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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1874)
"KTf PV" - ,i , ft.."TT7. iV"y'";i-. i -in tii in wwwfm hi1. Bill1 ." y"" ' " ' V.VC ,7 iW'iiM' " . W .- rftt jjh; I. 14 6 it & LV i Ife I iW L- i-r r. J V- A r APPLETON'S American CYCL.'OPAJEDIA Hew.Eevisei Edition. PntlrdT rewritten by the ablest writers on IS? Sect. Printed 'from new type, ?ioitSed wltb fcereral DdUlaSSgrarfugsandMaps. -. ,Y.orlzinally published under the title THE WOrt ""Knm&j, CYCLOPAEDIA was of E,Mn8 since which time the wide 'ff.iwniSu t-attained lnJl parU of ffStir. eSw SSVm wort 'Merence an imperative "Ce movement JJ&SSr P w,th lhf d,TS? taSSaui and useful Inatful application to tljeinu fl t of "i rSTwSSS consequent revoiu ocislU "reai ,n0nl chances 14 tlons bayeoceiB!."' .. - f ourown l JK5SS,rttah&.t when tho hut r.ZimfH old work appearea, rs wyj liSSLdTand a ne nw of commercial ?i SLliltiTltT has been commenced. MrV erions to our geographical know- .XtTbemadJ1118 "A119 " sew en, wnoae u" . curious" te-ilsi If "" fiT-V' T which ought now to taice Uoaa ot the dar. buw,t5j authentic history. thei, ptaco It, 'SS lor the press, . " SlSrK?Seaha of the editors to fcrfSrfinhmaaon to the latest l5 Y?s!?SE uruuU-m aerate account !Cf JSe!S lia "and hlstori- event. "riStiX San urlwaud carc " iJXSSSr.afld with the mot ample JSoeTlin? U on U a .needful nSnTotSU original Z&JtZ teen used, but erery T-p " jVyc5Vdti. JSIdt-aas hare been lfJ l0Bser " SW& for uoasUthatesU Ay'" j deptet the science and " "y'uef-turesol 'scenery ljKiW45lSrclo,3 worthy " vCMf Eubslbersonly,Pyable J".r-::3.w-.i HwiU be com- rr'.r'i7.z; i.,rti CTgrftl 'housana. .nhleM ans. eei&rkey Morocco, per to 7W lS5 UaaFti; extra gilt, P ! Ii Sh Heroeeo. s-tieue, gilt M ....- ""' 10.00 U Wlaasa-, - " h.Mat ntU. on ppUcaUou. Adirea the rabliahera, D.Appleton&Co., iV49 551 Broadway, INTew York. ja27tl KEARNEY'S FLTJID-EJCTRACT BVCHV The only known remodylftr BBIGHT'S DISEASE, And a)ilUTe cure for Gout, Gravel, Strictures, DUbetes, Dyspepsia Ner. vous Debility, Dropsy, BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, t'8PERMA TOBBIKEA, T Ifc, mJWMm, DiUaaea of the Prostrate OlSTiS Utho Btadder, Coicul us. Aad Moearor Milky DUchargc. S ML u! Permanently Cures allj Dlsoaaesof the Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swelling, Existlnj inIen, Women and Children, ATo Mailer Wiat the Age! tot. Stetle aayc "One bottle of Kearney's Fluid Extract Buchn is worth more thin all other Buchui combined." Price one dollar per bottle; or, six bottle for t dollars. Depot 104 DuaneSt.,N. Y. A physician In attendant to answer corres poudeneeandglTeadTlcegratis. aWSend sump for pamphlets, tree.. Crane k. Briguam Wholesale Agents, San Francisco. Cal. ap28wt TO THE- NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. SOOHASQErOX ADVI0E AHD CQff t BULTATI0H. TVR J. B. DYOTT, graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadel phia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all db'. eases of the Sexual and Urinary or gans, (which he has made an es pecial study,) either in male or fe male, no matter from what cause originating, or how long standing. A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters describing symptoms and en--closing stamp to prepay postage. jrSend for the Quidg to Health. Price 10c J. B.DYOin,t.D. Physicion and Surgeon, 104 Duane street, N. Y. OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE, HAPPY BELEIF FOB TOCNQ.MEN from the effects of hrrors and Abuses in early life. Yinbood Bestored. Impediments to Marriage Remored. Xew method of treatment. l;ew andremirkable.emedles. Bsaacirculars sent fre, in sealed enTelopea. Address ,HOW ABB ASSOCIATIOH,No.2 South MnthSt., il4elpliia,P;rit InsUtuUoB luTiagaWgh gpuuugnfor fcoaoah Vj; iTO volumes, eacu VSttnsT&J&MFSS :ffi STATE SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. A Jolly and Social Excursion rany. Scholarly Visitors from Abroad. A Harmonious Body. Lightning Flolics. Gorrespondtnce of the Bee 1 Nebraska. Citv, ) Neb., June 11th, 1874. J Editor Omaha Bee : The State Sunday School Conven tion opened in the Presbyterian Church of tliis city, Tuesday eve ning. Prof. J. it. McKinzie, is the Treasurer, and there are several Vice-Presidents and Secretarys. In fact the usual machinery for the ac complishment of such work. At about 1:30 p. m., a train of 15 cars arrived from Lincoln, packed with human freight, closer than the same cars were ever before packed ith cattle. Two engines, one bag gage, two flat, and thirteen box cars made up the train. A heavy thun der storm L Lincolnearly in the morning, deyed the tram nearly an hour, am. prevented a good many doubtless ."