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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1874)
t,"-jaq l"'pyi J. il .i V -. s. r--g ' !t fj I d k THE OMAHA BEE SATURDAyTJTJE 13, 1874. OFFICIiX PAPEE OF THE CITY. THE OMAHA. DAILI BEE U serrsdto subscribers by carrier, to any parte! the city, eTery eTenlng, (Snnaaysex jetted, t filteen cents per week, or J3.75 lor alxBontha, and 17.00 peranuum, hen paid B advance. , , . aii complaints about Irregularities, addressed ... ...1 III .miIm n..nn4 ftontinTl- Thi Omaha IM1LT Brx will be mailed to subscribers at the folio wing rat, yablinYa tiably in advance : 70X per annum. J.75 ' 6..ontha. Xek Omaha Daily Bex hat by far the i. ami EST circulation in the dty. and la, banCore, Um beat and cheapest adTertiaing, JMdiUSI. .tb or ADTKBTiaufO. Local notices, 25 Mu per line: local adTertlaenienti, 20 muiicTline; by the month, 10 cents. o Sreruaement Inserted lor leas than 50 cents, pedal notices, 10 centa per line; alngleinaer SonTnot leas than 25 centa. Transient abTertisements must lnTariably be aid for In advance. rjgite for standing advertisements by special ""iSeeal Kotloes, Statements, Tabular Work, etc, requiring careful reriiton by copy, or proof to be furnished, must be handed In before ten o'clock A. u. to insuro iuertion the "gpedaland Local advertiseuieiits before two ' ,v - aTeruscsaenu ueiure uus u uwj. -. . All advertisements lor the Wkzilt Bia most be handed in before Monday nn, for the amme week's issue. 1RBITAL AAD JJEPAE1UKE OF TBAINS. Time Car of tlie BprllsiKton Route TJtAVB OMAHA. AJtfcVB A"'"- ExDress2J0 P. 1C. Kxpress .9:55 A- K. lhfl Tm a. x. I Mall lO.iS r. K. Sundays excepted. "Mondays excepted. This Is the only line running Pullman Hotel. D.lW.gtfrTciicocx, Hasjit r. Decel, (ien'i. '. rus. Agt. Ticket Agent. Chicago, Itt. Oinaha,Neb. CJbLob Pacific LKATX. Dally Express M.f w Daily Mixed f - Dally Freight I? -- Daily Freight- &15 A. M. Cnlctcot Kock lalmud. 'Mail ...530A.M. ABBOT. 3.0UP.M. 10:00 KM. 6:15 P.M. 830 A. St. tc Paeflc. 10:40 P.M. 10.-OOA.M. Masdari excepted. tMondaya excepted. - Clslcaco & KorlweterB atjjl 530A.M. 10:40 P.M. tiauojLM , zau r. a. l City, St. Jo. it CobbcU UlnOa Kornlnit Express... 530 A. M. 10.00 A. M. BreaMg Kxrei....20 P. M. 6:40 P. M. amaamJt Norlbwe-tern mad Sioux City Pacific. Mau Express 6:15 A.M. 2;15P.M. Dally except Sunday. Omcitmsea and Bajyage Wapons leave the See, comer Famham and Ninth street, fiX- cen minutes In advance of the above Railroad m tealmg and Closing Omaha. of Malls In TTTBT. A.K. r. . 2:20 A.M. ll:oo r.u U.P.B.R. KAST. N.W. U. It do do.... K-LP. K.K.. do do..... r.k.R.B-B 4o do.... aotrrn. B.8t-Jo.... do do.... 0..Vv".K. 11:0C 110 1130 7.0C 3.-00 4:33 4:30 4.30 40 100 Horru. O. . W. B. E 20 7.4. Chieago and all Eastern cities, Ncliraska City, PlxtUmouth, Council Blufli and Ilurling ton'dueatlOOa. m., closes at 4JM a. in. and 15 p. m. ex. Louis and SL Joseph, duo at 10-00 a. m. aacd 7 p. m.; closes at l:tS p. m. and 4.33 a. m. Ofica open Sundays from 12 to 1 p. m. C. E. YOST. Postmaster. TiAOTEKrUKKS ine C1HCU I.ATIOX of theDAIIaT DEt: l more thavm doable that or any jollier dally ftaaterpabllsbed In Xebraakm. Peycke's Reetaurant and Oyater rooms. The leading house of the kind. 207, Farnhara street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth. feb24tf OMAHA BREVITIES. The only train cast to-morrow will be the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy. Dan Callahan pleaded guilty to the charge of drunkenness at the Toliee Court yesterday, and paid a $2.00 fine. Attention is called to the ad vertisement of Mrs. H. E. Brown, of a house to rent. The Bee was mistaken yester day in stating that Tom Gardiner had been ordered to leave town by Judge Wilbur. The South Omaha Mission Church Sunday School took strawberries aud ice cream "in theIr8,,l last evening. Policeman Mansfield found an old-fashioned Enfield rifle in the alley back of the Grand Central Theater, last night. The owner can have the same by calling on him. The Omaha delegates to the State Sunday School Convention at NebragkaCity, have returned home. The Convention was a pleasant and profitable success. At a meeting of the Philhar monic society it was decided that the annual meeting of the directors should be held next Wednesday evening, instead of Thursday, as previously announced. To-morrow U. S. Marshal Daily will take Polock, convicted in the United States Dibtrict Court of rob bing his father's post-office at