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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1881)
The Daily Bee. Tuesday Morning. April 5. P tenon aellicoal. Frederick , .beading Hatter. mlltf Additional local on first page. City election to-day Easter Cards at Kuhn's. Try "Base's choice , " best 6c cigar in town. town.Finert Finert asiortment of tooth brashes at gtxe'i , warranted. Novel Ten Cent cigars , fi\e for a quarter , at Kuhn'i Drag Store. Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel. n , Crtfcfaton Block. o26-tf For FINE Commercial Job Printing , call at THE BEE Job rooms. f Ladic't Derby , new style jurt'arrived , all aolon at.Frederick's , Leading Hatter. m-wt Councilman Jim. Stephenson an nounce * himself at a candidate for Council- manatlarge. . HAYEKS' SKOW FLAKE FLOCE , juitly c l brated for excellence of quality and tin- iormlty. Sold by J. B. French & Co. If you want Bill-Heads , Letter-Heads Envelopes or any job work. Call at TEE BEB Job Rooms. Price * that will suit everyone. On account of the election to-day , th * docket of the April term of the county court will not b called until Wednesday Morning. Ladies please remember and come to the mee tins of the "W. C. T. IT. " this afternoon at three o'clock at the O. C. miasion. v The Harel Kirle Company , Gnst WOIiams-Tbo .Ke ne , Eobert McWade , Joe. Jeffewn and HaverljV'Strategiats , " on their return from the coast will be here is April. Mr. Kent , republican candidate for councilman of the third waid , denre * a correction made concerning his elegibllity. He sayshe is a property owner in this city , and in every other way qualified. Deputy Marshal Finley , of St Joe. rrired in the city Sunday , and depart ed yestertlny , having in charge a colorded boy , who is wanted in St. Joe for seriously cutting A man. We call the attention of the executive committees of the I. L. T7. aud other bodies , to the call for a joint meeting of their committees , published in to-day's BSE , "Like a trumpet blast it sounds the funeral note of official rasca'ity. " The inmates of the Post Office building thought there was an earthquake Saturday afteinoon , when the rope with which a 6.COO pound safe was being hauled up tains , broke , and the sife fell backwards _ to the floor below. The Union Pacific headquarters boys are organizing a btron < base-ball Uam for the coming season. Whitney aud Traffley , of the old Omahai , and Chapman will probably play with them. The B. & M. , Jboym are also forming a strong nine. Hunting parties , who visited the Paplo Sunday , wport the -country still . .more or less flooded , and pools of water covering all the farm laud. The ducks wadceeoe Hy high , and it WAS only by chance that one wa * occasionally killed. Pete Hochasen , the young man em ployed in Tie Eepublican office , who hot a fellow workman but Friday , was arraigned in Police Court yesterday , but owing to Mtzers not having euffi ient ly recovered , to appear against him , th trial wai continued to 10 a m. , tmtheTth Inst. Two Irifh emigrints ware looking a * the town Saturday evenlcg , from a ca * platform at th depot , when one of them sllpp d , andstriLingonbi * face , had the misfortune to Imak his no e. The two proceeded to Dr. Darrow's office , in the an * neighborhood and the injury was , o far as possible , repaired. The new choral club ha * chosen the name of "ArulikiU , " and organized with the following officers : President aud Mu cal Director "Mr. T. L. Bmgwalt Vfee-PreslJent- Doane. Secretary- Mr. T. W. Jonts. Treasurer -Mr. Jos. Weeks. Mr. Getrge Pennel was appoint ed assistant musical director , and Joseph C'arlcson. ' Esq. , assistant librarian. The club meats regularly on Thursday evenings aadhas.about twenty membors. The Omaha bind league meets every econd &nd fourth Sunday in the month instead of every other Wodncslcy , jvsia generally supposed among the members. The nnt meeting Tvilltherefore be a week from this coining Wednesday. Two drunken men yesterday morning tuisbled against one of the large plate glass windows of Evans' feed store , corner of Dodge and Fourteenth streets , demol ishing the costly pane. The size was five by twelve feet , and it-will take over $100 to replace it Clarence B. Gorman , the principal .party , was Arraigned in police court yesterday and sentenced to ten days in jail and a fine of $50. BUDWELSER Beer for sale , at Jaliai Treltaohke'B. pr2-3t A New Hat Utore. The latest styles of fine hats at Klndil & Krelle's , on Fourteenth street , between Farntm and Douglas streets , ( formerly , , American Ezpresa cffloe ) . On toe War Path Again I Mr. Rjpiniky , the Popular Mcr- obaat Tailor , begs leave to inform his Frleads , Customers and the Public that ke hu just received the most beautiful and select stock of imported aud domactlo Cloths , Oassimeres and Worsteds ever shown in Omaha , and at pnee * ( for cheapness ) that will sur prise everybody. This is no humbug : bat cone and tee for yourselves. M. KlMNBET , The Popular Merchant Tailor 219.12th st , near Farnham. ' 8AB&TOQA NOTES. The second school district elects a director this evening. T&e following an the officers of the Saratoga Sunday school for the ensu ing var : Superintendent , Charles W..Toasley ; aw Unt superintendent , A. S < eiU ; musical director , MM. J. H firaer ; secretary and treaanrer , Look Ltttleield ; librarian , Bert BrewsUr. Miats Minnie Smlthj who has been dangerously slowly recovering. COCEOO. to tne Poor. The following donations have been raeeivad by the Ladies' Rslief society staring the past week : Geo. Lowe/ / 5 664 ; Mr. Fleming.