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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1883)
HESPERIAN STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XI. LINCOLN, NEB., JANUARY 5, 1883. No. VI. cgftinccllnncous t$yttion. Jay Gould lately contributed $5,000 to the Rutgers col lego endowment fund. Tlio oldest college library In existence is the Haryard College library, established in 1088. It was destroyed by flro in 1705, but immediately rebuilt. The Yale library was established in 1700. .iriio first Spanish female doctor has just taken her de gree In Madrid. She has met with considerable opposi. lion; but her success has encouraged another compatriot to adopt thosamu profession, and the latter after being re fused admission to tho Valancia School of Medicine, is now studying in Madrid. Mr. Ohas. D. Hinc, who succeeds Mr. B. G. Northrop us secrc tary of the Conneticut State Board of Education was graduated from Yale in 1871, has been superintendent of schools at Saginaw, Michigan and atNorwich, Connect, icut bus Btudied lav in tho Iowa State University and prac ticed law at Omaha till recently, when he became princi. pal f'the High School. Dal'sjeps, the great French engineer, lives in an un. ostcnluli.Vus street in Paris. His plain rooms arc visited by the greatest statesmen and politicians of Europe. He is always busy, but finds time to chat with his visitors and bestow the most careful attention upon his large brood of children. When charged with dyeing his whisk, ers and powdering hii hair, he simply answers, "I only wish Iliad tho time."' The State papers aro advocating a geological survey for Nebraska. In tho opinion of Tub Student litis should bo ai once instituted. It would also bo an excellen, scheme to place the matter In charge qf tho University t Our museum would then bo made the repository of all tho specimens found in the survey, and the work itself would bo douo In a crcditablo manner. In Minnesota and other states tho plan has beou in successful operation for a number of years. Henry Ward Beechcr makes it publicly known that he does not criticiso such money kings as Gould in their mammoth speculations. Ho thinks if one man Is shrewder than another, and is capable of seeing wherein be can greatly improve his financial condition by a simplo busi. ncss transaction, it is his prerogative to do so, ond that any such pecuniary scheming Ib all riirht. Mr. Beechcr is becoming more liberal as he grows older. If he should bo permitted to figure in the afluirs of this life twenty years more wo wonld not be greatly surprised to hear of his joining Iugcrsoll on a lecturing tour. ' " Gullcau's skeleton is now ready to pass into tho hands of tho proper owners," so says a leading newspaper. Have we not heard about enough concerning this villain? Give us a brigazoo. A Cambridgo (Mass.) man arrived in a frontier village recently, just as a gang of cow-boys had "taken the town." His first exclamation was: "What! have you folks a col. lege here already ?" 2'rinity Tablet. Professor "The agnostic may be briclly described ai the Knownothingist of philosophy. Passing that point, MIbs may tell what she knows of sense perception." Miss : "Professor, I am an acostic." Vassar 3fi$. The Illinois Inter-State Collegiate Oratorical Stato As sociation lately held a meeting for the purpose of set. ling the question in regard to tho award of prizes at the contest. The original decision of the judges was re versed by an unanimous vote. Mr. Ross, of Monmouth, was given the first prize, and Mis9 Pollard, of Chicago, the second. It is now ascertained beyoud doubt that a brother of Oscar Wlld(e) will soon make au extended tour in Amer ica. Tho beautiful Englishman will, of course, be wel coined in our midst; but, be it remembered, ho will have to wear longer hair, a more variegated necktio and larger sunflowers than was worn by Oscar, if his trip proves at successful financially. The Americans aro not so Wlld(o) on a3thetlclsm as they were six months ago. How much wc are indebted to our variable climate for our civilization. To say something is often active neces sity, and when all else is unavailable, tho weather, like a well supplied contingent fund, is an unfailing source. Moreover, it has a wide range and everybody is interested in It, and then there is so much about it that we cannet explain, that our lovo for the mysterious is gratified at it, and our inquisitiveness finds ample room without fear of being troubled witli attending to their answers. The sad and tragic death of Judge Briggs, of Omaha is a great shock to his many friends and acquaintances throughout the State. For many years a resident of Omaha, ho was well known and generally estcemcdi whether as a citizen, a lawyer or a politician. Ho had figured conspicuously in the list for the U. S. Senate, and his chances for election to that honorable position were considered quite as good as those of any other candidate. His political friends will, therefore, as well as thoso who were pitted against him, regret tho strange and sudden ending of one so worthy, and his death will be deplored by all who knew him best.