Browneville, toFortMadison,Iowa, to serve out a year's sentence. The Bremond & Norton strels held forth at the ademy of Music last evening. Min-Ac-Itis a new troupe with a new pro gramme. The members of the or gaabmtion are all fir&t-class artists,. ancl an excellent entertainment was given. They give a matinee to morrow afternoon and a perfor mance in the evening. Mrs. Philip Hertzman, land lady of the Jones House, met with a severe accident Thursday evening, at the residence of Gcn.Perry, whith er site had gone to call upon a young .French girl, an acquaintance of hers. By mistake the opened the wrong door, and fell down the cel lar, receiving severe internal and ex ternal injuries, but without any bones being broken. She was con veyed "homo in a carriage, and Dr. McClelland was called to attend feer. Mr. J. E. Warner, agent of the Hooky Comedy Company, is in this city, making arrangements for the playing of the troupe, at the Acade my of Music, on the evenings of the 22d, 23d, and 24th of this month. This company is from Hooley's Opera House, Chicago, and is com posed entirely of firbt-class talent; and especially worthy of mention is Mr. J. W. Blaisdell, the manager; aad -Miss Kate Meek, the leading lady. XARGE STOCK Of Linen Suits, also single coats, pants and vests, sold very low, at JL Heluiax & Co. JualOeodtoJulyl. Saratoga precinct is to be blessed -with Sunday afternoon preaching. Bishop Clarkson or Rev. Mr. Garrett -will preach in the Saratoga school house every Sun day afternoon at three o'clock, hav ing consented to do so at the ear nest solicitation of quite a number of the Saratogians. The remains of a newly born infant, abandoned by its mother, to die, was found yesterday in the southwestern outskirts of the city, by two ladies who were picking strawberries. Coroner Gish was in formed of the fact. Personal. Gen. Ord left Washington Thurs day for Omaha. Alex. Scott, the well-known stock agent of the C. B. & Q. railway, is lying very sick with consumption at the Pacific House, Council Bluffs. James T. Allan leaves this morn ing for the mountains, to procure evergreens for the Government cem etery at Fort McPherson. Dr. Frank Powell has returned to Omaha, with the Intention of re maining here permanently to prac tice medicine. "United States Deputy Marshal Bierbower went down to Nebraska City Thursday to take charge of a bankrupt stock of drugs. Richard Burt, an old Omaha typo, is in town on business. He has been engaged on the Columbus Era for some time past. The following are the arrivals at the Wyoming Hotel : J B Saunders, cjtyj Geo Christ and daughter, Des 3Ioinesj Lieut Letson, Missouri Valley; Frank Gibbs, Mendota, HI; Mark G Mc Ca&lin, Butler, Pa; G Goodlow and wife, UPPBjEdL Kendall, N Y; ALawrenee Ergntj Col; MrsD F Carmichael, Goldenj Q P HjlJ and wife, Fort Bridger; J A Pow ers, Bed Oak, Iowa; J K Adams, Huntingdon, Pa; K Smith, Chicago; PMStreight, PJattsmouthj D Mor gan, Grand Island; Win Qoujd, Minneapolis; Geo W Bartholmew, city; O D Martin, Chicago. A L R Hallowell, Nevada; D M Lath rop, Colorado Springs; N Paul, St Paul, Neb; Wm D Davjdson, city; O Hopkins, Cleveland; M J Norton, E L Bremond, Wash Norton, Dan Sprague, John Kerns, John Man ning, Frank Mack, Cris Martin, August Steryler, Philip Ruttiger, Albert Koenig, Oharjgs Bragg, Joe Woodson, Bremond & Norton's minstrels. Oar Nebraska City Letter. Nebraska City, June 12,'74. Editor Omaha Bee : My Dear Sir The South Platte Association of Congregational churches met in this city this morn ing at 9:30. Rev. Henry Bates, of Plymouth was elected Moderator. The attendance is fair. The growth of the denomination in this section of the State is encouraging. The businessof the morning session, was such as usually mark the routine work of such bodies the character istic feature being dullness. The session this afternoon opens pleasantly. So far, there seems to be no man of special ability to act as leader, and no subject of vital in terest to pall out the bone and sinew of tho workers. Roth, Jiowever, will 'be present this evening, when Rev. S. R. DImock, of Lincoln, preaches at the Presbyterian Church. Rev. J. G. Taylor, of this citv. is spribe, and Rev. H. I. French, of Milford, assistant scribe. The gen tlemanly and honorable bearing of tho latter has won him many friends since he has been in the State. The Sunday School Convention closed last evening. It was a grand affair throughout: Very many de serve a special and indivic!! no tice, which these few hurried