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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1900)
mmtit&mmm NEBRASM-HESPERIAH 4 "- .3 VO'L. 4fc, XO. 2. LINCOLN, N12HKASKA, SlSPTEMttttK 25, 1000. FIVE CISNTS. THE J 4, nHLtj MSE. JStoJIiili iMPWT'siry Hi K V FOOTBALL GOSSIP, AVJttil tho 'Men Arc DOlng-Large Nnm- hor Out to Practice Conch Booth Working Hard. The rootlmll outlook la oven brighter if possible than it was a week ago. Thirty-five men have lopnrtcd to se cure lockers and all will be out dur ing thin week. More soort heavy men nr-j seen oi' the ilcld now than for sev eral years and It seems as 'hough a solid line can be selected from the candidates. No man is sure of Ills place at the present lime and hard, faithful practice Is all that will insure a man his position on the team. 'Largo crowds have watched the practice evary evening. Thus far this season, the onlookers have not crowd ed upon the field and Manager Tukey wishes to emphasize the fact that ev ery one should keep outside the lines. People on the grounds not only get in the players' wav. but hinder the coach. A new fence will be put up in a shrtrt time. Coach Booth ha been hard at work during the past week. He appears on the field in his suit every evening and goes through many of the plays with th men. Rev. Manss is also doing much to aid the team. He is trying tin- men to see if he cannot d( velop n punter and coaching the ends Much praise Is due him for his interest and hard work. Mellord, captain of 'US. will give his assistance after the first of tlu week. financially, the team needs thesupr .u vvur,' "aiiiuem m uie "unijaw tiuscnpuoii pupers urc uumg circulated, and'everyone should do bis part. The business men of the city have j? I ven much assistance in that lint. Manager Tukey reports several bids handed in for a training table and wishes more would look the matter up. Ho will attempt to start one dur ing the coming week. Following is a Iht of the men who have reported for practice: Pillsbury, Weslovor. Koehler, Kellogg. Captain Brew. Raymond, Reynolds, Ryons, Hood. Cook Randall. Cortelyou, Ber ry Turner. Downer, McClennhnn, Stall, Bender, Johnson. Billiard, Mc Killip. Drain. Bliss, Hummell. Swain, Bell. Hancock. Nlulson, Newton, Hunt ington and Voss. An attempt is being made to ar range a game for some day during the street fair, but it is not yet assured. The schedule complete Is as follows: At Lincoln September 2!l, Lincoln high school. At Lincoln October 0 Donne col lege. At Lincoln October IS, Ames col lege (la.) At Lincoln October 20. Drikc col lege (la.) At Kansas City October 27, Kan sas City Medics. At Tarklo, "Mo. October 2!). Tarklo college, probable. At Columbia. Wo,' November 5, Mis souri state university. At Lincoln Novombi i 10, Grlnnell collego (la.) At Lawrence, Kas. November 17, Kansas stato university At Topeka. Kas. November 19, Washburn college. At Lincoln November 29, 'Minne sota Btato university. Y. M. C. . Ill'llKAl Bll le S'tidy "Work. Die Emplovinonl Bi'reau !u.s done good t'oi'vko to many young men rif the University. Men securing permanent posi tions 29 Mone. value of above S2.250 00 Men securing work for rooms. 0 Moiu value of rbovc I 102 00 Odd Jobs to Sept. 21 12 Money vain- of labor '$ 14 50 Total $2.12G 50 An one In the city deslrin. student labor can address th Y. M C. A., State University, or 'phone 7fc8. Service 's done young men not only In securing work, but also In keeping or advising a man no; to sc enic work. Much has been made of the young man who makes nil his ex penses while In college, but yet there Is no doubt but what there are a large number of young men about the Uni versity who could put their time to better use than making money That is. there ae men working their way who could well afford to pay all tx penscs. thus giving all their time to s.-iiool work. The committee in charge of the Employment Pureau will not securo work foi a man unless !t is ab solutely n 'cessary. All students and numbers of the faculty should as&ist the Y. M. C. A. In building up this department of-its work. Care will be used in the dis tribution of all v.ork i nd It will be given only to needy students. , The new student work has never been so well dof as this vear. It INAUGURALCEREMONY Large Gathering to Hoar Dr. An drewsSketch of the Speeches. The Inaugural exercises by the Uni versity of Nebrnska for Chancellor An drews took plnce at the Auditorium Saturday at 10 o'clock. A large crowd was present and extended a hearty welcome to Dr. Andrews. Mnny of the citizen of Lincoln as wel as stu donts were present. The stage was prettily decorated with palms and scarlet and cream