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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1884)
T,HE HESPERIAN STUDENT. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Irving J. Manatt, Ph. D.. Chancellor. ri COLLEGE OF L1TEIIATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. H. E. Hitchcock, M. A., Ph. Dm Dcau, mid Professor ofMntlioniatlcs. George McMillan, Ph.R., Professor ofGrcek. OeorgoE. Howard, M. A., Professor of History. Samuel T. Thompson, M. A.. Professor of Didactics. Grovo E. Barber, M. A.. Professor of I.nlln. Hudson II. Nicholson, W. A., l'lufcmor or ChmnlHlry nul Physl:. La clue A. Shciman, Fli. D., Professor of English. Frcder ck W. Grube, M. A., Professor of Modern Languages. Professor of Natural Sciences. THE INDUSTRIAL. COLLEGE. Stmuel It. Thompson, M. A.. Peon, Professor of Agriculture. Hudson II. Nicholson, M. A , Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. Harvey Culhcitson, M. S., B. Agr., Professor of Horticulture. Richard II. Townley, U. S. N., Pror. of Military Science and Tactics. harlcs N. Little, B. A., InB.ructor In Mathematics and Civil Eng. THE LATIN SCHOOL. Miss Ellen Smith, M. A., Principal. Mrs. Cclaldo Dcaiboin, Instiuctor In Elocution. Miss Madge G. Hitchcock, Instructor In Latin. Howard w. Calt'wcll, 1). J., Instructor In History. L. F. M. Zastttday, M.A.. InMructor In Physics aud Astronomy. Biou H. Cnlvir, II. B., Instiuctor in modern languages. 8. B. Hokirann, Olrrrtoi ri Musical Conservatory. Teacher of Palntlngnnd Drawing. Five courses of study nro offered: ClnssicuK Scientific, Llleiiiry, Engineering nnil Agilcullunil. Tlic Lutin Stlito, lr the present, oilers n two jenrV course pre ) nintory to tliete courses. Sltulenls wishing to enter the J. Min 8hro1 must be prepared forexamination in Orlliog. npby, English Grammar, Praclicnl Arithmetic, Geogru p hy, nml History or the United States. THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. A. It. Mitchell, M. d., Dean, and Profcssorof Anatomy. li. A. Mcrilnm. m.d., Prolessor of Principles and Practlco of Med- clno. II. 1. Lowry, m.a., m.d., Professor of Physiology and Therapotiea. W. M. Knapp, m.i., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women nml Children. II. II. Nicholson, m.a , Professor of Chemistry. L. 11. Graddy, m. Professor of Diseases of thoEyo and Ear, Hon.O. P. Mason, Professor of Medical Jurlspiudcncc, K . J. Hcnchly, N.J)., Demonstrator of Anatomy. ILL. Pnlnc, M.U., Professor of Theory and Practico.(Homa-opathlc) O. L. Hart, m.d., Professor of Materia Mcdlca. " B. F.ltlghtcr, M.u Professor of Ohstotrlcs. " W. s. Latta, m.d.. Professor or Theory and Practice. (Eclectic.) J. II. Woodard, m.d., Professor of Matorla Mcdlca. " Ira Van Camp, m.d., Professor of Ohstotrlcs. " TIiIb college was opened in 1883, and is now in vi gor oious operntion. The University with Its collections mid i lie capital city witli its public institutions offer special faeililies and inducements to medical students. No fees are charged beyond the matriculation fee of $5, and the actual cost of material for the study of Practical Anatomy. Qocd board in tlic city at $8 a week; furnished room $8 to $0 a month. Students of the Industrial College live on the farm, where board is furnished at coat. Nc charges for tuition, cxcc t matriculation fee of $5. Students residing In tlic state, or persons nbout to enter the Univcr sity, are allowed half fare in going to and from home by the nvllrondsxilterlnfic Lincoln. For half.fare ccrtiflcatea, Catalogues or other information address the ! 1 1 jgnlMim Jifcrarq $orieftj. "Forma Mentis jKterna e$t," Regular meetings every Friday ovenlng, commencing promply at 7:30. Students and strangers welcome, ltobert L. Marth, Pres ident; Wm.E. Johnson, Scc'y. Debating Club open to Pllndlan only), Saturday at7: 30 rM. Stato University, Lincoln, Nob. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening from 7:45 to 8: SO; every noon from 12; 35 to 12: 45. Bible class every Sunday morning at 0:30 (standard.) " Litttra cum elegantla mundvm agant." Mcots every Friday ovenlng In Union Hall. Open to all. Dobatlng Club every Saturday 0vcnlng. Open to mombors. E.J.Itobla o n, President. E. J. Churchill, Secretary W. ZE3Z. PRBSOOTT, LINCOLN, NEB. CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE MUSIC HOUSE JN THE STATE If you buy an instrument without seeing me and my stock you will surely miss it for I am positive I can savo you money. I have a flue line of Gtyods suitable for Holiday Presents; besides the finest stock of Pianos and Organs . n ever brought to Lincoln. I have a fine lino of Music Cab inets for holding Sheet Mus'o and Books. Full Line of Piano Spreads and Stools. BASTBEU PRICES ZDISCOUHSTTlEIDn . Mull isb Will Mm&mlw Yiwmytt AtitawMtom ni mmim W. H. PRESCOTT, 1125 O ST. s I i