$5 ; a friend , J ) . To'partles wishing to adopt young chfldren we would state that we have. information of two children , one a ( w weeks and the other five months old for whom we are deiirow of ob- ' tuning good homes. ' ' ' MBS. WM. WAILACK. . Seo'y . , . ' .Tf'f. T- HANDS UP , HascalTs Horde of Hoodlums Marching on the City Treasury Several Thou sand Strong. The city campaign is at Its close. The greatest activity prevails in the lower wards of the city , among the hoodlums , roustabouts and bam * men , who we all solid for Hascall , as the man to whom they look for a grand division of spoils. Hascall was down at Turner Hell Sunday night , shaking hands all round , and his henchmen are everywhere laboring with a zeal to bring over men who are engaged in jobs and expact to reap a rich har vest from city Improvements .during the coming year. Grading contracts are promised on all hands. The keep ers of the low doggeries are enthusias tic for Hascall , because he makes snch great promises , and because B iyd has , in their opinion , not be ° n willing to commit himself sufficiently to their view of the liquor question. Smythe is working very hard for Hascall. 1'wo thousand dollars a year Jot city at torney is a very iilca sugar plum. It is currently reported that one of the Norton boys is te be marshal and they are working for Haecall. Mike Meaney is to be chief of the sewer di vision , with Gen. O'Brien as his prin cipal backer. Frank Walters will have the boarding of city prisoners , but this ban alee been promised to several other boarding honse keepers in the neighborhood of the court hi.use. The call published'yester lay in this paper by the International and communist committees is said to be another move in the interest of Has call , who now represents himself as the principal champion of the laboring men. It is safe to say that not a stone will be left unturned anywhere by the hoodlum brigade. As an ancillary the old Holly crew are quietly working for Hucill and against Boyd , and they expect to tnrn a good many democrats. The Holly folks had been singing quite low for the past few months , but now in every nook and corner of the city they are popping up and manifesting a good deal of interest again. Hascall would be a splendid card to play against the present water company , to compel them tobuy up the old pipe atid to settle the nulls now pending in the courts , In which it is chimed that the Holly folks had spent $30- 000 in Omaha last year. Of course in case the company should not com plete their worka by the lil-of July , which is very probable on account of the severewinter and the heavy rise in the river , a mayor , if in league with the old Holly crowd , -could give the company quite a black eye unless they came down and settled the demands of theee water shrrks. " , . The Campaign There is a general misunderstand ing about the election of councilmen- at-large and members of the school board. The Republican per siste in printing the candidates"for these offices by wards , where-s the ward boundaries ere not t ken into consideration. In the selection every rotcr will cast hi vote for six coun- matter where tbey mty "be located. It is his privilege to vote for three men in one ward if he sees fit. The choice of each voter * ! * left untrammeled , with a view to al lowing him to select the. best men , regardless of location. There is also to bo elected one councilman from each ward , whose residence must bo In the ward where the voter re aides. The Board of Education un der the new charter Is composed of six members , all elected at large on a separate ticket from the other city of fioials , which wilt be deoosi'e'd. in a separate ballot box. Republicans mty therefore votaA straight republican ticket and still cast their rotes for a non-partisan school board 'ticket. ' The main object of making the election at large is to secure a board m&de"np of the very best material , regardless of their place of residence. The fol lowing nanwd pewons are candidates at large on the respective tickets : KEPCBLICAN TICKET. CouDcilmen at-large M. D. Sproul , James France , Ira Wilson , M. Gold smith , J. It Oounsman , C. 0. ilon" sel. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Conncilmen-at-l ne ChurlesKvif mann , Richard O'Keefe , Fred Del lone , Homer Stull , J. 0. Corby , Sam uel Herman. There are also two Independent can didates for couacilmen-at-large , Mr. Edward Roddis and James Stephenson - son , so the choice of each voter will ba from fourteen names. The following are the tickets for school board nominated by the politi cal conventions : - j REPUBLICAN E. K. Loop , J. Wor rell , 0. D. Wuodworth , H. Kennedy , 0. Woodman , L. Burnham. DEMOCRATIC Charles Conoyer , F. J. McSh n . Wm. Anderson , George Thrall , E. Wakely , P. W. Windham. . The non-partisan tieketnytninated at the city hall Saturday-fright is as follows- * - * * " * - - E K Long , 0. M. Conoyer , How ard Kennedy , LeavitfjBanttam , ClarkWoodman , A. N. FergMeo The election for city officers and members of thV board 'Ofred aUoto j will occur to-lay" ' T . , ; ' " The polls will be open from oVeldck1' a. m. to 7 o'clock in Jthe afternoon. The following are lha voting places for the respective wards- First Ward Felix Slaren's grocery , west side Tnth street , between Jones and Learenworth , opposite Slaven's thotel. Second Ward Kewler's hall , 13th street , wstt side , near Pacific street. Third Ward Dr. Hyde's office , southwest earner Twelfth and Doug * las .street . * . Fourth Ward Court Honse , near corner Farnbam and Sixteenth streets. Fifth Ward HagmdornV ffurnitnre ' slorervoutbwest corner "Webster and Sixteenth streets. S txth Ward Kribbt' store , -baildp ing , northeast corner Baft and Twentieth - , tieth streets. . . ! j James Stephenson annonnces himself as a conncilman-at-large. He is an active worker and will create a -Mr. Edward Roddis , who has ac 'a. quired some experience in the present ci yicqnncil Mws announced himself as aniadependvat candidate for council- Ban-at-large. Hej-has caaay tfrienda * ' f ' - f t'-ff tVi i * ' I s ' - ' . f - * tr rt r- .w. in the cKV | who desire him elected and will work for him to-day. | Every voter whose name does not appear on the register can swear his ( or hei ) vote in at tbe polls by signing the proper blanks , which will be found at each poX The hoodlums are organizing a Rang of repeaters , and It will be well for every citizen to keep a sharp eye on them. They propose to vote on the names of drad men and absenteu , and on the names of men who do nol reside here at all but have been car ried forward in the registration books. Campaign Snots. A man worth over $100,000 who sends his daughter-in-law and his grandchild to the poor house to be fei and clothed at the public , expense i hardly the proper person to fill the position cf city councilman. Brash ought to sleep off his jitn jams before he goes into another pub lie meeting in the interest of Gold smith and Hascall. Hascall is openly trading oi Professor Bruner , who , he says , was nominated mainly to be swapped fo ; votes among Germans. Jim Stephenson will make things rattle to-day. Ho U running at large for the council. --The hoodlums and hammers are having very jolly time * ) with Hascall' free lunches served up in every ward People who live in the Secon < ward will experience a good deal o trouble in trying to get their votes in Haecall's registration list is a jug Landle affiir. Those who are-not fo : him will find their names missing. When Honsel and Goldsmith ar elected to the council , with Hascall a mayor , Smythe as city attorney , am Erank Walters aud Windmill Baldwin as counsellors , Omaha will have a model city government. James Stephenson OMAHA , April 4,1881. To the Editor of TEI Bxi : Having heard that James Stephen son is an independent candidate fo the city council at large , I desire t say that he will receive my hearty support. I am , aud have always been , an nn swerving republican , and have seldom voted for a democrat ; but Jim Stephenson phenson I think worthy of the supper of all good citizens. He is a man o more than ordinary ability , and a sue cestfcl JrasineH man. He pays do ! lar for dollar , and redeems all his ob ligations. His rotes in the city conn cil will compare with any councilman since Omaha has had such a board He has always advocated improvemen within the financial ability of the city and has always been an opponent o anything that looked crooked. There are six councilmen to be elected at large , and it will be an easy mttter for the friends of Mr. Stephenson to put his name over some one on either ticket whom they believe to be not properly qualified to perform the du ties of councilmen. Soma msy object to him on accoun of hid "howling" as it is called , but no man can po'nt his finger at Jim Stephenson and say that he "ever neglected the interests of the city or refused to assist , and promote im provement when it was practicable. The people ought to take him up to-day and elect him. It would ba the grandest success of independence and true manhood that can resull 'from the election to Jay. 1 _ SiQHACm. Captain Wllcor. To U > editor .1 f BE In reply to the query , who Is Wil- opx , the democratic candidate for city treasurer , I would ay that W. P. Wilcox is the former member of the late firm of Stephens & Wilcox , one of the oldest and most reepected resi dents of Omaha. OLD SETTLER. Mr. Roddls1 Card. Having been solicited by many o : my friends from both political par ties , who believe my experience in the Council during the past year would beef of value to the city in the next coun cil , to submit my name to the electors as an independent candidate for conn- cilman-at large. I respectfully so licit votes for that office. alt6 EDWABP RODOU. " ssn The Golden Hat. The sign of tha golden hat nppeira in front of the new store opened on Fourteenth street between Farnam and Douglas , by Nindel & Krelle They have started out with a fine stock of men's goods , including the Dunlsp , Morris , Stetson and other noted makes , and are receiving spring styles daily M > Nmlel has h d an extended experience in E-irope , and Mr. Krelle is favorably known as a practical hatter. The firm have many friends and with their taste and en terprise bid fair to baUd np the best kind of a trade. Tbe sSfh number of the Unity * Lyceum course will be ftiven at the Unitarian church next Friday night , and will consul of dramatic readings by Miss'Jnlfa Hardenbaugh assisted by the pupils , and music by Miss L. A. RogfrsVaisted byfrleods , TRE1TSOHKE sells choice batter at 20 eta pef-po"undand has just received a car loacftTf-Paach Blow and Neshan- nock potatoes , in splendid condition. Snow-Flak'a. and Peachblow seed potatoesat'T. ' A. McShaue's Grocery Store , 23rd an&Onmiag streets. apr2-3t "W1NEOFCARDUI" cures irregular - lar , painful , orftdifficuit menstruation. t A Rare Slant. The nnnsnal rpectacle was witnessed Saturday evening ot five magnificent black tailed dear , who were apparent ly driven out of the woods north of Tekamsh'by the sudden rin in the Missouri and who carae down on the east side of the river to Cat-Off lake.whan they awamthe ? Missouri and proceeded south at a rapid rate , crow ing the Union Pacific track at a point about a mife weat of Spoon Lake. They were aplendid specimens and 'moved over the bottoms like the wind. Several-witnessed the specta cle , Commencing to-morrow the M. trains will run on a time card , as follows : Le * * Omaha ' 7:30 a. m and 7 p. i * . ; arrive at at Omsbs 630 to 7 p'm. and 8:50 . m. , _ S4 ' "BLACK.DRU'GHT cures dyspep E ) sia , indigestfon and heartburn. " " " " S * F.Goodaairs. - * ' f ' ' " ' - TOTirf - A PENDING FLOOD , The Gorge Above Sioux City Broken A. Pour-Foot Rise Coming Down. THE GOBOE BROKEN. A dispatch was received by Mr > James E. Boyd at three o'clock yes terday , announcing that every thing had broken loose at Sioux City and the river was rushing down at a risa of four and a half feet. It will be remembered a gorge seventy-five miles long had formed between Yankton and' ' Sioux City , and it Is this that has started. Sioux Giry must be in great peril , and as nothing has been heard since Mr. Boyd has received his dis patch it is thought the whole region about the city is swept by the flood. This additional flood will reach here early this morning. STBsTEBUATf- The riee continued through Sunday and yesterday the water was running through the smelting works. Every thing Is bustle and preparation for disaster. The smelting department is still going , bnt the refining depart ment has shut down. The rise is still progressing , though the water somehow has fallen in the works. Tha most stylish and fashionable hats at tha New Eat Store of Nindel & Krelle , Fourteenth street , between Farnham and Douglas. 2 3t SUITS aid CLOAKS. Just received , a very large and beautiful assortment of Ladies' Colored SILK SUITS , Ladies' BUck SILK Suns , Ladies' Black CASHMERE SUITS , Ladies' Suff SUITS , , Ladies' Walking JACKETS , Ladies Spring ULSTERS , Ladles' Spring HAV.ELOCKS , Ladies' Spring DOLMANS , Ladies' Spring MANTILLAS. * We have opened the largest and cheapest assortment of ladies' Under wear to be found in the West. MCDONALD & HlEKISON , 1408 Farnam St. PERSONAL , PAKAUKAFfitf Mrs. A. Atkinson returned from New York yesterday morning. T. S. MeMurray , tax agent of the Union Pacific railroad , left yesterday for Denver. Judge N. J. PanI , of St. Paul , Neb. , one of the committee of gentlemen who hare bean in conference with Union Pacific officials , left for home yesterday. Mrs. Gorringe , wife of Lieut. Comman der Gorringe , U. 8 A. , the rfficer who had the honor of conveying Clopetra's needle to this country , passed west yesterday. Geo. A. Crofutt , publisher of Crnfutt's "Overland Tourist , " and Crofutt's "Grip- sack Guide , " left yesterday for a pleasure trip to Las Vegas , Santa Fe , Albuquerque , Demingand El Paso. He will be absent two or three weeks. L. H. Korty , secretary-and treasurer of the Omaha Electric