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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1898)
THE HESPERIAN N V Miws Be&wib Winlkur is diking nniKiu in Oimiilm. L. V. Pa'tolii 'OS, is priiiwripail of suhoolij ut. Bart toy. Chiiirlby Ttiylor, '08, wiulds t'liHi rod tut. Ohlown this ycuv. Gjiwliiier'tt Taitoniiiiig' Co. all l-ighft. Cor. llth nnd 0. Rcnmnvber 'tilio SIhkHlmiKn' Supply Stow. is open at all hours. John IWill warn i iljnnuugtxl omiiilltiimuiiL'o, lllvo rwniM of n. fnlll fiom hie bicycle. 'Plus Y. M. C. A. fcvciiiocl neunly fifty now inleiiiboRs to Itts oniiuvwition IsiMt Simikftiy. St'mlnMitw' OoopiMa't.ive Book Co. m miw you iMxiicy. if jou wisfli to binoum meiivber. Europctin, Aimeniiiaiii niul English history ouM ik8 only ii't 'lho Sin dwnlts' Supply Stone. Miss Hton lnnjjvv, '!)S, v nuiiiTk'd reoonitly to Ih-of. Hnoohs of tHio Oninllm Hig-h wflioiol. StiKltonttH' Oo-opiircitkive Hook Co., removed fnoin bnwinoiilt. of Umiiver slly 'to 21.r Xoutni 1 1 till sU T. D. Iatimi o'f Hie Scetoiitfl reg'iniemt, 's very nick wltlii 'typhoid fewr tit. 012 'Nopt'lu Pou'rt-eontih -street. Miss rangiairet Coiiiliryindnii will teaolii school n!ir Munuiy 'Mi is year. E. G. Wootlruff i witQi Colonel Brynn at Jacksonville, Stndvnirtte wall dio well to reim'iiubcr Wuil WivskirfleW i yoit. in busi .ncss, n't 'litis oM steuid, 117 No. lU't'h. Latest styles in hLiir cut. Gtutltner'K Sinitoriuni wi press ami rejKiir etoHim"". Suith pnoHsed ."iOo., panit Ific. Cor. llltih wiwl 0. Phone 708. Wc kvx'p only hili "'e gtooids for supplies to all Uiriwivit.y de xvtitiinviiiit). It jxiys to buy oivly tihe bivt. Stii(1cint&' vx-ipcita.t.ive Jtook Co. Tito following niennlberw of i1h dneH of '98, are an flite Retiltirfcc wdiloolw: MHwrw. Ihtiltziiitin, ThciiU'slio-r, Kimlier nnd1 Ont'1fi-, iiMid Mihm Green. "UmiverHiity" letter xnpir ami cinivelopeN a.t Umivorsilty lkok Store Krt Jr. 0Hnin1 i eoinnectcd -wi'tili ithu Studunlts' Supply Stoixi fort tJiks cotiiMiiifj seliool year. J. E. lVwitson, '98, iind It. A. Campbell, '98, are tcnclilng in lilite Rett Oak, To,, High school. Pearson Jms 111 aitfireuia tics and Cnmp'bcll science. Thtey rt'ijonl good' Niieeeee. Tho war collection of ntusie contaiiiving "Pet of the Itcgiiivaiut Two tep," tc, tlic Ka.tesit fiOc doflllcction, tlhis week, 15o eacl at Heir.po'Whclim er & Co.'k Music Dcpartnneinrt. Jolliiv Maguire, now seCpCtary of the deiiivocratic comity ccintt'ivil coin nuitltee, Ss ix-mdy to fwmWh tiny tiMplrinig tinnper with adciiutiitc' nvatc vial to.pivjMrtxj for a. cn'iinpaign, Tlib Prick 1'Iock Po-.rtxlimg (flub i giviiiig tli'e besJt ljn.ixl foir iF2..r)() a week. Try L Jurtt sceonkll door woutlli Go rvnitory. itoper & Punk, wlieitwns at the 9t udtMiitM Supply Store. Olias. W. 'Ji.yRor nports hiinWcflf as iicing welil iltfelled wiithi 'the outlook for Aueee.s-sful year in t'hv schools of Olriowa. 'Phle school botiuxl Bis inkikiiiig more vamn fbr Clwirlic already. J2.00 in value for f I 00 cash, A A Waterman's Fountain i'ens. Guaranteed to kIvo satisfaction Call at HANNA'S UHUQ STOKI2, Cor 1 Hh antl O bts. M jnOKEY jl I ' II 7ffl 'or n " hm 1 ii - The money you have in your pocket is "Good Money." That which is duo you is not always good. When you make a cash purchaso you have to givo up "good money If you expect to got the full ben efit of your hard cash you must spend it whoro nothing else GOES BUT CASH. Thats our plan and wo save our patrons a snug Bum of 'good money" on ovory purchase. Hi Copyright 1898 by The Stcin-Bloch Co. THIS FALL 1 "WE are showing Suits and Overcoats made by Stoin, 13 loch & Co., Hurt, Schaffner & Marx, and L. Lippmann & Sons., the best wholesale tailoring houses in the world. You get style, lit, comfort and satisfaction when you buy goods mado by any one o tho above named houses. Wo ask you to come in and try on some of these suits. You will be astonished at the price, fit and finish All Wool Suits at $5 00, $6 50, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00 and $20 00. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CONPANY. 1013 to 1019 O STREET J. H. PETTIT THE SHOEMAKER, Has moved his shop to 1439 O, on south side of street, and will be glad to see. old customers, also new ones. GIVE US ATRIAL. FRANCIS BROS., Capital Cafdfa 121 North llth Street. OPEN ALL NIGHT I5G MEALS OUR SPECIALTY,. ii.0? THE Lincoln News Agency 119 No. 12th Street, Students will find Daily Papers, Magazines, News, Etc CIGARS AND TOBACCO TURKISH Candy Kitchen, For Fine, Home-Made GANDIES 1321 0 Street. STYLISH AND SERVICEABLE MIUN'S SIIOESONE BETTER REGENTS' $3.50 UNI.VERSITY $3.001030 0 STREET. 1 Hi