bunting. Three Regents, Pros. B. v. Forreh, Hon. Charles Morrill, Hon. J. L. Teeten ; Chancellor Andrews, Di. E'lgrcn, Prof. Barbour, Rv. Lewis Cregory and P. B. Weaver of the senior class occupied places on the rosiium. The exercises were opened with muuic, "Inaugural Marcli " by the University Cadet band. The invocation was delivered cy Rev. Lewis Oregoy. Hon E. a Fori ell, presidert of the board of Rugents llvered the address of welcome on beialf of the board of regents. His remarks were heartily applauded by the larg' audle'ice pres ent. He said- I Fellow Citizms and Patrons of Edu- tion. It is fitting that we meet in the University city at this time to ponder the question of modern educa tion, and to welcome to these councils our chief. It Is need. ess foi me to say that I deem k a great pleasure to be permitted to preside at a gathering of this nature. Certainly, the righteous pride of. a was.'tbought by some that It, 'wouldbe 'Nebraskan'meed cause no o'ftense 'if in W.visc to 'do the'vork ln'0: asspcla- cons'itlefjhg 'her educational ativancc- menls of the pas uecale, and me rc tion rooms, but It has been found by this year's experience tuat thlp Is just the place. It Is not onh the best place for new student work, but P famil iarizes all men with the hendquarters f the association The Bible study department is at tracting considerable attention this year after Its successful season last year. The association Is also taking an Interest in the work done by some of the professors. Messianic Prophecy. (By Alfred M Wilson, Ph. D. Assis-t-int Professor of Semeiic Languages.) The course In Messianic Prophecy will be cluu notorized (1) by a critical examination of the Mest-innie passages in the Old Testament, and t'J) by a rapid survey of The entire Held and fcopc of Old Testament prophecy. The work will be based on the Can terbury version of the English Bible. Open to all mature students Two hours per week throughout the year. Credit: 2-5. NOTES. All the heavy freshmf.n should turn out and see what they can do. Many of the old suits should bo re paired if the subscriptions are largo enough to warrani It. Coo'c played fullback in '90 and Montgomery was one of the swift backs of '97. Rlngor, Boll, Pillsbury, Raymond, Randall and Montegomery are prac ticing punting every evening. The first game of the season Is with the Lincoln high school on next Siit urday. J The Life of Christ. (By Miss Whiting, Instructor In Eng lish Literature.) This couise will be an interpretative Htudy of the lire cf Christ as given In the four gospels, and will be of espe cial value to all who are interested in th's oopartment of Bibie study. Those taking 'bis course should have lad English Htei attire 5 and C or their equivalent. Ono hour per week. Credit: 1 5. Register for these courses the same as for other work In the University. The Young Men's and "Young Wom en's Christian Associations will or ganize several Bible classes early in the semester for a more devotional study than can be had In the larger classes. At least three courseb wilt be of fered, viz: (1) Studies in the Life of Christ, (2) Life o' Paul, and (3) Old Testament History. Any Information couverning these classes may bo had by consulting the general secretaries or chairmen df Bible study committees. nmrkable absence of Illiteracy within he. borders, he should be at times given to boasting. With the advent of the prairie schooner there came with ou fathers a zeal for broad and generous educa tion, which has intensified with the vears that have passed With us the question of applying the practical to what has stood so long as only a the ory, is no longer unsolved. From the primary department of the village school to the last credit in the univer sity, the practical working of our edu cation system Is plainly seen. That we follow the lead of older states, In some respocts, we are always glad to acknowledge. That this young state has often been found in the lead.settlng forth brilliant Ideas o" the practical applications of what has heretofore often passed as beautiful theoretical vagaries only. Is also true. We could not meet here to rejoice today In the high rank of our unlerslty were It not for the knoweldge that every de partment of our educational system has received the jealous attention of Nebraska's citizens. The Nebraska university has not been built up at the expense of the dis trict school, but by Its help. We are proud therefore of the golden chord of harmony that binds together our en tire educational system. Yet all the educational puzzles have not been solved, nor mny we hope to do more than our share In this great advance ment. The educational