Company , left 4Snn- davfur Chicago , to represent the tele phone interests of Nebraska and the north west at the convention of the representa tives of the telep&onj evchanges of the United States. -Mr. J. H. JorvU.a-young English-jour nalist who H in the staff of The Montreal Herald , and is the foreign correspondent of the Canadian Associated Press , passed west Tuesday on his way to British Colum * bla , for an absence of abnui two months He is also examining tin country en r..uta. He will pass a few days in Omaba on his return. "WINE OF CARDUI" makes rosy cheeks and clear complexions. ' At or F. Goodman1 * . GARDEN SEEDS. Laudreths ' & Sons' celebrated gar den seed , in bulk and in packages. Select onion sets , choice seed pota toes j as t received , etc. , etc. \j \ HEKBV BOLLN & Co. , * - 23re ; d-tf Sixteenth & Pal , S s. " AlTJJOW BEOEIVINO A IABOE LOT OF CHAMBER SETS , PAULO R SETS , LOUNGES , SIDEBOARDS , EAST CHAIBS AND OTHEK GOODS IN THIS USE , WHICH I'OFFEE ' AT VERT. LOW MUCKS PARTIES WIEL TIND IT TO THEIB ISTERK3T TO INSPECT THIS STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING. CHARLES SUIVERICK , 1208 and 1210 Farnham if. , Omaha. ap2tf _ _ Give your orders for your eltciio'i hats to Nindel & Krelle , on 14thjit. , formerly American Express office. apr2-3t Prang's Etster Cards at'Hospe'B. Prang's Ewter Cards at Hospe's. - "j Prang's Easter Cards at Hnspe's. tf For want of more room , W. Boehl , the locksmith and machinist , , has been compelled to remove to the northwest corner of Fourteenth and Howard streets. m30U Insolent Trainmen. OVERLAND TBAiN.Columbia Sleeper April 1st , 1881. To the Editor ot Tm Bit : Through the columns of your paper permit me to call attention to the rude bearing of railway employes to * wards passengers. Seemingly their employes are not only allowed but en couraged in theie low attempt to sub j ject passengers to all kinds of petty ' insolence , especially over the 0. P. and U. P. railroads. Sbne but gen-1 ' tlemen should have charga of passenger trains. TAis is not the case on the over land trains. As an illustration , it is only necessary to assert that toe con ductors of these trains do not only fi lermit their train men to take seats it the same eating tables with pas sengers without removing their nats and cap , bat also encourage the in- imlent acf by setting the example. Jnder no circumstance will s > gent'o- man offer such insolence to a lady. fet , these railroad men not only sub a ect ladies and gentlemen to such reabnent , but , if tb ir attention be called to the act , they immediately turl the vilest abuse they can think of t the person. Report the shame- ul affair to the landlord , and , strange as it may w. eem , he tells yon in these words , . 'My dear sir. it is an outrage , bnt we re helpless. " Call the attention of ir heaUtion agent to tha tnaUir , and $ bat official at onca refer * you to the eneral superintendent And , so you lot see , we simply pay onr money vto be law Bialtreatrd by 'men whom wa support. Oar Pnllmin car conductor , one + * Allen , should be removed for his tc rudeness to passengers on this trip. Last evening he was made to uncover. To-day , when our passengers refused to sltai the same table with him ( at Cheyenne , ) he caused a brakeman to t ke a seat at their table , and , as yon may guess , with hi. jap on. How long will the general public put up with such treatment ? Why should not train men conduct themselves like gentlemen ? If the general su perintendents were to issue orders re quiring their employes to conduct themselves like gentlemen or leave their employ , we , the patrons of these railroad companies , would not be subjected to further insolence. Respectfully. & ' . . JOHK McOATMBXT , Room j 28 , 145 Broadway , New York. HEGlSTBA 110N LIST ; THIRD WARD Additional Names. Arnold John N Adams Valentine Anders Wm J Anderson Gee Adams Gee Aos'tln Henry Andrns Philip Altendorf Al Ashford Tilford Anl s 0 J Amtm John Arnold P Ashley Gee Baldauf Ohss Barrett Jas BntterGeld Wm Beg Golthieb Braddish R Benson S Brannar Mike Bangilions Chas Brage Lewis Beneke Gustave Black Alex Becht Max Becker Henry Brewer Battiste BelerFred Byera John Briggs Authur H Bell Thns Bluodson M W Bengle F J Braage L G Bnfcrd Ohas H Bolin Preston Brooks Ohas Brnnner'Moritz Bridges Wm M BucMy Mike Buckley Fwen Butt MA Box Henry Bragg Byron Bow Pat Bub Joe Bradfurd Lewis Brown Al Beaumont Lewis Bernhard J Brady John Clerk A E Charles Wm R Connelly Jas Canan 0 J Chambers S J Cawody Wm J Carpenter , John H Condomeir Ang Carey A-ugustus Con tray MB Coats Frank Oostallo Mike Uarpenter A X Coon John Candweli Mike Oastler Abraham Cavanangh John DaLaskaBerthold Dickscn Alex Donnelly Richard Drocssel Ralph Douglas Isaac Dalton J F Dohie Henry Den Daren EergUs Dillon Frank Dixon Wyly B Donohue S R Dexter WH Darling O > E Delaney P Dinsn Thos Dunn Lyman Dempsey Peter Ergood S J Ellis John