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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1900)
THE) NEBEASKaN-HISSPERIAN. c NOTES AND COMMENTS, (fit ff JJVi f Jf4 Jft Jf Jft JQ $ Jft Jf $ Jf Jf ) You want the finest.. 98 We have it! MR. P. B. WEAVER SPEAKS. ADDRESS OF WELCOME TO THE CHANCELLOR. An audienee which ul most HI led the auditorium gathered h week ajjo Sat urday to attend the inauguration, the full account of which was given in The Nebra.skan Hesperian last week. Among those present was Chancellor H. licnjamin Andrews, who delivered his inaugural address. Kegent -10. V. Korell introduced Mr. 1 H. Weaver who spoke, in part, as follows: '.Mr. Chairman. Citizens of Lincoln and Fellow Students: The Tniversity of Nebraska, with its twenty-Hve hun dred students, is again in session in this city. Founded hy an act of the legislature in eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, almost as soon as the state had a corporate existence, this institu tion grew slowly, hut solidly until the THIS SOLID COUPLE PROBLEM. It Is indeed a source of gratification of some provision for sheltering our solid couples, than the proper author ities made efforts to care for them. Two of the alcoves in the stack room least frequented hy those who might annoy the S. C.'s wore set aside for tlioir use. Chairs and tables were added to increase the capacity of the alcoves and chains wore fastened across the openings from which hung a sign: FOR SOLID COUPLES ONLY. Unknown miscreants have since stolen the sign, hut the actual con ditions remain the same. While the efforts of the authorities to solve this important problem cannot be too highly commended, we doubt whether the present attempt will prove successful. Will the S. C.'s not object to being called the "chain gang?" Will they consent to be thus penned up together? Docs not their very condition de mand Isolation or rather llsolatlon? (This question contains a 0x8 joke while Is very subtle. Do you get It?) Will they not break out and seek ClHowherc the solKdKude which they (ICHll'C? Will they not leave the reservation and give the Librarian trouble In driv ing them back? Will not their aggregate oxample have a bad effect upon the students? Examinations reveal excellent ma Will the "chain gang" plan stand the tost of these questions? If not, some other plan must be devised. Another problem somewhat similar In nature also confronts us What Shall Wc Do With Our Married Couples? PRIZE POEM PUZZLE. Department "X" Is somewhat Hiir prised at the dilatory manner In which answers to the puzzle are com ing in, It was thought that the re- early nineties. Then there began such an era of development that its enroll ment has doubled and doubled again until the beginning of this school year. HUM), the I'niversity of Nebraska stands at the head of all of the great educa tional institutions of the Mississippi valley. "In all our past history the future has never looked so bright; for the first time, we have at the head of our university a man known throughout the whole economic and literary world. The regents of our university, in mak ing choice of a successor to Chancllor MaeLean. must needs be cautious. It is not every educator, no matter how learned he may be. who is fit to con trol an institution of learning'. Not very head of a university can be suc cessful as chancellor of the university of Nebraska. Our regents demanded that our chancellor should not only have educational qualifications, and executive ability, not only that he should have western ideas of progress and push, but that he should have in lividuality sutlicient at all times to maintain his own manhood. One who would at all times direct the policy of the university regardless of partisan ship. Such a man thej found in E. Kcujamiu Andrews. Mr. Weaver wore a pair of the fam ous W. L. Douglas :i.00 shoes, which he bought at Webster it Rogers, 1013 () street. markably liberal offer would induce many to guess although the puzzle is a very difficult one. This has not been otoduioo o) o(iif !),I,; uoswos otp the case and we are at loss to account for It. The offer is certainly a gen erous one and there are many bright people in the University capable of solving the puzzle If they will only settle down to solid Miinklng. To make the contest more Interest ing we have borrowed an automatic numbering machine vhich is out of order and therefore skips about from number to number with agility which is truly wonderful. The answers will bo numbered as they are received and when all are In the one bearing the highest number (If it be correct) will secure the $500. Other regulations will be published from time to time. ANNOUNCEMENT. We wish to say a word about our comment department. This has no connection with the editorial portion of the paper and its contents should never be taken seriously. The con clusion that one of our readers came to lately Is about right. After read ing the article on men's shirtwaists, which appeared In the first edition, ho studied over it for half an hour try ing to find out what it meant. He finally came to the conclusion that it did not mean anything and arose and began to swear. It Is wrong to swear hence this paragraph. Is a legal hanging a case of sus pended sentence? A hen has one advantage over man she never has the toothache. The West Indian storm need not hurry about doing it again. There are summer hotels to burn almost everywhere. You may want to find one. The moment a man is satisfied with himself everybody else is dissatisfied with him. If you're looking for a husband That necessary vice Just tie your apron strings To u mun who's got the price, " , LAUNDRY OLAvrrouiN t x & tc i '& &p 2p p A ir 2r &p p &p f ! COMPANY 4 - X 330-332-334-336-338-340 mi ELEVENTH STREET. pmmr TTTTTTTnnTTnffnnnnnwTTnnnnffnnnnnTTffTTnffnnnnnTfffnnwrTffnnMum P CADET UNIFORmS fc P We have been furnishing them to the cadets for a lumber of years and use nothing but first class material in their manufacture. Compare our make with others after a year or two years trial. Shall be pleased to have you call and make inquiry in regard to the matter. The B. L. Paine Clothing Store. t A OGOI) PLACE TO ET IIUY GOOD CLOTMUS. FiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiaiuiiiHiiiuunDiimimiuiiiiuuiiiiiiiMiiiiMnilllilimiimwllUIHd ifoe II W. Brown Drug & Book Co. THE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE. All Text Books and Supplies. Agents for the Waterman Ideal Fountain Pen. 12 Y SO. ELEVENTH ST. - LINCOLN, NEB. Jfm zi