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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1900)
7 ,!v,wwr? 'J THE NEBRASKAN-HESPERIAN o Vol. -20. No. 7. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER HO, 1900. Five Cents. .. I CADET APPOINTMENTS. Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Officers Appointed Down to the Fifth Sergeants. Wallac , HiUnor, Hansen, Kendall. To company "C" cadet captain, Lan ger; first lieutenant, McGeachln; second lieutenant, Maul; first sergeant, Teach; sergeants, Kimball, Pepper burg, Crane, Spafford, corporal, Thomas. To company "D" cadet cap- The following general orders were tajnj Barnes; first lieutenant, Hewitt read to the battalion last Friday even-, second lieutenant, Berry, additional ing. j second lieutenant, Stuher. First ser- Headquarters Corps of Cadets, the Uni-1 geant Barnes, Sergeants Farney, Va- versity of Nebraska, October Zb, Vra, Clinton, Hummel. To the band 1900. Order No. 8. drum major Peterson, sergeants Dun away, Hamil, Sturdevant, Elson, cor- I. The promotions and appointments Pora,s Huff' BriIcc. VanBurg. of all cadets now commissioned offi-! v- First lieutenant Hewitt is here- oy detailed as acting adjutant. cers in the cadet battallion existing at the end of the academic year 1899- 00 and all other appointments are i hntvliv annulled. II. The battallion organization for necessary transfers are hereby made the present year shall be as follows: j to take nlace at once- VI. Sergeant Fitzgerald is hereby detailed as acting sergeant major. They will be obeyed accordingly. All The staff shall consist of an adjutant and quartermaster each with the rank of first lieutenant, and one sergeant j major. The battallion shall be divided into four companies and a band; each ' company to consist of one captain, one j first lieutenant, and one or more second lieutenants, one first sergeant, four sergeants, six corporals and the remainder privates. The band shall consist of one leader four sergeanls, four corporals and the remainder privates. By order of Allan L. Bkowx. Commandant Cadets. FIGHT TOAFINISH. Nebraska and Alcdics Play Best Game Seen in West for Years Indians Lose to Second Team. Kansas City, Oct. 28. (Special dispatch to Nebraskan-Hesperian from special staff correspondent.) The annual game between tho Ne braska eleven and the Kansas City Medics was played at Exposition made a yard through the line. To land punted forty yards. Montgom ery went around end for three yards and Crandall tried the other end for but small gain. A fumble gave the ball to the Medics in the center of i the field. The next four plays netted j twelve yards, but the Medics lost the ball on downs. Crandall and Cook 1 went through for a yard each and Cook punted for 30 yards, i The Medics could not make their their ground and Toland punted forty yards. Brew made two and park yesterday afternoon. It was one of the hardest fought battles , Cojk punted tQ center Qf fleWf at thl8 ever seen in the west. The weather was cloudy and the at tendance not what it should have point, the delayed pass was used and Porter went around NebrasKa's left nnd for th'rtv-fivn vnrds. Tho Mad- been. Tho result was a tie, the score I . .. ,,. nr,,,,.,.,.,, , les soon lost on downs. Montgomery went around end for three. Crandall went trough the line for two. Mont- RESIGNATION OF DR. HASTINGS. At the last meeting of the Board of Regents Dr. V. W. Hastings tendered his resignation a3 Physical Training Dirctor to take effect Jan. 1st 1901. Dr Hastngs has accepted a call to the National Training School of the III. The following appointments i Young Men'3 Christian Association are hereby anonunced to take effect i at Springfield, Mass. where he will framrithis- date. . -..