Edgerton Joseph S Esah Gotleib Ernst Chris Flynn James Fehch Theo Fisher John Foltick John Fitzpatrlck Hugh Fay Peter B Fogy Ohas N FleigeU.H Flannery P Frast L H Frank Adolph Fisher Etnil Fisher Chas. Green Rilph Grace Joseph Glyann PafN Grow Uhas Greene J C Grove Ohas R Green G W Gardner Sam Qimbel Adam Giliespie John Ualligai ) Wm H Gates Dacier Got ] , ib Esah Garber John Gill J M Gtace Martin Garman Patrick J Girney Dennis Gavin P A Qarkuy Henry Hollborn Lewis Hill T W Hahn Joseph Hartman Chris Ho th. Fred Hogan Patrick Hillock Jas B Haridluy Gee Hcan John Havens Tbos 0 Heller John Houseman John Harrington F 0 Haman OF UetzelGeo W Hernnan Harris Hey brock Lewis Hodges A S Henry Patrick Hanse Wm Hunley Chas. Hiegins Jas Harper H R Howe H H Hamann Timothy Irrino Jas H 1 Irvine Jas H 2 James Wm S , Jairli John Johnston Matthaw O'Brien Peter- Olson Peter Oamer Mnrtin Perkins 0 E Parisian Gee Paynter John I Plumb Will W Patrick Gee Parr Harry J Putnam Nat B Peterson Gee Picksrd Eugene Patterson Gee PeryBR PetyJohn Penny Humphrey Pecher Ramhold Potter Albert J Patty W R Paspsnhil Rodolph Richter Henry Richardson Frank Robison Joiry Rotholz Julius Rice Win F Roaenow Fred ige Oscar Ro vlep Ohas Rufui J F Ruslelaw Peter Rive Wm F Roeenfield J , Retz Mathas Reeves Jas Steele L A ' Schneider Edw Shill UnsUve ; Steb'bins Gee P Suiyth 0 J Sanderhahn Jno Stewart Sylvester Jni > Scheid Nicholas Sahneid Gee Jr Stark Jno W Swisser Wm Sylvanus T R Simni Frank Severe Juuiua Severe Robt Schenetz Frank Sandera WO Seger Joseph . Siawart Gus Spear Fred Smith I M Smith Jno A , Signing E L trickier J ' Stain Fred " Sshipporeit Ang Slipper A Spetman J H Schlank Adolph Schiller Jacob Schreiner Jacob Schmitzberger 0 Schaffer Cjorad 0 Slane Jas Scott Thos Stewart Logan Schmidt Herman Shield Hugh Shay Frank Sats Peter , Schoelply Jno W Otontstreet J H Stebbins Geo-A Shaw Ohaa Sohwad * Lewis Saur Morris Shields Jno H Shoffman S H Standman Wm Sinner M . Thockiwcke Jno Thrashes Frank Tracy P f Trenette T M Thompson Wm Thompson GiE Tattle Jno M VandenbnrgL H Vattkopf Jno " vVoly Nicholas Vettkopf Jno 2 andusen Wm Yenstraud Peter V&mpler Christ Walsham Jno White Okas K Wingert J 0 W rd F Wioham Jno Welndheim Peter Weygcli Gee A ehrer Charlie Winn Patrick 'Way Jas W Wilcox Jno F Whitney Chas M Wilkinson Jas C Wehrer Chas Wakefield J A Woolf Isaac Williams P J Watson J D , Wassberg Andrew STATF. OF NJEBBASSA , ) SB This is to"c ctify thst the above is a true list of the reTteWred voters , of tha First ward to date ApnTi W. H. Regifclrar Third Ward. Eeal Eistata Transfera. The following transfers were re- cordedat [ the county clerk's office Sit- urday , as reported for this paper by John L. McCagne , real estate agant and conveyancer : Union Prn6c Railway Co. to Samuel D. Neilson j lots 1. 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 and 10 in block 1 , town of Waterloo ; . d. 190 00. Henry H Brownlee and wife to I Justus Sihl ; parcels in section 31 , town 15 , range 12 , east ; w. d. $2292. Jno. M. Franca to James France ; 2 in block 14 , Parker's addition ; . d. 8600. Arthur Maher and-wifa to Frank tlcs LombHy ; one acre in section 33 , town 16 , ' range 13 east ; w. d. $175. * a Those wishing first-claw dressmak ing should call at 317 N. 15th street. ap2tf SPECIAL NOTICES. NOnCE-AdTertlMmentsTo Loan , TotStlt , Loft Found , Want * , Hoarding , ic. , ta- MrledintaeM columns onca fer TEN CENT3 per line ; MchinbKqaent insertion , FIVE CENTS per Hoe The first insertion never le than TWENTT-FINE CENTS. IB UUft MUMI. OBET TO MAX-OaU at Iw Offlo * M D. L. THOHAB , RoomS.Crelghton Block ONKY TO LOAN 1109 Farnham street. M Dr. Kdtnu-d * Loan Arcncy. noT-SS-tf HEIT WAKTID Four day boarders at 601 17th WANTED corner California. 54S-8 A good girl for 'general houis- WANTED Apply 1510 HarneySt. 611-4 To adopt one or two childrtn. WANTED at once. Aldress "FonUnelle. " Be offlw. To rent furnished houit , aud WANTED for the rent , small family. Address E L. A. , P O. , Omaha. 6'9-4 QlTUAIION WANTdD Br " "t class gar- O dener , who thoroughly underaUmU tnm- nlne fruit trefs. gntUug. hotbed , ardening , 4c- Address W. P. , cor. llth and Harney. No. 1019. 631-5 TTTANTED Two hundted dollars on Rood VY security. Please give name and addreu. Address A. D. , Bee Office , 630-4 Servant girl. Eaty pi ice and WANTED wages. Inquire ot Oiofl & Mont gomery , over Omaha > aton ! l Banlc. 534-4 | -t-tTANTED A second hand boiler from 4 to YY 6hone power forchiese factory purposes. Address at once , Lewis Fletcher , Frleodrille , Neb. 535-0 WANTED B ) one of the largest Wholesale Clothing Houses In New York City , for the coming fall trtde experienced > , > le < men. Those h vlnz excellence And commanJ nz good trade will find tnls a nnt-clan opportunity. At ply t once with references to A. B n. , Post- office Kox SOS , New Yo kUty. 46 ANTED A good girl , for general boose- W work , at 1519 Harney it. 55-4 TXT"ANTED Good f rm hand immediately , YY bnt wxts paid. Enquire > t 1112 Doug las St. 619-1 ANTED Situation u copyUt or at any YY kind of writing , by a > mpetent young lady. Adnresa "T. A. " Bee office. Beference given and required. 