notes will not allow. The work ot the Convention was systematic, pointed, polished, comprehensive, courteous, charitable, and christian. It closet! very happily; the occasion long to be remembered by many. Alpha. Died. The news of the death, at Lin coln, of George S. Harris, Land CominisMoiH-r of the B. & M. in Nebraska, was received in this city last evening, causing a deep feeling of regret among the niany friends of the deceased. He died at 11 A. M. He was a gentleman quite widely known in the west, and in his ca pacity of land commissioner he has served tho B. & M. well, and has done much toward inducing immi gration to Nebraska: DOUGLAS COUNTY COURT. DISTRICT Hon- G. S. Lake, Judge. Omaha, June 12. Omaha Smelting and Refining Company vs Abbott et al. Motion for a new trial overruled, and judgment on the verdict for $2,792, 18. Baumcr vs Krug. Defendant to number defences in his answer. Marshal vs. Millard, et al. Leave to file copy of petition. Shipley vs. 8hiple3 Dismissed. Godby, et al. vs. Pratt. Dismissed. Johnson vs. City of Omaha. De murrer to petition sustained. Edwards vs. Larry. Replevin. in ccutt. Judgment in favor of plaintiff with nominal damages. Bu iters vs Gardner. The j ury re tired in tills case about noon, and were still out when last heard from. Butters vs Davis, et al. (Eject nient.) Jury trial. Verdict for defendants. Kountze et al vs Omaha, Dis missed. Moneli vs Shanahan, et al. (Ejectment.) Jury trial. Verdict for plaintiff. Second trial ordered. Adjourned till nine o'clock this morning. Geo. H. Petekson, the pioneer cigar manufacturer, keeps con stantly on hand the very best brands of cigars, and also Ione Jack, Fruits and Flowers, crd "Durham" Smoking Tobacco. 211 Douglas streot. mayfieodly I ' . - j BURGLAR. He Enters a Building, Draws a Revolver on a Colored Man, Skips Oat and is Captured. A rather bold but unsuccessful at tempt at robbery wasmade yesterday morning between three and four o'clock, at the California Wine Room, on Douglas street, by a young man not more than eighteen or nineteen years of age. He broke out a small portion of a pane of glass in a rear window, and al though the hole' was not large enough to admit his arm, he never theless managed to unloosen the window fastenings, and then rais ing the sash, entered, revolver in hand. Proceeding to a small apart ment, where a colored man named William Reed was sleeping, he stepped upon a chair, gently shoved back a sliding window, and point ing the cocked revolver at tho head ofReed, he said: "Give mo your pocket book, or I'll blow your brains out!" Reed had been awakened before the burglar had got upon the chair, and lay with his eyes open for de velopments, not knowing what to make of the mysterious noise. On seeing the revolver pointed at him, and hearing the demand for his pocket book, he exclaimed: "Oh, h 1 ! I hav'nt got any !" "Give me your watch, or I'll shoot you," was the second demand. Reed thereupon jumped out of bed, and the young man, grabbing his coat and pantaloons from under the pillow, flew out of the open window as quick as a flash of lightning, and skipped down the aihjy past the Herald office. Reed I ran out of the front door and, for tunately, met Policemen Mans field, Byrne and Thorn on the cor ner and quickly told them of what had happened. They instantly scattered out, and in a few min utes they had cornered a voung fellow who, it was supposed, was the same one who had attempted to scare Reed at the point of his re volver. He was seen on Tenth Mreet, hut he disappeared up the alley past the City Hotel. He was found in a water-closet back of Krug's lager- bterhall, having locked the door on his pursuers, Thorn and Mans field. Tliorn broke the door in, and ho was captured aud taken to jail to await an examination, which took place at the Police Court this morning, and resulted in his being bound over for his appearance at the District Court in the sum of $2,000. He gave his name as Chas, Edwards, though he is better known as Wallace. It appears that he had been drinking Thursday night at a latehour in company withReed,who, he learned, had ?130 in his posses sion. All tho circumstances point to him as tho woifld-be robber of William Reed. Although not ad mitting that he was the chap who entered the California Wine Room, he confessed that he was preparing to commit a burglary at Hengen's boot and shoe shop, as he had made up his mind to have some new foot ware before morning. Thg coat and pantaloons were picked np in tho