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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1884)
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. tf HB&fgwra mn UBRg&SiB2 mm s;g SSSwBB&- G? ES? SassR"" S!ig2Sii3 w Ma5R S as PSSsIbSSsIS R1 mmti H 1 J LB8gfil C3 (X 6(TPB61'Srii '''I' a 7: rr H-. MB ES-?2?S 3 s? a g.g.8 - 52.p.5b 3.3- r 2 2 titrate ST S-1oS? arpsw FRANK J, BENEDICT, SSSs Vick's Floral' O-TTIIDIE ! For 1884, In 1111 Klcirant Hook of 150 lagcR, colored i'latoa of Flowers , iindVeirctiiMcM and moro than 1000, , Illustration of tho choicest Mowers , , Plnnnts mid Vegetables, nnd Direction ft.r , ' Growing. It l lmiulBomo enough for tho (!ontro Table or 11 Present. Send on your name nnd PoBt Oilleo address, with 10 cents, ' niul I will sond you n copy pot paid. 'UiIb I Is not u qurrtor or Its cost. It Is printed In both English nnd German, lr you nftor- 1 winds order scuds decuct tho 10 conts. 1 , Vick's Seeds are the Best in The World. Tho Flornl Guide toll show to grow thorn. I'lek's Seeds and Vegetable (tardea, 175 p. I i tl colored plntes, 500 Engravings. For 60 1 cent In pnper covers; Si Of In elegant , cloth. In German or English. I Vick't lllmtruled Monthly Mauazlne-M pages, a Colored I'lnto in every uuniuor nnu 1 nee si.xu 11 year; men Numbers sent I for 10 cents; trial copies forSS cents. TUACIIKIlOl' PIXO. OKGAV, AND HARMONY, Tuition, $n.00 per term of 21 (half hour) lessons. 1 First door north liormitory i Lincoln $brjtl (gaiwqrviitcru,' Corner ( mill 17tl. Tho largest Collection of Green ll'siise pliiuts in the State. Out flowers. Iloral designs of nil descriptions, fancy baskets, etc., constantly on hand. Ten nnd Tube roses In bloom. JAMES VICK- floCIIESTKll, N. Y, DEALER IX Stoves and Hardware ! OopiiMitc I. O. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA. W E. CTOXiKCJK: PHOP. OK LINCOLN STEAM BAKER Y. DAVID MAY, DEALEU IN CLOTHING AND , G-ENTS' FURNISHING !X. J. SHaW 1'hyslcUm and Surgeon Olllco it-moved to O Hi bi't. 10 and 11 I ivamI nwnuted fur Tho-Llvea ot nil tho Pros. AgBllldldcnts of the U.S. Tho largost, band 1 Boniest best book over sold for less than twice our prlcc.Tho fastest selling book in America. Immense prollts to ngonts.All intelligent peo ple wnnt It. Anyone can become n successful I agent. Terms free. Hai.mstt Hook Co. Port '. land, Maine. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, J. J. IIHIIOFF, Prop., Turkish W J m b m P" w3.IT 3,Cr Pfll II r" tnu working class. Send 10 Mill I Icouts for postage, nnd wo will mall wwiiWyoti'ttMroj'iil, vnlunblo box of sample goods Unit will put you In tho wny of making moio money in 11 few days than you ever thought possible nt any business. Cap- Knl tint. Viifilllrofl fn will Ltn.t ,.nn V. 1 can work all the time or in spare time only. Tho work Is universally adapted to both soxos young nnd olit. You can easily cam from 50ctB , io t?i every evening. Tiini an who want work may test the buslness.wo mnko this unparnl- ' led oiler: to nil who aro not well satlslled wo will send SI to pay for tho troublo of writing i ,u io.j.'iiii iiiiiibiuiiir,iiiri:ciiuiiE,uic.BCIl ireo. Fortunes will bo made by those who glvo their i ,, uuiu tiiiiu kj inu wuik. ureal success auso llutelysure. Don't delay. Start now. Address ! Sti.nson a Co., Portland, Maine. Ill Hie Hotel. Illicimiultaiii cured by Turkish I BnlliH. Corner 11th and P Streets, Lincoln, Neb. Richmond Straight, Cut No, I are made from the brightest, most delicately flavored nnd highest cost Uou I.kap gmwn In Vlrgln'a. 'J his Is tho Old and Oiiiuinai. llltANl) 01 fJTltAIOUT CUT OlOAnETTKS, lllld wbb brought out by us in 1875. IMii, irnmt liiillltlnrltr fif tlilu liiniwl l.nLj hascaiiBod certain parties to place on ealo uubu iiimuinuia, uiu puuuc 18 cuuiionetl to n1.Bi.rvn flint, rilir bliriinturn iitiiunivii i ... WWUi w VIIH Wilt j3IIltll U MPIVIUO 111 Vt (J I pnekngo of Genuine Itichmnnd Straight Cut i JlgUIUIlUB. North Slilo PoNtofllvc Sqnaro. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA liny Your Gro- oerk'N at tlie Iey- Ntoue Grnccry Corner II;:;5iil 11th, Goods Fresli and Dealing Snuuo J. 11AUG1IMAN. PUOPUISTOK JANSEN BROS.& COMPANY, Manufacturers, ICetailers, and Johhers ol" FURNITUKE. W -: Side of Post Office biiuare. UICHMONI) OEM CUlll.Y TOHACCO. CUT The Uiigbtcst nnd Most Delicately Fla vored Gold Leaf Grown. This tobacco is dellghttullymildaud lrngrant. Absolutely i without adulteration or drugs, and can bo Inhaled with entire satisfaction without Irritating the lungs, throat or mouth. Allen A: (winter, Mni'rN, Rich mond, Va. ALSO MANUTACTUllKlIrt OI OpeiuPutl's. Little Beauty, lilelimoud Gem Etc., Cigarettes, llichmond Straight Cut, Turkish & Pcrloiio mixtures, und Old Hln Get their waohlng done at the Chinese Zatmdry Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. 116, South nth. DIl. S. II. KING, DEJVTM8T, 1020 O STREET. JL LINCOLN, NEB I Long Cut Tobaccos. I