-om joining the ex cursion. Yet the number on board was variously estimated from 1,000 to 2,000. As jolly a lot of human freight as ever my individual self made one of. Although my hair is turning white, I began to think myself a boy among the other boys. Dr. Converse deserves thanks for his willingness to accommodate, and for his purpose to see personally all details of the excursion com plete. The centre of attraction wassome where on a straight line between Mr. Iteynolds, of Illinois, and Sir. Trumbull, of Connecticut. The for mer hearty, genial, full of anecdotes and illustrations with a heart so warm 3ou can feel it beat several rods away; courteous and gentle manly, receiving a large portion of the popular favor. It does a fossil good to meet such a man occasion ally. The dry bone imbibe so much enthusiasm they almost live. Hr. Trumbull, also gentlemanly in his bearing, scholarly in his tone, earnest and enthusiastic in his man ner, like Mr. It., yet unlike in many respects, strengthens the unity of the centre, or Intensifies It, and ra diates a variety to all points of the circumference. Tho general spirit of the convention is earnest, practi cal, logical, genial. All S. S. work should be courteous, systematic, philosophical and spiritual. Zeal without Intelligence It nonsensical, unmanly and unchristian, and should not be tolerated by civilized people. Intelligence without con secration may be good science, but not Christianity. A lesson for all christian workers, intelligence is the strength of Christianity. Chris tianity adds beauty aid grace to an intelligent mind. A good lesson in deed, but Ave are so dull and very often do not know it; so selfish, but do not often recognize the ploture whpn It hangs In our own parlors, how are we to learn suoh teaching? Prof. McKenzle, "Wednesday eve ning, delivered an address full of facts, u-efuj and instructive. Less than one-half of tho children In tho Stnte belong to tho Sunday School; $7o0,000 spent annually on the district schools, and the sum was not too large ; S20.000 only spent in Sunday school work. The quali ty of tho work wants system, stam ina and soul; yet very much has been done ; very much more might be done. The convention is large, attentive and enthusiastic. "Vc have had a "snlendid" time if some of my young lady friends will not think I am appropriating a part of English literature belonging to them. The hospitalities of the city are unbounded and fully adequate to the occasion. Rev. Mr. Shlrrell and lady from your city are here with a number of others. Tho superintendent of tho first M. E. Church Sabbath School gives a fine leport of that school. Some think that model school owes very much to its Super intendent. Thechildrens' meeting this after noon promises to be large and inter esting. To-night Ave say good-bye. May we have mauy more such oc casions. Rev. Simon Barrows and Rev. J. B. Chase with their v ives, and two other passengers coming from "Weeping "Water to the Convention on Wednesday, had their team struck by lightning. One horse was instantly killed; the other so disa bled that lie will probably die. None of tho passengers were hurt. Alpha. THE WORST GOVERNMENT. Becatel Eeplies to Wright'i Article "Wherein Wright "Writes to Hake Elm self Bight. Waterloo, Jane 10. Editor Bee : In Monday's issuo of the Bee there appeared an article from the peuofTrof. W. Wright, .wherein that gentleman tried very hard to vindicate himself of the charge pre ferred against him by your humble servant, in our issue of the 5th insL, in which he was charged with denouncing the American Govern ment as "The Worst Government that the Sun of Heaven ever shone upon," I an vory sorry indeed that I so misconstrued tho meaning of Mr, Wright's remarks as to make it ap pear in so unfavorable a light in the oyp3 of the people. I am equally sorry that he chose such an unpo litical course to plear bimself of blame. He says 'the American Government, as conducted to-day, exhibits the worst picture of self government that the sun of heaven ever shone upon," all of which I must eontradict. I most respectful ly refer the Professor to the repeated attempts of self-government by tho French people during the past cen tury. I will not ask him to look at the Spanish governments; neither will I insist upon his examining very closely Into, the affairs of the Mexi can nation of 'fo-day. But J WQUld be pleased to have the gentleman inform me, when In the annals of American history, has the Govern ment of tho United States been in a more prosperous condition that the presont time ? When, since Wash; lagton "was" first inaugurated Dresj; dent of the United States has cor ruption in the ruling party been exv posed to such a vast extent as has been done during the past five years? To both of these queries, I think he will respond, never. - -,Ng "Why then does he so denounce the administration ? Is it because of the salary grab? If so, that bill has been repealed, with the excep tion of that part of it increasing the President's salary to fifty thousand dollars per annum. "Was not the United States, numbering thirteen States, with a population of five millions, able to pay its President $25,000, one hundred years ago? Yes. Then cannot the United States of to-day, numbering thirty eight States, with a population of forty million, aflord to pay its Presi dent $50,000? Certainly. "Why then do you censure the government? Is it because the President vetoed the inflation bill? If so read carefully Grant's veto message, and it will convince you that