alley, jyhcre they were dropped by tho thief, who failed to find any money in the pockets. DOfjALD McKAY. This Noted Indian Scont and Mb famous Band arrived Omaha Yestarday in on tneirj way Eastward. Yesterday afternoon's Union Pa cific train from tho West brought to this city a notable party of In dians, namely: Donald McKay, the celebrated t Indian scout, and his famous band of warriors, conquer ors of the Modocs. The party con sists of 1G braves and squaws. Among the most noted are Cappo las, who took the famous lea der of the Modocs, Capt. Jack, from his hiding placo, assisted only by Shaka, known as 'Warm Spring George;" Kehayakan, Histoo and Weyatothan, thethiue noted braves who first entered Cantain Jack's original stronghold in the lava bed; Klamatachchosney, 45 years of age, one of the leading warriors of the Warm Spring band, and who, in time of trouble or threatened war, was looked upon by the tribo as an adviser and leader; Shaka, cr Warm Spring George,' and Semeo, or 'Mustilla Joe,' the warriois who icilled the husband of Ellen, sister of Cant Jack. who. after Jack, was considered the most dan gerous warrior of the Modoc tribe. piie persons in charge, are Cap tain Donald MeKaj-, accompanied by his wife and child; Dr. W. C. McKay and son. They are on their way East to give exhibitions, and to visit Washington on business, in regard to the late Modoc war. After that they will visit Europe, with the permission of the government. It is quite possible that these native Americans will stop in Omaha, and give an exhibition, the first of next week. They are regif tered at the Grand Central Hotel. S5TTHE WEATHER VANE- 'Tis often said that straws do show The source from Thence the wind doth blow. This point we win not question here. Bat draw the moral as it doth appear: The straws from BDXCES store which go, rroxe he beau them all In set ling low. JclUlS Compare SNOW FLAKE with the flour you have been using and none but Wells & Nieman's will do hereafter. Little & Williams, Blue Front Store, Douglas street June 9tf A BOLD BUT UNSUCCESSFUL RATHER SUSPICIOUS. Soldier Caught in Possession of. articles stolen from Em. Davis' House. While Policeman Mansfield and Byrne were standing at the corner of Douglas'and Tenth sts., yesterday morning about three o'clock, they stopped a soldier, who had a bundle under his blouse, and who seemed to act very suspiciously. On exam ening the contents of the bundle, thevfnunda nicture of one of the inmates of Em. Davis' house, and al-jo a letter addressed to one of the girls by a certain man. From this clue, they rightly concluded that Miss Davis' house had been en tered, and going to the house, they found such to be the case. Among the other thingstaken and found in possession of the soldier, whose name is Tobias Clous, were several little trinkets, nine pairs of stock ings, a towel, a cravat, and a piece of ribbon. Miss Davis also missed a valuable breast pin, which could not be found. The soldier claims that some one handed him the the articles to keep for a while. The thief entered the house through an open window. He was taken to jajl to await his examina tion, H0RSE-STEAUN6. An Emigrant's Team Taken while he is Camping on the Prairiel An emigrant named W. H. Mc Masters, en route from Iowa to Howard county, Nebraska, has been camping near the Papillionj six miles west of Omaha, far the last three or fourjdays. Yesterdaa morn, ing he had Intended to proceed on his way to his destination ; but his suq)rise can be imagined when he awoke to find his team of brown mares and a colt gone. Some heart less thief had stolen them during the night. One of the' horses was allowed to run loose during the night, while the other, the mother of the colt, was lariated. The thief put the "iqfjat, and rode of with the whole oiifflt Mr. Mc Masters could find no trace of them whatever, and after some hours search, he came into town and in fornied the pity and county officials, who will do aj'l in their power tq re cover the property. This robbery leaves Sir. McMas ters in very embarrassed circum stances, as he is unable either to move ahead or come back, as ho has no horses or cattle Jeft, and he has but seven dollars in money, a wife and two children, and some few household articles and farming im plements. Another horse theft was ierpetra ted last night at Sailing's grove, the .victim being Mr. Sahiing, who lost one horse. He is in the city looking after the animal and the thief. Appgrtionjneat of SfihvO Ifoneyi. Tho following is the statement of tho apportionment of school moneys made to tho districts of Douglas county, June 11, 1874, as furnished us by Prof. Bcals, County Superin tendent. From State Apportlomcnt, " Liquor Jjrenses.. " Forfeitures........,. ..580) 18 . 