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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1900)
THE NEBRASKAN-HESPERIAN. Vol. 0-30. No. 0. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 23, 1900. Five Cents. SOCIETY'S DOINGS. Parties and Initiations The Sopho more Hop The Debating Clubs. Miss Emma Outcalt entertained a few friends Saturday evening the 13th. Those present were Misses Hayes, Bradt, Outcalt and Messrs. Collett, Shedd and Crandall. Everitt is chairman of the committee and George Sh idler, master of cere monies. The remainder of the com mittee are Misses Lummery Ham mond, Post, Burrus, Honeywell, and Messrs. Lau, Holt, Heuck and Van Burg. EIGHT TO NOTHING. wind and when ho tried his punts against the wind he could do nothing, loosing twenty yards on one which was Nebraska Takes Another Scalp Drake carried back by the wind. efeated Crowd Small but The indlvldunl work of tlm men was Enthusiastic. an g00(i ami it is hard to mention any Nebraska's eleven defeated Drake one man as all were of the same clncs. University last Saturday in the most Raymond of Nebraska made several U. B. D. C. interesting game of the season. The t good punts. During the first half, he The boys of the U. B. D. C. at thslr I weather was very disagreeable and the ! kicked against the wind and then last meetinc debated the ciuestion re-! crowd was consequently rather small solved "That the United States Army A hiS" wlnd Prevailed all afternoon.ln Held lus own with the Iowa man. When goals were changed, Raymond Invitations have been numerous dm-! in its present proportions, is a menace I terspersed with a few drops of rain, looked wise and on the first attempt ing the past week. One large party, ! to our free institutions." Plenty of Thc crowd sma11 a lt was dld some I sent the skin sailing through the a wedding in Omaha, and several ! argument was brought out on either excellent rooting and engaged in much air for fifty yards. Toward the latter small parties have occupied the atten tion of the students interested. iside and the merits of a regular and "" uuuujihu,. nltlonn cnlIUi. tlmnoTrli 1. illconccnil I lialVCS a CrOWfl Of ,iiw..t& ouiiiii;! iiiuiuutjiiij uit.uoci:ut I Between the part of the half he punted for sixty: men marched i five yards. . (The question adopted for discussion i ieus aim uiuuu it ma- vuijuuu mew iimyuu u hub buuic , .,,.. . , .. . novt vntnr.-iiv !? RpcoIvpcI "Tint tho agreeable for the individuals who were , He started in as right-half but after a Pi Beta Phi held an initiation at next baturdaj is. Resoled, That the )uituiiib nil; ba"'t: uiiuugu lilt; icutc icn jiiuo ncui iu 111a uiu jiiuv-u tin icli. He oroke through the line times and tackled hard. their house last Saturday evening. Republican party is responsible for the Those welcomed into the secrets of the fraternity were Misses Minnie Mor rill and Jeanette Thorpe, Lincoln; Misses Minnie Jussen and Elizabeth Heacock, Falls City. A luncheon was served after the ceremonies. industrial and from 1S93-9G." financial conditions P. B. D. C. and from nearby trees. tackle. As the score shows the game was several closely contested. Star plays were as . Koehler gratified his admirers by put limited in number as the attendance ting up a rattling good game at center, at chapel in May. Team work was I breaking the line time after time. The The Palladian Delating Club met the or,ier of tne day combined with ' backs were fast but Crandall proved Saturday evening with the largest at- the boxine abilitv of each individual ' the best cround cainer and nlaved his " tendance of the year. The Chinese im-; raan. Both sides were penalized for usual strong game. - Delta Gamma held an initiation and migration question was debated, 0ff side plays, but Drake was the ag- Drake's strong point were her ends, spread at the home of Miss Edna i whether the Chinese should be pro- gressor in this art and easily carried Bates and McFerrin, who held their Hartley last Wednesday evening. The , "ibited absolutely from immigration 0ff the honors much to the credit of places like walls and permitted no brll- initiates were Misses Hortense Clark, I into tne United States or not. The the other fellow. Captain Bacon of J Hant end runs. Captain Bacon played Louise Tukey, Abbe Bowen and Lil- Question was considered in both its the Iowans was disqualified in the be-' a good game and the two backs were lian Robinson, Omaha; Misses Lela commercial and moral aspects by the ginning of the second half for planting speedy. Hunt, Marie Weesner, Jessie Mobre speakers of the evening and after the his foot on a Nebraska man's game i.v detail. regular debate a general discussion ' thinking apparatus. This, however, is Drake won the toss and chose the was held in which everybody took ' to be said to his credit. When ordered south goal. Nebraska kicked off for part. All who attended felt it was j out he went out like a gentleman and twenty yards. Drake fumbled and worth while. , ju not threaten to take his players Cortelyon dropped on the ball. Two. At the next meeting the question of with him. ' line bucks and 10 yards for an off side the disfranchisement nf thr npp-rn in vr.r.1. .!. .. ,. nio.. t.i i. i.n n i.. . were Misses Johnson, Woodward, Sedg- fhe KOnfh - . ,,;, ;n T, " T, " "",aa """" MU was ol ta "-- " Tcirk Barber DivennorL Steiner Em-. ? debated by old and a spasmodic nature. At times, Drake yard line, out here Nebraska fumbled . ' ' ea.perienceu men Who