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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1882)
WWWSSSSBWS v. 4 4 t.' THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. TiMWWWrtWWWIWHi HESPERIAN STUDENT; : Issued semi-monthly by the IIespkiuan Stuuknt Publishing Association of tlio University of Nebraska HOARD OF EDITORS : f B. H. Cui.vku. hDITORS-IN-CHIKK - - j c A pIKRa, . I E. J. ChURCHII.1.. LOCAL - W,LI T Mauck Litkrarv G. G. Hitchcock. Associate Josie Chapman. , Business Manager -- V. C. Knicht. TKHMS OK SUHSOHIPTtON: One copy, per college yeur, - - - - $1.00. One copy, one half . year, ----- .o0. Single copy, --------- .10. RATES OK ADVEUT18INO : 1 column one insertion, ------ sfij.oo. 3 sUiires " " .7,y I " ,.u. All communjeations should be addressed to the lli:s PKiUAN Student, State University, Lincoln, Nebraska. jditoml otc, Our Faculty, we are glad to notice, is in request, for the lecture field. Prof. Grube lecturing on the 1 8th, before the Lincoln Y.M. C. A., Prof.Aughey at Falls City the 15th, and4we hear Prof. Sherman is also to appear some time next term before a Lincoln audience. long either omitted or inflicted on other professors as extra work. If the present salary is insufficient to induce a good man to accept the position it wou'd no doubt be increased by the coming legislature upon a proper showing. The students who attend our University are marked for their conscientiousness in study, their respectful attention and obedience to those in authority over them and their willingness to experience self-denial and even hardship in order that they may reap the benefits of liberal education here, but they are defi cient in one respect. More mutual geniality and politeness among us would costnothingand pay well. This is no doubt a minor fault when compared with the good qualities that we have just mentioned, but nevertheless it is an unnecessary one and reflects upon us in the outside world. That a great many warm personal friendships exist among us is beyond dispute, but we do lack a general kindliness and fellowship that it would take very little individually, to create and permanently establish. The Student does not think that the deficiency named comes from anything more than a careless or self-occupied disregard of one another's feelings. Too many of us are strangers. How many who read this will recognize the existence of this defect, and do what lies in their power to reme dy it? The Holidays are fast approaching, and the average 1 student looks forward to an enjoyable vacation, a I little fun and a good rest. To nearly all of us, the winter recess is the most pleasant of the year. It seems to be current opinion that Judge Savage j Too short t0 think of fiUing it with oufside wokr will be offered the Chancellorship of the University and plenty long ent)lIgh t0 becom(J rested from ft , by the Regents at their next meeting, but it is not at tcrm.s study we rnn cntcr with est int0 the gnyetil.s all certain that he will accept if it is. The gentle- inci(lent t0 thc scason, nnd be frcely and cntlrely man is eminently well qualified for the position and happy, .Hc is truly t0 be pilied who can pass th h the institution would be honored bj his acceptance. the Holidays withqut feeling the thrill of unfettered Being already a Nebraska man and identified with irierrjmcnt and good nature that fills the very air of the interests and development of the state, it is not Christmas-time. This is the season when th wnrlH probable that the choice of any other man, who has , throws off its anxieties and disappointments, its self beenjmentioned in this connection, would be received ishncss and suspi(.jon, and brightens up with a smile with as much satisfaction. The University Regents met last Tuesday and be ing unable to find a quorum adjourned to the 10th of January, Regent Fifield is out of the state; Regent Gannett is dangerously ill at Omaha and Regent Pow ers is arranging his legal business in Dakota City pre of gladness that renders mere existence a happiness and a touch of fellow feeling that makes life a luxury. So seldom does this disposition prevail in our prc-ce-cupied and over-industrious country (hat all of us can well afford the time to enjoy it to the full. The Stu dent claims that hard work is always better done- paratory to assuming his duties as Attorney General of ' aufter an, 0CM diversion, and that all thoughts of the state. It is to be hoped that this adjournment the study lecture and rec.tat.on room should be dis- penscd with until we return next term, refreshed and invigorated. the state. It is to be hoped that this adjour does not mean a much longer postponement of the election of a Chancellor for the institution. While we are progressing finely for a being without a head We were just going to say a word about the habit we could do much better with one. The department of smoking which some of the students have formed, of higher philosophy and the like should not be too ' and remind them that it ,'was the most selfish and dis-