630 U . STS 19 . C320Q " J ints. Amount. . JDSlO 37 Totals $0313 S3 361 76 125 13 116 SO 224 70 115 05 100 62 113 C9 77 55 123 70 109 28 v 109 28 74 GG 71 76 87 C5 8120 80 42 ' 87 05 115 03 107 83 39 03 103 50 78 91 94 85 99 18 H 76 73 98 . 6888 P6 29 63 83 93 40 nist. youth, Per rer No.' ;ou"s; District. cpht. 1 -1010 SS0 12 ftt&3 VI 2 215 SO 12 311 04 3 52 50 12 75 03 4 -IG SO 12 CC 33 5 121 50 12 171 53 C 43 50 12 C4 93 7 33 50 12 50 50 8 41 SO 12 63 43 9 19 53 12 27 43 10 1 50 12 73 53 11 41 SO 13 09 IS 12 41 50 12 39 10 13 17 50 12 24 53 14 15 50 12 21 CI 15 24 50 12 37 53 IS 25 50 12 36 03 ,17 21 50 12 30 30 13 - IS 60 13 7 5? 19 43 50 12 Si S3 20 40 50 12 57 71 21 27 50 12 St 93 22 37 50 13 88 S3 23 29 50 12 23 80 21 31 50 12 44 73 25 34 00 12 49 OH 2. 15 SO 12 21 64 27 20 50 12 23 S3 23 13 50 12 IS 76 29 32 50 12 4G 17 30 13 50 12 IS -i 31 SO 50 12 43 23 32 2t SO 12 34 S3 33 23 50 12 40 40 31 19 CO 12 27 43 Z5 14 fO 12 20 10 3C 0 50 12 3 M 37 15 50 12 21 64 33 34 50 12 49 DC 39 'JO SO 12 37 53 40 13 50 12 13 74 84 76 90 32 77 55 70 32 73 93 71 76 13 17 Ci G3 8S Skinny, the Bootblack, Fata a Head ca a Policeman. Thursday afternoon while Police4 man Collins was taking a Mrs. Clark to jail, for raising a distur bance in her neighborhood on Eleventh street, her notorious son, 'Skinny, the bootblack," came to her rescue, and hit theofficer a se vere blow over the head with his box, making a deep gash. Collins, with the assistance of a colored man, managed to lodge the unruly and loud-mouthed woman In jail. Later in the evening Policemen Thorn and Powers arrested the young scamp, and locked him up. Yester day they were brought beforo the Police Court, where Mrs. Clark was fined $10 ami costs, and sen tenced to ten days in jail for resist ing an officer, while her son received the same fine and thirty days in jail. "Skinny, the bootblack," is a dan gerous young scamp, and he des serves no mercy. Policeman Col- Tins says he never had a worse job than that of arresting the mother, and had he caught her son last night, he probably would have made him "squeal." Open Air Concert. The following is the programme for the open air concert on Capitol Hill, this evening, by the Ninth Infantry baud, as kindly fur nished for publication by Lieutenant James Regan, of the Ninth Infant ry, acting adjutant of the Post: 1. Victoria Quick March. . 2. Song, "Am die Heimath," Leide. 3. Melodien from Martha, Flotow 4. Waltz, "Wine, Women and aong," Strauss. 5. National Melodie Potpourri, Heinicke. C. Brooklyn Galop, Lcutner, THE VERY SUCCESSFUL SALE OF BOOTS AST) SHOES, AT W- B. LOBDTO & CO.'S CONSISTING OF JOB LOTS AND SAMPLES, STIIX CONTINUES. Attention ia Directed to tha Following Loti u Saxaplu of taa Stock: A lot of children's silver tip shoes at 75 and 90 cents. A lot of children's Philadelphia goat Polish, at $1.25. A lot of children's Philadelphia kid and serge foxed Polish, $1.25. A lot of children's sewed magno lias, $1.00. A lot of boys' fine sewed goat Bal morals, with patent leather quarters, at $2.50. Youth's at $2.00 A lot of boys' fine sewed goat Ox fords, patent leather quarters, at $2.25. Youth's, $1.75. A lot of Gray Bro.'s lailjes' French kid button shoes, $3.75. A lot of Gray Bro.'s 18-thread serge Polish, $2.25. A lot of women's high cut, sty lish serge, Polish, $1.50. A lot of women's grain and goat, pegged and sewed. Polish, $2. AfBt of women's grain Polish, $1,50. A lot of women's fine sewed glove calf, Polish, $2.50. A lot of misses' kid and goat, sewed, Polish, at $1.75. A lot of mioses' serge Polish, at $1.40. A lot of misses' serge, side-laced, at $.75,: A lot of men's summer shoes, at $1.75, A lot of men's summer boots at $3.23. A lot of men's fine calf boots, at $4.00. We have remaining a lot of GENTS' CUSTOM WORK, consisting of BALS., ALEXIS & CONGRESS, which we have marked at very low prices in order to close them out. Bear in mini that these goods are well made, and we warrant them. It they ever rip or tear we repair them FREE OF CHARGE. ONE PRICE ONLY All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. "A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP ASA MAN." at W. B. Lorijjg & Pq.'s Cor. Fourteenth and Famham streets, opposito Grand Central