- J " tie cnair oi,. rroiessor oi Anmro- To ba, cadet cantain. cadets H. A. pometry and the liistory and Lltera- Tukey, G. W. Barnes, H. J. Klinge, i ture of Physical Training. Dr. Hast J. T. Langer. To be cadet first lieuten- ngs graduated from this school in ant and adjutant, cadet R. A. Drain, 1897 and was called immediately to to be cadet first lieutenant and quar- take charge of Physical Training in termaster cadet, C. E. Williams. To The University of Nebraska. The be cadet first lieutenant cadets T. J. department was then almost in its Hewitt, W. R. McGeachln, A. M. Hill, infancy and its growth and improve C. H. Abbott. To be cadet second ment since then have been to a lieutenants Cadets A. Shane Berry, great extent through the pergonal E. L. J. Marsh, R. W. Jones. To be efforts of Dr. Hastings. During the cadet additional second lieutenants last three years the athletic- inter cadets L. B. Stuhr, C. A. Mc-ts all over the state have been Masters. To be cadet sergeant ma- brought Into a more organized con Jor cadet H. E. Crandall. To be cadet dU,on and established upon a firm color sergeant cadet U. P. Fitzgerald. basis- Inter-scholastic and Inter To be cadet drum major cadet H. P. 8talc Athletic Associations have been Peterson. To be cadet first sergeants i formed and athletics In the Univer- cadets A. N. Barnes, B. 3. Hall, S. B. sitV brought to a higher level. In Cortelyou, C. E. Teach, E. M. Duna- ( a of these movements Dr. Hastings way. To be cadet second scrgenta ca- j ha" always taken a prominent part, dels F. M. Deweese, U. P. Wallace, J. ! Thecall to fill a professorship in his R. Fainey, G. P. Trumball, R. A. old i001 came entirely unsolicited Hamll. To be cadet third sergeants ! and ,n accepting it Dr Hastings will Cadets W. G. Hiltner, J. C. Lawler, ' enter "to a field which he has al J. W. Vavra, A. J. Pepperburg, L. R. way desired o take up as his life Studevant. To be cadet, - fourth j work: toat of preparing young men sergeants cadets M. B. Lewis, S. D. to enter actively Into the field of Clinton, C. O. Crane, M. D. Elsow, De . Christian work In the universities Witt Hansen. To be cadet fifth ser-' and colleges of the country. The geants cadets, R. O. Hummel, R. E. , majority of the colleges now draw Noyes, H. C. Kendall, E. G. Spafford. their Physical Training Directors cadet corporals, cadets Amo frora the International Training Thomas, C. L. Huff, J, A. Bruce, J. School. By the departure of Dr. L. Van JJrug. All vacancies not here- Hastings Nebraska loses one of the by filled and the remaining numbers , most valuable members of its faculty yards, a puntTbilowed "for the next play. Both teams wqre strong on of corporals will be appointor! at the earliest possible date. IV. The following Ib the assignment of cadet officer? and non-commlsuloned officers. To company "A" cadet cap- j chum and classmate of Dr. Hastings, II Ih HiiccoBHor has not yet been chosen although several nameB have been mentioned in connection with that place, among whom Is an old tain Tukcy; first lieutenant, Abbott; second lieutenant, Jones; first ser geant. Hall; sergeants Deweese, Law lor, Lewis, Noyes. To company "B" cadet captaln.Kllnge; first lieutenant, Hull; second lieutenant? Shane; addi tional second lieutenant McMaster. First sergeant Cortelyou, sergeants who Ib just finishing a medical course at Harvard. Dr. Hastings will continue in his work here until the firut of January when he will de part for his new field of labors, The Nebraska-Hesperian wlhes him a full measure of success in his now work. the defensive thus forcing such plays. qhey nayImr . The team wonc of the Medics was Gra(ly wcnt around r,ght end f)r excellent. Their line at times 8even am, Morey th(J ,eft fof four proved to be almost Invincible, al- Lewg ma(,e fifteen an(, tfaen flye though one or two of their men were yards around Nebraaka.g ,eft end not in the best of shap.. The inter- Lie buckg falled to gan thfi d ference on the end runs was not as and Nehraska took ball on' her 30 