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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1900)
crfi'3 If THE NEBRASKAN-HESPERI AN. Vol. 9-30. No. 8. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 0, 1900. Five Cents. m- i"fc.v, r. ' li MISSOURIDEFEATED. Tigers Oo Down Before Victorious Ne brasknns Students Celebrate with Bonfire on Campus. Tho Missouri and Nebraska foot ball teamB played a hard and closely contested gamo at Columbia yester day afternoon. The final Bcore was 12 to 0 In favor of Nebraska men, a touch down being secured In each half. The gamo was fast and filled with mass plays and lino bucks by both sides. Tho superior physical condi tion of the Nebraska team showed to advantage In theso plays. However, Missouri put up the hardest and best game she has played this season. Nebraska, strong on the defensive, is fast developing her offensivo work. Missouri could only get within twenty yards of her goal line. Punting was a feature of tho game. Nebraska kicked off. Then follow ed five minutes of the swiftest unci hardest playing ever encountered by the Missouri men, they were carried off their feet and Crandall went over for a thouch down. Ringer kicked goal score 6 to 0. The Missourians' then took a brace, and securing the ball went through Nebraska's line for repeated gains placing tho ball within twenty yards of our goal. Hero coach Booth's menprdved their strength by .holding and kicking to center of. field'. .Most of the playing during the rest of the first half was in Missouri's terri tory. The ball was on her twenty yard lino four times. The first few minutes of tho sec ond half gavo neither team an ad vantage. Then Nebraska took tho ball and by steady mass plays It was car ried from the center of the field to Missouri's goal lino in a few minutes. Cook was pushed over for a touch down, Ringer kicked goal. Score 12 t6 0. No t'urther scoring was done during the remainder of tho half. The Nebraskan-Hesperlan received dispatches from the gamo during its progress. They were bulletined on tho front steps of tho main building and created much interest. Tho last one, giving tho final result, was read to the battalion and all wore urged to meet on tho campus at seven o'clock. By that time despite tho fact that many are homo to vote, several hundred had gathered on tho campus. They formed in lock stop and marched through iho main streets cheering. As tho lino a block long marched past tho Co-op., Boomer, fur nished paper megaphones to all. At the Auditorium tho boys received an en thusiastic reception, applause greeting them as they marched down tho islo. Tho lino marched back to 11 and O where it dlBbanded and nil scattered to get fuel. By eight thirty a largo bonfire was burning In tho center of tho foot-ball flold surrounded by en thusiastic and howling students. Tho celebration was only a sample of what will occur when wo win from Minnesota. ATHLETIC CONTEST. The annual contest between tho ath letic teams of tho freshmen and sopho more classes was hold on tho campus Saturday auornoon resulting in favor of the sophomore class. The final Bcoro stood fifty-two points for tho Sophomore class to tho thirty-eight points piled up by tho Freshmen. Mouck for tho Sophomores succeeded In getting five firsts vind one second, two of them by default, however. Tobln did good work for the Frshmen, winning threo firsts. Tho events were as follows: 100 yard dash Mouck, first; tlmo 3. seconds; Long, F, Becond; time 12 seconds; Hale, F, third. Mile run Forfeited to D. Allemand, S., no other contestant appearing. Discus throw Briggs, F, first; dis tance 67 feet and 3 Inches. D. Alle mand, S, second, 65 feet and 5 Inches. Running high jump Mouck, S.firs't, distance 4 feet 5 inches. Ruhrsen F, made 4 feet 3 inches, but 'was not en tered. Putting 12 pound shot Millson, F, first; distance 36 feet 1 Inch; Mouck, S, second, 34 feet 2 inches; Tobin F, third; distance 33 feet 9 inches. 440 yard run Forfeited to Mouck, no other contestant appearing. Football kick Tobln, F, first, dis- ATHLETIC CONSTITUTION. Constitution nnd By Laws of the Ath letic Board of the University of Nebraska. AKTICLK I. OUOANIZATION. Sec.l. There is hereby created a University Board for tho regulation and control of athletic sports In tho University of Nebraska. Sec.2. Tho board shall have full control of all athletic matters In tho University. Sec. 3. Tho. board shall consist of ten members, five of whom shall bo elected annually, from tho student body, for tho ensuing year at a meet ing held between May 1st and May 15th by qualified voters (Sec. on elec tions) under such regulations as to time, ellgillblty of voters , antf all other matters connected therewith as tho board may prescrlbo by general rules. Tho remaining five shall be members of the University Senate chosen as follows: threo by that Sen ate, and two by tho student members ...Grinnell next Saturday... ' iS, . J. 4".,4Uto'J . v" .... Nebraska Must Win & & Turn Oitt and Yell& Everybody Come & jf Set the Bleachers Ablaze with Scarlet and Cream Ribbons and Pennants & j & Encourage the Team so that When They Go to Kansas City Next Week They Will Wipe the Earth with the Jay Hawkers --- tanco 137 feet 9 inches; Hawloy, S, second, distance 132 feot; Millson, F, third, distance 111 feot. 220 yard run Mouck, S, first, time, 28!)i seconds; Long, F, second, time, 30 seconds. Running broad Jump Millson, F, first, distanco 16 feet 4 Inches; Haw ley, S, second.dlstancc 15 feet 9 inches. Long, F, third, distanco 12 feot 6 inches. 