Hotel. junel2lt OUR STOCK in Straw Hats and Summer Caps we will close out at astonishing low prices. M. Hellman & Co. June 10 eod July 1 The best and coolest glass of soda water, from the new and magnifi cent Arctip apparatus, at Ish's Farnham street drug store, mayl6-eod-lm New drinks on draught Peru vian Beer and Ginger Ale at Ish's A variety of 25 different drinks of soda and mineral waters on draught at all-times. mayl6eodlm LIGHT CASSIMERE SUITS Made up in the LATEST STYLE At Greatly Reduced Figures ! Sold at junelO-eodtt M. Hellman & Co. For an excellent glass of soda, go to Ish's Farnham street store, may 15-eod-lm. For soda and mineral water, Pe ruvian beer and glngar ale,patronIzo the "Statue," the costliest and most magnificent soda apparatus ever constructed and now running In full blast at Ish's Farnham street drug store dispensing the most delicious and cooling drinks in the city. May 15, eod 2m IMPORTANT. We are selling off our extensive stock of clothing and furnishing goods, at lower prices than ever. M. Hellman fc Co., Cor. Farnham and 13th St. junelO-eod-to-julyl Dyeing, cleaning and repairing done in the neatest manner, at the STEAM DYE WORKS, 10th St.,bct. Farnham and Douglas. apr28t f. , Beta Uus List. English Dundee Marmalade. Cross & Blackwell's Raspberry Vinegar. Russet Cider in quart and pint bottles. Bass & Co.'s Ale. Gulnes's Stout or Porter. Roast Beef in Cans, Mutton " Lamb " Veal " Chicken " Turkey " Tomato Soup " Vegetable " " Vermiceli " " Maccaroni " " Mock Turtle " " Egg Maccaroni in pound pack ages. Granulated Sweet Potatoes in pound packages, at Pundt, Meyer & Raapke's. juncll-3t "Gwr Edge" the Vaxlev." Flour made. and "Cream' or Best brands of mav23-lm. OR Bai-e Cheap. Desirable residence property, on 14th street. Enquire of V. Borkxey. apr 11-tf Fhoit Market, at Brunner's. June 2 lOt Indian Curiosities at No. 170 Famham street, corner 11th street. may 7-tt ,, - . - IMMENSE STOCK OF TEN THOUSAND PAIRS OF- BOOTS AUD SHOES! To be Sold at Prices thatlBTave Hever Been Equalled in Omaha. Tiis Stock Must be Closed by July 1st, at Cost or no Cost. Out Look at these Prices Men's calf boots, our own make, .Former price, Men'n calf congress, Men's calf congress, $4 7 3 1 1 best eastern make, Men's kip shoes, Ladies' cloth boots, Feary's make, best in this country from 1 05 to 2 25 Best Philadelphia made ladies boot from 2 10 to 3 00 Splendid misses' cloth boots, 1 00 Also, a full line of children's shoes at prices that are bound to sell them. This is not slop work, but our reg ular slockj manufactured for our custom trade, and every jniir war ranted. Call soon and secure bargains at Weber & Behm's, Corner Douglas and Thirteenth. je 10 12 13 Grand Opening, On Saturday, June 13, 1874, 1 will open for the patronage of tho public my New House, at 200 Farnham street, opposite the Valley House. An excellent Lunch will be served. The bar Is furnished with the finest liquors and cigars. The patronage of tho public is re spectfully requested, and nothing shall be omitted to render my house a pleasant and favorite resort. June 11 3t Claus Sijcyen. "Vegetable Market at Rrun ner's. iune2-10t SNOW FLAKE FLOUR, AWARDED PREMIUM AT STATE FAIR 1872 and 1873. Wells & Nieman Schuyler, Neb., Little &WilUaqs, Qmauu. june 9-tf. JOHN UAVJlEn, Practical Watchmaker, 171 Faranaa ., OMAHA B.Cw.lltliBt. NEB YM DORA'S MACHINE All kinds of light anil braTf MACHINERY MADE REPAIRED. 9&-AU Work Guaranlced.-&l 6 HABHET STREET, - OMAHA, aep&u IVA-IILiOIR, 13th St, bet. Famham and Hanier. AU kinds of TAILORING, CLEANING and REPAIRING done at reasonable mtta aprtttf JAS. M. MCVITTIF, WHOLESALE nEALERIN Clarified Glider. 133 and ISO Farnbaia Strecf. Oalifbrnia House. ranz hafher, Prop'r. No. 170 Douglas Street, corner 11th, Omaha, Nebraska. Board by the day or week. June 1, yl ILLINOIS HOUSE. X'&x'axIa.AXka. Sroot Between 0th and 10th. CI1 ARL.ES FIXDERH AN, Prop. mcblltf CARRIAGE, BUGGY add WAGON MANUFACTURER. N. E. CORNER of HtU and HARNEY STS. WOULD respectfully announce fo the Jpub lic that he is now ready to C1I all con tracts in the aboTe lines with neatness and dispatch. MTExpress wagons constantly on hand and or sale. JOHN H. GREEK, STATE MILLS DEALER IN GRAIN. FLOUR AND FEED, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT J Ca JJEE CARPENTER AND BUILDER. 