he did nothing but his duty. . I cannot accept Mr. "Wright's in vitation, as he can exonerate him self only through the press. But I should be happy to meet him in our Council Hall at any regular meet ing, which are held Tuesday eve ning of each week. Hoping the gentleman will not take offence at any remarks I have made, I remain, Professor, most re spectfully, Your obedient servant, Frank Bechtel. Observations of an Ohio Fanner im Washington and Burt Counties. Editor Bee: I have lately been through most parts of Washington and Burt coun ties, and iny observations lead me to conclude that both farming and fruit-raising are bound to be a suc cess in Northern Nebraska. Crops of every kind look promis ing. Small grain is already about sure to be very abundant. The ear ly varieties of wheat are heading out this week, and oats and barley are forward and promise well. The early planted corn looks very en couraging, but many farmers plant too late. I even saw one man plow ing for corn this week; Such far-, mers better be in bed. As a rule, this late planting never pays; corn should be planted in Nebraska not later than the first week in May, and be thoroughly worked and made clean before the 5th of June, at which time, almost invariably, according to my recollection, there is plenty of rain in this State. It is my belief, from much observatior, that corn will bear very early plant ing in Nebraska. When so planted and promptly worked, while the ground is dry, as it usually is up to June 1st, there will be a fine crop. fruit. I think the fruit question will soon be settled in northern Nebras ka. In the neighborhood of Fort Calhoun, in Washington county, I saw all kinds, of trees apple, pear, cherry, peach and plum, looking as healthy and thrifty as I ever saw in Ohio; and these trees are loaded with fruit. Also small fruit of every kind grapes, rasp berries, gooseberries, strawberries, etc., are vigorous and well grown. In Burt county I saw a peach orchard of about 50 young trees full of peaches. The prop will probably amourt tq 10 bushels. All these orchards are unprotected by timber wind-brakes. The peach orchard is on tho north slope of a hill. I am informed thnt from these localities in part, sent last year a car load of apples to Boston, which drew a go'd medal, in scribed as follows: '"Nebraska State Horticultural Society, best Collection Apples, Quarter Centen nial, 1873." The progicss of improvement in these counties is astonishing. Everywhere, great belts of black earth the new breaking contrast with the dark green of the rich rolling prairies. The old settlers seem well satis fied, and multitudes of new one3 are coming. Walter Craicj. AXb ABOUT Til EWATKR WORKS The central city of the West Quite proud of late has grown, Ai-d feels it ran no longer wait A goat sized pond to own. The greatest cities of the world Who wish to cut a swell, At once erect a reserTdr Upon their highest hill. We read in the days of Noah Tuit waterwo.ks were tried; The trouble was tley luwl no sewers, .And so the peoi 1.- died. L 't us then remenilr If wster works we try. To put in sewers good and strong, And make our stneu quite dry Aud when the thing is done We'll celebrate at once, Then everybody In the tuwn Will bay their lists of Bunco. For all new styles that I ow are out, Some fllty kinds or more. You'll find them cheap at Ounce's Famous New York store. Th Clumpion littler of tha West, itoDoug asStieeet. mch26U -DEALER IN Fruits, Coiifcctionery, CIGABS AND TOBACCO. NE corner Fsraham and Eleventh streets, OMAHA. ... NEBRASKA. epar C. F. 2.M.1TXT, TAILOH, 171 Cor. Vamham and ElevenUi 81a. AU kinds of TAILORING, Cleaning and re pairing done at reasonable rates. A fine lot of FURNISHING GOODS conslanUy on hand and sold cheap. -lecU Southern Hotel Fronting on 4tb, 5th and sti St. Louis, - Mo. "Laveille, "Warner & .Co., Xroi3xdotorM The Southern Hotel is Crst-clsssln all Its apioiutments. lis tables are at all times sup plied in the greatest abundance, with aU the delicacies the markets afford, Its clerks and employes are aU polite and attentlre to the wants of tb gu sis of the hotel. There Is an improTcdeleva or leading from the first floor to the upper one, Railroad and steamboat Icket olBirt, ne stand, and westernflnlon telegraph offl e In the totunda of hotel. -0 3CX- PJ3LXs. 255 Harney street, between 14 I and 15th. Carriage nuf Wagoa -hklpf In all it Branches, in the latest and approved patUro. ( HOBSE SHOEING AND BLACXSHITHINU nd repairing done on short notloa. sp28 It ' 33 fl TO" 4T. Ui " s-- - cTrt or so D jo : nt LambrrqHlns tad Wiadew am CIIROXOS, ESGB-TISGS ' JJ PICT USE FBAMES. V 170 rsrcbsm street, corner Fifteenth F. A. WSTEKS. Saddle and Harness Make AND CARRIAGE TSDP-EB, Tf T4 nr-am-r.sX4. Ilk .104 A IX i orders and repairing prompUy attend JWCasa paid Icr bjd. apSSrl '- , ij; y j . . MTrr lir i jir. ; Money and Commerce. Daily Review. Office Omaha Daily Bee, 1 June 12, 1874. Money matters continue easy, with plenty of money in the banks, which is readily loaned on good pa per. The pleasant weather to-day had a stimulating effect on trade, and naturally caused an increase in de posits. Gold and securities remain quiet. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK quotes : Land Grants .$S00.00 Land Warrants, ("ICO acres)... 185.00 Agricultural College Scrip, (ICO acres) 185.00 State, County and City War- run is, ,w Gold buying, 109; selling, 110 Business at the wholesale houses improved very materially to-day, staple dry goods and groceries being in brisk demand. Collections on country merchants are made with- out difficulty, and a general feeling of security obtains in all lines. OMAHA MARKETS. Carefully Corrected Daily DRY GOODS. j. j. brown & bro., Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. PRINTS. Aliens ..... 9 9 9k 99 9 American. Amoskeaz ................... Bristol (Jsmers... ............. ......... Hamilton .. ................. Merrimack V......... ........ Peabody ............. Kiehmood. ..................... ...... Simpson's.....-..........- BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. Bright 4-1 Boot O Cabot 4-1 ..-.. Lonsdsle... .................... ....... N. Y. Mills 9 12S U y, Peterboro. . Suffolk L BLEACIIEC SHEETINGS. Pepperell 8-1 .. do 9-1 do 10-4 COTTONADtS. Farmers and Mechanics Great Western .... BROWN SHEETINGS. Albion, A .... . Bedford. R . UrantTille, E E .......... Germania, B B.......... ........ 31 38s 2SK 2 i 7S 10 s 11 8i 11 12 U 12 L. Li.. GINGHAMS. American..... Amoskeag . Bates .... Lancaster..... TICKINGS. AmosVcrjr, a c a Biddeford - 23 DENIMS, Amoskeag . Bearer Creek, B K. Haymakers.. Otis, B B... Otis, C 0 JEANS. Biddeford... lloasier...... 1 4U TASKEE SOTIOXS kurtz hour & co., 231 Farnham Street SPOOL COl-iuw. Clark's O. N. T 70 7i .5 WQ? 03 3 OCfcjC W S SO Coat's Merrick's... HOiIEUY. Domestic British PAPER COLLARS. Dickens' best.. King William.. DonicsUc. btanley ... Ottoman strips. 1 S5 1 80 260 .$2 25S6 50 .. 10 60 . 15 00 SO CO S1200a24l0 4 75a7 50 f6 50a7 25 . 7 75a9 00 7 00a7 60 8 00a9 50 . 8 00a9 50 t5 25a8 00 ,. 15 00 SHAWLS. "shi'rtS"" White common- medium.. ' cuctom made........... Percale.... ................ Calico ... ......... OVEUALLS. Brown drill-..........-............. duck Blue drill .. ' duck ...... .-... White CORSETS. French whalebone .......... Our own... .......... Comet.... 22 50 SPRING SKIRTS. Linen printed .. t 9 00 ' ruffled . 12 00 " fluted 15 OJ GENERAL COMMISSION. J. C. Rosenfeld gives US the following quotations this day : Butter, dull, 1212Jin tubs; Eggs in demand at lie per dot.; Live Chickens at 3 00 per doz.; Strawber Ties in demand at 30c per box; Gooseberries, 3 00 per bu.; Cherries, SOo per box; Oranges, 9 00, and Lemans, 14 00 per box. HARDWARE. JOnX T. KDG-K. IRON. Common bar... llnmA OlMl tr. iS Norway nail rod.. -.. STEEL. Cast plow., 12 11 uermon. American rssn. octazonand sauare 18(3 22 Jess p'a English do do ... 23 40 Burden's horse shoes, per keg... 7 25 do mule do do 8 25 NorthwesUrn horse nails 22a 23 Dundee thimble skeins, discount 45 per cent. Stor half patent axles, discount 10 per cent. NAILS. lOd to GOd per keg.. . 440 465 4 90 5 15 5 90 740 5 15 540 GC5 5 15 3 40 5 65 5.15 70 pre 20 pre 35, do 30 pre 25 do aa ou id do 4d do 3d do .. 3d fine do lOd flnis'ng do 8d do do Cd do do lOd casing do Id do tlo Cd do Ua Wrought, all sizes BOLTS. Carriage and tire- . discount BUTTS. Narrow wrought, fart jointdiscount Cast, loose pin reversible do MISCELLANEOUS, Hay and manure forks... .discount Hoes and gai den rakes do HINGES. Strap and T .. .discount WRENCHES. Taft's black dbcount Coe's Immitation do Coe'a genuine do SCREWS. American Iron ...... ..... 25 pre fCprc 45 do 20 do ............ ..... 45 pr c . . 40 pre IMPLEMENTS. do brass AGRICULTURAL SCTTIIR. H Holl's Ha.Test King.per dot, net Champion . Heal d's Eurelja .,....,.., .,... UQ rtSl.lMl.i mnim i n M SPADES A5D SUOV-LS. Bowlsnd'sNoS black shoTels, D li do do polished do do do dob ck spades do Moore do polished do do do's "spring point" LH shojcls AXES. Lippencott's Western'Oowfi dov' do do bcTcfed COFFEE MILLS. Parke's No 8, lion boT....,,.net do doluS do . do do 23 Union Ir.ih..- .. eo do 35 do Brita nia . . FILES. HanrraTe, Smith A Co., discount Am ericas File Co., do . HAMMERS. Haydole's, A E No I, 1), 2 . 14 25 13 00 10 00 9 00 12 00 13 00 12 00 J3 00 13 50 13 00 13 50 8,25 5 75 11 00 13 00 SO pre 90 do Jtasw ana's n so . S9 00 10 50 10 00 13 50 14 00 17 W IN 909 760 8 6a "do do do do do do xzincer's No 1. do do 2 do do 3- HATCHETS, Morris' shingling, No 1 .,n.,.. tja mu uU , 0 do do do claw do I- do o do 2 LEATHER. BufaioS. sole He-lock SL sole ,No 1., "do da o a 9 3i 34 3) It 32 V 28 w as 4 43 4d 41 90 1 99 75 12S 33 M Kli a t da '- J- do spe sale good da do oa ,,, ,- no mm hllM dO-k tt. L 4? 50 00 45 00 75 48 1 60 1 30 44 90 00 2SS 1 64 9 00 do harness Fchcalf Jodots pr dz.-. 73 Other brands different wt, pr tt 1 French kip pr . 