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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1884)
HESPERIAN STUDENT 1 n Vr V UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XII. LINCOLN, NEBt MARCH 22, 1884. No. XI. UUll f A 1 If Und 111 00 Conservatory of Music, Who enrao from thu UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY GOfiSERVATORY : VOCAL STUDENTS: Misses. Louisa Klngsloy, Mnry Thompson, Maty Campbell, Corn Naylor, Flora Briscoe, Maggio O'Connor, Mlnnlu Thompson, Ily Alderman; Messrs. Chester Evans, Walter Chaffee, A-O. Kdglngton, J. V. Parker, B. F. Clomcnts, Everett Eddy, YV. T. Jackson, nntl saothcra outside the Unlvcrsl'.y, 1420 K STREET. North. Lincoln Branch, 428 N. 12TH STREET, OPPOSITE UNIVERSITY. Teachers thorough. Systems scientific. Methods artistic. Tuition reasonable. Advantage unsurpassed. Volco Culture, Piano, Organ, Harmony, 'Violin, etc, etc. For information address K. JH.ItKAP KH. Gen'1 Director. V. L.FAIltBROTHKR. Vocal Director. OUR PATRONS IN '83, PIANO STUDENTS: Misses Mary Leonard, Rosa Vincent, Helen Aughoy, Alice 1'iittlc, Flora Barker, Armetta Martin, Lillian Snow, Anna Barr, Annn L. Jackson, Jennie Ilydo, Mnry Thompson, CarrioMauck, Cora Naylor, Kato Scott, Gortlu Smith, Laura Roberts. Messrs. F. A. Wood, John Dowdon, Burt Johns, Chas. Allen, Chas Radmorc, and ill others outside tho Unlvor ally. Total Vocal 43 Total Plnno Si. HZ. "W. JBTtO'WlST DRUGGIST, COLLEGE TEXT AND MEDICAL BOOKS! AND A COMPLETE LINE OP 127 Soutlu Eleventh Street. UNIVERSITYSTUDENTS Arc cordially invited io call at tho Commercial Tutorial Parlor. WmMm Mmtrm Tmm Cmtieaav HOTCHINS & HYATT, Dealers in coal, juto jvoosi. Sffc &$$ t. G.MvIrxmM, &Mr.t, MAKE MONEY enouqh ounmo vacations to pay alt; YOUK KXPEN8E8 AT College Throughout The Year! Many students li.vo o 'tills Mnnyarc doing it. Many more will do the same. Will you ? Method strictly honorable. For particulars, send two stamp?, or call on S. II. Iotson. Lincoln, Nob. All thu attaches oi tho Studrnt, except tho co-eds and tho lit. erary editor (wh ia too young), patronize the popular tonsorial artist, S. F. Western eld, O and 13th. They can testify that ''Sam" Is n skilled workman and n gentleman. Club rates given. Strictly First Class ant J BEST KEPT Hotel in the city. Sawed and split "rood a specialty. Pine kindling. Office, 10) O Street. APQI7PI Send six cents for postage, and' rnlLbircccivc free, a coctly box of goods which will help you to moro money right away than anything else in tho world. All of either sex succeed froc. Unit hour. The broad road to fortune open' before tho workers ab solutely euro. At onco address, Tiiuk & Co., Augusta, Maine. JOHN KI3LI2.V, MERCHANT TAILOR, 820 South Eleventh, I have Just received a flue fall stock of black for dress goods and fancy buslnoBS suitings. One door west ol Baptls church. It. ,. I'.U.TE, JUT. ., riTJVCW.JV, Omce 1135 N Street. Co to A. M. Davis for Carpets, Etc, Etc. CTRK m