235 FACNHAM STEEET. ajirll-lr WILLLA 225 Paralia Street. SEXATJER. Omaha, Neb WHOLESALE XSD RETAIL DEALES IX FURNITURE. BEDDLVG, ETC. L. WOODWOBTH, 238 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. WACOIT Wood Stock, OA.HH IAGB A5D WAGON HABDWARE, Patent Wlieeb, FicUied Gsiriag, && Axles, Springs and Thimble Skelag HARDWOOD LUMBER, .V Carriages, Hacks ai Buggies Stadcbacker mchSU lrVngan Depot. Ml Farmkassi St, Bet. lifc St UM 2t ! UNDERTAKER - y. -. -?ar -v ' ty- MARRIED. L lNE-McDEVrrr. At the German Catholic Church, Mr. Donnis W. Lane, of Omaha, to Miss Mary E. McDeritt, of Chariton, Iowa. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. AdTertiaemenU of To Let. For Sale, Loct, Wants, Found, Boarding, Ac?, will be inserted In thta columns once for TEN CENTS per line; ach subsequent insertion. FIVE CEFiS per line. The first Insertion nerer lesslha.1 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS FOR SALE One-half tot 2, Block 47, south side Cass, between 20th and 21st street ; at 1 000 halt cash, balance one year. This is on? of the very bat localities in the city. Ap ply to JOHN M CLARKE, jeli lt Real Estate Agent. Orrn AA REWARD will be paid for "the PiM.UU return of, or for any Information leading to the recorery ot Two Brown Mares and one colt (about one month old,) whl h were !Kfc?i,,irom- wlIUn " McMasten, about 9 Si T.t? ,eTf DiD8, whe camped 6 miles west of Omaha, and about 4 miles from Panillion. .nt.r Ssute Immigration off- Ice, Omaha. JelWSt. FOR RENT-FurnUhcd or unfinished, the residence of Mr. 11. E. Brown, corner ot iarnham and 13th streets. The house h nine rooms, cellar and cistern, and well and there is a fine stable on the premise, Ttfot is fuUalze and well shaded. Mut?"be ren d by the first of next month. Inquire at th housi.. MRS. H. E. BROWN el2tf LOST A medium sized cow; entirely red, in good order; ha4 strap around her neck when she was missed, on Monday night last 55,00 reward to any one who brings her from the Catholic School. i iw' r.wi.,uu dgUlU street, one door Jeia 2t FURNIallED ROOMS, with Boart. In a pleasant location, on west side of 17th St., between Douglas and DoJge. Inquire ot Jeltdot. MRS. RYAN. WANTED Furnished room, with board, by a young man. Address JelJt? 4"., Be? Office. GIRL WANTED To do "first work;" px-d wages. Apply immediatelr at Dudgvi and 18ih streets. . r, CHILD. Jell 2i Gr1JiL WASTfED -T6 do general hou.e-work "TtcT. rrf ' fml'r- Api-'y at cuzzkn oCSE, 9th street. JelOtf FOR SALE Two good breaking teams. . quire at iC9 13th and Douglas stmts. In- Jem" JAMES BONNER. TJIORSALEATABAKOAIN-Oneof (Sale's I; Celebrated Pea-nutRoasters;aIooneLuuK lester. Inquire at MEHRITT'i Restaurant. le8dln. TTirANTED A girl to do general housc- ii nuik,iu a imau lamuy. inquire at J1 UALl HALL rOUNDRY. FOR RENT A larg. ently located. 1 :e store nouse: conreol- nqulro at fish store. 231 Douglas street, of jeifet 11. UbUUENS. rPO RENT A furnished room ; with or with X out board ; room suitable for gentleman ai d wife, or two single gentlemen. Inquire at m Jackson street. jeOtf TIT ANTED Two good farm hands want a IT. situation upon alarm noit o far from Omaha Apply immediately at the Bee nf- fice, may 29 weit of Lincoln. A well improved farm adjoins it on the west, and country all aiound it is thickly settled? Will sell for $500, one half dawn, balance in one year, or Si 00 per acre in cash, or will trade for city property. Apply to myqtt ANDREW itOSEWATER. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY, aud several vacant lots, and firm lands lor sale ; iilso houses rpj offlcos ta rent cheap, to s&4 tenants. Apply tqJoit.f E. Ivklley, Attorney at Law , at French 4 Ifdjoon' office, RoamSo. 3, CreijjUton yock, jaylStf EROST PARLOR FOR REST-Apply 277 Davenport st bet 15th and 16th sts. mylCtf TO THE PUBLIC The undersigned, b" purchased and put upon tho streets as puu.ic conveyances, Kweot the finest carriages ctfcrnianufactured in this country. They will be run to and from the depots, hotels and private residences. All orde a left at the Metropolitan Hotel, or at the stable, near s e cor of Eleventh st and Capital Avenue, will be promptly at tended to. A share of the public patron-ge Is respectfully solicited. JOHN E. BULL. myl3tt FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY 1'UOPfcRTY Ope section choice land, on tho big bend of the Republican River, huckoh. County. Inquire of A. MINsKI. myl4-ml Cornarncyand 15th Is. WANTED Servant girls, carpenters, farm hands, laborers, etc , immediately, at the employment 9 Yls.cierbtlock. Eiybtf . ... i EOll S.VLri-I will sell gool second hand cariiagcs and buggies low for cash or, as I whh to repUco