1 Bark linlags - .. C 44 50 SKINS. Dry flint pr lb Dry salted 17 15 C 8 125 18 16 ureen Green salted- Jan, and Feb, pelts, fchrarl g- Laq,skin, CEMENT. Roscndale 00 Water lime.. SOAPS Powell & Co., Soap monufacturers. Sapo Publico, 6 l-26 3-4; SaTon Republic, da, Chemical Olire, 6 to G 1-2 ; Palm, 55 14 ; German Mot led, 6 1-46 1-2. ABT GOODS AND UPHOLBT-BEB'S STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones, Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine art goods, 270 Farnham Street, furoUhea the following quotations: FBAME MOULDCfaS. Oil walnut mouldings, one inch, per foot, 5c; 2 inch 10c; 3 inch 15c; polished walnut, 1 inch 7c; 2 inch 15c;. 3 inch 21c Berlin gilt, 1 inch 615c; 2 inch 1230c; 3 inch 18 45c; imitation rosewood and gilt, 1 iuch 510c; 2 inch 1020c; 8 inch 1530c Window shades. Plain bands, 6 feet, all colors, per pair, 1 50; ornamental bands, 2 00 4 00; each tdditional foot, 75c per pair. BEPPS. Union ind all wool terry, pttyard 1 503 jO; Imperial, plain all tn ped, 2 50aS 00. DAMASKS. Union per yard, 1 50; all wool, 2 00a3 00. MATTBASSES. Hust, 4-4x6-2, 4 685 00; straw, 3 00a4 00; Excelsior, 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. RETAIL LIST. Subject to change of market without aotlce. WM. M. FOSTER, On U. P. R. R- track bet. Farnham and Doug as. GEO A. HOAGLAND. Joists, studding and sills, 2t ft, and un- raw 60 Orer 20f t.'eaci addiUonal f tadd'T. 83 00 2100 25 00 92 00 ..- do Mo 2- 1st common boards, 2nd no ao .... . "A" stock, boards, 10 and 12 inch.. "B" do do do do "C" da do do do 1st clew, 1, IK. ls ad 2 inch 2d do do do do 3d do do do do ...... Flooring, clear .... . do 1st common.... ..- do 2d do -.. do 3d do ....... do narrow, clear.--.. 1st clear ceiling i Inch ........... 2d do do V inch .. 1st do do Inch.-.. 2d do do yt tn ch.. 1st clear siding...... .... . 2d do do -.... ..... . 1st common siding- 2d do do ........... .4 ! ilimM 50 00 35 00 .... 0 00 65 00 .-55 00 45 00 50 00 40 00 35 00 27 50 ...45 08 .-.35 00 .S50 80 00 -.27 50 27 00 . 75 00 . 21 50 20 00 4 25 310 -.8 00 35o . S5q Extra No 1 shingles. Pmninnn Ca 1 tilli Common No 1 shingles i inp lvw.. D A 11 pickets eer 100 . Square do do do ....... ... -. O G Batten per lineal f. . -Boagh do do do - .... liberal discount on carload lots. WINDOWS, (Glazed.) 35 per ccntoffCbicsgo list. DOORS, (Wedged) 25 per cent oil CI tcago list. BLINDS. s SO per cent eff list. White lime per bbl LonisTilie cement per bbl Plaster parls per bbl Plastering hair per bushel .11 75a2 00 3 003 25 3 50&3 75 40 4 Tama ieii. Plastering board...... OILS. FAI5TS, GLASS, c. N.I. D.SOLOMON. ROBERT C. STEELL. BRADY & McAUSLAND. Coal Oil S 19 Linseed Oil, raw. 105 ' bl'd 1 10 Turpentine . C5 Headlight Oil 28 ird Ml, No. 1. 2, fO 70 " " winter 1 " "strai n'dj Lubricating W. Va. J - 90 S3 PAINTS, AC White Lead, St. Louis, Srtictly Pure " Fancy Brands Putty In Bladders..... " ' Bulk........ - Ensmeld Glass, colors, V sq.ft. ..... Flat Glas, 50 V c discount '. 1 00 TIX, SHEET-IRON. TTIRE, &C MILTON ROGERS, COR. 14th & FARNHAM. TIN PLATE. CHARCOAL. 10x14 IC, fair quality... 10x14 Ic, beat quality. - 10x14 IX do do - 12x12 IO do do .... 12x12 IX do do -. 14x20 IC do do -. 14x20 IX do do . 14x20 IXX do do .... 113 00 13 50 16 50 14 00 - 17 00 15 50 . 17 50 20 50 23 60 14x201 XX do ICO rjlste DC (best quality) 23 50 100 plate DX, do uo do . do . do , do- . do . 14 00 17 00 .20 00 .15 00 16 00 12 50 27 50 .32 50 28 00 2100 iuu piaio aij v ao 100 plate DXXX do Roofing IC charcoal do Roofing IX do do 10x1410 coke do 20x2$ IC charcoal roofing. 20x28 IC charcoal rooting . e J4 ia en i. 10x20 cuke (for gutters).., BLOCK TIN. Large pigs Small pigs Bar tin ZINC. Sheet tin 25 to 36 in do do do ir. half casks -, in 250 lb casks- do do do Sheet 54 to 35 Inches per sheet.-. Tinners soldet (extra rennea .. do do No. 1. m do do roofing .i..- bid inetsl .. SHFJ?f IRON. First quality, Numbers 16 to 24 do do do 25 .. do do do 2- do da do 47 Charcoal, both sides smothe do No 24 do do 16 - do do 27 . 23 21 0a2 Juniata, No. 24. do do do 26 do 27- Russia per ct 7 to li do No. 1, stained... - Leas than f uU bundles, add one cent. "A"AmerIcan immltat'n Russia, aU No. Less than fuU bundles, add one tent. GALVANIZED. No. 14 to 20 do 21 to 24 .. do 35 to 23..,.. -IW .do .do .do 15 IS 17 18 20 ao 27 do 28. .do FuU bandies discount 15 per cent. COPPKB, Braziers S to 9 do 10 to 12 a do 12Utol00 8. . Sheathing, 14 and 16 o .-. Planished, 14 and IC ox Nos. 7, 8 and 9, Planished . . Bolt coDner 45 42 3 45 H u liK Copper bottom BRIGHT WIRE, 10 H H Nos. 0 to 6 8,8.9 14 U 10,11 16 12 14,14 SO 1 Nos. 15.18 17 H 19 20 Per bundle 15 per ceat dlacoua GROCERIES. STEELE 4 J.OBITSO-' 538-540 14th sTT. CLARK A FRENCH COB. FABN-AM AND llTH ST. PUNDT, MEYER A BAAPKE, 212 FABN-.HVlTfJ-, HOLBSALK IBATiB MORQAX QAWiAO-BB, 2teTi, bam at, - WUITNKY, BAUSBB3(AK Co,, J47 Douglas St. j. j. brown a Baa, Cor. 14th and Doulas Streets. SUGARS. Granulated pr lb 11 Powdered do IJIJt? Cmsbed do -i..i... 'l?i"i Oak sole lb do calf...... do kip Rat cut loai do gtaadardA do Circle A do -. Extra C do Yellow C do N O choice do 10JS lOalO iii 10i 26Ka27 2-26 15a 31a35 COFFEES. Rio choice pr lb do prime do do good 'do O G Jata ,.,.. SYRUPS. Common pr gallon Good do Choice do do N O mo sses- 3Sa45 60a65 70aS0 80 BICE. goon ilina 84a9 SJai-Ja 16Jisl7 16iaI7 7a7 . 4a4j;: 45 45a50 52iS7 57a MJa55 75a95 Carolina. CANDLES. M Weak A Co.. bchofers . fcOAP. Missouri Vrlley Kirk's Saron M. Weak A Co frchofer's German Kirk's standard do sterling PLUG TOBACCO. Black goods, Western do do Virginia do do Lorrrixrd's.. Bright do do do do do Virginia NatTral eaT- DDIED FRUITS Calilornla pesches per nound-., do apl do do do New currants 16Kal7 12al2K 14al4H 89 1U11 17 21 Sia 40 S3 40 ay, : 80a3 00 50a5 75 An vran4 . do German cherries. do blackberries do raspberries. do rsalns pr box... ..... do seedless rasi ea per pound. SALT. New in barrels.. do dairy CANNED GOODS. 2 pound can Myers oysters per cose. 1 do do do do do 2 do do Wllltm's do do 2 do do peaches do do S do do . do do do Tomatoes, 2 pound cans, per rase . do 3 do do do Corn, Trophy, per case... do Winslow do do Yarmouth do .., Strawberries, per case. R . pberrles, do do ... .S4 25a4 50 -2 50a2 75 4 00a4 25 4 75a5 09 - 6 75a7 50 3 50a3 75 500 5 50 .. 5 75aS 00 600 .. 4 75a5 50 6 00 550 inne appies, uu uu TEAS. Oolongs per pound 25a75 40al 00 60al25 Young Hyron, per yound Gunpowder, do do ... . FLOUR. Bnow Flake, (Wells A Nleman). 4 50 3 10 3 (0 ; 75a5 00 18(319 1713 11-19 IS 301 31V35 135al 44 GO ISalO 35a46 UO'u inuu. XXXX Iowa Oty . Calif ornu .... BAGS. Gunnies, heary weight-. do light do . . Burlaps, four bushel ....... Dundee gunnies Grain bags, Amoskeg A do do Ludlow a a. . SPICE Nutmegs, Penang best.per pound. aorei do do . Alspice do do CI ion bark do do - CIGARS. A. E. SIMPSON, Manufacturer, 532 Street. lbUX H. Upman.--.. Reconstruction Grand Central-., Unirersa ,.. M. ,5.5 00 3 00 35 00 40 00 43 00 50 00 50 00 75 CO 65 00 SO 00 0 00 75 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 7510 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Yara La Boquet Simon Pure.. Farligas Yours Truly, Hnlil Meilsl... T Est nola, Triple Crown-., Henry Clay, De IUr Y VUler- . 187S CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depot 548 14th Street. Halt barrel sacks 2 90 C-xarlos Popper, WHOLESALE BUTCHER AM) CATTLE BROKER, ALT LAKE CITY, - - UTAH. febfflt J.SCHOONMAKER&SON FKOFR1ETOSS OF TUB PITTSBURG-. WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WORKS PITTSBURG, PA. aSasta .bliailxo-l 183Q . Manufacturers of StricUy Pure White Lead, Red Lithar Putty. Colors Dry and In Oil. PURE VERDITER GREEK, The strongest and brightest green manufacturered. GUARANTEE. We guarantee our brand of Strictly Puro White I ead to be free from impurities, and will pay 150 In gold for ererr ounce of adul l a'Jon found in this package tar7 Jm J. SCUOONMAKER A SON LEAD PENCILS The following Premiums have been awarded for Dixon's American Graphic OR LEAD PENCILS: Gold Medal of Progress, Vienna, 1873. First Premium Ciaelnaattt Indas- trial Fair, 1873. First Premlam Brooklj- iadss trial E-posItlOB, 1873. For eamples or information address the Jos. Dixon Crucible Co., Orestes Cleeveland, Pres't m7 2m JERSEY CITY, N J Sioux City & Pacific R. R. The Shortest audi only Direct Re-fe from COUNCIL BLUFES TO St. Paul, Minneapolis, And all Points in 3QRTHEBX IOWA & 3HNS-80TA. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS On all night trains via this route. CeSTIKCTlO-S. 1. At U. P. Transfer with Union Pacific Railroad for Omaha. 2. At Council Siafr. with Kansas Oty, St. Joe and. Council Bluffs Riilroad for St, Louis and I points south. 3. At Missouri Valley with the Chicago and Northwestern railway for Chicago and all palate essL 47 At Sioux City wliu Sioux City and St. Paul, HUn oil Central and DakoU Southern raUroad4. Steamers lor Upper Missouri rUrer, dor x nalgst!on, and with, stages lor all plnU intheforthwest. ' 5. At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern saikaad far Om aha and Southern Nebraska. . 6, At Fremont, Nebraska, with the Union Paei&e railroad for all points west and the Paclnc coast. 7. At Wisnor with stsges for Norfolk and all points in Northern Webraska. OTTlekeU lor sale ia Chicago and, North-: western Railway oflces. ... KTBe sore your UcktU read Tia S. C A P, BaflWay. .mrr- . c .. S 0Ubi AAf suji k. F.C. HIIXS, G. Ticket At. l.7ia CHICAGO it NORTH WES'N JIs-tTAV. The Popular Route from o jv: .: -. TO Chicago and the East ! AND THE tiroot Only Lov tto TrWatcrloo.Fort Dodce.IrubQqB,! Crosac, frmlrle Du Ctslea. Wtueoa, St. Haul, Duluth, J a wllle, Ktrso sht, Uimx r, Kacle, Mctcb's Point. Watertesrn, OshV-sh, Ion DaLM, adl and atllaa . It Being the Shortest and FitComoieted Line Between OMAHAand CHIC AGO, Constant improwin nis hard taken place in the way of reducing Grade, and placing Iron with Steel Rails, adding to iu ruUiag stock new and Elegaut DAY and 8-KKPING CARS Equipped with the "Westlnghouse Air Brake" end "MUIer Plattorni," rsu blishln g comforta ble and commodious Eating Houses, offering aU the comforts of traveling the age can produce. From to 10 Fast Express Tralus run each way daUr OTer the rarious lines of this load, thus securing to the traveler selecting this route sure and certain connections In any di rection he may wish to go. Principal Connection S. AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION, for Sioux Oty, Yankton and points reached Tia Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Fort Dodge, Des Moines. Ottawa and Keokuk. AT MARSH ALL for St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, and northwestern points. AT CEDAR RAPIDS for Waterloo. Cedar Falls, Charles City, Burlington and St Louis. AT CLINTON forDubuqne, Duntelth, Prai rie du Chlen, La Crosse, and all points on the Chicago, Clinton and Dubuque, and Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota railroad s. AT FULTON for Freeport, Racine Milwau kee and all points in Wisconsin. AT CHICAGO with ali raUway lines leading out of Chicago. Through tickets to all eastern cities Tia this line can be procured, and any information ob tained, concerning Route, Rates, etc., at tho Company's office. 