horizon, how ever, is ever widening, und the tri umphs of today are but the open door of new opportunities and greater pos sibilities for tomorrow, "Do little things now, so shall big thlngn come to thee, by and by, ask ing to be done " This i..otto repeated as an inspiration to little boys und girls, has lead great svstoms to suc cess. The "big" things have now come to our university. Not only have her resources Increased, but her responsi bilities ns well. It Is well enough now to repeat the question that Herbert Spencer riked a half century ago, "What knowledge Is of most worth?" It wus a startling question then, it is a piopor question now. Who will deny that Industrial education Is beginning to take Its proper place in the educational field, and if It has not supplanted the Four teenth century classic, it has at least wisely supplimonted It. Certainly the education that wo need Is the edu cation that we can use. No American institution cai. give itself up to the deoloplng of an aristocracy Of learn ing. As It Is only the rood that is as similated that does the body any per ceptible good, so it is the truths we assimilate rather than the facts that we remember that givj us strength, for to know by heart is not to know. Not long since we heard a scholar, an Englishman by birth, complain of American society. In Ei. gland he said one might acquire ran, or standing as a soldier or a scholar. In America, said ha. everything is measured by the almighty dollar. As he was minus flio latter, he fob himself In the very substratum of society. If it Is true that social linos have lvon thus close ly drawn, It must not he accredited to the public school ysteir for Us spirit is extremely democratic, and therefore unquestionably opposed to classifying society Into the three grades, namely: ho ar'stocracy of dol'.irs. swords or of letters. We rherefore argue that thp knight in armor, the scholar Ip his gown or the broke- In his field of gold is not the hoped lor product of our American mstitutlois. btu is sim pl tho lingering ghost of an age long entombed. There Is a vast difference between knowledge and power. Not scholasti cism of a fading age. but power fr present duties is what our '1lay.rb-. quires. ' ' There was a time when it Vas thought the province of -colleges and universities to complete nil prepara tions before action was allowed. To- ptilPffltSy,.' . oie. .wowover, -joi uie nrepurnwoiipije - -as complete as posslb!" Theory and practice shouln travel the same road at as near the same time as practicable. The time was. also, when It was thought that un 'versifies turned out scholars. :Jow we have the true Idea, however, that the urii versity Is but a practical preparatory school to the practical school of life. The world Is the school and Time the teacher, from which scholars are brought forth. It is said by some that "knowledge without action is dangerous; this Hun ger bing Illustrated frequently in the Mves of men of learning. There are those who become so accustomed to weighing problems schntlfically and to lool'lng upon all sids of questions of practical importune1 that theybe come nbnormnlly timid uhou any ac Mon. Thus knowledge may beget Ir resolution and Irresolution end in in activity. The man of '-nowledge who habitually 'ears to take an active part In the work of life Is himself a wretched being, and a useless member of society." This truth, boiled down, means that action begets action, and Is allied to the sa"ing that we learn to do by doing. The scholarship that lessens activ ity should not be bought at loo high a prlco That tlilJ ago like oi'cry age needs scholars in all that tlur term iinpl'es does not admit o' argument Yet we fully believe that It is not as Import ant that we havo ono hundred Intel lectual stars in this land, as that mil lions have a decent knowledge of the sciences, classics, history, and abovo all, English. This university mhy novor send forth brilliant lights as lit erary critics, yet lot us hope that the boys and girls who leave thoso halls may know th dilfcronc- between gun uino and spurious literature. What does it a younfe' man Ho ppond years in the study of mechanics and yet make a pivot of his backbone In shovelling coal. O'- to Bpend as many years reading Tlomor, Vergil and Shakespeare. pd on tho same day that ho bids faroTveU o his alma-mator he buys a copy of Sapno, and enjoys nothing bettor thereafter. Thore is also an ethical side to this question to which the unlveralty cdn not turn a deaf ear. Pour years of collego life may trans orm tho awMc- .. ward clown Into a "polished gentle man of conventional airs and grncoful MWtlilWIWtBWItl'MIWIWITIWWWWW