52tf A tltuatlon in a private family WANTED seanutress to do family sewing , can cm and tti for children. Apply seam stress , at 715 17th St. , between WetMter and Bart. 616-16 Ajoungman 17 or 18 years of WANTED office work. The BraJst eet Co. SIS- WANTED A steady Job. Wapes moderate A single man Apply at once to M. McUougall , Friendvllle Neb. 613-4 fTTTANTED Experienced cook Wa < s five W dollars per wtek. Apply at 2008 Burc St. 511-t' SWEDE BOYj Wants a sit latlon to take _ ot horses or a porter in store. Can gire t of dty reference. Address Swede , P. 0. 609-80 VSTANTED Ltundresa immediately at the YY Occidental Hotel. EOO-tf A partner with $2,000 to Join ad- WANTED ° rn tbe extenilan ot an ertabllshsd and one of the be * ' ptyin ; hnsiresa in th < west. Apply to K. W. Slmeral , Boom 6 , Crelghton Block , 16th St. 4M-lm TT7"ANTED Two mere boarders at 31S North YV 17th str&etbctweenj > avtnport and Chicago - cage , east side 387-tt , WOMAN WanU sltaatloa ai house-keeper. , - CallNo. 1215 Howard street , between 12ih and 13th. ? 5 6 WAtTiD An experienced butcher wants to start a meatnarketl n some small west era town , where there is noae , or where one Is neede I ; wonld take a reliable partner. Address K. K. Webb , JaJcson , Dakota Co. . Neb. 90-tf "VT7"ANTE" A good house-keepc r , 1109 Farn YY ham street , upftalrs. 32-tf FORREHT-H008EI AND LARD. EOK BENT Famished looms , 1818 Chlcaga stre U 532-5 EOB RENT Bain , 1818 Chicago stteat 633-5 TJlOR BENT Small home with 4 room * , ChiC - C cage St. bet. I6tb anJ 17th , north side. Eoqulre f. P. F03D1K , at Ciutckahank's. 634-tf " 0 IFUCE BOOil FOR KErJT-InquIre at 1 Icket Office , lOiOFamlam St. 5167 1,1 OK RriNT 2 turnuibed rounu ovei Merchants - chants Exchange , N. K. Cor. 16th ind Oodice gtreeta. 289-lf FOR SALE. RARE CH NCE For sale , brarding bonae cumulate ! , furnlahel , best location In dty , t nre mlnut : wjlk fr-m P. . , tea ra m . five Suitable for nomers now occupied : dolnsr good business III health reason for selling. Apply toO W. Hill , Farnham street , between Uth and letb , Opp , Court House. 510 5 / -i J ALE Several houses. Inquire of Bald- FOR & Behm. 537-4 FOB SALE A cottage home of 6 rooms with 2 lots ; ground fo > tale , chea'X Icqnire 2014 Farnham St. , Boggs' addition. ' 467-to a23 " 171 OB SALE Good dwelling hou-e , 3 rooms _ C and kltchtn , good bam and outhoujes. in- qur at Bnion & Johnson's ice office. 393-tf TT10B SALE Ten (10) ( ) residence lots on upper C Farnham street. Jehu L. McCaeue , op , > . P.O. 369-tf TJ1 OK HALE Maps of Donxlai and Sarpy J > counties. A. B03EWATEB , 1520 Kara bun Street. 320-tf TTtOR SALE Seven good business lota on _ E Farubamstreet. JOUtf I : McCAQtK , Kit Opposite Poatofflcu. OB SALE Lease and furniture ofafirst- JL1 class hotel In a town ot 1300 intubit nt . In bute of Nebraska. Has 24 beda , tbe travelling men's resort. Inquirn at Be office 218-tf T7IORSALE-A BARGAIN-A bulldin ? with Jj mloon fliturts. furnlturo and itock , on 10th St. . opposite tbe IT. P. depot , for sale very cheap. Or the fixture ) , furniture and stock will be Bold and building rented. Inquire of EU. KRE18S- MAN. 79-tf 10B VALH Tr > cioee carrta en , at A. i. F Simpson's BH-tf mU E BEST TH1NQ YtT-H. C. ' la > k & Co.'s J _ Imperial Self Bailing Winter Wheat Flour , for Pancakes , Biscuits , and all kinds of pastry. Try it. Ask your grocer for it. 478-tf MISCELLANEOUS. OB 8TOLEN-A dark brown half-breed LOST do ; , end ot till wMte , very short lets and no.Vf out. Ten dollars reward will be paid for his return to Lewis Smith , Coizenj House. 5S9-tf OTICB TO BUILDER ' Sealed proposals .N for tbe erection of the temporary Music hall for hoU'Injf the coming Saengerieit , Will be received by the untie tl.-ned until the 20th lost. Plansandspedflcatlonstobe cetn at the office of Henry Vos , ( Architect , Jacobs' niock. The right to reject any or an bids is reserved. By order executive Committee of "Music Festival Association. " H. BOSENZWEIQ , S48-U Secret > ry. I " 1 It. BROWN , corner of Uth and Chicago ' ) . streets , is ready to bore or deepen welh. Satisfaction guaranteed. 603-tf mEAVS CAN BE GOT At John Ban s stable JL ' - > r all kinds of work , at reasonable figures near comer 18th and Leavenworth St. 378-tf POWDER Absolutely Pure. Vado from Grape ) Creaji Tartar. No other prejuntlon makes such light. fUk v bet breads , orlaxnrinuipa.try. Gin be rated by Dyipep- without fe r of tha lUi molting from heavy ia"ige tlble food Sold ot ly fa einr , by all Oiooers. Bo7AiBAsiaa POTDI Co. Hew York. Successor to the business of the old establishment Shoe House of W. B. LORING & 0 , , COR. FOURTEENTH AND FARNHAM STS.5 Calls attention to the largest and best selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES , ever before shown in the West. Our goods are all purchased for cash. We deal direct with manu facturers , thereby enabling us to sell goods from twenty to thirty per cent cheaper than small deal ers ask for the same qualities. WE HAVE BUT ONE PRICE , MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ! Among the bargains we now offer and cannot again soon duplicate are the fol lowing : 660 Pairs Ladies' peb. gt. Lace Shoes - $ ] 25 . . . . 