218 Farnham street, Omaha, and also at the principal TicketOlfices alcng the Uneof theU.P.R-R. tA . . , aSTBaggage checked through to all principal wYHTsrESNETT, MARVIN HUGHITT. Gen'l Passng'r Agt. Gen. Sup't. J. H. LACEY. C O. EDDY, Ticket Ag't, Omaha. Gen'Ag't Omaha. mchlSrl Omaha & St. Louis Short Line 1874! The Kansas! City, St. Joe aud Cocil.Bls R. R Is the only dire line to mv. iiouxs AND THE EAST, FROM OM ABA AND THE WEST NO CHANGE . i between Omana and St. Corns ana b rf ore between OMAHA ua JSiiW YORK. This the Only Ine running a PULsVTIA- SEPINO OAR KAST FROM OMAHA, ON ARRlVAt. OF THE TJA'IOX PACIFIC EXPIU-S TRAIN. SHTI-isengo taking othei routes nae a disagrcablu transfer at the RiTer SUUon. 8 "PASSEN'GER TRA1SS DA1-T I REACHING ALL EASTEBH AHD WI-TEB- CITIE8 W ilh Less Changes and In adranoo of other lines. This Entire Line is equipped with Pullman'a Palace Sleeping Cars, Talaco Day Coaches and Chair Cars, Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westinghouse Air Brake. SH TS to that your tickets read Tia Kaara-C'lty. 8 Josepli Cosiaell muff Ralroel, Via Omaha and St. Louit. Tick 3- for sale at eor. Tenth and Farnham streets, and U. P. Depot, Omaha. ,oa-2! c' u &&- . F. BARNARD, A. C- 2 St 1U VandaliA K.OTTTE BAST. 3 TKAItfS DAILYa -SAVE ST. OUIS -WITH Pullman Palace Cars THROUGH WITHOUT OHAHGE Indianapolis, Cinoinnatia Louisville. Chicago, Colnmbns, Pittsburg, Wasliington, ajtD NEW YORK ArItsI of Trains from tie West ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland, Buffalo & Boston nTni7T?'T'C! Areforgaletattssa ll0JlO Conspasi,'. 0cc, !i. K. cornrr Fosirth A. Chcstmat U , Sl.-oaie, and at the Prlncl nal all way Ofllces ta the Wert, 3IAS. BABCOCK, a E. RUSSELL, S'thern Pass. Ag't, West's Pa. Ag't. DaiA a. Tr as. Kassas CTTT, JOHN E. SIMPSON. CHAS. E. FOLLETT, Gtn'l SupL, Gen'l Pass. Ag't. s29tl ID -APOLU . St. Locu . TTZ-ltOCX. STAiea Confectioners' Tool Works, Th.03. Mills eft Bro, Msnulacturers o Confectioners'Tools Xaehltc, Bej-Ie Ic Crea FreoMa. tte Nos. 1301 & 1303 North Eighth St. PHILADELPHIA, ?A. Proprietors: 1 tTAw ixo 1881. Thomas Milis, I GI0.M.MIL13, f s-UTALOGUES SENT ATI XPJ'AK aJ j I upon appuc auoa. B-rJd4wa Chicago, Kock IslandllJ A II J ip D IT V f ana racinc n. u. THE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE FEOM OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST, Via Des Moines, DaTenport and Bock Island. o AU Passenger Trains are equipped with the WcsTciouocsx Patent ais Bcikss and Miller's Patent haf ety Platform and Coupler. S Fast Express Trains Leave Daily, connecting as follows : AT DES MOINES with the Des Moines Valley Railroad, lor Oskaloosa, Otiumws, Keokuk and St. Lords. AT OR1NNELL with the Central Railroad of lows, for all points north to St. Paul. AT WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington, Cedar Rapids A Minnesota Railroad, for Burlington, Cedar Rapids. Dubuque A M. Paul, At WILTON JUNCTION with the South-Western tranch, for Muscatine, Washington and all points south. AT DAVE.sPORr wiihthe Daienport A St. i'l'il RsIIro 1 for points north. AT hOCK IsLAND with the Western Union Railroad for Freeport, Beloit, Kacin. Mil wauke and all points in northern I linois and Wisconsin. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Rockiord, Rvck Island and St. Louis Riilroad for St. Louis and points outh. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Peoria A Rock Island Railroad for Peoria and points east. AT BUREAU JUNC. with branch, for Hen ry, laeere, Chillicothe and Peoria. AT LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points nort hand south. AT CHICAGO with "U lines East, North and South. THROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern cities, Tia this line, can be procured, and any infor m aUon obtained, concerning points, at the ticket office of thecompanr, 123 Farnham St., Omaha, and also at the principal ticket oces along the line of the U. P. R. U. Basrsraee Checked T rone to all Principal K stern Point a. A. M. 8M1TH, Gen'l Pass'r Ag't, Chicago. J. H. LACEY, Ticket Agent, s23tf Omaha H. RIDDLE, Gen'l Sup't Chicago. S.S STEVENS, Gen'l Western Ag't Omaha. M. Keller, Proprietor of the RISING SUN Al.0 LOS ANGELES TINEYRDS. Depot for the sale of hia NATIVE WINES AND VC BI-B. Si Co., Corner of Bat'ery and Washington Sts. SA FRANCISCO, CAI. m-7- ALEX. J. LEOUAT. NATU'I. C. 1ICDSO. xm. it. iicdsos JA3. O. BfTLKK ST. LOUIS TOBACCO WORKS. Lcggat, Hudson & Co., Ianufacturers. of eTcry ara Tizio Cut Crowing AND SMOKISG TOBACCO Oiu-SpoialBraads: "Si SMOICIS INOLESICE. BULLION. MONTANA. FIJT 13 CUTSi BEAUTY. QILT EDQE All Our Tobaccos Strictly Ifaranted. OFFICR AND SALKSROOMi Cor. Second & Vine Streets, St. Xjo-uI-s Mo, mar7Imo PASSENG-ERS Going East or South from Omaha And Points on U. P.B.B., should take the "LINCOLN KOUTE" ATCHISON k NEBRASKA RAILROAD t And secure for themselres tho choice of Six Popular Bootes Irom AtcbUoa to Cklcagt) aa. St, Loals, All making ellable Connections and being Equipped with Palace Day and Bleeping Oars. AH d;lay and InconTenlence arrlrlne from Ferries acd transfers can be arolded West of Chicago and St. Louis by securing Tickets Tia AYCHISO- and the ATCHUtU- HEBJ-UIKA KAI-ROAB. Direct and Reliable Connections are also made with the A. T. A S. F. B. B. for the Great Arkansas Vallej & Colorado, And with all lines running South to points in Southern Kinn't arfl the Indian Territory. Ask !r. Tickets Tia LINCOT- 6c ATCHISON cnAS.cMmr, Uen'l Supt. IsIOtf W. F. WHITE Gen'l Pass. Ag't. AIlSon. Knasaa ADVERTISE IS THE "R t-1 JJ-3 UNTIL "VOU HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED AND LOW RESERVOIR MatMz: l AS WE HAVE TWELVE I.OOD REASONS why thev will do your work. Quick and Easv, Chea and Clean. 1 m Thcyarechpesttobuy, s They are best to ue, sr Ther bate evenly and qnicU y, ZL Their operation is jcrfect, 9 They have alwars a good draft, They are made of the bestmaterlal They roast perfectly, They require but Utile fuel, rney are Terr low priceu, They ara easily managed. Ther are suited to all localities. CQ ETery store guaranteed to glTesaU action. iOLD BY Excelsior Man'fg Co., ST. LOUI, MO., and ax T M. ROG-ER'S, rttn-ria. SJ'o'k-X'Jaail-. k eees a: si cfeae or- FEll-TS. ooo o a o Or Sugar-Coaled, ConceBtrtej BiltonBGraanlca. TIlEwrrT; GIANT" CATUAKTIC or Multmm In Par-o Physic. Tho novelty of modem Medic . Che leal and Pha rma ceulical Science No uso of any longe U iinir the large, n-puislve and na ueeous ptlli, ro-nosed or cheap, crudo. and bulky tngredlenta, whcus can by a careful application of chemical science, eitrac aU tbo cathartic and , other nuaU. CSnal properties 'rom tho most Tiluabio roots and hcrbsTaua conrcntrato thcia Into a lnnta Orar mo. acarccly lararer than a majtarU oed. that can bo readily swallowed by thoso ol thumostscnsitiTe itomachs and fastidious Ustefc E-tilililo PurBvo Pellet represenU.lna mc-t concentrated form, as much eaaartlc power as Is embodied in any or tho largo, pills fonnd for ile in the dn shops. From their wonderful ca trrticpowir?fn prSportlor. to their l"Ofopie ho haVo not trhS them are apt to npPg th-yarehiNa orilramcin effect, stanch la not iit 1 tho case, -e dluVront actlvo medicinal prtn ciolei of which they oro composed beins so hsjv -?'- and molcd. one by tho other as to nroduco a xnont aearrlilnsT "d laor. rathartl.'. 50O Reirard 1 1 hereby ofTcrcd by tho pro prietor of .heso lVltets, to any chemlstwho, upon analysis, vlll And In them an Caaomeldr other forms of mercury ot any other jaioeral poison. ' nclnecntlrelr trMif care ia .x-qulred whilo uwr them. 1 hey ope rate without Clstnrbanco to tho constitution, met, oroccupatlon. rorJauiidIcclIeaache. Constipation. Impitro fllood, Pa In lis tho Wouldcrs, Xlgrftncaa ot IS Glaei. DlSzlneaasonr Er?ctaoB. of tho Momacu, Bad taeto In fouth. Bllloua attach. Pain In t7Ioii ol : Kldnojs, Internal Fewer, nf?iedfcslin about o rntxsmjk hauk V.VCWvl sNrai-. . iRfr5, m0Mom r . ' .JJJ k ! 2CBsV ee.T- iVuals ot niood to Hcad.iiiia wi; ored 5rl"c, UiioclaHlr H filoomy forebodings,, tako Br. PlcrcS'H Pleasant Purgatlwo Pellet la ciptonatlSti or tho remedial power ofwTM. catlvo Pellets ocri-o priat awlcty or Jiscv flto"aylhat their nctlon nppn th anlraal economy 1h unlvcraal, not ,m elaiill or tlsituo cacaplim Jhelr siansiw flwo imprcM. A,-o docs not impair them; thrf?en colnVir being enclosed in K1u WHC3 i7r?4rto thclr irtuc8 unimpaired for any wth fof lie in any climate, eo that they are al lvs fresh anU rcluble. which ! not tho cs 1-fthTt.ilis found la tho dm- ,torcs.pntnp la I,!n -Wod or na-tc-bc ll boies. Recollect that 5 RY.-i.csvhTrcaI.aatIwc, Altera, i r orVurzatlvo 1 indicated, these HtUo IVm" ?JU Rh". MUM inost perfect satU-cUon to allwnouitc em. Xhcy nro nold br nil cnteTjTWlC DruggUtsntSS cont a bottle. Do not allow any dragslst to Indue to 19 lakeunvthlus elas thatTo may say la Jusij aa Sod y 1-cKcto ben-o ho rnatea a larget rimttt on tbnt whi'h ho recommends. If your Sra"t cannot Supply them cnclosa S cent, JJTJFFALO. N. "& ASK FOE PYLE'S OK SALERATUS! AND BAKING- SODA ! ZJS XT- XT by Pundt, Meyer A Raapkeaad Whitney, SOlW "BROS-, CASTLE 7" rMPORTEES Qb TEAS AND East India CoodJi. 213 and 213 FR.O.VT STREET San Franci California. mcbS7m PLATTE TALLEY REAL ESTATE! Samuel C. Smith, Local Agent;ior;the U. P. B. R. LANDS, Columbu0, - XTb. Government Lands Located ! XT. P. Lands Sold! Iinprorcd Farms -BdTowaett far O .A. S ! -CR- ON LONG- TIME!! )&A11 CommuiiIcaUonstChcer fully Answered a 30tl ' MOSUM-SXSj-rj-BSXOS-lrr.-S (FR- " rBw w MWlliL- "9 i 1 ?? w fi M i 1 IH! M I . ii r Hv Fr?-1 . - A ,