will discuss It sonmml nliln in in mnhi, hr r,in, and lost Hip lmll. nilsn won nrnnn? thoroughly. Later the same question at will but on a pinch the 'varsity the end for twenty two yards. A line will probably be debated with Wes- men always rallied and held. Twice huck netted nothing and Drake leyan University. jn the first half, Drake rushed down fumbled. Cortelyan got the ball. Drake placed the hall on Nebraska's and Isabella Hamilton, Lincoln. Phi Gamma Delta gave an informal dancing party at their chapter house last Friday evening. These present jnons, Howland, France, Henry, Mar shall, Morgan, Douglas. Wirt; Messrs. Pancoast, Sanders, Hopewell, Harvey, Carpenter, it. B. Adams, C. H. Adams, Mann, Mudge, France, Wells. Johnson, Hurts, Harris, Kimball, W. McGeachin, J. McGeachin, Stanley, Plym, Maggl. The Delta Gamma chapter gave a dancing party in honor of the new members last Friday evening at the home of Miss Margaret Honeywell. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peter Lau, Mr. and Mrs. Edmlnston, Mr. and Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Streeter, Mrs. Quaekenbush; Misses Harley, Streeter, Shaw, Honeywell, Johnson, Macomber, Maude Macomber, Cole, Jackson, Harwood, Cochran, Star rett, Pope, Webster, Welch, Haggard, Rice, Deweese, Hamilton, Lun Hamil ton, Edna Harley. Mullikln. Wikon, Tukey, Louise Tukey, Margaret Honey well, Hunt, Weesner, Robeson, Bowen, GAME WITH THE MEDIOS REPORTS RECEIVED EVERY TEN MINUTES DURING THE PROGRESS OF THE GAME 3? 9g? $Jj? 40 yard line and In her possession. At this point Brew went Into the line as left tackle, Pillsbury out and Mont jr gomery In as right haif. vP i Nebraska lost ball on downs, Drake 2? kicked and got ball on fumble. After ---- 9g? two line bucks with only two yards The Nebraskan-Hesperian will send a reporter to Kansas sj? gain. Drake tried a drop kick for goal City next Saturday to report the football game between from the twenty yard line. Raymond Nebraska and the Kansas City Medical College. IL nunted fifteen yards, the hall change There will be a meeting in chapel at 3:15 next Saturday T hands a couple of times without ad afternoon to listen to the reports from the game as they vP vantage io either side although Brew come in. Prof. Caldwell will preside. Roscoe Pound, Paul 3? made one good tackle for a loss of five Clark, Carl C. Marley, Dr. Hastings, and others, will be s$? yards. present and give short talks between telegrams. 9O? Raymond punted thirty-five yards LET EVERYONE TURN OUT AND FILL THE SHAPEL t ADMISSION WILL BE FREE against the wind to center of thc field. Drain had gotten through the line and tackled Stewart as soon as he had the W Call. Drake after two downs, kicked Moore, Watklns; Messrs. Edmlnston. 5????????????? back for twenty-live yards and' secured uuscaaen, jonnson, lwraonu, "" - - - , ball. Young here made the best gain Grandall, Montgomery, Clapp, Isaac y. m. C. A. NOTES. the field to Nebraska's ten yard line, ' of the day. going between tackle and Raymond, Lansing. Von MaHsfelde, The mission study classes have been but could get no farther. The close j end for twenty-one yards. Towe, Buckley, Powell, Lau, Holmes, organized into two sections. One see- formation on the offensive was worked , By line bucks the ball was placed Farnsworth, Sumner, Ralney, Wehn, tion meets Tuesdays at 5:00 ana the for gains. On the end runs, tfie inter- on Nebraska's ton yard line with only Butler. Gregory, Fitzgerald, McCreery, otjjer saturdaj-s at 2:00 p.m. Miss ' ference was somewhat loose, permit- a couple of minutes left to play. Clarke, Shedd, Seacrest, Tukey, Kind, Henderson Is acting as leader. The ting Drakes ends to get in repeatedly. Drake felt sure of scoring but she Coolc, Kor.smeyer, Alex Lau. Hayes, worjj js interesting and profitable be- Drake's team work was steady, but failed. An attempt to go through the Honeywell, Swartz, Holt, Walsh, Witt- J yond the expectation of the members, best during the first half with the line lost a yard and Koehler blocked man, Dr. Orr, Dr. White. 1 Tne missionary fund started by sub-1 wind at their back. Their line was next play for a loss of two more yards. I scrlptlons of two and one half cents , about the weight of Nebraska's and To hold the ball Drake had to make SOPHOMORE HOP. ! j)er -week, is growing rapidly. A small did not hold very well. The Interfer- j eight yards on her next down. She The -committee ehosan by the Sopho-1 collection of reference books bearing j ence was good on the end runs and tried another drop kick but failed more class to arrange for their annual hop lave selected next Friday evening. It will he held at the ever popular Walfch hall. This is the first class -dance of the year and will no doubt Vsur,ass a yer& successful dance JiatgnoiaaB 'Jastear. u. on missionary work will soon placed In the university library. be Dr. Rowlands spoke to the students In chapel last Sunday afternoon. His subject was "The Student and His Re lation to the Sahbath." was hard to break. On the punts, again. Time was called without either Drake's line held, being blocked and I side having scored, although both that by Westever. However, the man from the other side of the river could not kick nearly as hard as some of the class politicians. He punted for only teams had been within ten yards of the coveted line. Most of the playing was done-In Nebraska's territory, SECOND HALF. twenty-five to thirty yards with the Drake kicked off and secured the