880 yard run Given by default to DeAllemand. Throwing 12 pound hammer Tobln, F, first, distance 124 feet 2 inches; Black, S, second, 76 feot 10 inches. Polo Vault Johnson, F, first, dist ance 8 feet 9 incohs; Mouck and Beard tied for second place at 8 feet 6 Inches. 220 yard hurdle Forfolted to Mouck. Immediately, following tho athletic contest, a football game was played be tween tho Lincoln High. School and tho Deaf and Dumb school of Omaha. It resulted in favor of tho L. II. S., with a score of 12 to 6, of tho board within five days after their election each spring, AKT1CI.E II. OITICEUS. Tho athletic board shall elect its own officers and committees, and shnll havo power to select managers, coaches, and trainers of all teams. Tho officers shall consist of a presi dent, a vice-president, a secretary and a financinl secretary to bo elec ted nt tho first meeting. Tho presi dent shall bo chosen from tho faculty members, tho vice-president from tho tlu dtudent members, tho secretary shall bo tho head of tho department of Physical Education, and tho finan cial secretary shall bo tho University Accountant. A IITIOI.R III. COMMITTEES. Tho board shall elect tho following standing committees: Sec. 1. Finance committee. The finance commlttco shall consist of five members to be elected by tho board. at Its first meeting. Scq. 2. .Duties of tho finance com mittee: a, Tho athletic board through its finance committee Bhall havo chargo of all funds received and paid out. b. Tho said commltteo shall havo full chargo of all tickets printed and sold and funds received from samo, and they Bhall bo requirca at each monthly meeting of tho board to mako a report of tho financial condition up to date. c. Tho five members of this commit tee shall bo in charge of tho selling nnd collecting of tho tickets at tho var ious entrances to tho grounds, and Immediately after each gamo they shall have an exact accounting of re ceipts and funds turned over to tho Financial Secrotary. d. Tho finance commltteo shall audit and approve all ordors and bills re ferred to It by tho athletic board or by any athetotic committee, and tho final report of tho manager of each sport. Sec. 3. Athletic committees. a. At tho first meeting of tho board a committee shall be elected for the supervision of each individual Uni versity sport. , v b. Each committee shall consist of threo members, two of whom shall be elected by tho board from tho fac ulty members and one from the stud ent members, and tho third shall- bo the manager of the team concerned Ses. 4. Duties of Athletic Committees. Ha, .Theathlstlc commltteo. .oteach. sport shall have ' 1 ts chai rmatTprepare r- liBt of players eligible for any given event In accordance with sections 5 and 6 under University regulations as to games. b. The list shall bo signed by tho captain and athletic trainer of each, team and no player whoso name does not appear on this signed eligibility list shall under any circumstances whatever participate in the event for which the list was prepared. e. Tho chairman ot each athletic commltteo shall O. K. all orders for purchases over $5.00 in amount. Tho athletic commltteo shall, however, re fer all orders and bills which they may not feel competent to approve to tho finance committee for action. AllTICI.K IV. DUTIES Of MANAHEHS. Sec. 1. Each manager shall work under tho immediate direction of tho athletic committee of which ho is a member. Sec. 2. Tho manager of ench athletic team shnll file his final report with tho secretary of tho ooard within four weeks of tho close of the season. Sec. 3. Each munngor shall report in writing to tho athletic board at each monthly meeting upon tho condition of finances and schedulo of games. See. 4. Managers shall submit all schedules of games to tho board for consideration and no game shall bo definitely arranged without their ap proval and us soon as games are finally scheduled tho manager shall report such event to tho secretary of tho athletic board. Sec. 5. Tho manager shall mako no contract involving expenditure of more than $5.00 without an order from hla committee or tho financial secrotary, nor shall ho pay any bills except ex penses on trips and minor incidental expenses at home, and for all such pay ments he shall submit receipted bills with statement of expenses to his ath letic commltteo. f f M w K2mP"M :vi Vl : Ftjr;ir!)P..y ,- -f, ( (., -;vi L