4QQ U ii H K U U . _ i 50 316 " " and Calf Shoes - . - - - - 176 " " " ' * " . 200 160 No. I Quality - - - - 100 " " best pebble goat , button , medium and narrow widths , size 4 1-2 to 6 , $2 60 , worth $4 00. ' SHOES. 175 Pairs Infant's Lace Shoes , Size I and 2 , 40c , Formerly 65c. 76 Pairs Infants' Button Shoes , All Sizes 50c , Formerly 65c. 60 Pairs Childs' Button Shoes , Size 4 and 6 , 85c , Formerly SI.OO. A large assortment of Lest makes of infant shoes in choice qualities hand and machine made .CENT'S SHOES. CENT'S SHOES. This department has received our especial attention , and we now show the lat est fashions in Nobby Styles , Hand Sewed , Plain Styles , Machine Sewed. VV" All Widths. The day for having men's shoes made to measure has long since passed. Mauufacturers have perfected their lasts , and from our large stock we can fit any foot. Gentlemen will- " find" it much to their advantage to purchase a shoe thatthey can first try on , select careful ly , and our hand made shoes are warranted in every particular. Xa LX > XJE3.S' SIBCO3E3S ! Our Stock of band and machine sewed Ladles' Shoes embraces the best qualities made ; we can furnish everything in kid or goat in all widths. Will use especial care to fit every customer , and call particular attention to our BAND SBWSD TURNED SHOES Side lace and button as beine THE comfortable shoe for ladies with tender feet. A fine stock of Philadelphia made kid Slippers , plain or with two , three or five straps in dif- erent widths. * .A. . 3D. 3VCOIBSIB , Cor. 14th & Farnham St j V D. T. Uanufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES and HARNESS , Agents for JAMES R. BILL & CO. , Colehrated CONCORD HARNESS. Beat in The WorldTEJ 1412 Faraham St. , _ Omaha , Neb. LARGEST STOCK e en Hand Sewed Shoes Especially H. DOHLE & GO'S. leading Shoe Store , OMAHA , . . . - NEB. apld&wlm GEO. H. PARSELL , 91. D. Rooms 'n Jacobs Flock , up stairs , corner o Canilal Avenue and IS'h street. Kesldence 1425 Shermaa Ave-.ue. Uay e coE u ted - ed at reel leace 7 to 9 p m. except Wednesday * . SPECIALTY-Ob.tetrics an I Diseases of Wo. men. < ffice hours 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to p. m unoays 5 to 7 o. m Any on * having dead animals I will remove hoi free of charge. Leave orders southeast eon r of Harney and Uth St. , second door. CHARLES SPLITT. P.HEOIATIC CURE Warranted a Safe. Certain and Speedy Cure for Rheumatism In Illt forms. Neuralgia. Lame Back , Pain in the Breast and Side , I aln In tbe Stomach and Kldneyi. &c I' Is an internal remedy , a Tonic and Elood Purifier , and while It removes tbe Diiease it Unproves the general health. SMITH , BL'CK& CO. , PROPRIETORS , PLATTSHOUIH , NEBRASKA- 0. F.'Qoodman , general * ag ba J. H. FLIEGEL. SaocesBor to J.'H. THIELE , MERCHANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , l TUB MERCHANT TAIMIR. las jnst received his Sprinr Stock , and b § 250 lat'er s to triect from. nUIeaMvandgctyoox holcc. Cleaning and repairing of al kin is. One Door Went of OrnicttsbiMUt'o. " ep Oly CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! Ketallc Cases , Coffin * , CukeU , Slironds , etc. ten BjStre * t h and Uth , Omaha , Keb. Tel graphic orders nracnntlv attended to. e- With the Best Selected ? took of CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS in Omaha. We are PAR EXCELLENCE THE YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHIERS. BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE , PAKM1AH STREET. SOHLANK & PRINCE. MEN'SFURNISHINGCOQDS At Wholesale ! OVERALLS , SHIRTS , SUSPENDERS , Neckwear. The Latest Styles ! The Largest Variety ! The Very Bst Prices Mt'r'd Agents for Celluloid Col ars and Cufis , Rubber Coats an 0 Star Umbrellas SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. . 14rh and Dodge Sts. , Omab. HORSE SHOES AND NAILS , Iron and Wagon Stock , the Best Assortment of WHEELS ; in the West , At Chicago Prices. W.J.BROATCH ; Y 1209 & Harney Street , Omaha. Janl3-atu 5O3OOO CHEAP I CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. P.tyoae for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then * e.itire stock of . / - Diamonds , Watches , % Jewelry , Clocks , " - Silver-Ware , Pianos & Organ' \ -AJCT3D GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 uer cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham * We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced ,