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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1874)
5?J-' X V '-.' 2rt -frSt THE OMAHA BEE QFF1CIAL PAPEK OF THE CITY. TO COKKESPOSOKXT. yf z go xot desire any contributions whatever of a literary or poetical character; and we will sot undertake to preserre, or to return ae same, in any case whatever. Oar Stall 1 sacUntly large to more than supply our limited i pace in that direction. BzixNaxx or Wmn, In lull, must in each gad every case accompany any communica tion of what nature aoeTer. Thla ii not in tended for publication, but for our own aatia I action and as proof of good faith. Oc Codxtkt FarasM we will alwaya be plrasrl to hear from, on all matter! connected with crops, country politics, and on any sub ject whaterer of general interest to the peo ple of our State. Any information connect ed with the election, and relating to floods, aeeUents. etc will be gladly received. All sea commnp1'tl'""i however, must be brief as possible; and they must, in all cases, i be written upon one aide of the sheet only. rouTicai. Am. Anrowexxftjm of candidates for oBte whether made by sell or friends, and whether as notices or communications to the Editor, are (until nominations are made) simply personal, and will be charged as ad vertisements. All communications should be addressed to C SOSEWATEB, Editor and Publisher, Draw- rJTL JTOTICK. On and alter October twenty-first, 1872, the city circulation of the Daily Bex is assumed by aa. Edwin Davis, to whose order all sub eariptions not paid at the office will be payable. ad by whom all receipts for subscriptions will be countersigned. E. BOSEWATEB. Publisher The con test for the Rhode Island Senatorshij), like the contest for the accession to Sumner, seems to be Teryjstubborn . TilEY are having some very hot times In France just now, and we should not be surprised if Roche fort's ninety-day prediction shall be verifled. The appointment of J. Bancroft Davis, now Assistant Secretary of "State, as Minister Plenipotentiary to the German Empire, is another tri umph for Secretary Fish. The debate in the U. S. Senate, onibe new currency bill, indicates clearly that the bill will not become law. Jones is against it and Jones Js now the oracle of the White House. Civil service reform seems to be in bad repute in Congress judging from the remarks made in the lower House yesterday by members who formerly were ardent advocates of this kind of reform. And now tne Herald threatens to eject the colored children from our public schools. Jt seems that it has taken the Herald just two years to discover this objectionable feature in our school system. That reminds us of the fellow who locked his sta ble after his horse had been stolen. every man who failed to meet the requirements of the service, Mayor Chase -would certainly have done all in his power to aid him. We have been at considerable pains in Investigating this matter, and we can safely assert that Major Chase has from the outset, sought to co-operate with Marshal Snowden. The best evidence of this is the fact that several changes in the police force, made by the Mayor, were made solely at Marshal Snowden's suggestion. It appears, however, that the Marshal is disposed to retain some notoriously corrupt and inefficient policemen, out of personal friend ship, while he wants to oust others who have sustained a good reputa tion,' because they did not see fit to support his election; or, because they fail to enjoy his personal re gard. Such a state of affairs has a natural tendency to embarrass the Mayor in his efforts at reforni and reorganization. During the first thirty days of his administration the Johnson-Baumer squabble pre vented any harmonious co-operation of the Mayor and Coun cil, and since then there has been a disposition in that body to cripple and cramp his efforts. In order to disprove the Republi can? assertion that the Council in tend to act with the Mayor in Police refom, we need only refer to the fact that they have Ignored his ap pointments from the sixth and sec ond wards, although their names were sent In more than one month ago. As far as we can learn these appointments are unobjectionable. For obvious reasons Mayor Chase has deemed it more prudent to go alow in making appointments and bis course in this respect deserves commendation. We are assured that he is determined as far as it lies within his power, to appoint only honest, capable, and energetic men. In the meantime Marshal Snow den should see to it that tho members of the present force per form their duty, or they should be compelled to resign. Much depends on the action of the council. They understand where the shoe pinches, and it is to be hoped they will apply the remedy without flinching. OCCLDEHTAL JOTTDTGS. SALT LAKE. Life Among the Saints. A Mormon Police Judge. Mobton's declination of the Tip tonian succession, reminds us of George Francis Train's abdication of the American dictatorship. Train did not want to be dictator for a nation of fools and jackasses, and Morton does not want to represent the same class in tho U. S. Senate. The Slumbering Volcano. It is to be hoped that our City Council will, at its next session, so amend the fire ordinance as so com pel parties within the fire limit to take out a permit. Such an amend ment will effectually prevent all in fractions of the law and insure its enforcement in all cases. There is some comfort in being State Treasurer of California. The report ot tho financial condition of that State for tho weik endingJune flth, shows the following exhibit; There is now in the State Treasu ry: Gold coin, $1,143,800; silver, $55,503.04; legal tenders, $9,504.30; warrants,$110,421.2a. Total, 1,319,. $V3,0U. I Correspondence ol Tux. iSis.) Salt Lake, June 10. Editor Bee: The sun Js shining brightly on this beautiful town, regardless of whether it strikes friend or foe, Jew or Gentile, and the streets aro full of loungers. Shopkeepers are busy watching them ; they have little else to do just now. Conference week brought with it a rush which, lasting a few days, subsided Into the quiet of a Mormon's bliss sit ting in the shade, smoking his pipe while his wives take in vashing. Who blames men for believing In polygamy, when they take so much comfort in it. I don't. COLORADO. Work In the mines has now fair ly commenced. Travel is heavy on the mountain division of the Colorado Central. A bank with $100,000 capital Is soon to be established at Canon City. The Arkansas river has been two feet higher this season at .Las Ani mas than last season. A Denver brewery shipped two car-loads of beer to Salt Lake Mon day. Trinidad claims to be the wool and hide emporium of Colorado and New Mexico. The identical table on which Kit Carson used to write his letters is now in possession of a citizen of Grenada, Bent county. Lieutenant Perrine, of the Sixth cavalry, with a corps of engineers, is re-locating the southern boundary line of-Colorado, under government orders. An adventuresome Mississippian proposes to soon attempt the trip from Pueblo to New Orleans down the Arkansas and Mississippi in a light canoe. Work on the Denver and South Park railroad is progressing very satisfactorily. About four miles of track have been laid from Denver, and a force of fifty men are pushing the work with all dispatch, laying from one to one and a half miles per day. Tho out-croppings of the Spotted Tail mine in Musquito Gulch, Fair play district, assayed 1,720 ounces to the ton. At a depth of eighty feet the variegated narrative lodehas a crevice seven feet between walls and carries thirty inches of mineral that assaj's way up into the thou sands. Ore from the Quail and Jo. Chaffee lodes, in the same locality, sell for $400 to tho ton. UTAH. Twenty car loads of ore are daily hauled out of Brigham Canyon. One of the Royal family of Brig ham, has an outfit in the way of horses, harness and carriage valued at $2,000. The Desert Horticultural Society has been established at Salt Lake for the purpose of encouraging the culture of fruit and flowers, Dr. Crane, of Salt Lake, has been arrested for procuring an abortion. The patient, a Mrs. Scott, died un der his treatment. The accused re ceived $235 from his victim. They have had a very rich strike in the Chloride Point Mine, Ophir District Their vein is over six feet wide, and it assays over $900 to the ton. Bullion from the Tintic mills is arriving daily in Salt Lake. Last season this district produced $250, 000 in bullion, and this year the product will be nearly doubled The lruckee Republican calls at tention to the wonderful advantages which the Truckee river affords for manufacturing purpoees. Its water power Is unsurpassed by any river of the same volume in the world. It has an unceasing flow of at least ten thousand cubic feet, with an average fall of forty feet to the mile through a narrow channel for a dis tance of fifty miles. It never freezes and is so confined by natural bar riers that it can never endanger bridges, dams, buildings or nronertv -of any kind, There is such a rtriking similar ity of language in the editorial com ments of tho Chicago limes and Tribune on tho Independent (111.) Convcntionthat we cannot repress a suspicion that the editors of these independent papers had held an in dependent convention of their own, lifter the other independent conven tion adjourned. Some kindly disposed jackass in the Simes of the 8th, writing from Lincoln, has put mo down as a can didate for the United States Senate in Tipton's place. The fellow is a fool. I am not a candidate, and I eball not be a candidate. , This extract, from a strictly con fidential letter, Is published by the Hfald for the benefit of all the lit tle ereaturoa of tho tumble-bug or der. The kindly disposed Lincoln jack-rabbit will congratulate him self upon discovering a long-lost rel ative, whose identity is clearly es tablished by the muscular kick from the hind leg of tho Otoe countv twin w,hoee other name is Morton, WHO IS io SLAKE! Mayor Chase is taken to task by the Republican for the want of dis cipline and efficiency in our police force, The fact that two of his ap pointments were last week confirm ed by the City Council is cited as substantial proof that the Counoil intend to co-operate with tho May or In the re-organizatlsu of the po lice. Now while the Republican only hoc the sentiments long since expressed by the Bee, in favor of reorganisation and reform In our poUee force, our ponderous con temporary is disposed to place the hlaase Vhere it does not belong. The Bee has already pointed out the canoes that have heretofore and are bow producing corruption, Inefficiency and demoralization in our police force. It has also indicated with suf gcieat clearness how these glaring abases eaa be eradicated. The Re- jMftfioM is probably aware that Mayor Chase does not deal directly with tb police. That body is en tirely under the control of 'the Marsha, and that officer should be held responsible for the proper disci pline of his subordinate?, The Marshal is familiar with the chars rfrr and capacity of his men, ad if he had manifested a deter jpiMtion to cause the dismissal of To say that they do not govern this city well, is not to tell the truth. Omaha with Judge Wilbur and Marshall Snowden collecting fines from prostitutes at 12 o'clock after sun-downcan take a seat in the shade. viu i-eier unntsn, an tne way from Missouri, whonlaved Doker nil day with Elder Tobias Smith, twenty-seven years ago, to see whether he would join the Mormons or not, and was beaten, has nearly ever since that time dealt out Mormon justice to tho wayfaring sinner. With a grim and gastly smile play, lng over his rotund visage, he com pliments his victim upon his or her personal appearance, moral worth or illustrious virtues, till the flatter ed wretch thinks the portly form before him a mountain of mercy. Hope rises higher, soars over time and space; the heart beata light as air and swells with gratitude toward Justice, mujebtically enthrowned in a "bilcd" shirt and Provs' home spun. But alas for the frailty of human hopes J With a bland and beaming countenance "Peter" puts forth his hand, the prisoner grasps it and bows his head to receive the old man's blessing. Does he get it? No. "Twenty dollars if you please;" or "Accom pany the marshal, if you please, to the hospital in the rear, he will kindly guard you from temptation for thirty days," It is done in such a cool and gra cious way that you instinctively feel that you are donating the twenty dollars, or the thirty day's service to a circus or to a charitable fund. No saloons are allowed to be open after 10 o'clock at night on weex days, and not at all on Sundays. If, however, you had been out in the country, or attending prayer meeting until late at night, and should meet a fellow-man going down a back alley, you can safelv ask hlm,,,Wheredid you get yours?" No gambling houses are Allowed; yet if jou are at leisure and will walk down Main street, on the shad3 Mile, you can count fifteen or twenty of the fraternity In the space of one block. Their names arc not painted in gilt letters on a shingle, but it is not at all difficult to find where they roost Durinir the same jaunt daintily dressed "la dles" tiit by, who walk up to the "Captain's office," occasionally, to plank down their $100, for the bene fit of the church fund. Their light ia not hid under a bushel either. The staid old Mormon,uncle Jim my Townsend, in order, as he savs. "to keep up with the requirements of a first-class hotel," attaches to his house a billiard room and bar. If, some time, when straggling home at night, you happen to see 3, 4, 6 or 8 "dignitaries" march in sol emn procession out of a whisky mill At-pi uy a urouier in gooa standing, do not bo surprised, tor if do you will often open your mouth and r in wouder. This does not, however, go to prove that this Is not a well ordered city. If you find one more an. von will travel a longs ways. Jt's a volcano though, slumbering now H JW be, but If the re-cstab-li&hinpnt of Judge McKean as Chief Justice, and the passage of the Po- Tho Mormon priests threaten that "if there is an attempt made to car ry out the Poland bill there won't be a Uentilo left in Utah in ninety days." Which causes the Salt Lake Tribune to remark: "Hold your shirts on, boys. When that bill be comes a law, you will conform to its every provision, and if you should attempt to incite your dupes to murder, there. M-ouldn't be a grease spot left of your vile carcas ses," The following statistics are from sort of general directory for the ter ritory of Utah, just published : The population in 1847 was 143. It is now 150,000, an increase one thous and fold. In 1873 there were 110, 000 acres in grain and 12,000 in root crops, 2,500 in fruit, and 50,000 acres in meadow. Fish culture salmon, shad and trout has become a busi ness in parts of the territory. There are 251 common schools. Ayith an average daily attendance of 11,842 pupils. There aro two hundred towns and settlements in Utah. The sugar beet seed planted this season by the Pacific Sugar Beet Company, of Soquel, are growing finely, one-third more of a crop coming up than the soil would bear. Chinamen have been employed to weed out the surplus. Some five hundred acres of sugar beets belong ing to the works, besides custom raised beets, will be ready for next year's operations. The mill works are now being erected. NEVADA. A stage line from Beno to Vir ginia City has been started in oppo sition to the railroad. Stages now run from Carson City to Glenbrook House, LakeTahoe. Hank Monk holds the reins. California cherries retail in Vir ginia City at 50 cents per pound ; apricots, 50 cents per pound ; cur rants, 37 cents per pound. The Pacific coast pioneers of Ne vada will picnic at the Bowers' Mansion, Washoe Valley, on the 20th. The mills on Carson river are all running to their full capacity, and nearly all on ore from the Comstock lode. The Crown Point Mining Compa ny, Senator Jones owns, paid off its employes last Wednesday for the month of May. The pay-roll this time is the largest it ever had, amounting to $90,000. A large amount of treasure is thought to be secreted in the vicin ity of the Lady Bryan mine, near Virginia, the product of stage rob beries, and mysterious parties have been seen lately searching tor it. OREO ox. Three steamboats are running on Columbia river, above the Dalles. The woolen mills of Salem are now the property of the Bank of British Columbia. A Yamhill man paid SG5 for a lamb ten days old the other day. Two old sheep sold at the same time for $105 and $110, respectively. Efforts are being made to procure a subscription to the amount of $50,000 for the building of the bridge across the Willamette, at Salem. Encouraged by the success of some of the Columbia-river fisher men, parties in Olympia have made arrangements for the erection of suitable buildings, and for the re quisite number of barrels to com mence a salmon fishery somewhere down the sound. MONTANA. The capital question is agitating the people of Montana. The Crow Indians are assembled in force on the Yellowstone river. The Helena Herald reports a flood in the Upper Missouri. Three feet of snow fell at the head of Ten Mile, near the summit of the Main Range on May 27th and 28th. The National Mining and Explo ring Company, Unionville, Monta na, is clearing $100,000 a year, and the only one in the territory that works continuously. Gov. Potts has sent 10,000 rounds of cartridges to Diamond City, to be used by the peopleof Meagher coun ty in home defense against the In dians. All accounts from the newlv dis covered Jefl'erson river mines are of the most flattering nature, and all who have visited and prospected them are unanimous in expressing the opinion that they will prove the richest and most extensive pla cer diggings that have yet been discovered. -"VSt , BANKING. . -fcy ., JT ,c-j- o-r-.-gyX - ALAIN SAUNDERS, President BEN WOOD, ENOSLOWE Vice Presdent Cashier. ST-A-TIE N. W. Cor. Farnham aud 13th Sts., Csplta! Authorized CapitU. .5 '00,000 l.OOO.OOJ DEPOSITS AS SHALL AS ONE DOL lar sece'ved and compound interest al lowed on tee same. Advantages OVER Certificates of Deposit: THE WHOLE OR ANY PART OP A DE poslt after remaining in this Bens: three months, will draw interest from d.te of depos it to payment. The whole or any part of a de posit can be drawn aanr time. aug2Stf The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IX RKBIUSKA. Caldwell, Hamilton & Co.. Easiness transacted same as that of aa Incorporated Dank. Accounts kept in Carrencr or Gold snbject to sight check without ho tice. ' Certiflcatefl of Deposit issaed par able on denud, or at fixed date bearlBg Interest at six percent, per annus and available In ia all parte ef the eeantry. AdYaUwes nude to customers on epreTcd secanties at market rates of interest. Bay and sell Gold, Bills of Ex- We giTC special attention to arg0. Uatlng Railroad and other ,r. rate Loans issued within the stX Draw Sight Drafts on TJifh' Enropt SCUWd aBd a1' 3" Sell European Pas.iue Tirkpf COLLECTIONS PBommly & d aultl DEWEY annnnKw na "SBnnnnnnnnnnnssnnnnnnnnnfnrlQnW STONE, Furniture Dealers Nos. 187, 189 and 191 Farnham Street. rosrldU WTE 33 EZRA MILLARD, President. J. H. MILLARD, Cashier. NATIONAL BANK Cor. Douglss and Thirteenth Streets. OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. Capital .. , Surplus and Pro'uts J200,00OO0 30,UU0 00 E1NANCIAT, AGENT SFOR THE UNITED STATES. FOR STATES. AND DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY isuouiiairtu UfrFCERs. THIS BANK DEALS in Exchange, GoTernment Bonds, Vouchers. Gold Coin, " MILTON ROGEBS, Wholesale Stoves TXXTW.&B..E. and TZXTXTSHS' STOCK. SOLE WESTERN AGENCY FOR STEWART'S COOKING and HEATING STOYES, THE "FEABLESS," COOKING STOVES. OBLBBBATED CHARTER OAK COOKING- STOVES, All of Which Will bo Sold at afanufactnrers Prices, With Freight a died. rs-r-ryL,'' MAX MEYER & BROTHER, OMAHA, NEBRASKA r nnnnnnnnBnnnnnnnnnsa CHEAP FARMSI 7RZS HOMES On tne line o! the Union Pacific Railroad A Laid Grant of 12,000,000 Acres of taa bast FABMISQ sad KIHESAL Laads of America 1,000,000 ACRES Di NEBRASKA IX THE GREAT PLATTE VALLEY THE GABDES OF THE WEST HOW FOE SALS I These lands are In the central portion ol tho United States, on tbe slit degree of Noth Let Itude, the central llneol the great Temperate Zoueo! the American Ccntluent. and for grata growing and stock raising unsurpassed by any In the United Suits. 0SEAPEB IH FHIOE,mort faToratil terms d'sn. and mora OMTsaisatto maxktt tfa oa b found Elsiwhera. aptttf Sond. for Price XalamlsBi. CALIFORNIA. The cement mills at Penecla, have recommenced operations. The Missouri cinnabar mine, Lake county, produces thirty flasks of quicksilver a month. The Marysvllle bag factory has already sold over 100,000 grain Backs for July and August delivery. Several Grass Valley people have experimented successfully with silk worms. The increase of cocoons has been very great. Three thousand acres of cotton will be raised in California this vear. The estimated yield is 400 pounds to the acre. As an experiment, 1 ,200, 000 pounds is a pretty good test The Co-operative Nurserv jiml Fruit Company of Los Angeles has been incorporated. Already a mil lion orange and one hundred thous and lime trees are being sprouted for the company, Donnerlakeis higher now than it has ever been known to be before, and it is still rising rapidly. A vast amount of water is pouring Into the lake from the melting buow from the mountain amphitheater partially surrounding it- Advices from all parts of the ter ritory report heavy rises in the riv ers. The Missouri below the Three Forks is booming. The Jefferson, Gallatin, Madison, Beaverhead, Big xiviu auu an tueir triDutanes are running banks full. The Bozeman Avant Courier fa vors the early survey of the Upper Yellowstone valley, Including Emi grant and Bear gulches, and tribu taries of the parent stream,on which mineral discoveries are constantly being made. The valley proper in that locality, says our contemnorarv. is twenty or thirty miles long by three to eight miles wide, formiiic !! tlin 1... r 1.511.. ' . ..? ""u c " Jom wius a spienuiu body of agricultural and grazing land, capable of sustaining a large population. Mr. J. V. Bogert, Secretary and Treasurer of the late Yellowstone Expedition issues his call Tor a new organization. He says : "A party of 200 or 300 Crow warriors Is about to go out against the Sioux, and at least i-o oi me latecommand are anxious to return to the Big Horn country. If we go rightly to work wo may yet recover the ground the commit tee has reason to know has been lost; and, if we do so, jt Js nec essary to reorganize immedi ately. We therefore call for instant enrollment of all who desire to take advantage of the efforts the com mittee is taking to insure u success ful expedition. We are now pjc- pecting valuable assurances of sup port and assistance, which will be niade public at the proper time, and in the meantime we ask all who wisli to join us to send in their numes and datta without delay." BULLION and GOLD DUST. . And sells drafts and makes collections on all parts of Europe. "Drafts drawn parable In gold or curren cy en the Bank ol California. San Francisco. TICKETS FOR SALE TO ALL PARTS - ol turope ill tho Cunard and NaUonal Steamship Lines, and the Hamburg-American Facket Company. jy27tf U.S. DEPOSITORY The First National Bank o3vr Corner ofFsrham and I3th Jltrect. THE OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHKEHT IH HEBEABKA. (Successors to Koun tie Brothers.) ESTABLISHED IN 185& Organhed as a Hational JaxAogMt 26,1863 Capital and Profits over - $930,000) OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: NEBRASKA SHIBT MANUFACTORY 159 Ipllflli 159 FARNHAM ST., M jffi FARNHAM ST., OMAHA, WKJmF NEBRASKA. SHIRTS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &C, &C. JShirts ofall kinds made to order. Satisfatiou guarranteeu.-T8t aprllyl e od HAWLEY & BURKS, -WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL CELERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Farm Xachinery and Wagons, No. 13 South 10th Street, Zsisrooiiza', ctjezb- FIVE and TEN YEABS credit glren with Interest at SIX TER CENT O0L0HIS?8ud A0.'UAL3ETULEB3caabuyoaTea Tsars Credit Lands at tbs taa orice to all CREDIT PUBCHA3ES3. A Deduction TEN FEK CENT. FOR CASH. FREE HOMESTEADS FOR ACTUAL SETTLERS. And tho Best Locations for Colonics ! Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead cf 160 Acres. Froo 3EA0aaoas to Zxax-olatn937sBi of Ti.Tirl Send (or nev Descriptire Pamphlet, with new maps, pcbllshed In English. German, Sweed and Danish, mailed treocttiywhtre. Address . 3J". lD.. vXa9 alyiMawU Land Coinmlasloner U. t. R. R. Co. Omaha, Neb. A. B. HUBERMANN fe bo., OTIG . 2Xxi.-u.?k.ot-u.xrjr OF JEWELK mchll WATCHMAKERS, S. E. Cor. 13th & Douglas Sts. WATCHES & CLOCKS. JEWELRY AND PLATED-WARE, AT WHOLESALE R RETAIL. Dealers Can Save TIME and Ordering of Us. FltEIGHT bj Fort Calhoun Mills. Maanfacturcd with Great Care from the Best Grain. General Depot, Ccr. 14th. c& Dodge Sts. ENGRAVING DONE FREE OF CHARGE ! rALL 1sn31-tf GOODS WARRANTED TO BE AS REPRESENTED CLARK & WHOLESALE FRENCH, 6R0GERS ! msy 9-lr. ELAM CLARK. W. B. RICTTA-RDSOIT, AXD DEALERS IX Canned Goods, Dried Fruits, Green Fruits in Season. je 1 ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROJI1TI.Y FILLED. iwr CTXSS E. CREIGHTON, President. H. CODNTZE, Vice Pres't A. KOUNTZE, Cashier. II. W. YATES, As't Cashier. a. j. poppletox, Attorney. Tlio Boatrloe Hydraulic, Cement, AKD- WOULD INFORM TIIE PUBLIC they are now ready to furnh UttAUUC CEMENT, of the Terr best onalltr. THAT lurnlsh BY- liMt nnslU. and in any qusntity.eltberat the factory, which Is located at Beatrice.Ncb., or at the Pipe works In Omaha Theriltnim nrrnaml In hnU all klndsofChMENTPIPINGfor SEWERAGE. DRAINAGE. ETC, Also manufacture aU styles of CHIMNEY WORK. WEniiimu Wi?T M9n nn. ..... nn .. " i&c uuii tejitr X ill Uti (.1 HYDRAULIC CEMENT MA IN THE UNITED STATES. IUALTOANY IUFACTURED "ORDER3 FROM DEALERS RESPECT FULLY SOLICITEa California will, it is thought, this year produce 12,000,000 gallons of wine, valued at $3,500,000; and 2, 000,000 pounds of raisins. Forty thousand aores are devoted In thf State to the cultivation of the grape crop. Coal oil from the Los Angeles re finery Is on the market In that re gion and is pronounced by persons who have used it to be equal if not superior to any other. The factory Is at Lyon's Station. Another fac tory on an Improved plan, is to be erected at Los Angeles. It is reported that arrangements w m ue uiaue to uure passengers from San Francisco to the Geysers, via Santa Itosa'by Clark's stage to Cal Istoga, and thenee by the Foss road and Kearney stage line to Clover- dale. This will afford tourists the opportunity to see the Petrified For est as well as the Geysers, The amount of bullion shipped through the office of Wells, Fargo & Co., in Virginia, during the month of May was $1,803,332;89, being an Increase over the April shipments of ?o,u-t..ij. aiga water m Carson river interfered somewhat with the work of reduction of ores In a few of the mills last month. The regular annual wrestling matches will take place In- Grass Valley, Cal thisyear, commencing on the Fourth of July. The wrest ling match will be in Cornish style, and will occupy three days, namely; . X - A .. a -.""' I -'" -- - J xana um aoes not sei me pot to boll- the 4th, 0th ana 7th days of July. iufy we miss our guess. b, I The prizes will be six in number. Tbe Spread of Telegraphy. Telegraphy, like Hugo's devil fish, puts out enormous arms and continually draws to itself the best populated portions of the earth, with illimitable power for the transmission of thouriit. Tt treads bind nations and flash now empires Into life. It was only a day or two ago that a cable-laden steam er glided into a Now Hampshire harbor, laden with a new ocean wire that, when laid, will war with the submarine monopo ly which now oppresses com mercial ana news Interests. This new company, called the Direct united States Cable Company, will have the American endloPthe ocean cablo lino at Rye Beach, N. H., and tho European terminus will eomo out of the water in the west of Ire. land. The company havo made contracts, It Is stated, with the Franklin. Atlantic & Vniin on.i Southern Atlantic Telegraph Com. panies, and will boon be raulv in active competition with the four ocean cables already in oporatlon and with the great opposing land lines. In the city of Now York an alli ance has been formed between the esiern union and the American District Telegrahy Companies, and, for the management of the business under this combination, twenty eight offices are to be established. The same coalition is to be formed according to the contract in nil cities whero the two corporations are doing or may do business. The Atlantic & Paoiflc Telegraph Com- iwy, uie principal competing com pany In the West against the West ern Union, is about to construct a line from this city to Omaha; and as the Western Union Telegraph Company has been thrown overboard by the Union Pacific .tuuiroau as a matter of economy, mo ausuuc oi jracino wiu De attbr ded a chance for competition on their trans-Continental line. Thus it will be seen that neither the earth nor the telegraphy stands still, and that out of all the rivalry must eventually come great benefit to the world, in the ranhl and niioan ,. mission of news. Ckiwgo iW and BKATMCK HYDRAULIC CRMEXT & FIFE CO. "-Cjiir OMAHA -. - NERRASITA. my2i-Sin 400,000 ACRES! OF THE FINEST Elkhorn Yalley Lands ! FOa SALE BT XI. AC. Wisnor, Hob. PITCH, FELT AND GRAVEL ROOFER, Andjtfaaafretarcr or Dry ml Saturated ttooAag and Sheathing; Felt. ALSO DEALERS IN j Roofing, Pitola, Coal, Tar, Etc., Etc. ROOFisa In any patt of Nebraska or ad.olnin" States. Office opposite 'the Una Works, on 12thi treet. Address 1'. O. Box 45.'