strong as the university men expect- yanl lfne A few pays neUed J2 cu iu uuu. me ", nvne,, cic yardg f0;owe,j ,)v ft , f 1- swift and could hit Nebraska's line yards. ior many gains. i-aKe p.ays, me, Morley tried the right side of Ne double pass, and delayed pass were ' braska's line with the delayed pass used by the Medics for good gains. and ,08t groun( Nebraska 8ecured The team work of the Nebraska the bal, on downs and punte(, tQ th(j men proved a surprise to their ad- McdIcg 30 yard ne Mor, c,rce( mirers. The defensive work, which their rJgnt end for flye yar(g an(J was considered rather weak proved Grady worked the deayed pas8 , to be very strong. The Interference , around the 8ame em, fop 35 dg for end runs was quickly formed but' Cook went out and Wer, ,n at times failed to hold together as i fne liuckg am, a nm aroun(, th(j much as It should. Nebraska's backs rIght end for 10 yar(g( the Me(1jjg proved their strength by unexpected j p,accd tho ball on Nebragka.g . UB"'""! "-' ti""H ..icuii: line . ten yanj jne A tOUCh Crandall, Nebraska light half- cown now seemed certain as the Med- back, out played any man In the , ,cft ,)ad U)e .,. ,,, ftn. Wftrn game on either team. He never fall- goIng forwar(, 8lowly ,It gurely A ed to make some gain against the op-1 fumbIe ,10W(?vcr gavo thtf ,)aII t0 Ne. posing line and made the longest j braaka and jt wag puntC(, ont of (,an nin oi me game ior nuy yarns. e - gcr Tllc Modlcg ,,y ne buckg am was Injured several times but rallied i a run around their right end by ts rt kt tr In n i nli V rt i i lltMM w h viv u uuu ,, ..., uiuu,!,, carried the ball within 17 ever. Brew. Westovcr, and Montgom- yardg of Ndl)ra8ka.H goal wnen tIme ory played good ball. Brew went out ( wa,, caHorL 8core 0 tQ Q m inc gamo ui me uiui in me iithl half and Plllsbury took IiIb place. Fumbles by the University men were too numerous and proved rath er coBtly. The Medics were alo un able to hang on to the pig skin at critical times and fumbled In tho second half when they had only ten yards to make for a touch down. J'JltHT HALF. Ringer kicked off for 40 yards to Toland who returned it ten yards. Porter tried Nebraska's right end, but lost ground and Morley only link w. Nebraska. Position. Medics. Corlelyov R. IJ.. ...Pitzpatrick. Wcstover R. T. , ..Gmdy-Krown. Emmons, K. G.... Slid ton, Kochler C. . .. .'.McCrcfi. Ringer L. G . . . . Fisher. Brcw-Pillsbury. . ,L. T. . . j Fccse, Ryan L, K . . . . Lewis. Drain-Bender . . . . Stewar . Jgrtg"? ... r. ....,,.,.. Crandall , L. H . . . . Morlc y, Cook-Worl . .' V. B . . . . Tol ml. Umpire, Buckholtz. Referee, Morley. being 0 to 0. The game was fast and snappy wuiu Man iu imioit .n. ...ofc gomery ma(e seyen yards around q one team-and then the other having ,eft ond Cranda then skIrtcJ rght the advantage. However, more play- end fQp forty yards aWed by beauU. ing was done in Nebraska's territory ftu lnterference The Med!cs gained than In the Medics. This was partly the baU 0Q (,owng due to the long end runs made by , Lewig MeA to circle Nebraska.s fake plays and to the superior line ,eft end but ogt gr()und A f(jw bucking of the Medics. Cook's punt- short payg foIlowcd and Morley Ing helped out much. Although he then took th . .. . has not (tried pur ag until a week rJght em, for th,rty yardg Time wflg ago, he easily equaled the experienc- caed after a coupe more ed punter of the doctors. Score 0-0 Th game was full of plays, which , ' ' 8BCONu nuF kept the interest of the crowd at fev-, The firgt few m,nutes were er heat. Long end runs were made ; p Cll,re,y wUh Ineffectual ,ine oy nom siues, especially uy tne eu-, bucVg foU,Jwed by punta Montgom. leu. 1IH1U uiiur UU1B WI1CII io uunua ., K.,f . r- . . . J falled to nej more than a couple, of a f L Nelgon and .Bendcr wentfc.iiW( -.. The Medics had the ball In their possession and in their own territory 4, tift I I i II