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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1884)
amHHFa I I WW THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. ' S. .9 "Here's a bono!" -Whcro nro wo to hold conimenccmcnt? The Seniors will loaf after the thirteenth, for th it date finishes their college work. Tlio Pal Indian 8 have received a new gavel from D. EL Mercer, '80. It is a neat mullet turned from three dif ferent species of wood, Indiana miple, N'jbnska ip,)h , aud a block of Texas osage orange over three hundred years old. David has been requested to consider him self thanked. Base ball bnomcth. There arc enough members of the association to form three nines, aud the first uino with Fred Shop herd as captain is practicing regularly. Regent Mallalieu attended the stale convention and Iidb remained to look up University matters. Heaven graut that he may sco what needs doing, aud get it done. The Student has been known to come out behind hand, but the annual catalogue- of this institution can beat it all out. This year is no exception, out the faculty claim to have an excuse. Lieutenant Edgar.Dudley who had charge of the mili tary department when it was established has been de tailed by the Secretary of War to return for auother term of three years. He is to arrive on the first of July. AH students are requested to advertise the joint meet ing of the societies as extensively as possible. 7 he ad mission will be nominal, the programme interesting and the institution receiving the proceeds is a deserving one. An allumnus, W. A. McAUUter of Collumbus was down to attend the Republican Stale convention, aud topped over for a day or two. He attended the Union Society on Friday evening and responded in a most graceful manner to u call for a speech. Miss Morris, now prosecuting her art studies at Vi enna has at last been prevailed upon to lake charge of our studio. This is an acquisition of wlihh we all til be truly proud, aud there can be no doubt hut that she will succeed in making the department what it should be. Eddy Benedict who formerly attended the University died on hc 29Ui of April at his father's residence in this city. The usual conventionalities cannot express the deep regret that we feel for the loss of our fifteen year ld friend, nor the sympathy wc desire to express for the be reaved relatives. An accurate directory of the Alumni of this institution has long been needed, aud the Student is happy to announce that the "long fell want" is to be Hupplicd. A committee of tiie Alumni Association is now at work gatheiing statistics concerning the unfortunates who have received sheepskins from the University of Nebrass ka. The result of their labors will Us puulishod in June. We notice in two of our exchanges thrilling ,a 1 1 1 t of pianos that are about to be snatched from literary so cieties by the merciless hand ol the dealers in those in instrumenls. We also used to get pianos and things upon which the original owner could foreclose, but now wp pay down for such articles and only get trusted for wall paper, gold leaf lettering, etc. This is the wis est course. Try it friends. Miss Mary Potvin, an old student of tlio University ii winning many honors in the Boston Couservitory o f Music whcro she has. been persuing her stu lies for some time. The Oadcts have received an invitation to go into camp' at Milfor.l for a wcok, expenses to bo paid by the resi dents of that enterprising village. As the city of Lin coln will also "whack up" liberally to got rid of the b ys, it is probable that they will go, and the trip will b3 ta'ce-i in gorgeous style. Prof. H. H. Nicholson sails for Europe on the 27 lit of this month. Preparatory to leaving ho has Idled all of his classes by hard work, so that no nelectel duties may weigh upon his mind during his absence. May he have a prosperous voyage and "got there in big slinpe"while pursueing his work at Heidelberg. Two of the Sophomores are planning a scientific ex pedition of about ten days, the time to be smouged Irom elass work during the last of this term. They will make a complete geological, botanical and entomological sur vey of two or three states and pay their expenses by peddling needles and collecting herbariums for the ele mentary class in botany. Arbor day was not as enthusiastically celebrated as i should have been. One of the fraternities planted a treo at one o.clock of that morning but were frightened near ly out of their senses by a couple of fellows who passed along the walk so did not go through with all their ceremonies. Some brainless scamp pulled it up the following evening and .so arbor day passed without visible consequence. The orchestra mentioned in our last issue has mule its first public bow and received the bnquet. Last Friday evening both societies were favored with overtures by tthis organization, which by the way, consists of piauo rombonc, cornet, clarionet, and violins, with the usual , masculine attachments, and were in each case compelled to respond to nn encore. The credit of bringing har mony out of a chaos of catgut and brass belongs to PL, rofesaor Frank Easterday, the instructor of the Cadet Band. One week from next Friday the two societies will hold a joint meeting in the chapel to which an admission fee of ten cents will be charged, the proceeds to go to the Aunual. The literary exercises will bo as follows:' Essay MaryL. Joies;Oraliou,Frcd Shepherd; Recitation, Allie Lintz; Oration Geo. B. niukforter; '.Djbite, W. S. Perrii and R, S. Mockett. Exielleut music will bo pro vided in great abundance, and the whole thing will bo interesting. It's the first meeting ef the kind and shall be a success. Three different crowds of students have been entertains ed and "foddered" by Miss Smith within a very short lime, ivid her reputation for hospitality, always great, is begin ing to be coloss d. First there was a comp my of students who collected on the evening of Arbor Day who felt tlio Cain within them coming to ihe surface ami asked Miss Smith's permission to fiy from temptation to her parlors. Secoud, the Junior aud Senior classes held a joint social there at her invitation and passed one of the "flyest" evenings known to their experience. Lastly the Soph omores have bcn rejoiced by the same honor, and pros foundest gratitude reigns in the hearts of all . 1 1 "Tffniiri'WM MMtMMOT-