIin , Edinburgh and the principal'dtles of the cent ! nentot Europe. Sells paasic * ticket * for Emigrants In the In- man ne. m..yMtf HOTELS THE ) RIGINAL. BRICGS HOUSE ! Oor. Randolph St. & 5th Ave. , OHIOAGO ILL. PRIDES BEDDCED SO $2.00 AND $2.59 PER DAY Located In the business centre , convenient to placea of amusement. 'Elegantly ' furnished , containing all modem improvements.passenger elevator , Sc J. H. CO1IMINUS , Proprietor. ocietf OGDEN H ? ' 4iSaiB Cor , MARKET ST. & DROAJJAY - Council On line 0 | .Street Ilaliwsw , Omnibus * o and Iron all trains. RATES 'Parlor fldnr , $3.00 per day ; second floor , J2.BO per "day ; third floor , SiCO. The , best furnished and most commodious hoosa In the city. : . Q KO. T. PHSLPS Prop FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming. The'miner's' resort , good accommodations , arge sample room , charges reasonable. Special attention ( riven to traveling , men. ll.U " HI 0 HILLURD Propri u.r. INTER-OCEAN UOTEL , i Oheyenn6 , Wyoniing. . Tint-digs , Fine arge Sample Rooms , -oca block from'depot. Trains stop from SO 'minutes to S hours for dinner. Free Bus to and from Depot. Rates. tZSO , 8150 and (3.00 , according to room ; s'njle meal 75 cents. A. O. BALCOM , Proprietor. W BOBDEN , Cotef Clerk. mlo-t AQEKTS WANTED IpK'OUR NEW BOOK , 'Wifoc for tlie Young , " Beinf the story of the i'cripturcs by R v , Oeo. Alexander Crooic , D. D. In if m pie and attrac tive liniruaje for old and jouiij : Pmfiuelv Illustrated , leaking a mOit. Interesting aud im- pmstve youth's lostrnctor. Everir parent will secure tnls"worfc P. each era , jon should dr- enlatel * . Pilce$300. Seni * for"drculaH'with xtr ermj- J. If.J ; nAUBBBS & tf . : { &t ! Louis , Mo AND STILL THE LION Continues to Eoar for Moores ( ) HARNESS & .SABDLEIIY , | . Ihave adopted the Lion , as. a Trade Mark , and all my Goods wHl be stamp < , with the Lion and my Name 'on the umei No Goods are genuine wUhojakthe abore stimpj. The boat material fa uied and the most skilled workmen-are employed , .and . at the lowest cash price. . Anyone wishing price Hat ot ijoods will confer a favor ; Bending for one. 1 MOOEE. CAW , M. D. K. L. Siootss , II. D. r NEBRASKA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL 'n L ' : INSTITUTE ; for tha reception olpa4 nta for the VAN Phyeicians. & Surgeons , wt : W Jacob's B ck , corutr Capita 0.7 * . aad VSthStroet. Offiaha ' eb THE NEW YORK GLuTKINQ HOUSE " " Has fiemoied to 1309 FARNHAM - ( Max Meyer's Old Stand. ) Where They Shall Keep Constantly * on HaEd ' 'an Irnmensa" . - - Stock-of - MEN'S , BOYS'Aai > CHILDREN7CtOTJIIiYG , . § . . HATS , CAPS AND GENT'S FCMi3inNC - - , GOODS. . PEIQES ALWAYS THE LOWEST , and Examine Goods and Prices. sa ' J i - . - i . 1309 Farnbam Street , Omaha , \cb. MORE 'POPULAR THAN EV.ER , , ' _ , / ' - - - ' , " I MmMHMM HMMHMfl H BMMiMaMWi i lM M MOT The Qennine SINGER NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Th9 popular demandfor tha GENUINE SINGER inl879 exceeded th.itol any previous year durinaf tha" Qaortar of a Century in which this " .Old Beliablo" Machine has been before the public. In 1878' we Bold 356,422 Machines. , In 1879 we sol'dteSl.ieTT ' ' M&chines. Excess ove'r any previous year 74,735 Machines. Our sales last year were at the rate of over 1400 Sewing Machines " . Day I W _ _ _ _ 1 _ ! _ _ _ . * * * a * * ; For OT iy bajlnras d j la the year , The "Old 'EeliabV That Every BEAL Singer is the- Strongest , Singer Bowing Machine - . . . . s. * ' the. Simplest , .the Most' chino has this Trade Mark cast into the Durable Sewing , " Iron Stand and em . .chine eve ? yet bedded in the Arm of - stracted. the Machine. THE SINGER MANUF GTURp Principal Office : 4 Union Square , New York. 1,500 Subordinate Offices , la the "b nited States and Canada , and 3,000 Office * in the O "World and South America. IANOS cr. s. AGENT FOR CHIGKE And Sole Agent for Burdett , and the Fort Wape Organ v Go's. Organs , " . " t a ( > Jl I | deal in Pianou and Organs exolnarvefy. yeara experience in the Business , and handle J. S. WRlfHT - \ 16th Street , City Hall Building OHiaiia , % ) , . , FITO Tuner. DOUBLE AUD IWEB AND HI Steam Pomps , Engine 'Triminin 'Minb'g Maobtocry , IELTIMC HOSE , BRASS AHD IROH FiTTlKCS , PIPE , STLAM ACKIJiD AT WHOLESALE AND JRETAJL. C" * . HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURGH-AND SCHOOL BELfc.5- A. t. FPTBAUfr. 20J3 PKrtiBMn S * * t d. A. W A K BF I E L WHOLESALE AND KETAILrD'EALER 1K : LUMBER , LATH5M Pickets , Sash , Doors , Blinds/Mouldings , time , Cement , Plaster &c , - STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE GEMEHtBO. , Near Union Paoifio" Depot. " .2 , OMAHA , ± 3&w . , . i. tft " .if ' i ' * - J. B. DETW i > 'i . 3 . M i - li < . ' l. J si Frorn rfori 'fo : His - V DouglasVSt . - . . . . , - * . . . . . * - * . . .L - . * 5' MEW AND ELEGANTrSTORE ; ; . . S. - th * i- t . . , " ' " - * > ' - - : 1313farnHam ' ' ' ? a T ? fa- Vbere He Will be Pleased to Meet all His Old Patrons.