. B. & J. WILBUR, Books and Stationery, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, -rourteentH Street, - Omaneu, XTob . GENUIUL AGENTS FOR ALL SCHOOL BOOKS S C. ABBOTT s. J. Cauuibld. C. ABBOTT fc CO., Booksellers 1 Stationers DKALKRS IN WALL FAFZHS, DXCORATXONS, ACTX) trS-i WHOLESALE CANDIES I am now manulactnring all varieties of candies and -will sell at H3A.STEB1T H? jR, I C IE S Dealers In this State need net want to iro E ist ri CAVDIKS. Atrial is solicited. w-i:n:do'w shades, No. 188 Farnham Street. Omaha, Neb PHbllshers' Agents for Schel Backs ased ! Nebraska. WM. M. FOSTER. "Wholesale Lumber, WINDOWS, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, &C. Plaster Paris, Hair, Dry and Tarred Felt. SoucIai mchll tl St- Oor. xatix iznaliJt THESE LANDS ARE CONVENIENT TO tne market and tbe FINEST in the STATE! And will be sold at from $2,50 to $5.00 PER ACRE! Fr Cash or on IoagTime. .aLAND EXPLORING 1 rCK ET8 for Bale at O. & N. W. De Pot, bearing coupons which will ho taken at full cost in payment ur num. snsra-HJi. siistq-ieir,. The King of the SEWING MACHINE Realm ol Finance. WORLD aa pre-eminently as Gold Reigns in the Sole Agents for Bear Creek Llae aad LoalsTllIe Cemeat" OFFICE AND YAR1: ) rsTVT A "IT" A On U. P. Track, bet Farnham aud Do Jjlas Sts. Vjjlil. IT A, apr2tf NEB. SALES EOK 1873: In. Round Numbers 232,444 Machines! It Being-oxer One. Hundred and Thirteen Thousand more were sold by anr other Sewing Msdilne Companr during the same time. It will har ir be denied opon such evidence that the superiority of tbe Slneer is lu It de- fnnnsfvlj..i THE SINGER MANF'G CO. monstrateil. N. I. D. SOLOMON. WHOLESALE IF-AJZlsTTS OZZiS A1TD WINDOW CLAS3, COAL OIL AND HEAD-LIGHT OIL OMAHA - NEBRASKA Established 1858. L a ML .yl w 0ARRU6S EANDF1CT0RT S8 .40 Fewteeatk Street, (OffjnpstaIri)Oniah, Nebraska. Cartas. .ucuaruaBmn paM to Bepadr apra-M H, lac jel W, N. NASON, Agent. NO. 212 DOUGLAS STREET, OMAHA, t C. X.. Jl. klatte, 288 Dodge Street, 2d Door East of 16th Street. I keep constantly on hand the finest s Jock of Broad Cloth, Caiiimeres snd Vestings: which I am prepared to make up in tbe most laskioaabie styles and to suit the most fastidious. at tbe lowest possible prices. ' jelOdlr FAIRLIE & MONELL, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. Stationers, Engravers and Printers. XTOTAHZAZi AITD X.ODG2 SZAZiS. Masonic, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias TJITIPOBMS. LODGE PROPERTIES, JEWELS, BOOKS, BLANKS, ETC., AT LUWU j-EASTERX PRICES AND EXPRESS.-! niaylli SOS Soul Mail, JutielQ GRAND CENTRAL aZOTSIl. OMAHA, - IEBKA8XA Tbe largest and best hotel between Chicago avd San Francisco. Opened nev September 30th, 1873. eft) U GEO. TUKALL. Proprietor. K F. COOK. 637 Hit K, katwaw SetgUi u D4 Manufacturer of Tin, Copper andSbatt Ira Ware, and dealer la Cooking and Heating stove v '"J"? JPnned and French Wara oat 5SSrJw2 totHf ntt SawUinjan Joo Work dona aid warranted. feba VTXOaTBZKO. unrra a.szzo BTROM REED & GO. Taa Oldest Established Real Estate Agency IH WEBKASXA- Jeep a complete Abstract of Title to aHJ JIHl?i TOMBR 1KCS, Fashionable Tailor, Kb. 204 Farnhsn Street, Between. Twelfth aod Thirteenth Streets, OMA -A, - - NEB. .iTlD 18 ATTEfPED TO PROMPT iil7airTeCuted la the most fa-hionsble sty. aWBepsIrlDK and ctaslnf a specialty, snd 'done in the beit manner. myl-lm ARTHUR BUCKBEE. EFS2TTZR, BTJZLDEB AND DEALBBIX H. C WALKEB, MaViUFACl IfUKK AMI) UKALEB IN ? , OXS K SUUJSI SthSL Eetweoa Fsrnhsm ana Poarjaa CQ I k TTTIKIT II rSnTilslr i atBsssssssBsssBasssBsasasssasassssssassasssaswawia M S3 O rV Its J For Tarda, Ltwra, W.Vfr vrcai vraiu ua a-bbhc, -", .- OMAHA llth St bet. fUU Shop snd omce i jrniw juu "ij iHMUiwmMlMagMICCBltT,. pisri V