tuem with new ones. PWTOtt O. W.liOUAX. WANTED A cneap lurui in exenange lor merchandise. Address, Farmer, Ban ofSce. apilt FOR SALE OR RENT io. 354 Chicago st Apply to HARRIS, TAFT A WOODMAN. a 21 Oil Mill. Academy of Muso. .rv3 BREMOM & NOBTOFS Minstrels ! Tiro NIMITS ONLY ! Friday and SatiMay, June 12 anil 13. FAMILY MATINEE, Saturday Afternoon. THE BEST and MOST VERSATILE SHQW NOW TRAVEL1NU. Adwissiok, ... so Cents. Reskbved Seats, - 73 " 3For particulars, see Hull Programme. JelO 3t Anything Xi. W. JOITES f DEALER IN MOST EVERYTHING .131 aud 533 IStrt Mrrer, Opposite tho Post Offics. IN Children's Carriages, -Bird Cages, Crcqnet Set, i Stationery, 0R ANYTHING ELSE. I WILL XOrUE UNDERSOLD! Cholcp Imported ana Domestic t Icars i ap23m2rl II. a tEDK c. J. KARRACII. ;i:EHE ic KlRliAUl, lStb st. I-ctwcca Earulum and rnjr sis OMAHA, - - NKIS. V -: -UAScracrcaKB or Spring and Farm Wagons, BL'GGIKS ASO Cllltl Setters In aud manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! 'JtjAETICTrr: ATTENTION PAID TO JS. UOKSKfilfOtlSO. .WRrpalringff wagons and bUckimlthln; prumpllr done at reasonable prices niydiwCra DEKTISTHjT. tflMUES UlflLUJ OFFICE. No. 232 FARNHAM ST. ) cr stubs, Bet 1JL1 U I-TJ1 St UXia..JVUA. CB-01lct uijctlclmr TVntlkU la the city DR. A. S. BILLINGS, DE1TTIST, 1384 I.. Bet. and 14th, np stair. TetUi extracted without pain, hy om of HI- trousOxldat uas. ITOIct open stall hour eu vayg ;yr AfV I X.A l)V y sa-L-y-y"-" t'" 'T'r ivr; VSVBSSSSSSWB S" tsssssssssssssaksruj' JafcStSv isBlisssssssV&- 7sssms MR. JOHN RATH IS AGEST FOB OCEAN STEAMERS. J. J. BROWN & BRO.? WHOLESALE GROCERS, Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. OMAHA, 3ST-E3B., myS-ly STEELE & JOHNSON, Wholesale Grocers, SIMI'SOS'S BLOCK 538 and 540 Fourteenth Street, BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE OMAHA, - inchlKy ' MORGAN & GALLAGER. -SUCCES-Oia TO CREIGUTON AND MORGAN WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 205 Farnliam Street o:lvla:eca, - ni8dty WHITNEY, B AUSERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS Nb. 247 Douglas Street, OMAHA, - mcniryi AGKMS FOB THE DUPONT Kurtz Bohr& C JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOYES and NOTIONS. 231 FarnfcLaaa. Street, OMAHA, - - - isrfeB. J. J. BROWN & BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IX - STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Notions, and myS-lr JOHN T. ED&Ml, JOBEER OF Shelf: Heavy Hardware IRON, STEEL, NAILS, WAGON STOCK, TIIRESIIKRS, SaiS. IIAUVKSTK1IN, UEAl'fcnS MOW Kits nitsi TT -r-V!.. s46 Douglas St., Oaialia, m. . -- --- . GEO. A. HOAGLAJLVD, Wholesale Lumber -OFFICE COR. OF DOUGLAS 1ND 6TH OMAHA anlltl EoTABLlSIltU PUJSDT, MEYER & RAAPKT, -WHOLESALE FANCY GROCERIES, Teas, Spicas, Tobacco and Cigars. 212 Farnham Street, LleiaTeoJrl HENBY HORNBERGER. DEALEU IN Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Fiji Old Kentucky. Whistles aud Imported tioodi a Special (y. .239 DOUGLAS ST?.,) (Caldwell Uiock.) f li.9Tl .A.. IE. S I HVH IP S O J5T, -MANUFACrUUEE AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN CIGARS. 532 IFXIFTIEIEIISrTIEa: ST., cxiEiG-aTosr Biiooo. HOMES and FAT. MS I2T XTXSXLASZA Tha Burlin;toi an! Missiurl Hirer TUilrnd C., o Srs tmt Ian 's at low prion oa 10 Tears credit at6 percent, iotemt, and vi'Inbmai proulunof 20 percent, on tha amount o( tha purchase, u half the Ian 1 is caltlratl, within two je-irs frota Uste of purchase. IiABGE DEDUCIOXS FOR CASH" PAYMENTS. North of Platte, :Loup Fork ti,.t t r n r ru ..nii Vmt i.OM.OM v" a'well watered country, .tlrcm St U ST.Wpcr South of v r .... Ureeholro'the bt laa t In Nebraska, lnterwtedhy numerous Thy Cpmi any J? ,u, Ureii an t best darelop, 1 part of th. Stale, aa all andallaceui tItsraiiro"A , . i.iti. ., . .. an03sVrpablicin Valley. r"'iiiuin; C. B. SCIIALLtB, Agent B. & M. Land Office, CocefMath Or Laad Peairtawat, Ilnrahi,TTt.. HATS c& IlATTSXIT, WHOLESALE DEALEIS IN AIL KINDS OF Leaf Tobaccos MANUFACTURERS OF OIQ-ABS! AND DEALERS TN Pipes, Tobaccos, Etc Thcatten Ion of dealers Is called to the fact that we are prepared to LIBEL our good wl:h,lhjlr NAM as manufaCtuo.d expressly foe them. -May 27-d lui. - - nsriEiB USTIEIB. NEB POWDER CO. Boots and Shoes. AND- u 1VAUUX1S. . XTebraslsa, mhttv ANP YARD- STS., U. P. B. R. TR K. NEB. IU3 DEALEE? IN- - - Omaha. Neb 0:LwAJE3LA., ZLsTIEB. ap23m& and Elkhorn Valleys '? tntfnx ! agricultural. Ian I iaj oa tonjcwdlu he Platte rtma Mia tk lad ForaaaB St.. r i f i SSiSg