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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1884)
Ul.Ht.l THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. 8 p $ttu. gxckwfjc jffr-f-vff. Exchnngc editors nro the most useless of all collego editors. Don't you think so ? We have received Vol. I Wo. 1 of the York Collegian' We hope it will grow and thrive mightily. Only two attempts at joaks in the last number of the College Ohronicle , Both failures. The paper, howj yer, is not a failure. j The Loans Owl comes regularly. We are always gh.d to see our nearest nci ghbor. It editors are all '80s or '87's which speaks well for those classes if not for the upper ones. The cadets of Lewis College, of Norlbficld Vt. have a theatrical club which is shortly to produce a couple of college plays. Good scheme, we'd do the same only we lack either time or brains, we've forgotten just which. A somewhat lengthy poem begins the last issue of the Wesleyan Bee, entitled "Lines to a Mound-Builder'a Skull." We only need say of It that is Is wntien by a fellow whose middle nuine is Anwyn and who only signs the intltalof his first name. We have received two numbers of the Olio. Its not a monthly and its not a semi-monthly, but comes out once in three weeks, and what we want is a name for that kind of a paper. If we knew what it was we would say that the Oho was a good one of that kind. The Cornell Era speaks of a thirteen dollar class tax and urges its collection. We have many disadvantages here, but when we contemplate such extras in the list of a 'fellow's expenses we put our handB Into our empty pock. ets and feci devoutly thankful that this is not a (Hide college. An article in the Argonaut (copied with emphatic cn- doictn.ent by the Cornell Era) complains of the lack of interest in the literary societies. Causes assigned are severity of Hid class work, and interest in the special work done in the associations devoted to various branches of study. Those who thought that when the Occident renounced its special mission of denouncing fraternities that it had itsell been captured by those organizations, can fee by the present tone of the paper that they were mistaken. The rivary between barbarians and frats must always exist, but the armed peace is the easiest and most digni fied, and in every wsy most satisfactory position for both parties. The Occident 6eems to have taken exactly this stand, and will henceforth be regarded with more favor than when so violently aggressive by those of us who, as editors, take neither side. The Scholatiic casts the weird light of its ridicule over some of the poetry that has appeared in this paper. "We plead guilty to the dire offense, but had repented long before the Sdiolastic lit up our idiocy lor the bene fit of the college world. Wo are guilty in company with mony others, and our remorse only proves that Ave arc mere conscientious than other criminals. We came near writing a penitential psalm that would have filled up the whole of one Issue, but alter getting out some, thing over 2,000 lines the crank broke and we were compelled to give up the Idea. Robertson the Dyer. Take your music Icssohb of Prof. Draper. Latest styles in hats at T. Ewing & Go's. Cadet stills and caps at T. Ewlug & Go's. Celluloid collars and cuffs at T. Ewlng & Co's. Special bargains lor students at T. Ewing & Co. Elegant Patterns in Neckwear at T. Ewi ng & Co's. Cole spreads his circus tent in Lincoln on May, 14. The SI. Charles EIolcl is to bo rebnilt at a cost of $13,000. Buy your boots and shoes of O. W. Wcbstor, O at Acad emy of Music. Large assortment of collars, cuffs and neckwear at T. Ewing &Co's. Prof. Draper is the most successful instructor of mu sic in the city. Call and see the new fall suits at T. Ewlug & Co'a Clothing Emporium. Clements has the finest lot of stcrcscopio views of the University ever taken. The best judges of artistic work go to Kelley & Co for Photos. No. 102G O st. Be3t style, best goods, at lowest prices at T. Ewing Jk Co's Clothing Emporium. All the newest styles and patterns of clothing and gent's furnishing goods at T. Ewing & Co's. All students should cull and examine the stock of Clnsonand Fletcher's University supply depot. The Electric light does not prove an unqualified suc cess. New machinery will soon make matters a 11 serene however. Remember Students you can get fine work, and better inducements, in the "Fotograf" line, at Kelley & Co 1020 O.St. A young man was killed near the city last Friday by the Denver express. He was a poor wanderer who too k the liberty to slumber on the track. Students it will pay you to examine the pictures mado by Kelley & Co. before silting clseware. Have you seen that daisy University Panel they give gratis? The Nebraska Steok Yard Co. has purchased several sections of land west of the city for their businoss. A suburb of 320 hcics is to be laid out by this company. The B and M yards arc to bo enlarged and rearranged, making them the most complete in the west. They will be over a mile long, several blocks ia width, and illu minated with the electric light. Dr. Strickland of ihis city was drowned in Oak Creek sometime during the night of the 20th of last month. He hod remained to watch I he dam of the mill of which he was an owner. Being entirely nlone the particulars of the accident arc unknown, but his cane, hat and Ian. tern have been found while at this date a diligent search is being made for the body. The sincerest sympathy of all the studcuts is extended to O. O- Strickland, the doc tor's son, and our companion in school work. 1 l